iATE la . llsq . . f. O*.aTC mic el4h, on c l~li .B .. osiaca â~~ô uoorder'e olkie for weo u ffld~ Met 1, 1915: iamlace e t amcm3 ra nimber o0flaitrumcatsfIlet, >1*1 amoniat of log"s, lo410. scAau i- been 4<tltsbrisi at gjý 'va ff a$»40hoaacOb ý $oM weswx xàkt cn&BdNaval doxov prepserya i glalantPark Iaic e 06ova, WtL, bava be«n t'rm urnîsies a attormaî- tn th. .sal eftic oraoc-.pat Wilam' agsr uftich ~A;".rn are Ire àp» Piw notiqcr flompear fer butsebol A poo4eemalsderattos. Mre t*&M B a~ a bUlgpOneaMy tcrmý$ soit tu lhave ,bebu expomd. 40. co doiter. lanroft. WI oUa a ptorlg tic otate. W?<y ly+4. ut J. Beceombo.botait a lot on W »êtm.ves., "0 Peoo.fron 1 ,SgWlto >lýoalIMdte- ohn lapGFuti brfer 30. lndà bséoelptt ni at lfsection u4a Apui own lvship rank <ot mals e eairmprovet tartat.bousi 120- tcres tinsetios 10 froci kWectoein mlndota, twe 151100James 1SalaI for 11mS00. ta. u. Tets,6Spar cent down, . rant .towuslp W. R.LTUlm «M caitarci 1. ttirty Ye5StgS 0 agt a 5"0ot lot on Wooeler Làa 14 biflC; Aoc-rat jtO eeat. t In efla 23 tImm iOeu. IL.Roset ,m htve ta smler tam for qale. ai, for $500. mm owacr, J. t.bslua. . B ru A~ voa tovuuip wui. M. Peuer 16 xtaU. W&R,4 baouglt înf aees ta coutiaeasîquar- ter ut séctims 23 t om Worge Goot- "LE '125 «ér ,Lutbi. lt Uu75 c«. o1 l mpmOvetwti-6i 0r 4rysla e Gcaand Eliel M. ~osAoae~tbo uecs~!fG a&fel1boum a lm on IaieAime, ~PV10ft0fOer usser ,-and A lot on Whitney e a bagaJ i Ie W o 0121S m <itroot inW sg iaey tr éa .Pea- gloy 1'1* Byq N-r-Ae..le-Wýý ip lie trustee. ut 0 bhougit an acre lau norlivest *-Net, MX rooaa reioies <m qsrter et - socie. la fmotf1ret 14 140WOM *.Wt. io. me wÊwflbt i AI. for a oCI bobuse t. ~100 lnWa*D"coalatuus thle Henry stmonb. .0 Dvwte dvideR. ilait Le a"tr811144164. - mAU bgit t ée d ose-balf acres '~ ~ ê 4focadla fortbeaat quator "UwÏe à< Wmrtor Of soollon 32 front *S0 1 cauefor 4245;st1 quarterla o 11UMbea.t <liter ob 38e 09 3M i nstUkiffnti "r «ci setion pi »*I n" 32 t@om Peter'. X14lqac<erfor a - lini . 10 41 r04 *$ ro a iit U o rtPI t im0 0 1 9 i i 1~ 1.Po . r lab«rntato0RitasXU7V. UicutVlhe *&m >1bomas Col. for re Xbl«qt P nons» b.<glatve omt nmlâý. ý Nmot. loqW ,a "40 ie»su abdvsilma t.vinas adw Lbeeêyw*. cf Aau-from Les.. A., Murrie for à ----la ma tovfehlp Cment G. $Maui rPLIi.ismshhUÎ deslcI at the sorti 4>0. crsa et tic Dur. a" e« m la m.eIbwct quartor of ------- 698 la Vssme t-oamipjeiau 14vi là I lrb0<giet t* Rmetsl atDvfot lau ll;..tof erili Oto Prtaci * *'.,, beeglt I IOU OuGrelqOpvOi Ut Pai . Oak&Avene trousOtt P. Grosscfer jus", a s.M I eqI 4»'Brp4ýwfv'In Mtlas tIt URTalbcrt canre le Pagr blaoa5tlot cm Idaol a#avc ,If f'ïïo ue logé Seul '. Brown for a ab5 igte, o' r- issu r-es,: aomhu 4 Potsoit Acîa.' &Wd dot. oi'hb tva boulê l or bous ounBa-u *80owsm te wmete =- o,,--- wPi -r-r m-t- hOs" ***igtu a amne, NorthCi- t tu lst.parimawe' <IW. tL en Nort oift.im oio std VratW. Sercisciboumi 00v" p$iortsy onsumwaslub rme rtte#ioie r *9.818 ïa u 0ï18 bit lalmla élu ai O05e fur caeeaui, m ur Bles4rut, for $1,0. en &t amlbaugAsber t cMd aqoipmet .foe-. Ne qat. New llib om hepair ë - Tic &c* l od anL of tihe <q<,Atol Rad r' tyVM9 ~ eoep of, the Loyal Caler ofl Mfl ewu . he4lat hamntant1k. 0n BhiadiU ad pnvot te, b. a stacoceIli, avor$ #&» o pthe cWord. Theda was Idem and the 10or more Koffl who 'atttpdédgcert tlaat tltey bad tc tiMe of tâtor Uves. lt vaé atrebt Q1t h*1tcc84 ili~nle icah b. e - pethat. Coupter attraetions pro- reated, 258? rncntberc from attend- big tia iex, but It tes elt liaI neuh req.r th full mmbrb(p of snme -tiche nval utatisa ba "***à oneof thi g,>5 atraf. UGISitac tic da. The baud rote la t"i qwuiAcar ciaftéred by the. Mioost dphcycd a aft rvals turing the cotire' trlp. T1icMoocc crpress tbete ýappreclation of tie efforts made1 by lie bond inembers antdcaooof the consideratoa abbya by Commandant b(otet of. tic uaval station Who si- oveWkthticbaud ta attend thc outin;.' la addition ta tie apontai street car a large auto truck wamiciartered. riesé conveycncese arried lhe ma- jorlty of the pIc»nIckers sltiougb there vers many vio drove lu lie iecnlc ,gronds lit Iticir own aulas. Baaebafl ooiplethtic ttention or naPf liaougihoutti day. Two pick- iD tesas ma ronted an intgreistiug ex-. hiition of thé national paslime. it was dimeêult t. t11, videa tisus on. >oti. Rides claiminstichevlctm7'. Tie muck tlitipmoedtolube one of the blageat featur*e ft iensaire ai- auir. Jacà Metz lot Loo Camfieît tasàà ani~càd revolver vintlu- etructtms to cli t taO Augut lios- g. 'N, e la ws lu arrett Hues- altmn a charge of arryng coa-r calel vaOn.Dput Autagwua "~'e"and placet tic gua lahi bs cost pOchet Ho placet ticeco4t lau a autlomobile and a feu, minutes lat. 'r the Machine -Grave, cway, carrylug b.e 'evttenoc." 'Wicn DePay Sierti Iluier rs .rroeltees1nPiâtùs i 1;chat cMcr- "'"g com orwe 1~tic £u- coult not <e louaI Tin Mots, wip b4W lacitel the chance, was, tripid on a cbïigeof luür1~. Et*coit au d. no ~10 te cenhm lMd vas toMd golWt la Sso drt lae4a# molomtee to oit on a o c eWbe"dcu**-Ove glasses t llgutl re&frUetM94 comiffllew-ita L te terqm 0f the »wc tencc., & lftll aler Jol obau goàt pas- seclut fth. revoler tieIait. bcv- lug retersaI la tic utoati na.le' w-c detetee tathlieoct or putiag IBa ga-l$Mo ils-pociet and vas cabbet set placet on trial. He was aLr* tie cmime le hat mots ne i lts aOtisr mma thlismti- sitea, vitehou1lsal w- wse ceati otr. ty Otelout."ru muity,'toua- lai atcc t iara» -,Ue wecue mca? Iw-i repirol te a Isaomg voyou@* grossIs Wheti 't l tue tiiit Signas ethlescate Iloo .Il w-a eeOtoo bve aCc <Esc uve 4x Wooe. ait lui t. sRý X9 UMcq dsIaV. vw«gai crvel tnatim0, 1.1».-Mr. Qêoréq hI IaI$à6*Ai pftylWom lute à lit m o t p lias te awm la. mels let - - dm.s m*, u 34tii alewW - Oi"the t Wteeour " tu"' Ou txo$ .' It ves th* t&M OuMm a ~t dgarethle mWe* màc%»* *r m-tbe aM"cd o U ntrabOI Md0 omy. Plu*to AI SlWih" Tak a a*kw 4ijaIlbeia du4 m* w t p4 tOlaau»Mlt eesa oc -,a vo. -0 t1$ 44.1w w- am er 1 "cqa m~dw wid e laiptetaettbwVni1s8A obmet Mtiaeae thé t4 &ia- ncula &ave so4leth*tussm*ff *P mci. tb* w isu m«àmiiy tu tb goel IstàÏ&Ilampt iunaaanto, fér a cel #*1remi 8ie tbello«âtml 01. po.W lith <15 msjoitly M iii mmcu n %UgevO. ltg t. ai» eos a c ucessau l s»pot«t. .0 ea, am tla b*lu1 mm« et lat ome 4dwtAIspIcs ir ftIlngup tlis mnt "l'I-have bes perftomL Tie piaule Party biche usal?, tke car leus. ,for he nt 6-1: oic.Tm igo"u ibtih$ e nt-w 'ebo se a Iufgeuoc.r I 4 t 'I s 'E t' te t' n Aoetandi wwG 1a, W 1. p -si *ý , 4. 16 and 14-pl blnon abers*- ý»Xe, .Wý,D. g0 ad wtt.' to ti Ï8, 53 tu 4, bL rk.. W. D.: 8. t,1 et i., t. A. R. .oecton 9- Wu V. D. 8s,'&M ý t. et *'t aI.tdoBoy e se i., t. AéwE.. D 1"eor 0fWau*cadii. Citluo Tille & Trust Comnisny ta, cb*r4tae preusel, lot b, bloqk 1, Nar: »ial1"Me subdivision, Ilog je.. Demi, 412&. 0. 1ý Rolng andi vif., et .ai., te W. , ILRV104lot lu secton 23. rat tofot.W. D. $W0. Au«. 17, 1915.-W. H. Pas ter andI vils 10Ge. sdEthel M. GoodiUl,' 601th'40 foot lot 7 adveut 25 foot lci b. block 3, Uray*s X$ke. W. D. George'tOo»dlnz and lvifs ta W._11. Pester,14i acres n sautieast quar, lerseotaItO 23 snd 26.6 acres'i narli- osai q»YWs section 26, la Avon tovn- bb».. W. D.-$3,588.75. T. W, Smilla and vife ta Amant I B. »UM4oe,1«1 129, Bhave Long Lake SubdtaI*meD, W. D. 8100. 8. L Vwgt mmcntefet ai. ta Trustes omis'for nuse orDistrict S. ii 200 feet on roat An loi 2, *irdiveotquarter section 18, War rom tFvulp. Q. C. $L. 1. A 4hrieand vif. lu Rt. P. Rlouge, hUis.40 and 41, ravine slope, Arec. W. h. $10. TioMés ï CWOcnt viftet.Mary V. firngs,,«t 6 0 fe0t lot 3, bleci 1 elovell'o Addition, L4berlyville. W. D. 81-l ' J.P jla# tlai. toJ. M. Sicvart lot 14ýOdfiblock ' 9. acdl16Ute 4 s 47. wgeui114, la Cicago Bprng niUti5 AditloS. W. h1), $. Aug. 18. UL--mslet P i. Mer- vin ideeacet) Xi W, 0. MagIe, luts 14 and 16, block 1. Mar"i' audtvW fou, r« D*La d0e goot 'Mla Doualas and huchandteta Mcm 1- Clarke,,lots 1 te . 1S . tu Ilblock 'là and lota 5,4S. sad I.blekainlaGica taesiabtvisioqs b akss. W. 1>x Join Oriffilla sud 'wfo t.e.LJ.,Se- cobe, lot 14, Rose 'bnace, sabdtvia kon, Lake For-sô.' W. 1). J40 or&- P. Ewea MWil misaI I.W. A- Ysger, peut l1%89.«Waal Lake Ë'orot. an"iklta ï c4d7. lawreste subdivision. La< ce ut.W. h. 1tu. JAmAes saisudw-ifte Pliai *cott. 120 ares LàwestbOit section 16.B, E at Aulecitcwiacp. W. D. 14etF0115 ~J.,.4 1p. W. ab,>. b"- lot M ~ 0eet hUestu wesh âwglonPark. ebauk4go W.,n. a - . P iBu *"aec.wu*c tu.Ul. <ugept ba<~ bo3ea T4lbent * t3$'tlot 34, rassi. divislou tI l t te i. .blecki112, H. 'W. Paglt W.cuD.WIb#». '746", lots M cl 8-Us J" T. W. Eros» c wu# fte C.,W. a 0cm a. f105 Si<thaRt Ic4 15, kw Iwor, Subtisa5#- oi la»ksW. .) C. W. Pit# and "0 ta ~IRnsce . Eitaim#au. uat*ahI t l 15, Drt: sabeiviso, X1<4si.,W.h $14 t» C. C. *Sma4, <orsc la metivos quauter Oscla Ull-mmt*Vusblp. W., Derna BOxaR .cibuagito toir lo tOtl »&: M Qu*vo t er esettos 32. Pro-aIestowflsfp. W. D. P. A #Wuço*a te Matin 1lld"f, iacre la 0 ut#~*clqustr ecin U, ant 5j# otqalu Siveatquar> ter section as, Wrcgau t»bip. 'W. laie Congrl3obils *Wy-7ED We cipect. the Mais te iajiiiase lxethons, itèb t.leWtc eÈmYO5t b cseia jean Vlset Yot itièeèreoaad, moulu wî6, go leue by titi pbuet vaysl, 41tbé s d. ml lie' pauff0t tic beàeic. idpmesiaiSirO "sM"n u liai'I -comami *kW~aq1M 4 ,l usfi100pwn a AdophaA.Dolis.anemploYe ut JiR.Tboopéon, Ubmntvfflle Iocew-ho ua.flcgvUt saeal for bloot tanstsotft un Wcdnsday, die4 Pritcy etthe lc ihel R«o&e pitla, Chicago. MM e codition bat - comte 1.0 voakene tat, rally, sU the playallans bhat ezp«aOLe,. -Mr. holeYd bat boon [Il mgay niontias. Aler veeku aDent aetraas. OUa summer mrontc su s rt~te got bact ieils a.ltla h. vout te, the hospitalie bre hbic physto ltê. Jir. Ti.OePeOs plau, an d luaa neuspaper lest mouty offartg $m0 te tic ma hw'ouIt aoriflseh Oet mm roffsntlug mel wahi, retb, astM alabelca.tpascal tirou hccI ho.. A. Jdprmagr. a ulerk of 8ad Bu Oie Miut, Md IMrylX.4 -- wus tkea fr-tp oui an#cpi ped l jÔt> the voes laa Mg. Dletes a. w a hast reeol, t.d Dr. Prient. "Kr. Dol.y.tooi OP lie D*n ogloot t.ii Umm au: thsoetonitséfwu C8e* i .Son NuradryStock a conwlets Muceai. ktr. hoicys' com- titio. bMt becamo swmaio&eêboi.ý evcr. tRat ho os Dot *aile te rocfv the ioniSAs 'tlin Mle n»v bfloot w-elbav.Oe tivs geveral 0f Dolais' brotier crs nov , 1 fighilgti li te ABUsl ri ay, &adt SIII*41 ~tumnPifl»iâ cury ovor ies almnre t.hemrntM lieut Wéa une of lie tlau gieh ld ai'*'hoIm G a rdc.aima Phion 0 7 aggrvated lis condittin 0 a4 cd c %ibert Vssey, Geayloswe., «MUVge. wal ou "1# 8*$W LOme 27; 'Leea Jacebeca, Danrngtom, DOIMSO.O 0q~~ Is udoo see a" U. ltate a* lm54..Couai « etao, Wse-. y m- I q relm a" - Tucier Claheigo,"itea( Lai» osty.-Ocu--ber igtfSreka.a 81 os pfa,01e. sec m aIs. To«M 4>a 1. 50.'U. Jtily lOi, IPt.> pèter OlsUdCblea;,,'eg.l21; is b&moq Nfo 1w915. e"%fivn. Ab» *mm meAà th oZ bmthe s oit Il.ceiuessi AIma ~aull. Mulwekie ~gj g 'boom éo4 lî o.>s cf*1. fira at ________ hr* î ÇsO>". si ýCousutieslu ré. bvcp gr Gio Lam eam si8. lu cSOaInl, liasthe caio enantl OBAICB nr U. LeWis ripa& . ChigM &Md 33- 11 a1a10t IIOlft* lie 'W IIails ci of ImmcIc,'PCyofv i Lui. se. Ruil GOliasUIIW>,Mlod ».39, O.es l eu 0» sat &ureathcCe 0w- Giaitcomrs Of blwaisCoqetr. Oetober Lona Wipu q~~aag. g, upe hasséo«aog mm tcours eglea a(aeeyN. 84 __________ a <horsMaau«O4 *""Ontt, netermable tuBotectAutDclvs ~60jIeibos~ouhcuî'r oi s*fi rsI-l thibmterne ai lie <breuiaétile TgtE-pê1on, P1te ýaf Eeob. 1 . cm1 5Wesflp-i'qc a lMsit Lke of.faluPrIe hisi MPdm *%e4 L ÇewalY 09 1i9*-oc.' 0C",1on5 9wsVIrÎM iaouofOctoicr T b. fe uqUe e lb*vh1 ~ChWtI J4i Ogear GOt- ÀÂIin4@çpla ry le* reqlrcdaMd b"w $W la bmç phist >Vou >or ~1%0 wbreiafrall plItpo >0 h ~ v~. WIlBIi. C soDt. eis0. Srui*ay. Clork. ~ .5 hgad~~l4g <a. ~. ~ton àw *Pif. lu(ad01 bJeImm< ji a. 'llsbous BIlolate t. 9 . Cco nte bm i4ý b s1« 0 C tic fIet imaourt.MMco00e Cou, ' ___ - *- a èmb4 . * lo t>qvetf-oresby,'giren tote a'»A' 8 0 Op. Db*1lta sMit Court, os tIbp, 006007 EisÇc;oc achat Ot I W 1m .0. aii 7olàj~. 91.mlUc'oudaihil tic 81 ma8ld Court ,Cbbim7ecL74# 5' ' ' Md. w Sttll oSIie rotuliabIe on thi r-t 1de fthe.ter4a, i. ait dge#eup of> Jaob Ou 1 Mer, .Lai. rSoi,*ilrk. et. theCheSuit r it 0 of 14" Cffty, dîes e ok1415mpwao*rorofil r Waubga fIso11le, May 84t1 A. bm& Mt the - eourt moue là. W*se1w,5. Mt a imm4laie 000mb,,'W cmii. 1 ëmthé %gIt- 68% rom, ofsM» 1orti cejuitela. <111sf, Mis 1nuiai.afuaItes ~t si45 r i irter et &eo.u ", 'Toua. A, 1*41@«SPt. a- Ceai teilinblo la ic tsi ci i bp'48INot, I; UBUPIl, EcA itic.f5 the.sio Octahr ?se~ ~ h 189.aslab iê~c~id Mor-Idlso, la Lis .IA?1fTc W&ukegau,11119918., AUgUal14, A. 0 q iimanit lowut i egemion tMW@Oues a wbraÀ h. 1915.mà0àt twor i* owd ber W, at iseld heasu encre14080, s «ý ARITHOR l UuiUiX, tfis ia. î1Vhaee-yasa" p r- auo eWM*,nom b e ý 4'