CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Sep 1915, p. 4

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Lake County Independent, Waukegan Weekly Sun Offic. Telephone Number 1, Ub.rtylle Exchange nteed a% the Postoffice et Libertyville, Ill.. aa Second CCse Mal iatter Officiai Paper for Lake County. tumued Every Frdsv. Advertiming Rate@ lMade KnowD On ApplicatIOn. SUBSRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANOE W . J. SM ITH ............................-.............Edtor F. G. 5 "ITH ...............................................M anager M.j WEBER ........ ............................. Rosident Manager, Phone 189-J "Teddy" declares the United States isaspineles. Well, if lie always liad hie wa.y it would soon be "population- leu," for, we'd be figlting everybody ail at the saine lime snd soon tliere'd be none left to carry it on. With bloodhounds following 8uspected horsethleves, willi armed guards preventing violations of thie foot and moulli quarantine in Vernon, etc., Lake county Juat now is having quite enough excitement of tlie exciting kcind. &"ifig News" lias been brealng in Waukegan and Lakb county so mucli of late tliat, vben th. spel vears off peo- ple won't b. able to understand wliy it la and agamn vili uay: 1'There's nothing in the paper worth reading." They expet 4"blg nov," ail the time wliether it actuaily hap- pon or not, and lante tlie paper if it doesn't. There isn't mucli gomplaint, however, about the reguiarity of its ap- pearauice in thils community. Juat at present nwre miles of good rafiroada are lield b recei vers mider direction of the United States courts u vtbefore in th. liutory of the country. in this ré- apect th. banner bankruptcy year for railroade, 1893, 15 surpassçd by about 15 per cent. The Interstate Commerce Ooumiaslton 18etaii on odwr in halino. I.f it keeps on, teUie ttsv»nyrbv obuy the raiiroads outriglit. Tlie goverument will lave posse- sionunéer recelverahlps. -.That moVie actreu wva facing a bard problem in Lake Forest vlien bur cam on the charge of speediug in an auto cme up. Blelad statedulievauto sue the city for per- 0"ltin a f r1s ho tle.Bt b lldeiec lb. olbe r udmc iilrpoie o vrb vwu happy snd Ihus oudeth tlheyoung wç,man'a sensa- 9" ÙMaiprlnepassm n li er proos a'srecords as lire Barry Meade gave a beach party for ber Sunday Sehool claie at Lake Bluff lest week. àirs. Kata Jobnson and deughter of Beloit, Kanoa", le viiting at the home ai ber sister. Mr@. I. B. Colby. The Fould'@ Mllltng Campany lassaid dorn lest Baturd&y for their aunuel two weeks ai repair work and improve- ment@ on their buildings. lir. and lira. Henry Bayes nioved to Hilghland Pari an Wednesday sehere Henry hem abtained a position as engineer wlth an@ ai the Highland Park manufecturiig planta. Mfr. and lire. Frenk Dyniond leit for northweitarn Iowa on Thnrsday lu their new Jackson toadater. for e two weeks trip. They will riait Mr@s. Dymnde brother, Clark Phillipe. Lttle Lanrence Lasycaýk, son of James La7cock. and ittIs Warren Russal ad thir tanalla remowed et the Jane Mec- Alier hosfpital lu Weukegan lest week, Dr. F. B. Martin perfornxed the opera- tions. Mir. and idre. Joseph Wilmon are vîsît- f ng wth their son Delbert and family in Strawherry Point, Iowa, wbere thev went the firt 5week in Augnt. They aspect to return ta their home here on Saturday. lire. George Ceveland and littie son, Rotert Franklin, returned t,.. their home eit Omaha. Nebr., on Saturday, ater a sevea weeks vilt wlth relatives bers. *. Ceveland, wha bas bere for two *eeks. returned home some tOme ega. ise Katharine Siaci, Who bas been apendlng nome tîme et tha Dr. F. B. Mertin home, hem retuned ta ber home ln Mcige.âDr. lMartin'@ parents wbo baes alo obeen vsitlng et the Mrtin home, rtarned ta St. Joe, Meh., on lionday. Lat hiaaday some persan or poeosns obtained e lot af sport la t'yieg aean tW a dogas tall, but if thay kaw Ihet they were hiable ta a fine tbay wauld nat tha a basty lu seeking émcb amusement. The Humane Society dealo qaite severely wif h sncb citizen@ and If wouid ha well qiea succesfll adverdaslug'accompflslment wthlU or those owho enjoy such brut]srta d re mmrt4in. h littîs careful. A dog or e=base a __________________tha bandseai sncb people are quit ep The fout sud mouth disease as it uow lias seized south- lesa and are ofn n ies made aulbj.let ta "*oW Lak'c inte roseta te wo.t stuatoneb fa good lu Lberty-. of -It in t"hmla ever confronted Lake county. With ville.1 Ul flmÉln.fected it the dMeded animla liment, .11 18 The sang pieay "Frecklea", adrametiza- apeuent Ibat farmers miust ezerti utnýost precaution or ion et.Gene Strttan-Parter'a norel ai ne«l amillii their stock le menaced sud even siauglitered thst nome wa gien et the Auditorium bit dbo3 generai succos li farming.viii e severeiv deait Tuede> night. To thin play belouge for tiougi '- qarallu .~ the credit of bevlng givtn t be mp r pawu teUedf, troghb i uamie nother creditable performance sine the openlng retrsof their business uaurally vii le severeiy lu- of the new Auditorium. As e sang play tordVlih. t therefore behooves lieM anl 10 eXert it îs troug lu patie rereletion and ma*t cantaül procautions in order to aid themmelves aud thraugh It cerrnes the sinipilcit>' and iasde taly 0 pthei egbr n i fpsiie bcarm ai the Wood@ as a baeci£round of a. ~for aroug paetic tency. rthe cs a a~~u~ tse .naaeW ajacut iaes. compoeed ai members, wha thraughthelr otsage preence cernied well the. necces- l te dealli of Russell G. Woodvard Waukegan loses soiy troug emtana ai the stary and a aw ho vas regarded as the greatest Inventive gemmas cheractera. libat'mvorlived In lie con*mmlty. 'Other MnuMay ha"', ÀTU WAITFOU lavonbed moesor Ivo applilaces and Qlue exbausted their AT If VJ ablilty along Inventive Unes. Not so vM iti m. Yea alee WOMENILLS AN 8. yémrbIsa mini vorked out contrviances vblci had to do vii perfecllng uevlng by machines until finally almost YEAR OLD CYCLIST a huudrei apéeiliinventions and improvements vere grauled b lia' lu lie total ai Washington. As an inven- A turlng car ln whlcb were four Ϋr.he occpied a ditinCtive position in tIge ConU»iuty women rau down and killefi Ralph ai iau ami s position vas noue the leu distinctive le- sutherton, aea eigbt years, in High- tmu thoreanare o fev ike liia usy commnunlly. Ho tand Park Sunday. Haeseas the son qaýqM»of soo klud -old gentlemen vho nover dld auy- et R. J. Sutherton, e flort living et 1291Eat Moraine ruai. The women bod ty arm by vord or deed aud consequentiy evor- 9od =,eeotd M. E. lad r«eid lie lime f 1110 ven MUS. BUIULIDG.RD. BUTLER, wife alks. su amcme ont lm culd uot le overcome sud of the prealdent a! thc Prairie Far- ia connection vM ie i pasalug il nov is intereating to note mer publication. t.hat-bthelb. vlut lai almiütalty vas as dlem as over. MiLS. JOHN WARNER, o! Grand Evsaon lie mfteirnooof the day vlli closdIdlIfe h aa ihe M W .aULEaRfMra.Bteier. tae"uad vlul~dvihis relatives in perfect euse and of 7r.B. D.Batler. ratle.alty. NIL. EDWIN MOOREHEIAD, frlend of lMre. Butler. 4e court ruiing of Judge ECdvardson 1h. Zion matter They were being driven by the But- iàa put au end b lihe troublesomne discussion aud con- ler chauffeur, John Baker. ;;- vhch au olvd TtihunZonmnel e reboy waa riding a bicycle elong eaulý, u flloed hat ssu inZio sice he te rad.Jus beorethe auto came break caime fom n 1 D ovie om ars ago roSUilng in lie abreaaetof the machine tLeb.oy f«UWlç bresch under Voliva. The court lia nov hled that awerved In front o! it. The women the ssus cnno levioate luliemuatero! revutig cerried the youngter ta the office oi operllo of rugstoes, tc. sudlIa slouidstad ~Dr. H. J. L'Ilmen, but bieskauli basf Onal~lloutfurtierpareyig. I li elmentoppsed10 een fractured. That hae dled ln the 1h f afaia, heysli0idarma of anc of thc women. la the late Volia dosa' 11k e ondiionreport recelved lu Waukegen irait tuke~her deartre uto lie fledi.Truy thycanotHighland Park. asumfleacf e i vs l dcd1Anea"i i ntloch, 3:46 p. m.-The four-year- clty sud nov las been ousted, for from lie bgnmgof 016 son o!flMr. and lrs. <George Dun ZMon il WAB a knov u tcQIat suchbi tingaas dugdoc- hltmie inorett ofse e, tors etc., vere, nol b lbe permltte. Sufficient kuovedge ounsidee in li edi et 7 olock Priday threor w b l i nte malter and ail vba dld fot le- m ng D.Warrener oAtioch liorefored vas tld oonne, butha e lelad h the privilege of remainlng avay. The fact la, fued toaigu a deth eortIflcate an- hovever, lIaI liey origiamll lked Ibis provision, cme helsi an Inqueet over Lbe boy. o bVZont invested, aid lien Lu laterjeyraclanged their T IR EP T -minds about llklng such provisions sud began 10 try 10 WeATheEfRcatfRlbwEORTgi unlermilue lie very gLiaga liey décepted previoualy wlien finx Wednsda Sem. . isse thwylocated liere. We believe tIat a uumilar deduction by the U. S. Weather Bureau, ou li U8adWashington, D. C. on * staua f thngsatZMon la ba le helocal For the region i ofthe tirest Laies: jude boassume the stand lIat hle bansd vo believe lier. Wermer weefbier Wednieeday and Thurs are auy rember of the anti-Voliva faction that nov, in de>' will ha tlla wed iy @ome#tha lwe: face oM lî. court raling, viiiagree lIaI lie decisiçu la fair terperture Frday and Saturday In t,. ticie ho locaed in Zion undor lie bellot and promise temparamnrpsesaewbers. The westef a liaI certain conditions vere 10 prevail. wlli ha generally f air. St. Laewrence Epscopal. Boiy Communion 7:80 a. mi. Sunday achool 9:30 a. nm. Mornieng Fayer il a. ni. Preebyterian. 10:30 a. m. Bunday echool. Roy F. Wright, Supt.. Mdoring service 11 o'cloci. ChristinenEndeavor 6:45 p. nm. Evenlng service 7:30. The quarterly communion service wili be held on Sunday, Sept. 12th. At tht. time oppartunit.v for baptisîn of! blidren wlll be give, A clae af ew membere w..i alsobe Sien imb the church at tia finie. A preparatory Pervlce for the Communion will be beid st the cburch on Friday evenlng, Sept. 10 th. lau are invited to joib lu bath oftbte meetings.. Choir prectice thio week on Friday evening. Mfr. Allbrt'e subject sermon for Doit Sunday moaing wiIl be -The Savior." ln the evenlng Robert D. Scarlet wlll giva a trevelogue on Tokto and the Phillilîe Islands. 1Mr. Bearlet le a Sunday Sehoal lecturer and hie taike are reported ta ha very intereetlng. Mothodist-EposcoPal. Neit Bundey preaehiDg eervice both moréning and evening a@ sueul. àt Il o'clack Rev. T. E. Reani wiil preacb on the snbîect: "The Sequence ai lgbt Thinking" ln the evenlng at 7:30 tha subject ai the short sermon wili he: 'The Foo)teepe aiOUr Fethers." Thare wili be speclal music et the evening servie. "RaIiy Day" wil i e the subject ai the Epwarth Loague service Doit Snndey eveulng et 6:45. Leader, D. A. Young. There wlll he a vry Important meet- ing of the Ladies' Aid socletynei week Tuesday elternoon, Sept. 7th et the home aiflira. Laura, Hanby. Every member la urged ta attend. The choir willi meet for rehearsal on Friday evenlng et 8 oclock. Every member la urged ta attend for rebearsal on account of coming sang service. RAIN STONS LAE WITU MOORE & EVANS (BY MEC) 'Iter thre. inngs of siugging aud errore in e hiMb wlud, sbawersestoppait tanther slaaghter, when Stab Mefloy oflietly reised bis baud sud calleit ont lu acceute dlean "game celled for fins minutes.' The playaresind cnowd then rau for ebelter anmd under tbs stables back of the race trak, sud alter five minutes decided tot cail it "qnit@." The feture of the aibernoo's peshime wâs two home ruas lu the firat lunng b>' Kimbell sud Fisher, the former beiag ai the scratch>' orden, but Fisher'@, went clear ecrose the tract and ws e aIn the grama.9 Tt looked migbty bad for the Maure Evans crew. as the score etoad 7 tn 5. lu fevor ai Ramarea, 'ont btwo nmen an bases sud "uobady dawu," wben the dowuponr put the id au. The score. Rambrea AR R H A E Kimbati, 8h ............2 1 1 2 1 evl,'2h ................. 2 O O O O Megrady,cf .............. 2 11 0 0 Stafford, If................ 2 2 1 0 o R. Dorie, p ...........2 1 2 O00 J. Dorfler...............i1i1i1i1 i Fisher, lb.................i 1 1i1i1 o Johnson, e............... O O 0 i1 i Brbour ri .............. 1 0 O0O0 O 7 7358 Moore & Evans AS Dehy, ....h ............. 2 Kiel, 2h ................O Conay, ni..............1i 10"00om, t............2 GKiel t......... ....2 0 " , s ............... 1 Bonlb ..............2 Barnna,e..c...............1 Oebner,p ................i RHa ÀE 1 00 0 0 00 0 1 10 0 1()001 1 10 1 0 00 0 1 1 0O"1 Two base bits, Kimbeli, .J. Dorfien, IcGr!ady, Oshaen: ibres base bits, 6. Laiborna ruas. Kim4ll, Fisher. basses an bail, off Danfler 2; bit by pitchar, J. DoanSer; strackaut, by Dorder 2i by Ousuer 2; doubla piey», Kinbelilte Time ai game 80 minutes. Umpires, Malloy aud Boyse. Two homne ruse fa tisfires, aure disi tara tbc tables on Mt4ore & Evans. J. Pbortier vwas et short and IMagredy toot lMeyer'@ place la ceuter. (len Kalgge, aur former fret sacier, came over ta watch hta aId teem matas perform. 'Nlgge" ýkuocked ifle to the antfleld. T. F. Swan, officiel scarekesper, la thi. leegue waau the job. He brPebt the portion of rein witb hlm. R. Dorfier, J. Dorfier sud Fisher eecb battesi 1000 lib theree Inainge. The wiud cerried Davis' bit itt the center fleldere bauds. Sama boroemen cemeoverfrom Wake- gen Lo wank-oai theon hanses andi put on a ltière race for Ihe hanpetfitaithe fana. Net Sanda>' Hemnd. Imd., cames bers for a cash witb the Remarea, tbi. la e test teani sud bas ouly rost two gaemathis asseaun. Turuipe, Cabbage, Bmen. Cncnmbers, and other Vegeteblee. Also appleu d othan frits. At igbb pàmeadeligeredil Llbertyvitie. F. W. Bchicter, Phono 86.-2K. 5rt The body of Otto Cobhn. of Chicago. who wa drowned ln ILan Laie, near- ly two weeksaego, when he fell from a rowboat whtle endeavonlng to ight hie pipe, was recovered by a hotel man at the laite on Sunday. Edward Conrad, daputy aheriff, was aummoned to Loon Li^e et 3 oclocit Bundey, and he preai._led over the ta- quest, the jury returning a verdict ahowlng that Cohha' death waa an ac. cident, and that no bleme could be attached to Fred Rohmer, a campan- Ion, who wa ltbhlm et the dîme of death. According to the teatlmony of Roh- mer, the two young Chicago men were returning from Antlnch. and had afepped ln a rowboat, ln which they propoeed to row acroan Loon Lake. Cobbs, ln trylng to iight hie pipe, Imened over ta wlndward. and ha pitched forwerd Into the water. The boat wen cepsized. and Rohmer w:a pltched Into the water. He aucceedd ln aavlng himneif, and claimas that Cobba neyer came to the aurface of the water. He waa taken fram the water by three men in an unconaclous condition. and for three or four days spent a great part of hie ime diving ln sarch ot hie compenlona body. NORTON FLOOD- DANIEL FROHMAN PRESENTS The PORT 0F. DOOM A Marine Dêtective Draia, witb Laura Saw3'er. A thrit- ling mystery of the sea. Written and directed by J. Searle Dawley. Prodiiecîl hy thd Famoliks Players Filini Co. Lyric Theatre, Friday, September 3rd SANIEII OLD PRICE Daniel Frohman presents the popular dramatic romance WINS TuE EiOLD " TUIE BETTER MAN"9 M«DALCONTIST Noron lod wn he ol mealBy Rev. Cyrus Townsenis Brady, L. L. D., with William et the county oratorical content lu the Courtleigh. Pro,(lced by the Fautons Players Filin Co>. Gnrnee church Suuday nlght under the auspices af the W. C. T. U. The contestanta were: Norton Flood Gurnee. MarJonle Flood, Ournee. Walter Kennedy, Wauiegau. Jenule Harris, Wauiegan. The content was arranged b>' Mr@. J. A. Sprlng of Waniegan. Thare were elght contestants when the con' test wasa 'arrnged b>' ont>' four were able ta fake part. It was necesary . . fo secure Permission tram the hlghar S 8 officers of the W. C. T. U. Thia per- mission waa granted. Deepite the coolnesa the attendance was representatîve. Those who con- tested aIl have wan iver medals. "Runis Tragedies" waa the subject teken b>' Flood n givlng the winulng oration. NOTICE Haviug sold m ni>tueesot lu the ber- field PIsrdware LX. i wiiî oopu a tin sbop diag ail kinda ai pstelh wark. Gutter baging sud espheit roofiug nmy sPecialty. Prompt servires Rosa R. Sherma, Bah V. Deerfild, 11I. 50'-] Tha Indemedent be ai l. I Lyrkc Cheatre, Cwesddy, Sept.7tb ýSAME OILD PRICE Mooly Cow vs. Husband Je thsReasonin oical ? Once upon a time a wornan said to lier hueband, 1 John, there ie so inuch hoof and mouthl disease in these parts now 1 wish you would get 'Old Brindie' insured, for ehe would be such a lo@s if .èhe should happen to conneet with it" 1John agreed wit b ler and at once huuted up au agent and secured the protection of a policy in a livo-stock company on Brindle's lite, *nd hie acted wiseey. Hie wife fond great fault with the agent because lie wonld not grant $50 ineuraîîce on a $60 cow. The cow would make $85 per year for the famIly and buoinese policy demanded insurance for them on the cow. Some time afterward John was holding the baby and reading the Inde- pendent. He was feeling pretty well pleamed with himsesf for getting old Brin- die insured wben he read til advertieement and was etartled by a voice which said, -What if the drcaded hoof-and-nouth disease took a bat at yon?" This led him to think of Life Iusurance and lie got to thinking. 'lHere I've ineured my nooly cow against disease, why not fisure my life againat death?" He called hie wife la and proposed that le take some life insurance for ber protec- tion as well as the baby's but she said, -No siree Bob" and John did not meure bis life. la olher words anid plein English she told poor old John Me did flot consider him as important to bis tamil as a moolg cow. THE TIME TO ACT IS NOWII! Any other business can better afford to wait. Write to your Michigan Life Agent t6-day.. 1 Yours truly JOHN HODGE District Manager AREA ILLINOIS U4e pie stock e mouith 1 Lumber I Cati an TO S Duning wiIl giv each 5-c The bo3 cavers f the firet presentt content Save thi Tablets ~DRI TM school YOM§ Chuireh 5Vew-s An. FOI WDM"EDA FFROM - LOCAL - CHURCHES LOON L Mm eonple st Ami Dewl spenitt Mitchel Aiber tion as Cash motore Mouda., L. A. paut vir Misa' Geno. Liai left Mni wlll be 1 <jet y, s tore ai o ur add Wm. week viý Richard Agatha ' (rayola Parker. Ch». Scholt.' ta Chic geme ai Job. a Bunday John Ti J. T. week y, Beloit, lire. i trom a Bervar. on ber Weldeh Mr. ai their il s'Peodin: hom l'aui day and fritendw son, lChe day. of and frie! Amuni . J. ~ wi Wightnï and L" movsd t getional lirait are spen E8. Ad The Se in Grays day was vely coq si sted of wbhh apeakero addireSe veteran quartet aie eelec meeting followed the gras gave a conditloi The rn throngh hy the cesalone the Cou Sreport a wami clos wltb a 14 Cali on r d 'y ýn )f id >h e- id à, le or

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