bat si midi. 14 umllitAy co mm 'I.mnWl ~wAi .1-w' ~ aîm1e wulé WA btb ud1 M1 1% lu la Ont of th*. mont eztraordtnm eeso t 5 a vIVsd PtUued the. trlggei, cf bIvtion troni a druniard'a gma,* but -thu. bllil vent throaagh hie b lutoiit et Zion Cty a feýË, Mé. Theodoro Dreyer. a couvet s, 1 er n ln ug. Who l ~ua ion tuaching. oubloy toli storv cf boy bhl UN vas aved &bd wu »vs aOnt tW 9h. hï ba ace ot.ilvas et o*mu. là% the luIes, ),ên'the or tus.r, andosu d leb.d enu 5 u I. aemithat hie rlet u nva ot ut on a rne debStb. - It w* ,,. PssUed, Attur belUg mutrdmt' i bmi. an lml4 dedçd tlu tahee t I* Oal0foltai b ~ ~ ~ '" eutsops tô sitaul mi~~ *II heaut~ ~"d luu. 'Néter ne gavehme la tg br hIi bor M ý4!q»b#eda u n tt'h.ora"0d ii it the t he 1h. b paie ~ ~ ~ ~ ff aa ost» op1 sTnere igtaunati, 0. #à -g«4 e di notk»w.The ietThe.reult of tuls debaueb w vat t tt" diker ud th etff 3"74« U P r geothteidelirium tremens. He IS mudlh eop *itrj- U t ht lie vwudyta& eudcsud lthlhm ]W* tuekacwagl a bwlmu otëer, -1 aiàdyÏir " his mother etat tbit ftâ tma. W* lle d lu Germen, 'Mer niclit lioer .almutdue vs aur«ïiuetqMýileý mseteen (w»WbOvIi nt itic dovu-the. taaàu I= ho"r muet luei. fly evting lie vit mme à am ýure4 aso Dma aterrible coauk" e as s ie t a berrible dntb tt uabut kWotigo moel. wien Ulder PiPek alpreyhbg mtor sd tsy-anqdaI~4,i5eir.A 511111 befolS mtovut tW rest, sb tf.i eier oIfnehlbsi ku e» &Mnas *uOQedto in'aveb« th. elé* vomahu. h. ou vervri au"esya P*bit 00 bb tUrs a"d '* 1»"Wer sttin lina.. tteoiua ou her b.d. su4 th.*1r»Op ea'In »Dm-Yu meid ýjt iet w uidWhos" 40- w 009ah e sO saIs h Ad wouui heneMd emie be. but4 e 581 lbI» vres m.tis n tii. h.Aietlir vl4 otu tap do mot 'ne b" eiiedbos va. aigra t t aies q* (lo e acii vrhm j p......... ......... *4......... d.............. ................ -Iwlxw-«MM u 5' tw.- e 4"me. o» t beM-,p S ove# vup4'. M tidiTiPlOu5S'8 o PUIiS~tbt 0e tuf tbe iW V"' 'w Wvas 4 enetiean val w»at fIat pt v it 0< gloud ebeen lauttm'nti tluai 1Wlma bo-rofIM t; b'tepelafrt o et the ot,~llsoacT0 i 01t ofbuue .MI lyme oi eto Tie liaI hovevei~ t, dipeas, III q Oui uns #tiptluwu . Au04. LWAL MN MUTRES.t : Are 4ta m. i i" Ç4 4 we xo ~$ f~d. Th.IIUio Ie W~, alsui( s. * ~~~ lut 20 »V Ms~ t tçp î thifla ie oomaty i. meh Iutrmted I iU0laelm U4t *s the propoood entabllbuat i p tFort,.y ofe=«r *terslleit -a tratusin; camujor ' aa.ircfv ieR isepe ql~he*4o . man. U rs(hl i ar*tn .* p opurtbïs at iat"bùrg x.T Y.' i uces.4«9 i fo v piAep*Bd' e' s oh bmuee aetiIviuth. ie p.rtla l~ifbl. in inam ýlaU*d ithat mtafroni gré i' IùIIoIm;:u;dLèb P éimn sud otiier parts et lu hefà otser f ult tiao kW ýoocuutt viii volunteer their services. slroéiîuortln luluriOt'ipdos . 18"1»0uen# VO rtloai. àmn e.. uittu0luboingmaulftowtm odar tW s, cluiy me eneutg 1* yryf yl- a depseli+aoi«M ut" ût et lm* t# mmwo4 I th. oto et'l*»f."tump # o wm b sta tenaoa cmutt Je lbtoru.4k n4. '~ N sl h 4~4a. f h t~ ~ .yfrMw At&r mnts of painstak aboran tezzeidtirèe ofa lage ax~u inmey, te-MSfNha adphd a bêeti- hIV ÇOLQBMA 0 LAKIl GQUNMI Shoi~gthenarýes; of alareage ow eM iitinctive téwnsN ind à&- t 4 e ,e tion ii àl,l*ti&* and viilaesduIrhche"s ý à dprii>astesIcl. ~er>r odinthe county is plainly nuirked, gravylroilse mri~ t#e id roads'and dirt rïoa$ai-hâtei dinctive marks. ne ettr.44 inch by50 ch' 4 sut siept tii. PM moi flg ot m wbae d Nw sW'p0 le; a" ebMbter, for wblch miii wTo tv. atter . lieiltl tor p ?ssmcle vho h.vas$0 v'« b5. Iudi.m eme gbe ~çSvf* o buthopg ox. Râ rerp u s oi -or <hi$ saoe qhu h. veut lUPt4 tlmurai lè*iffws about sepoybitt** le o!«. "1441 TI e Oder sm i od v eu beut Wi u~ Q!mt e 11tltem ' tJablo "A«e4. 13otU i.~~b luisaom i xDenIa*g ï,pr Iruyo. ld thf h.te t1f«,t a *ie »w« ovruu~ ibd.wlqie lewim (Goï o l a uel. livu om «Iiae tdrugp4s. aIdseW .be mis i roseled.iiee wo potbr uhat a tnuwetrnmti labs~ lu slite, bal tes. 40" t aottsu obomIs.f W. iehiins. fera piirl -ý - ti, *uÈ wd ' Vèw bssan o r ri fr lu __________________ VAZOVmuulmt *t at. 0=4 ' es *e~SOil __ bteBotil ndThepdqre Dreyer liai max tçi bff li vs hé ii otlier vendertul eecapes fiou a MvIe. lm I 58 ta ~~lent dealli. one sut vholibP , we, ts lte bem rnaOlkag la a 83100% ho msepa Md tattà ou w iw two* e b qs dj vsnloue hildmlto t. Ipyrt.iff' "tIu 4 I- otiier tM"suou top cf him. I»t« ver. emrlay dnwued, sud boosm aladnd~ 70~Iuî otila a loouîeeper Cami o84< sia OVe e té lair al Ii ansd remes them..but' cursel uiie uhl~a ettsls cas. u.. ii hu fr dlrtylng up thé. vaer. 00 leuanovusi. T viii pre4 s suothier occaplon.Dreyer 11pi e Ill veY aenwt festure. bhie-iabiý. v*i tb à ciii? aula" bi p i lua barn hy a btRà4. , vo6 e liq m sd mU7 emStped. Ou montusOOér p u two ~I~Td~d hlI os"» ie l . ticu le trt# id bau us t # AÏ, eiiei asut~~aues lIs Fur. Set. 1. vet italire lu lb. àttl*, fixaI soo eiplug ,enMees tt f m .tuOW eziito ha" reardud lt lef, And wN& sbot a .e ~ era ee m j9me uaflsOou ia t4 9qto drp uliehi 5tas atiiier..c=Me *1 my h. tw ". &éJl bat e tl9 a?.stairs âud r.scaed i.cmi. ~ I4,pu~,H. mie anoctqeya-onipt W hqg huiseltsuda"t hMAtierGerp « IIS . 8 W COS!