CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Jul 1915, p. 3

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Couaty ZDotor ]Brown'a rOn :a 'asation. Xesçy. WIISî -wWm o! cihig' frtdsdo to RIS a iange cprice fdfa, ig? 0 00 " n = m m i » . Ul m. qu t ayb m u t l u a tu s c anootxtent. kn "'e Mts Uatf '»bW4 becoete u thO. *y" Yvera1 1% is l u *iat la nt one diO thi. ls, noee ving sbm@ vie- Ufin lai. Azd Waukigan 1*a-'4 ,ubig eltier. wItha ttal f. éMI date tu proumotluj FOI irtfrt'owü g:" vbIoWIofetUrelaw li b 1 IV zzttuIà !Mt ecforne total started mer.t inO lno wonidsrthat tax payera o! the. OMt7 ore o4hed over the rutlles sqiiaînering o! 1 a 4& u r rut âne'vould ex-] 0u8I4sa~~~po1 tmsu tat they gave ~~~~a a InIITt ~oSvsflgate the cases blii*th buuowi y cannot back up now on the 141,00"M" wl* ré mihty sight bxgger and dif- iU-p&W n4t b. the esse. However, iiiovuba d th*r q*s opui.d and all are rather peeved ibout t~ Ws mass be ly mdsvoeed to b. public- aplihul but wbu nw tbey fui tiasir confience wu ex- tboiuUsd 0 o i *tethw 5at se.the Joke of play- #4 lPoUU *%th heti parnym ~enu ,y. ?bf& ofthow much CM o4 poor o! L mI.cuty $2840 could do if used &aSu recelved a letter Baturday ptuigchock for $750 (wblch Me*llinbuesubscriptom asad how q te carry bu uaccogt) in uhici & çut PWu«to on the Fox lAke gr amww t. him vo toift, w.ld Wrro oay, showing as1 dpes, ~~oe ý tp ir ho are '500 011e- et fA an yu~rt~ iae, and 11w. ntly learto aayb.dy vie mIght1 Erabýctafoflow;- vosirao thse 8411,est ind, check recelved andI contents notad. laeuAe a >sur IjratIfelingi of disgut aven aur l'ttenspts ta polod theIlaales.oliquom contnuall," va vould sas>tisat vo are not sitush-9 pqýuiÎÎ9 t ygauitlegbusbod, fer, n tiesa vermi matera viIaSyou gasva takesle Wb in ntise c out e!fesurbusiness ve have andesvored y6Ohset eur Mqsra.--ad thstle viaI one usuali> ets afttrvarde for do Ine favor-s dise u'untied oxpreiran *ver tise enerai conduct oi one'& business. AMla rusning yeur busAnessa, w evsould net have thse tom- ew14.te sufatia.5 h 4«S ares. .rumina It icht o wrul.5 ..**. 45 I #i * Page Thren TWO thruglithse leart of the desert, We' Un, vent te M 'Ion MoCupe. the ýead WI5lI! I D T reaclied Needies, vhich 1 think ltthe. ~ a tl .l IbbrM 4 15 A/IlboT" httent place on earth, ln the milddle I Say. Mlsm Mc(utne,' he said. "Wh" Imm 1 o~~~f au aflernoon. It vas 160 degrlaftea uIILeni m 8I> Ite1T a ~ tu the sun and about 116 ln the shade unD ietasutlaot6occc<ie1sdYuwl I i b'o u 1 TO AUTO M14ONDAY We vent te a Utile par'(and e LIOf '"E itte andi. you wllsite In the of heii . aIlesiy ln the evenlng wheu vo started 0out jp5'tty littie chairs you hav.e tld me Two Lake Forest Young Ladies for an ail niglit run of about 140 Mother Sàys That ÇyiI Asso- a4t, MeMe< unereplled. I Thomas Barclay, in Testifying Mwet it Iin 1jury at -Dyer, .mlles ta Barstbw. There were nmue ciationi Matie a Thief: of Rue Ye ou w tle lth e" 1caIn Before Zion.,Audiemo Re- Ind., o Monday 1 Boy f Tende AgeA lump arose lu the tbront of the lates SineSoy ot hr eeClialmers. Jeffreys,ede g, 1-1Stutz, Cadillacs and Fards, one Ford nurse and she could not aumer. She DRIVER 0F AUTO KILLED. belng drlven by Edward Ford, an HE DIDN'T GO TO S CHOOL. could r. ly clasp the little fpllow t0 MENTIONS SPECIFIC SPOT. 0f the manufacturer. As thiss rlijg ber brossat. The teu-% courmed down Auto Skidded on a Shiarp Turn~O asvudl n u hogite Says She Pin't Rave to inte Me rn cvs1ludl Statement Is One of the Most -,aice Forest Women Not lt e rerîwalter hadilyetty OId Couity anti Boy! Should ,#mwlMW anal tIhe uure.s wen Unusual Heard in Zion City Abe to. Roturn Home. 1 hypeaîd eypeî Have Same Rights. out t l i l nSm ie When we reacised San Blernardino Jautor vas tIser.. Tîhe engine start- Ri Iussell Green, the luit of thi we caloed on lira. icGregor for a lit- Waukegan, Jaly 29. ed. na t îUe Une waved lislbands In (MON CORRSPONI6T.) fsmllY liaI fourided Tri'n- . Green & tie Whlle. Wau'cegan's two boy burglars wero farewell. Soon bie vas beliig whilrli'd Anoîlser humorlst bas been dlecov- Conspany, liouday ulgit wa! killlcd t wlll not aay anythîng about Cal- held ta the grand jury ln bonds of away ou hie way back tu the orph.aîîee n inCt.Ashr hl g Ifria a hs etr u mylae.age. There were man> dlm eyes snd era I o n ly hr hl g and Ivo l.skc Forest Young wamcn IonaI ii etrbtmyAtr $500 by Police >laglsîrate Walter A. the nurses dAidfDot talk mucis fora a youg man uamed Thomsas Bar- î;errlaus4ly hurt wheu lits automobile 1 presuren ome of aur friands won-~ Taylor, bath boys havlng conesse Isse at tisat. They cisuld hardI>, day convulsed the audience vîlli sllidded whlîe speesllng on a rasi near der boyw. IoaSked wben we reached ta Police Chiefs Powell and Tyrml have felt wbrorshiad they been attend- laughter; nov I'@ a man nameol Pyer, mnd.. and turned over. îSan Diego. About myseif, 1Avili 5"Y~ The boys cosnfesseil to haviltg burg ling tbe fun'sl ai sonne loved one. George T. Gîbson front Bancroft, Wls Tlsr'e ompaîons-îw yaug wm- othlng, as for the ladies. 1 willIouly rlethfooln aoes eu and Fred aChamPlil, 4342 Dieral say that il tisi ers lu inheir home }UYNSWLMAN BAKBRYt Y - Moday Ncnl.Gbo' nEgihaat boaulevard. Chcago-were serlously towns loklag the way theydîid theyl niglt. À N'j~U ' R U Ifl e doesn't seem ta knov that ho' a Ijured. The young seomen. accard- would taire tise back alleys th avald ~*MilTI2IIORE OTORE-R&nday 5' o liernorlst. People laugli vhen 11.1 t IfoteatongienatGren15belng seen. As for Dr. Foley, I muetaI rcn.À AL AhWkI' Ihob t lkbth on'ev sa o lugdece 35o InformatIngvenuae, hica y that ho looked thc exact Proo- - MCDONOUGH PLUMBIlNG C K ,r A RVAI lie tam, ot lhe'soet vn seern ta were Misses Pay and Marlou Mller type ofagnlebb.A*Woko HOP-O-uaday fenon % of Lake Forest. One of themt sustalu- imknv ba a reputation for du- T nana âms are: %vSS PÀ À I ls at ollier people are dolng wliîle cd a braken collar boue sud the other lng whatever lie undertaksa l a JU&t2QE IOH ON, age ton yeare, ies taklng as a bat la la tise day- n doblefracureof a ar. uorougls SlSlEti and when It cones.i, a dube ratur o a am.parants bath reside lu Waulcegan 811 oi e tu greaslng a car he sustains that NI frîmpe . Sis on Sahrp Turn. reputation. Every mos-snhg about 5 jo«Ë R&4LNY, age 13 years, P FIeteMM iàý, -n1st Tie la gens ut l iea vt and per- a'clock leé could lhefound an hie hock ente realde lu Chicago. h". a IO'I futreI eFtIUJflVseL The auton part> vam on the way udr ~~h~ se utdThe .llonson boy's motier saB tiat Aldrman J . Kukar. Iàsagetftr aoehma home ifronts a chicken dînner at Cedar udrh&crwt i odbre Ibis la thse - ost Urne tisat lier Boi »A Publie spukei. but lot théI menet la the sand andI burs. fillllug greade been arrested. Wankegan. July 28. s'.s a buwilie larme?' ap lu 4e Wis- Lake. and Greene vas drlvlng the car psanhoefldttin tail " y w at a rapîd clip vbcn bu attempted te cus. ipoiert sdantD t lu'< Ihat1te boymany lImes vould 79S ,Jacob J. Embas', alder1a1 ot Northi conain voods. makea sarptur andIl kided. cupa. but ta caver hîmacîf and every- expect hlm to bee placet! belilud bars Ch 0.coil dele..andI saItIay man -llurlug tlb. reat ofTabernacle t Coroner }lauk held thc luquest at t ges nsgh ihtelbi ant.athe age of ton years"' asked a SUDo ls 7 smdedfndn oyZion City Mr. Gbsan* gave tise fol- once andth Ib nJured were taken ta Bbit a bath andI a change of vearlug reporter. olia a'Ilir e a atedeenantenoacelovl wng tuuffluoay si. bre ie wret gHsptl n emerg- apparel soan treussfarmed uns al mb Hes a gond boy; he didn't go to leib Wie r.àm ua. 'llfe.M"ta utIby ency, Ihremet udIer bit for Iernormal appearlua bumau tangs. sehool. but 1 dldn't vben 1 lîvi lu db i Ie is 7Klar.doee ad taxqd Iy eteugM sb.lnnd eny raten ndlae lftfr her As 1 close tissletter 1 am rcminded thse aId couutry, and I do uat belleve IliroUgl Attorney W. F. Wess. tatu- I1vIat waa reasnableatrli.I homes. that Il in about Une for tIse Lbertî- that ho should be madete l go ta tory charges are matIe, a Miseos arlid ta 0 ta lie. Manaped rug Homa. ville chautauquaM. 1 holie Il il ho scisoal nov," sald abe. Pîllao hkgm1en ae O or. ia rolttietn lir Greneformany yee.r s an unquallfled staccess lu every vay. "Probably tIaIs the reason ho nov as htishe a"vaman lu tise ee..oielaAet btI.1,"a mnaer 0f ntlh ei lotoIntheuent Wth kindest regards tD aur frlends, occuples a cell ln the clty jaîl," an. u- sthe bilîl Mis. Kukar relates that 1 bave liadSimqugis of Iemi The cencoftern. nteestspalsedt at a 5, ResPectfuliy, aversd the reporter.Ion Joli 25 lier huaband vas intimate oana or tliern adltI-ni ' y bat Irul~~~J 1-o rlteet.M vsaJLTAYLOW On Monday a! nexî veek the boys vihMis t P@ lnsla Chilcago liotel. 1,11do for you. l'il gelt nome sflset oefe n several clubs,. amonus hem ___________ vlibe aralgned before Couuty Judge She allegns tisare are olliar vomea andI My it ou yaur bakam su it the Chicago Athetic Assocation 8.114. Perri L Persoas and police officers uli vba lier humband lia been in. vîlli a fIat Iran.' thie Chcago Yacht Club.' II &4TÙ T u sitishaItliey be sent ta tis e. te-ilale but soasaie doses nt know "I nid 'Ne. Ton eau IlmMy shIrt, feraischen, ai SI. Charles. their nanas. but flot my hock! The ouiy tusia1 FINISH AUTO TRIP II~J3f ~Tise other boy lias lved ain the Sihe declames uaI lier liuaband ovns w&vat te a ta'slo handle." 1 -VL1 14IIImil r.d treets of Waukegan for Beveral reai estate te tise value of et leut 1 "Wha* do peu vaat that torr sise iContsusd irnm page cas.) wsj~5~s j~~' eeks. Heo daims ta have been a $10000 and that lie lia a irearly la- as'<ed. IILvm o ws AMI "aler boy" lu one of tIse Iheaters, core n e laexcsof $4.00S. ila b111 jusIta o ýesP Fi lou S "' our trip tIsaI bas made me 1.51 asky andIadmîts havlng siept lis a lunli h o ayah o eaaaml- f tîil idtl et#gl It vasIbIs 90 footdrap.wagon haek of the Schwartz Iheatar teuance for he~sI!andtixaucllîdren, M»et"&, -Te igt~ iilusabm<pt na We detourned tram use regularfTony Wysoh -lias Premment aI nlghts. but aska the oustady ot th. chilîdren »aise aitd s j"tOU theIt4etr and Iraîl on thIa drive ta visit a large. Ma -in h -thUian f:-Ioiety No lue lias beon found to-the burg- antI solioitees te. Bbc tubs ma .'ot liii ý sc«mu ths e «& 1vas 1Pueblo village vhere ab¶sut 11200[ Arrested -#pMay. lare vise ransacked five or six houses -for an Iniusiton reslralnng lier hut-,a»i val fr fiit. Musame.-sali Mr. Santa DomIngo Indlans 1v lu their l abgno odingi.Tabaud fros tdilsposlng of any a o r ap-lIssais. " l >ia cn tets primitive state. IIT EE ET ETR.Pla aaeglOatfn ModchisOsUl 81iî TseTheufl'P O n vasKI'atad 0Ias -49 Iiai iet Ahdte theu OIT EYRGESLETK e... h. fb udg. dards and issnsai y hi e he . vl , .a ..-me .u*tanm enhirel> e4giht, thast INle Ideas, n fat. n short, one@ businesspeaks for tarest vwu lie pets!ifiet foress.dehlves, and It la expecîed tisaI theY circuitt lab. tlun g" ogm gao riflit dosa my hissai! and lilsait. BUT, no ln aur business, If va andeavored te cancur ta WO spant sOMO lie huea aliiuaAske That PolîtiiasHl i Pay wvAlliehopl&ced up lu Chicago vîthîn Mrs. llubars aisehoand bei'-bus-1 Asb sosim.s ldl se8 .1 Us i'te *nqtitud'a opinion of running à newaffppr we sure wouid about IbisforaIt vlere sou. xecllar Rentaifor Halls lUnd Our- ver> iev tIsys. band voeemarried lu Jollet. AusuiIsst uu e lWIW re. I a ea use forca ni nat urelistured evaz r1-e igLteCiïaIn -3, 1904 . Sta sais ho deserted lier biagUtI - oimf»as nt imeos have SOME operî ta atone. wo mv ane tre. tisaI muet lI 8~a~on .tuti 24, 1916. 1Iololng Mth tishLe 1ameWlsg !cent sd a" fce 117041111il satI ace sso a qerter as much as vs n helping uphoid thse hava been 0vr 150 test long. hra McsaIRaocI, aviwnv «I,~ W 1» ~ nmsa h I qtAti: Mr V'M 1»'O e!IANO aOU.lIy you isiglt have nse. iesson o taktse.on a flit of disguat. seemed ta bo no restriction on takin Identaf the souli aide, vas placed waiwu Agnes, aged 10; Jacob Johne. agOit 1; W .jm -4a -tise olini uta te #Il a fl hesllsre yau have. W. cen tink ai many cases wisere w. vhal speclnsens ane vislsad and v. under arreeh Manda> aflarnoan on a IJN IIL i-DI A T oehWleae :Jl*II01.09U iéYUi« 0G&ý% have. i hît 1 yoju a faîr-mîndedprsqn, one visa Aa able ta look p~n bth 100< vbat ova could convyeniautli car warrant avorn out b> Anion Wysch. aged E; Claroce EtIvard, gged 4; 1Itelli ou Iitvas bringwmg me gfetty eidesaI idi ee ls. A yuvarescnh s srwa ai r Noear Plagstaiff e visltatI Wal- whkh charged hbm lh attempn a FOtlIS IU IN antIElizabeth, ssetI 2. # near ta lbe devul! Ift4A nlcanyon. wbere are aen Borna u o! reMaey________________ M NSTTU IO tout Our o md ,ite eiy mater as "upholdîng IlgaI liquor sale," why 1 theboit preserved hontes a of -scue oe>uhe fI Dmene I W>'s~c aIms also liat ho Inlends ta JgeI. M-a 'MO 51 MIsu,'pul.ed but m peased ta learn ycur true opinions on such historie cliff dvellers. We clîmbed taire the matter up vth thse fedieral YugtrWoWnaW r oe hsel àw<itt liatea m o Yi."! ari>d forts. Ifyou helleve that the. RuIERTy along taé clIfs antI vere in andI ex- autiorltles n arder futhtiaiMai lu- k dIPx Iks avebee gîen suar del. isytho ~-amined many of them. Thase araevestlgate tIse charge that Ita'iauski Spot in the Hearts of Many large orient upta ntanitI04 'ok aWNÈNI lie asqae etwh heluan &11 Igvalvefor Its eÎc7,, Uthe tolkAusate you-Me~Iraume yeu HAVE MADE UP VOUR MIMD thiattisèe emnov und on e r i ntsa Vo. t»i.use h al ua mrpr a- D'n otsSaperfectasi valvwvass in ~ l a le nl oe idetoauh meter.Ofcouse te en holafion« t, ol'taise anythlng fom tisem t. pis At lie lIme thc municip« primarles RETURNS TO ORPHANAGE. long belote maaknt.. "W'Erea In -OlIr t-MuedsiM tIUAL'IOHTS. If >ou lhink It An fair for 'detealtves'staff vo met lit. Ivauis, vWhalîvetI ln vero beld,. Rakouski wvas presîdeut o!f. .etfsluaM or g nls&551e Wtfl t o l ea a met avIvr (net an> mare s ssloonkeeperthon tise owner o tise lhoertyille a fev yiars aga and the Lîthuolan Repuhlcais club. As î s î. thls v b he tsamsm e t. 4100111 Lalsis hoai, iio~> atI. Iquoron Iturd>, ak vaed for M . & st.P. I ILsucb officer bc iuvlled a number of RIS L.aviIg tL.ake i5oufly suuam i ot, f o! sb o anstlslsiit lnt t. îeevsAt ~. "Hie slster isaîpenesi ta ho O5 the the candlldates to appear at meeIg Ioutl-Bore Was More t, Il te.sttssat et the bMek Ot > the lis tsncmebc itrA n udy nad r eta vhen vo drove lu ami naticed. ai the club ta give talks. A nusuber Lk elruea. fnd assJag ve re.tIte tàpm iy M Ite.aly TSAP HlMe'N A TEOMNICALITV. wiy tisas yaur privllege, ils stthe L Like Real unera. ennan t onbefMy car.0 rail Tm% Me !thq~, et'Ain-l sow yurgage ntmAe.i on, heLîeryvti pnnntonmyca.acceptsîmthli nvitation. ai the eplglottt-tclose the vIndplse j'dur iu - tViieo tInl - 4 hw brguetmn.1dnShe hurrled home antI toltI Mr. Ivans A shsorltîme ago came of those d8fl- tno Lake 1b n brlght lils' chali O! aulnustiftflievery tîme vo svallov 1The Oam Deriasino (Cal.), Bun a! lnd ôeont, rie"witis yo. Il you vcre hors and vatched the farcical lot of and ho cameiglit dovn toia ue Who, ddatea tecelccd letters from Rakouskil Ove ycar. For lis' lait four monthis fa< If l it silOnual es-ar> pesticle of jly »cenlall thefollùutmg article évidenoe Wh *Ih those "eloutie' admitIon tauaidho.hHo hvasoyenosent, oha, vrltt on an lieioialIcIaIrlatter )fie e has beenlie ias aheine Lae CogwahhthoreaktemCoun-PrtoeOu ta» ihl choll hous.ndshrs valeeinter evîene vlc ties siulss"adît n hu id tia>hadtapreen, >l~gviug us Infrsmatin andI heipig us tIse club, suggesting ht tise men via hy Ucueral Hospital where heolias bhSvtmr uonalle mfi*. st:icvl ara iravtsItr sihlht le am.wptsernd-standirh.,Asy tista sgolng on horesvls thse select a campiîng place for LtheIsiglt bai spake un thePrevI9118 Ocdeelous made a gencral pt. Tiarada> evoenaW o~e»lacedon sa nflefat uaoiulaa sorI qseprs su tihé ut o a ressongeful perseautor Whoia le We nolvîieted lIse Grand Çay Isspy inhlmfor ths'hall ranI ou these îlai hokfl hit-Institution andI there _________oAp ttjo!17 Illinois PepiS e «fer ii'iiU t ~a~to lie Ubor.aiArîoa-earth's sceuîc Wonsder. occasions. The lttere. ItlaIssaltI, eug- acre many dami) cye whe the lit- MASTERS SALE. is aaapilw" rip a0erthi eMta ruai at '@u yMmahover rakqea tstymoa ugamges in Al> unsWords cannaI canvey lu anymannte- gested thal eaci main pay vhal ho tic yaungster bld te nurses, attend- sGud MPO tNDI thse marvotous beaut> of tis splace au& lisouabl vas rlght. - ai u aiet îîî.He bad won Blate ofIlîlinois, Cousit> af Lake.s. lslghW sy seMirlire jeaterdai sud 7e155 14W hhe> 4u5dls-l . t-e mkethm e barîlat vîihthe mont delîcata loucl In-ucases viere Ihse lbItera vero e smso uth erso i>In lisé Circuit Court of Lake Cut.eokied iS.ralcllltI cousit not oxaggerate It. gaoI1vii not ansvereri, a second latter vwa te- vin vere sorry ta se, hlm leave. ýMarais Teu, A. D. 19M people Who Ivrd attracteid by tise Pfflsd.'hi Yer'OMU.!Mr. - ,.l I Sthet >ou should lb. big enougis, ual attenibt Il.Whilie vrltlag son.. celved ahortly lu *hlttb iakouskli li nos mohher dieetIvsn lie vas but THOMAe F. DAVIS vs. ROBIERT K. tlstbglset ts Ier. vai ehi«àd endqh 55' trensuoh nt to permit yaur prohibition prociities andI postals in oua o! Ihe vrltlng rom saluitiahave declated that lie vouid a nin.He vas reinoved ho lie DAVIS, et aI. ln Chancery Gen. thsr«* qtmaobge.loads vltb J. 1.. Tai- taidtencMt'tut l"vet ym r dut> tutb. fuAr vils your f.le-men, yaur brotisar, hors, I nulicesi thîs llpplug tram a, atpect sach manth a py outltujs Ihaù Lake Bttîft Orplisnage ah LaboBluff. Na. M87. .lrot a lsertroiee. Dr.Pale> a! Wass- In fct~' Tser lasu~ ~ hAn asPROSOUTON-nd EftSCUiON Tieranewesaler faitenod ta tisevall: "The Ove dollars. Wlither or flot au> f o!mbaseicyoungstes babyhood lho ho- PublIc Notice la herebY lvan Iat Jtqgiisia WteîtsIv .r 1a - - iepa hs atl.k *le viîi > 'n. nwms nvrgrandeal of ail vanderful tlsugs on thaï,tise men vbholaitadlreasaedthse club cause a favorite ti ail lie attend- b> vîrtue or au order andI dere, is- Tli oi emet bureo ii Robert Hagiai -vll oov bcaua eus pepeehavnt tisaconfidenca n Yuîoi ta mPat rplzn t on PouatceIrThI lîou pit tIs e m ousle la ntova. Wysc Ra.tinta.tes plng 1h vlow as scvered oftheCrluteCaortof enteIcue. li. dC. . 'Isogati dth totva&I ,ttmteY" ganeu wt wic cstlefoceb s osakî stated that hl ic recelve tuhercular perîhonîtîs adIl vasd.Illunois, aithe Marcb terniA.D. 1915, io s bukev tisaistu IAnl t - i.*Wr, fybÏgne ot fu h upiciyu-nthe>MAY coma blît thîs eartli ai ours.»" aéue mono>. le smys le bas lissu cidedtt remove hlm ta the Lake cotin. on lie liet day oi July, A. D. 1ii, Tise .FàfflWg lties laieAi ro- eutpbhr in ~ "When vip.ere thero ail the Itotela Informed that Ra'aouàtlensaut Oilv Ceocrai Hospital.tIeuerged astluCaceildIuIvrk a.Waga, . pie.sabIIqY ~sui a isIiuen oelqio-tsi o oantI hanses veto crovded an t Il3vasthese lethers wiout tIse uowledge He timproved under the treatusent oi the Circuit Court'oi lÀbo Coaty. Ul iemingvau qsnpkood bhi'thl.Wass- fartnsate that ve ver QqtltPpud vltis1or alapraval ofthle club members and snd for came lIme pasit hadt heen able Illinois, vîll soit tpublie vandlue fta isegim u no stype opemer ubli 4sqqpef -'fr, ' vp Sd oatneitht yau doutl $0, liou hava néth on ~ ~ ~ . 1. â.dail'.us>ras,,keeen.! - tng cania~ig outfts. Tisere vereaBot on lie strs'îgi of thîs b. han causcd ta scamper ail about the Institution. hie bîghest antI hast bîdder for cash bIs.brotier, -C. 9. Flesm, wva m- onWýthfl elééý911TAwy"eakeero ie resort-ls just asujserttienougis harses antI mules for his arresl. He made frands vlth ailthie patients, au Wedneaday, the 26tIs day et Ais- plyed as orluter. The latter vas usais -*"ouedet t'.loirtdemi am Yeu r. an> giesriean vWaho ht Iur tisa tisssa ho ad toatie thea-ride Rakouski n'as released on bIs awn a-ha vers' heered vien lho enlered guet, A. D. 1916, at the bout 0« ane oblged ta o o uthIor silisa«ltb'bud 414esoe- .a4e.a lslopoltIsa -lor . abithero-e i .'a .t, ea'mon dovu Brght Augal hall. We iVeWr rcogiîzance and bis tearlng vas îiîeir ronm. He vas idoitzetI b> tie o'clock lu the ai lornoon oi sait! dey, bis bm-aller acaaoslisisli hl »M- > 4cloîoud mrilU-55,f ud~* 5 miase ui.inlio t rset I.sosnewat dlsappoluted, .ourselves lai set for nexh MIonda>. Iftale sirstood nurses and ail athers attached tlui eat the front doar of ti;e Court flouse, yoiug usasbave maIcuyrlendsin lu- 1.*~t t àty h ggosed ven mshad!tis Ioari ô aporisrs utnol belng able ta do o. L.q'd .ami tIsaI there la somes bîtternesýtýween laspîlal. Tic condItIonsahthie hos- lu the CiI> of Waubegan. County of kegan. 'léi~issdr à of .treflg prohi6ttjôn pée wha.hello>.In a sqtÏri demliand' ed out 01 aeeofts>vI dtsIo ana ienonWsl c o i mrsedcnilnIlvsd-bvngdsrbdprmse ovî: tstts iet iUy ueeIat wîhoba»oe.sasption 09, d old 0bicorne. prseution for tise saneencment dovn. Theystaited about 8 oeock caused Rakouski af havIs5 matIe cor- tds'd lu send lino bak lai tic orlsan- SouthliMity (9. 50) Feel of Lot FIve on tise lbu et o! bit lomiS lBd alan ln0111viiuol. -lslb.the Motang asig«I bcis about. tain statemeuts about fhlm ln a public &go.(5), tn Block One (1), lu J. F. Povetl'a «Aasi i i4Iiel & i Ibir dealtee.11 -Wyaissdeehtl g gve Waslsesn -énd -Lake coust> THU 88 t is flroo.Ill aot .ci- eetiýg.asd calictI hlm toaue lfr Tsvsja bu sdalaîsAdto aWs'lgn aeCutleiA tOaJtufc.sAe NEWS1PAPIER @ve.- pflntad vtin teir* b5ehý nd asdltIwe are "inn u I sk li ecu~f~latqs .ianlss ait ieplc as aln sI a alenre n ibnl.sst l.~A aa-5 ii0d lucNlli"V*det'a f eisi'; aardngy~Mille. ~Th lnk viiehg ti a-," " ares a.-On Monda> the ailiers, i.î lbxiDtda akgn llulIi atoiAs u 5ht Illter .lts -~~ fi~pie mo.fn15A5puas!'Neyroturued ivoe teldifor s '4uesiplnytlslqgs Ihat bcd beau glven hlinuEIWARD J. H.-MTOCKER, t siua a et-M = ~~~ ~big mussi. Thai do iigt zXY4e,>uy o -iCz1s"lne )epsm s ho be btlhe nurses aud patJenthe vas gohs-Master lu Cbaneery. dep*va tb«is.ull*e *j'eig ~ N 55!lI~5j.~Is> Awen#, tbier iýPl9ptIa la naecýbe trjpfla thîs lecdatypo ne ofthe laettare trou Ra- ered lageiher and Isiaced lu an auto- A.F. EAUIEbacb lis theîr car:.Oths*111l éU OM*tim 4ffffim mm m" va>. - ram ise Graund -, antd 'ôIamd gays ha lrlti-bs a!f*atlÏers mobile. togoîlor vlth thse lte fol- SolîIctur for Complallnatu. the local pomata M" teeh fu' ou iIt uaiçsot vAses se a nble Io-satily juts"Wé. VOurO, sear am Bernardino one lu travelingi vbo alorecelved 15cm. lova clothlug. jusI hafaro leasing \,,- -. :: ~ 1~r , N09 JSO , 4 MU.s u almfor sa bts Oied liaI. mul. i 7L erk Faimlr ter id. u- nhr fr a, vo lots la ;am tor a P. antI Llt. àa on stau.2 t a lot aR k »oIslI. MatiBarr est % se0- r anId vifs ner houalit tise staut ~Ai sa ud em w ' .rt .-à Aý4j)jm

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