CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jul 1915, p. 5

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-, Page Eve - 1 1 The Gray.lake Athletic@s defeated the Lake Villa base ball club Sundaiy by a score oAf, t., L They ex pect to play the same tem next week at Lake Villa. :j TOM WALSH, T he Hardware Man Gray&lake, Illinois t The Independent la the county's on- y 12-page weekly-that's why every- body takeg it. Quartz w m. aaNr . e ant spen man- day ln Ares. JameesSneesibylsdoing carpenter work at Millburn. Frank Hook ha@ a new auto. The Warren Cemnetery Agsoiation will mneet on Aug. 4th with Mrs Will Cash- more of Belvidere stree. Mr. and Mrs. Cbasi Hofmn an d Mr. McCormuick spent Thursday at, Frank Read.This and Pr-ofit By I t We are agents for the Kimbal pianos and players, Cheaper and better players than any other. Ask about, the free record deal for the Kimbal piano players' The Victor talking machine andi Victrplas, the best machine on the market. Ask us about it and we will tell why. Come\in and see our niew iano Players and V ictrolas. . Commutation rattroad tickets on both roads. b>Hurlingtonlaundry agency, basket ,eaves 'lhursday a. m. and refurns Sýaturday. THE REXALL STORE Phone 11 1 Grayolake, Il. gan. RUSSELL When the civil war broke out he RUSSEand his two sons, John and William J., The Ladies' Add met on Thursda-en listed. DavidWeh himself was afternoon in the chureb. 9Ykillerd at Kenesaw Mountain. Wil- Thetowshi Sioda eýnnjponpnliam J. served vallantly but was Tho % e ownshiSnda ho otmtaken prisoner and for thirteen afte months was liept prisoner at the An- afernoon), Aug 'th. (;o,,d singring and! dersonville prison. The horrible life good speakers are expectedi the prisoners were obliged to live Russell is famrouis forprdin bride@, there, together with the food servedl, there have been six brides sincüe March. etc., broke down his health. He was On Moniday. July v26, o.r Howard not released fromt prison until the "a ' ~"t""1lee r iirw. ed °f the "· IL- Iartz preached his farewell ser- He then rejoined his regiment and mou sunday toght. EverýIbody'vis sorry went to 'Washington where ho was to have him :ea%,e. He lias made miany mustered out with honor. He then friends in hia ,bort stay hlere enlisted In the regular army and be. ReV. %Wil wNin plrearb nLext Sunday came an orderly st1ruant. After eight nigtne abee aayfor1,o mntbeyears' service he returned to Lake couty and becamie a fireman on the (II i hI a ren-il] at F son.Chicago & North %Wes.,tern railroad. fi G ýIrri an failvandF)ald e was Promoted io engineer and had R G.Murie nd anny ad Dvidthe Waukegan run foýr three years. Muri spent und1ýay wýith AMr. and Mrs.Hersgdan ýitoJco' W. M. lBonner H eindadwett ako, Tenn., where hie remnained for twen.1 E. M\Ml -ns and daughiter and ty years. He then went to Chicago Mr. and MIrs na!,rvý- mmerman salI-d where he remained for a time cbu,ýt on he orr fææ~ ar ay venng.eventually returned t Jacksýon. Aft- Mlim a > . ro- spent th, ee wt er being there a year hie returned Mirs. J. I. Corrisand , aled on a numiberý again to tbis part of the country. ofOHd friend, He then went !o the old sol ' rs' home In Milwaukee where he,,s 'e Indepenident reaâchez al] poMs in 11 as engineer In the power plant for Lak Cuny-nine years.A fJIle Offilers and direetors of the DeSnlet Quartz lile Company, now b inc 'iorporated, stake the-ir repuitation on the statemient that they believe the sttek offred to the public is a rare and genuine bargain. The namnets of thiesv nill are in theilselves a naaiitet of the high standing and sincere pur- poses 4,f the Comipany. D0 not.1nisjifdge or udretmt this splendid opportunity. Every olle, at this tilne, lias e-qua chance of getting in. The products being put out are of hiigh.grad(e quaýlity, While the possibilities of dlevelopinent are practically T his po0pillar sale of stovk Will demonstrate the eonfidenlce of the people iIlltis iBlmlufautoTy Whlh has operated here in Lakeý County for eighit years Whevre the" process of imaekinig lloor tile which is in dermand everywhere has been Wor-ked out.i Irotighlh e niand womnen of imoderate or lmited imeans can AUTO TURNS OVER; 'IS DADY ACTING NONE ARE IlURT BUT ON TECllNICALITY Wj Mrie liiri ae!ýv1gt!e DOG 'EYAPORATES' IN NEWEST ACTION chieken pox. 1- - seb Gladym Am- i ud ogthe n ,w A 1hkg S--' ~ ~~ii v Pa! with Chicago relative- Complete Disapeparance of a h ough tiate' bs ra.ton rn f1i Mir. and Mrs. Clay ton Dixon are Pet Do9 After Auto TUrtled aIn, inartentho1sa ion f" aii rýeeivibu congfratulation. oft*heir friends Proves a Mystery. ýQome of the Fox Lake saloon oes on the arrivai of na uti' le -n at their- and hotel owners, the surmise of o hume on Friday of la.t wee The complete turning turtle of an . rjý ¯ lauto containing four persons and a rna jort eemns to be that he wl]1on- Mrs. Boehm accompanied by hr Wo. e fxtererdgatGgesconr ,.aor Io force out of bujsn- theýse daugter spnt fewday inChiagojust east of Grayslake, late Friday at eotonradicdna: hy doring the past week. eron!asmre)y but Iwo un- are heavy tax payers. and hlpto pay C B, Hamulin and, family *Peut lSatur- enorw s aidhi salary of $5,000 a year, for somne- fýnerinsuc awaetht st rse hist frtlýi,ý. il hances ar noie too good for recovery. nVan Patten, rural mail carrie:, aýs dr as w u1h is mail; hie had his son], Lar Ncwith im n. A Chicago wonlau an riviing lher auto, collided with . Im. Th(- horse's becamle frightened,1 kced the rig to pee and the fathet i and sn ihad a jlo-iscae-rom be 11ng serioulsY ly hrt although their1 bruises finally were found to be built milnor. The1Pboy is nine years old. fresh LIGliT MAGAZINE IS retam Ð free Earl Barron and lamrily were 1Chi--cairo" ý---- usual features, namely: tas n a thorougehin iato of and Sunday with ( hicago relatives FRS- boywshra- thing in the way of at te,hni*aty conditions. MIr. Cottrell savs in part: and made the tri-> by aui:Milss.Alie .io r which they have in, ontroio T'he Grayralake wat. rasý tern has stoodLaro f alouau1t-i though the car skidded into the i alt Of the corn ]I i,i nrthern a satisfactory test and iplumbIIers aie Lro figeie copne hm ditch and the occupants were pin- tt:b:athae, belt was July fo at la nimnth he- now busly connersingr those places thalt Mr. Jonie@of 11lorida,'issenIdingon ned undfer the car. h htb-ag le itj-bo]In nits growth. Trns lif thoiu. are ready with thre nmaini. tirme vwith lher dauighter, Mrs. Claytocn SECOND--The asmall pet dog e r r th sands of acrestof lorn whichrshould . Il o disappeared as completely as if be In tassel are Only two ani thre Luther Baker, ra phlarmgaelst vmpo h adedpoaed ad e- ntioed to) remain In th, sah>,nn busi- fe ih il ter, ftec by M i.- F.J. 1)ruce Il -erail years augO, Mr. and Mrl. %Mort Kapple ,tredtis h hd evpoatd,0ad-1f1rws.The village board of Fox Lake sfaohih.lWetthhe ornest o thea caild(on frienjds here. Mr. Briker ism w week for a two rmonths westerni trip. forte to locate the pet were un- rquiredl the saloon keeprs Ither, this solarg vrp or Tethsor wI proun iocated at Ta.vlrviiipeiii. Theyexpect tl, visitat the8an Fran .cco, availing; the question le, did the year t a ies pt h is fJrecosfrfe.Teei o- 108 okint#rtaiining hiedaujghter expositionj and bpend momne timte with scare cause himn to "beat it"l for Agsbgnigwt h rtpr siderable danger, howevepr, that the friends andrelativesengialiforni.tUtahepars unknowncorn will not reach the ful matuirity and two sons of icago. and Montana iThe accident occuirred as two cars tofnthemgseanthesyea ,:icrftinstat inecsayfrstog.ri- JuseTurner motoired tu icgSatur- Mr-. M. llalrymplle and mi.. M :,,pblonlging to S. B. Scidmiore,owner thi . a hefca ar ndti' Is ation. owrshul t n dayevenin, returnigSunday. ii-r wre .,-alled to hici(ago 1byIthe of lHirchl;le farmi, Nwhich lie jus t (al year ends April 30. "vr ongoe huda ne Mr- IVm. Ric-hardsois pedhg Ldatofthir bother, Chars.Per al, acroýs the strcet east of the W\aill The ýFox Lake saloon k wcrnseletnsufficint seed fra next ymar's fewr days with friendéî in Chic agirm.y, o t1 Wstrnbonte n oe On sheridan road nýorth of Wau- 1 e oudrtndtagni latn rmcr ria n11. L VMesaermpaiedby hi s mwhoh!-t hhIlif ,e _lhtbeameýr FEast- k n.was en jr u'- to F1 LkefrwihAgutIthywuh ero ll gThecorn raised then had unuisuialy wer Cicgoviitrsatrdy- ban. he atede te unra ona ieie Th prt cns dorf ph a inzise e fee fd - rquiedstronz v iality and nmany district re- T. Il %%almh ando famlily and ( harley T n a .teepersons: lear.Il was not their ow proposi orthehgest vitalityv in any er'l' Riebmotredto MHeny Sndayto ohnK.rr pa Ud away at b home ..IN CAR NUMBER 1-Io ý!a ,o)u ,t inlasmouch as h11. ae. itinfou yar. Thé seedhob] w:ite>ata bal garn between iMcenrN hr1 amt Friday mlorrning after anu edoem i ohr. M rs. S. R.had s rdhm t.'alrght be hunig upor stored lin sacks. iA, aud Rockford, ~~of sevral months o cf beurt trouble. Ili. S, m e.Ur. 'a p . wife of Dr.11(v fslt that the pro, si;ig w s a m rw o h scoc on wl d John ebuutn ofWaukean, sent eavesbreessterMary holivd wih (wmasoft pan:oMiiMt alri h t prflitatt 1 elect1 orormore over Stinday rat the Waltýr Godfrey 1him, Mrs MgibeciidfEant i ore of 1E wood, 1nd lm lie r uhl ti ikl obin od hem.lndMr..-,ie pin 'fHcvr. fi. IN CAR NU MBER 2.-ý;. IP idmno: ,mat ionisagainst the Fox 1.ak, men, price next spring. Miro. Wm. Elbll and Mr. J w Ioiga- ieres and Illph-wsanid a hti . of fri r- ('amp)ibel, FR. P. Sid O of El charginig them with selling imolxicat- baug wee Wukean n.iom onday. who ,wm ud I in. m 1"n. woo"d. Ind., anid Doe anPbl)l cf I': : quor on Sunday, he tih-d IsecondB0 NE RD ATH M RuhAndeirson of i . 1b illfueral wtiheld t the church hLr, on (leveland. 'omain innearly every-iase in B YN E T 0spending the week with Mi.- Bs unayafternoon wýith b a nor It w-asthe firt car wih t %rnjl hihe charged the men wer, oler A T RH U SI Medson nolcmeeY. 1tart ]e. lust eas t of age s cornr ; aug their places without a iliense by viallfawnnt 'iChago Satur- wile descending a smuall hill, thle two H explainied that he took jýis view A T RH U SI DrPof comanedb hs if nd day with hlll auto tires on the north side of the car blew of1emte eas h aelw oister were pleinant leeb-r ofudaye p at he sam time Thetudden x. I I UI -%i» S loe liteindisiiiiig fw Bertie islaveatntirt teral ofx hesays.proiIdes that a saloon keeper daMisbi W hL iteh aienpe dina kgafew ihis fri-,nds last Friday aftern n 11r 8101si stogether with the 'swe'rv'gin ay not Pay is license in install- __ v ul 4,poedahod- daytb wek it frens n Wukga. hnor of Ihi. birthdfay. ito one side, caused the driver, Paug- mlents, but must pay the entire Suday , uy2,irnda odo ari lois la Mondav forIa visitilasSidoet s nrl oftheamounit at fthe first of eac h fiscal dy nAntioch as two bad accidents with im paren9 matMIofltlw.ier, Ohioi. eer,,ro IttwLth Athhcar and it turtled into the ditch after lear. Thre"einformations wrefild marred the day. as follows: entertaurtinoiswnddck, vert illd b hu Mi- Abre Sebeil of G nseIll.. an d o n ý f1LIot going over 157lmiles anl houir- If it is otrue thiat he sel s thjequo1 to; 11 year old v.1eUm has small MI-- i thel Mel1berg, INhil are attending M talK of oa rturi-d C.rers Ruth to Scene. warranto alctionson. the samngrouinds chance for life, the state No rmnal -ooil at Iial pel:t h--h Saturday nalir a w"ee Theocuas oT the other (ar saw 1it is hard io understand whyhe-bc Wm. Van Patten and son have close the week-end with M l. M-lherg'si %i it a t ith-A ,e ry hon i, .wih concern the car ahead of theml should shift the cases fromt thscouinty escape In runaway as auto hits rig. parent. . Th, w islý atr - ram ia turni over In the ditch, landinig up- Io the circuit court uniless, it is that The accident to the little boy, who O)rlandý,ibado and fail y m1o tor- given und - h (as iof the Fox L.ake side down, on the top. They threw I he figures it wvould require 1-seffort Is the son of Irving Paddock, occurred ed to Lake Gieneva Suda--rmPtery soriety at. Lake Vila biall last on all spPeed, rushied To the scenle andl on his part. late in the day. The boy had start-1 l' .Newhjouse returnil edte rt ofý Wedneiday 31 eni wsqute a succ.ees quickly determined that nobody was ____ in run across the Street to meet his thwý ale ýýnin sveaidaélindespite thre wati The memibers of serioujsly hurt. They pulled the up-1 mother who had gonle to town to shop. l rthegveraWot days inTg the -eiety wimh to thank those wmho Iturned car off the victims and theni ANDERSONVILLE H i o e n fteGasLk donaed nd elpd oterwseespial took a survey of things, finding thatý resort auto busses and the car hit Mis (baloteBerlad ermp .dJ. J. Barnsmtable lor furniisir:ghis hall >lr. cidmore was the only, one hurt him. His body was thrown by the by Iler imotb6er.spenit afewmdays ofelas.,andl ighztwý- and!her injuiry was trIvia, mf.r(ýy PRISO. N VICTIM IS w-ek viiting at the, Branjdstétter homle. be4ing a bruised "shin. ofi -k tii ing at th Iile frANTIOCH w oa ad hn as nigta Orano ihaso.Mrs. 1L-la Andersmonispeýningthsnobody was hurt to any extent. began W11l1am. J.Weh, a former well - wekwit hr pretehae t lok or rsSedmoe' pe fxnownoresident of Waukegan and WARREN Th, e in' alker ak n r erewhich she had beenholding Lkecounty. is dead iat the old sol- isitingait threNM. W url . I-on her lap," said Mir. Seidmore, in diers' home fin Mýwaukese where for NiM iss Haz 1 lark mspent th-. past -k! Fred Shean ha omelha Norm l ing of te accident, adding: "And,: the last nine years he had served In with hier allnt, Mrès I ambweeI.I-tet o lhuhw eace ihadI whee h h bo aton e nhol fr amuh w sarced ig an lw, the capacity of enginee-r. His re- The Warren Cemetery Aélscciation he1 te s tomnh.we could not find the animal. Hfe wasl mains will be broughit 7o Gurnee on July :41 w ith Mrs. Jol.annta Snesby wa. s RyWbia hiaorstrMn not cruished under the ç-ar for we wePre Saturday. Funeral fromt the Gurnee quile well attenided. day. aeu to makep a comiplete each hurch Saturday afternooon at 2 o'- Mr. rend Mrs L. H. Miller and daughteýr la We w ent to the neighboring fairms and cloc'. Mr. We m a, a brother-in- Junle spent Suniday ai Lake Bluff. nea in the city ,nB IusI houses and searched in every possibI, law of the late Thomaii McCluire and -%lisse. Lizzie and FloreneeHofmnann u spot where- the animal might have la cousin of M.\rs. James Dady of Gur- 5orikegcan, have been whýitinigrlais ihran mter r- goneP. But, not a clu,. So, consider- nee. Thirten months' servitude in the in (;Ur[)-. - Warner weýre visiting Antioch relatives Ing the fortunate termnination of the awful Andersonv i:e prison during the - Mr rn abwaaae oM l'ad took in the (hautau. lua sihe pas-t accident for the occupants of the car. civil war wrecked'.Mr. Welch's health AN wauklee bly the deathl of lier ule, the@ one ,regret and the one thing and hie never quite resained it. He Weleih. Ai, nundiwr of icgfriends caled o over which we all feel badly is the seirved in the 14thII mnOIs Cavalry ThUroucert given by Mise Janie Finney T. Mooniey and lanmly Sundlay,. loss of Mlrs. Seidmore's pet.' during the war and after the war ,lu Thursday e-vening for the benefit of Little Leris Paddock, son of Mr. and 'The animal practically evaporated enlisted In the 11-sth E- S. regulars. the Warren Cemetery Chapel was; quite, Mr@. Irving Paddock of Grass Lake was with a suddienness that Is unexplain- 'Way back in the carly forties, a sceNs, scallyasWeil as fInancially, very éoeriou>ly injured la.t Saturday. able." James WIelch caime to Lake county OFFICER the profits beinIg about $30. While hewras attemupting to cross the .Mr. Scidmiore inserted an adith from New York and settled In ilJ- Street bere in front of Williams Brothers Daily Sun and Weekly Ind ependent burn. In 1854 he wrote to his broth- Mrs. Ellen Lamb LI % isiting her niece, store, an auto, driven by Andrew Cobb In hopes of finding somebody who may er, David, who thlin îred in New Mdrs. Clark. @truck him, breaking his leg and hurting have seen the dog, terror stricken, York, and advised him, to comle to Geo. W . DeSm et Elbeýrt Elérbury hia. just had a roew him severely. There is little hopes of is making away fromn the scene of acci- Lake county and opeýn a wagon shop. cemnent silo erected.• recovery. dent. David W'elch moved to Antioch and Mr@. Roy Bracber ha@ kindly donated Tuesday was the last day of our Lin- The damaged auto was towed into opened the first wagon shop there. He S. L. Tripp, - Vi baer stal their porchon Augh n4, tr a coln Chautauq;ua, which wasagreatsue.. Waukegan by a mani froma a garage, stayed there two years and then be- chapel. ,cs from si he first to the last, a@ a very The picnic naturaUly was abandoned cause business was not as brisk lheHL large and appreciative audience at. for the day. decided to move his shop to Wauk, . .F s e , - WARN FARMERS Of BAD FAMINE IN SEEDS NEXT YEAR' a shn , a shor > ,of corn i table for plantng the 1 -;erqp. agricub - tural experts li'h a"arnedthe farm- ers of northern Ilmi to 1m save from the ir 1914spiysmln for their needs next se.ason. The warning which c omýý from H11 M1. Cotr rellpagric uýltural Commis- 0 ioner ofthe Rock il!and linesi l based on thor h- he Ifrui f6.n a ýe your preserving . t fourthKaro I9fa l)insdtAd ahen turrut oswe.& [nehtwith * Kar fromn crystallization. 6 a.P-,, kM RN PRODUCTS RFM o 8-o 161, N- Y-o ci, .t Charging habitual drunkenness for th'e last two years4, Mrs. Hallie Lee . Ellis of Grayslake, MOnday p, m., wasý granted a divorce decree from her! husband, William Ellis, publisher of the Searchlight magazine, which ls print@1 at Grayslake, but which ls ,*irulatedj in all parts of the country.* T:e decree was entered by Circuitj ;Jdge Claire C. Edwards. Mlr. and( Mrs. Ellis were married In ChIiaca) sceen years ago. They hav, no( ciljdren.I n h1 er bill Mrs. Ellis set forth that heý r huisband was quarrei - stomet and ilitreated her, that he was an habuuaiil drunkard, that he u ses uuelanguage and opprobrious epi.1 thets, and that her condition ls ren- dered intolorable and her life a bur- made no defense. The evidence show - ed that Ellis had been on sprees fre- quently during the last two years. In 1912 Ellis gave up the position of commerce counsel of the St. Pauli railroad, paying hima $7,500 a year' and which he had held for Somne years, to publish the Searchlight magazine. Don't swekter in a bot kitchen this summer. Come in and sec The finest oil stoves made. Fully guaranteed.. Whether you have decided to buy an oi stove or not, let us show you this line. Absolutely reliable-simplest to operate, lIndeP-udent reader? d, ONZ. Then He Boughit the RIng, Aff able Widow-- Do you know, Mr. Oldboy, my da-ughter Maud hias set her eyes most 10ovingly on you,"' Mr. Old- boy (much flûtteredl--"Has9 she, real- ly? 1 have always consIdered her a sweet girl.* Affable W\idow--"Yes, OI moayIshe said 'tat's the sort of Th ùenendent leada&I ended each performance. Helen and Mfable Freeéze of Evan4ton, formally of Antioch are @spending their vaction here this week. Mr@. John Hancock and Ilttle daughter are vieiting relative@ in Antioch. Mr@. Leota Teckeil of ChIcago Is @pend-. tang this week with her parent@, Mr. and Mrs. M. Havnes MR.LBUR_1] keganà, pent Wednesday with Mrs. W. M. Bonner and relative@ in Hickory., Many from this vicinity attended the Chautauqua at Antioch, the past week. tor A. .Safford was a Chicago vis- Cora strang is entertaining her cousin. L. Burge of Waukegan, father of Mr@. Warren Hook, died Sunday. Tommy Smith has the measles' J. W. Heddle mpent a few days atsom- oe. WVis., the first of the week- Mr. ialloway of Union Grore, Wis-, @pent a few days with his mister. Mrs. HB. D. Minto. Mr.Mareli bs rcëiedword of the Independent reader? BE ONEC. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDA y,.1-W LY 30 1915, Fe Sra 3ia ec Edited by F.dJ. DRUCE. Phone Il Orders Taken for dob Work. Aýdverti sing rates on application. ýREA, ILLINOIS ew Corporation DIRECTORS ES ]Robt. B. Lammens S. là.Trp Howard L. Fisher Will Knigge Geo. W.De iet t, - Pres. ce Pres. Sec'y Tr ea • HAWatson,

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