LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII.-NO. 47. .TWELVE, PAGECS LIBERTYVJILE, LAXE COU=NT, ILL., FRiIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT 81.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCL SIIORTAiE IN TUE P0ÏIAL ACCOUNTS; MAY COST liER JOB Lake Bluff Woman, Miss Ross, Admts There la Discrepancy of About $400. UP TO BONDINOCOMPANY.t She Wiil La y Matter Before Co. and Ask That Shortage Be Taken Prom Her Salary. t Diesoeery of s shortage of oe thina cloee to$400lnilber accoa 5 poutmisireas 0f the Lako Bluff PO«t-c office ba$ caused l msaabella Rosa, posimlstrese for the Pest two YearM, much uneesine" and 0cm the mat- ter it '"y oosaihep ho. job, whlcb, @Ince the office became third- clam ,Juiy 1. e been paylng slligb- Iy over .1,0001a year. "'auliy bookkeeplng ced notbing1 else" le the cause ef the situation, gays Mica Ros. vho admit» there 'a a ma ilscrepancy. vbich abc uninten- tIonally permittete1grov le ber .C- routs outil tbey reacheil that suie. Postal Inspecter$ bave been sua- Ining the books st the potoflice for several laya andl nov tbey have pub It tp te the bonding compaâny ln Chi- calté vbicb furniaboil the postula- treoe bond to the goveremeut. 1 fioov the lisepancY la there ced Saal go ta Chicago ftunday sud sait Uic boudina comPeuY te Permit me te maile lb up oui o! Mysa.lsry," saI Mia. Rocs to a représentative of this piper. The abortage consstaeo! tbese Items:-.--.--.--.--.--.--..-..... In sismp $130. In money osder depariment, $140- Overpay t.assmistent, $15. Office i-nt, -? 'Wben 1 took holil o! the office I dldnb underetand a thing about book- keepîng," said Misa Ross. alhlng- "I did thc béat 1 could but even thon I madls mistakes le alding figures andl try as i might th«ee Ibfl occurreil. ,,The principal Item, running over Il100 In the tainp departmnt. dates back 15 menthe, and 1 felt for a long lime afterwards that there vas a mis- taesnomes place, but didnt bnov lest where and thougt the ileparinient would cbeck me up on I. le fart. 1 perniltled that suie te sand for a long ime and Iil nett azec-crédit for Il until 1 flt that perhaps It vas du@ mee and tbe misase ba been oee vhlch hadlaillustedi Ibel! and the moeey vas comlug la mo. "Certanly 1 bail no desre te ex- tract fonde from the goverement. ail those vbo knov o! the workinga of the systen ould keow that least of al i or aeybody cI4c voulil try to teke anyhing from tbe, money order departmeet. "There seemna te be a question about tic psy o! my assistant, iss Katherine Miller. When the oflIce was ralmeil ta thîrd claca on July 1 1 reail the liv. vhicb 1 felt gave me the rigbt te psy ber $30 a month: the Inspecter tolae me 1 bal no right t0 make the rais. vlthout permission f rom beadiquarter-s, no mater wbat tl u a; ibat la a amaîl Item. bowever. "Te Inspcter vho vas bere plaie- ]y saw, 1 believe, thal my Intentions were al right andl ibat 1 bsd no deaire te boat the goverent. t belleve he yull reconimend that I re- main bers, for boy long 1 don't know. Naturally the government dosc net Ilke te have ibose mltakee bappen and 1 lont ettier. But, a green hanil et the business vhen 1t obk charge Il vas natral thai 1I mee somte errors, and 1 bopod te overcomo the faulta le ime." «l'Il Ittruc liaI Mise Miller bas been namel btecoel you?" vas akeil ber. 'Iftre yon boomn pacel le charge ovor mc?' aacko Mi"asRosa, as ase tunnel te Mia. Miller. The latter amleil and replielnl the négative, wbilo Mia. Rosa contin- ucil ber duties about tbe offie. Miss Roms admit. ibat thc situa. tien la rather' seule andi thst the aov- crament imn10ialîy vInl ok bebbh bonding company te mabe up the xbostage, vhich eahe nov admit. ex- lis. She le lurO viii mat p te the governiesel as ber ssIry Comes le. If thatlacis epr-miled she ms asedoenei know vbat as v il. do as bcr only pouros o! Income la fr-ont the office. Miss Rosa runes tbe malilLabe Bluff piper knowe as ibe Chat, and ber frienda dsclare ln nome cases tbat It ls because ashepald no mucb ai- teetion te tbe paper ratber titan tb tbe office thai ebe la ln the trouble ahe nov la ln Misa Ross la hopoful thst che vili be permitteil te helli the position séec leg tai ber conscience la clear tron vrong dbing anil aebe blleves Ibat tbe Inspecter wbo vas an the Inves- tigation yl recommeel taab seb. relalueil,' As bte ereet Item, Miss Ros aays tbere le a question vbetber tbe gos- crament permls Ils fends te be used for pying rent le a village 1k Lake Bluff. She sys lbe Inspectersaid that, MIftcysote ret voulil bea_ loirei, but vhether tbe goverement voul psy ail fr Ibe amall sback whlcb the office occupleascema sun- certain. Tihé reft canant hb muni, as Uic littl* frame structuré elano nqore thu a, abaecK andl sudy repre- sanitatlve o!rtem a Uo Blu DRUNKENNESS IS CHARGED. i$10,000 IN PR. Mrs. Mary Dietmneyer Files Bill N P IE for Divorce and Aise Sepures MI1UMSÀ DP IE an Injunetion. -AT LAKECO. FAIR Waukegan, Aug. 6. Charging that ber hueband had threateeed te Mill ber, Mr$. IMar" L Sixty-Second Annual Fair WîiI Dietmeyer togay tbrough ÀttOrneY E ecrsILM ttro V. Orvis filed~ a bil for divorce from Set Ail Rcrsi atro ber busbalsil Vincent à- Dietmeyer, Money Awards. io rstaiiirhd fom In- ECUAEARCLUE terferleg with or iujuring ber In any ECUAE ARC LUE mànfier. The Injnietion was granteil by Juilge Eilwards andl was issuedI m- Supremne Effort Is Being Made mediltely. airs. 1ieteseyer ie ber bill acts forth This Year to Have Each that aibe and ber hushanil were elar- Township Send Exhibits. riel 1. Chicago July 17, 1913, and_____ liveil tog;ether untîl JulY e25, 1916. She The sixty-second annisai Lake Count- says thâalsehortly sfter their marriage ber husase began the use of lntoxi- ty Fair will smash aIl records sel cating liquor and becanie an habituai outehine ail previous attempte at fur- druekard. Sbe'says because ot hie nlshing outslde amusement for Lake intemperate habit" be test positionsitCounty people, wben ibis great fair frequeetly. Sbo pîctureil 1dm as a oesa .bryilAgs 1 n atrong, robust man and said tbat al- oesa letvle unt7,u tbough he was able to eupport lier thet der the auspices of the Lae County he bad not donc 90 and she wuae ble BOard o! Agriculture.I'ntfrlng e te get along only by ber own efforts. ei-gy la being expended andl cent diii Extrerne andl repeated crueîty were othei- charges made ln the bill. regardcd te make Ibis the greaest meeting place ln nortbern Illinois for No FURTIIER pROS exhibitor. for concessiofler andl for Premiume bave been increesed. I3CUTION FOR FOX classes revl:ed admnyaddt pursea and attractions wlll tsring ex- LAK13 SALOONMEN bibitora and entries frein every can- Que Warrante Actions Which Were Started Have Been Continuedlndefinitely. Foi Lobs salooankeepers are to bave a respits la the matter- o! prooscli- iens, for States Attorney Dady de- clareil toay that the quo warrinto actions ho bail brocabi againat Colo-e Otrcuiler, George Koeih cnd Emmas Schulx, demaudne laknov by vbat riott Usy opertal a aoon le Foi IÀke, bave been continuel indetiuits- ly. At the lime the Uire actions vere iel lb vas ndeoiool tai they vers mreîy a lest case, and Ibat sun- flar actions s-outl be fiel agîleat the other Fox Lake saloon men lneucae the court milel favonibiy le the bree cases, At the time the tates attorney filed Information le counby court against the Fox Laie men charging them vltb aelllng Intoxlcatîng liquor oe Sunday be ao filed informations cbaratng them vitb operating vitb- out a licens, He baseil the latter in- formation on the fact Iht the sa- loonisa t Ure bail tibeout licenses oeîy for the final ibree montha o! the yoar Inaboal of for the entire yesr, as provîdodlnt he suite las In reply tb ti i Ilvupointeil out liâtahe fiscal yesr at Fox Lobs bas hoen echaigl oanthal it star-te on An- gut 1 insteail o! on pay 1, as le maey cilos. Ths saloonkeepers pll for their lcensca Dp tote Uctaring o! te fierai year ail announcoil tbcy voulil tako out licensea for thee- tire year oin Augui 1. Vhe $500 thab they voclil psy on Auguai 1 vaclil psy bholn license Uutl Auguci 1 o! mail year. WIhen the failure la securo prose- ty le northere hIllnoisand socîbere Wisconsin. lenits races the associa- tion taies areat prile, for vben mocts ai other fairs vere failing, Liberty- ville cocld ai! put on c strong. dlem. spsedy bll. A fuir ced square pol- lcy sud the utmoat courtesy for horse- men accouni for those tact.. Not oely are large cash perses offerel ced phid, but superietenilets and sec- retary bond every cff 4-t to maire titinas comfortable tor the horsemn. Aloocit shbilors are given cveny consideration by thc auperinleedeets o! the mamy depirimonis, The fair le doing a great deal ta encourage agqicuiture sud ut ils meet- ing tbis yem* vîlI pey out over 250 premluma for furie proilecta ilays. ltvery former bas a chance tcoitae bsig monsy. Besidea Uiche dlirlduil es- IIIbite orffinie products ihene viilic a greai lutoreet le the tovnship pio-e cia exhibit id vbich every farmer le Uic coenty ia enttled ta ParblicPite. Te mIes o0! thiis ontesi are as f ol- lova: Tbe dispîuy acedlerarations frai eucb love shalbc confincil ta prod- crie actucîly giove therein, but te party exhîbitina le not reqcircd to lie tbc producer. Eacc exhibit muet Inclule c rep- resentative collection o! the cultivat- cd products o! Uic finie, orchurd and garden--cereals, grasses, textile sud forage plant.;, vegetables ced fruits, Aise, native vilil grasses. nets, voade, fruits and other uaefui productz of the soil. AvarIeancd prixes are to be basel on tbc quality andl eîrlety o! proiluctasbovn le the sever-il ex. bibis, ced salbaîchmaIe on te fil. ced second bcd cend larg.,idiapîmys from e Uctaves fral te frai, sec- ondl, ibird anil faurtb divisions. fora- Ina bbc four bortlcultural districts cuions cnael the satebs attiorney o! h cu ay s foiire: dismies bis Sunflsy sellina casesa T o!f reit divIsIon-Bouton, disposition vas mnsie o! the seling Nevpart, Warren and Wsukregau. vithoul a llces Information casses, Tovea ot second dlvdlaLo-Aetioch,t vbich arec all on the books ln the Grant ail Avon couty clerba offlu. T6wovf tiid ivliow-Frme,1 Ho slanlel ibmetquo varranlo ac-Waucoieîa. Ela anddCue.1 lions la crcil court, bis cententioa Vaves o!faunlh ielvision-LIbcrty-1 bina tIthecmen yee nDt legally ville, Vernon, West Deenfietl. Deer- ln buaginses, bocamtea ey bal nt tab- fiel andlShields. e out liconses for- ibe enlire yeur in- Ech sampie ta ho pilàe'y andI con-1 steal o! merely a par-b o! the yecr. nectîy Iabeled vllh the commonnmc,1 Te argument. on ibe quo varrae- cnd vitb boaelcul namoe, If keove to casesavers b bhave talien place le. ta the exhbitor. Exhîbit. muatIlho circuit court bofore Julge Edvsrde on the fair grounds Dot laier thun boday, anme li e s attornesyakcl 'Wdeday, Augiset 1, the second dayj ibal Uhey be continue l ndelitly. o! the fair, ln orden ibat tbey muy bli "h celerstaul Uhat ail o! the Fox le ptace. No graver o! gool tarai Labo saloonkeepers 'bave ta'<en ouI preducts shal let this opporiuelty iheir liconsea for- lbe entre year, * to abe money slip by hlm. lie al, "If thia la truc, Zcm vilting No ene bensfit. more !rom tbe great ltaI lb. quo vanranto cages shoteil bO Lake (ounty Fair-. Augnat It, Septea- continuel indefieitely. My oniy de- ber 1, 2, 3, than dose the fui-mer, Ho sire le b ese that the saloanae au bas c chance ta meel bis frienda, oee Fox Lobe abey the lawv," the lateet tara macbieery, see bigb- E. MA ON rIas races, vîsit the exhibis et prise- 'W. vîfl NISwneîng tra producîs ced lice stock. C and se Ibhe besi auldoor entertain- ýj4jN iR SS ment len the couety. Il lae bis at OUTFORannuel meeting place. AU ies rienils Caiillar, Mtcb., Ana i.--ilx-enator vil hoieIbere, they ai-e maklng plans William E. Mason of Illinois (father 10 tube lnaili four laya. This la the o! L P. Mason o! Phoilan rosI. Wau- place ta buy, ton heno hoe bas oppor-- bgau) eah Ie Oautauqua peogram tenlty to compare the articles o! vani- ber-o todsy sadlibe vouldliho a rue- oua leslel's, sel chooe tîelienet. dIlate for- nomination for coDai-oas- On Mcinry Rov yUll hbe se a mmai laige ai lbe coming prima- comipleto machiner-y exposition, 'Thc r-es. labesat, lventions. ilovicesandelaito. H. came out le tivor- o! voman sut- savint machinai- for the tara vili fr-ac alda&"inat he occupation o! bo demonsir-ael and explainel by ox. thbc Pbiincs. jperta lne ieinln. This la a valit- ENLISTED FROM LAKE CO. Brother of Ben Waters and Mrs. Chartes Kitteredge of Waukegan Passes Away On afonday, Auguat 9, et 10:25 a.. m., ID the soldiera' borne, Mlwaukee, occurred te death of Charies R. Wa- ters, a brother of Mrs. Charles Kit- tredge and EBon Waters of Waukegan. Mr. Waters WUs born December 1f, 1843, and enflsted le 1862 ln Lake CountY ln Comp&nY C. Indiana-Illi- note Uaht Artlller. He served te the end of the war and belonged to the F. 9. LoyelI Pott. G. A. R. Besîdes his brother and sister In Waukegan, Mr. Waters leas es bis wlfe and! three sons, ail of Kenoe, and oee daughter restding ln Chicago. (liere was anther case where an old sodier had overcomce proteste ot his tamily and went te the soliers' home in Milwaukee, merely to enjoy the assoqlatlons of bis (omrades. H. had a good home le Kenoiiha, but yearned for the associations that are possible ai the olil vetz' home) 1100F AMI>1MOUTIH DISEASE A PPEARS AT WlIELIN4i, ILL. Lake County Farmers Experi-1 ence Considerable Alarm for Fear et Another Spread. Labo Counuy fanseers crs ilarmel ai a nov outbromk of the foot-anil- mouth dîease among caileon the tara o!flHenry reurson, near Wbeel- leg. Tic fsar-la expressil Ual the liseuse &aie. ay mabe Ibu-aidale ibis cocnty. Govrmeel officiais ar-e mabieg svery possible effort ta check the diseuse boers il rue spr-oad. Dr. J. S, Jeuison, lu charge o! the chic""o offee of the bu u to! ani- mali Industr-y, vlh several assistants, bastenoil ta Wheelieg, vhicb le 14 muise norbveet of Chicago. Atter the catlie on the Pear-son farm vere kilîlsi, a quarantins district, vith a rails o! five milesa,vas titra-sn about thc fane. Pearson bal four cave, ivo of vblch vere uffecici l vlh the diseaso, Onut o!fcabtotl number o! 124 boas, 30 vers affecteil. Tie oubbreak comieg 81 Iis lIme o! thc yer viii preveel the opeeing o! bbc stocker aed feeder oullet ut the Chiedgo yards, vblcb voulil have baken lace next vssb. Thousands o! cattîs, sheep and boas bave be prepureil for aipaet here 10 be fattenel for alaugleler, bui the eutbneak o! tbe boof-anl-maulh dis- eus. vili prevenl bbc aipel a!f aey lice animnais from tUs Chicago yards. able ced instructive feaueso! Ibis greut fuir. ael eboul not ho aissed. In line witb modern proareas, lte fair offers large und complots pi- minas for lIapieys a! proilucts o! the domesbic arts. Ah amener o! handi- vorb Is encourageil as veii as the output o! the expert kilciten. House- vivea of the couety are Prend oud aie a priso ailthe fir, toi- aIfthebobest honselkeepers malte thir exhibits ut iisftain. Ail pupile o! Use gamAd, ruaIand bigle achoole o! the ounty viii aiso labo a great active pari la the coin- lng fain as buedreils of! Uom ar-s nov ai vork geitieg up exhîbils for the ochool and young folite exhibition. HMnîsome preminies are belng offered for- vnlting drills, amp drainas, busi- nos and social leitora. papers show- ing amlysis o! problema In crt-. metir, llspîay of muta, ruas, baga anl baskets wovee by pupilîs coîîec- COUSINS CONFESSES TIIAT HiE IELPED TO KILL T. MORRISON Another of the Four Men Ac- cused et Murder Taken by ChicagoPolice. WILL BE BROUGHT HERE. Graham Arrested Recently ls Aise Here-Expeot te Get t Celeman Brothers. James J. Cousins confessel SuidikY nigbt te ivo Chicago letectîves. Ser- gesut William Coies aed John McDon- oId. ihai les vas on@ Of tee Men who ebot aed kilicd Thomas \orI-.a speclal deteclîve le tbe employ of the Chicago, Mlwaukee & BQt. Paul rail- road et Ronlout, on thc niahi of te ltb Of 'daY. Chicago detectIvel dlaim Ibat the two other aiîceei mur- lerers vilI be teder epprebenaion vlthin the nexi four bours, and thai the aîîeged stayers will be brought ta Waukegan for trial, > forrizon vas ln charge of the Ron- dont freiglet yards ail seidont carnied a veapon. iTe muriler oceurrel on tb» niah i a! May 30th. A minag coat vas founei near the boily. hl vas identilleil as ihat o! Bugene Gra- baie. Grahame froquented a saloon noir Hilateil and Madilson Streets la Chicago, and vas uni-saisI on July 271e. lHe aya Couains vas vearlea bila cot on the0 niant of the merder. Grahamn vas lufictel for munIe ced bas hee removel to WauegiLn fr-oieChicago vbero he eov occupiez a coule the cosrety bastlle. Cousins viii ite braugbt ta Waubcgae todiy. Trih-vtdeuce agatesi Griaam la sald in, bo veaker iban tat againal the other tbree men. 'fli other iwo mon lnlîcteil by the grand Jury on a charge of murder vers John aed AI- ber-t Coleman. The Coleman broUh- ers andl Co usins are alleged la bave been Ine c tndoui depot Jlitipno? to the murden aed l vas thers that bhey bail a quarrel vîth Moriisan. Graham la al to bave been a mer- ber o! the party eîcle lnibe evening but thons le no proof as yei 10 show tbat ho vas present when bbc mer- der took place. Mor-nison vas murdered i vlbhis ove revolver, Passes scoureil the Rendent region aftcr the merder but bbc laters vers not fouel. The po- lice o! several states have been keep- log a close vatcb for tbc four menf char-gel vitb the crime ced it wvs. ibis vatcittulneas vblcb led 10 the1 capture o! Grahaem ad Cousins cedt the promise tbat te Coleman brotb-1 ers will be le ccaboily abontiy. -Shertf Grifilu veet te Chicago te- day te brlng Cousins back vltbhlm, Sher-if Griffu roturnol fraie ChI-1 cage Moeday noce bnlnglng bock1 Cousins, the min vbo la aileged tb'1 bava confeased taI he ob part Ile the layieg o! Thomas Morrison at1 Rondout au May 30. Cousins vas lorbeil up ln the couety jli. 14YSTIERY JOVERS OVI3R ROOM No. 9 AT ONWENTSIA CLUB Al day Scier-day an air otfieyier-y. deep, ilark, vitching, yeb net unpleas- set, hueg over lie Onventala Club,. vitere c crovil hul gathoretlaose. the tenilalei. 110cr fter heur the briableat minds o! thte club varbeiltb soives tbeproblate ibat puz- Ien of compîcteil articles le neelle- zled zo maey men, but no anaver vus vorb, beet darneil ebocingaucd saen- fothcamleg. pie, O! tuttleg, mchenical dr-cwiegs. lRom No. 9 seemed the renter- o! bird bouses sel other voolvarit, col- the myabony, Moen wvb a baluat an- lection o! Insecte; collection o!faelds, riveil ced bad certainîy bal ne op- potalees, corne, onions, lover-s, sev-. portuniby o!flieieg tbld thal anylting iug andl a hlicedomot-e ouibits, lmpeeded, vers e pllel by an Innier- The peut-y depar-iment yull be ex- aomethiinta quire the vay 10 roaa reptionally attractive ibis yeun ae Uic No. 9. Men vbo bal paîl bal! a Illinois Poul-ry Fanciers' Assocatione bien visita vent back agale and of Wacbegan bas notilfici Secrctcry again, #ed came fer-lb vemrleg leasel Morse ibat tbe entire equipment of expressionsaund viping tIlir-lips. exhibition cooping vilIlibe placel at 'Wbai la lb? Wbci la lb?" mîlteil the disposai of tbe fir association, tbe vemen wlU lieted bireett, vItls and as titece coopsi are ail anlform in the men vite bal visitel No. 9 bell mixe aed meke, the poultry exhibii ibeîr breatb. mli hobe ebest @ver vitnessecl bers. Soxetîmes bbc reply wce a emile, Theseacrelery bas alr-euiy necivel a somnetîmes a sitake o! the beu, soines largo number o!febries hy letter cnd limes mercîy a look a!fsisbam. And the prospects arc fines for tbe lurgest even the locker inspertar, vitli bis exhibitian o!lils bled ai the fair. most officiaI air, a!tr seven calis A prealuin bock vih te IlIaio! ail coulî net tell s-bai vas rlgitt wllb prises offereil ai the tain vîlIý be room No. 9 malleil on application ta tesescre- tory, J. B. Morse, 14ber-tyvl, ,II. lInîsodt'm eo? -BE ONE. HEAR GOOD SPEAKERS.] Delegates From Various Parts of Lake County Attend RaiIy at Waukegan. An anti-saloon league meeting wa.s beld le the WaiAegan Temperance Temple Tbursday a!ternoon and even- Ing, Aug. 5. Delegatca vere present froin ail parts of the county and the seasions preveil very letereatiiig. Thé mata purpose of the meeting vas te make preiimlnary *teps tovard entornnathe legisiative andl congrêssional fighta ln tbe district Ddxt yeur. The mater of foexnaliy organling te county vas deferred until Sept- 16, wben the meeting ilfl be beld et Libertyvîlle aernoonancd even- fnac, At the meeting In Waukegau Thurs- day afiernoon Attorney ilbbea-t ad- dressed the delegatea and nt 6.30 a dinner vas served te the delegales. a program !ollewlng ln the evenîng. Dr-. Gotre and P. W. Wails. Judgý- V. V. Barnes and George McGieels gave addresses on bemïeraece mat. ters. Prof Rice and Nissz Elizabeth West sang a duet and Miss Mearlan Weiit played a mandoIJn solo. MILLIONS 0f BASSçfw PLACE> IN LAIES 0F'r COUNTY TRJIS YI3AR. 1 As a Result et This Stooking t the Future et Fishing Pas- time Is Assuerd. Fcv people are avare that bbc abats of hIinuola ias catablishel a bas fsb batcbory on Nlppersleb crsee' jolalag the Fox river. The satb purchasel 40 acrea and leqacil 45 mono. bIis ilauanidoal location, Tic NIlpperalnk creek la fel by bon- dreda o! living apringeand fifty-tvo lattes are adjacent le Lakte cocniy. These are enucloi by intersectina canals. vbîcb glvc a n OPPOrtnnity for a flfiy-ile laeiech ride freux lake te latte. Foi. Plslakee ad Grams-lattes are espectally adapteil 10 the propagation e! fish. With saed sud gravai bot- toms the lakes are aus dean us crys- tl. Millions o! buileads Ibrive und eeloy lite le Ibese lattesansd the mneut ts founil ozceptloeaily aveet. Many peopls vilI boll yoc that ne bsbbcr fieb avima than thoe1Uti1e "se- gar est', vhen tbey cau be fouel In the righi surrouellega. The Hon. Tom Grabam o! leale- silo, 11i., always àlsritat the inter est@ o! bis constituanesand recoaniz- Ing the adaptablîlty o! Uhal aection for the cstabIlshlng of the Bab babch- erles, la enîiIel 1u the creit for a propagation plan vblcb vilIleinbbh near future populate the waters Of Lobs rouety vith deairubîs gaine fiab. Base Os-ow Faut. Millions o! youeg bas vers tunnel Ie ibis year sud ilait vhite a propor- tionaiely groater ecaber vill be turnJ edl ouse in 1916. The systea ef trmnafors fi-oie halcbery 10 crceec la by eluicewaya vhich la couailoreil very much profer-abis 10 Uthe c&ea roube, us ihere la les& banllua. ne h. a vark love the crack sud ittuibe laite. Thcy yul Dnot r-qmal n ec mballow vator of tbe creeb, but seeb the deep vaier o! the labos, When tranaplantel tbcy are usumily fraie ihi-c o 10tour luches in lemeath. Tic tiret yomr they mli grov la fiee or six Inchon. the second Yer fr-oie tele to tourteae, sud the third year tIl veigh fr-oa vo te0 ivo and one-baîf Poelse.The largo basa arc bell at tbe hatcherlea for sPavning purpoaea. 80om20largo carp are fouel le the I4ms but Itla .claliedbbsy lu no vmy luterfere vite the bas. As a mastaro! fart, aId flahaon, vio are o! me obsorvlng bern of minI, may thât bbc basvili give any liaiton earib a rue for Ibsin oioncy vhen il romos te, being Pirates upon bbc youeg of bheir nolhbors. 'DRYS' OUT TO CAMURE (i O.P IN STATE 0f ILLINOISI Illinois Irys are senving notice tbat ibey are proparel temabe a fight for-t c dry Republiran candidate for- goy.i ernor; for a bbpublcae siate plat- formabt viil emel theastroangct bled et antl-salaon leglsaabon; a leg- Isîlure le 1917. te b nomineidnext Apnil; and an attorney genonil tUat wîlI abe it bis chie« business bo en- force dry la. Mayor W. W. Bennet ofhtockforl bas been pickoil as the dry Repuit- Uican candidate. Definite anneunce- aent o! bis randllacy vue maIe ai te Aur-on ltepubîican rocndup Sat- urday. Ho ta ready 10 'go te roule,.. be sald. dinaecially, personaliy,, ced Want, For Sage, etc &de ln lhe IN. DEPENDIENT reach 11I,000 pome PUT ARSENIC IN 'WHISKY, DRANK IT; THÂT WAS FAINISH Chicago Chemnist Finds Mucih Arsenic in Contents of Hofft- meyer's Whisky Ratite :IND ROUGH ON RATS ALSO. Verdict of Jury Thus Is Sub- stantiated That the Victim Took His Own Lite. Waukegan, Ana, 6. Oeputy Coroner Conrad dectar- md laie ibis afiernoon that h. has found Procf which convinced hlm that Mr. Moffimoyer h.d died from eating "Rough' on Rat*," a preparation used for kiliing rod- enta, and which contalis ia laffe amount ýof arsenic. Mr. Heffmey. or, heomaye, visited hie wife's sis- ter In Chicago a fewv days nos and returnoil home SundayngLS, oral times ho ha' throt¶e commit suicide by t&klno peisesa in a one-room abant! on ic» g of Diamonil Lake, WiIIM HsoyU .O a bermit, v a fOUnided lu bel el neven o'clck 'Yuraday mornavbU John Luebbe, village Mar"aicet c. - mont Tovnship. cfachel tub*b4118111111à door by order of He"nry 1IIIIIIsI or o! the tarta land orn sbanty stood. E'videeca Of violent, 0 roundla lethe room vhere $5. 90 cluse nooked l odM*So i lbi mea" , a ipt te9ia , sed pined away the Deat few O 'ý apnead about lte village, liAI lb. iit« mit bal sither sulided hy takbns PO& son or that poison bad bo-m adula- latered vitb murder» 111be xo Iroffmeyer bail fot bom so 4 .4 realdents of the village alne Iom' day, whee bo returned &rM a "là", tery hldden"' trip t Clc. '111%0 body was atone 'told vheft *0 Thurailay monn nd mIritor uq . tis hsd set ln. Hoffmeyer's laie lite la sbroa104 Wibe mystsry. Tvo rears ago is vilebi$sdb& suddenly ?oilowlng a violeOmablit cai storm, vhich l.a llogol t&a laiT effected ber heart. Imuidll0a& - ter airs. Hoffmffers bath. t»e 809 parent and i I e nuchilim mgat, relod aven the divisi Of PsvPoit, Il la afloged. The cblffen, i; la alleeil deeert- ed thoîr tather, and vont mblat t vorld to ake thoir ovn lIvlag. HQ* moyer routaI the one rooui samtuW possbly a cottage, on théo bamba a0( Diamond 1&'anaime liailime blé has ltvedthebe ortaherit. ,Oua som vos-.d na tarin vitbia a icU mile of the cottage, but ho bau 2814 or boenucee at his fathesa ihou. At the deatls of the mothai bat property, Ittaisailegeil, counslof t a large am ofm c onoy. whéthaaor >1 nel the money vas divided amgnt h* parent and bis childet NUlsaIer»V bhn maIe publie. Hoffmoyort altboug eilY 11111101 old. bas livol abus ftu t» 7611M lHe bai cooked his@o01MealRWQbo*lm pod biestslve Wood, Md* bIs M O* é and It bas boelgbt; ontc, IIIIIII0 Bible tu engaegInto a couversalo vltb hlm. Lest weok he packed bis urlp aM vent to Chicago, vhere haestayodl u11 tiI Monday morning, whee heoa~ made bis appearaceIn tlu U i Ilî. From the dopot; ho vent dlrectjY id, bis home, and that IvathUic 1Mai ; Ï o! hl Teblinde a he chantyr ha benu puilole ove by the agel sOlmaeI . -msd elgbors vers ceabte o 8" coq to bis room. However, laie Wodbemî-, day nlgbt the owuer of Uicefam 1.a brame cexious asaplalpocua -a telophonei tbe vilîlage marchai mua ina hlm to came aor t1thUi aM «g4- iy ln te moreing, Mr. Luebbe, te marn".' appeargi ut the Hormametara et secci O'oto,ý ced vtth an cx he bhan ls ibe 40> en door-. Tiers ouiÎth* bed lai' bo agel recluse '1ie's dytua,"oneeatothie mo«r-». markel se ho ruchel bg il. bedalaqý "No. h' dhI, sud bec bien 4c" for many se houa," rearkeil hoe à ci- man., The r-coma ver-c u la dortier.Md, thers vas ever- silence liai lia &904 mmbal l>bon vlolenlhy g* #W blis aomacit bitons daabh lffli lvd flConrail, "pu*y vas aummoncd to tae m=* 1