CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 27 Aug 1915, p. 7

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AUGUST 27,f 1916. adi-Due cgra amty alURmaet aMY V weit fior ehîldif Rti e S *e'ali, pie etéresi'i ar S- 4 hsirib.hw*yi at the Mme # It 0 aelslinhave " ramu. ut. eM **mmailier Ihinge- treihimf euh et hale 'd Wl.,a mm hoh$tda M»!'ianel a«Chins andvho le iBste barses»Mint lea« aIaneor et ht Ulbee clmas arn tled-4 !ke o pau an is rat isonsan ipeve biWu ft Ibe Pms.Masa leclol 1'0 sW Cu.1e lb>'Amle u<aiaie laa.vii sI a at e ilcaiesor.,If h bai nom e t poduse IL. neaptin lad, la ha lu coeul andm ola is t ais othe allaoaolioflSte' DOISYaMbi icleutally te the dditor s' iapeaaa.a vhsougil liii womieit i panacue.- --It t prj"Qlolepetlua Niaiadeasi t ibit eafltp -,4tekj 0a-I ,svua coafinmai l n ýI5 »0oulli BIde. e tan i d couing la Wauiasa se hmt -i40 and soM s fav of bi hottles -*th"meilnese amuni>'#s. *amc9fe, la aanll qur boulla as -bors Fliala vod a oa elabel wviet -bers na iochos nu& 1 ois Walpr. The prie. pr botle natureil omais riy liatboca lte maileiq wus mae of vanru-MsMeiaxpensivi )mnbo. But il Vou ilicra ail filmeai, ï0tcordiliig lati "v, - A baotbowever. lie aion and vom 1', v Whopurchassi lia .xpeaslve cou - ei apIalami 0moesi lagethe UeY b&Plienai la umnica the fie *m h ia b.d prcitaidmadidia Imm this stranger. Thay coupen ce«, lhie asujieriiu mudilci bottiea. The amaicine looed aBk l49. ecae. 'Wbat dii b.ho dlai yoa for? shaiose vouas. . 'l ici tojuaci trouble.-' sai th aIlier. «And YoaF' haied oaf0<anolier. "Mdy bheubai bem0 lalllag out au h.e afI Il voali cure t-se. 1 pal :8 e$," Mi ae ie vIla uchelemrisfet thin that haïr amodi anA sioua trouble remeir wvaria lle. "Wlaatallai Ye?,Iii> er MiOW O , maea vislai a imlai boitt. "I itad beumatisu andholIedai v»as ut lhiag for ti. se id Compenison of notes aiowed tf liai liaI liehe opia baad &UpCi a boula !or mielline wýfb vw u lie e mnialugmerl4 iapoultmea ' bat Ibey easci lai heftpreumo e-ure. Hae Ne O.01b. ..Thai begf eh , O.v b-t Ciicago lo tie .41l"."da toi." Tiarb e laf nai oa g ho home ta ladilcta ha.. Ia cto ho louai oha bai'antseauo.-m. -tiay contelTai agala lu ýWau»pa. Tic>' fially tbok lhe micne a local ioor vho go iil auin lut the semae oecuam sii h - bilai 10 show ar mudical P<00l "'Itloloks lilýanad teilatéshlabel Iýapluai Juice,' mI 14 docto. Ï e oui Stangoem., - , ,Accotiagihlyiae'l mn deci& 1te 'afga a esaplat atbe i le t 'bsaObeen sumuasi. êo V h amvei ls ereng sfor lie 41 ýk11Aairev Lalaa'3k.lo 621 J<ckm eveane. Mat Wiclc. 661 HelIhbol avehas, * %lh. victime have al- basa moif sl,, nd thbs proatIsi 10 appear la cS vwllthMeir boîles ad tell1bisth vers lpromilsi cures o! vrns ktail au1. vlthedisame i c f meile Spha'iffsld, Ill., Aug. 24,-A sec. aplieatio n oma aWaniezan vos t& nt r i babyetILte "Boller1 E1 bé en atet" atthe- teiar t Ler wa" nicelysi Ioda>' b>' 39». iLCarDrake, chaîrman 0f tha ce ftiteeon lte-baller btblas'eai$ ', 51, ipplifflt ta .M Noie uls is route Conne ýM MW, à Touring Car Mmf by William Stahi of K=Hits Golf Road C Sndy S"S and four llgitlp<hurt Bunday et 40 PACÎI~I5 SUI o dcSk viWhou tey ouring car, 'beloagiag h onat ttaiof Kenoua ceoànt>'tl*, ef hl onig PromnentMarIh sioet5es.Harmn Slwan, TiuughAt-the carre ou Golf £Ia .rthi of Wau- tbb 01 prvosiamat CuUBaflbM*At-kartesan JbrIuinai;hesla a- - e» m.23 UEHU i M llvau'ie ke i A 1ieusma i fe la aametrWx- tpoaaBbrgdcarai r0599TS1e, ehrws ai- seron u . m "oU t lUUOUii PiCbrgIt-Thet l anvfs ser hm sc ruluhed; andbriWbe art iteral farlng mavaparlMlt.t . Boy- SaconH-Tm a b s vihOu le*as r- ,t he WLLSTm hyM.N5 oild.'drer eve.Mr. h o t ifaibe lu B ey .o! rpuat - c ell. bas a! ca t r; aof lUkO ome rcalClb emaplsymeot of h i, îpmran s oi 6radThotrce fsvasda vouwé.ait te n StHIag17urnr u *wm .ea odca. -qahyldla uvoetailao htalvr ne t ilia winthe ri main u ~a' Sf nf &-parelo, r arlg,' etabsncar tun e toi tth el o uldlag oàrma e. Iate ue mev F. our -htkf.a ie pid oa au mllesot , #eaus uWl itt 0Ioma t rou an- pars hage : a, S TIAN. , Mtlwank estmi bu r ei. Ho voriel Saourida1 Fifl-That bishe ee t erfora ibri « ekugan ho isc it pa usI nta, aiasuaruefonte io ff Bal-h 1n h tsuda oushldtau. ale iaculia we OL * i l g ohdah. gr arip lt.nespgoon. R. came or 10 Sixhl-That onbite 3h as nIY a W-une IL ci tii. O rs oct ive Wrm lva te a *le dnnatified et vuai b . ua t ah. cioba lme l a avilat of4 încamn hlI*b ige eloII emalais ol&ai i h. nlird ettram 1 Saviem--Tha l i w. a ae whm ni JO T U.ad17 mioln bU wit, s" aprivat jikvatigatin oaccidentastailghof haverladrurlnatrtd. la ig m lie at isho e tm Bt tc lla hie facioent «Dtieuarv ofig I fu urayafeseé. he vrSm1 - ionIh 2d ayclpnosla Il 1nMb>'. Tdhe dte ' The mnlaag Masba rai ffa Wang u- f us. li sdaiesthirtuT i ed com p~l is fe, nine tec on keçan lit y.s. »uig ib t s reui- a ge o a chili, atheirl aaei BaProsIlicord e a ra, z sio o nsort aoa mu ie omnleatb.-bai heOur«.tu s n -155 Cpare rad sbenbora.-li.i tim.rcle. AUvbi l Fra nk W e sty «â«i poIlke. NHo von cea huray iMr Th aa ilha callaed t efortraloi oWn. ta laie vio dlepanspeed,' moxBg n aa.* ro is homeB. he u c ou bo partie. lal. u trtey a. g n M-d1 ie dtc. 1 ta a " dne adtatwsthIutlh eoe 5i avoen n iin e and ilmIlut gabout, ti '. mers vs in!Ors a ofarrel llaae al invalaWlnil v lee limeu N tir. Wesb l hsefaiy nsi ewi ite, aieh*sbas mot ahu vo tli hve liraihfor anp i aar nd hacit ir, C N.aie tmas gol ordy aùmmNL heyver marie onthe224daycli, ut. Tey l a lu fi T ant d!mit . b bre aiva ma lvedrn au-o ,11,andli IiIJ4IU 4 V 84,ir nu te, sud, soe dng tfi a rae ta donn lieBIaIs. in dazsd t e," o ule g. a b. ,nd.h u , mnu crinte arvelsrrilcspel t ae aer a vahl psito ot a rou wmnau vasgir-- T' WMMiout valtlnge a a e orif ay od, e an h v eor bi ov e in malt ria. te ctbe * vafthscr-tb hurn t, ii. e lsle d i c r. nove Fs, l aitance, hat Id arevayu waa o! lie 5111,DV I. P lhffWstladru is fmbtheMagnd opinio liaIanolhr man~a. f~ - bona (1.for.Flacin plae) ah la tf tit adhaovwui b.touaimmvandeniag ha isftrC N.W t a o te arbouteCicgo salon ishu oeSWt aPitut-aiMi.- estoreisnfr on lth d- .mtdwnan l Wnsl aou nehad seau i th*r machinhe ft e tate a a dmeIondtios. eSte daveat erfie 5h. 411h ey were n*h. b-I lgaua ! ou>'to is empoaa Waukegoa, Âug. 23. ad e n Momie>' It us .aled batIis. Wi tanding &et bhe sigaetflie I>' e [e Ne a- tId t gle ha Po ch t'a du led mai sa thil lesC cmi couate ver.truc elatliapenny, sn4 tIat h lie ovasMa ln Wauiagaa on cent. Tihe police eviienti>' have ual been notIiai do! lhe man'asamidden dlsap- peauance ront Wauisgan, fan no re- port bas been irsa out hu lie neye- papers hi police oScials. FAR 1TOOWI MIES IN CAIFOINJA bail diamois watcIig tue plded taaua et tratae atesfor lb. chauplonslalp punual, mils Frasr Grl, of Ok slieet, vs. struci on h. lafI ahoulder b>' a ballaibal. The sholdar boasevwu broisa, ani lb vas fouai neceasrua h bi-ng lie young lady te ian home in Wauiegan. luIncompany vIli a nuaiber of ban rileada and ralatives, Mise Carl laIti early Sunila>' or Des Plaines. Itle attend thesoannuel pliceami celabra- ten o! lhe tralmepi n lie employ o! lie Chcago & Nortivestain rail- racé, and then rnds eatarng Chii- fago. Dur.4. the diternn élis wetc Teiegram from chula Vista, mtaailagvalcblag two hallenal cal, ,Tells of Death ofMW. mont. aid uildeul>' tie-batter gtmc Thos. H. Conneili. Ic 10 Carve, and hafor Miss eial Wauiagaa, Aug. 19. On lia left ahouldar. A doclar vw" 1foae>'niait John J. Commel. of Imuailetel>' summonai, 304 Glle& Venu,. r.celvei a tals. visai ier 10 ratura et once ho iber gaiM Imai Chule Vste, Cal., tellgg home in Wsuisgaa. The Inury liai O! theie iathhofhi liottes', pioieohea aefilialtallon%. ici ThomsR. COnseIl, achiheshouasla Mise Gari scia the voulin'b hava lte vaste-n Cily. lu e p ieupef oirayting. Thoma. IL. onsîl vas osa o! the plOlafl e os f Laie conaty. Re1 1fi EA lV calab-alui lii, fat blntitay lest Jul>' 511 AKI ami lived-il. a ite couati a"te- Part 0! ii vie, ltiteughlhe vas A 1iWE C I S bora la Chitcago. l*o y*-'W cao 1Mr. Conieli sa!.Pà gi-éter part ç i imaihie "Ira. Aa'N. Wlch iditaItli deati vas xpedlai -isuli. .-houe O! bar sou, John W. Welch, aI M. Connefi prir o bis raniovai Highland Pari, Batundai maring af- taoM ZIOn Cti va.on. of heiesM*teran auilînesof aeralwge.. le latin proparl> ovare or thse counti. leares surrîrina ier Iva sen, Alfon- 11e sa11litsil. umob inMaiholdings hoaay Jame G. Welci of liii dtyaid John Alexaner D"1vIs vlieuuonAttorney' John W. Wlch a! Highland Cir' vas firt gÏuiqiai. Renha sll Pari, sud a daugiter, Mâies Auna ble tarai landita DOvia vitbis Mu tm-Weici of Chicago. Il>' be morad 10 Wauiegan, vbare ha )gr,. Welehvas a natve 01Head- lirai up aiduntlltoar yau sas,1tond, <Galvay' eoanty, lrelun<l, viera visheu evenltenCalifonuala to lIra. 1aie Ivasborn u1848. lie migrahai Hie Io suivrsiby hiii lovai viteauA ho lia Unted States in 1861. She 0~ dagilers.Mm-. MenrillI XNelSo va. manriai lu 1166'ho PticiH. and Is. Fara nConnaîl, vho vs* W Wech, vha diedInla1895. aie vas a 1haSciser l lia.hepuble sebooaOs o Oa.,Jll!e-long usaiher a! the Preabyheniau i ega sosme fev yearango. ne, la churci aud vas a devtei Clitian -aloc survlvei byhieiOne bnXlher, j oman- 1John J. Casasîl, o! Wauiegan. WbteIi- The funeral servicesvas beld or oir mot lie remas vili, ho for' at-lie home so! Mirs. Welcb's soi]. John -variai la Weuiagan for hurl la nt W. Wslch, ai 215 Wish Paii avenue Isovu ettlila lime. The teleg»AsaHighland Pari, ill., et' 4 p. ai., Sua i-uceelvai beil batote b.deaalon Moa- -day, Augusi 22. lutarmant vsa day mora". aiE Sboolciat, Mini., Mondai, aller aoun, Augual 21'. laeeiat on. ruadoru lia. a31 copuat> vaa~tiaeornb1ei. - i 4epes d n er? BE ONEL TO -MISSINi SON IY A OOLD NElEjER STAliLBROTHIERS PURCIASE A- FINE PLACE AT ST. UNE Dr. Hernshrin Farm of 227 Acres Is Purchased Thurs- day at Price of $35,000. T. J. Stahi of Waukegan. with hi, brother B. F. Stahi of Kenosha, on Thuraday, close.l the purc las.. of one o the flaest fermeln ,ouîiern Wis coauin. lest a mile and a hlai froni the Mlinois stete lins. For 839,060 they purchased the Dr. Heraahrln feraiof 227 acres, a farm that bat a double set of buildings, about 50nd aede o!f fne Hostein cow, and :oe asstock o! borns*. it fle 0ovua. the Sbren Oaks ferm a4 la regarded as one of the ftaeuft la'-the. sittehlag aimost on a Par wvfi theb.faaous place of Peu- aloi Stephenson. Th,, reaideaca oanlthe place le eqffuippad vithail modern coarani- ancs, ineludlng aven a refrigeralor systeai. Evytbng els. la ln pro- portion ltù .hematter o! oompletern.aa The mal., vas aummted vtth- ont mich t u t" acta,.the l'un- -the Blalae icongidared qulte a coup, au the lirai le on. vhlch mAIauYrich jasa o! the sBle.hai thein eyea on for a long lîme, but non. kuev Il could ha bought. Just vhatlthe Stalsila viido vîti It ls not knova. but It la poteheta they may place it ounlte mariet Il lela itaI lhe local realty aiea. atter hendling no ma»Y ferta iams lateiy for ohhers, bas caught the. laver and himoself vigies to handia a farai of lis ova. tbsrefare they aiay retain ths place and aperala lb theaislvea. AUTO CRASJE INTO STREIT CAD SEES AUTIM FROlioII-AsIIUR TRAIN SPEEDSI iI9 The. Search for Fred J. Stevens Ends Sunday When Wauke- ganites Gives Address. Pred 1. Stevens, -wlio formerly r. sided it 61- Forest avenue, fer vhoai a vorld.wlde search has been con- dicted. bas been located lun Babille, Ontario, Canada, and, accordiag to reports, he le to recelve a fortune ltoeafrom the graund by hie father vblch leauaid to emotint to upvarde of 10000 On Thureday lait tlayor W. W. Pe&mrce caved tus lelier troim a De- troit findemaity comPeuy: '"Mayor et Wbukagan: "Can yoa .appiy us villi the pres- eat addrea of lMr. Pred J. Stevens, 415 Format aveua.? ."W. are silling a certain property malter la vblch this person le Inter- éàled and'oui lattera to thls address are returaed uîiclaimed. You have ha.. referred 1In n as one vho vill knov tbf. pereo ansd vs vil) ap- prclte Il very mach If ytou cau give un hie correct addreas. If you can- no1, thon gir. us the naoa. of some frlead or relative vho might assiet us ln this eearoh, v. viildem lb a fevor. "logeslet un hear froai Fou lim- aiedletely. Several days hav e elaeed sincs Our Investigation ha. ularted aad It fa eusential tht ve obtala nomea definita Information vihia 10 gays. Eacloged laa etalmped, selff ïddrassed envelope for your onyea- lence. <Signedi '*TRANSCONTINE7NTAL INDEMNITY CONIPANY, Detroit,] Mlch." Tihe self-addreaeed envelope en- rJosed la the letter viii make if.. re- tara trip 10 Detroit today, and the Information enclosed Iberein vii liral the prenne addresa of the. mlsstng mlan. til la sid that Stevens' father dled suddenly at hie home la De- troit and that hie vil gave a big part of hie vaut property holdings tn t iesaon, prorlded, of coure, that he could be fouad vitiln the. aext 10 day. When Mayor Pearce recelved lte letter, ha gava Il te, TheSuIan 1pub- leh. The renuit vas that Albert Hat- ton, a former friand of Stevens', rond of the. requamt of lthe Transcontinental Iadeatnity Comapaay, aad he Immedi- ately furalahad the mayor with the ha tonAd lhe car upelde 40*vanad moij c'&adrs.arreai tAe ime teuaai ganaa lte driverabead pnolruding trou oune tava ol i eeaao iI'treet, cueillng dova the ratier siîlebisfather hai taesumillions lot dol- shuep graie, Umse Ullisa sia e 51i5.lars' varth o! goli frineeu .aantit la car appri"hlng hohasetath.. fle "Cala va111lilt toif?" sasisithe 14er *aai,- Klondike. an" liat ha bai beanus-. lainiailtai lravout iatlhe li mbal t stibggaivlit tb a muerbimia "ýW're got te or tieyll Adie" smiitraas' euxmai s !amily for ma' Whatear ît usan rlitexeo the dom, and. putîîug tisir ahouldera Tsar.Nov I andenfileai Fred le te lb. evuasaof tliabr3la , » unde li nuuîngboura, ise vo ecelve the buli af lie forlans." Lovn. but ai an>'rate. aie celMM i unerth rnnngbSds te wo StevensI liri a eusan1aer stop lieé auto aid Il sarudtie sisaetl men manaai tae hp lie car oven sea aiea eea car squareli la the ceuler.1 liaI lte victim, vers reléesa. iasaivssmlyd h l The ahoci vas so sevèeatIil ."liovva ver did it tale Mtian I Aucnican Stsal & Wire Comnpany. broie a hear>' couectlng roi on lte cciifigra ut;butve v tsaIcarOu Fflday It vas reporteil that.. h.a treel car, cruslaei lie iooi ot the wlt th pepleundr I an we-Juthad relurnai ta i, aId houselIn n- atosud lirev lia front vheuiseut vili ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o liéapsudrî miv eto ligaient iaideabendilgthe fau-. bai 0 îit î ave; culiat~ lad, and Ibat ha bai! Joinai the Enî- darsanadi muigue. &Thoee vio aav rigA tunov fan oe;faru salt I L Iharmyaid vasfilghtiug lu the the accident bah heir breali, r koo a frm. md m trencies lna ncé. ' thefte""reilli e sa ilghbahIle A ht as> unvey sliowed ltaI noue damaged no nserel.y but vhat ig, wu& hart te aay exteni azdeptlng V fIDfhlJ IJ oli ha drlven tla agarage. xlilasHeai. It vas round berashoal- IY.81ff l sai drhuit bar badly ansoa vak - ru en la lhe !dcgll houe vWare mie EWENESiATL jfl aXELI4W*Çt) vas given shelter and a doctswvs£. calaid. -LAIE FORST- FR1. Ur ne W~fIfl il vwu daeeiai sabie te leave har thure ratier tien more ber t, hla liac aaOnZenbsSI: N AS M l hospital, aisl vas leared tlia rauovslbr«âeWnUe lk oet woMsrlul afc tebea nte William A. Tager, preaien !l.Te rnonientalofdmnit ver. ruer. Mr.andîng aaS- bra Ar-ms Palace Horse Car Company.thie TeTa nnni ent won forl o! lite ou ni hespriles peu noet belng dislosed., but Comfp5fly'AM& for Addres couctrs ofas ei o ean i tiae It la sai liaI upvards a! 160,000 bas of Fred. J. Stevens. aras nigMineTHe athr els'er aIbasa expeaded on the property. Tiens Ti eta rna ervhspa uver'nigt. Te oter muchea ofare sersu acres a!flad, aidthe boussa h.lterpitdbeeihp thae pertyIn lter in the eramlng Te- la a îîg trams structure vitii AM iesbly la or interesttehaat lacet oue turai 'la Kamosha. vîndove, fecng ina,& souliaastly dl. Wauiagaale as 't la reported liat ,The lMeseHeadeundTesain bai rection, vititheas@ua la aver-> rom hoha.ubeum am anasan l i t doue clown la Kenoîhe le riaitetah le lathlbonncae. The bouse vas built b>' propery holdings valuai ai many houe of Idn. Joe Mayre ami tlie' Architeet Henry Ives Cmi ob forie thousands e! dollars. Tha letter ve# -yoag eope hd acePed Oferbrother, Alliert W. Cou. eud vas t'a- rceve y Qiyor W. W. Pearces via «,â a Onds>' dfernoon ride fusaithe bat by John W. Ewsa. The piepenty refarai ltte10The Sun for coueldera- Shahheohiera The baisltosedle near the eitate of Charles W. Pois, in i atr thecoum e oyard Waukesvbere wvielisleu4der Jeuee larsheacl FIieTc the Mayor, >hie>' lalanded callIngu t. J.. 8tBl, Ili. The. saeswas asgotleled b>' Van 'Wlukeaen, 111. unola 0! the youag men. Tihea ed- Waguen Alling, vho repr.sealei bohtisur Sir: dent bappenai lust as liaiy ere parties. The legal deaelîs vers at- Can you suppiy us vîlli the pissent' *boutl to r.ach the tY liit. mai lb tended te hy John M. Hvea. Jr., Scottî, eddrese o! Mr. Fred J. Stevens, 415 vas not antîl Mn. Stahilrted ad t Bancroft & Stevens ad arîsi J. Forest avenue? 1 9e cloci tram the farm i her4éeatl> Hartrman, who rersstai Mn. Tagen. We are settliug a certain Pnopenty [purciassi utua over the lina la Keffm-----o - - msîter iu whbch this persan le Inter- absh cooatay, Ihat he learn'etlie Le- tien Il maie a luaga te tie aide o! eslei and our lttera ta tuls adrais cient,. Ha lmmsediatelY i gel 5 bUclhie road: lb leapei back lnanad tIlisare returnai unclalmai. Yeu have 'ulth thli young men and vas viti the driver seemai te lu. cogtrol cd heen referrei te as one vio vili 9tissa unhl they eft for Iebacahaet It and asepluagai heailoag sud vent lnow ahi, personan sd va viii appra- 1 e,45. Tic Young men ar na un fa! ven aonls sid,' sai Mn. W'est, add- claIe it very much If yoeu ira ua e à vill-knon ermsier in wStersixKaa- lug: *'IfelI vheu 1 mv bina pull the correct addrees. Ir yon cannot, *a couat>'. They have had mach ex- backiInia the rnda that he bai Il un- but eau give us the name et a rea. à painue. la drivlng but lie accident der contrai but sometblag seemai to tive or friand vho mgit amsls uil 1 la sali ta have tteen due marely t0 go wroug sud just as l thought 1h.>' ths searcli, vs villiliem Il a layon. aaýxvaasepeeai *-vers ait nlght, liey vent Imb othe Please 1et us huear frnaiyou lie- 1ûdlcatlng Ibat \tr West iSst no dite-h again. medisîsi>'. Seveaja daise have elapeed lUime ln getllng vo theacana afIthie "Th? top a! the ecan vas up sudistucs our luve&atlg bas started g "dienat, It1.4 likaeresting tote tact, llkely ahat bai much ta do vilh pro- and it le essentil at le s obtaln viahn ha reachei the spot the front tetiug the itimeseaotiey. ver. nal some dellutte Information vithin 10 k. tlea isl vere rtnning arouni. tbe 141usd or more selausly hurt.' iays. Ealosai isa s stampei. self- .t aoflentan havlng iept thein golair. The steerng vbeei vas biaisa off aidreased enrelape for your couven- -.n le tagiae vas not runulng au. ha. conapletl, 1h. steeringog nucklea leue-e. béeenruported. vans broien and bbc cr en lri. iespect!ully yauns. fpeaklug futher, lîr. 'Wet ead: vas dsuagei. lb vas isuisi ho the TRANSCONTINENTAL INDEMNITV I mev thc car round tie cure, Beach garage. COMPANT. 'f ri à bl u whukemx, lue $L Chicago papera tUA" elle long article telllns or 1h. girl whs bai <cma 's and vhs vau *-tag »çs M' la o«dur la SM, on,~t . tO*,ý Plaeld laI et.had- mera 4M Rosemau la aeh*qm»am moved to, i1vwamço. vhffe I#40Y for a Mim. JIow. 84 À caused 'be tl Ias. MilIeu. kee and retusa to l otm*h* the aocuht lamlte ber Mpcsla, Company viti mman ho effarei b&r aaalstancezemih ivom alà*vwa about to u** e trip. lier case ge calis the BB ff 1rh. Waakegaa y~n voufa. vwho vs, arrested mmuai > ver Ia4 Year diagulîad ln male at- tire and ta compane vith a mma*hm ce hq 4 met. The. difference le 1»W tii. Waakegsau girl latar married lie m vho vas ber escort -and tbe cee b Waukegan 1inlire. f. BAURSTOW MANUFACTU*RER 0 Marbie and Gr.aW. Cemeteay W«*- if EVoey Correspo adinc SoJfc*dt Mrs. Meredith Sngth and Hï Daughter Irens of Lake for- est, Were Driving Auto. Wauimgan, Aux. 20. ro. laeth Smlla, VIlN of Moe- iliSilia 240 AllrIAge roui, Lke Forest aid ber daugliler, Mslias.,n ver. tha victime0etaauccIdéet a aooa Iodai visa an (1.v.laad aur vblch lie, ver. driving. crashaita ta theasue of e street car at lie Ia- tersecion o! Qense. anAd alc stiacts. mi" mbai vas at lie vhial. llioagh lia vouas ver. blai sae- vrrly and bail>' frighttanai as a r.- suit o! liain exprilecu. lie>' auffered no inlurie. lira. Bailliand ber daugiter hai divern la Waukegan ta aand 10a 1111e mahler et businass.. 91h ve t«eced la !etlthe macineaiilci liabave liai bûl a tew iaya. They vere r inag oetin Madion Miss Louis Chambers of Wau- kegan Waves at Foley-Wet- zel Party in New Mexico. if you were týavelIng thouaadei a îiles awey from homne and, lookiul auo the 50-mlle-an-hour train on which you vere niding yau shoulà ee three auto loade of Waul» lends along the roedsida. voulda't- iu lump up In sestecles and aaieav- *r to communîcate vlth tisai? That's the experlence Whlk, in iouise Chambers of Waý e04qh"é iot long ago vwhenahe«v:2 ttiriig )a fait train betveen Wlli"andaa kibuquerque. New Mexles., Looking out ocdlier car vladov. lis Waukegan vomnan sav along -the : radalide, Dr. Foley o! WaukaganNs W'ialrel of Wau'iegan and Dr. Tlé; Df lhbertyville, aill ceiras9e, rglit meaf the tracki of the STiey vers su routa ta the90~ t-aéico fair and VWaukean p = bave been kept postafi on thir proq. rem thither and tbe fact bas beeli m.nlloaed, about themn belag homa- iard bomad nov. Ulma, Chambers b.d sent vord ahead b> vhi eb ie hoped tleaiset tae Party of autoieta et Albuquarque, but Il a.eme that hey arrivaé la9t aday or tys ahaad of her. Auf pt theo holel sliowed they badl metie- ai ua thlouJrney, s0, aflatear lalg- ,ablsuaque, M. Ciambera von watching &long the raliroai for theM.ý She had tolA nome of thonginsa]net In the. car of ber ho"e of et loast catchlag aa glanas of the. Party'tra hume. The train vas golng along et pL fut clip.. "*Tiare they are, Dr. Woley." about- ed Mia. Chamabers as ah. Jumpai trom her ae.1- an é;ali 11e hrvgw somathing thro he viniol te ei- tact thelr attention. HMneau smý» soonded tiuroucx he acar amd ulesat 'etrybody bnev vial ah. m.iah.,4 th. votA hai passei ualhst Wa* looklmg toi- aaebody frou lise' he City. Tiare. alcali'aeupal e eaue* Id., aht i, aàs alIe lsAb>'. 9'a"efflforte, Bb mvhuaagir ~ . chab ai Wbeau lut a U r uh# et 11rut, skae vaaatu"= 11. aurl Party' va. «o oh. use i ~ult ?%s sie, took a huirW eu arw .0the SovA asi mv th. e fferchO q ami Oùas 0f t14 Casm a"i a ur én' tablIgéel the> "4e11lY. »1.W- W t "0e Mlit, aitefsol, Moi t «wu1* »mv wil Va. làà keau .Party aMidnaurell>'ber eetý Monafor te iemolent vas itmt5l .am Them a air. And, iet# la tbq ça"sea vie., atbler ou lyi*ve ola e apl-ent sl *awwd. wble kai »"es Asiu wIe Me lie shoier to *Ut ** wbell. oe »M 11vusam wu' g tk zonele lt 1ham al, i bai af ai *» vill94a Ma B"n moealavhs ý qv la aoruaî chool ii(<Lblfsauia

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