AY. 20, 1915. t t -~1- -- [)(j Il [) at Heins means that you are offered bargains greater than Ou uf DY any ever offcred. We have disregarded cost on most alilo offerlngs for Dollar Day. Positively yout dollar wili have twice its usual buyung power.» Dou't forget that we are not trylng to make profit, we wantt mertly to give ourpatrons a chance to sec that thislis thegreatest store for bargalos ln this locality $2 Wash Dresses, $6 vaIùe for $1 For- Dollar Day we wiII place on sale the balance of otur'Iniiier washi dresses. A l sizes are( to he l îdals ti a g. oit assortîîîeît of tls.The-s4.dresses are nmide di eli vi oles, hvi a iieat flowered tor p i'iti uilattern. \e lhave been .4elli ug tlut.se dresses viglit alouîg for 1i- aîïl $(»,1.0 beut thiey are Ys'on Dou ollar D. o. 1%...... Your Opportunlty to Secure a $3.00 Wash Skirt, at $1.00 It s very selitmnî that we e au otier suî.h skirts at $3.(x)>ît~ Ilein ii ad( a fortîînate I>ur(el1;1s(e whie ini the Fast. The mna- teriais are goltule lotli, cotton gabardines and poîtîju. AIl suzes ilu the lot. With an eni- 1 pliasis on $.01values wve tîrn the Il ove t yoit on Dollar Day f or ................... .. . Linen Dusters, 1.00 Cjentuine lu sh i leudusttrs; assott ment of siz( s rrhese dtLters sold reg- ularly at $3.50 -~ for ti sale yoiu nuay have î'ouî citoie of 100 thetu at... 1.50 -and 1.75 Night- Sgowns 1.00 Fille, pure îwhite hleaeiued uîuslîîu îulit- gowuîs; plain and elfthrately tîinuid iitît ribhons, lace ad emburtidery egla *$1.501 and $1.75 values -10 for. Dollar l)ay at ...... 3:Pairs Ladies'"I1ose 1.00 Ilejlenisli ouir stoek of hosiery to-, nîorrow, as you l1 Yia select tbrec pairs of 50e(, RR hose - $1.50 îvorth - 10-00 for ................... S11k Petticoats at $1.00 Thlis is an offer that you have iwver beep offcrcd in Wau- kegan l)efore. These pettieoats tvost a çleal more thapx $1.00J, but asi we arc using it as a lead et., wc felt that ha oe els ewl ar stsipatroiis-that is the reastiui xe offer tiiose-10 0 $5.00 silk petticoats at.................... . %>THIrNK 0F Il *Children's Coats at $4.00, This is a rare oppoî tmt to .)purvihasu youi child a good coat at a low prie.- We hav-e seleeted a nimber of'chldren's eoats in several shades. They fîtrmerly retailed at $4.98, but, as. usual, you always get your money 's wo1rtli at ileins, and for that reasqun ou nay have your ehoice on Wednesday 1.00 a t . . . . . . . *. . . . . . . . .f Ilouse Dresse&, $1.50 Values for Dollar Dayat $100 0f eouirse, every-w oian likes tu have plenty of bouse dresses, and why should she not have t henr, when we *ï are offering these $1.50 gingha m bouse dress- es-7in plain colors, nurses' stripes 'aidpt ternîs-Wedncsday at......... .......... 2.00 Prlncess Slips 1.00 Ladies' princess slips and comubinatioz suits-îîeatiy trunnied w îtli lace and embroid-* cî'y-regular $200 val- ucs, at . . . . . . . . . Chiffon Walsts 1.00 We bave one lot of chiffon silk anud lave waists (former values up to $5.00) - your ehoice for this sale Kimonas 1.00 Beauitifiul crepe kirnonas in flowered and eonvcntional pat- terns; $1.50 values for this Dollar Day sale L sUO at only ............ 50 Skirts', $6.0O Values -o at $1.00 Ladies" sklrts lni wool serges% gabardines U and panama cloth, an assortment lof sizes. Also several colors; ail of these skirts sold formerly up las high as 6.00. For Wednesday, Dollar Day, you may select the one you like and take it home by payiflg us _________ $000 OtchBoas, black and whlte, full and 1400 fiuffy, regular 1.98 values, tomorirow Two 75c Night\ Dbresses 1.00 - s; ~ .Fine erèpe nigbt- ~ g o w ii s trrnnned w îtl flow ered ma- teriai a n d w ash b r a i d; jegularlv ~. sold at 75e eacb- We4nesday,2 o $1,00 1.00 Off on al Waists at 2.98 or Over We have a large se- Ie(etiofl of wvaists inl ,crepes, siiks, voiles and ail-over eînhroid- ery. Xour ehoiee if ovr 3.00 at 00_ Off Children 's Colored Dresses $1.00 iSw ss, erepe ginghain and lawnl dresses; well ni a d e; îîeatly triminied; $1.50 and $2.00 values go for sjL22 Children 's White Dresses; sizes 2 to 14 years; embroid- ery and lace trimi- me.d; excellent val- uics for this sale at $100 - -r- '* z a,' 't t,, Car Fare.Refunded on Purchases of Over $5.00 ,5ee Our Windows and You will readily realize the tremendous savings £ -.ý - - $3.00 WAISITS AT $1.00 We have just 300 waists, wvhiilî Mi. hein sent froîni New York. The styles arec of the latest FM iuspirationis. 'l'le imiterials are eh ia silk voiles ani d allk over elwoiderv. Choice of eithevr higli or 10w iieek. Wc coxîsidere<l these wasts onîe of the hest values wc ver offercd . . . . . .at $2.00; nievevtheless, ~muwe offer thein for- Wedncesday at only $1.50 lienderson Corset $1 .00 i idies'ncîw fallcost No .5 'Ilendersii iake ies froni 19 to 3 h irt I ass <ont l;ai que tîîi b 6 supporter;aI o W. B.Nufor costs- /l5 vle,1olziItv Chilren'sWhlte Dresse 1.00 ,- uw i r AVý ýAY. ý