atestpplagt Roti Çrmoaine, l Ald st Dlmaand 1.&.la tieei. e. minm ar Bysa "-tspoatMnàai Cbkfflo. william al rnM, ýZinU. and thein tg bs v"ction wvttii . S@eer and fami tý 1.O4i(»»vaSUa- lamlIy. day. t' Oo. UtteheIt bai a ueJackwofi eut. Mt. aiil Mra. Orant and son Artbnr CntrUat for eleetelghtuta the enureb returisi Tueéday ta their bains ta -O-,u hboss, lot and viii soon b.le talied, Part. Ut.. iii c f Cicado. qApsi:Sarday Mr. and Mirs. James Kiray tot Tu- - and îuadiy vihir s.e. hrineder. day evoulîS for Minnsota an bsie. Mr. ai&jd M. Jffle. Leuebîn aae caîiocted l tb thetr provsrIt m penbitbe wo*0 ir0 E air ttttt'o. mm. D. A. Ayîeof 1ai Hlaid ParknsMr@Gea. Uttehel returnoS lait Ws- spent a lew dayâ ttie vnk wlSis eatives Irea" 8onb to4 ber. 1w» e asbas huma tisttlag ber brotiior, aine Faction, wha bau been sensdtug sa. (O4t SU4famoty, former restdeiit, ni ber vacation wvttii lr aioUr t Fast Otii.plac. ThbtrmaarIy innde wiUr b. _Plsto. bou rtwe.d for tbte -itii<pWls a levai tbty aie la tii.hiet, of' ecmlyar. hb tm &W bi&"o h .lame tirpo. Oste r. Katbtyn Fgenald stTheuday ytlditaa -nvuttybîselo pie r «mand the 1th, on a aketrip> ta Bellala and Randcop of vbat ad cori. retra ilppigSt 4tgar ~ C~ C. T.U Sart5aid vifsEd Walder ad li, Dtroit aid Maetowise anda. fmly, Thoi Milcoxec aid Oea. Bartit Mr. aid Ur&. Crapa and yangeat of Btautoî a&bd vlelitt, weuê gautte 01 àwiuo. blli Md jolm 1n «. a akeaUr@. Lait B. K-an Jda., <allie aie*0r amie. and suit, Ur. aid Tia nlm am so"l staDr. Craios wa ,Ua. J. . Ayneisy Hibaai voi attendei. lb..pragram cousletd lie. aid UMm Zabeloreentertaiaing QIOf * s aid60 madinga by Re«. Gae id i" Pr"M ia01 Too*le.Kea@s. vssslo>wisated by Ibeaudienic. Neiger ami Laera sen aisRa"i, E. 8choor a&» fauImDIW t-rod tc %are mouilag 5%. mrk *tttu tgrand- 9BM la arda sesulpaaid to Cheffc Mr. 04 14M 8 . L. Tlpp have rMt..u oiib a*<a aiapr »M 1,a lt" vs" ou et abo , lin eb uotptlg iiavai .eemimb, VWb. Tii.> aialtomad a *onatpatorior Dée Lk aisd bar' in4aiag veaig Re. Z*sl iim s. Lg. véï lsiiaMtdt os asrvi" a'al. afSS e, & a. Pà. la "à. . . .. #wu ~ Mi 55vSM. Rlba -M*h ypo.J& A sqe4u. au a Ob* slp d *m W ott5mtols b»~pSSimetSUvasj.I iy li ob* . NOMes ong &Eipi, ba. boom #Dm tgtlpps im whvii blroti. #mt'hp~i I5ftel qrtbiWsliti.. si vwmh vataûosrut, Mm .Aspa Darty eaonu-Vaut * peu ~Wankumgaa .PgiJ. VPue o{c4 iao t. Usposiuu bUS'4",n «0 bu p*bis. tjs é , fes Kthldar, 1A BY. F.SWAN f ramp-dod aidgIt t s e B piN ýb. a ab4 alm soisraf61 deyeat s0E C Floket >boua e .~ulaM, lbu go-, ', ai sud è'«W BbreoDO'aIniaid lapte 'nMe& JansoTriages awonZos li VItor SaMrday. iL Cbd md 2 01ýjucMii* gamt tw wu*$ l voi« 8a&vipg money la- a bui*taega, -but it lu tih. only bWums.tbat dois not bririg "worry"....... marna- leu. pe.>deaoe. Aecount' at this bank worry and more 'Inde $1-' TH1E Cit-IZENS' BANK TMm»« rOX ouz ousi n4unaber iris i ae m4l&Mii cataennsofltct e.n meima 04t, an ta-Vaut & BOI .Waako. 1i ~ mr. aMd ~love ta v 'i1 1 ~PAs luat Chaes <4kts mr fmtcto bs . mboso'wnile p.51g baer'ball ot -'il lHotut A Ora adJaelt Paimaim Of gto4 ereL. o mé et v. wiw*tm44'aiboa. ioutute tirMmm iteur 1tum.»" a undm.. OtràiaidmalemmPibot the bl" aud b"sl T#ai?, N.WAofab~ l «wtr Lutaif Ma wf Pe.I& ot BArr*&to E. ~ ~ ~ Pi Osteuan peasSaofy attii.a boi o iée Gramse hs îieVieilleg ber Suit, St Mn oleal&a >1b tte W. k. A smboO liom l a e ded 4 qriaff lisaahots mi Derotbyf.thI aiiUea. U atu day lot Blilapu B o tai ,,e e *e mm it Dreb e r a m bées vere &#gi01t. iMnRmhcS~is wé* DAtsu1r lisp m.b47 ialil. ré;ad n . «. LRocleîbseb 1 ".ad t. si- oâ th* ii yul iitvawesks. rtc. thoa r tlSiubaghtUs 9*dy., tby vUl elait tb. expoastioa ut S» À er Om$ls .a o BoUéaftm Fratudec.treek spgu mNday mi" Biffnor *lMyer la fl i vttlan Ma ie. .«[palw ava atataci dappendicits Ibt. veek. twu ai the bom. et ber usteru, -1ts. Clip. Mr. aid Kru. Jas. aifoli are the Woteift bappi parents ot a baby bol bora A good erovd atteodo$tii daim. £iz.ilat. DratlYtea joaspii Gtl ofQIcbkffl,, pet âm 4,>408101, Î ttal iimaiWodamqdUg? week-und aSt * boue of J. . Rmsh. ersomg awasathe tbgwaM du Min Bth àLldavod wM Îhe gge M iometWouoW*bglIdbsg m tii. 00ký 01 Mlea .&M Poetta. ab o_ 13MnWU& A pKA5O MinBav Sule0f lgslad arl, M~P.d iW. !«W lé aie îoaai ar -aa$ no«"ssk. t1 01âPà MetMa à &i. m elà kt£ N(ormai la i !Troth..vwmt- oiem Poéé t*idw", N*M. ' 0 otme obi$, <e Neer. air.aaî1ýime. Osto fuie. md OIur" s ; w l.a gn Q is li usa M s1Y Of me. "idi'um. R. E. lSessfér. of ii QItii.PruoWl uatai h -iiMr. 4*0 *ro4 J .F"a ad dangbtar iTwïm1q afem- sos.lrop.'t v~ m i sb5e bumé 1 Mms booin x, Mm Us L. P. OSud fl@8w6IS ites lit 91fort thpaiuvmli Ilomuae 'w29. Mak*àêlaksaer fa vQstiàiaiaIbto Tue àMi«és.rme ieritaln.i fer thel @msiiiS.PatWlt llao <ani, inp Uagast oKêtr S hUS ~ep ad ou st uvt4s heu lt.Is*sm.25 LIMETYVILLLE >sre Qu~ PhsI~y0Ieeis. cal ai us--Tait ~ ~ Wsuh.g d 1M1s coarg o Ia ex'perot t> _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ChIa LautAs maDra Gli' .BIaru s"dM",îrdMo dau ses day. as tht Y. W. ia eaerta Sudiesol Mrél.. Praek laid agiobUres 'u*te' aCQ* :ai greon.lih teU>'as i .i uibo oe bs*grewilsths gla a ïmiôa. Je rimé ai WhlwiiIE*siu Iw 09 isaheu ubu. Bivarde 4,M m Petr More i»d ISS SIh4~~I CEPS A.* C. àwàdïp*m atU' pous, ane ýqss udi - ahrloterah *iWot i *bk p r g,. A qlle alu. b V~Mi~ #em eliliq"t *~Al*. A À»er halte as i gus i 'otrl" fola s uoiu lpql ruC m~Saps4lp a1evvnk Y Poi lie* York.ssauaçatmu 1 Mwoo , C» u Wali --i1 *..EtbJo~utos Mlu.i jlele* saesgy ILtieo of14, potier,i toekwb be hswàd*r. &Plitl pl3ofa *tu- tg l.p e aeli tory. Biseý Mrdei i is NDIay'a, liunoagla Naby taird« a' si t amig W'dai of Nl Midi 4 adter Aai. S mis" gà t -Oeutentsl c14théday 'OtbIwgonctyoigf.ta eti i>yumpIot' Cat m Wu-Vast A siimklu.ubuCo', ".At. .-%. '3 i Yeu w&tI kniw more abo" »d .Iautomoble yalue aittr you in.pct the 4~R$LP T9 Ne$CCAR les les ni US' 'us , s *è »are and re t 'À it opmo rro.w. -e merr * Ose -este -a'. tises? laI Aie mm~ I. MS WS jas *1~t.'. I î%» am pla me, beau I The. Mime 1 vu, m At lk *tbatt: boule$ *ed other. traîbi l maU min tber t a botf tii a I fbat1 cuire. b* Tic ta CI borne be te the>" Th, ) oc t...l "t bu Serve -An, avoir .ap te elI Wli e t - 1 .la et