CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Sep 1915, p. 1

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Libertyville Merchants helping out [armers where cattie disease has appeared. See how they have gone alter te situation on page 1 of part 2 L.1AKE CoUNT INDPENIDENT WAUKEGAN WEKLYSUN voL. XXII.-NO. 71, TWFJLVE PAGES 1,IBEIRI'YV1ILLE, LAKE COUNTY. ILL !I1 V EEUI . 1915>. ONE TO EIGHT S$1. W PER YEAR iN ADVANCiL ~blp lu'. ~ ~wNk I. Unef i. ~Np' 5- n Fý F J. ye tc ci a r MA? 0OF TUE CAIlLE norrie i rf sai . Deputy Warden Makes Annual PIEIERO Inspection of Lakes-Post s ýPIEH DO New Signboards. limJciii l i CAEiliAc ;WINDLER TAIRN- AsI< Supreme Court to Review. FIRSI VIOLATOR Case in Which the Justice AT T. OUI AFER Made HisDecision. IS FINED $50 AND wîs J IL BR AK Atorey e:n:eral P. J. L uepy te OSTS AT IALF DA WIS. AIL REAK slaVe o! Illiois taok an appeal te -tOie au preme court today froin tie de- 'armer Suspected of $500,- cîsion o!f.îutge James J, îreigblon e! J. A. Christ Who Merely 'Visi 000 Frauds Arrested by the sangamon counîY circuit court, lu ed Neighbor Barrett,' Pays Pinkerton Detectives. whiclcieh grantet i nunclionR Satur on Government Demand. day ,wilcîl ied up approximately OUNO BY OIL' PAINTING. $110-0t,0 of slaVe tundt-salares of SITUATION STILL ACUTI W.Keth Asis ec, homileage for the leg4siatorianid the ' The first open violation of theQu S.W.ile Loal a ec, Aan liuWhoi oero. ,ur ! ig antIne establishet lu Version 105 liý,itealitgovrnor 1 hip by stale anti feteral OIBia S indehd Stel n A n Atorîîey Fa',ette ." no f111-provei ver), costiY to J. A. Christ, Is ehndStelBars. lent Park, representlng John B. Fer- bolel keeper of Haif Day. vien One ofIliOs clone vît "lis. . a (hl"go laxjuayer. nopifiedthet ,Thureday atternooui be vas fluet lade o hMrtc eeliesa lavrhLîcfiue ttrie 1grrr that lie voult Inl- anti cone for ?aiiing te observe t anti fiction vastorlmylere h ain f~ quarantine establishedthetirday befoI naetdra ete gî fv rite bil f rfitheexpratio f10 evas chargeti by the feteral etay ~edaye whal lpoints lue vould bulude nspectors vilihavu oe t retra yýePinkerlone, lsbllo coseros , for.nof J. A. iarrett, presitient il I le etory Of large theffis and, i ll f r' Ihat ,!te o!rmer ay Whttuenwh v -omanîîc alitses, o! aanu eltoloî fil la understS t t e chef s15w -o Hllaei'e' I etllu e vho i 200,00,Isulet hIsel lue ',l items aicb Atorney Munro ill burn- netbefore justice Henry Rue sywn. lied hirsel! re-gs'-reIiq dea . î ude ln hie ross errorý aire t11055 Christ edmitied lie bat gone t10 incbuded in the omniluu, bill wllii Barrett place, but tuat he di ame te lIfe attaho as e jrosperoug elize he vas vîoatlng tihea. in honest anler, married anti vere veoed by Goy. Donne. The Inspectore insstel Ihatt ,siseti a femily, heundth-li olti calof Gov Dufine la burr3ilrg lhomei froni justice give hlm ea severe fine In lie tase-isation o! swlndlsg, broke th, East te tale up the question Of der te set an exaeinto1 the ci bis resolutions, vas arresteti. broke caliing ~a pecial tieaubor of the gen munhlY that tie ondera te rensein lait anti vas erreatei agals yeslerday erai esaemtilY te reappropriate the w thir ny plaestost lie obe' fter helng Identiied by s lfesîze olh salaries oftIhe staIe detiartmfent-s liat borne>. Dady appeereti for the luaj) îantlng o!hilmeel vhilci iung In lie vere renderet i nvalîi by lie decisionti ors anti through hlm îhey matie1 ome vbere he hit edee an honoroti ot Jutige Crelghlon in :hu- circuit demauti. courtof Sngamo (-OntY.Christ, admittlng lie fata, paît Lsd respectet cîltizen. huchant! ua cutn!dagmo oul.fine andti iis uearby reeldeule W, 'sîber. evalgîven e forceful exemple o! wbat1 Af t-ra sarc exentiu ovr 1 IIUh (U ilUMhappen lu case tbey do uot obsei rears, lu the coureetof icî war- Oneof the most important O! 'ente have beson lesuet inluever>. stals IA1t 1f11M. N1 suepeclei ftie s latîat utf t-e n the Union. John W Kin, allas À E U D9IN- Qs'ft lu bake count>.. Fedêral ~nAN'1 ~ spectotrs yetrtay tiecovere5thVa, John Boek, allas Ader, accusesi of .qawaa1laborer nteS iterni batlb, swnlsaggregating mret oUO,- EURAN6 I EI ai verk untIl a fev îîays ago on 00)0 anti for viom $50.000 roerd vas ______ gLaugîlhin tarin, vere a bord offeret. bas been arresteti, Andth le heen laugitlred. arrest reveais vhal no detecîlve ever Voliva .Wins Sweeping Victory -I i tîn'î vork amung lie catli sumectd-tât n h& pivae Ile Over blffl .ndnts-Drug vonketiIluthe hay..' tie man tbld suapctoi-hletlu îs rîvte ite'"'veerineriana. . "Itidt inbuk 1 cc Kinlal a promîinent citizen. ovuer Store to Be Ousted. carry il liaI va>.." aib. ot man>. large Ifarms. dîrector lu lie CiothiniDiese Crir towu isnk anti generalUr .iuseoti Wlibr Glen Voîlva and lthe Thus fer lthe disete has nul 10 as a motet buines& man. Theocratia party lu' tisesCIiy perifmorthU 8wltt-Iaoe bil won eweplg vctor lucîruil ho valcieti closeiy. Doube Lfe evesed. wonà swepig vetor Inciruit "Peuple cen carry lis tilsease Thise amashg double lite vas re CoU"rt on Mondas wisOn Circuit their clolbing, andi tîle>.otteni veaieti Meute>. ven thea plukerlan Jutiga Claire C. Edwarde uphelti said Dr. J. . Jenisen, telerai vi Natinal oteciveAgeny rest th le validît>. of th. 1,100 year ZIon Inarian In cierge, lest even Natona Deectve geny arese'Fbot anti moutbtiseate an Keluin n Pt. ouis unter cîrcum- leases and i lueti a t.mpot'ary In- contagiones dllese luovu, Anti stances vbich assuredthein liaIlie junction ret'sîuilflg trm operat- la Vie very vorst lIme of year fe vaslu rivte lfee ladtg reldnt ing the drui anid obacco store bte preati. for the peope are eouel Ar n rvae I a eigre lie ja ssieie > i îdp et ly galng ta antifro. attentiing fi ut Forest Ctly.k, weelela sal hdb h needn holding stock ahovs andti vlitiug t bihs home, .-in thon City. The vîctory is per- other." Tiere, they sey. hie vas a moti1 has iwthout exception one of the HaIt e dozen fermers of Vie Q citizen. But te trequently tol long bggeet victores Volîva hias won antîneti district yeslertiay camplal n aIl hie career, for. upon the te District Attorney. Charles P. CI tripe vhlch noue of bis nelghbara tint the stalte offtciaIs vers tilac ever prelendedtieV untiertanti. Anti declelon hlngped tise permianency Inatlug againel liem. fron Vie tripsalho alveys came batik of the Zion institution. A rutlng Figuiers Volet Complaînt. ta hie home Ile ant i is baul antifavorable ho 1h. lnd.peesdenba 'TieY've put armeti guarta In hiesevraifema iVblago umaaf would have thrown Mion City. rosis," saidtIhe fermons, "ant i bis eveal frmewithlare &uis fvun'l letlnus pose; lie>. say lbey monoy, Il vas vîllaperedt lat ho won oipen ho outsiders, lilel contendeti. shoot aven>. dog. cal ant i c'en the money gaaubing, lTîe principal point brougit outIn lua seen In lie mati, ant i t in't1 Moeudhoti ported lJsed. lie ruling vas Ihal Zon vas estai- If liaI le necessary. lieu the>. a' l'h. mohhoti Kein vo a sete have lsieti upon tise principie Invouveti in- Vo cloes up ail the Ibsaîres antist In tise villages anti stop lravsl In uset iras simple. The buntiretis of lhe leses sud ihat lie big majuril>. sîreehe." complainte againat hlm charge tiiet o! peuple Who purchaseti lendthters Mr. Clyne told the compleini ho vent Intoearcb farming cons tit e i a th le unterstantilng liaI tlihe hall nu autborily ta Inter munîy, loguireti for a guoti ta uZion City vaulti not ho a "vorldly andt laIlie>. vouiti have ta tak ai t, ithte tate officiels. vhhch hoe mgîllboy anti gui acqutaiut- place' Iu lis gensrally acceptet One "Sholgun Quarantine." ed vith men of moue>.. When ha bat sentie. filvas malutaunedt i a t nde While alulie counhhas are ui seileti a terai. îî vas cisargei, île hadth le rigt te Issue tes or lesaes cosei queraullue, vici forbida elhbr brroet ie eetant mae 1MZon property wlbhout taklng imb movemeut O! cloven-hoofet enix out a bogue teeti te hînseîf or hoe cotsitoralion the provisions of lie oni eansctocuerga thie village of Hait Day le ni bougil lie taru andi paît vwità à leses. "abolgun quaranline." l'îe loveL cbec'i anti look possession of the Wliur Gien Vliva vans a peseetiof Vernonislia ecanter o! the deet. As soon asutlvasn ieiy re' expression as tie court filuleeti tie tricI tmuet acutely Infected et 1 cordadInbu is rimmel." ssii & cous- rad. o uatelbThe. Chicago heai teperlan ors, ha mortgod IL Ase th le lime .'Of oouraeis1 am pieased.' he salti compeiing lie pateurisation of he check vas neturnetimarketi "No te a lButireporter Imaedlalely atter- ail omlag tram i lbun five tz fund" h bai goe bok t hl&cl verWt. "But Il vas nu mure lien I of au" Infectai ares, fund" îe bi gne ankho iaanm The Trogniations govrnnug pie lit, lu rtam. lxpoctei. We bal igil vilb us ani movemeut ot poreons anti animal t a turtiser ciargai. lie vea rigt .iuiays provaill. The rultng close quaranthuoti sections la equippedti vth viga anti several sels meeans taIthie ding store vîli have forth lu e Proclamation hsuet o! faite teti antilibid no dîficult. ho ces. operating et once. Tiers Goveruor Dunne b!lote thle situe in preseUtng a nov eppearance on are athhr establilshments lu Zîonu ec ma0steRequaîîons. eacb adventure. vhcb re operatlng contrary te lhe Arnong thom are, Klein'a tiovuteli real>. began in lses.) If the ovurrers do no0 sefiV "No caIlle, seep, other rumîsn the itte cty o Wakesa, Ws.,la 1 tecose tiens, vo viii file bMilae agains! or awIne *hal b. movet Imlieor theary H11e ilye auksInsh a Wis,, est fchm.PopeWoar e f quarantiutet ireuss, Jenur>. Heepparei l li tamin esit t lens Feploviaarenot "No publie sales or exhibitîdei country. liereabout under lie name lu sympatl i>. vtîl l i ncipies Up ilve stock wiil bc permnibtet wl o lrgtandt egen 1tetegoîlabe anwvilci Zion Ciy vas arganizet, said quaatantined grecs. fra fara AAlbrh get simoQuli not attempt ta force them- a"AU dgewthin quaraslined 9 for afaim.A reat>. aent hecam hi e kept lIed or in close suspicious vhen Albrgil lIied te seuves upon uun.fIt la presumptuons finement. ralse 12,000 ou a titlewvilch "di ual Vo as>.tle leas." "Chiltiren dmt infettcpremlisa look goot." A tieput>. 51151f earrest- Il te reporurltthet lthe Indepenti- prohibîtet f ro i ttendiffl'gpi cd lm andt 1001 im te Jli. enta vili isie> an appeal 10 the igb- achoole untîl the infectai prien Chie ofPolie D C.McKa bot ercouts.have heen cleaneti and dleinsctec Cile ut olic D.C, MKey ep-er curts "Lve stock buyert are prohll penedt ii lrathle jeu tiat day. Mc. A decision ou Ihe Zion Cilr icease from entering Into any barns, Ka>y vas formsriy lu lhe service et case vas given îly Jutige Eltivrds in lots or upon an>. Infecteti presf lie Plukerton agsncy. Afler ans lok tie circuit court Ibis marnlng. On tô inàpect su>. ilve stock. et ia risnerîlecicalmt: Me>. 3, 1915. a bill o! complelul vas 'Alil huntlng la prohlblted wl et te pisonr le exlaied:quarantlned ares. "Wiy tial man la the biggessl ,filia agalust W, H. Pair>. anti Brati- Perrilla for Moving Stock. evitien u mercalie. avea e-ford E. Simmans, of Zian City, charg- "Nu catîle, ahoepl or awine chat vwner ein5.00 fri -hmbava Juin lg Vem ;Wth vioiating tbe Zien CII>. transporteti or drIven over ori W. Klein. He's ciarget vith more leaes, b>. apmtiîng e ding asdteta public roade or accopteti fori mnent hy raiil'oade within quarant than $500,000 frauda," bacco store lu Zion City anti for bey- arasa except upon officIai permîl l'wo weels ega Klinl broite jeull n Ig a piyahcian'a office on tie trent Ian assistant @tata veerinarian, liffukeha.ButthePinerins adlees. Ou May 8 the bil vas servet no permit wlêl hoe mued unthlithe Waussa.But iePlkîna inapere mais have been subjecteti te lui hou good a clev for hlm Vo evade theii complalnants leaplre ion upon thie promîmses aitih them long, and ti elniglybils recap-lWaukegan. In ths meantimethie te-Ipense of the owner auidifoundti tur wa anouned.fendants filit-ia cross hill before fret from foot andi nouth dictas Wanted In Illinois. Jutige Lenditsvicîl came up on any known expooure te lie conta ilun 13 Jude Lndison his thereof. Among lie huntrais of placeS un ýJuig Lnts "No movemsent o! grain, ha, ni whilc vaut KIlunare Raclup, W&U au .aloncountendedthat el Ve trs grant- fotider or sîmlar producta achat kegan, Il., viiere ho avindieti Heutr>. dby' him.lunnva>. set aside tie permidtteti frontu or witln qu (Con'Wiued ce pae III.) (continued on Php s ix.) (Cotinuti dou page tge,) IN LAE COUTY in.,jBy order of the tlsh and ganw ûrnM IL - nîl% mssion ail the laites and rnvers 11 REofII3 S Lake county are being staked and - -ýjfflRslgns erected warnlng tishermen that Several Cows Out of the Ninety Sno fishing will he allowed on any of aubeAnmi nHr v iit Pothe followlng lakes except with a a ufflerAnfmais i ease 1.0911Ahook'and i ne. 'E. ' ~Flshing with nets and seines on KILLING GOES ON SLOWLY. jar- ~~~~~the followiiig laies willi flt be per- Inýetr a eidi h ar- rnî~~~~lutted lu the future: Loon laIe, isetr a eidi h ilS 1fA~~~I' Ii~~4ri t)~eer lake. Hastings aie.Coed SagtrDs vr Hw oa L...Ja'ee. Deep laite, Sand lake and Cedar Germs Were Carried. he W TI lenrv Kern, aeputy gaule warden Ausenet 30 re or fle tate, spent several days in Despite »Il efforts to prevent it, the jes o Ii-1\ ,potnlt aeeonvpruiytowr nn b were western part of thai township. Cooper not antine becaîtse of fît and inotth disease. Qiiarantines not carrying out the laws to the jet- haa 30 cows. The herd Isainder strict ter. quarantine. Two of the cowm had bav Iît, een estaliicil I 1w federal govelrnnicflt coverlng He experts to niake frequent vsiels been ill mince Saturday but tior ail. or- om- vernon, West 1evîtield anid Ela townships. Ela lies just to Lake county laites during the fail ment wàq no diagnosed poulily un- ,von- -I ('li(,aoaii'seaison. ,andi It le possible thet he viii tiI this aftermoon. ved NNQ(St 4)f VeriilU. Malk) som iîI c"' n' uperintenti the teiroftstocklng the- pc nîenaveeu uvthe di,,a$.e anl ikelv 500Hci to be affected by lakes wlth the ralnbow tront which Pederal Inspectora discovereTillula- the qurnin ues. were recentiy acquired of the govern- day that severai cows in the prias bord th atie ment by the state commission. o-ned by Samuel InuIl hooe fne vers large place je ituated Just aouthreust aii t Paxton. LiI. Swafleon, with two P A O A A fUetvls r ufrn tti rve IJLO~IUIODIS ON j~ dogs, arrived In Wukegan lots Fr1- PL N F R N VL o ietUA4,ar ufrge h day. The doge were taken to the 11fo0t andi mouth di.e... There are the IOR E I berne In North Chicago, aud much te A IA ~A I 1 90 cows In the particular bord andi ai outil IILEa O H 1 tbe surpriasof ail present. they toob arCuAerPhe tritoa qterettu se TII3 E i O N Y utecftwtot lfelydg N N iSl<~ <T1The farm la occupieti by Andrlov E h"e hestietidowu TwentySecond treet to-e____.ugrvol uoruedu fh u ~ wardj; the ae At the togt or the tilfferent terme owueti by Mfr. usul. Valuabte Horse .ls ITaken r ron11rnd laIse1 fdsovrdte atoCommandant at Station Stai't lTh.e null. ord bhs been under eglu, ieh rthe tBarnorifdiofvoedohethi Chcao1 ed Agitation Immediately vellineuefor severel days. !t vq~ th te ars fNothChcao the thieves. The camp shoveti signeAtrHeArvd "Mebrdat ay fteaimait outi Lumbu and Coal Co. of0 tle hasty getavay of the thieves, fe eArvd Inomnthetcamp o!etae borneetht!t- The pielan flnhéd bY CaPtsin MOff- bave taken prises viieu pieced ap- i a atto tric 5utY boshf I dosa doubieti bock anndbeedtiaouth- fett of aetabltsbing a naval training bibMtlon. Every possible precauit U'ii vt»n j. t3laif gM e.4hiiuauli - tu4ard through LaIe Bluff, then the <camp et lhe Great 1410Daetire~a- vstknbpe'stte etai hrall thieves wvin aide a valuabie doge &gain teck Up thle scent wvicîwatng station. sîmular 10 the citisen - lu N i'tcerriedthem to Lake Forent. training camp et Fort Sherdan,.av ing the disesse. Tbey ver. oeves n t' dter- C hiao urse fl oman tst erîff Orîffin bas net given Up the peurs te be gaiuing ground repidly edd taily vltb dsinfectant antid fabu MUS.K The e le valued et upvards of search. He dosa net belleve that anti one beers agitation nO otmey vssW a ua efr okI S mdet $275, andi the theft le regardeti by the thief bas hed limie to-make Chi-many ides. Tîlis plan vas brought the tiuesse wbicbh inrailtu suit fllei police anti sheriffa as lhes moal dering cago, anti he 15 of the opinion oIb aI.Mfelsorl te ithvcl hi r fhe tt.R$ trat eersltewd i acoune stly the stolen horme le nov locked Ilu î»î commantiof lhe local abalion the bellef liaItihe onfis beosutethm tairs. before 7 o'clock Fridây morning. andiseome out of the wey barn near High- ant i îe las badtheti matter up vith fected u<ilvle wsikndu Il,thao. eec by D oon two bloodhOunds vere bot land Park. The doge yl ho ta'ien Secretary Dentlsa ndti ie nvde-tiêbnYSdve sgre I on the trail futhle thieves. The. te Highllandi Park todey in tse hopes Partment for nome lia.,hulb ern .li the ..ýTh otWtoma [liaI* blooihounids were procnreti by Sher- that the ecent may again be picketi Hie Idea la e hrov, the camp In the. belti bave bees rmwUo* ams Ined t« »lvinj,. Griffin. labo, lu pergon, yne ils contiucttng the eearch, sud bc le U.Asryhre bieeiV elsOpen te everyone via ceres te10fate lbe aloi cova ici have bu.8811M crim- positive the t the blootihounde viii one which the thieves drove to North tie course anti for thus reasoun he geteti. The animalesufraubslm cf t" leat i hm t. the blding place of lie Chicago, vas fouud in Lake F1orest thînks a four montie cuuav. Id dusease viib ib.lteti andi buuet. cuiprits. - the fiebors b egariet as one lite Friday afternoon. A reward of be about rigil. A shorteilourse.=1 The laughtering crew elp~ to 5 they lhe mont valuable draft borses te 8 200 je nov offereti for the arrent andtihinkB. would not procluce the. desii'et bave flnisied their endi of ti@ vonk by viiil round In utbese parts. Te owners of conviction of the thieves. rcisfrtecutcnentb îrdysgt ioiidD C es tliat the borne hav e furnîshedth le eherlffmae sufor hcoyubr oui le a vc bue rs oisdtu rigtday.on ssi fair. vl t tis description: md ufcetytOOfi hl eem>re uigtedy uight Color-A tadeti black. ~l~J'J I longer course might ma. it impoli- A stroy la Soins te rounds inluts tores Weiht-About 1 ,550. L IIJLIR iVILLL sie for other e late lpart. tnteeteti glotrtçt, whivIi, If tfflIW ou% 1 he Ham emali white star on foreheati HeiteopectallYgazxions for col. en e ten-jrteprMýe lente Aeeenye:. BOY IN MURDER le;;e anti higi echool youths ta "tae sssno:Ion tte otelTheUdl lere la very gentls. anti even a emaîl teformenthe' course <uring titeir euse tret appearesl et Wboeeiin. A ke It boy cen handie bjm. 'N PD C ¶ sme vacation, but anY Otiters number of tisâge a peddler feo The search for the lair of the C vRCY .e-O.Ult eeihle eIurt iIWeln rivt tHr ake thieves leade south. The borne vas ol eeibl.H gue htW elgarvdet etlPrkt ier sed vith two new sboes bebinti anti M1nany lake sallors vouldti 1*1,the Hait Day. Hie vas ponulttde tesemp e h ane ou the left front qoot late Thurn- CiaodtcieJh laadcurse turing the vinler mentheith le barn for severi nigts. Orn nais. day atternoon. Upou Investigation. P. McLaughlin. caine to Libertyville viien navigation ls ciosed, Captain coov vas ept In the, bain. Tis eev tboat the shertff finde tiletlite îbarn of Vieear1 Thnradav mornîng asdini conupany Moffett feela liaI much couiti h. became aidk but the. tact vas not roe, uIodr lumber anti coai compeny vas loft so 8h19 snlocieti last night, andtileht thle vilh larahal D. E Limberry arreeted talitht lu a tour mantita' course, In gardotimaas sa pileai anti no tge 1dilibyes hat absolutely' no trouble In Inodore D. Ooldenhurg et the home of i act, that la the length of ths coursesgras maie of the mlter. rs-galnlug acceels 10 Uts promaises. Tii.egven for a long time etter the sta- lve'y Saturqlay nigit tiauce.yem borne vithout tioubt tvas le om>fra hie faîher, Jaes Godenhburg. The young tion vas completeti. The course nov held te H.eMrtel Parkr pavion. R itla the etal l y a halter. anti as then mantin hiargeti with henisIn a party of la six moutts long, la reporteti11 tte fotant su aith If aII hitîciedteh a single ris. thon tiriven miles sout on Second avenue anti Market 7goung who On lent Sunday Mayor Williamt Mather IAvis of dilua bas brokeu out on ouewiy ev- streols. From tiea the eoorif b Sk vssing kilieti a young man by the name Laks Forest, an,- offcer et tie navy .ry farmi ere, any mesubor et li tite up the trai leatiing soutit anti vet leegus anti a momber of lhe Lake housebolti altote on. of the. letu- la lu of Lake Bluff, 0aildwerd Laux belore the home of H. county board of revisv, alisteinS tdey ulgtt ianceei. Thei. tly »ea sel Titis te the third bores vhich bas Kuhaten ofl1920 Su. 81l. Louis avelne, ail ln bie power te get suci e camp ate itlepttircre i by beon stolen bn Lake couunty ithin«pt elbtthpdlrcarete ation tvo veeks. A lîvery~ homrvais stel- Chicago A part! vas being belli et the establineet His efforts are dîrecteti disease te Hertel Park front Wbeei eu tram Libertyvîlle ou MontiY anti Kuhegen home, vhsslhefellowsbutted sionsgthe sainelins of action as out- luig andt ltI t becaînsdbaomnated another horee was stolon fromi a pas- lndI ati oft' rgnlb h epewoatne h turc lu HIghianit Park lait veek. lTîle lu" and were inviteti to gtel out. Later e inCtan Mftleognlby iopelevaatdo t. nà"f abotrif belleves tilat an orgenizedti u the eveaisg tbey relurneti in an Plan', tances. r ut gang o! homete ibeeg dre 15m09- &iaummobile ansiins atieer te the bouêt 'l'h. efforts of my8elf andthle Davy Several roatin ln the infecteid d* erating in Lake cotlnty anti rovards of their hors. th@ party vent to tie league la te getluiare saiore te speut trict are being closet anti peulois de fi o up*artis o! $500 have been offereti for hi itrmns hr e l* wo f etedsmnuhmbs0, ithll te i'Soovery of the isorsea and ifpr etige of the gidewalk, As the auto washer inrmnt hesvnlaovoetem ledseebsbe 0 tho arreet of lhe thieves-.§heriff abou t teove Off oeeo01 he boys s@trucknavigation ia ciosed. Thome are covereti are compeiledti o neuaa non lia Griffu lje of the optinion thet lhe Laux over the heeti vith a bilv. The about four mosthe In lie vintor flime their places. No precaution tea ie ed'- borses are belug lept in a barn in vietin>veu talesn Vo he St. Anîhonys vihen tiese sellerasflue! arounti viti overlooket Inl an effort te stamp e19 te Immediate viclily of Highland optiwe e idTeatbe ohgted.1a ovne hyhe rpd nron pi@R l~ osPark, anti that the tlieves yl net l.eia br odeiTe~ l~ ohn od r ovneihe i eiiy leean pdf Oublc ciake any attetupt te dispose Of theni loneettetonou Edward Rlosenberg of would île deighlet i e an Opportunity Masy cows are. being slaugbitened eav "lis for a veek Or 10 days. Chicago, whose son besadmilleti he was te attend a course o! training et lie ery day. id.l the car whlî-h ile seito have cou- naval training station. TheyF eiroaty Regerding a report liaI bite foot ami ibited OLOODHOUNDSINT SCTY"i fend INTI IYtainet about tes ru, aIl of wham have a knowletige of aeamanship anti mouth aliment bat apiseered on.thie nliset Tva huge I)lootihountis, one o! di@playeti revolvers when atteuipt to thal portion of the course et lb. sta- Michael Redmonti fatinluVusom4 l1r. .vilci bas the repulation of belng a pureuit wae made lîy merubers if the ion coulti he eliminaleti.llie entire Redmosti today denied l i o u*lr& 1thIn men eaîer, led Sherif tlvln J. Grilfin part! tire coulti be devol.edtie10eacbing ly, He seli: "We haivent zet0o0» andi Polire Chie! Lux la the lait of Tue deteetive fouud youuug Ioideubuig them the arts of verfare. Wben they for seven yeai's. go lhereoe we banle ilî ha the gang of homre thieves who bave in leil et hi@ honme here nt10 iL). ini. have compileed Ibeir course îiîey noue to be affecteti. We relt 40 acte upon been operating in baks couuty forlThirdat morsisgaitil plaiei hm lu the viii have as compiete a înowledge, o! our fourni lu bbertyvlle te Moesta ship.fà theîasto weeks. Th os h hr util arteruou wtter tbsy tool, or the eublecL as thle recruils who 1ROckenbacb andi William Linker «.d. lîneti thieves, bowpe r. hati matie their gel-bîibiltChicago (tiolletituurlgcernme here finish their courses et the station. the federal inspectera bale put lit - "Theeybtarîo oir eoe lIer rîthegoMode Ayiu us Tenavy ngue figures that in 0 K. on al lofthtîe cetîle o. thelir eant. rival of the a îthoritfes. livfile fume of Ii,çi.wlîî sang at the case of a ver it voult lie s1lendld place. lapec- A draft iîorsp valueti et upwards ,,f LUi' tlrtrbrre VW.rdnrailay siglit teful ack on tbcse wel traitidsali % ma' $276 hati been stoien train lhe North ig reptotedt tibave returneil wilh lolderi. ors who woult i uake the best kînti ofLbake Florenthlls to have nov mach-' nb.' ce or Chicago Lumber & Coal Companys bîîrg and i ig liinteî tor by cde1ec- men t0 man a batjeibbp. The plan cipel sevage disposasi plant. Au sait '89,on berne eit North Chicago Thureday liveae one of the îînrty aho. murdereti looks 111e a very feasibje one anti we erfi city's model equiffmt la hgë nightl SherIl! Griflil decid tie put yîîuîîg L ux who is 27 yars old *lilb'"Dn hope Secretary D àrnl i y ll ee et n duplicteti. Te coumme of lie . tr8w, blootihounde on tie trail of the is repîîrled 10 ha a grent trient .f th, saine light we do" urn te eonid.nin pla. eg *W Il b.lthieves sme a telegram vaws Immediate- , l àug Wheu iol deý.uugv _________garbage anti refuse upm - ly dispalched to W. S. Swauson, ovu- questioned i e Liberty.ville he lust ernileti lake County's big vekly-IND]e lies anti cambige for ftu~ or of the Cuben bloodiiouud kennels andi refusai hto tait. PN8T matos -N t, i.

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