CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Aug 1915, p. 2

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* t-,, - -- - LAkE Jr whstckofLADDJl- SoftI lmgth i HAY,TIME SALT:i 0ON E D-0LLARI tneoàa *toubrw SCREEN DOORS AU size. Ready to hang Sure catch with each door NOW US A GOOD lINE TO Si1 IINGLE ALL VOUR BUILDINGS: No £>O"aby &a. Sd l>epo. I..E h..2 e PLom 47LE. XBisop, Mgr. Corn.d Got thie fr.. Catalog. Ujir, ~hg "eto Suwdsrsla <11 use. Il0.MA N U MOThRIG CO. -1GHTING FIXTURES W alea bave a complet. platingr plant for rellnishlag £IFOOS.EPARS TABLE WAD.E STOVE PARTS AU U~0 AIIROOM TIMMINGS SILVER PLATIIEG Uce.PLxrMn DRASS PLAIN O cERm PtArflf GWETAL PLATING BLACK OR WHITE ENAMtELMI4 Show roam andl taetory Second and Orchard street. iLPHONE 58 LISERaTYVILLE. ILLINOIS LJMERFUED and coA SAVT TriL.i ]BRICJr 'A# F, FRANZEN, JR. Tde,îwne No. 54i Lilertyvilew Ifinois j f THEf LYRIC IflT RESTAURANT ll MUE BUT PLACE INI TOWN TO BAT Home made Vies and Dougbnuts for fle IJONEI , %, rP. Special Sunday Chiden Dinners -1 N tiSfAn important nocesslty for the. peo- A~~FU.I.pie of Libertyville, Illinois 1 victa ao nnouisce tlsat 1 have opeaed a High-Class Eleotric fhoe Repairiag Shop, 2 doore eaeî of Soanck Hardwvare Ca., on Sprague Street. Your IdI ye il be made as good as aew, ad al wokgaaranteed. Prompt service ai very loy prie«. 4ibtyvitle Electric Sbot Repairing Shop Ph..14-Rt ToWsuce publlsaftt ln the, In aPen- don. .copy Mstll~tefiéoae than T'uesdaÏ,of'eae ~w«. Aive- tlers. eepecially ar*asakel r.t aite particular notice to thîs sifect. AlsaiLocal hwo «uae 4 J. W. Brawn vas a Keaaeba vieltor Sunday.1 Paul Klug speut Sonday ai bIs home et Lake villa. Mises Belle Hughes of Antiacis, vas a caller ber. Tumea. Mn. and Mrs.Win. Preston and cbldren are campinst Bt Channel Lake. Mr. and Mr.'. È . Neveain spent Sua. day ai Bavmwood th relatives. Mrs. J. IL Aliswnan adni tie- chîild are visltlng bar parent& at Morsan,'W lI. P. C. Smit oi Edison Park, la vitlag eC the home of hie son, Dr. E. B. Smith. mies Jenule Binheimen ai Chicago, speal Tueeilay witb ber sister, Mrs. B. D. Zoak. Mir. asdtin. E. J. Tewett ai Waake. gai, sient Sunday aistthe home ai W m. Walrond. Lawrence Cowles loi t Tueeilay for Ottuava, Iowa. wbere he wvl make au extendeil visît. Mrs& Wm. Fi'adiek left this veek for a "tva weeks vîsît vits frienils ail rela- tiveseBt DeKab, 111. Mies Florence LoveillIe makiai a tva weeke vlsit wlth coueins, Mr. and Mie. Henry Patrick la Chicago. Mrs. Delbert Wilson and son lefS lust Thareday for a tva weeke vîsît vith ber parents at Hudson, lad. Walter Lathîops tramn Greenwoail, Ill., vas a gast at lte A. L., Travis home toutb of tuawanover Sunday. A privats dancing parti vas beld t the Town bail Maaiay eveniug. A farly large ciowd vas inataieniamc. T'h. ladies of St. Lawrence Episcopal cturcb vIl bhla haakery saies*8turdlaý afternnon, Aug. 14, a% Walranil's store. Mile Neuf.Davie(nu I.e peudicq a v.ek ht M. ci'. i ,fber Mrufdnther, Xr,. iS. Mtason. Misa Ijavieon lvela Waukegass. Postimateri. M. Taylor aid famly moveil Itouihe J. T. Robertson resîdeace on Cook avenue Thuieday of Ilut w.ek. M. and Mr@. (lea. Cooper entertaineil Mr. Coaper'@ son ail bis vIfs, Mr. aid Mr&. Gilbert Cooper o! Jolet, aven Sun- day. M. sud Mr&. W. 1. Caollase aidd aagb ber Virgula bave gone ta visît relatives Aid frisais la Bra Ion and. Eaihervllle, lova. Mime Aiat NicIolas vlled from Tue@- day ta Thureday vitb ber auni, Mie. Ahna Chand anil other relatives ai Austin. Mie. Paul MacOluffin entenlaineil the Suailay sebool boardl of tIse M. E. cbarcb ai ber borne on Bralnaril Coart Tueeday evealiu. D)r. E. C. Dymoni of MesMoines,,lava, arrîve lulet week for a hrie veeks visit vltb bie paients, M.ail Mie. F. P. Dymond. Mn. and Mie. W. B. Dymoni ai Bloorn- ingica, Ili., aie visitagmtChe home of th. faime' parents,.lMn..Bail Mr@. W. B. Dymoal. A. flji, wbo startel h job oi paInt- lug the. vatr tank ai Lagke Zurich a eouple of veeks ago, completeil the job on Saturiay. UMis. Jame s nty and danghten, miss WlnnIe, of Chicago. ieusisveral dayre last wek vitb the forme'*.mqther, M». M. A. Prottie.. Ur. and Mie. Hoyau BoyeS and liti. chili of Racine, Wl.., vIisiI ront Thuom and brothere luis. Mis neceram ila.vlstlag a girl friend wltb vhom ah. atiended neooal ai DeKalI durlng the pâté yent, aI ber home at Ludiagion, MIels. Ioth. LIII ci Area, vîli erect a boue un Elsa Court, la the Triage subdivision Iisffverni Of the M. B. cburcb. The hase- mntaibas een stakei ont. !!' Tb.Mies eEra aid Ruby Williams are spendng a vsek aitlthe home of UmI Marion Huson oi Elgin, and vîtIs the Wblpple girls ai Rochelle. Ill. Ums.EditIs Carlson, vIsa bas bien siseding a veek at th.'home of Ier uncle. J. O. Carlson andi famlly, bus reiuined ta lui honte la HînsAule, 111. Mr. aid Ie. Manibail af Chicaga, are st the Raget home fer the balance oi the sosmmer. Mr. Miehoaîl le employed on thIs cl mansion soutb ai tava. m- Roi P. Wrght vent ta Lake Kegoasa, cWin., on gatraai vbse bc. apent Sn. dei vltb his famili vWho baispnt a vnek ai h. lake. The parti, mail. ap ei Mn. aid Mn.. C. F. Wrght and ide. R. F. Wilghl andi daughten, fleien jEsther, r.turneil.on Tueaday. Etate's Attorney Daily Tuesiay filedi an information ugainsi Henry Horn- bostel, who conducte a place about three miles tram Llbertyville, cbarg-t lug hlm wlth Isaving solil liquor lnu anti-saloon terrltory on aiiferent occasions. The M. E. Sunday sebool bell iheir picole ln Bay's grave at flamand Lake ou test i'niday. A lange number of the echcsudni Snday scboal membirs attendiil. The lava bai dieil out r.mankahly alter the wnek oi rata Bail tIse piclcers bai a finoelime. The Board ai Direetors of Ch. Lake Couaty Boardl ai Agriculture iviibolil a meeting 013 Fnhday slternoon ai 2:80 o'clack at h. lAbertyville Town Hl1 ta make final arrangements for the Lake Coaaty Fain which yltlu bell ai LIh- ertyville Augut 31,Septmluîl1, 2 aniS8. On. oi tIse classes oigirls ai the M'.,~. Sunday seboal are misa keeplng a chIli ai te Laite Bluff arphanage, a littIe boy elgbteea monthe aId. Tlteglis plan and moike bis lothez. The plans Caken up by the classes le ke.plng unfortunate uilîdren Ia eertalnly one ta lu maie1 encourageil. The vill»ge le havlaî'a cnoesing put la at the corner of Mlwvaukse ail go. Park avensese, vbieb vIson ompleted wll lu a great Improvement as It wlU lu thse fit etreet cronoeg on Mlwaukee avenue ta lu put la south of tIse eletric roul. No doubt otte o -uinge vilI san ollow on ibai striet. Laei Saturilav nlgbt a shock of hariey va. set on frn, aad detioyed hi blan Utruck by lîîbinîng ;ate Lawrene Ananfarta on the ?iank Boa". Do other damtage luiag idoue. A Tory vlvid eletrlca tarm preeisid the hall and tain vbieb came dova ta torrents for about tblnty minutes. The mimbers ai tbe local R. N. A. yl holi thoîr annuai pcole t Lake Bluff on Tueedaî, Aug. l7th. Al lb.heBajai Nelgbbors are Invited tè' take tWer frisais. The pîcaîcere vlUI sro for the Bluff on tbe 10:22 car, ail busées wili iseet the car to carry tIse parti ta the lake for a smBllI arnunt. Dr. C. N. Stepbens bas rentithe fiat ovin Flag'à barber sbop whict vue laintely uccupleil by Dr. E. V. emltb aid famlly, vbo moveil away lest veel. Dr. and Madame Stephens vîi r "e the Rat vbieh they nav -oc-py cAm es ball and hy aildii the seond ane ta her quartcesthe rheian vil have more office raornmaid Madame teptsns vill halueîsta have aidhtlanal space for her Beauty Panions. Ber. andl Mre. T. E. Reant"nd family 10ti Moaiay ior Camp Ep*ortb aear B.lvIler., 111 vbeçe they Plan to stay tva veek. Camp Epvorsbh le the summer meeting camp ai the Methoilt ministèes, aidBey.Reamonaacottage thora,, tbofamîly golng thora eeorîy ear for a partion of thse«user. Tluy vl alec riait relativese ai Rckioid and Bampahîn lufor.thelrreiunn ber.. Rer. If. P. Joan rom Eranston, ivU! aupply the palpit lueeSnnday milnnlg. C,» r<yvle Yem: U4NMB5R 0F THE FEDERAL RESERVE %YsTEM" : The Pathway te Success Thob@ fls; 11*" .p bas lakea th. oBrou. motor ear "dg6Ïitlmuiulatedellverleu. TIse loc&a gnte bave a display ad la thl! Issue. àie. A. L. Travis la entertailg ivo litti. boYe frocé "The Hame for the Friendlees." The lttie boys vilI stay at thse Travis home for the reet oifille A. L Burneit, vho bas been travelIng tbrougb the Wnt, spent the week-end at tIse home of R. J. abrty ad famlly. Mn. Burneti le a brotberI-law of MI Hagerty. Mn. seand,. P. E. Oversan are enter- tblnlng Mie Overson'a mother, Mie. 4. 0. Rutherford, ail tva lsters, Wl!- helmina and BRot !fAhana, Penn., for a couple 0of vee. HarrV MeYerg, aMlsat cashler at the Fielt National Bank, etaiil Sunday on a trip tu Federal Dam, Mina., and ote points near the Canaian lino. ne expecesta lu ions about ton illys. On Maaday, Herrick, tbe o en oiMr. andl Mn.. Chas. Rarrington and Denasl aid MYrile, the childnen oi hir. ail Mis, B. F. Woolridgs, bail thoir tonolo and adnoide removeil hi Dr. F. iB. Martin. Ltîle MinesAile Faulkner, vIsa spgnt tva veeks wlt hbem granilparents la Chcaxo, reiurnked ta ber home ber. Satuniay eveniag. An aunat eturasil ber. vîtIs lur ail visîteil aven Suaday Bit lb. Faulkner home. Aanauscmm.nts remede ere ibIs week ai tIse blntb of a tie ilanîbter ta Mn. and Mn.. Chas. Dtbble o! Lima, New Yank, on luit Thnrsday. Mie. DIbhle vas ionmenly IissMarguerite SPoor ail la welI knawn to the jauni people haie. The NontIs Shore as C'e office vas ebaseil on Thangiay of tM@ . eek as ail tise pesons connscted ivtb the local office veut ta Waukegan vIser. ihe orpany gave ail Ite employes thelr annual plenle Btthe Waukegan Counnly Club. flA-IN »&I guadoy evouna about @lx a'clock Marohal Llmberry wau calieil ta the "attsrtowor of ibe st- Paul bail ome block pss& of t4 aId depot w be.ho man belag ocaMed ta tiskia ad other- vise. The nmarita lced ihm laujaIl *84 open helng queutloneilho stateil Ihaî ho had base tasoinse towa with $Vo trl.n48 butcoulilonot rémember the nasa.0o the gown, aad was robhed of 84 by tva -men comlng ont ci a saloon vli.rein his partner. bail gono. Be caalil Dot exPJala bow ho came ta houon the rallroad tîrak near-'tbe water tank. Justice W. E. Davis floed lm $10 aad coéteaon Monday. About a. a'celotx the umre eveniug the marieal wu. summoneil ta the FOulde 1111111n09Ca. boarding bouse ta, Chase away a prawler, but coald Rino At ocm o'clock the $ame algbi word Came tu the marhal Chat a man vag Wflyn tlahe.conter ci Mlwaukee aveue csar the Bolkley road nartb anwa, It belng feared tIsat %ho man vas lajureil. The marshal sprag loto aa waltlng auto anil made. for thse place, helag varneil by eeral antalse.wblch the" met tIsai a deail man vaula the ruad abeail. On arrlvingattCh. epot Mârahal LImberr7, lasteailof inRdion a aieai persan. foaniholubaila a " ta deal vîtIs. On questîaalag vhat ho vW« dolingtIser. the man mlid.h o v ïe rest4ag. Furtber questionlag braugbt out the thct that the man, vWho It le mal la a well kuown Libertyvllle persan, nadl gone ta a certain kouse lanCbat aelgbhar. bod tu traie roasters mail anenterlag thi. hanse ho founil several men sitUac around a table plailng carde.. Spylnga, bis whlekey battIs la thse center oi the table the '"middle oi the rail leeper" lîtteil It ap andl took a buj drink, where. upan a havi vent up anil b. pas tolil ta "lot it alone." Soacking bis lIpo, for It sure wua$Ooefine etisif, he aai" resceild for the bottie and pas &gain talil "let It alone." Inoteail of "lettlng It &loue" ho llfted it timr nsd agaal untll houlot track aithe nnmber orfliite he bail made.. 0f course Il;vas not stateil for certaît that Mr. Horabastel vau one of those wbo repeatedly varned le Isman te "let It alone" jet It eau lu saiely argueil that tiIsli the case andl a very good reason wby an information vas filai Tuesday agalasi iHenry Boraboastel for selllag liquor la local option terrltory on mors than ou@ occasion. Walter Whitney wae ellgbtly lajuneil Bunday evening vbea bhopas pianeji ssaier a amaliî auta truck rua by a saleIi man for Armour & Co. Tbe party of tbree vere returnlng irom Wbeelicîg when tb. ligt on the machine falleil ta vark and La trylng to drive wîthout aay the driver ran tIse auto Into the ditcb. Walter vas plnei under the machine andl the ather two w.'re llnable ta relmee hirn outil belp arriveil. He le unden tbe dotor's care altbougb not seriously lajureil. Tlh. ather tvaoescapeil with a aligbt ebsking Up. MisesH. Louise Cater. vbo leh lb.elait of Jane for p trip tbnaugb the aorthB ail West, returneil ta berbhome ber. Wedile¶ý day. She mail. up a party of fou* teachers, tbree ai tvbom teacb at Trenton. N. J., one of them helng a for- mer cisomate ai Ml.. Cater'ea atthe Northwestern University at Evanstan. The party vent weet hy the way ai Wlnnepeg, Can., staylng for a wee# Bt Lake Lae. Fîom there tbey vent ta Vancouver, dowu ta Settle and Port laid, ail by trip toaca Fraaneléco. Alter vlsltlng bath 'exposi. tilus, tluy client a veek la ecuthera Calforala. On their retuna trIp tbey etoppeil several day. Bt tIse Grand Can-. ,yon la Cllfonsla% .1 vbcb place tbey arriveil on Satgrila. Imanediate delfveties guaranteed. C&U or telephone for demonstration. Car may be sen at the. Gara"e any evenmng or by appointment. REE MOTO R CO. Sales Agents Libertyville, 111. Telephone 8 'E VEGETABLESI FRUITS CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30 MIEATSI Libertyvilie, I1W MILLINERY at ONE-IIAIF PRICE DURINÔ JUIN and AUÔUST MLL OUR SUMMER IAIS wiIli b SOLD E> LOW COST. No'exception., Cet your mevbat now et HAIZ rugular pice. A laresesoilssat, Le very latom msyles. LINDERWEA, WAISTS, G-LOVES, HOSIERY AND NOTIONS AT LOW PICES. i-: > PARJSIAJLA CORSETS $100 TO 830 A. W. LINDROTH -The Proof of the Pudding la ini the .Eating. " The Inde- pendents Classifled Ads have been proven by hundreds of satifed <ustomers. Asic ny nier oftIcelittie saleemçn. Special Soap Assortment 1 caui of Dutch Cleanser 1 pkg. Golden Rod Naphtha Wash- img Powder, 1 býtr Lilac Rose Soap 'l bar of Goblin Soap - ÂTJ FOR 25c PHONE 31 Puffed Rie. per pkg 13c, 2 for 25c New White Crowu Mlason Jar Caps, require Do rubbers, sanitary and sure seal, per doz. 25c Sweet Gherkin Pickles, bulk, qt 25c Beech.Nut Mustard, the new style package noir only -lOc JeU.o, al flavors - 9e, or 3 for 25c SOUTH STORE Begis right in front of our SAVINGS Corne t. the batik today and start you.r account for $1.00 or more. la Our Savings Department your mon.Y earns 3% Compound lnterest payable January lit and.July lit. Mld»wSummeér Groc>ery Specials w. w. £arroU~ Sm go. - --t c9u4tyNfýtiona1 Bank Cý*pited. Surplus and Profts IOO,00.S Total Enource. - 750,000.00 - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -_ I DOER IROTERS STORCARi "UIt Speaks for Itseii" GROCERIES

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