CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Aug 1915, p. 9

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INDEPENI)ENT. WAUKIX1ANWIEEKLY SUN_____ VOL. XX lN* e4. 1 LWTII IUfl UUT 13, 1915. TU PAGES. flm" )Yi~U PART Of unK COUNTI'ÂUTISTS U!ADINEiFOR EAST Dis Talor*f I~etyvIeand1 Foly 'e WauoenPont CIVE DETILS_0F ROUTE.1 Letter States That the Autalsts1 Have Vsted Many OfdMis- sions, etc, in the West. Bairanciao.Cl.. Augusu4 1915. Bdillor fak etaCunhy Iniepeniet: Oihmsreadiasone f rour issues liaI came itaMy ban" e fo amago 1 bavoeatetainad feais liai' somea of out friands mai tink *tI e are etili la the. iésert entlng for car meairs. Ta rlleve anY approbanalo Une afout mis aclis ant.e-a>e mm eposi io aim r mbi e-' Bowdtlauma.u aitrokvel lias bei mou a sai ther lfut g«W« On Oaal paroi bgbvuys l ii pains adienoers or aven 'tini. 1 mnit s&Mt uta aer Mngisforn o lmoavec barrin aoury, tu. éhms vas vy piiesas. W. p... four deys ia @an Diego. scircule I at the id Lait October rd sid Cierk itor, r k. as. County, CRT K. »y Gen. en that nee en- l'se, la County. D. 1915. D. 1915, hancery Cuty, ade ta 'or cauh' of Au- of oie ild day, House, tinty of the fol- t 91v. Powell'@ Coutr, la, this KER, iancery. 'KYSTEYMAN'IS -.SPI3ADRWELCII, AT RICIADWINAN"WAUCNDA DAY" NMADE Cornes of a WeI-ta-Do FamIly of Milwauke-Prably Visted Waijkegan. HIS BODY IS TO Bl SHipp Eu. Fact HoeLivod 0se Noi * MayExplain Laoaàl ê Found ln HisPelt Ricard iMillar. bellovai rbyedonal1 authorlttes ta bave been a se«arit ny keagent of <lermaiy, 18 dead, Mpe ver, Cala., as a resuît of!tLb. ljWo h0 receivod viicn he tapai boilas !nom an express train ving 80 lgîtes a hour. Aid liclinalîr, bis nre- mais ire taie brougbtta MXPIIs- kas, viiere Itla 8sali thtattu a difoerest àama liaiths ans pefler sudc b. bas ben yvelig. lm'stu IbiS b. la buW nie a a tting OMMier. if Itla 8truc lt iai Nul ired se Ml. vmeiatuer a i a vary aime gp0- abiliti hiat ho bas beeu la %#ks. gmadit mmi aybave been la Ibis pan- mer that ha mecurod lie Waveun mimress vbicb vas touai la iig Nok- et and vbicb causai su mucii spocu- loion. The feloivng Denver dispq toi tlls o! lie man's lioutity* Dienver. Aus. îî.-ILcbard Weln- mm of Milwaukee vas lb. vem 40» 09 Richard van Miller, embo0wis Germaon nui nd mif y vo IPsOl fran a train soins 50 milesla out lant W.dàdhaiataeses.p5 Osaure Mr Pisonsvorlilsas"lm$ air and dîed yesteniay. 'Tis palWo- o day ballere ai t vis te the eiry o! tbe affect o! Welono iai«4mu pezoosallty becomas 150w.u» prvei local record of vonei'ýq brai- en boapts, mpid bail bals 5 - iisiy Up.. vin boftaud la. cliiestrielng lion conai S Thi eil-tlo-do Welnnan faqp o- ployai a Bouvet lavysr tl leaIlftar the deai muasInteroosea&M Bih lie boir la Milvaukes 3 LAIE COUNTI TOWN$ PUT"Ullhl BAN FORDIII Wcsblngton. a. C., Aug. 1l.-4 nov outbreak o! lie boot-asdm-oq dis- 9as loiay resuttedInlucoaeilgpWo terrItany InuIllinois, MWigep ig D4 and Ninnsoale PO * der abointe qaatie ~ tIssued by lie acting .Ocreh* * culture proihits lutersosle pi elliar le or tram lthne twa Ipi Thie Illinois coaities of BDuai 3r. u- mry vsuA ,&& "1DI1"_-WITII U<IiOWI Attorney James G. Welich f Wau-1 kesan vas the aspaker of the day att -Wauconda day," Tlursday. Aug. 5, and th. Lalk ho maie impressed thei big gathio f vilagarM and inera la a mont d4clded mnr.CouDat- llons poured la on hlm vbheu ha bai fiuisbed. in makig a *beart th, heait' 'talt t the. crovd lMr. Welch sai la substence. At thus particutar' Lime thora are tvo thoughts hhat sauti Interest uni in conisction wltii a festival of 1h15 character. Our country and lit relations ta oth- or nations ia a predominant toiture ln Ajuerican lie aithec present timfe and on this day ve ah-Itd tink par- iulanly of the. relation of the coin- muinlty ta the iidvidial. Bh-Prest aomt Ioomvoit la theiMmii Isue of JAMSB LCH. tiie metropofitai imagazinie bas vtlt- 'Wauksan aterftiy Who awsspeaker ta« a forcibte artice entiiodit lu~K- aotfi athe Orfeco ai"Wauconda tereso f Pouce and Pr.iiarediees day' t aiWuaonds, Aug. 5. for' Wir." Ha points oitt he tact thatj ai the. begnni gof the presnt Buro-' as reputable and s.If-oustalned niem- peau vin Eagland vis mistrens of the bers o! society. , seaand Gerflhany p005055d the Ounest The second thouglit that shouldlith- equipped îrmy. henetofOne organisei spire a day sucli as Waucorida day bv any nation. At the. end o! a yeir's should be loyaity vhicii a village owes campalga vo lIid that Engiand's site- to lie local marchants and business ty lhan depoaed upon lber splendId enterprlses.,_Mail crier bouses sucli mavy aid Germany's alte detensa la as Sears lto.buck and Montgomery attributable ta its volt organised mli- Ward's may oel gonds a littie cheap- tary machine. We fini the Unitl or but they ane deatroying the healtb- States today vitii neithit a strong fui influences of thea sanaîl village aid navy nor a powerful army. Oui ilo-. towu. Corporations such as thosa, sition in not unlîko the. position of the mentioned do not contribute ta local United fitates durint the van of 18S12. ciaritles, local taxation or local educa- viion Americais vitio5ssd lhe sad tioal and religious lite. In order ta rspectacle of a hiostileaamy entoiaS preserve the. amaîl village and tovi ils national capitol, bunnilli downlits la America every citizen amuge ban loverimont buildings and reducing ta trade at homne. Loyalty ta the. men Lbe dity t10ins. If. et thl. tiuip.a i liar se keepiug up the busfines es- fev sailis vessels whli vwe pýoseas-1 tablipliments of a village 11kg Wau- vr oui nabave bome .a depedeit4int c . shruin ety nation. As Amenicais v. must avoi The village of Wiuconi maiant a peso. sentiment vhlcii ioes flot take midi to the. lite and hlstary of Lake late, considaration the necasittes Of eounty. Mr. Eugene W. Brooks. vho national dotonse aid lionon. Mr. Taft for many years waa. supervisor for bis vnltten ai article la the Baturiay Wiuconia, lmpressed hie pansonility Eveneing Pont vhich shovs liat Our upon the legiaiatlon of tua county standing army o! 64.00 mainomits board. Hua kldiy.manier, bis iaith. asie-baffas midi ta uiintliii as the. fui intagrityi and lies biules aility standing army o! Germnn. conslst- von'for hum th-e resPeCÏt ai bis ass» msg af 640,000 menon ct for mailite- clates. Mn. Kent, wbo for'mini yeari aice. W. siould ît or«e organise a asonprnmiiot.f icur local, sclools, lttd Bltos aar'repre.oit.d of basby bis.exempily Ille, aid educa the. best maidliood of!Our country. Weo hoai jonce meant much ta the. schoal cannot depeni upon a volunteer irmy system o! the counhy at largo. The for voluateers vha nesponied ta building of your rallroai. wiich in à FPresideat Uncolis il aid liei lg- splendid monument t0 local energ) nomiaiously at Bull Itun. ASter tvoanad PrOgre" - stands as J Ilving mou years' training union Gea. George B. mnent tu .J. K. Orvis. who vorkod uM Moclelian. tiie aMy ai the.Potornan cosinuglyfor its organizatloii and con và oqual tte i.04 smdaiu-atnuueik..IL ta bole u u iiu liem. the Macedonian, Phalgax or tue for s57 Yeb" may celebrat* ie« Iraî . o! caner. Ont aalii,'i Is toa a'gbkerluia caUiillY la aboutà be traiied l aados as la don* vhlci -'wyu l lin the Bmi,1 'to! th, 1lu Sormay. go ttt tii. retirod sok-boys and girls of yotir vtle*at dieru il lbo abl, ta talus tueir place manY5yeai's ta corne. ClM&ovaov i"ami f flrUit ý ri., H e.tcoaup am E, Wu. ,* , * .le nat inova 1but an nivetr laex-1 The stat~sbvaytram Los An- non. and West. Deerfeli, ln Lake coin- MdtieMha . emi futureundt gel.. to Sae Francsco lis camplafl i y, beaiee aIl a! Coak countr efcePt Ms itaZv a eundt 041iY about bal the distance. aid lie Union stackyaris, are plced on- * Wauk«an l I If. *0lber home on Jackson street frOluana viiere ont completai, 18 belng but. der quamninu.. sks ilsaarvu ae l. sa, our lime via not ntait betvaen . . *, ,,andiPo'x Lake, 111.t lies tv chiss Wbu tay re PlieOme taapionemosapene-Waukagaa vas visted ou Satuniai thes uluas ciie. bore, tybaaea Te i i téphoea .m ve n - A copy of the appelhite court nulins alabtby a treak nain. fcn ville th. gang cult ih living tunIs, staam sbav- ithetranscontirnentai l Uec.soon l i ila uaasa afaroa andihullfeullaincertain parla o! ois amda ilis cf machuaory. audit lily 2 ai 11:05 p. n. trount juit beau reclvai, sioving on whatth1 iytlasdf i Mtetn asl sually s vi wes alodcso oGeS.Teconversa onds thcfcluise Bivmd te cri's vasi bayon a zone boundei lii West lebl bali miiiIllIiinois. SIntact.thl lstai 17 minutes aid transisson o u e bubon cotcpeiu sit teet. peole etahElectiic prIdiiit roibuiliers are men vbo mile a vas vomisooi. court. The irmcauliecmpametalnot kacu iebd nalned lava lova businessilu taid iav o y 10 todoIL Md iistrWoty bugal nissan la vbi* ho t mi1 lioy rturneti homie. People Wlaen cocpleted l laplcas lier. ua q, ~~la ad C.hiacin, I ln18qUite a bouquet. v i varataitle lakea declare 1it di bridge or colvert evryr 20 or 30 roia, pressas ama as the béa as î n hi. ocal Jmnt.Tiis 18lb.therstIee hiee ont ot mi ieeu o ovryOî a leu veyhngmbcoaîîralaoicase tht vis àaleaai roan luise mn ain te. ilea1oit c and he »& f eeryoneof hemeveythag ntOcouadof divadedcision aid uaturali t, of Wauleegan lie naizfalvu quit, no matten hou soliIl, la protfteto4heiaexMibts, boli lOreisiamii 08ao- 'WUspleailg for ianta mcv tht hein for a lime. vitli a ralias. Paited ville, ta ps--tic, are vyen complote aid BÉ e , itle ihen court uphld i u. jMi& Lynnan ai d resîdou t 0fWîu- vont accidenta. landocipa york. tho style % *arabl- Four montiis aller ber narriage o kegan, living lived on Woèt Wash- on our trip âaîaag ltas ceas vahume tactur.tecltn md 51*M.Cr.QusesPmie Con inslo treat, but wvisa iit iila vIsitadi mini o thseaid missions. tnlc affects ara simpii sad. Th; nolbruike lb. nevs O! hermanimlaga C,îsicsoronth. lait feu yeart iedîa Themo places bave seemed ta bave a etedie1 po i nr~oU alt ber hoin n Jb oiat.o tcbme laChicago S.U.Mdayuflsn- - va fascIniOn intos-est ta ail of us.,lthe ima. I an aune that W aso 304 Gillelte avenue. adMeiforglvdDsma, no.DahvsitnbLit i and va couli scaTcely refrain tram vlh visieil, wili nat regret il. no r.cahvei arntlblsaslag and vas o u et a ttiui*t dInvlng Quite a distance aut ai our natter hov tar tboî travl5 sent on lienruay rJmalaca. wtukega.About a vee ffl ohélia vai ta viit them. 1 thilai bare are Tamorrvo alnt aitypi, but À Mn. Siegel ilanersrtraStle state 1vas laken 111 and vas reno4r ta bar about 27 orf hein itven Ban Diego otlii trainoron oufot but ta aur of Waington visitlnghils unt, Mrs. hmian aChicago an a dot. 'Sie la sud B a 'r*cc. -trusty automobiles, Wa vilI Oin4 "go" C(liaHlstala of CodtY sireel. mi recallai by mauy of tue aIder rosi- We reacliei Bai Fancimc cri>' thé -Taganila e flyan ad"tig$ J*e isé usieparents 'v110 r bOte fr om d1 ea Wmea.'f ~ d ..s Suiay. We expcted 10- mile îî Taioe, Sat Laie City, e.' U VII Whsington on an eftended vieil. (YGOG. Eatria bu ilsotdan anveprobubi !ollav Ilthe iconTIte younger Mr. Siege1lias ual beau(V ERQ. leampd ailuale iy qs Ilbie utesma tn 82vaRs.He il-. ,The Pfaistleii Eleoliasdéeatai Nov, about lie expostian. If an> Tiis, ltter doas net lu au>' vay do toadlng an Insuraice convention lu thé Public Service club ai lia 'Cbn-i laon cmlshao xpcî a eemi-justice ho aur trip alois the PfclOc Chicaga as deesale itram hie stat.. mondiasaue Saturday ai igcCnnsa thihusbut a bis grand sîglit.thbey coasî. lbut 1 kîov Il viii miov liai Wauegai bas beau asked ta John Suu ie ak lan 11-iu g. it- willIhbu vrn bappllydilsappointed. Ne ara gltias alois nlcely aqdi l*lVau latemtate, basaa b a g ue tist at a nd-lun game, thie - of istheo -44we .ma>' ave-baen ulftuados, aor s-Ourionen t ii«e.. boIngformai ofIllinois. or or no ca nosd outIeat hie tong oiend i et the klini. but 1 bave Manfour Ott apcfulci&UInieans teins. Wier n alcaal14 le 12. , ra xatlos- st. - , J. I. Thinl ,ý>- icty vili tke .Part lunlb.éli«gue ThéPieeieipt h>' Lie uau. c-a mes- WI3ATI1RTO ADI TO. COST Of LIVIN4? TlIAT'STUE FEAR Habit ai Taking Prolonged Wet Spefl ara ioke Wearing Off With Crop« Damage. SGRAIN PRICES ARE SOARING. Oats and Wheat Are Going Up Rapidly This Week-Graln Sprouts in Fields. go tar, despite lthe unpieauanteis of the.veather and ils Prometstiez for cancelliag picua ii giem.nts. .OWI lin bani concerts. and 'maklni tic- farmrs ivoar, tha unpreeent rainy seaisn bicb bas taksu hOi ai le VI hi Ir sage this licoustating that a mawr Magle license had been lesued ln CM' cago thus mornlng teMilm Mary Loi. ie Spoor and Enock J. 1Urad of Weu, hegan, brought the firt formai neva j.o Waukegan people thatt Lis .w.l. known younig couple had plans Mi getting inarried. Word has been neceived Mat, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Wetzel and son Clanr- once arrlved tu Sacramento, Cal., lant Saturday. Tiiere they met Mlr. Witz- ers. sunt and ibeWhwli ii uccomý pany them to, Tacama, Ws.b. Mrý and Mrs. Wetzol and smn lbt Drwi Taylor and Foley at San Francisco. IR SWIFE AND RIS CI1DREN FROR HOME; WAS DRUNK 18ai pr.tly mucii as a Joke. BUS viti aniy ah lihe Mctofo!the CM0 IraI gtaies suI la lie Obus an# OU tu remiWt. ler. until hIt ries aN. ti voilier situation la beglanng lé a mime serlous Proportions, Not tle liaI iîsiearteuig l about It la tiiat ItlaIs linatenlag irag tontb from abtivîcu Ibat amre" and tlbue-boiored bugabao, "tha eqo4 o! livviiilhcb ve bail plannai ban lorevon unier vhat pranlaci tp be tha greatoat seaaou of craps the. United Slalom bai havi for le- cadas. Oals advanced Ivo cents qq terday on lia board of Irai. lanC casa aid liey are likely le bit a stilI; bigiiot mark, for tha banner at aOM le almost complately lîundated. 1Situationa Nearby Delperita. Tiie situation La lb. couutry 1lamô bocomlag *despanate. Il la impaqolll, ta bas-vau thb.als, a part afvb1= bias already bacu destroyod lby Ip and *&ater. Tiie atous. of tus 9=4Iq tuat vilInevar be ut miincrMeev4 sveny day ar cleuiy voather. Tbffl laïùb or ua aheat vblciila bogingW$ ta groui n ties-$hma. vile lie v# veair preveuls'Ils tclng tbruhb4' But as thea creage la vhoat la tli# vicinlty ls smalt IL dosa not ccsi hile a serions problen. At lie bginig of lily, IL b100 a if lbinols vouli have theb. lar~ cropa ont.misaven snovn la tue stale,, Toiiy the. oct crop la sa nearly rulmèd tuaL it la practlcally unniriai. able. Tie carn crop alan bai vondetl apportunlhles iL Lie start, of smme, but todai Itla1 about a monti beliln4, The. aiy calamlty thit can faîl upop tii. section aav sean. ta be ai eanly frost. and test aigit got pretty close tu that. I!litene'siauli bo a veny lhq MIa the, corn may still get ripa. Tiiopo v11i b. an ibuniance 01 Silo fasi butS 've:tyl hard, markohable corn atit ovii.. liaratatare la Lh. discussion co r et* troubles thers la orne cmsuaitai boem 11111emeihioned, bsciuso sv"~y body supposai uiat p"ttoma m hiq plonty of nain, aid vocM b. ail rigot so long as the ftimers di nat leavq tiené lanithegrauni itolong*fier tiey ver, ripe. But Lb. diggiug of. potatoas un tarted. pafly beccase lie farmers couldi't do anything cIsc and partby ta saleguard the, noat vjs ter's meas agaiast iottlag la tbe grouni, ani anotiien uiplesait vidb- qtIon. of tue preseut saison bau bçs iscovered. The white grub vhicb makas a pIo- haLa look mare like a Ma in iticth amalipox lian aiîhiig aise, has ai. tacia the patatoas lu countless bma bars. Oaa farmen vsocf AunO< fauni Ove a!fLiai.seguis lni simleM hlI, and the potatoes çDeckboi aceý coingly. This vilI brins mare trouW le o th le iousevlf, tibmtua nyone sise, as lie depredatiaia o! lie pue do ual go beyoni the sli of the tyber' malins Ilfiharder la pool. Man Who Was Braught Homo ta Die From Haspital Goes an a Rampage Tuesday. TAKEN BACK TO HOSPITAL. la Aleged ta Have Taken His WIfe's Earnlngs ta Purohase a Quart ai Whisky. IWAUKEGAN. AUC. 11. Mîko Xssyovski mosfront viii i. bas temmel u »' Mai4r 'çtock lut së t< elü log saloon, purchasei vhisky, tuen vont homo aid drovo bshite aid la- ant oblltenI lto Lbe streat. Mhfflyoki basbeen dyug af con- "pntion ton the past ivo yostq. Un-' $41 iveMoisia&go lie ias tablai ;tmrSt ei t the L.Ale Counti (con- pamoieutai, but iLtIbat tmp ab. bqed nanrssuad dactans at tue lu- @utttion for permission ta go baine 4 evsbrouht ta is home at hi-ooro tee . bi, beoav ShaTIdai .lbi. viier. b.e bas lhvei for *MWn, [Ast igit bo sot up otofait ll.u bei, empilidbis vifes pockot book. wUP vto1 a saloon and purcbasol @6 largeupply of wvisky. b Ips vite *W pliui lisew«b. a ornniunion tua ,jpuesaepof vbisky vlieiho re- te hlb ie usbome. H. drink viat a! liè o te boase.,thion vent oa. rqqn ~ aSBoon ailes'lie bai re-ý ep bome the Police reaved' a nivien. ofconr edpdde& ti*- fri mmrs.isyovuki; ami ber. 'Mje qulreu crying on tbe treet. %ybu àbani iroeo ut of-tié Tiie dvunken mon vas taken lot 1laaaaiy but lthe police ver. ab»»,i:ta 'bin aiup-lan a coueil isiel ftn tiiat be migit die on thÎln vp teoedai&min ta tue Laite Con- *, "mme Hospial. 15a ifs epao- Vi, Me afod aid ratimsat for ber ii. S*mey 1y maing, asMdtheia ers af tbe bouse give ber Ircre ti. The. u*mity .111 &id lie unfortunate 0 op -in lhe'future. 'Msyv M ay live tva yoans. bo le aardie tomorrov,'" sali ocae or1 tie menonva 18 ouductnt aunfil- Itlu asreportai luat bis vif, lu- laçis ta tarI suit agaist lbhei.- loaib'îeepen ho sli 1dm drink. Bbe uigom sta mal damasSes lu tic sus - WiAUKOAN. AIR>. il. Judge Clair. C. Edvwdilm ie~fM b"s esluta& liltiaMrsai* Ilrntla gion City far severi montba. atýj bout as thi. rasitofai asl- i$#= aataiivelapei toay ville lie eqe ai Mntca Smi. a stter, vwu ,, W "g tmIedla circuit court bers on t ebaige ai contempt o! caurt, mv!- *ofoo being préented lusau effort ta pione tALho a b.violatei a court gom n aWaub«ogi cainel - li ftcniagoraiLunie 5W. TurMbktet .Wameda tla issphyumlisPuA%1 ai Rouai LaMe.* Thebam ,U.ýO ve attendalit Ove PdM brathwet tai lia vie. a&iM s.N lie semu moi. . J. J.wllmm 4 fomiustheaceremoas. *The. bride, 18 tcoeiy iau"tsr Mn. and lMMs.AlbertP9dbeoitet Round Laie, an19Mi la*e0 101t1011: lai young -hldimaofai lai eommUlIT110 aid la capable at IM l1a10b *8 vWi àdonu vith Mwe Ub 'groaomla eonly osoa m %r-a Ulm. Jas. Tus-bull of Wamea.1lésUamà$ - a brIgil. 110800t FOUaS 511evet s«M habita.lme biom *bais111is10s lia tommle or Ubamamia i* ' Tai«.euvirm'tstbabk bb M" cniavbwieài la aIuutàed. 1A for lbah-oi ntlioi the tiags beug lient langeiy la tac- loisde trips.amdenloyiig thi.beau tIielbeaci hla stiare. 1 drova aSg ta M. Moltais rancb, wvil 8&bout 20 ml..s froan lie clhy. Ha bas a finec bafflend ia ranci plate lingely in Olives and lacunes. W. di mai Su tienà at bomae, but liter mojye a smIca site visîl vit tien.q W. alic, tool a tip aven taneOz- to. es Dmasly al touriste do wbo go1 te, Me Nins. Everytins vu quieti alois. tuat part af th. bondo. i luiexsibuit ithe SB« issa . 4 POM fl I« s- mtveriy goal, buttleie buiiiagi «d groanisare van beau-1 lifll.Proably altea mm larg on st I cf4 IIà visImtt»i ePtaumaexpool- "ab AIma tale toit. bti vas ti,' talalY a bWu IMeWaciudantaimgfor liet soctihof ai he mute ta assUme. Il la sboat 130 miles fronflaen DIlage lm asAnnales anami arly ov- an7 foot of Il 18 ccsssat d liva eate biabv7 UM ill18 sau00eas lie boat street la [*1. Proroot. Tb"y cetain 17 inov bouvta builirusa uibis We vee l1LosAntoine sienotout days..H«4 ems oai a gond maay friands la Cali cm.,em» froa ihuiols andi abrs Cfran ny aid bornea hIlovs. We cle4 Dr. aid Mv. Carter. o knovn and gretlî ea- tiseai11[ lawkegandmiLake coin- ty. Tbsy vra ainopleamsi t aw bai to go baci lis next day ta a pic uie dilpet' ai viilcb Mn. aid Mmý Ytes and ailier former Wauksgaai its. ver. ais. wpriietNo. T'r" vwas formrlm issrtry «gi Ma and vii b. véembstid iii 1dbafty vileppe POI. vi a ieInQuir.i about. 'lie ioder bas retirai Irom' praclce and l18 Onjifi bis tipi "M a na rw%, 1 mThe plauied i n iaer. ee b au ope'i opgmad fsalaor liser. d.O VOM s asieiof lhe ittannrs B î Ylu WU3 icI possîie to sottîsie t tl. Tbe iai seemei ta itike tliatal- ."Ys on bath aies yery lavarabli. A iWpflacalsting îatly tva bopus lotypea the.oppoaig attorym as hW4ialtueenad of vilcitine theat tomrs "ldtiar Iouht the. strile coUlilb: ai etled. The cee f Smithi Was continuidta August 30 samila thei mqatime lia puace ,agatltiaas vili bu 114 PrrOM.. The slulla «*ere Muta..-» VAi lhiîr pamttes baceil Mai mis11111 t 'e a m e . C M l i i . c î e r b a n d . t be Ï'ie4is !t ilaca factan>' &sseti lat 4bey bave *beau vilaste ta& peac f a slotis lime. If lie cm ase atied sg» Smi siilBith viliibu p tg 'Il ti ti il d IL 0 b b b tA ti t t r t t t it e 0 S y y COUSINS DU Am7f The Man Under tndltMM fto« Murder and Wto Hp Con- fesses, Taken ta ond HE DESCRIBES EAC1 STEP. Search 18 Made f«r GS fUas in Slaying But NMs.Coul Net Be Dimoverud. The murder of Thiomisa Maiisaik. a detecUivo la the emploi Of the. St. nallroad, vas re-enct*d, liai iy ouTueuday afternoon, viie aecsisa.Who ha$ coîlessel te the ..oïers that be au one af the tbres men Who cominltethe ti.MW,- der, sboved local O~Ials lest b"y 'the minder vws popetsated. The et- tinr vOa iecii.dll dissuio . , cousis vas acCoUD!Shd Ir ot le Griostes, aw Ute5P lair. <odi flelectîve cavaia"i feitli'« u> o er a"i cot%, i of tibeSt. PeuI vée Ta* taIji ta icdoutvalm aie liam autafotgls. The. pilaeiWl abject soîgbt la bwaing the trip vas tala> cite, if possible. the agtomitic r.. volver wvblm vas tuai la iii v- lr,; .b4 Vi18consldered a yen 83- portant bit or evidence. kAiliMmt potshU tle orevoJe.lucveOSP. (usina tok the. ooom pot' aid aboyai the relatve p ime of imlmsi tud bis tvao MMikU viOi i th e.Y 0 asie advb k»they Mai thi argum t iiDeteaVIve. or- rison and, vte oered autsi4e. M4 n.trafl ,& b.course that bhu» iu.f bis -comilDýoUlOibai 14ke. 80g 11W. novuli of the depot. -, Hie saitbey wvothM.etgluiU vWb»- Nonum se. memaia.a@w» orderel them tea me0a8. Ta tecilve- ihipekome.asq the o»M. bbithens leoid, m I " iW5M S fiat Gaina. aa co icielamilshiUtI ii mot knov * wg a eéuS i thb' dani., rui<âa StïtSibIMD pociiet et the OU sed j" mi e Ie &ataw"aUo revolver. Tb* V»a"mie siiot wuared& lu*e pu ho m mma actuall9sée thei.@soirSibut beard »ai report s4d MWvthe releetIa i q was ftlghtoeim»i r»s &Wa ai ter ubat., b. sal.i. 'lvas Inormaid tbit the. revolver vu.throvna vs.» Altuom* ousIt ti il.s twnla a railier m&atira-fàctmasser, l senihns actig vWb" m eeisai. be fend t ilcult t te SM t. anM stan apelevua t o .trispailmit -Ï shartel t tI mot@bSe tan. H. Inostei tu tbiitmgktavusla t00 Mrtylt b. bM a i igta do viii th"t Eaie oran v»bi"WU enani el mmd vio, bas bei.aubl mpmi me aat a h, e meVeei laya vua ot a meiberof thie Pouls vies the. slaylag bot place. PhyflsPadiseli *f.RoundLae and Lois TOW Of febWau On wedac.iay.> Auffusi4. 199.1et a

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