CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jul 1915, p. 13

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LÂKE COtTNTY INDEPENDENT. F'RIDA Y,.~ux23 9 I WAUCONDA IlÇA OUNFCVR ewsJ M,.Cldeti.iiugreurer <Cae 'Ya' !NERESTIN6 ThÇASEan TO MANUFACTURE an fie#q'i ..anIl do Clyde(,lit-rt SYeIVill T hogi froni flie farmrr, of ti on - FRM totheir borne in Chicago S.trdar, aftter aWssks riAit wth Mr. and'ieilny i4'L? M illAy Haschy. Ma.- Mainan autd pn ods tItî~ i ~ A E C U T T N IC N U TI direct froni' tht- ftrnier or stock rais Oodiug ereMth iat lr îixtmilenlt-ti I Iw,-' t-r If a sufficent Edtedby..R EPos liTemdiay.traus. acre iPalatinre iitore lien Lacbt-r bas tbren laid ut tilei.i-e e onta t heh ir.-t nn*.r nfstc i Jo ýaIbl Pr- Poit het Aothr ew ittustrtsite b e p n nbut alwaîviVgîtmcthe home by . . RUC Pon il Tnsdy.week wth a i C mrson is - n] vcle a Oproducr e tr Orders Talion for Job Work. Mr andi Mn, Jos. Tomisir anddaugil- wa. obîliger]taitîas- it.îpprat.-îI in lai-t Js eodth oyrr ondr ! brtt rt ito tidispose Advrtieing raies on application. ter of Cary,. spent Saturday anti Sunday SatrJy.Hé,leonth gan egali c' r otBorrowed Money' I s le od nti ie ounabyo t tllhi.,reort tedship- Satrly.H.-ii îri bf ginLu Stii- Is a- Famnily Necessity. 'Antioch. on a tiîree acre tract of ]lt'e play fair both wiiVit O tav a fair' witb Mr. and Mn,. P Il. Pratt. 'ood bhot id iargi the ' Cpurcbased from W m Hancock. t Mr.ani n, . Mrran -ee c-Dalry factory, here tiuring Mr. Lachtrs The question as c whether o)r fot price, anti charge a fair prive and upon R.r.sanduncr«. Hn. Eawiy nrutord to lMe- s. orroýwed mon.y canlbe uspdtifor a The plant wil!libe condlicîr-îîiunter Ibis bastetheir busine,-ssmsil] be cou aaý Starved Rock laat Saturday, arrlving Hsn eosSua. siyecsiyuil re sPelîl iwben the nome cf the Antioch Packln g roinm pri-t ors are adilotsin toget i % Ww and Me» * horne Sundsy ,vsniurg. 1> .Mrphy operît Tueslay astnLd W Feiker orfltsardstown. 1i a the appellate court passes uipou the pany, witb M1iessrs, Louit- Loescher c h ln eueain~ 0f 5pto Mi, Lilis etWilrot 1-Wednasday in Chcago. ,4 former prielpalhbrrr for three yrars. sur- 1case cf Laughlin vs. fDalton, a JAke Chicago, anti V. Balior.wbî bas bt-en -sible. Tedelfr ibeanti wnas clo mnaking befter jarne jellica M"LlinDarby o iloWlspiedbsma.,ii ind ee udycounty case. An effort ia belng madeTh elfrteanwscossad Meea a.e ataekwî r M. and Mni. Frank Pearson werered i antet red iteS ia oprove thait tbe deatb of the person conductlng the tlackin tsrm ni-ar Pd Salurday last anti on tondsv Preserv"is nOWast erYwosaW& &prlative sudayrien tit thCbreago vitor, Tuéstiey. iîy pendiug the ay aithIthe.HL"el1 wbo borrowed the mney tior-,net Pikeville. aslits proprîr-lorg. grsint was broken preparatory tritht- Cormmnd. attornry ini Beardstown an.d caile te levalidlate tbe cdaim Ieasmnuch as the They purpose te erPrt a packlng e-rection of tbe building. Make your preserving y op f Misa Elfen Daiiey et Wauketa, WIN. .Mr. anti Mn@..Stancliffe c(f Prairie Vu-w, Chicago on busîi-ess, go toek tie oppoor-toeney was used te Pay for a ramiîy bouse on tbe grounds recerîtly ptrr n at ao(natlWr le upeuding te. wéý,k withMiss r.easti pentrehe file ifrthenwastiith Mr. andcessltytcAnreffonrtril!nihenematiett. cneffort anti as tadeiro phapclandvasllliren.ecialtyWood en- GoIstood for andtt}e.roneparts a su and yLuw Whe. Mru@. W. a-r iî is le-h J.s s iirsttftt rkeh r nitut e alo reshow thatti is Iochargeable o the ter Inte the manufacture re fvarieon se od ,ueiametu- iservnd s wiî pratse io cts wss fr atrl e lt.weserî (tat ~ Wuk-gn, pirîtSsti tIr. Kan lryuL-e.rlif br-ean,]p Miis hustanti . Iies ofsausge. Thir produi ill tvey lenmrn g rn tcae@ ln Sweden, , j:ut jssan elu.mri Is Cleentsot Lý1 'henursn if @pu% he The- case dates back tu1911, mT wlen se shipîtedtlethe city as wr-Il as asIt Il a ssiI,- rut snd Prrous enough way net-ir c.-ystalflze. wee fo a ripto ireweter t ,il%%,uktaü AiiltSuaay it teMss s week r t ibr rparents, Mr. andi \lr.and fr. W. G. Daltont ri-sideti ln disteset of ait wbelesaie btIn"',so t be readlly irîreî*tted witlr oul- 0-r Pew-rssg Bssltue AJ e[tstusMat Maîrnian. i..îs -Lake Fort-st. Tbey wereiilr.ilghtei--talily. Tbey will ahIse furnish mats -krprafufra/friaI ief ies Sen Tbsy luni te visîtthIe i rentes Le-nard, cd rlrcumstances and cOrttratî ted a 10 the home markets and tu an, r.-- o aalufrIfl.iiirý .fJ belons tty returu (laurie -Prattransat-cted itsrstrtepsin ru H-y Koti-ltra rs hiuldicg a ni-w barn meat bill at the Blacker market for _________________________________________ CORNS PRODucTS REPINGCo. .1 Miniirr.î at r..k~eiigChicago Tuemday. to i-eplat-e t tre deetr-ye-i byyliri- oser $1.P.0.DB« 161 N- YlskCity IIIpX blé @on i.iyo at Ii-Iit. %N Io. Mise Marie Miller andti ier irttlrîr, a %i-rk au. %ra. Dalton appealedti t lit-r sisuî-r, Lý.o ,, , -HnryMrs. Ellen Laugblin and rî,ccît cd a Peter Lundti rf FotxaLake, îrari.acLerid e t rl-l-ry-arr ependinîzthte MI es.Girtriîi je aloi Harti.- Miller are lban cf $100. This monei wag ce-- bujirrese ber- , rtdsv. wi-rk withti hiir graudintiirr. i oNMrsatn yaýi ae Miss aijerWhitirttrs ni L.i-t1 i., iii rtior etUurti-t IeýMn. J.- G, li tig trauta.ted lii Nifs trsDalton la sali to tik ti- akie, le peVaulr h rtînîlesurt Ms, i la ,oI i djllit ile$100 wlth an additiotîal $PC antid AuiI Wltîlrnerou Pu.stily i-sri.g astdrite.-etfital a--k paî'd tht- meat bbiil.Be 1 cis y tm F.B iat.nsal raisr.tri ruttee rnsrs foî.rî ts li Warenta Day whi li Nr ttlAbot îthis time tIrs. Iarai ipi ii 1sti- ifi l -braî.-d i'ureila3 -Aug -,fil t r t1 s-trimsdMs iholtthasing palti back tht- Iran te lit CitagiTui-daî . lsî--î, nîîr -irîd.tîrlr tai-tt èe lai-t s4k et Fred Haîrîlînsm. jber sîster. Dalton, It, las si! roriientifd>l-ti Johin Stecboltu ,f Wî-lric-a. Kan . i-t TI t ieanose 2u trtsI Ir nuu- etîi- il rnilt-ithat be had net horroedtiolb, mon - lstktr lm n f*20 ili vl %r 'alMle net '" r ey anti was dot lable for ii for haiebolrrre Mostiay. alte-reP"Ddilu bls u il, cut-rry otu a firle prgrsrr. ri lr, -sr, Wi. ,lecstva -r-k. .'tIrs.Laughllu retagerti . rorrî-1v1 twseria l ,itrei sîtrug relatives asti Tti- li.N s*mrt.rtumn iwll smort %%uith lai-tuCari '-ýr , (Ictiliai. qnt a Ct-orge PhiIlips anti Wiec . il,)it 1gh-ortlpoei dliaemsrunn !~ri-nis. alàtat lpararde- ut 1i I l-l )fki it- :lt%1 1-s itsslatest t tii.- hirwoi.d ilanti Park men, to prose.t-ciîl, s-iiit Y u te ph n isadlc eisrirI t 1 ~~~Dalon was rr-presenîr-iil b,ii Iu and sliotld be haîîdled wt eteri *peuduîîg hi-r vacation r ati, ber pari-luts. [raeis oteii-Mare strs-rt fi.rt-h ssi taio- M is iti-i .. rio sp-înI.-rlltîr e nî,s Tht- cage -wss trieti lrr iiic-t irî care. Mr, anti Mn- 1E-Booif îîîtli- si iii.- Ialarri 0 e o rr-iîor, r i ntlîrelatîr -eat (oi tri ihlIti anti resulleti le a verdict for 1h-- fit R.IWlHi-tri, ago li i tî uIîr aftirrittiiiiiS trograir 55.1>tari t S a-1.o ir (rs-amoîîot hring reedereti. ili, t- ler Tu-sa ii tt sli ii-tosers..-tr.Man P. qW. X(iras. lBetGrVncs for 4fr, Laughlln Sîshpl that If vou cannot hear t1irougdirhit distinct!y, - Don't swelter je s hot kitchen Tutuay.o colé wih fie br" aceon antin-d isM 4iraskt. i I r (iagîî. u trhebc usbanti waa jointly ri-sîongibîe Dr Pro.iioo.,ieii tandti s il- riiiiv ir sr-- ll.---aii.-tloil trtIin,b.-e.-k-td S iiitMr, il irs AIl-tath bis wlfr- for familly u-eitites do fot knock the telephone agaîîst the thîs summer. Corne in and sec Tuss y ris ireia uîttît..V i. s-ki-r s Il griru tihi-ii-el rttndsIilîîras a meat bill and t ii a îlot-mis tablel o Tun yIo in, liito.\,l, ait.-f liîttlî tir- waterrsports ilI be Kapjtle astthe borro55-td roney ws sc-a tt- t be o r aîy other object iii an effort to arfi ieo The Mit-suwruer Carnai-ai gIrru sîtienrriidttt i is.hitt-slae M r, Fisher. tî4z llarelli-tll anti rail a .bilîl b. w.ld have hadtu topSy tbrie auspicsuotht. bilaiws Ilrof.pale vitla ed tii-c-i-cbefo te inurt improve tiie transmission. This has no FL O R EN C ~E tbasie fS.AdýwEicia ank T'i.-.-- m l i1- thio. rist noît roti-i I ttii-, endat-Sbusiness tnip tttnh a lbefrteaioîî h Tht- case was appealedtih oltiîn- i Missronr w&a sgreat>tNr-es. brît lineo--liaturrmetinir r-oa-nini le couîinttya'nîe ti izai iasni regard fr i i-e r-veut rîîb- I court lnu'iaUen rt-centîv and effect e xco-p, ustiaîîy, to uisarraige some ciaily and lunte aay O0 esterrardirtrnt f' tîri iel<aitî i t. ltsiv lie ai-.-so ti-t-e i-O i-ti tii1 I eutr.îi 'Attorney Gall argueti from tfie stand-pr f eot h O il Cook Stovea Trur ilitthiir acri eue would itase to les i-tnrg facture- cuitaslsi lii-.. u p MCrit poinît that horrowed moe tad bie pr fthe in striirrment. R pr h gro a liîttg ai. t indon ent.-tairrrîr.-nîtntil ftl..aitîterottloi-s iring cai lth.. M r. andîlI r. - ýL. .atirs ai-tc-t- îr19 s o alydt<-,,t nitrouble and-are- Loch forth. Lasente aheir-> ou iull git mrer on nb~s-'itat te huahanti ie net luile for If. nTheltue an a repîrman vrîîîmadee.t- - - thtan as the Maiuti-irrmer cultivâtal eîî, putIlitn aril ragrand tilîllay îhidrr ror Zîiti t i ril- idicur i titJutigi-Persens. on the show ie niai!-. hehnstoustve iai.t. Hazeai il tri-ti rio- ill r- gis .lh onufitilui- r,-n Mr. J i1; a-ltoîi ntif aart took tht- case frorn the iîîrt soifr,- g uaranteed. Whcîher you have Bils i-li i Il-- i -L t, hlit , rrl ol,i ia-în ici-r Ssîrian urueti a verdict for the di-fenitant. Bt) ef!ton t b ýkthe - i c addodecided 10 boy an oiT stove or 1' ) aticri-bial altla ritilv anrtE f , iî- i.ii-lrîirt ilsijanîiý-e Mr- Btelt u -i , l, Iîîî l. , î - Attornecys Phillipe andi lrîI ni ieti lu .tr.i1- tîe]Oet us show you tis is ne. mediaîelv prayeti an appt-lai don n t tte c mrci-, gt\ f.Alt l eibe-ipet 1Dîolittir anrîlfatu.îly let W .-tlrwtlay blîr a i lml irsrisllsruî all asuri 'I ill e I liai à triFoc i-r arit. tentiay appeareti befere hina anti wer - f t l tp \ t b ue i re lîb e sm î t a Molltrip rllti.ritiglrot fli-siî.i-Itt:lii "-. lil tsîî . l it[Unt ln f ~ 4 ~a na-given thilrty day. atitional tte, ni The telep!-iit-e Instrlttinct- \l 4 eldom g rout pasrt o iltiite ltIit snd Starv Si il,, l1,iZI & MJ 'r tirg te les- antiir-lamietd i-ion s-sanitd--otir iinwlo-ht prrt hirapeit ouotode fyo wesrdc.r utu.TO ALI. u ladar a filtsk an- rîsog tite i-lai- the> ii i i rt c,rdial inlvitationd s l i ikno.its l i- àrrîtel <if a littlc lrstîsi ine h'Gasashmoi vii nfll rl e-t fl k fliu t i t i ugli terret th.i r homeî. t h re arr- do rulngs se go lit f-le (omeo %*au(jndi)nhtimdaAug 5,say th rulng f te al)(-latý curtChicago Telephone Company mlly ~ W i u ittui -tltraitdi- a t lb- stilI istabllsh a precedettand wli h needntl h or n Mr laileci]clllre i-uri-l eti .-t lî.i--iriii- ii it-(Nesinîs - la' t1w. .R nr aae y 12-page weekliy-that's why every- Mr I h i- n .si- - Ij-ildr e r r nk - a leid iiiil, Ilri, r t- l. o- theW u-,,D ipinlI.ja1 s.î. s î 4 - Nidz al le ripF- tinidg as su iilim nul, 1igIIarEbody taj _________ i-ai , liii-d Lî tfIt-îsls î t httea t ' Lrmtittitls F.VsP Ei-Oi cleSitiittr-ati T ei-l- fl . USEL iiUsiri.t - L a, nRAoriE.) D eÀ rMiss fBarbara .%mriin ýi lt iqIv-ni 1iiT ti- îiii- %ltii a it. 1 1, .1t rci - igi FOtR TUElil-.trs sat i s ltI itb t its d is a ir l iît i C - -i i l - fh .-r. -r a l ' t . [t t s S r îT e ti te a rs a g o i t- i. u t-ra i a sse u t - Tfo,-. ti-i i ( - i Si. r tie, 1 l iI l.î i-nr lv -passr-t a meit ,ire prot idînni for M.--Fliî . !.s-i it .ti. ~tt sr-yrri -'t ii l i, i t,-r lt ii liii-srtthe-care anti tr, a1 ntit Ststate tdu d rteL w fIln i tiase t b~it.J- 1î îîî I 3 "u>it ti-Irý,ýa tlirtth11cl.- adii i,.expt-se o! atî hersons litten by rahiti Us beigfg Incorporatd u er heL w oU U ioi Mis'. 'hi tirtý fý,[ru;llTilt- iîWl.i--1 sureiîtariy asdti I.asti Il iiitroriiiti i. iit i ;,&r gi- animals. anîtin that ten rars fise F co an ,e ea O fc s ar t A Xlii-.--. jiiiIli' la Hi-liti(i-ns-ml- iil. .rt %.- ii esvti L sa akte conty p- nsha taen Ico ada-nea i[Ics ae t~ an býtl rl mwtitýavn ii si ir sll i-tsri-ri- su ofi-is op rtt-. *v.lThi - Lake Counttj, Illinois f.nî t ti~i ii lu- n i ii. i - a- î iit hil. i-s w hîcb became t-bit-ctii e JUI, l 1t, 190. Jobs taser il ifCiti s Im -iIllw lagututsian.-ii--î trirîrg fnrsîiîiuitaici-.1in lWtlitsImposer][ on th,- Stat r d' ofrtie! alth tirs !rfaiiiai t îuîînIiiiiaiini'e ii c-hi- hut_î -rs Mimm Aucla A ruas s lr,,uFrtruoî o t 1cii t.-r and Brbare b atzuerr andî 1-i.1 S. bîi,-r iof Mils aut.- (alvrr, hi-r LSu[.uayi Mr. and l Nr,. uDnrof M 4auiegan unîd MAr. and '.1r-. I. 'rn ut oreJ O t(, l . rr TPhe-*..sJ.nyrth.- Aercan Suri ,d. Schiool I nirtu ba@ organized a Sun- day Schuoo clamm bere. Schî,ol beréafterrst 1Qio.'(ererv Surrday. [qGAM LAKE ~Dmsslmis Am-@ i4s be-n voiting in 2ro.n Cty rerently. Mn,. J. F. l>arling andd eblidren of Oak T Park, %mm,. Paul VanZ&udt and son o Rirer First. @pon u 'reay wth Fred Vred VenZandi and famiy. Mr@. WÎiI Sehreek lm a Chcago visiter thie week. mn,; Belle Jamesm, who bas ber-n il], je reportsd nruch îrnprovsd. The Ladies' Aid gave a picule Thurs- day at Ni re. Voses eti Druce Lake. Miss Muriel Cannqn hae been visiting ber cousln, Mi@" Phila Aines. Read This and Profit Bq It We a ro aents for the Kimnbal pianos and îlIaý rs. Cleaper and better players thani any other. Ask about the frce record deaI for thbe Kimbal piano players. l'ho Victor talirrg mrachine aid Vîcitrolas, thé best machine on the rnarket. Agk u~shoutrit and we wxil tell wlty. Corne in andi seec ur new Pi'ano 1'layers anid Vi-trolIa-. Commutation riilri,al tickets on Lohruads. F~Iulirîgton laiindry agency, basket les ves Thtirrsdav -a. in. ai (Ireturns Saturday. THE REXALL STORE DRUCE DRUG GO. phoâe. 11 Gsysk, ID. issý i- riIlFr lac kt NthliPraii-ri h.. fi j nkti i ir,( à i t Iurîsîi. rintters - NIM I ltesil i-Aliet a fi-a îles r witii ht5. .i-t,-r NIr- fotrauai etNirtb P rair. NI r anj 5fr, i tiandti rînîanti Claudi- aid [Luby Ni-luiantIhan Itdls-y ils-rtisrias tit Nfr itrris antt family. Cile ru] tri t titi-rci aitdh(i larlîît t.- Sivstr Ivene narnieti on Saturday, Joiy 17. fribitrur i Sîer is nitertairting corupauy. Crisisia Nelsos is rpni-nga lestdaye witbhcr pai-cute. Mail carrrr t huthFi.r rbtack os duty afler a tee sseeks Vacatioîn. TIIREE IIORSES BURNED TO DUATII ON IRA SOULE FARM Three borses vere burned ite deatb. a quantity of bay, straw and alfalfa, valued at mauy bundreda of. dollars, some barness and a few pieces of farm macblnery destroyed, when the large stock barn on the Ira Shule farm near Grass Lake was razed by fire early Thursday morning. The fire was discovered by Carl Kohout, tenant on the farm, who call- ed Up bis neighbors for assistance. l'ollowieg a three heur flgbt the buck- et brigade wblch bad been forrned, was able to dlshand, with the satis- faction cf knowing that their efforts bad saved the bouse and a number of smlier buildings. The onigln cf tbe fire (s unknown. Some residents cf tbat section of the county frar that a tramp may have crawled into tbe barn to sleep for the olght. and tbat be dropped a cig- arette or pipe ashes ln tihe bay loft. Dancing everyj Saturldayj nîght at Diamond Lake, Pa- vilion.- Good music.p OI a teltive- Mr ,Iau n-ilniut K,-ni-ml l-tiday f NAiparade - r %i-.ýiîtetn-ru îtu eandtia tend ln chei nteni-et i(ilAircch i autau- Mn. anti trir L.yhurrî Stew-art anti --ild Iriur Of (i-g .w i; epu-ittia ta t s e.-k racat 101 t hi hisathli-r, A. -H. Stew art. Misss Virien Hiunnii-r anti Margsr-c Gilbert returneti rrii Npirîs. S. D -this Miss Matigi- trang i-t Mtrsdav bur a few day.s irt a-r-h rinmiin Chi ,-ago. The 25tb anuel Tbauks t)fferng ant Miâsiouany ta cul be i-Id at thbs Mllburn Cougregatiosai churcb Wetines- day, July 28,#t t2 p.nm. Mms G. A. -M. Conkie of Chicago,. wîi lie.preset ct-il fuok ci Grayblaki-. îîiriit nuitay w.tliîhi-r cousus. libiorti Hock. ANTIOCH Chans.fîunt i.- iting relatîieasti fiendsil niMt-iigaiardsurIina. Mise t ai-t.Ta> o r viiitiit si-vr tutu ay wit hititi- lic-tiI-- L Miss$lil'i ti l @k Pett itrin stht- i u 1,10.iihî -ieIt-h a dauiteir sas horu tii SMr. atndl NrsFr-t Hariîu. M rs. NI St-iniofiCicagou Ci-ti.ilt uit uga lest tas smaIt , 1&r ,tt-rsn. T. futi,.v *Dtirîîthy H îîki-r lis e rtîrscd bourne elter rptnding thi- 151tsswoireei- n t Chicago. Thi- plans andi prepr-srthuuus for the tbautauiqus tii lu--beld litre JIuljy 22 to27 are ses- votiplett- Orne day last t.i-k ,twc bunglars tris-t ttî rf, hebcset.-in Gro. 4Webb@ Racket Store, but ts -t mtî ucessful as Ray Webb lv lic mas nthtItistotre alus, tigbti-ncdtfi ii-t way andt tey matie tlîeir esespetifritbbe toistblotIce they could b cLiîtureti. Independ6nt reachea al potstalu Lake Coqnty. 1tlie tiîty ef srraniirng for tht- scies- tlfic trestmr-nt of îticlii afleteti per. sons and a contisi-z as idtered ldto at that tînie walil ' bu Chicago Pas- teur instilute. l)sring thet-en ys i tr,92 prrsonc. from ailsectIons cil tht- tate. bave ber-n neceiveti for trcatment, the- state Meeting ail c h-urges except transportation whictî îc rald by the Individual ceunIs tiiroiigh order cf the poor master. The nîajorlty cf tht- iatients bave ber-n those hitten hi- legs, sonne cats. anti Borne by ralîlidhîrses, ait ef the animais showlng uitiistakable slgns cf rables hy the presenre of Negri bodies le the brain or by the deatb of ether animais hitten lîy them. In 1910, the stale sssmed tire ex- pense of the trealment cf a famiîy of r-igbt Persons residiiig lu Logan doue- ty, wsube ls es wtrt-endangereti tbrougb drlnking the mlk cf a rabiti 0"W. The value of thirisi-rt ice renderet by the staî-te t hei- rofle la ledîcat. r-d by thet- art that îtîîîode of the 382 persons gii.en rhe lursieur treatmenî developeti hydrephell Aîmost hi-If the coutil les in the state haire ber-n beefiteil ilrough the taw cf 1905. Tht- hargeý i nuber of paý tir-ts, 176, haset- i ii from Cent( ceîînty wlth Peoriaî s-cond witb 2,3 Patients, 'termllioii ijlh 24. Saline wlth 19,. LaSalle airli l?, sed Logan w-ith 13. The ether ioutlles sendlng patients for îreatnetî ere Jasper S; Sangamon 8; Richianti -;:Taz-wr-ll 6; St. Clair 6: Jeffprsorii 5- Lakte 5; Bureau 4: GruuiY 4: Kankakee 4; Madiison 4: De W4111:i; Gallatin 3. Hancock 3: wîîu 3; Ca,-i ?; Fulton 2: MetDonough 2;: Montgîomiery 2: Shr-hby 2; Union 2: Willlamsoii 2. The fothowieg couties have sentl one patient eacb: Ai, santer. 'Cnrls- tion, Clark, Greene,. Johnson, Living- ston, Marshall,. ftclr-an, Macoupie, Mercer, t Morgan, Pintr Putnam, andi Rock Islandi. Lndependent reader' BE ONE. G!O0. W. DeSMET We have a number il. .!ISHER President o htgrp f Secretarg S. L. TRIPP fine jobs done with m.A WTO Vice President DeSmet Tile I Il.AWTsON Robt. B. Lammens. S., L. Tripp, M. L. Fisher, Will Knigge, Geo. W. DeSmet, Directors. The DeSmet Quartz Tale Co., have stock for sale at $10-00 per shore. They oare experienced in the business, having been engaged as a private insti- tution [or the past eight years and can furnish any, number of referemes- people who have purchased tile floors and woiîld flot laake several times what the Iloors cost and be without them. Ilere are a Iew buildings in which our tile bas been laid Detention Hospital - - Chicago, 111. Underwriters Laboratories Chicago, 111. Monroe Building- - Chicago, lu1. Great Northern Station - Minneapolis, Minn Insurance Exchange - - Chicago, 111. Monadnock Building - Chicago, ill. Power House for Singer Sewing Machine Co., So. Bend, Ind. Lake Shore Country Club- Glencoe, 111. Midway Garden& Chicago, 111. State Normal Scbool - - DeKalb, 111. And Residences in: Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Highland Park, Glencoe, Wilmette, Kenilworth, Evan- smon, Hubbard Woods, Duluth, Minn.; LaFayette, Ind.;. Whitéwater, Wis.; Val- paraiso, lnd.; San Diego, Cal.; St. Louis, Joliet, Ill.; Ravinia, Ill.; Quiacy, Il. Riverside, Ill.; Forest Park, Ill.; Oak Park, Ill.; Altenhem, Ill.; Champaigu, Ill.; Detroit, Mich.; Ottica, Ind.; Hammond, Ind.; Highlands, Imd.; River Fores;t, Ill.; Spartenburg, South Carolina; Lewiaburg, W. Va.; Berwyn, Il; 'Elizabeth, Ill.; Peoria, Ill.; Gien Ellyn, Ill.; Kalamozoo, Mich. IPILIPA INWA

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