LAYE COtfNTY INDEPENDENT. F'RmÂY. 'JUIN 3, ). iTERRIBLE DISA STER IN CHIICAGO FO0R SALE One 1912 Mitchell Auto $200-00 One Reading Standard in excellent condition WEIDING Of ALL KUNDS Whether it is steel, cast iron, bras or aluminum. We alto have a cutting torch for cutting iron pipe, boilers or mit anything. LI BJRTYVILLE GARAGE PHONE 202 4;0ÊÏItV1LLE, ILL Theodore H. Drit. Prtildetit. W. B. Smith, Vice Presadent. F. W. Churchilli, Secretary and, Manager Hon. OeWitt L, Jonies, Cen. Couneel TELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITI£ & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $125,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS H. C. Burridge & Son - Nursery Stock ALL KINDS 0F1 HIARDY PLANTS, SHR-UBS, TUEES AND VINES. Let us estimate the cost for autumn planting Fairholm Gardens Phone 102-R I Dyniona Re"d Lbertyvilie, Ill. WHY NOT BUY YOUR NURSERY STOCK FROM THE KALAMAZOo NURSE-RIES AN)GET TIIEI3ES'I Goo I 1<IrvIti o ir bhii.iloe'<< îîïe., froni I Pi4 rOîild of t1Ieiii have houiglit of ii.,fur yer 'Iat Pipocaks welI of otir prodiiots, d<irî't it. Bettt'r liavet our ageint cali auid talk it, andl renemrae Kalamazoo grown îîwoaurs QUALITY. F. W. SCHLICKER, Agent Phone 236-R Iabertyville, Iil $40Pano aMid Beach $150 $150 S7 AUTOS CRASH ON "UIIUU$150 Pparior Set -$60 $100 iaingSm S835 $lm r& Rd (Comu e) $35 <GREEN BAY ROAD; ~3MSHERIDANADLDAMIE Both Machines Are Owned by Lake County People-Occu- LIBERTY pants of Cars Escape. THEA'TRE enteGenRyra utstho F. A. SUYDAJL Prop.lokToaa ghbu rtney Four Reel.. of the ne one vas lnjured despîte the tact Best Licensed Pictures. that bath cari vere damagedi very îeerely. The cars were drivea iry Van W. Burriî ot Lake Bluff, a real FRIDÂY, JULY 30 lestate and insurance agent in that 'THE LADY 0F THE SNOWS village, and Ir. W. Mack of tire real - - i-el Emsautay Dra.a estate and insurance firm of Mark. Wrltteu b M re. Carter Harrison. Feat. and Cady, Waukegan. urinE Richard " and Edua Maya. Accompanled by Alfred C. NIcAr- THE MASTER 0F THE HOUSE - thur, general agent for the National - - . Vte.graph Comédy Lite U. S. A. Ineuraffte companoy, '.%r. SÂTURDÂY, JULY 31 Mac'ý vas drlving southIn l hie Cover- ELSA'S BROTHER - - - - ]and roadater. Burris vas drlvlng - .2-reel Vtagraph lirama north In his Chaînons. THE OTHER WOMAN4S PICTURE According ta Mack, Burris crowdeul - - - - - Essanay [rama.Monhlmmost Into the diteir. so far lu CAPTURING THE COOK - - tact, that Ire waîunuable ta preveni . . . . Lubinu Conredy thre vheeia of the two cars ccoming In B'UNDÂY, ÂUG 1 contact. Bth cars were praceeding THE RETURN 0F RICHARD NIEL ai a goodo rate of speed vhen the - . -3-reol Esanay Drama crash tank place. one of the vireel% Featuring Fraucie X. Bueirman was torm off'tire Chalmers and tire TEE HIAM IN TEE HAREM . d hesoth hlr oete-;e - -- - - Kalein Comreyvel tteCanr aetr I Feturlng Ham and Bud out of the COverland car. Tire damnage _____________________________ta the latter car la estimated ati be W&@ a Prfvlleeed ego. tweefl $200 and $300. Usuel. aged four, va s pending the Burrîs lo sald ta dlaim that ire vas day wth ber suai. While thore a be@ blinded by tire brtght beadlgirts and atung berWbea sire returned bomne could nlt see how close ire vas driv- that evoing her father asked ber If îng ta tihe otirer car. sire klled tire bee and shes replied: __________ «Why, n, papa; It vas Arnt Jan's 1811.ladîpendent sdi-naad b7 26,000. crt'u'lnied From Page 0 n'p malned in tîteir seait' urîl lrite> wcre fluug rta tire waier. Score. man- aged ta ieap aven <ire rail. . Pasirengers an elevated trains, tire early loop workeriu, ssw tire accident. talisIfor lîeip lrumediatei>' erammod telopirone vires. Police ambulances. lire departint aliararus, tugo, ras- Iroati, anches and lite lreservers tocîk part In tire rescue. River Thick With Head&. Tire river vas tilrck a itir tie bob- bing hoada of passengers. Prom tire uptîrrned hu, iîînnd su fan lirai il slowed tire kele, came tire ,hriekiug and waing ot men and wa- men. Girls clurrg tranticali>' ta the ides of rirebhast. tearlng off tirir clotîres In proparation for tire ast desperate effort ta awim ashore. Tire firat roscuors eportod tirat thpre mnuaI ie ai leasi 500, and 1,000 passerîgers, trappeul hetween decks. rauîms civeda ZohOcktday wahen sire re- arfew years. Twenti polucerlinrhiurried out la ci)-ceived a message troin lire tamll orf ma>' have escaped. The Latent Figures. rfai tseel saows aord cîcetil dril-l>irai her husband's brother. Toe, tu tire et- MOTORMAN IN TEARS. Wli tir te recovery ut bodies stiti ,-îld jpierce tire Sreel Plaise Of tire te<t tiraiirer niece. uiaIn Haîrt, was One of tire mulurmen oui rie Chi- ln pragrosa, tir encountaiSix o'clock shlîî and rcleasetrir ¶pî,iu-i ren, 11 a victlma of ther isaster. cagu and M.ýilvaukoe Elertrîr rallroad \ioriday muruing vas as foluva: rtr and cîiluiren. 1 'lias lilan Hurt. ageti Il, evîdeut lu111Wiîkegau. lasaaid Iu havielirait a I)EAIICorouers estimate). 1,000 ta 'fle de-'îuiring igit fotnîire lir. y 1w as employed liv tire Western moIrer and sinrer on buard lire huai 1,200. ille.e Ieîacrii itou ki, <egan :i l uir 0. Eiertrlc compauy. t!rs hurt ot North Thinstact deieloped Saturdav atter- SAVRO (Coroners eqtîmate), 1,,00 ta 'tiianti liii.- îî rs effoirtu .aýbeing hlr . knew nothnLîr of t 'unîilisire lnoni. A local policeman vas riîng 1,500. madeTo rin lohor thse n t eeivei tire messogi- tettiiig lier luti lir e front part ufthtie car Tire tdentifled buiies ai armorv, 802. ii.uillituril't n d Il, hure ith., un lirecorne u tire funerol to !e hetd Tueiemuturnirseemed pre-occuîîied and IVnidentltied iodles at armary, 14. terdav tre)m tire Hurt l în.e on tire we. t taok a curie ai a sîîeed that vas mton ýideutitieu iodles ai undertakIng Passengers Drap ta Death. ad.tircg Ov It te l tlsa, Ifrauitienae> ireofi00 ros lîulî i uiruon le dc . u--' I Hurri, thre victim a i tt kuovu lu cailed lis attention lu tire tact. Total bodles recai ered, 892. ,l'cd uf lluluu t ath, rire putand itia locaitv altirouicît - l ad r lsiled "f cant irelp Il," tire mturman re-' lany irer lbodies are reported b, uciueio idraîgrng K>tari- t sîturi ln Narthr Chicago ori as unal. plied, as tears ecoursed dawu iis divers ln tire hall uft ie Eaatland. KESSLERS NOT ON BOAT. cireeks. -i haie a motirer and sister Tire coroners jury met early %fon- in tru- nommner Aduuieiu oisse-ruKuru ctuuug Il) lie Dspatches trom t' t uago an Satur- an board lir asatland sud have nul day marning, but tire disposai of ýbie tie iorl'-day stated that an,]l Margaret ireard a word tram tiremr. They may bodieshrd nul proceeded far enougir it-(] illpea lsciiishor wl' I tevr Kesaler, son and daliteilr uit 'Ir. anu be drua-ned for al h know." tn hegin taking teslimoay. Thre atate îtî d e ec au or <ti -u re al I lie , lich \rs. Frit . K e lur of iéu' R avine LISERTY V ILLE BOY A V ED. grand Jury a uppo ed to convene to- >am tlrepýmIg bl.,Io>. Ilei ( avenue. irad been onir rtrd lire Easi-I William Goulu. aged 21, virose par- day ta ta'ie up prelîminar> varie of on te prlins lac an slp rto iland wiren fil apizl tir the hicgo enta ]ive un Lakes street, Libertyville, its luquiry. Fedlerailnlvestgators are auiitl Tirc aprieoced fic a montentl. river, but tirai tiret iraiteen smong 'vas one ufthtie furtunate persans viroSiard ai vork compiling revîdence for ut ruggling, ond ten dI'.appeurred. tire irai la ire sai <-4 iuulr> toda>' eocaped tramntirhe Eastiand. lie vas 'tire United States grand Jury viricir Allr a lorî cr îurktIr fremn rougire a denial trfrontIr. Kosier ai t.ilsertyvilie Sunda>' viating iis'Judge Landia iras srrmmoned ta neet finllvli(-k,( Oiirwa>ino tre hoýtiraIellirer ire or hIs sit~tr hadleven talus ànd tld o!fiis experlence. on Tirurada>. Tire coroner aud iris botuue aint hre vair tem11r rieOtiai been un tire boat. He vas on une of tire upper docks jury are warking la conuirution wîtir itodi'- îui Tîtr' ~'~' ~ iad "%%"ç,'Ve iad pianoît tota keirte Fast- aud, as tirebhast tipped, re vas trrovu Siates Attorney Mlaclay Hoyn-also riuiurtand a lilile chutd land in case vo arrti-tu luc1re iii lime. mlointire ater. Being a goud svim- a Waukegan youag man, sud Pirst Thte iri-rorripirrrged ron thte dan. ire saîd. 'If rve mimuu-l tire Eastland 'mer, ie managed ta nake tire pier sol Deput>' Sciruettlez of tire police are g"couui trou io aliemiff ra obriiig upi vevr au aîîctr taei 's aaed hlmselt. gît iug overy paisible aid ta bath. oil ier posrabie suri or on otk h talrtu To It ucsoiig a iiro,e sitTii'adure Roosevelutie second hoast Goutd is empioyed by tire Western Tire police have Captala Harry Pe- To iresprainng f tosea t laer. When we arnived ou tire Electrir and reiurnod ta Chicago laie derson sud riirty-seven nembera of linzing urir e boatimara'..dted a5man- 'dock where tire Easîland vas tled up Sîrnday nlgIrt itabhonouiand Nionday biis crev ln jaii, iholding thon as wlt- iaca icri fronrrrieu uocies Hiciee o 1 ePtuund vo vere a tew seconda to for sny vark tbat migirt came up. noies for viralever autirorit>' visirea nuan. halîie-.t and cuaile.t, Iaced wil1dd iste as tire griLanilîtibiad een pniied DEERFIELD BOY SAVED. lut examine tireur. pý dý ýNI, mte nd iv itte b o laI. A tev moments aler vo sav tira Lista ot tire savertishow tirai Adaluir TtIlaleplaaned la have lire sunken arc(,lt tere li crechd. Letboat liai t, oni- aude. If kepi on roil.Bennett. a 14-year aid tua>'livIng ai Eastlaud examned b>' a corps of en- me go outIo lu n and save irent"* lng te anc aide sud suduient>' rolled Deerfietd. vas amung lirose rescued. gineers and construction experts of His fouie Smt. Carl Sciroeder and cumpietel>' oîer. Thon vo saw ,brine Just huv ire escaped death Iras not tire hîgireat abilllly and character. Not lielis a 'S0,Dicinsn treliC I'-drodsofut etule strugglug ir tire va- been iearned aseyet but hIs asuppused a detail of irer condition yull escape caou ton, Tire laaseîelt blev a ditress ftIrai iremust haie grabIred a itfe pro- exauulnatloa. Tire examnation of tire tmmeiali>'attr tie yrd amesignai anti began tn lover lis lite- 'server orntrope wvici vas tirruva mb ýboat in delayed b> tire tact tirai ai ut tire dîssaer, tire Sun sent one of hasts, Peuple cir buard iirewIlite tire river, least tinn>' bodies et vomea and chul- liastaf l Ciîcgo u oderlu siproser'ers lu flie peuple lu tire valen. -Siervaad itarrington, sou of lhi:dren are entaugled la a mais of vire details outhrie terrible accident. Otirers iirrev tittukon coups and virai- atatiln agent aI i.ake Forest, hall a sud nopes fnsidle ihe veasel. and airera Altirouglr tire Sun vent la PM83 ever else there>o-uld iad tihai migiri narras- escape. Ho vas just getting, lmprlaaaad lu tire mud under tire hull. Puisas pan in te ioa>camofte tram ireip loasupport those vira vere atrîme ready ta Iboard tirebhast but valed s As soon as tirey can isre reovd the edy s apearng odaycoue frntgliag tokeep iteurir hads abave the tory moments for ivu tieuda viru vessel wyul ho rlgired and experts set John Skene outhlie Sun . vira veut ater. h lied t help but tirere venu vere late in aniing Tirai vas ail o vork anlber. dovu lu go inside tacts tan Sun read- people neaner tte edgo sud tirey torc- tirat eaved hilm tram beiug tirrovr ors. In sendlng hack yard, r- Skene ed me bsckward. tiotire river viiitirte roat IIIkIIT ITIlL i saad in substance otfiis ovn exper- ".ly sîster ais ai my aide. Pros- .ONIE NEP HEW LOST: TWO SAVIED 1IIU EIÇi' Dh .LIII eu e : eaîîy s uevsiual'er reporter came up Nrs. J05 Bacon ut W illams street' "sidp u t uirlr:djabhohaes lu tire asudlstal'ted talkinne la y alaler. t Waukegan. lbat one nephev lu tire iTO REPLACE SCIJOOL aideof he ptuned astand 1 henpreaumelire sav boy varried vo ver- - Eastland dîsaster. but tva vere sas'. ssv mon piilng bodles ouiut oftiretontire satet>' ut aune of aur tieuda ed. Hon nephev, Fred Bleul, nar- UEF - irole viriir hsd been caved ln. Tire>' on board and thougirl v aihad heen ied. vas dnovned and iis tva cousins U E ORM OYEAKS seemed toi be dragged ouitry tire rescued. le took aur nures and ad- sud irer nepireva. George sud Wallon! dozens. Tire rall ut dead yl l Ikel>' dresaes sud pTIied ur naines as irai- Brennen. vere rescued. They hadl auTire ttis, nid, ono roon. red sciroal rua rop la 1.000 or mare. Iug heen sared. At tiretvo vere Sur-I excillng escapeý but maaaged tai get mouses fast are disappearng tram "h vent up tire Chicago river la cam- r>' tiat vo irad misaed tire boat but ouitvitiraut injury or serloeus ettecta,ý Lake cauuty-vlirmin a airt tîme lires' pan>' vitir reporters ftlie Chicago after vo Irad viiuessed tire accident Tire body of Biehl vaa'aecovered, 'viii heomae hiiaor>', Anenîcan, a apeciai boat having beau vo cousIdered It a ver>' iucky miss." FRIENDO0F KING SAVEO. Pitly-slx yeara ago one uft tiese sent ont by tirai paper. tire cît>' edit- Wirea tienda ufthter Kesaseri leara- Atty. Chrlea King vas deepi>' con-, utile echooas as built ai Nantir Pral- or of vichirnvlted me to ac<ompnu)u ed ou Saturday marning tiraitirebhast ceraed ail day Saturda>' aven lire fear rie, about tva miles veat of Wiaiirrop tran. Tiln ,tirrougir ire caurtey offhrd gone dus o tire> vare vried for tiratisin close frleud. Atherton Bah-. Harbor. Ever since tiraI tino and op tire Anerican tiraItirhe Sun priais tire irey 'nev tire yaung nan and bis cax. sirperluteudeut ofthtir Social Cen- ta ibis summer. lire lîttie ced oaa- reaakable pîcture tirat appearse on sister hadl pinned ta taka tire boat. ion dapartnment of tire Western Eliec- rOOM Scirool iras been used cantind- paeg onueIoda>'," Ncicr papers contaînail heir nainas triecocmpanry. hall cane dova vitir01181Y. Nov Tl la to iere eplaced b>' a Hlysterical sud veeping, or la deali as iavlag îîeen saved and tirere vas tire Eatland, Beiug la tire positionu thorougirly modemn structura. tunconictouuesa. vonen were piaced mach relief expreased. lho v&anad because nr. Baircux hail On F'iday aIgribide" vers opened lu Pild. Fair sud Carson Pin0e busses ANOTHER CLOSE CALL. laid hin on tire prevlous Suda>' liai ln tire office rot Arciitect C. W. Web- and ussird ta tire hospitals. Sirriek- Mn, and 'tirs. John Greeuvood of lho planued golug on lire trip, Mn. star ut Wirukegaa. sud lie commtc iag. sobbing vumen. moirera vira Northr Chic'ago, irali panned ta take Kng toit sure ire poasihi>' vas ane for hulIilg tire nov scirool vas callod tar thirIrbailes ln angulair. sud tire excursion trip an huard tire -st- , othtie vicfima. n.%Ir. ing tieid ail avsrded ta J. J. Harlov sud son ot strong mean drivon nad b>' lie sigiris land but at tire Isat minute vore de- day Saturda>' ta getlin touch irvtirtire Zion Cl>' upan thelr bld af $3.800. tire>' vre vltuessiag. vera iattlng terred îy tire threatening vealirer. Tt Cicago nan brut did not gel hlma untili Elgiri couractars sîrhmitled bidi. Tire vitir police officers. viren the Suanre-i tonton reacired tire scene, Mon vitir steel saav sud drilla vera vorking lue mad trying ta pierce tire steel ruli ut tire boatsa tirailire Imprison- oui men, vumnea and cildren nigN' Ire llberated. Wltir drava clubs po- licemen batiled back tire cunlous crovd In nu bas Iran five blaocsIa tire Imnediale vicînîts' tuli>' 50,000 mon, vomen sud cildren ver0 bat- tIing vitIr police officers lu a vain at- tenîpi lu vitaess thre rescue vore. Ne SouvenIr Deelred A souvenir ollector approached the manager of a famous restaurant a"t said: "Permit ne, air, ta returm this gilver champagne bucket grad iris Sevras coffea iet. 1 took the liberty, before I ordered ny dînnar. of appro- priaturg thorn as souvenirs, But alter the moal you îarvad m-vaîl., reatly -ane tilgi ara botter forgotton tban souvenired." vas drizsiîng and tire day iaoked for- biddiug. Athoucir tire>' id made ail plans ta go Ier' decided ta gîve u ihe trip. Tlîe>' eel novliratitilmiuat have been alioBt a premonitiou liraI kept thon aI hune, Frienda ut tire Creeuvood fanilu' vin knew lhiItire> had planned to laCe lire tiplîwera nucb concerned viren the>' lcarned of tire dis&ster. Tire>' alled up Cicago sud made ever>' possibule effort ta ioarn viretîr- or or nat tlIreNorthrChicago ftrili irad been saied. TIre> vere mur ne-L lieved viren tire>' ound tire>' iad ni" late at aIght. Ihboliest vas $5.043. "i entdov a oupe o liesand Tire nov building is ta ire 34 foot liroughtIri l as aliloff but filall>'1t b>' 42 teot. Iti a u o utoriollov tilè vas rescued. belng literailly draggedaird brick constructionr, vili adequatel tram tire river: I1Irad lire dacior tirrea îenlllaiing devices. Tire furuace vfiii unmes tada>' brutam gettiug au alil be located lu tire basanent as viii rigiri nov." alsa lire play sudluuuch ron. The 'On lire prevlous Sonda>' Mn. and ýcontraci calîs tonrlire complethon ut %tns. Bahcax hall beau In Waukegan lire building Inside ot 90 days. Tire and hall dînuer vili r. Mr.. building thruughout, even ta tire oak Ring. At tirat ttme Mr. Babcax tald inimmire, viii ire tirorougirl>'modent ut tire plana for tire Fastllnd excur I anrd siead ut al airer amali scirools sin.lunlire count>'. Otber ornai sciruats C. J. JONES ALMOST WENT. are tu Ire erected lu tire Cauni>'iis C. J. Joues, presideut outhtie Wauke- year but ibis la tIre rai one lunviricir naned aI hume. 1eau Final National Bank, vas une out a& ni PETKUS GOES TO CHICAGO. tire tires vir a 'amust vent" on tire:viii maReports wert curreal ail day Sun- excursiou. He irad pianod for aune <chi day liraI Charles Peîkua,. vir conducîsq days tu go un tire Eastland acrustire iiith a neat market and grocer store on ia'e and expecied ta make tire jour-ilaiI Saulir Sheridan road, knev ut a 'Vaine>' Saturda>'. Hoverer. ptannedV e b kegan tamIip' vira iad been drovreit on lire boat 5i i2u'clock. lils rogaar 0ste on tire Eaatiand. This report vas su saaling hour, gnd, had It nul been persiaten tirat DePtuty Coroner Edvard chartered ton tfie mornlng trip. Iîkeiy Yv Caurad vislted Peikus Sunda>' nigir' ie vnuld have takon the ride Ia tirely ti muntract bas beau avarded. Ground ha ir rokea next Monda>'. Tire old ,eal vilI ire permltled ta stand un- the nov une ls dune. Leunard i.atz rire local repceerrative ut C. W.'i lister and irs charge uft he plans. You can nanti 15,000 porons week- thraugir the Indoendani. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFRER OSTEOPATE 10 PHYSICIAN, 215 Mdsn S. akga i Office Houri 9-2 A M; 1-4 P IL; 78P. IL Sandayi by Appoitusut COm T.itaboa. 8q& J. L. REDDING, D.V. Me vETSJtINARY SUNSEON Graduai. Chicage Vt.Cîlw office Ma 0% Inso~ Ave. Phone luS-W. M PUBLIC AUCTIONEERMN loffet attention psld la *r1:1=q anction salée and beit resulte l ad lug same. Alil kindsofathareml, waglons Mmd harnais for @ale or exchiante at al ln., HENRY SINE Pha1oses M4or 4U zIOtCr", . . PHONE 1140-M W. il. LEIJWAIJ>T Violinist, Pianist and Teadwe 308 CORY AVE. WAUICANILU.. Watch Yoet@>St, A praurînent country priiet. vi Iuovu for bis bwnor. ta peakime et a aad accident that beeUouni0 0V good eccleslastlcal digaitarlea the- ather evecing, irumorouay remaio Tire man vira goci along "thIeM, dane spirere keeping bath OM M heaven aIl the tino là fable te ttp and land lanirearen protv u! t »WBS tbe mnan wba always kaiIeDs »:« on ireavenanad the otirer good 0" 4 cartir la liable ta sain the b"Ub ýeaven and earth." Pau. ~liw~ MeV J68"ww 1 AIgTf4'Uta mae Inquirleà o ta tira ie euld as.! tternoon. Periraps tire accident 1VALJ& fiÀUA 'BOY alotinlutheirInvestigation in Chîcagi migirt have taken Place then as wel lnus, caseot i,,t prove ta ire the as lu the murnlng; periraps flot. IS VICTIM 0F ce ektr. rdenied thatir, knew u MRS. OMKENS RELATIVES SAFE can-,local Itms.'tIr.,. Omken, St. James street, re- MU r. and \lrs. Petkus iett for Cll Icplîed a -Aire tram ber sister, 'Ms Tnt EATLANDIncuiry at liuetr home broughuf orth nor ber irusband started on tire East- (t'ontlnued Fromn Page one.)thlie statempnt tirai thev had gone to land excursion. Mr. Wolf vas a -___'Chicago to iew the dead biodies ln member ufthtIe Western Electric bail lessnes.*TIre>'lofti tirir home tn oruier tha't thc migir se irether and planued going but at tire Chicago ai six a'cloc. Sa? urday mori- 'or flot tliey îould lidentît>' an> oft tiem. ýlast minute clanged bis mmnd. lug !or tire Eaatland dockus, and vhen Theytogtteewsacac tva blocks tram their destination dis-trttrv iteewsacac NEPHEW DIES; OTHERS SAPE. covered tIrai they hiad leftitierirtick.- i . eymîiht knw somne outhtie vi- N.H. Suerth, à nephew of Mra. et thome. Whon tirer returned ta timi. SSE MN I N. Ilenry Schenuemnan uft-Marlon street. te atlaSISdERkAMONG MISSING.nWau'egn, vas one ut the victimsno f the eafotsofud dktre>' gaziungt1 Frank Kublk. nov proprietor of tre 'the Eatland calamlty. lirs. Scheune- tir efort o budrea trilngtaPurdy milk deota and dalry un Nortir a. a worrled ail day Saturda>' lîberate themielves tram a steel caf- a-o srt i ebr ftefm fin, aud heard the shrieks ut hundreds ounty streel, plcked up a Circao ort ataalmerrsutrea- mor, wo bd eenPntappd. paper Sunda>' mornlng ta read ut the]il>' had dled beause tirey ail irad toid mar, lvoiad bete tAie. Eastiand disastor. He scanned tire, her of planning ta go on tire trip. Tire William butWew We'tesiAl . liit ftire known dead, tire rescued message vhicir Sunday cornetrain Atirougb tdiate Whee auones Iand thrmisslng. lu the latter ltire Mns. Suerth ta ber, vas this: "Thre Waukegaa Young mari viraaided ma- c as hîslther amofm Sire ik eather looked go tirrestening in the lerialiy la rescue wurk. The Young Itwscssstrsnm.S eaides mornîng tirat I did not vaut ta taire man la nana otirer than William Wet- at 2506 Harding avenue, Chiîcago. tire excursion. Now he'a dravrred, zol ot the Sim ag Conrad and Wetzel. When questloned about tire malter but tire rosi of os are ail rigbt.' Mr. Wetzei hs a studenl ai an embain- tdyM.Kbksi ehdnthid MAS. RICE LOSES COUSIN. lng achoal la Chicago, and ire assalsted a odaou rssstradaîpoe irs. Bd Rîce, vite nf a driver for lu preirarlag no leas Iran ffty bodies sird e h siianot irne nn Ho Itire odel Laundry, loat a cousin n tor hurli. sald ie thad ftcursov nd s ir lurtrdeItire Estland uisator. Sire la flot NIECE 0F MRS. H+URT. latk ieecrInadii la i-kuovu irere aîthough tire Young van- tînation vas cnnveyed viren irel Mrs. Augrist Hurt, rave avenue ga da h ltofterAsn.1Pauniad ireen tire gireat of ber local and 22nd itreet Notrh Chiclago. re- relative .everal ti«n uriî.ing the .,.at IL - 1 , 1 il 0 - - Durand & Durand REAL ESTATE I NISU R ANC E COLLECTIONS Trlggs Bliag., Libertyville Phone 2, LUbertyville; 470-M, Ld. DIl POWER SPRAYIN(I À") WIIIEWA5EIN Clean Quick Gauraoteed Work. Cow Baris, Chickes Boises. oct F.JELLEY Phono 319-R Ube,ýIlihnl DYMOND L AUSTIN Loa"& Insunnce, Rali Ehtte md House Renting. Office in Kaiser Bltck. LIBERTYVILLE,. - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLDY Attorney-at-Law Office as Ho me',Cook Ave. Phona 163-J LIBERTYVILLE, -ILLINOIS. LYELL FL MORRIS ATTOREY-AT-LAIS Libertyville - Illinois Kes..~ph«,e 1&2_.. Office Phon. la MARTIN C. DECR kTTUH5EY-AO'-LAW Offlice Opp. 1 MM St. Electrie Staion Jmlco Phone S.Ili Bes. Phono 1860a N'flIH CHICAGiO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Libertyvle, Illtnols PauONS U DR, 0. F. BUTTERFIBD. VETERINÂBY SURG3EON AMIIITANT WrATI YETEISA5IAS. Llbertyvle. Illinois. DR.E. EV. ITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON HlOur.st8Olua. mi. 2 te 4and 7toS. m Office over Rtay Furniture Store LIBERTYVILLE. ILUI401 DR. N. W. S1IELLENBERGER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Old Triggs BIdg. Lbertyvîlle, 111. Office Houri 10 until 5 ' Tuesdays and FrIdays anly DR. I. L TAYLOR Office in Fiait Nuilo& aui ué Dlldl nu»a-l ta 3:30 sud t o t m. Beeldenos -inBroadway,. oppoulla la L.toutyvllle._ablai"s. DR. GOLDING DENTIBT Houris 8ta 12 a.m.-1l t atta.. Ovor Firet National Bai Office Phone 19-J. Aue. Phoi» 157J. Llbertytle.hIlinlois DR. E IL SMITM. l DENTIS?. 3VED LAKI OOUTT INATIONAL RAXI. HOUu»-@ te 12 a. nM. and i*0a SP. M. DAILY. LibertyvIle. iuM CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, &. D. H014EOPATHIC PBYSICXA5< a"dSURGEONI Phone 100 0fflice Ovr GaiCe. Lihertyvile. 111. D. HM8ENCLUVER FEU.ME SPECIAIJS 20 yearî practico. Trente ail diemmel0 womno. Rllable or Dofli. Caudutik- tion Irée. Houri 9 ta, 5, Buad&Y 291105. 1443 W. INadinon St. Dma Ashiad Bivd., Chicago.