CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 6 Aug 1915, p. 8

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ADVERTISI NG ON JNSULL PLACE; REALTY FEATUREý RATES Barring Big Loans on Insuli 6c per lino eacn insertion Property at Libertyville the Les han 5 linos, Loans Were Slow. Business of the recorder's office for the week endiag .luly 31, 1915: INumber of transfers. 92. DO V'OU WA141T Number of boans, 24. T1otal number o! instruments filed, TO GET A GOOD JOB? B usiness lias be arybrick dur- Do yau Vant ta work for soiLe j igth ek fermer? The blggest deal during the week wýas the transier ai tihs Clement & Do you want ta get nome work Hanson fermis lu Vernon and Liberty- ta do arouud the gardens and bornes ville townships trom John Griffith ta of the town reeldents? Iu short, do you want work- Edward J. Doyle for a nominal con- and are you out of a job?, sideration. Doyle executing a boan on don't you try mnning a the samie for $100.000. This property ~Why heing part of the Insuil holdings "WOK W NTE ~ InlaBeutan township Henry A. Pope1 "W *R DA bought ane-haIt Intereat ta the Nelson1 In aur laesiflcd co.Mua instead of farta la section 31 from AAmas J. Nlch-1 waiting until yoa hear oi a job? ois for $6800.1 J. C. and Fanmie M. McCartney Go Aller the Job-Do Not lbought 30 acres ln southeast quarter1 Waît for It te Corne to You. 'section 32 from J. Ni. Lyon for a9 nominal cansîderation. Yonr ad in the olassified section of In Newport townsheip Thomas B. tbe LAKtE COUNTY INI)EPENODeXýT Deegan bought 10 acres la southwest will reach tileauande of residents of quarter section 21 sud Mary A. Dee Lake counly and vieinity. Likely gan baught 70 acres la soubhwest smre af these readers wiIl need a quarter section 21 and 40 acres la man for sorne work ta do. northeest quarter section 29 tram El- The cout ofiàa 6v.lUne ad for one ,,n Deegan for a nominaÏîXonsIder- insertion is only 25u. This in thle ati,,. new way ta get a job. It ie la Aatlach township Gertrude E. qluicker. Mlddendort bought part ai the- Her- R m ana properby on Grass lake lu sec- T 'Y I T tion 26 froam William Hermann forM a nominal consîderation.t . . . .. . . .. . . la Grant township Max P. and LiI- *~ lie hn H. Rieger bougbt three lots la + ma BAULau', subdivision et Stantoa Point . . . .. . . .. . . on Fox Lake for $450. pOlt SALE-Ey owner. 160 acres. 2% Ia Avon tawnship James H. ad MOUltem rroad station; laye well; Hulda Mogg bought a lot oa Ceter sS oi t ae dlc' avenue, Grayslake, iran. Joseph B. msuis made. $200 par acre T. IL. Keller and Mrs. Belle Subert bought Barkina, &.Ir. D. Na. 5,,White Cloud, a lot ln Whitewood subdivision at MIcBI Wkly 1t4. Grayslake frone M. 1. Carfield for $450. FOR $AM-Aa>out Auguht 151h. four lrgue J. Grlmaldby hought the Wil- boim&m.ChiSlai. TelePlone c<e. liane Nelson tarm of 141 acres tn sec- onyw, Wuen, IuL. W» ions 31 sud 32 tram the estate af ___________________________Carnie E. Thaeor for $1.000. FOR SALF.-Bieutifutloslai Gien Nagle Henry Janssen bought two lots lnd Subdivision on privas.e lake adjointn~s« fitits subdivision et Round Lake. Vaxz Lake. liv apwly cornpleted chanusl frrnm Hellen. S. Magill for $1.250. a laumebe. land withiu 5 min. w*lk of la Warren township Louis D. PL.r-A auj lot. Semooa*le prices.. W.- C. Nos. celle sold part ot the Oliver Hooko Owaler, Uberty'vilitîî. 46p1 fana la east baît section 7 ta Marie wý-e* Nelson for a nominal consideratlon. t 00'" OR SAE-To sottie up tbe la Hghland Park Elizabeth M. C. esSate, tr, aof 100 acres, knawn se the Forga bought two lots at the corner John FrWeleb terna, 1 Mlle mauth oi Lake of St. John's avenue sud St. John's Zurich snd 4 mlles northeait ai Berring- place from R. W. Hawkns for a nom-E tont. This leaone of lbe boet farme Imal conideration.L arotmd; no waste tend, gaod improve. Nils Olsen bouglit five lots on Rail- l seete., god location. For terme ai way avenue la South Hghland addi-a price apply ta Aag. Froellcb, Lake tion tram Otto R. Hansen sud salda Zurich. Ilt.Pbone 41. .4fflithree lots ta Daniel Bowman for a& FqR SALE-Rubber tirsd top buggy ln lielt clame condition, ueed 8 mo. Albert PaaMe, Ana, lu. 46p3 FOR SALE-27 Pure bred Duroc Jery àay Pige. N. P. Nielaso, Prairie View. Phoae 2b9-N-i. 46e2 FOR SAi.-4 eve. Hendersan 1918 motoreyels. with Rogeers aide car,.$1851. nominal conalderation. Otto Bales, bought tue McCowan place on Bronson street sud Roger Willia avenue for a nominal con- sideratian. EarIR. UhI bought tram M. N. Fli et aI., 100-foot lot on Sheridan rosid for $4.,600 and resald lbta George Pick for a nominal conslderation. Ia Waukegan C. W. Pence sold hi. Wili take drivlng bores foîpartpsynthouse on North St. James street and P. GnowTel. 172J, Llbertuvilile. 46fiour bouses on Helnehoîz avenue nar Jackson mreet ta Merton R. Fisb of FORSALE--Studeaker t.a" cart, Whitewater, Wis., for a nomnal con- Deac-y Iuew. Wm. Pester, Llbertyville. sideration. Pétons 171 -I. 45p2 C. F. Blackmer and thers sold ta ' pww4w4fl--- MJoseph J. Basila a 37%-foot lat an FOR SALE OR TRAO E--8.uoora 1Hau8e, Sheridan place wcst ai McAlister ave- 15 lots, 50Z190. flowinx Weilswer, nue for $2.660. cce. yard. fiait, email sud 1w-g.; The Lithuanien Ciixenz' Club of ab"adeses. Bollabie for gardenug sud1Waukegan, fnl., iled litscertificats ai Poultry. vive minutas walk tram aid or incorporation. new depal. Terme ta suit.' lovetigtui Wut. "S" Box 884, Lîhertyvîble, Ili. NOa gets. Wiîi oeil lu part or &U Chs. S. Blàisdell, Living Near 444Waukegan, Ha: Been Drink- FOR SALE OR RENT-7 rouetHouse. ung Liquo Two Years. Cah or easy payueenta. Inquire afi Jamnes R. M8ach, Broadway, Libertyvllle.' Charles 9. Biaiedell, 30 years aId. its'lnfarer living nar Waukegan, bas ----- Ifed suit for divorce in the Circuit H4OMES SOLO, bongbt adsxchbamgd Court of Cook County againat is ac- Sond hand haines. snd wagons, tisse wlfe, Aile M. Blalsdell, Céeb or terme. N. . Ladd,,phone 4, fltI&dell vas formerly an actar, Uàbeityvllie. 46« but lefI lite profession in reaponse P~ t a "caîl tram ltse land." Mn Biais' go-have a enumber oa inle bhomsfoi deiliis a "stage beauty." Clarke who mais t Dymand& AustIn, Lberty- smv ber wban mb9 called et the Cir- Ville. c46-tf cuit clerk'm office ta reil b-3 bus- band'a bill aid Bbc Vas one of the, +LUIT SMd IOUND + mnt beautful gamen they baded m . .+. .+. . . .+. . .+.+.seen. FOUND-Slla parasol at Chatuq,,a& Mrs. Blaisdell vere rnarried grauDda. Owuer may bave @mrn by ai Racine, WIs., JUIy 10, 1911. Mr$. calling eitbths office, provlng property Blaigdels maiden nome was Alice M.. sed paying for Ibis ad. Coulter. Immendiateîy after their mar- eiage, aecording. to the fermer-adto, LOST-Tay fax terrier, white witit basband, ah. began tb. excessive use brava bead, FIrday on BelvIdede a! intoxlcaUing liquoresud kept il rond, 8 miles es.t of waukegan. ii> up for more than twa years, chas mak- endI revard. Telephone S. B. Scid- 15g th. habit a statutary ground for more, Waukegan 1782. 173-t+ divorce. He also accuses ber ai un- due iamiliarity with anc Hsrry Suler + AN E + ai Biwabec, Mina., an Oct 8, 1913. . . . .. ..+.+ . ..+. Tbey separated Oct. 9, 1914, it ts WANTE-Ninee persans ta buy r@Wmstsc property in Libert>i-llle. B. D. Indepeadbut retchee aUl poots ln Boyd. Llbeityville. Laits a P .e5 SPUT INIf L 13 VI" DENCE IN SMOKU IN. JUNCTIONMATTER The Defense in the Action Are Expected to Put in Proof Here Next Week. Addtiona] evidence la th.eZMon City smoke inJunctian case In which the ta- dependents of ZMon City are seeking ta secure a Permanent InJunctian r.- stralnlng the City eoiSelaIs aofZMon f roml interferlng with thene while titey are smoking, was heard betore Spa. ciaI Master la Chancery IL P. FHanna tOdaY. The independents are assit- lirg nat oaly the permanent Isjuntlon but also wlsb ta secure ane that vilI be broader la scope that thse tempor- ary wrlt existlng ai the passent lime. Several limes 1he attorneys forthe Independents have aplucared betore the sPeclal master and have put in testimony. Today they cornPleted their case when thrae justices af the peso. lad given their siatemente and next week it la expected that the de- tendants vilI present their proof. Justice BoteOOrd ai Wau'tegan waî the Oirt witness Put on the stand ta- day. He tcstlLisd that lna MZon City amoke cas. heard hefore him the evidence Put la by the ZMon aiS-. clae as la the efeet that the de- fendant bed smakcd ou th. open streets aifZMon which the IndePend- enta dlaim1is utal aviolation af the ardinance under the ruling ai the suPreme court. Justice Roy -Mason took th. stand and testMied titat inte h aoke cases beard before hlmlte only evidence Put On vas ta the effeet titatthe de- tendants hem mmloked ln the open street. Justice Have aifZMon City taok the stand and testitied that shortly atter the supreecourt itatiruled chat pao- Plene lght mmoka e ité open treets la ZIon. Theodore Far'by. City attor- ney ofrZMon, b.d stated la bis court la the trYing Of an alleVedl smoking came that "smoking mustan Ld wyl stop la Mion City.- OROINANCE NO. 271 An Ordinance Levying the Taxes 10 Defray ail the necessary Expensos and Liabilitle af the Village of Libertyville, for and during th. Fiscal ending the 3Oih day of April A. 0. loto. Wbereas lb. Preaident snd Board of Trusteai Ofbe vilage ot Lbertjviiis, d"d 4j an Ordinen paed by tbe Board and dulIV approîe<i by vthei'rpoident of mai villuage, un the '251h day ol1J i.. A. 1). 1915. e9Srtaimn the total amouint of tihe appropriations for ail corporate pur1,uoeo iegaily mad. to te c,1!cted iran, the.ftx evs* of maid tiucai vear, sud thetein spI.iid in detibli, the. purpose for wheh appropriations wers nmade, sud the aneount eppropriated fur seid purposes, thersiore, Bo it ordaiued hy the Prcidsnî esud Board ut Trudtece to bfthevillage oi Libertyville: Sxc'raet . Thet theresehîeretby evied and bY the scierai a&certaiusi, or -,o neh therfft a.. hé autlorized by lew. hipon ail persoîsell and rai propertvsutnj.%:t tu taxation witblu m&id village ai Libert.yville as the sme ie asmeed sud cqual.zed for ttt and County porpoacen for..ILseear A. t). 1915. the toila wing §Ue of i îy. for thetIOlLswiûg specille Purposea mentioaed in sald appropriation bill; sud ia the respectiveimumeseaît: Fur tbe purposéiofai iding lu payinig tLe rnecssry ,'outln. gentexpon..s ai @&id village, the mune i o...................... $181000o For tLs purpout aipailu fir the repaire, mlruue' lunprovsmenl andcons-rut:bl ai etree, ailcys. higb wayoaiid avenue, ai and la said tillésj.. ineludlag conmtructing sud r,. patirofai treel cromeluute. tice su,f.......i......................100 0V For 1he parpoe aipaylng the expeuseoaillghsiag tb. mîreete aud public placee of mid village, the aune ol.............. 2400 00 Far the purpome of payinir tb. expenssee aiprlutlng tbe ordlnancsand minutes ai mu. lu 0 stc., the auino ai ...... . 20(0 0 n~r the parpome ai paylag ltse tfeuih Snual inostiment af seser warrant No. 2 sud interest and SUn elxtb &anul luaflet ofi ewer warrant No. 3and Interest, tb. cane ai.. 275 00 For tb. purpose oi paying two village hall bonds ai uasd village fur bbe sun ni$500 00 eacb, Nos. 5 and 6, tcgether with luteren. on $80 000of village bail boude*aifmad vil- lage, the aunef ai................. 140 000 Talais..... ................. $6675 00 booklns a total agraîsae mta 1, levled and ssesm.dand collecteci l, generail taxatibunutai exty-ix bundred msventy.llve sud uo-100 dollars (fil, 675.00.) Esci of e@Md smneni money and tb. aggieaee theréot are uliempti necmeary by the Preeideu: and Board o Trustce« ta deiray Ibm .eceesaryex ponues and liabilltiee afthe alorteosi"iallags ifor sud durlng tbhefsocal Jear eîndinà A prit 30, 1916, for th. respective îuurpofe. aboie speciflcaiiv est forsb. $ucrîns IL That tiec,&sId varins sumos abovs Met iurth ta he relsed hv taxation. the aggregato uf whi-tu le $6.675.00 are appropriAted ise propar. tiouate tractioue of esId total amount of 06.675.0 and la casesofiatiare to recelve orcabecsalaggegaesuo$6675 10 tbs deficlency saol e dedncted pro retis irom «eId varions sumos. BEcTiox III. And the clorir faiad villagie le bcreby direcuedti S file with the Coun ty Cierk ni Lakp Cubty s daly eertified cour of Chig Ordlnucc.. "Ix-os IV. This Ordunance @liait 1e i, nown s (rdioauee liNe 271 J. B. MousE. Preeldeal. Ait et E. H. LORLrTT Village- Clerk. Paoscd, Auig. 2.1915 Approved. Auguet 2. 1915. Pulmbd, Augumt 6 N191 il). E1iAL5MATE TâbNFES Furnishodb LAKECOUNTYTITL TR TC I Abitracts of Titi.. Tilles Guaranteed. MAÏOnic Temple Bldx. Waukegan. July 23, 1915-Nicholas Adarns andT H wife ta Thomnas Cale and wlfe, norta 30 tact, outh 80 feet lot 2, bloc*j 2, MclCaY's second addition, Wankegan. 'YOU Wa~int W. D., 81,800. the Saving' Id. H. L Brooks te W. E. Brooks and eyo sy a wife, 280 acres ln sections 33 and 34, ou I »Y "I Waucanda township. W. D., $410. no nit1buta De 3ulY 24, 1915-A. P. Barr and wif e Tin hçac tu Mary Barr, 20 acres ln southwest flY muUet b. )jar quarter' sect Ion 30, UÀbertyville town- shil). W. D., $1. Sia,'I L si Frank Rasmussen ta B. E. Stanfard, The savingof lot 8, Buena Park, Foi Lake. Q. C., MMOEY 81.00. na th Helen F. Putnam ta May L GrlOfn, sav-insr lots 4 and 19, Cannon's subdivision. a l'tI*f. Zmon City. Q. C., $1. SJUIY 26, 1915.-County Clerk ta F. W. Churchill, lots il te 16, 23 and 24. black 9, Baatlett's subdivision, La'<e Porebt.'fax deed. Win. Hermann and wtt. taelGer- ~ _____ trude E. Middeadorf, part forth % KÂRRIÂGE L1012(sUS. scluthesat %( section 26, West Antioch, township. W. D., si. Arthur R. Meyer. Chicago, le. Wm. Wilrningtnn and wife ta Win, Mildrea Rohnhoff. Western Rprngm. Walker, lot 4, Wlliningtan's subdivls. Ili. 20. Joe . GJast, Chicago. 22. ion et Deep Lake. W. D., #10. Alvina Stibbeurauch, same, 21. J. B. Keller and wife ta J. H. and Elmer P. Andersan, Chicaga, 21. Hulda Mogg, lot 8, sud land adjoinlng1 Anna Lanier. smrn 20. Roblason's subdivision, Grayalake. 'W.* David P. Craig, Covington. Ten, 39. 1Margaret Ferguson, Evanstan. 22. D., $2.760. George H. Thompeon, Chicaga, 31; Jessie Glaser, et al, ta Irene .Aile. Gagraudy, zmre, 22. Grlrnboly, tract of land ln sections' Edward OBrien, Chicago. 21; Char- 31 and 32, Avon township. Deeds, lotte Colimn, samne, 18. $1.000. Leslie F. Turnbull, Wauconda, 27; C. E.OSaYler ta C. A. Newcoxnb, Jr.. Phytls Paddock, Round Lake, 19. lots 33 ta 36, block 107, North Chi- Oscar Martin, Jr., Miwaukee, 21f; cago. W. D., $100. Elizabeth Oihafsciy, ime. 28. July 27, 1915.-Mary 1. Carfield ta, Spencer Howard, Russell nt., 21. Ms. Belle Suhert, lot 29. Whltewood ., tîlnale Reeves, *mre, 19. subdivision, Long Lake. W. D., $450.1 Siman Ruhr, Highland Park, 22. A.. J. Nichoa and wfe ta H. A. Pape Catherine Kilkenny, arne, 24. tract ln narth % section 31, Beatan william Aillem, Zion City, 34. township. W. D., $6,800.1 Bergie Huneberger, mare, 24. Lulu M. Pence and husband ta M. Alonso Gibson, Racine, 35. R. Irish, lot on Heinehoîz place, alo Jessie B. Hart, urne, 2f. lat 29, Lyon'a subdivision of Fair Joseph Brink, Mllwaukee, 31. Grounds, Waulcegan. W. D., $1. I Martha Raudau, smre, 22. July 29, 1915.-R. W. Hawkins and, Olof Nelson, Hlghlanbd Park, 30. wife te, Elizabeth M. C. Forgan, lots: Marthe.Omansane,21. 4, 5 and part lot 3, subdivision of lots. 5 and 6, block 34. Highland Park. W. Benjamin BItter, Flint, Mlch., 28. D. $10.1 Blanche E. Bush, WaukMn, 29. O. R. Hansen snd wife ta Nuls Olsen. HILmer Wlckstrom. Racine, 25. part lots 6 te 9, subdivision Of lot 'Clam Mtosle 4 190, Ravinla. W. D. $80. ton ane14 Nils Olzen and wlfe t a neiel Bow- 1Joseph Rodowh. Wkukegan, 28. man, part lots 7, 8 and 9, subdivision; Rate Netuocute, smre, 25. of lot 180, Ravinia. W. D. $10. William Road. Wauwatoea, Win., 40. J. M. Lyon and wite te J. C. Mecart- Anna T. Menzer, smre, 29. ney and wlfe. 20 acres la northwestI quarter southeast quarter section 32. Walter Jackinan. North Chicago, tg. Benton township. W. D. $10. Helena Sarakaika, smre, 20. "Mary E. Lane andi husband ta M. P. Lester Zeller. Waukesha. Win., 22. nd Lillian B. ILleger. lots 18, 19 and' Norma Goerke, Milwaukee, 23. 20, Lane's Station Point subdivision. Jsi .MLaHgln ak W. D. $450. Jsi .MLaHgln ak L D. Purcella and wlte te Marie 29. Nelson, tract of tand la section 7,1 Leah Bidaman, &mre, 24. Warren township. W. D. $10. Edward Neal, North Chicago, 32. July 28, 191.--Chicago Titis and Trust Co. ta C. J. Hanse ad wife, lot Beatrice Meatquest, nmre, 22. 38, Wflsan's 2nd subdivision nt Long George A. Muelher. Chicago...25 Le'ie. Deed, $325. Matalie J. Luttrlng. came .........2 1 aJhn GriEfth and wlte ta, E. J. William E. Ramcke, Chicago..ý.29 Doyle, 650 acres ln LIbertyvlle ad Pu eeeje ae 2 Vernon townships. W. D., $100. 1 alnNeeie.rsie.....2 Helen S8. Magill and huhaad ta tCharles A. Willtls, Chicago ... Hienry Janssen, lots 10 and 11, block. Ruth L. Brophy. same ............ 22 1, Srnlth's subdivision, Round Lake. Louis Lampe, Kenoclea...... >..... 58 W. D., $1.250. L.ena Noîka, saine ............... 30 S. J. Russell and wtfe ta Lea Lur, lots 6, 7, 8, and 9, Moran's subdivis%- Robert (1. Neill, Chicago ......... 24 Ion of south one-third blick 10. mc- Henrietta C. Herfuth, camne....21 Kay's 2nd addition ta Waukegan. Q. Jesse L. Young, Chicago ......... 27 C. $1. Ruth E. Wood, Evanston .......... 20 July 30. 195.-Henry Eagelbrecht Wiliam Krueger, Milwaukee ...28 ta Frederlck Prueve. lot at Prairie 'îrl sas ae......1 Viw.W.O.8100.Geo&te A. Carîson, Elgla ......... 24 Lillian B. McCowan te Otto Bales, Lila B. Ma},' Genoa. 111i........... 28 lot 99 except east 100 test) Ravinia. jdadJ uk StnKn 2 W. D.$10.Margaret Farrell, Pt. Madimon, la... .26 July 31, 1915-Maria N. Fliat, et Samuel Muchmore, Peorla, 111 ...49 al., ta E. R. UhI. south 100 feet lot Ida A. Jones, St. Petersbur, FIa. .38 138, Ravinla. W. D. 87,500. E. A. UhN ta George Pick. south 100 feet lot 138, Ravinia. W. D. $1. MASTER'8 SALE. C. P. Biackner and wife ta J. J. State ofIlîlinois, County of Lake. si. Batls, lot on north side Sheridan In the Circuit Court 01 Lake Ceuaty, place. east of Lincoln avenue. Wau- March Terne, A D. 1915. kegan. W. D. $2.650. TIIOMA9 F. DAVIS vm. ROBERT K. Sanford Peck and wlfe te H. J. DAVIS, et ai. tn Chancery Gen. Lageschuite, lot in village of Barrlng- Ne. 6u7. ton. Q. C. $1. Public Notice la hercby given that Ellen Deegaje ta T. B. Deegan, wesit by virtue af an order and decree en- 10 acres southeat quarter southwest tered in the abave eatitled cause. ln quarter section 21, Ncwport bownship. the Circuit Court of Lake Caunty. W. D. $10. Illinois, et the March tern A. D. 1915. Ellen Deegan ta Mary A. Ocegan. an the 2lst day of July, A. D. 1915. 70 acres ia sSethwest quarter section the undermlgned Master ln Chancery 21, and 40 acres in northeast quarter of the Circuit Court af Lake COUnty section 22, Newport township. W. D.Ililinois, will seil at public vendue.t0 110. the hlghemt and tient bidder for cash A. P'. Beaubien and wife ta Antan on Wednesday, the 2th day of Au. Bazdoas, lot 22, hlock 18, Washhurn guet, A. D. 1915. at the 1hour af ane Springs, Wauksgan. W. D. $1. o'cWok ln the afternoan of said' day, Rtay HelmkarnP ta Benirn. Eisen- at the front door of the Court Houle' bcrg, lot 6, texoept weet 10 teet) ub- la the City of Waukegaa. County af division ai north part block 22, Wamh. Lake, ahd State ai Illinois, the lol- humn Park, North Chicago. w. D, lowing described prernises, t-wit: $250. South FVty (S. 50) Feet af Lot Frive A stange caled e theCampcll(5). la Block Oas (1), la J. P. Powel', livery stable et Zion City On Mon- Illitnot cgaLaeCon day and hlred a horse and buggy for Dtda akgn Illinois, id the day. W8sen he dit! not retura la 28th day af July, A. D. 1915. the evening the proprietor notified EDWARD J. I-EYDECKER: the sheriff anifihe police depaitmeaîmate nChney af different towna la thoq county. A Aaster laChancery tharough search was made but with- out reut.T_ -oulgt en Solicitor for Complainant. ~Y >'oaa il. -L& B ut BayouMSFRT mueti ret 'Ou deserveo uccco. - thon pre ;l Yeu nebd CED IDEA anmd làUi. ra o 0cary il utt ý "-rss am4dttheLs<oddeao are oudy rasde. rMted and 1Used before lIm.y cnv et. save and va viffii liai> > v o imacAtWY Ti- A W~< meansilu savn WTLNV, lis aaasiwY. Reduction iPrices OF MICHELIN TIRES Effecive July l9th One QualityOnly-TheEkst "AS USUALPP Get Reduced Prices From Libertyville ý Garage i Kmives dm11?Of cour»e tîM yarewhen üheyre ums.d mach. The neceuaiy Of takig theun to a griader A General Utility Motor la the. boum..l'bis hadylittife motor takestýme power needed from amy Iamp "oet h wlpo"isgsvsrmad gshwam.,operate amy sewmg machhmg% rua a lathe, mOMeott.motive POwer requiremeut Of a jeweler or optician and a handy mmn oea make it do many other kinds of work. PRICE $17.25 The. varioma attaclimenta are cheap. Public Service Company Théodore M. D rat. Président. W. B. Srnih. Vice Président. F. W. Churchill, Sécréer, and Manager Hon. OeWitt L. Jones, con. Counsel SECURITY TITI£ & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE 'TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $125,060.SO WAUKEGAN PrintingCLEANWR' J0b UUn UL OD Pli O1 Pei GIVE LMs p [seO T. Ai et the This Ili gradMaI ffbeî steml MAfbe mmtIo1 y" anP * Sultis, AnMe add mari mi 1% Mu boi. o Jolen -'ie twl, N èes, 01 PaulyHi ekey, «nus Votar Sclaucî - berer, Kneder iWy isme, eridi Walere Saedwel oiir. Wbete VleuLe D Gage el ami]. tinta. MaieI -Hli' Woody -.4 - . 1 tl p 9 0 , L.Sav vuunzy. 1 ILLINOIS

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