CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jul 1915, p. 14

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Pane 8i1 LAIE COUINTY MDEPENDE Wr, WRIDÂY. JULY 23, 1915. --c--- c IVA14HOE .b~ap enfl9 ai Prf.Johu Vauplew and wife rn Baboil apeut part of last wcek wltlî the' format's parents. - Miss Alice SîItb of ravslake, le viait- lng at the Benry tirsbbe borne. The Djamoud Lake choitriettained By T. F. SWAN tha chotrlrorntItis paî'eloidac evuning. Correspondent and Agent A large number attuttdud sud ail erjoycd a royal good tinte Mr.andud lra. Kugeur Smith aud taiily Itra. E. 0. Wells le viitlug wlttt lIt. of taukt'gau, acre the guesta () M rm. ). C> ook. John Shepherd Snnda). idro. Bush of liason City, lowa, lae orge EHawkius anti liaiglit Iiotî Owen Vauplew and tsmiy o!f 01', Pask. speut Snndsr ce th W. D. Potteoi.- and famiiy. Miss Nîna Roues atteuded a brthdéiy part! at Libartyvilla Sstntday arsuiug. lira. Murphy ot Waukegan. vislted oua dsy laut wuek wltlr her @later, Mra. A. L. Dotlet. J. W. itodgera le speudtug the weekI wtth relatives lu Kenosaansd Racine. Carl Bock and famlly Who bav-e beeu vtsittng st the John Knlgg home raluru- cd Suuday ta Chic-ago. Luchle Knigge accompaied them for a sghort stay. lira. James KiIroy entertaiuedl ber sister. lira Wesver o! Chcago. thia Lucile Ktsntst a@ retrnrud tu lier home lu Highland Park ater t istit witb relatives here. itev. Istulue sud fsîuit sund lit sud lira. F. S. toph atteadeti s Suudsy achool pieute given hy it. [tant' at Dtsuîond Lake Etilse s!îerulilt sund ening. Mrt sud lita Hu.uty Eebiter sud ittie sou ut Waukegan, alo »"@ Ada spent the week-end ;Viîh tIie horne peoi le. lier. Carnine will preacb bis Isre«el sermon bers next Sunday morulug sud as Damond Lakee lu the eraulug. Mrt. and lits. L. B. Wood wilisae, charae of the ereutug servira lu thts curch. Rer. Caruine sud fsntiIy expeu-t ru lesce naît week sud Io takc ulp wurk lu sulothtr field in iepteinhur. They tiave eade thentecirca 10cver><ine a-hile bure and ail are sorry lu baee rient go sud extenul1,'(-t rIshes tfor the'gasule sut-uses v. hecer tliîir usa boulei may lit. JJ. ous su dagiret ist LuoisRsdkc us-i ttntchsseu hue acres Mm J J. ou@eand auglter sudo an o li.tPtu ai.iat of Frankt @peut Mouday o!fIstrasit wl th lit sud Kig lmasJ. H. kynolee-- Kugru lits. Thos.Itusseli sud ubtîdren lbit Suaday tot Elpaso. Ili , where they will opeud two weeka witb rlatives. lire. Loni&e Specbt, liraJuhn Knigge! sud dsîîghtransd Carl Bock sud tsmily vlited relatives in Falstiue Frldsy. George k,3m and Ismly of Chicago, are visiting with1Mr. and lMra.J. B. Ayuslpy. Mtm S. L. Tripp etertsiued Mr. and Mmr Frsncis Tripp of Libertyvilie. sud P. G. Dayton ot Hsrrlngtou, Kanss, Monday. it, sud lMra.S. L. Tripp sud lit aud Mir#. E. H. Blulînt efttiaturdsy morulug forsa motor trip to Laporte, I nd. Thej rafled on friands sud relatives lu Vl- paraisu. Laporta and Milchigan Cty. The psrty returuad Monds&- eveuing. Neit tlnnday eveculgt it oclock Christan Endeavor will be beld on 8beldons Iawu. At six-thirty tirea ilîl beau sddrees by Mr. Shldon on "Fat.' ,% oo guiatiysuuront ieeare pluanning tut attend vtiaist of te [hantanutua meetings 51tu erttil-as piatl Mr. sud 'tira E MI îtc. anîd mon Robrert tof Evat)n. u pcn u -uay ietl Dr. sud lits. C.Bakeur li. sud lits J. A. litisu vere Ubtuago Vîsture tieti ital f the %teki Miss Rube- loline ta aoeudinut ber vacatîin sîit frieude sud reiat;vea tiers. lit, sud lira.WmiStanclili @pent tie week-end St Auburn Park. Se-ertaifttint ere stteuded cstnp îî,eet- lug st DesPlaines Sundky. The Ladies«' Nrnuru Cuetety .'.ueeîi wîll meet wt r@ ir L H Krncg-r un Thur&dsy sifternoti. July -lit litas Lsura Sprsgu nuuIrtaîne-l bher cuse ront CIiuagtou Saturdas sud suudlly - Chas. Krueger sud îaîtter imolire t l DIAMOND LAKE j B~~~C-,unlutuStuus u etreSn ____________________ Idey. lites Aima -aumle on ittealithîent lins. B. P. Battleit bas returusd trom, She bas (sun sîwienrg sfe aceke tiiere Piedmont, Misouri- ar bsba peau vigithug alla Ruihauseni.È @pounlg the paIfa weeks. She le tir, sud lire. Bert Sntabl bad as (hein gasatly impanved lu beaitb. guesal Suaday lit sud lira. Roty Luler On Furiday sfternoon sud ersuuaibg te aud sun , t.and liraýSL Kies sund pupîle. parents aud teabrbea01fth@e cildI-un sd lites [stria Ktea o! (juter.9 Diamond Laits Suuday oecool tara entesudilira [nan..aTd UW@DOCraFeBUSSE bimewaa@peu Ingames sud races aller W D W O U S which supper vas oered an the botlt. Everous tant home pruiaimiug Dr. IS NREDénL IN SUIT sud ira. [nana admirable sentaiuns. m ay dTiffany of Atiocb, @peut TO (iET_$4ff0,O Ber. Caruine viii deiver hie fareveil s .vmon att(ha Diamoud Laite chut-ch on AuaoailiLomeIrkfi- unda venngJuly25. her wil b ure vas iseard lu lis Circuit court ael Suudy eeniu, Jby 5, harevii N.Chicago Thursday viren suit ta, redorer speciai music by (ha choir. Evsryouc $250.000 slbsged dabt sud $200.000 velcomt', damages vas eutered ugalua lra O. Aderon s sendna ha eekJosephins I- Busse, admlnltratri-x ai er.GAdr so m p (n h ha esalais a! tic ate Fred A- Busse, titihar pareuts, 1Ur, sud Mrs. Huit o!f(lie Nfaasaacusetts Bandhug sud Il- ibis place. surauce comuiany, sud (ha National cicsSurety Compsuy. lira. Busse, boy- Marshallb Huls-hinge t.ook lu (ha irntever, is met-el>' stechuicai defendant, aud caruissi si Wankegau Frday, actrdiug ho Attorney' Ceci Rames, The %lmond Lake Choral oeiy tira fled (ha dailm ou beiraîf of Ciar- -eni.rtaiuad (ha lesuboo choir liouday suce V. Ketlogg, successor of thc taie é Pit 01theMina lrgeMayor tus the tnustscsblp of (ha bank- sveiug lusple ! (a tin lagerupt firtu of Kebogg-liackay compsny. crrovd attenid ansd the races sud gama. Busse depoetted $136,751.12 o! (ha vers hsId ut (ha pavillon sud lunch vas baultruPt's money lu tlis La Salie oerved on the porcb of Crase'. a l Street Trust sud Savtugs bank. Thse Inatsd f o th lae @orea@ âd oeufund tla sîlil(lad up andth ie newt(rus- insaadofon halaie sar asha ~>sutee, aPpointad then (he former Mayor pisuuad. A gond time vas enjayad. dled. canuto Ilquldate (ha bau'rupt'a The choir vîîî meet lor practteeiTage affaira. The suit le an sttcmpt htu'a- day venng wth lde @,ikopf Aidoyen from tire 'ormer maYor's bond. daysveln vlh lat Wsakpl ilfuruhahed by tic second sud (bird membera aM ranged to attend. uamed defendants. Nothiig oven lia - amount o! (ha deposit la luvoivcd, but Youcui tssc 1,00 P,~' w.k-the a iav rauirea suit for (ha fl l Yu thng h 15,M tn ep.dsont. k.amount of tire bond, accordlug lu at- y thoug theindlbonenttornecys. l ie atte ITS THE DOLILARS AsK lreta YOU DO NLT SEM lu upn, Tîtat makae you inde'îendent. Tlhé- dollar fi olilhy big tien spent is goue for sDiîlethitig tlîat will it lit-lp you Wit luntbine of trouble- but the' *i 'dlldar is (>11e al1 tlîat is dl'posited in our Saviîîgs I)ep;artîîîe'ît sîîbjert wit to your order and iu the îite'atirîîîi- it iý ,Àf-- and Iltt earns you aitî lucoiîîof ast 3% .Compound Interest THE CITIENS' BANK Saf e Deposit Boxes for rent Area, Illiinois "MA E TRIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOMKE" j Milstt 'iiriiaLord of Chicago. l I it- lng her cousin, ies Elthi Petia, Mia, Ruth Kr@@@, who bas heeni viglting bar aunt, lMr. John B. Ficliît ASupulPa, Okls.. returned to ber homne in Dleertield Sunday efeniug. Idiot; Margaret Ludlowof iiC litago, wag the Rue@% 'of h..r cousi, I r. J E.; Knlckorbocker at treel. Loui@ Rommel of ltarnni,,îî .I. dwag the week-end guept J hi. par. ie. lMr. a.nd Mmr. Phllip Rornel. Mims Margaret Mil.Ketler oflaýgo. N. D).. le vlsiting ber ciu.rr.. lli.eMrie Kresi. Mr@s. L. C. HoIs. wbo lias becS tisitting her couain, Mra. Kat@ Cliateau ti allon. Ohio, for the pasv uiontb rettiraed to bar home Frriday evobltig. Mr. and Mmr. Ed Hovt ut i bicallo, wera the' Sundsy gueats of lira. lydiaS oyt. Mir. and lira. Subie, aud tdugbtermand Miss Ruth Lidgerwood attcr.ded camp maeeting at LesPlaines Suulav. Mr. and lira. Ed OetWriusu ste scttled la their new bomie iunthe 0termiaîî euh- Mias labiel Keist of iVilrur , %%amsthe week-end gue@% f ,,lir autt. Mis-. Jomt- phino Woodmau Rev Lieder i. ut endirî thle St Paul*@ E raugel Su ida.- aI l cou 'et. t ouo at Eiruhurst A ver 'v lnteresritîg nunir .1 zofthe Mieiar-uiet v futfw .-Prest, tua-au ut i reu i. a a- tld ut thle hotu.-olfIlr. 1% .% Whjtiug uonducted hîy re. Fted Hagilte astited bv Miss Etiirl t Kiîaak. l'apere a cre read by Mcedaies 1' L. Ktîsîîk. J. A. ltiechelt. t-Irt r Giardner and ies .,.Ida taa. lita l;eo Katetcule, taied a it.îîîîtîr ot lier fricîend ,uilav a lt-ritoiuuîtîad everftng lunlionor of ber btrt!iitv lira. Eloise Wisonubas g-,no t.. Lake Plat-id lu the' Auitîîudaîks a-' twe Sutt of MIr. aud lire lalph Sltav Richbard Look tif Lonuisville, lKY., wa@ the guesi uoflMr.anti lre. Preutîsa L. Coouley uterthî~ et.,u Mt. and Mrs. H,uiuart Ci'hatield- Tav luit ju-u tthle aci- ittn tri f cit lu Wlîeawin Mli@@' lsrgatet Kennedv ha- fa.- lier gueat Miss Maricarut i.tnul'tbî. Kanpa.' lIt ai- l M- . . P lm fi(,%%, t u Brtttor, %% -,d . H .fir aievî,.rt 'il oerert i e. i Mrt aud lt'r.--tt 1).t iStuplcu'. 1365 Atiîor irce t ar attitc t6rth laie«t &rantii tittetis5 rrue ie!c @pend tie next turur ittotitt litas FIuîreui-e Kiiz ,ii O wsat-natt ,a .%fii , tSe gu-.t ut i u 1 , 1e larut WiA.d WAUCONDA DAY IS TO BE CELEBRATED ON AUiUST FIFTI Invitation Sent Out to Entire County to e Present and Take Part in ItL Viaucouda day lm ta ce'iabrated lie A ,t,.i,,.M ui ns .e i..., -i .,e hc uarb Iaresidents of! suconda oniItarc h'pitt-s ).r(tui 'r Augusut ,(u and Invitations fises Oen J tinudar. nt ont ta tia peoplbe i lu araIl P5ite ira ury Siid labaVlng hanrsipm tIre count>' ate bprasent lu Wau- ipainted. Heruan Wosaten'uug la îiiîg uda on tIraI day sud lielp the pe- the tutti ethere celabrate. Progm present lu- cations (ha affair ahil ha oua o! (ha Th@ resideuce ot Otto Frnui vtht-bhai ast succesaful aven ralid n the lit- belug riunngructsd b>' Ernest Brsudlng, Svillagewvia ieIn lthle western la ptugresaiug t-aptdiy. rt of the county. Tîte Eesaggay Mixu Piclura Company Lst ycar thie celebrallon wai de- 01 Chicago. ens. lera@vthe ps. eak gnsted as "ruilroad day,"' for il mark taiig picture-.'fut- s play wthbîi lia lIthe compiction o! an Important lap 1(1itic he.-uIs of 66.i There vers lIthe iittie steam naîtnoad. luI, - wetîty intahlaeuimpury, tho. (bey ar the celebrutlon viili N. kuovua» 4-Ilaren 'joved Illise,suad ssid "Laite, iaugda day sud lIre plan 1l e (ob- Zut lihuertuilybâsi @orne beslttful rvs Il ssci year. à number o! peo- acenru'4 a stâtameut vlicu the peuple - fron Waukegan are planning te of Laite Zurich vere ai l cid tir hearý erqil Tlie Waukegsn commercial Th.s Laite Zurtî-h Coutteni-al Asca moclation under thc direction o! Sec- ti-a are Itartng linuensetuIndîstruhout- an Magil inletaiîng au înerest iDtiei rtircuista A grealt manY People ib teevu-ut sud plana te asebst Ilu baveIî,lited tienlt i d thtuîugb hem ypossxIble va>-, ut ttaksie Zutrrih.They eaid the tirât A. big street parade tMat viii gat ituuis liescer beisrd o! outîntunv thtv pudier va> 51 10 o'clork viii N. tia of the gcirculara. rg featur of tIre motnlug caiebra- Th-.Lait, Zurilch peu-ple are hecomlug n. Tituru- viii ialofa!ail itda uuitë hntetesnted lu havhîug abagut seoit t lth bandit of munec, arc, Races o! huuppd t(b-e, v ieusonaeh> urtip aprhug. Ilttuda %Ill Irfe hld for viticr prizem Tih ecr e -liv vIli teacl Inluthe il hie gian. lu tIre aflennoon ticse iLite Zur-hi publie chioul arelilas Netuia ill N. htormpnaclug sud thre chances liîluittrî sud DantiliceTaggart. tho rlathuIbis v Ilil aite place lu tic taulig hier.- bat yaar. gain Street o! theliaIllage, (ha Same t act yu-sr. 11, baillgame. apeaklug Halt Day Chureh raanud l.atid -oîî-ýerî ara comae lu, ý() a tu. tiudu siutt rthe ttur f-a1urcu- Iligt aaready 7.7,11, tn Ptei-hic ci- luienunautounr.ed. Inu t-tdet-tute onit rie 'PIillppie ari artueul'Tluretia>'. 2ig. Fre'An A d'iai 0 of -tmeliîrahi- Ituiortaraucu - i.ria-Ithue taiten, am ettilmit.alu'd a ew vdayis ago vben ,r.taldp-iThm i h1ant . tteeto? laeeForent, aold iu'uui* i ttitt utC iinu iuc )a tman num,-d Walker a tract tcf dasy. Ar, tii, nt ierttels Park, Aillste xty aru-a ountGreen Bay rond sautl Itviite.i ttltes aervlî-ee. rIhe aid ('resntary t-oad, TIrot-on- liet J. Trlu-keY. lliultatr. lu-ration vas SO(ffl au acre. i 1l uriatod hat Waliter Intenda (t> ut p a flue ucountr-y nesîdenca, ludepeudant nuader? BE ON&. LAKE ZURICH liss Rose Prehlunv sited friands sud relatives lu Chilcago the paa§t ieeti. Glenn INeishen, Who bas beau rlsitug bis slper, Idra. Leu [Iritker, returneti to blé bole lu Elgin Ftillay. Emil Frank, Jr., visiledl Friday sudj Saturday ait the boue of Mir. aid lMts. chas. Seip lu Palatine. The camp tire girLs o! Palatine, tuait au outlug at lire. Ficitea sèt.Lake Zurich Tueeday. TirirteenuA cre iu the party. Tlîe donc@ itren et the' Laite Shore pavillon Ssturday eveîiiug sas welI attiended. Misses Coustance l'uruat, Esther Sclibd- log aud Kînors Arpi ut Pialarine, lp43.îed for the Lakte 1Couutl îieriutîienlC aot Lakte Zurich Friday. A large piculuc front Ailtugton Heiglils, was givën ai Nearluitnet. Saturday. Unel~undred weru prceuvn. Camp Laltslat titi 1l cIlWedueeultay ltir thelir homelunChicago. Donald Younig ot Palattine, vtited Suudsy &C, theborne outilit, sud lira. Jan. Dytuond. lits. Roland Ientletrlat@ted ber sdater, Mrs. F. Ilou)littlëe t %Wankegau Tiurs- da.y. lit, sud lira. C[Ln.. Andrewsa enter- t.sined frieuda ou etsaturilay suit $un- day. lit@ saliae Heruri,- rc etugrlti- at North Crystat LaLe Elle, Sehurnauli ii i. -urktîiz ut tht' home utflir@. -uiiî iiiry. Borntu lMr. . - î i re Ed îtrixnu Wyeduusdai-. au,îli It. veiwhitict-lIN, pouCnde. A large -ru t-e-t Suniliivî ut the Lskeoidc h.ttci Yiater (art I rani. -puer Tîtir-les ut wicukegailVi -t1uutro-laru e'.. A postat airC i tel- e-u'ie n on lits [bas. Heltet. Jull3 'Orb,. cIte litg ti resta uold Chat tlaY Leuo irinkerr îiîe a trip lu HI-itit.gtu S8nuday Sevrai cars Irri ltatriugtou sriipeid ut Lakte Zurich. Frtlu unight iutcuditug tut anuonue the Clitautanqua ce-it-h cvii Lit- giren ut Bar, rgtuun thie lutnnthtand alt,.u bu ave the bt.and pli> but to tue puopie'ad dsapluiiîtuicut surlne buisor other the Ciaciies bacante eepsrted c'- pect teuri -i-ouI.soitnue thi. week. a' lra ou t I te rH u -it lii te ut ar vitîng restit e in Cbi'sgo 1Normtan Luth. ifo!Lilwt us tt cîl, suit t FtridaY un thits le I5 Fruti C. li se hi-euontue cii-k liet citîh rheutaauu. lit sud l-.. litu. H. EItrhun. .tJr- ai more itt thelr ecottage titis week. Jantes' iVli tif Elgin, i is -laîruat the home of biý ii. ter, lir.. Hsrty Anderson lilss Ju-tin'-eux and net.-,. Jîtis, wcre' iiag ietrrsSaînrula.N litsll ruuKrîshi.suui.i-tere %a ti ber fatber-tinti er uiiniet hoite. Uts. Jî,lîu Sbultz sas s Palatinue riajit,,ut>.-tîttuiay. Nlit sudlira i-rele -rsepaiiî to tiavel tiis urffuier. 11ua Rue Jackson, wbtî cluut sucerai daya in i btu.sgo returicil lieTîturgda. Lotii -it1outChii-gtepint Suuils ber. is'Seip anti sun Eati ut Palatie, ue.- kte Zurivh ve iettîirw8trdsw. Wulter %Witt sud ArttVente wse,.Le' Zuirich tallera stîntiar Effurigtî 0etttingisth Ie liantes ou ,clieeb vail insttruions a-lt ir- skene tIrs hrrntug boat wtut- nuai aiing suif rire of as sonon iiau-sli ilwa cri onplsîsir destroyed, Cirîtufu s it t t .rpropo-4eti rt e ealaitiia te the. a-att'aedice.Il a-as the irt pmn cm i e lk.bei accidenit of thre kînutIib cita. would bhImplîîossihleIeo hIridthde iiug t rowd ci(icli cati rnm bu- sccîntîn FIND DEFECTIVE huss habe- fulli- v n:Proui lui--a terit %for tise.-Stitudai e Wfiiu-agu l-r- ILIFE PRESERVERS aId. ____ ON BIGLAUNCHIES CONRAD LEARNS Customs Officer Inspects the POSITIVELY TIIAT Launches on Fox Lake- RecommendsChanges. GRAVES UAD A GUN Defeetileu(ife preelervers- tare forud_____ on to of tIre larges atisoches plyiti'g Deputy Coroner Edtard Conrad has on te wtera of Fox Lake hy Henry ýliarned poal tlce'I liaIt the 25, calibre Btoerlier, U. S. unerome officiai, andi automatie revolver fouud lying besidu bsaides on Sîînday. C Che irody of Frankt P. Grae-es, rIre talI file~ Ftorest mau wli dle'd as thre relaitI et Nir. Brai-ci-r sud lits aides board- la uli-t woîînd lu lie baud. vas pur-- Iug ail the passenger lanîtulies at Fox iclased by tlie vlcrim lu Boston on laie ou Snnday, sud ai tIre very bot- l une ?. lMt. Conrad bud dispatcliad a tom of tht' piles of idfe préervera lu-lier taelie' Colts Arma Nîfg. compauy rhbey fotnd sereral preservera tansd lias Juat r-celced s reply. This wete not in condition te fount a bu- tates (bat lie revoiver lu question ma n lieing. 1 tac sent to a dealer lu Boaton sud TIre life liresete-era vert' order--]1 thlat Ilt as iutciasu-d of? Iînby dusttoyed by tIre Wsukegau officil.J Graves, it lad bie-n ruported ttelMt, Boech-t 1Tunthe mind of the depuIs- coroner tIrat neyerai tauncli otuers wete nol - is la almoat positive- proof tIraIlIre dispîlaylng itlhts ar uiclits. sud hat Lake F'orest man dted bt ir liotu ssci-rai otruerg of amaller boata tere haud. Ileb.las bsid tlii, Ibiort roue aftatd tlu senti teut baseont afler te itithle la mure coucluced ibsu dark. TIre cuîstomsofficiai Is -count i-et ai the present thume. ducting au investigation. sud bu- le Wien xked rotisy as toece lien th- itisonlng teto isit a51thesemaller ta'i--a 1ilquent ia ro N. te openi-d, fie ducisred of lie cottsdarrng the nexl fewth(at Ire'could net says'litlvely bha a seks. cause tIre are certain malters ln Pics peoplte narrowiy aacsped donuecîlon titi sone of lit CGraee' drowniug at Fox Lake ou Sunday, but turesltimentis luMichiguan(bat are lie- tre saveil b>' tlislife presere-era au iug looku-d up sudutil t(islsaidoe board. Ince Sam demande liaI a ire dou-s not hhink lit tise ta open the lue preserver 'for esuli passenger h..'laquest. Csrried, sud Mr. Broe'er lsr asai a Ht'esys that tront wlat Irelias heen fiue' for all owuesa vi do net carry lnformad ha la incliued to tbluk tiat out tlie law. Ihere viii ha some tartling tavela- lions vban new evidence la bro:ugit HOW TO KEEP MILK WITH. ont aSthelii- topeted laquet. lia ta not prepared at thiilime ta Mtate tlhe OUT THE USE 0F ICE. nature of! (îl e stimouy. A dose of bYdrogan peroxîda, prop- L.5WS big v..aity-NDEPEMND W.1 erly admlulstered. tilt keep miii aweet for neari>' two tecks, accord- ing ho Asa S. Bacon. sutperintendeiul of lie Prasbyterian Hospital at 1753 West Compries street, Chicago. The procesa.wvich la Inteuded for O PE N INr mli-'t coussmed b>' tnfants, la bot simple sud inexpenslve. accodring to, New Store Mrt. Bacon. tho bas been cônductinsi s sertes of experimeuts upon (ha suis- After maiy delayq our new Ject during the tat feq months. and and we take pleBaure in aui nov employa (ha treatmcnt lu (ha cate of tic hospitai'es nuPPlY Of mllk j , A used by babtes. AUg. niiu LUAu "Intu (o bouts." saud lMt, Bacon lent g ulgiL ."t prepate anough in îlkta asat We wlah to thank the pi us; far a weeit. Alil propertles are lait vicinlty for their valued pî Intuce b! (lie treatment. exceP( the show our appreciation of Yq catalane enzyme, thlialicitlil hîcis after the lire. we causas mulkte(o our. Tiese are ai- saiutely ellminated. The resultunt B R A S i i oxydtzed mut (tastes practallathelyA NS i i same as tire uutrea(ed produet sud TiI trîll staseet for Sit lisat oua teak. Tisn.ew stock of goods ha b tiuk the Ides. mhiclisl new lun(iris car8, ad ive feel assured Yi country, siroubd ire takeu up iy lufant ure and profit by callngo velfare organizattone. as lire proceas as we are bound to do oura wauId make It possible for poon babies Grave on1 te get prorier food during tira sutu- While we bave a new buik mer." would pl3um u mstifYi H. B. Nelson, s cirmiat ia iras the SÂKE OLD BÂUIRRS aoliaborated titi lit, Bacon lunliii with new Meatures added to weork, tribu gins s lecture oun(lie sub- Ject ln lie irospîtal at 2 o'cbock (iris Cone and brin& your frien( sýfternoou, Hl-stli Cotumissioer Roi- values in the histor ertstýu sud a numben o! promîneut Rtespecthil doctote liseebeau luelIed 1teIre pres- sut ai tis deinonstrationscf thie pro- ,.Cs@.SAUER The Indapendent Io the oounity'u on- LONG GROVE y 12-page weekly-that's why oery. b ody takes l. la know ft. ilislailfe i-nclitri eartîecr effort for Arcompitahimi-t, iiiettowug lu i- rlrcltirg comitetimatliun,waselait] dos-- as lie had troriIf, su bonor lu bts country, lite caliing aud lii& profes- sion. M'h at Out 0v.fl alni-s lu the prë- suce o! lits tride surcese tunîîîere-l sud îioatîuaed va uow wtlie downu tr oi ng temamhs'nce,. SEE GLORIOUS COLORADO EN ROUTE TO CALîFORNIA A te .vun gulli tkitis su tiimer t. t tie C.t furits Eîtsiie Ilfu-, yiuu eluInd mate tuiej lu.ttt.-r ut' us if letc anti i'utîrsd,ltuSîtrise ant i c surtiao niaguitlt-tut i bruiiiîtî '-ert11 u [tiluitadut shn,lî.t-gtue-c, is îaî ttii tiitipnî tii tZIi)t!it ucr,,t eetktc Sîti- donicf u tSait ldàte Citev, snd if îe)~- tîule sa-.-,tri;) t., . t - t 'uie Nant -mtui Patrk. Tliie rsjuitiusîîdc;t. hiefoui vottit throiti ht ucsers îucif Il - Cbî-ao Sgu tlsi. &'t Pauni Rail-auv. Tutu stulsuuIlid tci, -T, t lu râtht M'pia'tîi *1l,-l utul.Eeîpcr- - are iiperatcItliriuti itiu lier. c-ct)ur thîs ultin 'iticu tutuS a.ithtIc 1i u l-'unitiu Itailrtuu. 't ýu n r tir iit ti-tre, rouîi iCalifoîrnie, if suiit lea.,tl'ut s ,afo dlluars mure e yt u -au Se i-te t el.autif ui 'at IcN. tit [osat. t heu.,- 1 îî ttî c t u .%et the qi1tr-eIiuie - rail JttCtcibytiiai tittuhthilii c ý rt if thlre.- c al îîuu. tait, t alus lis ..wuitllliiuiai attiuty reput ltees cu ýti,, dollar.thut itvotutet Apîpl 'y tuttu-. ett ilonI g 1. fthle E i teeo, lillukas.1.&ritPan Ieu finr ýtre Pru t traili tetl c, i ut lili S utu artout lotw farea. finie uof trainss suit ollier pairtit-ea. -11 You can resch 15,00 peaons weak- 1>î through the Indsu.ndant C SALE New Goods ,w store bas been completed, anouncing our Opening Sale ag. 7th Inclusive aople of Long Grove and )tronage ini the paat and to toZr food will during and re 1i offer real DEPARTMENTS as been selected wlth much rou will derive both pleas- nm us as soon as convenient, share toward keepjpg Long the map. lding, and a new stock, it u will remember this as 3STORE of days gone by, ýkeep up, wlth the times. ad. We will offer the best Dry of titis business. ally yours, &HANS ILLINOIS FIVE PEOPLE IN ICElIOUSES PUT LOVINfi TRIBUTE -DANGiER AS FIRE AT DISPOSAL 0f PAID FOUNDER 0f ATTACKS A LAU NCli CHICA60 CIIILDREN BAKIN6 POUDRgO Accid~ent Took Place at Nip-i Fred W. Upham Gives Sports- Dr. Price, Founder of Baking persink Lake Saturday- man's Club's Outing Plan Powder Co. Bearing His Boat Was Destroyed. a Big Boost. Name, Died a Year Ago. Fire people were placed lu peril Sutretary Charles T. Essig return- Concerulng Dr. Vincent C. Price, a un Saturday aýfternoon when a moo-ed to Chicago froni Fox Lake district lfln eietfWuea."r boat lu whlch tliey were rlding ou Saturday ruorulua, where lie bas beeu Prlce'q Profit Ruise," s (rade mafia- Nipperslng lake. s brandi of iFox isdce.j Investlgatlng the camp which la being sine, tbis week had the foilowing csughlifreansd was destroyed. The plauuûed by thie Sportsmeu's Club of article about Dr. Price: accident took place opposite Crîsmans, Amerîca for.tIhe poor chlldreu of Clhi- We give liera. just s year sftar Dr. ParkVie hot Th lauch as1ago. Lasi Christmas wben the Priua's death, lu iovlug ftillisSs. tho Owned ry G . XViIIlma aud W. Powell. Sliorismen's (tub, of Amrea hidad ppri)valthe attention sud respect two Chicago resldants. The otheir oc-I C'ritiuas Ireand President James wblch bis dîffidence wouid not let hlmi cupants or the boat wers friands from A. Pugli gave a dinner 10 (lie crlpplcd guesa, but whlrh, If knowu, lha wonld Chicago who had been Invited to make 't-hidteir lie promised tbat lie would have treasurad sud prlzed as deepIs' the trîi with them. larrange matters this Summer en that as lits deepest soui. Although it la flot knowu poslîlvely; the numerons orilian asylutus sud lu- Looltlug at his great lite ln resto- Il la thouglil the tire starlt!d when the tltutions that ditd uot have the fa- sPect, wa cannot even do justice to englue baek-fred. a sîisrk Ignlting a ellties sud the money would hae given bis mau>y, qulties. bie wboiesome quantity of gasolîne. The fiamea in opportuuity to &end their chargea views, his courage, bis maguaulmity. sPraug up snd lmmedlataly tiera wa on a two weaks' outlug. The surprlalug magie o! bis intuition s amaiti panic on the launch. Thea Freq W. UTphalla of tlie C'onsumners' made hlm belleve is own thougbt. occupants endeavored te quencli tle le Company bas donated over 30 Ice- mada hlm know wliaî waa truc of tlames snd tonglit valisnlly but fit Iousea as camping beadiquarters. menan sd tMage. aeemed lu valu. in spite of thelr ef. Thetie are located aItue varIons lakes lis mmnd, aven et elglily-font. was forts thre ire Itîrreased aud drova witin a radins of 75 miles of Chicago.las clear snd trauquil as a mountaîn thre passeugers to thre atern snd bow The iehouses are fully eqnipped wlth laits. of use littie craft. ikîtctiensansd are admilraiily adapsd le wae ooie nf the giauts wlio bt A number of lauinclies were crîîlelng ýlrt uep~Iiîg ilîarters. gan the great advertising endeavor of about in lhe viululiy. Tliey were St- Se;cretsry Es.ig lias rt-lied a num-t ha asat century sud for two genera- tracted lit the sîglit of tlieliantes anid tber of the lakes, whlch are Ideal for' lions lie usad bis great power cleauty. liy tlie catis for hlep fromth iose on 1 lie purpose. Plentî of freutIl cege- wholesonteiy. optindlsticaiy. lu a liela the bîîrutng boat. Seterat ofrtien teýjbe. iîlît anti cggs eau re' secured dependeut iupon notitce lie ni-ver har talircires stood iniclose' sud tliase- iabundance and blaitig fautliltes trdsifri tfru toriev si-ntteou Irehnrnng oa We ri, ~of ti-elu-et. Nir. Kesîg'report wa8 ty ultaracter une of tlielitron, talteti aliard of the outer crafi Tley ciiiMhi- suimitted to Mr.- l'ut iand i sd 0o Leaseeoclatet witt hliltuwas -. .aeil u tt sae1,, . î-ui- -at arangmen- di-te-trad OUT Norman Sendin Just twt struclad home lu mnch neai dIcd sudd lu Ghioegt Mr.. Rt lana 8hop nighl. 11c sleep, l'mt to cornelit Yon bave dsys sud gel yonr heart ta1, Broadbear 9Monday n tcceived a tiat thaï Clilcago. cd for the ed trom t nouneing vas albus waà unezat dition bsd the olerat Tliursday I-ls lefI ou Thutad for pulmo Ths det Irade. sud ccindui ted lits a-ifs liisaaItt Genesse S li-ati- lu brotiiers.ý Watikega n mollet at- lias two hi llke.wlse a roryed tie Jittity0ofil trlas a k"s 'Eçtrahtfoi TERS Ar Represei Along Mee Norrh s) arein lilti.' bul 26 to0 pediting t coni-c tinte TIre roufs. by reptu'se ciue. Ken twee n Mil W. G." E claled Rot traukee dt good rosii men of M enthusast lian thos. Edena pre gd oncret J..utteawon tChics lýtlwaukee lijon for t Wisconsin H. J. Kt muission et, lty on un lire Chics, cunty,sa tire fist Out of Ch paved t-Os lance tirai Mtr. Ede lions roun road paael predicled clais cati t: for tinickit trip thot( tomotes Former Beulon lin Wedge, b panutinga the farn titi-e yei "Seems go týritouiC t w ioti lie Feurry raud toutes cot -er mha "S 1 - B 1 à

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