ÏÂ~EOOt2UT fl0?EIDEN, ftDÂY .TULY 16.1915. J ?ew fi9ems Edidsied by FJ DRUCE, Phone Il 0rders Taken for Job Work. £dvertsssng rates on application. wns. Reard0on aud family have moved into the Edwarde fiât at the corner -f Lake and Sotuer atreete. Chas. Fenion la aking a twsa weeýko vacation touriug Wleconsiu in hi.; auto. )Mra. leniun ia entfrtalning bsr stèr front LDundee. Mie Jesaio Moore lae peuding as souple of a-teks with rlatiVeesrit Oak Park- C. J Cogginm uanwlic of Florida, sis-e tirayelake vrmtonq ts he jaet a-s-sk. Fred Kuebker trssu-acted bu4iness Sat Waus-ondsamani Palâiisiu Friday. MliseSoie Whitebead li4 s-tertaining Barry lone u of îs Mr-. sud Mm. Maurire Msgs-riîn of Oak Park ija-t Sunday ut rtehi- bne 01 Utr. sud Mm.Win. Moor-. Meuers. R. W. Church-ill, A. A. yc- * Milieu aud Johns Lriabuugh were huâ- Iel ei lir4 ai 5ntiocb lait Sftturday. 1.vina rHosîk. aWho rcvstiy undsrWeutf au opration ut tihe MAlli.;tsr hosqîtal, returned hontie $unday and is asin at work lu thé Lewis & Huk iuruielbiug *tore. Jeu. Lougaboiiah îrarti'ted isusirneë ln Cbiago Tî'.ssay. t Mr# j J.Luglogtasea Wa'îks-- lla 1'trTus-s-day Mr. Brua-ri and a-lsil i- , t %N'a v ne. Ind., arrncd thet tr.t of i, o-k to speusithebe sutimer aith tihe lut ter >jar. eut&, Mr. ands Mn Wilssu Lou Winé -v sud vife e-i-pst SuîdEb et Lilsetyvîils-. Tiie-(iray-lake "îssetsry S î wtall unet witu lir#. is i's-lsn. Tbur..dâY, Juiy .2 % titisz.. lasv ei-m- lir. . S-fit Ielu" f î,sag' s- ,swnd. ing tiese s-k at theue iit tV hit. is- Fred tSermatndsu-ia le',f Lts' Wîs . &ps-t IMunoay at the Jam Shrtilarus homeé F. i«V 'lb-r aud taîtiîlv. . assjsîsd Ly Nir.and Isi iaHobtart lP,-9 iosîtors-d to Lsussiiu. Li. bm lisr.- tbs-y oui es-s- eeveral weeks. tnt !ai! To attend tfise 1anusl a' at thé romr oi-s! Park A %.- andi 1.-ute-rr St io-uîgb t. ts -ýr lai,îrate h« srm a b'fenai-rangs-n fi'urte . s--snsg a-hicible frêe oft siarir. n- i.ssr aelcois- RUSSELL Tise Laiie- A id es ,ct' iilIlu-t in th hiîhurs'iîTîîur*îiar alts-riu.julv -P5 The Mt. lice s-isitary sceyse s-itb Mrn.-J. 1) Murs-a sun Wediced8y atterrîssu .. The s-s' rnais, nus-n t .îte IJ anis êt-boul aas ell asus-rldanîd s-. 'Sscii' H. t'irs-u k 4t--sry eut'i. Yi.ilsuetunsfians-ou iited ai tbs (surrisu brsîlîcra houise -uiday. T vn i nll 4 Sswiei. rSiiiiav Suday aticrsîsion. Aug Miih C. id.iGorbam nidifainila ýf VI auke- gan. s-slcd rou reairtii ers-onsus- las l.t a-eek. lOn Nonia e.'euiug. iul 'y 12, Mrm.(G. A. Siver paseacls-s. Sh- bad luse-n a great suffére.- for actverai monthe. Tha uerai wase hld Wedcesday attemnoon ai 2 oeiock aith intermentinlu Oak Plei cemetery. Tht, fatuily have the amy- pathy ofthtie cosnmuui. An 8-cylnder Cadinacs automobile owus-d' hy J. C. Boales o« ChIcago, a-ho bsa a summer home ou Lake Merle. near Âtioch, truol a tele- phone polo sud turued turtie this mrnring while goiiag beta-eeu forty and tif iy mlles au hour. A rut In the road cased the accident. Dr. M. A. kuett sud George Garland, both of teuiob were lu the car with the lhufeur aitise Urne. Ail vere tbrowu out and ljured painfuhly ai- tbough noue sustaiued broken boues. Thse auto was wrecked. Read This and Profit Bq It We ire agents for the Kisubal panos and-Iplme rs . iChamscr and betier pittyers than any other. As-k about thse fre-e record ! il for the Kimbai piatnsiplayers. The ie-'sitor tiikiîg machine aîsîi Victrsalas, the best tmachine on the marke-t. Ask us about it and we will tell wby. Corne in ansd -ce sOcir esi'Piatio Players ans i Vctralas-. Commutation rîiruai ti-kets on hob roauis. Biîlingt an lasi irv aYgency, basket Isavee Tiîireiiaya. ini. alits] in to Satîsrday. The best in dcrag -torc iucrclîaii- dise à , l ,hebee i1du 'sore; ev; e %)RUCE DRUG CO. Phone 1l Grayalah,fiL Mi. Margaret Gilbert sud Misa Vivien " e C l n a B nner are vi iti g their cousins, the 1= =._ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ r Knox tamiiy, lu Aipena, S 1). Mise Maggie Watsou of fiumdaie, liii - A Parcel Sale a-ill b.- is-n utuier the lm; opeudsng ber vacatiomn itb herelîters,' au@spises o! the Fox 'LaIks-i 's-ilstpryl Ire. John Poliot sud Miso e lis-ls- 555s-ociety at Harnetabiis- al.Vs% sd-lits-s1a! son. erening, July 21,-eaiS 1,h ii l'-cream, Miss Enus. a niurse, la the guesi o! Mre. sud cake a-ililib- e rs s'i. 4--1'1 E. A. Martin. Mno. c. V%'. Tlisît la u s-ci iintiiis- F. H. Hlesdie epent Sunilay at Sotuers, tu ber chair tir the r-ast ses-el.bav i Wig. pçisoued lis-r f-t uit. lm abus- iiilie Raie Stewart sud daugliter, Floreuce, aotDw of Cicago, dspet i oeral sisys aitb his e nlery Kueistra'e barn. aiti issin tather, A. E. Stewart. teuts-, s quatîiy of hay sud cîsal. a W. B. Stewart bai me@t iuqtaiied urry. hsrnemss sud @ornîe toolm, burnes aItoth 1e grisutil Satui'day afternoon hi- beating sud waar plant loto hie bouse,. oepul altnt e sea3bu Idiai Adel Ray o! Waukegau, leihe îutpelts- djoiîg b saiiine Beî'sried guesi of Miii Bertha Crawford. h abut&bna iurs uili ..R.-rre Mrs, E. A. Martin sîeut severai dey.; Ts@ oa silisss aeaiesla a-it ber cîter, Irs. Akein ut Kenocia, cous Royale unbuiir 1gave ui- reseti Wis , a-liabas a youuug sou. inudod. r.'1Ils-i-si Rts. t their litesl- Mire. Earneot iWhite sud son o! Mo., iic ueasiday afts-rtiiu. ltcreeiintiits. tanle. are rlelting bs-r jarenieIMr. aud seresesrvs-si sud su gis1 esiial tiule s-l Mr@. J. A. Thalti. - ' svsd. Mrss iitta rs-ssivs-d nalir ieful C. A.liluian i raneotîrd business l Iniandpret> tills Aitloeb Tucsday. Mr and Nlrss Bsrient Muni-i..of 9"Wu- Esi. Earbait fWaukegais, te erec-tiug keesi. elieut StillIsss is tb 'Mre. lurrie*'. s siilo fssr Scsott Les-oy. parei, fuir asud M"-. H. P. Miler _________________.Mr@, ljittord Nelsonusud chiidren re- tisrui-d o tiseir hume lu Lougmont.Colo. WARREN als-r s a-o ututthe etay atth irelatives- Mur@. Aima Lamb hta@ hein vi-itig bers- fris-nde si Luit Lake tht, pasi coupl-etft.. ltHatlin ind iainily sud Mn. sud weeke luMre VPanils uaade an auto trip i-o Frankulalrk sud isntilY Of Wauks-gan. H-bolu st uifat andilstus-t the atesr. sud Mrs. Eus-n LambliPsient Sundsy ai niîsuwîîTti Muî es, s.iyfiiisi KeLuiueba. ' r-u-iieejt - Mfu ira u (illunge ut Wauks-gaîî. vîeîted t;. 1. aussi il '.Manier se in thtur a-it lure' Edsîh Clark the lait ut the- a-uses taouan austso rîdi- to Ci'g Sun- a-se. rttrujin& homne Suuday. da v atu wi l-ithdi-iaY it îh trîesd ir. sud Mn .Esau.n Ws of a. M tr ansd !Mr>. rai-k Hi'ili cuti- epimttais-a- da *y ema it tsir Miiet se.tairs-il rlatsi- rrsîîîî tutisis i andl sp-ing Mary lIt 5 irs- tise fi-su t'e ,etScik, Msir.sud Mur@. JohbniFry nts-rtaiti-d I, . Sit-h -tie-tiSunda v aT the -h-suîl ('bîcago riltuiany oVer-Sunslay. bousse Issuiîns, i-r tIi-a-si-k, 'usigg -etie fhillie etfMagnolia. 111 làre F lui-a hrietiaup(isisi-it'.wtii aud irieud uf Chic-ago,.ai-e s-ietiug ai lier Ms-. . irletiiat AntiiSh las-t Friilay. uncîs- . John Eseinger. A S S t s0îîi-snticsn Waas bsid bs-i-s Sun. The Warren i'ernets-rv Aites -, sel da vatterrisîu Tu ilgats-- IîsînAntis" h.1 wbWedu-*uiay fste-rrti,sîu ma 11Miiirru.nsiHiiksi-ass-e pi-se-ni ulitre. iîbsa ns---tiy a mb- i Ie lis ro issîl,(il c s, ihisaso, muet the 0'ori-,srs-. s'iitore are aIse si-e asIs n-ilr-t uA the Si --asiVili Miller s- 'l in us liraL. Fi 'lhsl*-r s-lent Sun- Ki -s-1i e-iunu hli aie] s-l ,ns la--i 1 aa~--ui, uRse-lT '- -shnlît u-wslta laruîî s-at "ftotua- Mr rSeýlla V-'su- sîtetaîi-,d !,isla I.t ber hionue Mr.neRutsl islanlfauy 'sun. L ' itissa tu-uts-r asid fsuîil'v. Thîs bsinra a hithsia ' sasty of the- turcs hisd ie. Tb. iîs tiîau rs, ss-ssbrats-d fnisss t Ul is--dflrsii huites Misra sssaPlise u ld [httc t'Stearis lira. Ney Lanih. %Mise u-nteFinsniy ssf Waukegan, suusi ber jsujsîl. aesisted bY' itbere a-II ti-C i meicai issuvesrt at <;un-s duî lussî ou Tiirsuda'. seuu. or22. fit ANTIOCH fui s-s-s as- Tlisrj s l e .i.teýr.i i,, o'i osîria s l"luias- 'fu'. -are viriuîîng tbs-n iis-J îîsd \XUriliu-e i'sîd ssiiu- r-ai5n-audil ris-uda bsre Lus1,ils- Adam.îsi.e ojss-diug h-r sa 'ati su a-nu. bs-n snt. Mi-. Il-oi Wesbb. Mlîs- llia Rcîgs-i- a -lofbs-r bis ......sîsig esr nilav andi.i-fs- a nisiust ir I.s-i- u i t .,a !t I le. s, N e 5)-, js'- t-fuir t- 1.- .- -r, ii ie ft- i--, srIris.'ic aii-'i -.s'srjrî 1(smnets-ry nhajuel lui-l b- i-nu 2-7, Is-i iiir ansd iE s-unts.Tiseladîes'sut i- s. s ia- i ur . tics-ne ss'th autossaes-,- ouni tiioî are lryiug tsi rais-- lunidm ts, i ti- usdus-day.. 's'rssstifui- orL i hautau Ilis-ili a-u-lu thios-iunatiosnseIlýi .- lIS5 qu -i. -A ifs-os. illy 22 t'- 27 Igi-e ts iiîtsn si-i g£u-1-sii si t b e ii- monrdat ss lîle thé- elsuifs-ur i-J 1 i's-ut-try. nSus1 %lise> iuiuý .siu. iuiil". itîsles-- car S'usegisifalotr Hulîstis- sud iitis-d be e-rile- u. n gis i rtg s iaiu-i'si t us- pnscs-iets, gui ) tthe fund 5 . si (,ro liarlaul a ridt'. the (sar s-un k ai-ut andu s-n us s- si îleacsîît sviiug aui.! ti, o uisaLst is-s-e ýi iivis-inis-eut iy Pd un LAKE ZURICH JjFinki-sentWsuignisse- ssi jury. lIeroîsu .fu'ids--ubs-lsr ands lhi ta grandi buidren i-ees-atd Hermau os Ciicago(. vislted relaiv--v s- Saturday sud Sundsy. Mr. sud Ms-e Rikasil bas.- usons- isto thbs Wea-etzsr rs-idv-nce. Mr@. I-imil Frankl aasPalatine s'îsuîc Friday. Mn. sud Mna. Roy Jackson aue apeud ing their bautymnoon a-tb is parents, a-ho are hart, un their sommer home. A number of Young people sitended thse pis-ic a% tier linose park Snuday. MissRose Erutaud Mr@. Bsuie Norton a-srs- Eigbiad Park vieitoris unday. John P. Blauck ot Wauconda, wasi Lake Zurich vister Saiut day. A number o! yauug people attendsd the barn dance Saturday evenlng. Camp Laffalot Gil@i are enjuyinga vacation bere lu Mn. Leonard's- cottage. Mi e eoie Greer of Iudlanapoils, Ind., le viitiug at the home of Mr. Sud Mrs Albert@. Hlsni-y Bockelmann aas s Lake Zurich vi-iton Suuday. Mr. and lire. hhilip Shaster tooka trtnuj l li-sr irove parki Ssuday. Mise Rume 'bOUng sas an Arlingîsus Helgbts vistor Fridsy. Aise Leu Binker euis-ntsins-d hi- broter sud trieud trou Elgin oser Sat. urday sud Suuday. Donald Yomnug of Palatine, i-sied at thle homte of Mr. and Mre Jas Ilyrnous Ssturday sud Sunday. Rufseeli Blisnkentuurg ou i iry, Indiaua, aas a Lake itunilu sisisr Sunda. Mi-s John Bs-lu sud eilîdren of Chia- gis, as-e sitiug at the hîstue ut Mn. ans fIrd. Johnb Schnider. Lte's Btternaia. One of tisea-oraltuof ifea bitter nesses laq te seud to Some distant poat ollâce for a package held for Dostage aud ind tisatIt i a sampie copy of a magazine that you had bought t»< IMIki before. .- - - -sN a i aI t i-sid frI-Is-tslSIr) Aisisi . i'hn-siav A' inauï tisosse nis iiias-s- ii -na-d ns-a- sutsssduiînîgtus- hast su sct. re tis-s GouIlaui t i-r. H lRad t L, ans i 'i F.E.ul lards. f Tbsh is-.jasa b-dthef i tii-er- vicep luthe t brietuariuri-i runda v,11.-s- Whlt- uf Lii.srv-ils- i'ondliu'îiîilitthe, esis1s- 'hbse -sa aIargs- Sitenilauce SAYS COKE lIAS REFUSED TO S16iN TAX CERTIFICATE Concert Company T UClnal Concert Compasny, eeleci-ed snd traînesi liy Mm. Lutte Baker Guu~ Boat.. Mr%. iunu seleered these yogug ladies for thelr in* personalities and their ailiy to do an excelîtti-sai ensemble reîsertsry This companyr wiIi gire. aside from ibis concert a-ork. selecùins froio (el- brated operas, notably frou'm *Narîba.' these appearsuces beiug doue lu colonial costume. Thse th"r day of Me c ihauuîuqua. LIBERTYÏILLE, JEUlà 12 s ACOD 1, INJIURREDWIEN HE Mlisos- inr ' v îîs-nsion itî I.5 S J T HROWINI EFR M A l'art.,s-i,t the Os-t su the s -- it ii h, liJyl i'Jt ofsîîs- 'fis-s- eîeîs-n .ir ),H l'1';pi, %1.-e Luli tiaksansd îss-tîs- 1tL.i' -rt IIORSE BY A BULL els-u t S-auday asIud'.udsy' suî' Vsaru-___ c suds i-slatsi-su resArchie Wallace. Living Near M r.- sud ins- %V J Sansi- -- Long Lake, Was Painfully tirsesth'naris Vis.' unsas njured Last Night. lisse Nsti. lssr-u-it a - î-s-rai 1_____ fri-inil- filîn i(bi agi, urer Sallirsla vsad .'rcbie Wallace, a (armer Who lites Sudis. 'ns-an Long lake. was paintu]iy injuned 1:-e Soi-ah iiears-'i v -iî itii lI ' ng Wednesday snigbî about eîgbt o'clocli i;r,i-uSat ti-lst-îtheboe re j \ Z 'l'iris-r.a-heu a bull chargs-d around a horse miý secse as-'isiian Sud I-te.ri i ilse he a-as ridlng sud Ibrea- hlm hea, ly eperut ttir Oe& idithe a-et, uît.s-' îies tlhie grouud. in Wak-auWallace bail idden borss-back To l,ésýr luirY rýtutiedt, 1. the home ofeadneightaor about a mile distant to ead bis bsuli borne.He led the animal by a rope a-hich seas oui- Ilatacbed to a nose ring. our ýllaue Suddeuls- the bull took It into bts Mur. and M 'sfi , N[ , ;Etlu i ere;>s--cbs-ad Iha t be did flot cars- tu be led Ëssi-o i-tis Moiui auy father' Wluhout searning be [lus- fiîuc'e 'iai-gi-st rut!sl Ll7is-iittu lunchs-i fora-ard sud began to dasb ar I'hushnses'lis lisi g tus- eîliuius-s aroind tlîe honse. This pinned the at ibe bins- ithti.ir gra.djis cthurtis- legs off the horse a-ho tell to the 'làiaaiet ltoney. gi-ounui carry'ing bis rider with hlm. liran fus- Iiiiîîs-.tui-sus-u ts-Justn 'abshappened is ulot Spite clear Pi1ture an rs r'i. '.sgrtauinWthe 'o Wallace. Tueads ' h aas dark." lis- saîd todav. "I lIr sbd fui-esR.r S i ihIt\sis1 trip p toWoodato k i. 'lus-i -NIme Edythe il-r - -l's-ti ti ret .1 i-btha-sel in MititTis- i tths- hune si Mr.in.sd Mn..IL J r-, afs-r v Clarenuce Fri-at i- IliIf sîiksgan nis Mîi-s Helen Murîsuv s-s-seding the- a-ek a-ith i-clatis m i-s-si Hgîslrnd Park, Barry lis-as-v utflI-a -ansd tto Waldman utfChus agi,. s-re W'susrotda seîors Sains-day. Waucuuds Day, ttc cinuisfelO-d lui- Wauconda, te tu 4s-l4s)diThurîdsy, Aug. ,th . Aej-Iecial iii-slug a! tise luprovemesni auoîtî 11aas heisiun Tuesday s-veuiug sud t-uwtittee@ a-src appolusesi ta arrange ailîditails. Furiben grapors a-li hi gis-sn niat a-esk. Ail tise stirtepand nis-at market wr s-@dlatTur.sdaoua,-seni s-. uuyti. nu Waukean,.uly 9. tisa hoiig the iri tte in the iîtary of unIess Andrea- Cooke, prealdent opsthtie village that aill the- erchanté, bavea atise board of education, sees fte te jblueS together sud ds-cids-d te close tor sgt tise tai Ici-y certiflcate beffore anc eveuing o1thle a-selst i6 o'cjock p. tise fis-t off August as provIded hym.Msourewligt neoe Bd taw, tisons aii bc no funds avallable hoo!u.usgbii-ugoancle for tise s-aducttlng of the Waukogau ta-O lgbte s-sta- el isut sun merchants achools nezt year. Secided thsî one igt i-sia-wek a-oujd a This si-tement a-as made today te be s-fficient recreation for tbem anS so e. tise Mayor and commlaionera by Coû'~ duriug the sumoter m,,initl., -Il continus Ponatiou Couns-et Arthur Eulktey. 's The iaw ps-ai-des tiset the slthool ta chocs-st i; o sAoi(,rsi 'iussdays-veu- tboard muet adopt a resolution fixing ings-. the amount 0f the tax le.y 5and di- Why do asu is- lu i-asie a-itJî i-h rociting the president sud secrearv of hthe scbool board te îign s certificats Waucouila Menchieits -S25 lu prîtes sud file It alth tise city ck In order are bePiug ofis-red biy tis- ft asîouda Coin- atisai the itY council may kuow how mercial As@ocistusîsu lu i Thus ten bs-si murh to Incinde In thein tsi les-y or 1-snsî, 1uiauuits e)r-ad dînsoce for Sebond Purposs.(0vna 00wré 'n This. resoluilon a-as psesented to ielliig a-by iuu lavis- îruulng lu VIau. the iboard andwasi adopteS by' teu couda. AI]l Is-term uuîst t,I)s uthe secre- mejubers. or ln othes- words, by a tans- of tlîe asesîs-aîuu.îlus-t lai-r iban cr compleis- board. Tise secretary sigo- Alig. lt.i as tise ciii 1-'e s"D-s that t- cd the cenîficate but usa te the tires da eut time. accocding ta the siaiement da. Eserytuird.%i- u Tut.> sioin li-bte Off lur. Butkley, the president off tbe race. The tIrpt i-iz i. "lu' sescoud u It board, for sonne reason knoa-n only t ulrd $3l, fonîtli 2tIjtiý.. itise'enth d b îm8elf. bas refus-sd te sigo l. aud eîghuh $1 anîd îîîutîîasuii-h -.oc Mni. Bulkiey says Coo'ie la taking the eaehb Tbnlee cusuimpart'a entire responstbiIlty on bis oa-u shaul- -si i thata - offst. j iges witl iii-'Ilusu astisin. j e ftute Son ftemembera of the ces-guu-c suis-si lmae isîsîs t.'sTus-n suthus il nare of the poinlon that the roascn t iunîg ustiers-% . i !', i'suilisiued lu dCooke la înkung thie stand la tisat ise the tÇawi'unda Les.5- may caerce tbem luto votlug for tise ________ ajipointees mode by the Mayor fors fear that If tbey refisse there will ho Bette.- Let -es- Ci-y, no money availabte for tise ictioots A woman la aliiios-t os tsscuilar ai a noot year. The cammissianens Bayman.Bise a-ljibreatuotears. aud the plan a-lI t lo-sk ont for h lhra tt -Cooke himself a-ha a-li bold up theothemore asela urgeil taebeer up levloi-y It e doue, tise more sa-l it .cr7 [Bui-tIfanmte ,fIt la saiS the cauncdl coutd loi-yonue tells ber te go aisead asd asa i-bs money auya-ay but lu case any. maay tban as @ho pleas-es, aise a-Ii loue wene te question the proceeding t once quit. cryiug and sPeak her at tise tax saleI t aou]d net stand up. mlu&7-Atchlgon Globe. dOu noi knus-, C'i5ei1ni cics-esimy unjuci- by the fal To the ground, suhethen the horse noIIs-d on me or whethcn I1a-as stnîîck bi- the bull. Wshen 1 succe-ds-d Ili gettlng To my fi-et I fslt a ta-logis of pain in my ieft shoulder-then it becarnispi-r- feetly nnmb. 1 managed te mouint my bons-e and made my a-ay home." WIallace dld not hlnk mucb of bis inunry W%ýednesday nlght huit this mouing bis shoulder a-as swaolls-u as-cv serloiisly. tDc. Palmerwas ala- ed fcom OrnYsiake but a-as unabîs- to determine a-hethec the eboulder isas been disloated. whetbs-c a boue hai bs-en broken or whether the Injury a-as no mor-e s-cnous lhaîu a bads prain because the shoulder a-as swoilen un much. He ta incliued to tink the shoulder a-as dislocated. ROLLO M'BRIDE. Rotio McBride, about wbom Chlcago and Pltt8burgb papes-s have publiabed volumes ou aceout ofhiesa-ondes-fui relations@aith prisonersansid otier un- furtunatea lu tise ocies. ne fouudcd tise Partlng off lie Ways' homes for these men and malies Il bis butelus ta eec tistt tii-yshave fîIpisan cloth- lug, tîlu i.is'tsui' arîiers suila JOb. Witb a s bai, s'tu5 "si' us'isîsk' ii-. McBri lslis fi-ricisisilthemitiviin o! Ioadiog minl ihrnuoiupsist i hi-iaticil upan ttîiu ver 'vcrase lhoîntîtu troilem. He a-l kuli-lthle tsftecnusuu of tisej Wlth d., o.f the s'bsutauîioa. WOIJLD AID IN OEJTINQ COUNTY ADYISOR O.'iti't E Puts 'risi. akl- s' lis o:iii , , i il A ',i atîionî, , 'il.- ril,, e t susr f i ifl (;'i- s- t i1;5C e .'.îi t rats-lai- % o r it " thils' a t 1 1 ,) M r a 1q-s-, is-s.i' jli il h is -su mlii1 ili -iti 'lohirs-'tii- ft ri iii . , Iî1lsis-n a r Ai, i liiiss ii-is--i- r' siis'sl t.. hý 1 i ii lîlyand-ai-li' îit l- id -I i-i.'lisî SA c heare lasl l k isîsils-1 .00 ts-rt Ilab'i Ii se l 'istisi re- a551 i i. tuoinlt (if lîiii pi s[st tli.s aiiiisitit itis eCi s- I Sl(liuuia suts the. Car. Os-is-iSI icoiils- baves--ths- natter of gesUiuinw su Asi lur uni-r cuuiieratiun sud tus-es- aili hi-taken icure- id. ifii iiîrme iu theitd'sIsr iun i'ltîvgeltbeir iwsit rada .W'. elîctie. bita-sver, that tbs're is lutt * isslt lot si-at as- isuis1 jput' tiO 15 lii[ti 55550Lake ('unia .1 Touir i 5s.' tsiail gi-tthe- lundis ltoante, se tiilin. it uiigbt 1luw11as-Ilinu.-unie fî'ii a s-uitalemil for Çsiunt Ad, 'rii bl'u si-u iri-e-n Sum- other 'iluitieesu ia(ls. ils tsi bel icie t bat itl i.; "'r UDi-- tsinu ni Ithe quesition of Si'. pa-i.il a i hO ifuai bs-trc the ltilm (if the A5t-ia'itii arnsi a tendi- tise n top mI1 w lîîli 11)sone ulinty, parti -ulariw' , %ali.rns i- as due It retcuit,'d iriuli 'rsor 1-- I isêatifeacticin Iets es-i. isr.-it lpartie-îs mho wisisd diffcreDtnt shi-îîîil -s lVe a-uld, thers-lure, eijiizt that voîîi-suEàe îLe 7 qePton ioi the jiartîcularii s idnîal lu alsatsteîîrt ilîrtîl ' %sutir litile are rs-ady for 't her-i-.-bouie une rîay cujîtenul1 tha- tiie oinev i e sîg rtai-i-si tor the pur. lisse l(it p'usv iditîg s-o tue îsrtioi-sr permon 1a-itu a îoh W, a-i I e rery glail, (if Itssýîur&e. tu agéllat Totn u cb aay ai;a-e mav h.- aille lumi turing za cuitabie man to Tn our vi'suny %% heu Tun are ready tn s-î's ly . %'- s -iy trn' lv cinr@ C.eorg N. Colley, B iseietaut Stalle Leader. onty Agent S. un .is-îartîns-îit iiifAgriculture. Want, For Sale. etc &de In theaIN. jDEPENDENT reach 15,000 persona weekiy. Coet of Gong Cut in Two ma - CalifoIrnia Expoutions ,- Oct eps aid go to the California Er- peht n. et ac baal eut it wo. Li e cp ou do ih snd explain hour to ge comfortabiy and aie the met on tse ay. Den't Ia tes te .fastiatt rsin lioncma and, anLrsveil lckety alit. Yeunt -aie ahle te sci snd anjoy thsecientry. Takaits i easyand lie sure te go tbrough Coiorado on ysur a-ay ont, ait et cime in y7015?Pullmaen c and look ont heur atter heur on that glorious a"eic panorama ef Mouatan and alicys. Famous Pikee Peak, Tbejtoyai Gorge a-bers âge&aince, nature in gis it ceutorte, rnt moud graitie te maire vay for th isalid sud besntiful river a-hlh tusai trough thse biekbona ef the kockiea. Ail thsai aoerslyen bave hailS titi of, and a-hich y on ahouid aie. The Burliegton Route (C. B. . R. R.) rus Puilmana Sleeping cars direttly<rst aIl thea. plsces la dayligbt. Denver,. lorado Springs, Pueblo. over tise esountaina. and th rough Sat Lake Clty. te Smn Frinciaco and lia Angelea. No change et cas asd nexa- tra. obaiga if yen go by the Burlington Route. You doe'tmake à trip lîke this oitentI Why eot malle the nesoof t Lt nme explin it &H and heip plan a trip te lut yoar particu'ar Meesis. Write today. ib J. Francisa,(G. P. A. Bss-igtusRoste (C, B & Q. P. R.) r,47 W. Jackson Slvu.. Chics.ge._ Bell Mayor Pearce Bars Moving Picture Production From Ap- pearingin the City. )e'sPite the art (set t Chicago's new navor, Wn.illiam Hiale Thompeon, per- nîîted'îlThree Weekstu 0be tbrnwn on mot tng pictître screen.; tsi s#u dudliu'Cs.'Mayor W. W. Pearce and George N. Powell, ('ommisoner of isubl;,t iisaattb and safe.ty, bave barred the filmî from Waîîkegan. "Possibly the show would flot provo to be one suggistive of immoral aetaI to an adult mind, but 1 douflot thtak that the mothers ofthetitecy voe~ sanction the staging of t. he h theaters whers- infant" r fo4 adissioon. Ttere are pleniy of gond film attractions to bc pnocured. andi 1 dfi not believe that theater owuera 1isS'i hok a film with the reputation ba'Tbree Weeks' has gained tbroughout the United States. i have 1,en z1ven To understand that certain lil.rarv authorities have barred the hooss f rom librairies, and If the book Is oct deserving of space on shelvea off those institutions. t do not beflve thal ibie show-shoulil hi staked to au- dienc'sin tuhe city,' sald one imember of the commission,. The Isidependent Io the county'a on- ty 12-page weekly-that'a wlsy evary. body takes lit. Don't swelter in a bot kitchen thia summer. Corne ini andimeo our full fine of FLORENCE ai Cook Stovea The fineit os] stovea s asç. FuUy guaranteed. Whecber you have deçidcd ta boy an oil stave or nai, let us ishow 700 this fine. Abiofutcly reliable-iimpiest ta operatc. 0 -.1 TOM WALSH, The Hardware Min Grayafak., f iinela System In order to furnish the best tele- phone service possible on party lines we must have the co-oper- ation of subscribers. There is no way in which eight-party- line subscribers can help the service more than by limiting their telephone conversations to five min utes. Wheîî this rule is careftilly observed the fine is neyer tied up for an iinreasonable Iengthi of time, and no subscriber bas cause for complaint. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Trieph ons 9901 4-s~'5SitOîl.i4t 7e )r l le A d 0 18 1- a, ê 1- 0 1- t