CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1915, p. 1

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LAKE (9OUNTY INDE PENDENT WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOI. 45I.N . TWELVE PAGES LI-BERTYVILLE, LAKE COU=T, ILL., FRfIDAY, JULY 30, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50o PER YEAR IN ADVANCiD ,1 i 1- -'r- il TERRIBLE DISASTER il CEDC WESTERN ELECTRIC COM- PANY'S EMPLOYES START OUT ON EXCURSION TRIP ACROSS LAKE WHEN THEj 3,500 PASSENGERS 0V- ERTURN BOAT AS SHE PASSES LASALLE STREET -IS GREATEST TRAGEDY THAT EVER OCCURRED IN CHICAGO RIVER. *The lake steaer 1Eastiafld, carry- ing 25W passengera, tippeti over in thc Chilcago river, betwèefl the La. Salle andi Clark street docks nt 7:40 oclock today. 1-undreds werC trap- lied in the hoid of the steamer. Hun- dreds more werc thrown Inta the wa. te r. Scores clune ta thc wrecked huil. -Th. trouble started with a brokefi air-chiute. The boat lurchcd a lttis, and everybotiy crowded te the rail. Then ohe went over." The Enattand had net left the dock, but wu&SUTillhesvilY chainedti ts dock. if it hlidflot been chaineti doubtieslly It would have turneti tur- tic andiait would have met death. "There wcre 400 or 5W0 passengers down beow who neyer got out." Actng Captain Albert Denman Of te traffic divisionvito la in charge of the police nt the Clark atreet bridge madie this statemCiit huit an haur aftt or the Easthanti utrned sowly over on itsa ide anti carried 2,500 pasaeng- ers into the waters af the river. --There wcrc about 2.500 an board," nie sai. 'When the boat firit tipped 700 or &0W got aroundi tram the upper decks. They wcre sittlng an the aide when the firt boat reaciiet them. They were clinging ail over her like ?li e$. -But those were only the cnes who were on the upper decks. God knowl what becane cf the cnes dawn beiow. Thcy diint have a chance. They're down there stlii. "The tu'J Kenosha andi the fireboat Graeme Stewart wcrc the firet ta the reacue. The crews titi nt wauta m nute. They rammed Iheir bouts into the aides of the Eastland and then jumpeti overboard. They were puiling people out every minute. "T'he river wu& full of people swin' mong andi thinga fotlng. "The touaner wus overloated. 8he was topheuvy Intiallie luit rolleti righl over on her sIde." Capt. Den mon anti hie truffic mer t the Clark street bridge hati a ter riflc struggle with the relatives ci thase an hoard the tricken mtere They fought thom bock with clutop tt preventtem front harmprung Il woric of reecuers. Every tims a nev group cf rascuet wu@ Ianti.d thor wu& à f resh rush iront the crowd or the bridge and on the landing. Thq officera w.rc forceti to swing theli club in carnest. Cuptain H. Pterson, In commanti e the Eautisnd, gave out the followlnl explanatlon of the tragcdy: By eight oclock they began brîng ing the deati to shore. piaelng tbeu on the floors of the dock warebouses By 8:30 a. m. 60 bodies had bee. recovered from the hold of the ahil alose. Tt vas4 estlmated at this Urne tha tise roi of dead mlght ron anywheri f rom 200 ta 1,000. Tt vas reported that the Hatlan was ovencrowded. A few minutes be fore sailing tMme gavernoent inspec torg hoarded ber and ordered score of passengere back on shore. The fIrst erplanation oi the acciden flot officiaI was that too manyo the passengers crowded to the po: rail and atually unbalanced the ahil The boat vas crowded with or ployes of the Western Electnlc Con pany, hound for a picnic at Michiga City. They had crowded the boat earl In the day, clad lu holiday appare Tihe Eastland was Just swinglng ou Intomidstream and starting for th lake, acconding lu one report. Suddenly, vîthout 'arning. t ci eened toward the north side of tl river. So quickly dld it tors that many r .(Continueil on page tbree.) MOTORCYCLE AND FUTILE LIQUOR HiIHLAND PARK DADY DISMISSES - AUTO COLLIDE SUN. PROSECUTION COST TO 'fET TO4iETIIER' ANOTIIER LARGE WA1JEtAIBOl E W.lHanses, o! 1ý55 Motrase ave- TAXPAYERS $2,840 R î.Idt. fHghadPark vill BATCII 0f CASES Tl~ 1.SI nue, Chicago, narrowly escaped dealh ____ hold theîr fifth animal "gel togethen" _____TE QM111 ln a head-on collision betveen bis Ou t of the Entire Batch of an Aug ýAper i out moocceadnautomobile driven Cases O the tt eu u ' la t day the sshole town viliiApasinCu Court Sat morylB oa as of Wst te Sat Seur bt a aIdelits business canes ta parti-. onn n r.saNm byfielTe B. onvc da toDce- Three Convictions. Cipatelte ucelebratirou ta lbe beld at ber of Older Cases.LEQ l deM. Th motorccle md uto Ca'Lake Front Park. _____ lided athei cornera!f Water and Gen REPRESENTSA BIG LOSS. Âmang thes" vbo are working for DISC0URAGED BY FAILURES FREDERICK- BIEHL, BORN AND ese. streets.- Hansen adailbi' .sth uccesa ai the .event are Mar-VCI FDSSE - A kaeebaily 4eneedani bah les M ximm Fnes hatCanBe hah E. Sampiel1, E. E. Andrevs, 0. Jury in Mathiesen Case Dis- VC M0FDS TE WA badly ýs'ianed. The drivers o! baoth Made Under Circumstances IL.ilerryemther, F. F. Monroe, i. w. agrees il to One, for Acquit- OCON 0F WILLIAMS STREEý machines vers taken ltt custody,I Are But $600 in Al. Prîndîvîîîe. F. W. Cushing, and J. P tai, After Eleven Hours. MAN 0F 117 MILL COURT- but vere liter releaaed vhen the pli- L. Perkins. lice learned that they vone divlngý In the July i2th Issue of the Sun a The day's celobration vIll star, States Attorney Dady appearod in MRS. HENRY SCHEUNEMAN alowiy, and filat one vas ta bame as 'detailed cost of the lîquon prosoco -wlth a panade. vhIch wll horeleved coosty court Saturday and dismîsa- KESSLER AND SISTER NOT muha h te.tiens by States Attonney Dady vas by _layor S. '.%. Hastings. ed tventy-tour cases agalMt alieged CA S TEY M SD ST muchas lte aher.showu ta be $1,065. Lake county peu- liquon violators In Lake county. These -CAUSE___________________ STE pie . ene amazod to know thalt the I~aa a i ncluded sot osiy Sunday closing Li1JfT11 I AL À z rte' on b testtIs ttrn u ,M VIE SHOW MIIAY cases agansît Fox Lake Saloon mesn T E IN iA up to that lime totalled such a langeasd resort keepors. but aise a nuni-ST E I f ÀRf TEM T O MU itLE am.unt. pa v ek u g P O E A ber o! the aider cases that have been BR A StAIIE r i P OS U G E FrtePattoweso.. R VE A L B ntecutdocket for somelinie. 'u'n C a M D vleIl f uie effort bas been m ade.b v i 1 U T Apparentiv Dady ishes tb get a say r DO O R S NE d t t'ùitiaecut li i FOR EDW. WHIEitramn ail bisIliquor prosecutlon cases.b a,,_te______ iof . ___________'the'F'oliowing lo a liaf o! the Fox Lae G E N OÀDT H l Sherif f Griffin Discovers Ounceopsea enee rgr mut1ud0aeig ae bc oedsCr a we n rvrb ~Ing to $177540 This added 1th eD arsH W sa aPc ure yoeig ae hc wr i. Cro Icotantepoetan dungthe Sho a t TimeH e as a id lse d ..àby Delly:Ca sOwe an Drvrb Bottie of Cocaine in Cro otfrtePoeuIn uIgte So tTM eW sSi People va. James Coleman. W. F. Walker, a Weaithy of tee Cream Saturday. tinal veek brInga the total coat oi 1 to Be in a Barroom. People vu. Emma Schultz. Resident of Racine. y F the prasecutions up ta $2,840.40. Peaple Vu. JaY. J. Sima. A seneational atteispt ta mmuggle Dept h atta hslreBLEI. Pepil v. Goa.Pasltolup, et ai. Ose mas vas injured serioualy. pon- 'tdope' 'm i c h Lake county ly w1s amounit aor oy vas expendeci, Waulcegan, Juiv 22. People vs. J. E. Criasman. haps fataliy, andi three other people nîppet ln te but Saturday afternoon the state's attorney vas abe ta Se- Score another defeat for 'Staes people vs. Soren Mtisn escapeci deathamatmrcluy when Sheriff Grîffin tiscoveret an cure but tbree convictions out o! bis Attorney Datyl Mtlén lotmrclul oucebotl o ccanelna aronofPeOPle vs. J. A. Marrison. vhen a large sevon paaaenger six- ouceboti c ccaneina aroncflarge bateb of cases. lu eacb o! these The jury In te Etwart White case Peapie vs. Auguet Seitrer. cylinder automobile. ovned andi driren gien tO Oflwhch of tt p haes. TtI canes, the defendants vere found this attemon, ftier a teliberatlon of Peopie vs. Herman Kaplng. by W. F. VWaiker, manager o! the givn e neoftheprsoer. ie guillty on but ose counit. The maxi- es ttan ent hour, rturnet a ver. people vs. Etwart White. Ameican Bitein Foundry company of trug sntugglr matie a tesperate flght 1 um fine permitted by lv ia $200 tIct of «Inot guilty."1 The vote of tc Flalgaesieo the aIPaeORcnvetbta h lcaadcl 10 esaebtwsoepwrt ylt a courir. Thus If the court fet itln- jury on te tirai vote wu*e11l b 1 for ln vbicb theIlefendants vore chargod ided vlth a trois ai a polit teast therlffackto alercaotu drta nigittw llned ta demand tbe maximum fine]I acquittai. The lwelftit jurer- wu& ntfiath bselllnglilquor vîthout a lîcense Oftheb..O'Plaln river on Beividere takn uc t Chcaa y edealofi-tbe total amount that couid hoe assois- for gult but ntereiy wisitet a 11111e andi vbIcb Daty nov draps: sreet.h 0cers. It wu@ the tiird ttempi litaI ed against the three detendants vouici furtiter tintein whlch te consider te Pol s eaScns.The oCpnsa h a ee tcam mnhtimtamgge be but $600 and the taxpayens stil evitence andth ie instructions of ttc People va. George Kopp. W. il'. alker. uniajured. trugs ta te prisanera Inte'c'wudhvtagonln ttc lacack., or.Oth eivt teblo juif.haet isdv athi ak cuteO*tt ea oelieblo People vs. Frank Irons. '.%ra. W. P. Wplker, bis vite, unis- rJisail. Chie! o! Police Tyrnel oa and pay the renaislng $2240.40. was clear. Ttc wcefuiiy weak l'cvi- People vs. Orle Swcnnes. Loroci had ecelved a tup that an effort would e Folowing la a tahuiated flostai the dence" preeentet by the stute andthlie People vs. Chtarles Cross. Mr* Waiker, Srn., bis tather. vauncis Paesses Incurreci by the states at-! unsatkcn alibi establishet by thc e-I ý people vas. JaO& Ssttrx. t the bond and possible skuliltric- hie made' ta smuggie cocainei mb lIe tarnny during the iast tva veeka: Ifendant 18 believeci ta have catiset People vs. Jas. Novak. lune. 6cOont' Jai y piscing It Inside o! a Jurors' tees and mleage..$11071.40 te verdict Pepev.Brn etns..B. rifhcncldvt bc r taî e on. Ho d f obbipl ti'niefrtfEstîmaîcci cost of automobile A movie show may hliete means F1îovîong aresaine other alid cases Mitchell Ca., unlijured. e 0h nhsgar fsisa ofo lire and servlsg jurra' Of slahiishing an alibi for Edvmrd in vhish Dady secured lndlctmoens s The Party loitIRacine Saturdiy a. M. 0 hudtu d. summons .................35.»1 Wbtio, a Fox Lake saloonkeeper, vho 1 ad vbich vere cetl!led ta the court. on their vay ta Dundee, Ill., vher, e Ti,-'"dope'"arnuggler la said ta Siates attonney'a salary for la cbrgedi wiîli having sold intoxicat. ty court, these cases helsg dismlssed theY Intendoci ta mare a vîsit. lin. lave bieel arreeboci ln Chicago recenl I tva vects ................ 200.00 ing liquor on 1ý1nday, Jane 6. tî onn ihterî:miln.Wltrvr ltn h 0 s on ageodar)b n der eddllg "opend Asitn sats oncs 0.9 Hon' is the situation: 1People vs. Axel Huseby. front seat aci theoater tWa people 1-sluidb i ne ev od-t, saiary fto a eohs . . 0 1 -Dadys lhree deteclives testifi- People va. Peter Johnson and Steph.-ivoire ln the rein @st. 1. lie pre.eil Caunty ladres salany tan tva cd that îhey onteret the White Place en Peneel. JusI eat a! the O'Plin iter onf e r goliesad h watedtavilit 1 .veela.................... 120,00 il tonl o'cI.uck on' the Sunday nlght in People vs. John Satusiand Ben Belvidene street the Machine started3 crs'e id hi' vnt odi1boriaitei Fees of tva bahutfs for Ivo question and is'rchased beer a!fWlsbie Macitulle. tevard the sauth aide et the rosi. hrsslsi'rIn e c ndws waeliedbore-Ho: eeks . ....................80.00 aci bis harender, said beer bingi People vu. Joe Backiewlcz careoeci mb oa Illich. llmbed an Pm. eb1y si en alloweci ta go rseinrisyShenlft'a saiary ton tva veeks 6.00t i hm a licOus'. 1Peaple vs. Albert Bor. bankinent aci cnashed hbarvily mIntaa av anln Court reporters saamy fan The saloon regulation ondnance 1 The case againat Joseph Bruzovlcz. troce ttoetiikItotédtb a , bsend iserti s Ho cam le hacka1IWO veek . ................55.00, vbich vas pa'.sedislnWaukegîn ia a Marios street druggist. vho vas Bath rein vheels veno torst off, ose I eodbls u 1isbleedh gi DetectIro A. G. Avery, vitness tev years aga pnavlded that event cbargedi witb sellmng liquor vithout a spring vas brokon. the left side a! lfaîlec in bis purpase. t ees anci mleage ........ 22.00 saloon keeper liaitla pay ton bis ovn icne iovsdsisd h a a .ahdm ldlg * On Saturdaylhts apoparanco it once ,Dtcie rd Amtnnlrsn rmls fOe.Bnessai se ase iafaise d. Isthcat themahe vanploto ally 1_vas the cause ofi-suspicion. Ho wa' i vtnesstes and mleage.. 27.00 2.-Wbiti' clama, and bis ovidence becs neu t hoe casuntylausio J uly tehe maTheie nWas r an accompa. nisbodlcaty jail ycheDetective Rer. 'ary ÂAm- la backed up itv that o! Cîpt. Scott. 1,5. At that tinoholie aarnaigned. sitting an the aide o! the. car vhlcb itniff Inebis a dih leCarid i'r- strone. a'lias Asheuser af Fox Lakte. that ho and Scatt, ta- pload sol gulty, but vas unable ta came ln contact wvl te l. ree.. jat itws tan ! i t cr o f thho prisonho Bosch .. .................2700 gether with bis vmte and lins. Scott. setsre a boncisman. Hoevwu ardeneci boylho sustained iebisinjurie. la )ot Wlsho ie ta n e wra!h ni.saO-, lended a mas lng picture show l omto alu.Tiininn on-kon h itivol 4ya viet he ols thd, la a vama se.Total................. 1,775.40 Fox Laike on the nlgbt in quiestions. r mmtmetvas roet]. onhis turdf endehei c wo tec74oars a r- tna eto h seifdebe dd ing ta' this the $1.065, the grand A. G. Avery, togethen vlth Fred anci Bertns vas giron bis leedons, bled profusely tramn the cuta on bis 'Ilut h in isp o nerIs. cssbtaegrn otlo ottor the ProosecotbonsandciHarny Armstrong, Dadys detect- Dady nsto niy dbsmised the charges boulot. ~ b o heruisne.At the battoan eacies $2,840.40. Ires, testified that they ontenecilteI the ao hc aostbo Frank West of Waukegan vas cmlv- themkgeoho disarored he fi n t esaid that nover aas ivli the Whte samoon togéther. Neverthelesa, trleci but aisa ln the cases ln vitichitlasWest an Beiidere streset ju b.- le ahe on e. Ugl t baard a! supervisrf authonize Dady they toici entlneiy differaint sto- eadisagreements occurreci. This in- hînci the vreeked car. He readereil c Th vaud-b aniggic atonce. ta emplay detectives te Inrestigate vhen pîacod on thse vitness stand,.idatePseapca avih htadh osc.H cae i ~ mdca ol dai fr reda bt ancharges against bike cauaty saloon one af thons testifieci that ho purchlas- the jury lasosti ta have besu for gult machlae vas sot speedlas--Uta fi, On staphd it u hni.tthee v as i1ees da ls !ho ! h alne.but caotldnat agree uPon the number vas net soins aven 28 *Mes an heur. 10 e s har fbrd lhttthe hr a s ncindthat White vas Bat thor;n.; of caots; Ir Includes aise the Mathie- Walker himseli blases the steerna I ce Mo n m uch fr rthé oChicsa mai m c uiî alter testîlied ilt hobepurcbaaed a soen case vhlcb vent ta ftle jury on soar. up l p a cl. uenden mn Icact hm C PTU E L ..a'drink of thé bartender but thst White FrIday and la vbmcb a dsagreeea MrS. West sent a catilta Wau'cean ufpih i tho cammuinîCi.i wasIbene; and thte thîrd teetifieci Ibat vas reachéci t ecicrnon clock la the for aSsistance. The catil vas reeivef 10 cago an lt edenaut Snit ire tan WHO'hi. T I Rmif the drni'vas puncbaaod O! Whitéer ening fier a delibenation or lercs at the Wdte and Tabla establléament gtarea the vl a men vThesenat hencewt 5KVL A£ 8.<i but that the barteader vas there. houre. arhuî out o! the big batcb ai bot becauae of aie distance frnt the 9-et atemt evermaeback ii smuthe v D A ld f Thése men enteredthelb.gala"n ta-bInfrmatioas vbicit Dady filei agmînst cil,' il vas turneciaover te the bar- m- ereat atýte loca e ol.rInm hftamurse. À 13 EAII OLD UIX L sether, ordered théir drink together, the Fox Lakte men ho secured but sen andi Hollanc eatablishment. anuS n~~~~~~~~ drgwnotelcleî.holt uue_____vre senved at the same time, accord- îbnee convictions. A min ln position thé iuo ambulance vas sent. Dri. B. te sheniff vilI ho mare canetul Ibmn Havlng board thît Jlm Kaloreai bas ta thoir slor,', but eaob tlid a ta knov. today estîmateci Ihat aie JolIe,', Bellovs, acidKitisht hurrieà an oven ta asec that no such plans socei ot South Chicago, bal lompeci la different stor,' about vha serve I lb praseculbons cuit soveral Ihog&tsa h aiscene ln theîr sutomobils h PceiNorlt Chicago aller ssaultiag a 13 Wite claimcd ftlet ho and hmit ie dollars.. victim o! the accident vas remaireci et f U Ysear ali girl in the former cly, ther and CaptaIs Scott andi vie vent l,) b the Jase McAlisten itaspila. Il vas I.ftJEDO.mlf I phoneci Chie! o! Police buxoxfa!North a marie shov on thte Suaday sîsht in The Mathîcsee Case. sliltrta I nulîpool Chicago Thurada,' afternoas. question. Ho even tlId the names ofTite case o! Sonen Mathlesen vos' vaulci sot prove ta hoe rcry seriaus. lMiivr 1 Chiot Lux gaI bus,'. By six oicloot the pictunos shoandsi etalleci part ta the jury at noon an Frmday. Dadys id CCI ENTPO ICIS lebaci bis mas In arneat andi by af the Plots. lie vms borne out ln cetectîves testitîed titey bougbt a FALLS FROM HAY RACK- I- A CDeelosta-nT el Lî lseIcJ I ight the prison:s, wms ès route back tiIs by Scott. hotîle o! boon ln the place on Soti- esChicago attorne, kîîîed north afI Ub- t Chicago in e and m f caetective. Tlhc Ivo men testtfied ta harîne day. Compaent vitneases lcstltled BREAKS HIS SHOULDER. onlyville ln thé auto accident. carriec Thte mashai ens locatec i aI ont letthe show ail nn-tblrty ad whcn fihltthe barnoam vas losed itmilday. nt130,000 acdent lmetaneuace. ln the vine mille and the oaMlcer toir they paased Wbmle's salaon samyIl Ose the finit vate the Jury vere 8 ta Willisam liarisaable. a fariner nésîi-. SOnly on Jone 26th last ho tee uthlm off the loàb, lactIng hlm is the hb oosciosed. 4 for acqiuittai. Os the seoandi vole itg ea:r Garnee. tell tramn a ha,' rackt nIt mn adtiilnai $7,500 vhich lho statedci ciîyli ending the detectives arrir- The hatendor vas pipscor 'su bie there vore h0 ta 2 for acquittai. The- an Jul,' M, dlslocated bie shoulder and aP. tthe tîme hoie el didtci frai. stand and adittoci havisg Lecît nitird vms il ta 1 fon acquittai. Sev- broke hi ii'rghb arroiThis a teSsec- m-but latok: nciren le gel rici of a e iAccordlng la the Chcago police, te pacebt'ss tdlele o ral altervswe r taken anci vbise odtnwti w er ht'% M.termiseci Salesman vha urgeci a poilcythe tack vis moat brutal anci the osiy sott drinks. He sald tloalliane, a tov of the jurons so-savod arounc istabe lias talles ail brakén a bmm tchilci la îaid ta hie n a cmIltai candi- of te thcee dtectireà ahac iesn nthe,' coulci not arrive at a verdict mnd buse usnis rieht ans. Ho vas fplîcu-1 an upos . -.- -. tien. The officers said It vas a sure the place duclng the day and tha' hello eloven 'cIoc il sgbl Jucige For. une ha> wvises h etvhlieac Fome Can, Teapnr eter- patb thît opened ta the Penîîentmmry nover haci ser-n thrainabis lft. sons instructoci the baliit ta aîîov dent, iy field loftI Sturday ton Oklahoma oKatast.ii'uoielgobr. n. s-er h l l cottuebi vntas Immedimbel,' aften the attaci thIe Frienda of \Vill Gage of Wlmetr. In titiecca n vich Daci, charges This viii to place the final part of se IVred ('opasluaseeilo i' olhCsaobthmà mavementsIinteresteciln knovlsg titat lho ernecosthoir saloons witoat a license tea-thte Im.tsaemnto h AeiaeSetmi.s ssac a aebbetiytrmvh tonlufielety îl s heFxLat e vt praigsxtwo i h îmuainsael entredtvavees ma. on'tnacec andcie ho ac sot becs ai ly v-as married la a (Chicago young tornoys an bath ides have wamved a Atterseyli Fied iand Tomîtins isase M'Gen RYan, 14 year aloi son ot Wil. te vIre wanta long botore clues vomis. They are spending the sum- jury by agreement muid ecaide will moved for o sew trimslte three lie liam Ryan O! fle Mlwvaukee rosid. Sas- ver' secuneci andciebIs ppreblenslan mer at ose of te lites aci lalen' mue a stipulation ta the count>'raies ls which convictions vere se. taise cia cat on one oi bie legs tbls talieved. vîli reside in a 'Chicago subsuni. Mn. Jucige. Ilbla sîicti,' a marier of lav cuireil. The, amy ltai if a nev trial -' tmrniedviantelpas ,' vsnlgiGage la a <ousi MiUts.Lulu Sitep- anci bbc verdict o! the conrt ylde- la grntsed that the,' viii appeal ta stamblci mm fou. .a-1 Indépendlat ada-read Dy 25000. ancioft dunnee and Wilmelbe. . jtermine vhat action vi i t tes 1e uppsencourts. REARED IN WAUKEGAN, Ils ýNEPHEW OF MRS. JOE 0A- ET AND MRS. ALBERT HER- -N. J. SUERTH, NEPHEW 0F N, LOST HIS LIFE-ERNEST r VICTIMS 0F TRAGEDY BE- 'EAMER BY ONE MINUTE The shilng of a cargo of human. freight on the steamer Eastland en. rapped ose Waukegan boy lnt a ratery grave, and the names of aine relatives of Waukegan familles have .een added te the death roil, vhlch, la three times greater than the i- qui@ rester, and which maires Chies, go a charnei-house again. WAUKEGANSB DEATH LIST. FREOERICK BIEHL--Uorn andi raie. ed ln Wouk.gan, Ilved the peut few yearu wlth mother et 1800 Scautl HamIIn avenue. Chicago. DurIne the pat ew yearset of ties,., ln Waukegan waa, employeti ln the fno wir. doeartment of the AnurIMa Steel & Wire Co.; lvoti on Seuti Gens»*. etreet. ..ILLUAN HURT-Niece of Augue Hurt, North Chicego; bodiy fOovdi cd; funsca Tusday. i. J. SUERTH - NepIu.w of Mrà. Henry Sobauncmnann, of Mariais atract and McKinley avenu. EDWAýRD GATON-Of 1800 South HamniIn avenue, boarde i wth Pred Blahi'. mother. WVILLIAM RUFF-18W0 South Mmmliii avenue; boartisd with Mm 8.10111 MISS ^MUA OUINN-Engali dte _ mltrry Edward Osyten. SEPIARATEU PflOM WIU At six a'clacIl saturday mornla l'rederkk Blehi of Waukegan, lau-g lngly shouted tareveli toe de n bride and his aged mother. as ha wended hiesateps tovards the rive front. He vas accompaled by lys e Yong friends, all kraown la Wiatâe-e gan, and a yaung lady, th1e sveetheart of hie pal. Three houre later the bride of oone year was informed that ber husherni vas one af the victime of chance. taklng commercial greed ad that a score or mors divers vere riskrns tlteir lves ta taire hie cor»., tron t te hul of the stesmihi», vhich promlao< ta prove the morgue of more dma 1,000 504115. The yaung vite vas prostroted; tii. aged mother diatracted. "Oh. 1 ~Mt vant Fred ta go, 1 mev .omethIag would happen," ebriekeil thé yoffg vaman. She dld net v..» or qoe Intelllgently ta thase Who vowu I ulad ly have helped her as on beaulsi hkm she hUggcd the foru ! of ola t i ber breast at seven oloct mndiL, night vhen ber husband'a body vas returnei te ar 9trong mcn andl vomeà Cal baa andl vagit ithout abc; al,' young bride befed t*M l i tteil viti ber humbil M la baath as they had beau la lite. lir.Albert geren. of 117 IM court Waukegan. vau at the Ub»W reeldence la Cbicago vbea là* lady of 1"rederick Blehl wuvas rried b"e the houa. from the armory vh.te tS bodly had been Identlfied but au hmo betore. Three streamers ar crep. banig trM the door at the BlehI reeites. T»e son and husband had gone toallét hie "Maker" ase bad two boardèeset. the. home and another Young lady. the asetheïrt ofinon f aMnv. lokre boarders. Mn. Hermanns bit the. Bishi rosi dence after seelng that ail that veaU - tend ta reliev. the sutferings of the death-strlcken tamlly had been dos. then returned ta ber home la Waal- kegan. nThe, funeral. or ratber, thre 1lu nemis, ili he beld tram th. MWaN residence ln Chicago et 28 ojock Wed, necday afternoon. The id aioflte varst calamlty that bas betallen a ciy of vealth, refinement, an iml*eBi.- ure. yull be buried la Ilaton os7 Waukegan relatives vIll attend. Four Escaped Doe. Mns. William TefavIY. aister c, Ts.Gogglni. aof 8ot-Cbg~ street, ber nepbev and tem l Ove their existence today t.e WO (Continueit on page tbMI> Présient. ICo. NTEED INOIS se. Lakte Cauni,, application of ian (At Angeila e. Uinons, for riren t&% b,' den-rée ai thé .Oty, Illinois, tled coei onu O. . 1915, 1, an of Aageliae miaore, wil 'oJuly A tD IOceloet lu thé hé front door , in te village unt,'. Illinois. public vendue. isitt titie and la Titiele andi n and la lte tati. to-vit: mita' sweond Laike CousIs*'. iuig a part of Not.Rang.. cipal Niorcdtvnl duVnIAngolia Minora, 2, 9,16i. 23

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