Pate Rioeht ----- ~,- I ADVERTISI NG RATEESrSjto 5c par lino eaacn insertion Less thon 5 ines, 25c fiint insertion LOANS IN WEEK RRTIIER LOW; Florence Rowling Farm Sold During Week-'Twas OnIy Farm Deal of Import. Business o! tise recorder's office for lise week ending Au. , 1915: Numiber o! transfers. 74. Numnier of boans, 20. ___________________________ Total number of Instruments filed. . . . . .. .. . 94. FOR SAL + Total amnount of bans, $2320250. FO ++ ++ ++ ++ Business lias been ratiser quiet dur- . . . .. . . .. . . lng thse week. and loans were very FOR SALE-Hlore. wveigt about 110-, Nali. EL W. Smith, Lbertyviile. Phone229 r 1ýThe only farmn deal of Importance 4711 durlng the week was thse sale of tise Florence Rowling farm ot 120 acres FOR SALE--Single Excelfiot hiotor j in sectiona 1 and 2, Avon t wnshiP, ta ».-I nvrhuld. P...t75- Ca 1 cyciel, UVwiy oeUtauC: irw ,.q 231W2, Libertyville. 47pl FOR SALE-i rldlngaud drlviflg bornse.. Osinêron BotaI, Ares. 4c FOR SALE-Teani 0i ail around work l bore.; oeond, 4 and 5 yeara oid, weigbtf about 26W0; vell bruite. inquire Hemr Lauraee, LibertyvIlie. 47p2E FOR sALE-8%-acre improvefi farm; - iii make a fine dairy and in lu high msate of cultivatlan for caru or xotatges; veil located, gaod sali and substantial home. $4.500. ,Ailires owuer, 1. N. Frenchs, Wauisaca, Wls., R.No. 4. vkly FOR BS E-n a er.160 lcres, 2% Mlle. tu rmroad station; layseiel;1 good son; fâne water sud flsihg; a' natural stock f ar; Plouýeer IMPrae Ment* maie. $20.00 per; acre. T- ML Barkn, EL1" . D. No. 6. Whiste Cloud, Mhh.Wkly t4. FOR SALt-%M>out Autant 1Mb, faeC bore. ObCsi» o lepkone o-l Paay, Wbken IIDL Wkiy tL FARU FOR SALi-To .ottie np the e.ttse.fara of 100 aere, knawn s. the John Froeilcb ferai, 1 Mue eouth of Lake Zurich sud 4 miles natheast of Barri»«- tu« nofaithe bms larme sround;o vante land, good Improve. .ssts. gond location. For terme sud Prie. spply ta Assg. Froellch, La. Zus4é. 111. Phoné 41. 46e4 FCR SA bbertlaed p buKgy l trot ae" condition, uéesd 8mo.A Ibert Ps..,, Afea, IIL 46pa FOR SALE-27 Pure Brod Duroc Jerfty May Pige. N. P. Nielmen, Prairie Vie. Phono 259-M-i. . 46e2 FOR SAI.E-4 cyc. Reudereots 1918 motore7ele, with Rogers aide car, 0185. WiII taire drllnghoree for part payment.1 P. Suai,, Tel. 172-J, Lltercyville. 4op FOR SALE OR TRADE--8-roans Honte, 15 lot&t, 501180, fiowlng Weil, ftwer, chIche.Yard, fruit, emali sud large; ade tre.. Sultable for gardenluit snd poultry. Five minutes walk froni old or i lieudepot. Ternieta cit. lnvetigate.j, Write "8" Box 384, Llbertyville, 111. No agente. WilI oeil lu part or &Ul. 44e4 FOR SALE OR'RENT-7 rooni Boue.. Gse ' ey paiymute. Inqure of Ja MeIlaei, Broadwayr, Lbertiville. 44ett I4ORESOL.buhtaudezebsagrd omed, band harasee and wegon@. Caeh or tenus. N. R. Ladd, phone 4. lbet.yvWe. 41 _Z: aes nuber oftue . m for "eleor rtoutDymond & Austin, Llberty- vile.êt + LUST and POU»D+ LOST-Rub cap frm Clevelnd cary, bowe.u hptiesc ad lbersyvllle. Plaie, P"» arturn tu Lbertyville Gar- a m »d re ,.nard. 147c1 L08T-Detve enue.Plae viSM' Mulusie Ave, on &cg. 6. a beAsy grey ebaul. Fieder pleme. retarD toa"de pâbeot oo.e. -47pi LOST-ifoy tu toeres, ubite Wth1 émeu hem&. FsIay c o Elullqde rosi. 8 MUes vet of Waukegma. lb. l »r&si.Tdq*on a. B. &WM moe.. UXukt1m83.174+ WANT110 TO JY-A sood flash .locm oi. George Guaf Box l«., lake Foreit, 111.Witlylt WANTED TO RENT-4 $0 6 romt bhe or fiat; occupy sept. lit a. 1. Bod, Llbertyvilie. 47e1 WANTED-2 or 3 uicely furnfehed rua. for llgbt hnueekeepiug lu Libortyvll. Addreee 'IF. L. R.' care of Indepeudeu OMMic. 47pl WANTU-To buy good Jersey Co-- IL (i leseon, . 1, Prairie Vlew, 111. 47p>2 Tb@e lss4pead*M le the ocutYe on- y lSe Wedy-tl3* why ~>ry body tak% IL Ernst E. Lehsmann for $12,500. Jacob L. Staiteli iaugist s lot on Cedar Lake avenue, Rdund Lake, fram B. A. Thlie for $1,800. George Burnett bougist s 100-foot lot on Burnett avenue. Lake Villa, tram E. A. Wilton for $300. Kathryn M. Brainard and Frances E. Brown baugist two lots et Cedar Lake avenue and Nlppersink avenue, Round Lake, tram Helen S. Magili for $1.200. In Antlocis townsip Abert E. Jack isought about tour acres ln nortbwiest quarter section 26 tram James H. Banner for a nominal consideration. Mînule 1. Daily bougist 19 acres in sautisvest quarter section 11, West Autiocis tram tise William Vollrecbt iseirs for $2.000 and resald it te Delta W. Smitb for a nominal conideratian. In Grant township Josephs Hlaiavee, Sr., and Frank E. Hodek, Sr., bougist tise Novak property lu Neisan'. Sec- ond subdivision ou Fax Lake for $3,- lu Vernon townsip Chirsteua Seler baught 10 acres la soutisvest quarter section 24 tram Elîza Ituebker and Emmas D. Pepper for a nominal cou- sideration. Iu Llbertyville Charles J. Fischser baugtit a lot ln Osisorne's subdivision tram S. Mluihollani for $600. Hemman Kubiani isougist au acre lot at tise nortiwsvet corner of Hawiey street and Creber avenuinlutise il- lage of Ares fromn Carnie Lindemana for $500. lu tise village o!ft)eerfield Alfred Huit isougbt a lot sautis of tise iotel sud a lot vest of tise iotel tram Frank Anderson for a nominal consîder- ation. lu Lake Forest Frank W. Resd bougbt a lot ou Ilinlois avenue near Wasilgtou tram Mary S. Anderson for $2.600. Iu Higbland Park-Ilerman Goeiltz bougist a lot on Linien avenue nortis o! Lincoln, tram David A. Bennett tor a nominal cousieratlon. .James F. Forsytis baugist a lot on Linden avenue sautis o! Beecis street frpm Artisur C. Tiosamon for a nom- inal conslderatian. Helen E. Knowtes bougist five lots tn Ravinla Woods tram George A. Reei for a nominal consideratlou. lu Waukegan Oscar Saudstrom bought tisree lots on Nantis avenue nortis of Center street tram S. Schwartz for a nominal consideration. TO CALIFURNIA raie the Superb Na-Extra-Pare Train Ou rour trip ta Calibornia tioi. umnnir 7aur 0nJOYment vill t.einlib greater il1 rour train afHordse ueerry cou sentence eud conhart enraute.1 Tie dei raeto Californie, le "Tise1 Pacifie Limitai"ofitise Chicago, Mil-. wukee & St. Paul Raillav. Tise l"On% "train aI double destination" goes direct and tbrougb sitsout chsange Osf cars ta bath Bau Franciscoand Loo &êAsls. l6 aTvu et bath California termîni la ibm mornîng. Thsis le s mucis appre. clstei sdantags, for vith batea lk lely ta be coiied, It le deeirable ta bave ail day for gottlug lacatsit. Tb# tssee are sa unusuaiiy las tht. year thet 70D vi h eurely us1 antsi.t" i sivantege of tisen. By aalding s le ta tisedirect round trip coul YOD cm m tise io6drfui Pacifie North Comelt and sutura tissougste.veet Ma»u winionierlaui plereed by the *Mlisrsaihe' pîctureeque "Troll of The Olyu>piau." This route eHorde yoD 06ser riet ai hesutîlul and raffli oeusyvieied Iromthtie train tissu y other rond an tise continent. For Information about lare., lite of trains, sleepinx car reservastlons and for descriptive westernliterature, spply ta loa agent aftie Chicago, Milwaukee & 1Bt. Paul Rallway. 47c1 MAfItIAGE L4CEI4SES. Paul ltrubesck, Bermamwood, 24; Martha Helarish, sanue, 20. s Walter Horeb, Milwaukee, 23; Ma- Lrie Daliu, msne, 21. a Fre-d J. McEvoy, Oshkoss, 25; Then- o.k Steig, isane, 28. lra E. Bryson. Milwaukee, 24; Ilds 2Clius, nosDe, 21. e FranIc Wasievsi. NortisCisicago, 121; Clam Wagner, $àme, la. Lester W. Breciesen, Waukigan, 21», Martisa Seugsuseis, Milwaukee, 22. PUT 'FEELINiS' INTO VERSE AS AN OLU SCIIOOL FALLS Tise tollowing poems were written by a student of tise Rosecraus scisaoî, an oid trame building with a log foun dation. whilch la belng razed 10 malte way for sL modemn brick scisool bouse. Thse poems were delIivered aithtie test exerclises conducted in tise scisoel bouse and vere given ta tise San by Miss Sneesby, wiso bas most capably fillled tise oflice af teaciser aithtie scisool for thse pasî rt-w . .rs. .Tise poems were nat wrltten by a 1915 year tuden t of tise scisool, but isy a married woman visa attended classes In tise old structure nom-) years ago. TH1E OLO SCHOOL HOUSE. Goad-bye ta tise dear old scooal bouge, Il ha. stood for mauy a year. And nov tisey are goiug ta tear It %awn, And build s new one isere. They cao tear tise boards asunder, Tisey Cao lay tise timbers low. But tisere's sometising tisat tisey cau- uat change- Tise tisougisis of long ago. Tise memory o! tisose otiser years. Wisen tismougis tiat scisuai ious3 door, Tisere came a happy. iaughislgthrong, Tisat we shahi see no more. For some we linow are fer away, And somne ve know not visere, And many teet tisat trod that floor, Have ciimbed tise golden stairs. But thonse' vio linger near tise spot, We isope wiii came today, And bld tise dear aid bouse Good-bye, Before ht goes away. Times' restiese fingers bring decay, W. need tise scisool bouse uew, Mei rlgist tise aid sisouli pass sway, But bali tu say Adieu. THE LAST CALL. Come ta tise scisool bouse, one aud ail, Mien wiso are aniy boys growo tali: Boys visa veut ta tiese chool bouse bers, Studied sud piayed year aller yen. Bayesvisa sbouted tise scisool bouse calse, Whlttled tise b ueies and seratceed tise usils; ý Surely your isearts viii iseave a sigh. Nov you must bld tise aid place Goad bye. Gray isaired girls be yaung once more, ileet again aithtie seMai)o bouse door. Csst your duties aud cares away, Rnd came ta the place visere yau used ta, play. Here's wisere you spent your isappi- est hours, Heres visere you csrried your fair- est flowers, You cannot forget. so do not try, But came and bld tise old bouse Goad- bye. Wrltten by Mrs. M'illiamison, Rosen- Crane, 111. JUD6E PERSONS RULES ON A FINE POINT 0@F THE LAW Waukegau, Aug. 6. Juige Persoa today ruied ou a fine point o! lv visen ise declded agalit thse defendant lu tise, case agatust Colon Ostrander, tise Fox Lakesa- loan keeper, viso vas fauni gulity of seling liquor ou Suuiay. sud viso use eking s nov trial on thse -round tisat the sale vas culmiuated n Bat- isrday nlght ratier than on Bunday. The court entered judgment on lise ninth count, lthe one ou vicisOn- tfsader vas eouvlcted, as u seased s dae of $190 aud caste, ordernug tise defenat comusittei ta tise eouuty ll until tise fine ha pali sud pro- ildng. that la case of a refusai ta Pai tbhefine thse detan&lnt lie coin- Pelled ta van tise fine out un the modai tise rate of11,50 a dey. os- trander la out on bonds. HIs at- torues, It la understood, Inteni ta take an appeal to the appellate court. Judge Persoa gave then farty iByl lu vhlch t perfect their bill nt par- ,titulsre aud-perfect their rappeal. Tise deteetive employeaitsy tise SIale's Attorney testifiei tluring tie trial o! tise case tisaItisai purehas- ed a quantlty of vhlskey lu tiseCOs. tmuersalonoa a aturisy ni itî sud drani It lu tise saloon ou tise fli- ioviag day. lu see'slng a nav trial the attorneys canteuded tisat the purchs.e '9k Place ou Saturday sud tisaIthbaîoonkeeper bai a rlgbt 10 maire tise dellvery vbenever iseachos. rTise attorneys esmittei thisor slip- ulations ultbout arguments. WRÂTHIR RE"POIRT - Weather forsl for the week begin. nlug Wedneaday Augusl Il. issued by the U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, 0. C. SPECIAL FOTICE-Tsare Io a tropicail idieturbauce oser tise sou tisaruWlnd sari Ioland eaction and vestsir for lise torrltory o-st iofth isettsiiolppi river for tise eouslug vaet tilaraelr depeudeu3t upon tise movemeut of tbte dteturisau.7 At preesut lailetione ar- a% followp-: Par tise refflon of the OreatLse Fair umestheerrlassa-erai deys., ecept probatily otboye Wedneda or Thur.. day oser lover Lake iegion. Uueeîtled tasard eeit w eek vus h aotres probable. Moderato temperature. Aug. 4. 1915. A. C. Thomson and site ta J. F. Farsyts, lot 2. block 80, Highliand Park. W. D). $10. Estate a! B. sud A. Tisiele, minora, ta J. 1L St.adtfeid, lot 4. Smitbs Sec- ond Addition ta Round Lake. Deeii $1,800. Florence M. Rowling sud heirs tu E. E. Lehsmann, tract of land lu Sec- tione 1 and 2. Avon townshilp. W. D. 112,500. Emmia Volbrecbt et ai. to Minute I. t)ally, lots 4, 5 and east 4 acres. lot 3. subdivision ef section 1l. West Antiocis townnhip. W. D). $2.000. Tomasz Pachclarek sud vite ta Jozefa Pacisciarek, lots 36. 27 sud 38. block 14, Dreyer'a Subdivision, Norths Cicago. W. D). 11,000. August 5, 1915. Ansstazle F. Novak and isusbaud ta Jase! Hladavee, EPr.. et ai., lot 20, Naei sou's Second Subdivision lu section 1, Grant township. W. D). 13,200. Helen S. Magili sud islsband ta Katisryu 'M. sud F. E. Brown, lots 8 sud 9, block 2, Round Lake. W. D). $1.200. Mîinnie 1. t)atiy ta Delta W. Smitb. lots 4. 5 sud eant 4 acres lot 3, being 19 acres lu veut bal! section 11, West Antiocs township. Q. C. $1. Mary DeCondres ta J. E. ad Et- ies S. Klinger, lat le, Oakland Subdi- vision, Gray's La*ie. W. D. $Z50. Estate of! L J. McCormick (de- ceasei) 10 W. V. Kelley, souts 22.40 acres, southweit quarter sud part southeast quarter uest a! rosi lu Shields townsilp. Q. C. $1. IC. F. Brunin mn4 vite ta Chas. Ubi. lot 6, block 2, Oebarue's Subdivision. Lihertyvîlle. W. D. $600. -Bugene Sisea ta Margaret E. D)e- Lany, 86 acres lu section 26, Nevport townsip. Q. C. $1. JE1lla Kueisher sud isuebani et ai. ta. Chrietena Seller, sautiswest 10 acre. o section 24, Vernon townsip, Q. C.1 Aug. 7, 1915. Max Loch and vile ta C. J. Herscis- berger, lot 4, bloc% 2, Hasmniod'a Ad- dition, sud Iota 1 sud 2, Holoonib'a Subdivision, Village oI Ares. W. D. $1. H. C. OrMRsand i yte 10Cathserine Dunu, lot 20, iEue, Terrées, Laie For- est. W. D. 13,000. BenJ. M. Louenmeyer sud vile to Luelia E. WhLt% part soutisvest quar- ter southueet quarter veit aIfBshent- ian roai (oxcept uortis 800 feet), lu Bunt Deerfield. W. D. Il. Master la Oiancery ta Emil Ruient, lots 6, 7 sud 8, block 134, aud strlp of land adjolulug lu North Ciicago. Deed $1,986.77. Alice E. Joues sud isusiani ta, Ne]- le Hess, lot 8, .udge'e Unrecorded Grand Avenue" Subdivision, Wauke- gan. Q. C. $2. Aug. 6, 1915. Sarab Muliolananndsi iusisani ta C. J. Fschser, lot 7, block 2, Oebonne*j ISubdiv'ision, Libertyville. W. D. $600. JoseDbine L lKellogg ta C. 0. Carl- son, lot 18, block 1, Keliogg's Subtil- io. Wibtirop Harbor. W. t). $10. Mary S. Andierson and isusband to F. W'. Reai, lot 1,"subdivishan ai lot 244, Lake Forest. 'W, . $.2,500. * Want, For e8."eO @de ln tiseIN- DEPENDENT ioUb 14MWpoem IEAL ESTATE TMANSFERS Furnishod by LAKEOOUNTY TITLE & TRUST Coc. Abstrscto cf Titls. Tilles Guaranteed. Masonlc Temple Bldg. Waukegsn. *ug. 2, 1915. Carine LUndeman ta Hermon Huis- lank W D $600 1 acre la block 3 Ham- mOud'e add ta Rockefeller. Auna Poplela and hue ta Lukas: Andreantit W D $10 lot E0 Cummlng»e add te, Norths Chicago. Ùary A Judge et ai to AilesuE Jones deeds $2 tract o! land on S aide Grand ave near clty limite Wau- kegan Aile E Joneesud hua ta, Mary A Judgo deed $2 lot 2 Judge's Grand ave sdd Waukegan. D A Bennett snd wl ta Herman Goelitn W D $10 lot 11 biovk 71 Higis- land Park. Aug. 3, 1915-C. A. Newcomb. Jr., ta Andrew and Urma Lewoudasky, lot 20, block 84, Norths Chicaga. Deed. $75. *C. E. Bayler ta Urma Lewondosky, lot 19, block 84, Norths Chicago. 8. W. D. $75. J. H. Banner and wife to A. E. Jack, 3.79 acres ln nortisest quarter nortis- euet quarter section 26, East Antiacis township. W. D. $1. W. V. Keliey and wlfe ta estate af L. J. McCormick part south hait sec- tion 20. Shields townsilp. Q. C. $1. Frank Anderson and wife ta Alfred Huit, three lots village of Deerfield. W. D. $10. G. A. lteed and wife la Helen E. Kuowles, ilve lots lu Ravînla Woods. Deed $-. L. Gi. tsterman and y1-ie ta M. P. Stahi, lots 2 to 6 sud soutis 20 feet lot 1 block 1, Nixons West Washing- ton street subdivision. Waukegau. W. D). $660. S&m'l Schwartz and wl ta Oscar Baudetroni W D) $1 lots 5 6 and 1 Schwartz'e Norths ave suis Watikegan. E A Wllton and wlte to George Bureett W D) $300 lot Ln village ol, Lake Villa. t th fe Wtlr&6s of6 LîBEl-RTvVîLLC -1 ILLINIOIS napfln eaof J% aePoo*s LIBERTYVILLLE 01awo GISwa accoLst ILLINOIS I1Iu~ ___________ h h ____________________ amrM. MAMLE. Aftérmly ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Pubuicuo'lce in hereby gt..ii thatte Suh- seriber Admnsrator o(thte Estate of Ariette Morrili. deceased. wilI attend the. Conliti Court of Lake. Ounty. st a tern i tereoi t0 be boiden seth5e Court HouaseluIn auke, an. lu sald County. ou <Seftnsti onda, o!October nerf. 19tS shen sud shere ail persons. basin Claticaagaiuit eid Mae are notâid ndd iaqiietd 1ti resent the amue tusatd courtlfor adiudicatiou. EOWDW ieDERcoMî TT. Admiialtratia Wsskegran. II.. AUgut 2, 19i5 Auffsat t5-2-ZM BEK H. ILLER, itoilitor CHANOERY NOTICE State ut Illinois, Coaulsof Lais. se. Circuit Court oi Laie COUu tY. October Terni A. D. 1915. Iu Cisancery No. 730)4. hilunle Baaia and Auguet Basie vs. Caroline Toune, Ernedt Tonne, Anus Tonne, Dietrichs L. Tonne, Lottie Tanne, Sophsie Priess.. iie Priaes amd Louis Tonne. Tise nequielbe affidavit isavlugt been filet] lu %ho uilee of tise Cleri o? sald Court gnotice Io therelore isereby gissU ta tise aesho@boeamed defeudantu tisat tise &aove nanted Complanaute bereto- fore ljledtisa-m Bilot Cpuipiaint lu eaid Court, on tise Cissucery eude tisereof, aud thata annimons tisereupoli lesui ouit of eald Court against the aboyal uauied deiendante. returnabie On tise lireS day of tbe terni af tise Circuit Court of Laie Cauuîy, ta bo held at thse Court Rou*e. laWsuiegau in iaid Laie Conuat, on tise Firet Boudai of Oetober A. 1). 1915, as le by las required, unidvisicis suit le stili peudiugt. Lewiso0. Brocway, Clerk. Wauka-gau, Illinois, May 24th A. t). 19. Benjamin EB. Miller, Compuauste tSolîcitor. Auff. 13-20-27 sept. 8 lIndependeat reaicho ai leite tu laits O=wtY. BEN H, ILLES. Solicitor CHANCERY NOTICE«< State of Ilinois, County of Lake. as: Circuit Court of Laie Coeuty, f4)sber Terre A. D. 1915. lu Cbancery Noî 7420. Floreuce E. Zwiler, vae Jaseaph H. Zwseier. Tise rquielta afllavit isaving beau aied lu tis, office of tise Cierk of sai Court, notIce le lisera-tors iereby glvec ta the mmId Josephs B. Zwioier, delleuimni as aforesali, thst thse atbois satesi Comuplainsut iseretofore fled ber Bill af Complilt leDcm&iCourtu tb, Cismaur aide tiereof. sud tisat a sommsons tisere- upon lsued out of sai Court &gainât the above naued defeniaut. returnable ou tise #rss dey ai thse tereo!etise Circuit Court of Laie Couut.y, to be iseli ai tise court Hloue. in Waciegsn in sai Laie Couuty, on tise Firet ifooday of October A. D. 1915. a.lis by las required and wvicissuit la stîli poudingr. Lewis 0. Brocivav. Cerk Wauiegau, Ilîllos, July 6îi A,-. t 19)15. itelamnB HMilles. Complaînsu t &Rîilcitaor Aug .13 20-27 S&P 3 BEN B. MILLER. Saliettor OIIANCERY NOTICE state ar Illinois, Coaty a! Lakre, ss. Circuit Court of Lais CountY, Uciober Terni. A. D. 1915. la Cisancery No. 7425 Mautids Frilîntan ve *Uninonaiire et lai, r deviaepe ouf Jacob t3utzler, deeeaed" sand "Uniaon owoers of or p;esns iuterented lu tise ani37X rode Itise Wet 58% rode of tise North 60 rais 0f the Nortisueet quarter of tise Nortbeaet quarter ai Seplian 25, Tavu. ehlp 43 North,,lRanes il, East of tise ThidPrncnipal Merdiau, lu Lake The requlsîte efifidavît isavinu been iled lu tise office e? tise Ç'iri of ssi Court, notice le tiserelore bereby gîsen ta tise sali abave uateed sud uninown defqpiant tisai tise above namned Cote. pluiDant iseretofore fi ber 5Bill<of Coinp"ten asai Court an tise Cbanory aide tisereof. sud 1h51 a sommons thore- upooaules as esa!sai court a&aist tise alias. nemed d..fpndausto. asturnabe ou tise lrait daI oftise ta-ru oft tis-IrcuIe C'ourt of LekoVounty. tu ha betd astishe Court Bouse la W&uiegan lu ssii Laie Coityt, où tise Fîrut Mouday af October A. 1) 11)15 a. le- hy jaavrpquired sud whîcli cuit leA,.tlii poudicg I..wisO Brocisav.Cieri Wisultegs. Illinoais, JeYl otis, t. 1). 1915. coniplitallsSolleiîor. Au«. 13-20.27 Sept. MASTEA'S SALE. State a! Ilinaois, Couuty of Laike. as. ln tise Circuit Court o! Lake County, Marcis Ton,, A. D. 1915. THOMAO F. DAVIS va. ROBE1RT K,. DAVIS, et ai. lu Chancery Gen. No. 0867. Public Notice laàiser.iy gisen tisat isy vît» ofan oaiern sd decree on- tered lu tise abave entltipi cause, la lise Circuit Court of Lakre County, Illnais, attise Marci tente A. t). 1915. an tise 218t; daY af July, A. D). 1915, tise underslgued Master la Clsaucery of tise Circuit Cout or Laie Cottnty, IIisl, vîli oeil at Public vendue to tise iigist sud boit bîdier for cash Ou WadnesiaY, tise 25th day of Au- guet, A. D). 19 15, at thse isur a! ane a dlock la tise atternoon of ssii day, et thse front door of tise Court House, lu tise City of Waukegan, Couuty ut Laie, ani State 0! lIllini, tise foi- lc'wing iescribed preniseS, to-vit: Souths Fity le. 50) Foot o! Lot Fise (5). lu Block Que (1), lu J. F. Povelis Addition to Wlau.egan, Laie Couutyr, Illnois. Datai at Waukagan, Illinois, thîs 28tis day of Juiy, A. t). 1915. EIDWARD J. H25YDECKM, Master lu Chaucery. 60alleitor for Comiplalaaat. Wkly .Tuly I80-Augs i-II L.&K JUNTY LJ[iý(DmEyr, KLÂ,AGS 95 auo VOL The Energy Pood in Purest Potin Oatmea-the efficiens fuel for "keep- intp aeam suthe human body-uo ab i dcobrM n brawn and bo n , b- cause it coIltui>mins a auRdIIceof protein, phoophorous and lecithin. The exacing standards of quality and purtytht=ed Dr. Price famous, are goh mre standards duat are foilowed in te u anufacture of pw-Pricirs*i.*OagConote u n5WsY' aa,.8 The exroluslve Dr. PimIN" r Food Store in Y~ur Sown b TRIGGS &TAYLOR Telephone 25 Drs, Fol' CIVE mai 8' M dilt Oame 1 havg of car sliI B- mu las v W. the tU lng e$ le Mil hom Olives thous situe w. toc. a aloui& tu ii eryf bigbu .Ikm dae ties. and e w.o teemi Yatel ite. vas and ville ,fleh sud TPh gelem viser thelu gens eas roi buels Whe aud Dol1 vlth vieil and drisc a as' sau -Ni nue eftt .1 j loi : 1 tg ti 1 L pâm xiglit