.A~ 'I ..~ - IN»EE'N;EN*To FERKLY -.SUN w ~w DISEAUè in the otheW PROMINENT MEN VISIT. Many Menon f eRpti. a LibortyvilleW.uus » WlUt 15 YtetDBlb55 votsig un- 4fr lhs &mecja Dr.'A. y. CÇ0-0« of $Llieâaola pullegt te VSul o cx. - 9 in a agtorbg tbiqIfwt 1 bode of Laie caituty ectpmvi svlue là a menuerthtat bries, SpatU imesdation because of t» 11r . a.a» s itI vhlcb ho le aiaIg ~to tii. big tank. Xi. Camper le living at a IqW ilu Lhbertyville and urges &il farueg> t omi.l hlm by telephone, lbgWlU* 123, as bon as tiey noticohia UAUY OPI3N Annual Convention of Stato Union WHII BHoid ln Wau- ýeç;an Sept. 29-Oct. 1. ARRANGING DETAH..S Now. Reports- Are That Me~ Convent- ion WiII Be tb. Largos in Hîstory of Association. Waukegau amd. tbe tr out membera of t9" W., C. T. U. are ai- tesdy maklng plama mluaanNge- meula for the Mtate W. C. T. U. Sou veution tu ha beld in Waulkegnu, September 2&October 1. Tii. Otst formai anuounements of t.e local Planascame vben It vas atated tiat a bit banQuet iield lu the. WaukoManarimary ou the.eveulng of September 28 viii formally open the. big state convention. This viii ha la Utc nature or a velcome tu the 300 or more delemtes vho are exrected E *ake. a Sk of .sld eb givva defrudant 'e naind et Bill ut )ms there- -t agola.st meturnable the. Circuit Ml Bt the said Lake of (>rtober luired sud Y, Cleut îith A2. t). M iII..r, f7 Sp. 32 Lake. e.. Y. nown h.îr@ 01) Gutzkr, nete of or t 37% rodâ North 60 rter of the. 25, Town- last of the. la LaIt. ibuing been wrI of salit îtaby Rlven 1 nuknowa a.aed Cont. e. Bill of te Chaucary non@ t11ere- trt avalnet ,roenuabia, 1 the. Circuit Wed ami the. i ould Ledo rof October quirel aMd 'a&y, Cierirk [Ota, #À. D. .Miller. i soliettor. 0.27 Sept. -3 «®er ClE jy. Octaea *1 List of 14-,e County.Fourmso0Far, Vislte4é by the Pederal State QuiratItne Went on Up to Wedue.u lnîlât 317 head of Cattle =4 S rngshave, egm, elaugbtered undor the 50w federai-â tatatioMm whch vas put lt. OMPo ation AugU 8.Wla a. sovu the. at of farnera affee4ed. tibe of heaU kdIIed and th dates ot mme as veli asu tedate viie L. vas dieceted: Name of Ovuer. Catt le. Huo,.. Seep KiIled. Dta'fort, Henry BchIler ................1 4 - . tg Aut lé p. Ken..................... a 5 Ans. 25 Ang. SI H. E. (lean............ 2 Aus. 25 »Ai S W. M, Wright ............4 Aug.26 Apt. R. B. Swft ....>............ 'AUg. 26 John m5!iAiimiID..............i 2 Aug. 26 eu&, Edvard Kelly .................I' Ans. si Aut. Henry IL Schtoede ............. 22 17 Aq. 29 Aug. Bert..»sat..................... 14 50 Aut. 24 Chas. stanelifeé............... 26 1 Aug. 26 LFP.Kruger ................. 21 17 1 Aug.28 Alftred gtauclife ...............1 Aug. 37 Frank Tully.............. -..... 36 Aug. ;7 John Tulley.............. AUg. 27 C. C. Gerbert.........2 *Aq. 27 Au. Emmiott Gleaen.......... .. 2 Aug. 2~ Aug. 1S 9. 8. 010B1 .............. 1 AuS. 1 Ans. Ed. Gleason................... 9 15 Ang. 28 FTUIk IL route ................. 6 6 AUg. 29 Sept. - F'red Holatein ................1 AUt. 28 Waf lGemmIO .................. 3 Aug. 2Q Vrd -Sciircder ...............il Aug. 28 C. S. Urague ................. 2 Aug. 28 8. H. Gunder.................. 4 73 AU. 211 Jo Ciiek..................... 2 Aug.29 Henry Realuke ................ 24' 18s Aug. 30 A. J. Raupp.................4 A.3 WQJall iiugh........ ..1 25Ans. i0 Ptmf~imcnd . go J.Ll"............25 93 Ag8 AUMti Cleuat ................ 17 Aut. il Wm. Bd*&*@................. Il AUs. 31 P. J. a ....................10e sept. 1 J. Ir=....................... 4 sept. 1 Albert S51*1.................. 4 sept. 1 Micliml KIouli................ 2 sept. 1 Peter Blevers ................. 4 Sept. 1 Ch»i. Fout................... 2 sept. 1 Henry Schroeder ............... 2 sept. 1 Ed. Goodin .................I11 Sept. 1 C. fimmi....................... 2 sept. 1 Frank Haben.................. 1 AUg. 31 .....ul ................... 90 6 E.3. Kennedy ...... 3 W. Scher ..................... 21 J. A. Christ....................... 3 sept. 1 sept. 1 J. W. Coopuer.................. 31 45 Toteas......... ......... 489 384 1 1 guet. Iu ail up to atel.489 head of Cattle and 384hogs have been affeot# ln the. quamatned district. Ely, FARNSWOffI Prof. Janm Farnsworth Who Diodug. 20, Was a Lake Conty Instruotor. HONORED BY CHICAGOANS. Reognlzod as One of the Bs Mon In His Uine-Pro min, Mun at the Funerak. Prefeasor Jantes Birney -Frus- vortb. eus 0f our nid sud muol -en tc.med citisens. passed avay Prldpy1 iat, Augut 20, st hîs honte, 802 Ntorth'Kemuetti avenue. COcgo. -: Wbule lisgenoal health hat ýbeu: taillasnghralualiy *ltii dvqalnge yeam s. lia hUtas sudîe cd Ba. a ahock 21 bisrelatives aundfricie Mr i. N'atnsvttias active- nul Wedneedir. lut about 6 odé"ci ta becasie verse and veut te, bel, Sgras!- ual17 groving veaker sud .linaUrIWe Iug conseloums an sd no ale»t qui etiy, 9peafllyavay. Rie fl rd teel is taillng leslti, but witb is usuai braveif sd acel tIe eud anIdd flcot give uP itatll ISTOIEtCE Antiooh Township Joins Rank, Wlth Waukegan and Deet'. field-Townships. ASK FOR BIOS IN THIS CITY.- Two Waukogan Contraot"p 1Roquostod 10 Submlt Bid-.t to Complote'This FaH.i Aitiocii le te have a township i5 achool. Tii. mouay forthUt.bulding 4os" been approprated. and. accrdlng reporte, the building viiib. oue ed betore théetiret day c et up, Two Waukegau contracter, inteuilto, suimit bld., and, acordflu te thely, reporte, the cost cf tie building 4111 arinlt t tapproilmately 430iô.00 Tii. building viilbe a once structure vitIlbaentent.A_ vii occpy ii conter 0f tbc4Irl. lui; and. BcorilUte reporta tecqly4 1 on Weduesduy, tue bildls iau bo, O5e 0f the Most beuiful1a4 IliiT publile buldingsevérer oeo9 At tus bour lIcelIit eschoof dents of Anilocl are bonseel lu Te, k0n -tie City, aia " t h Mfg course at Atn*-à lêt rm"ue t fle vlilalnust ot l 0E IAN IAS TO BUSINESS MEN'S ASÇI TION HOLDS ME XI'ÀTflDLAKE Co. WHICH UNLMRg. PORT IS PO 'I9Ait' VEIY DAY CERS IN HEL N 'F-ft , U TO:,FAR MESTA ~Tils Lono Ban Has to Roman SORD E IT O- on the, Fai Gr"ud Eaoh ETEDED THÉ# Day TtmuItêW.~ ING, CLEARINQO0FS ~ ATION. Tbc ubertyvlllelupterneit.Au. If This.Procaution Wore 'Mot. Sou btIl Iu Uiidt"t*kfl 189e Takn Stato Ams. Woul hehosddWMMFW»LU U W la Witbhold Its Assitance. .gualg t lie Vertsage.. n umber ofpeb ave bea u u ssas lU ent«A", IbtY' p!.aied for a tesson a mmi vende *M- epropOr, the buda*Bi 'ND' fOt "y daily tte ifait ground a lu1 m)bo aitby M WMe.î Mâ ft.* o~ upebummu gwt te. opwff7 whMtvvlerei.the Leke eeity 0ontWoreît rembéUbestl$.& hIe vute have beau beld tuts ve*. TM» are two ftMrptu- etOWfrBv efpa tili. tiiie mu le sot content 1sbip vbére t.eboft Md month. du- ý iqeriy paying a vlettath-e ti b5u115 1.i md. bat ét c pq$bft but bang.*round thers- ail j la muIes t B. *-long. some Urnes it le ose '414 soas-Ieiliort Wini be pe u om te itêl ft 1. luotiier.-bot esilt and et"p It at once. "a remis there &U1 dey. . <do4i.dthlpalthi .43 Biret t vas tbongbt tht the. spob. vbeee pla c av mlS ala' »Uo va. someone vbo -perlips lad, bqe umbtor e*eg4$pvi oegted te lBarn tlat the. faitr1b&4 odbIBiiy 104 e Pmco abaudoued tiis rear on acoat Ï.ly ai vi eauv li. ste prevýaleuce of the fot âd.as fursumiua gmme luaIqge enutb, dise»se:but thle explaitation fo« ivmy fBii«tla, 41. ýqm14 *02 musc.ilfsaubwonvee Uttry, 2 t ueinla dp î sSi'mBdr os '~Wyst.bov verwq, that *J ý , t,*ý7"sipe eplmtlon ft.b ti &#tpkoo0. The sMate fair a ~ ~*but t'iatisut~ ;p"tiates a certain ainougit pr4uc* vi..'Whou a -' 22 e3od ýè f7 ;. 1e ieComuay ftlr qeqo'.~ inea hforsuit eoàiI ILo.teua ste belp Muet. my icî.let. qsae.But t@provison, le msde Teodo .3heliM seWael eoes uet b. ount. gtop pqp' dar cf te fair If t.efaitr M> ~ csetu1ý) 4 la t e t. uallf"ehsi r. 't 'a' _______ MMgstd ttIf tIare vas not a ma,"c> Sgrounila euhi day t.efair "se> *c-tlon vould not be eutltled te rs'- cq3vç sy aid nert yeet. Ny bavingý Son Lthe. grnda cmch day tIfs u ir mietvea. have Pm-. IiIA Tbec.mus vho bas beau sent toei._ __ "a ood euhb day bas lsd litis . ~usaitul. Tii. ocu i uulg 1.HgWa«y CcPNMmI Oe clldo vas te vauder about tIc 'audwjvan ý hLB - = o aud voiler loy tltes jpl1.0ok. if the exhtbîte ver*.àail ~~lm thle M e'itlcy bave he* ~kO tfrous Nelvidere are to tbf dultist the N ouensutr fait lI to 0 . bikt Ibis veci vi» le tii sboes ui tbsbem tla is one oftce principal reasont as- 4Qoil dlu that the Laie county fai us io Cali ofand ton lbubecu sunt4t oaf fehbite aid attractions £I~otiervie. voul bave gonLe to Ci Llrcrtyvlile fair. The racing arc u said to le unusualiy good. Aeording te cabies frontRorne. ë"p6 4pBptt' anxlety over the var "eh"~515 sucit a point that le la gse#%d enufers front inscmus. '~la*tkueln bis cudeavors te, 06 ite boror ftii. coullot J~about a situaticu viiere bis bi ave norne chance ct Tepostif 1,117 recettes a' pïgýumber of reports coucemn VrWbilecouplicgas et Grayilaif. pçol Naines, of Waukegba, a brake. I oaa on tue Soc line. vas palfufly IIJui5dabout the beail aid body. MIII *01,b >ecosfiied ta bis home for mcv- days. jItue 1 it wMbe upported bytieu «U eetion or the toflablit lh ad ustoat Autiocit mas t otr.w III have tbree mou, 6p- - WéKNet oiaIt Momw - tw 'Agim ci .iN vlant Diesie. &A'o. lt UP Ss, a lite-long vemideut cftUq»siÏg a"d vlcluity, droppeldut Onk üy tuds moretg tow i,:8* 0 le -laiifmatlulte ISIrOlO 4 la Cuba, tevuehp.'IbiU, W4 point about kS amile. I e> tesn aud clofe te the borne cf eorth Kir ser. u .,D td beclu-a bl*va,coU." eelr.4 th svrlo1,Mes lw éweea id ta hbaulta»mter tb iàml~u vIe l.aéattké"W< me vînrk "Mol. N h*e' dluto IM Mdal-s«< vue duW4 steee. misrmadlu e tle vi Bt »" w1 ibsunneiuoda, ce i buffteu t. Pur a, umber cfyors leM. Diieke aa farmer, bot cave u I.. Ii. m to b. a teatUtel ib à* Wum4 eted iilhl esuiifmu-U àbeau follovlng 811e inleu.gv- 84uce. mor'ssma ne seho b"ad Bot mi. voeUl andlllad bcia liIcbg 8 rt trouble. Tbue omff ls-0 vid te bave causeil s ie. 8 »emLa %bvut m$. ,ifiý- mona-n I~ 41 - - .~l ~ fr~ ~. -N 0$-- el Fei F m o il lae .Blt ide. tu a'p tiesamIot tueir cotle. - from 1ail p ttec t.sa vrttn te bis.Blter, lMra. T. "Co>operatton" la the. vord "s to At the. banquet Mt. ~Magi vîl .- "meo. vif. crthe ceunty au- stamp out te iseae. Wb" , -the eam. thei. as elunten-me ofte len% of sch.ole. telle of the. soverarent Intauds te WNvt 09 2cfCommercial Club.,!Mr. .Watterbury lu i tortm that sveptIrez"a Bfevtetine country hat-o. t bW lehaf of the'minlaters' aociation. Mo. White lo suffred nmnte.à footuold as it bas ta'uop Mr. Gobrecht ferte Y. M. C. A. and lrn the storinhoegvas mucu lDr. àHarola th e UcfdW, - qv r.Ms. oda malt.rsie. ortunaMeuUt.i iiuudredano ,orenal téà anres f th- meut mu belpinâ BpIIM s9. . seting the peopie.througb te proe. la orderel Bagterel"d a1»-. Q V. Tii..day sesleasM tii.caeut lo litter. cmting m w8ly thé POr» MNstU f l fIbertyviIe,11, Igý. vil!hoh olu la theNptlt'iurc iaid obibual o = .i.: sus la the lutereet he tobp - u*lIe0evunig aesBiom a thà a5mmr. -- i "RUBIOD. TeKa. two metsverktoslu, la *sfr$1-j2lu Ioexpeetiehtte .cove*tlon -Autat , 1915. inz. aOm Nltiier eos; aIgue'plt- - Wiinprove Utc largeut ever blid by lite:out t e ct et Ut.theotbv.1b - * t e tate association, accordlnsgto moue y« hare b9en rtlasn r. Patrick Chaaley. caIffl ef predlctious made by officere .of the. the *bbma' ve hZ a ovubi the liv. stock bureau at 8r~gl organisation. Accordlngly, Waukegmn y.- It playcd b&voc wtb thingu aid Dr. 3. S. Jeumleiou of Chope.,la ebould mû. ail plans to have the. Mly. Wbeu the air gete up and charge ofte satinrestate asuippc. ç omen feei velcome and do ail it trand 121: Miletu heur YOu tor. Dr. LEUuahBrNovu,. 5.021V pp> a tumai.e histay pieBut. situe vbate lelug. W. blidIt ber eortii. state Un s toc bcl. sUd boer or btter for more thon Dr. U. S. Houck. direct e ap-WA ne i. l me of lifte lau bing U trof the. bureau of alailVOr A <UST ,vW 5, i IcI. 1I t110k te putte lou ai tet W«hugtos. .1.C.. arrivoil i Àb- r Gulveto sud triuaty wa- ertyville ou W.dnesday te loo ai DEORIESLOW R IN roulI b.oceiervBtlve. Gaives- thesituation sud preventative PoIs ae * ran gegsutlai Offlcai Quarentine NotIop. Theyp'4lg a bol utead rol the Here is the offcMi aigqe pe- AVE RMi JY IPAST i vtbo.t ldaeîtylng it viiete- Uce vhlcl ashows thi ederafl -q iel a" 1M - meut sitlibasut.equarantluhWcU IRcrdonp i ni n7 latreet linIHouston . vasa BLa, county vety flrmly: etrRcodKe aAni 1Tcou blav doentin every di--. 8 . Drpt. of Agriculture. PUgqau och Show Atgusi 10 Havo LIt bas beauetimated that of Animal lndnetry. LcolBonRedd mshr chieys are dovu tn Houston 1 Offie. Be ec- mahr Net a'bous or businessPlace --To Dr. A. M. C&sher, micndtelissage- We pu t l instoir la Cbarge. ONLY FIVE CLEAR DAYS. ef ceunie. 1 guese $110 te $135 PI sofy transporftton-oin. -1 - ih tic ut totalof Our topi.. parties. nevupapeta, and irtei O ffcii eather reports as kept tby ymmd bsl>y "mrdo"u utCap. porsoutt lourstation thait t»A.Mç.the faderai reitreuUtive. 19 C. - du"r véeht. '17tberni On-t tretary, of agricuiture bu.,tV- James. at Antiocb. show that AUnegt store tue t oin-if theqi-badib'tAm«cimt 19 teuJB. A. 1L=Itd a vvsageci seveu degreeg b.ivrthe av. M5 Ospien (Wu) 11on B Pin* g effecrttive Auguat 30, 115Smffl aueAugut and viti azarleue 0 miles« long. 'fle lJust the. fot aid montiidiseue WM titder storma tui t .heaveruge Au- uese lef t ou tue penlueula. Th iite sa"i restrictions ln the g. oWngluet. Thonre ere but ave clear daye Mat tiey veclun bau vandebl. particulm. :la the entire mutu. ttely,- md abeouteiy gog.. "Illinisl: .The. quaratin, if entim . Data thus Test aud baci te 1902 Sluet twa trae, e.ail our, fatiealy remeved trois the conatIw of #ërashows thus«fgartes: l@va. the fiante servait boie and -Hnry, sud& fer thebe OOP$W0:c uut 91.ama a 5 bock yard la tvised suad leâu- Bureu ted Warren It 1s relsqila the. iti. Coldeat daY 46 above ou ete lu fmons tover of P"u ares t e t, territerelyl «~ the Brd. Average temperature 67.67. eres lardY a. lest loftt onatireues of sacli of lI pjpyr1lTotal minuit !4.30. kHouston. Soi rin iueveere tOwualuIp sections cct0aDU g m5p August, 1914-Warmeet day 97 on eut for unsand tuen lu cou premises. The qastna <fthe Sth. Coldst day 48 above ounte bi d~aug. tetor decot th 1e couities cf cS% k, "d ' idMc- 5tii. Average temperature 71.38. !t.t t5atî outtuest tm -of IDouougii rnteu uhapê Ralotal 1.87. t fo 21.fia, ved doe "u "A D. E*i.- August, 1913-WaMsest daY 10o colore. - "Cmdetf- ouI te iffl. <oldeat day 4 on tha 5h. s -ettins tiliga ewalgiitenu _________ Average tempetaturer 70.07. Nalufali Ne ilorm viii help ratier than -Amngtii.,. vho &are, M te .81 taches. Housteonuontii. viole. The leave Wsukam on daêlé, ,uust. 191.-Warrnest day 95 on le iloutoi. luet beconting a uting theitoa It qOtch.1 .1Coldeat day 44 above onWthe rt vu tue ouiy seBport onuth cuit Judge Claire Edvuwat" &~p th. Average temperature 68.38. 'thst coul do busines.atter Attorney lEelpiiDady. Ralunfali224 luche.., bors. Tbat's a gut boogt for States Itoney N. . ,,ugnst. i911-Warnteet day 94 on À mugt te goslong way to- Chi Frd0f th IQ c the. sti. Çolîet ay 43aov onthe isntmig aiy capital Ie5ded phione Nos, oby. Nul 4 32. Average tentzerature 69.38. R utton an iq r. laueo g.Ianal57 niu *~ Ia 117pu On viI ~ te pus t NotuDelota.w p~V. ,Autunt, 1910-Warntest daY 95 ons Fe ote iofn ie.during thé Claim cf Highlad Park thema d. ndColdeit day 47 sbore on st Mirm ou record l tit the Gov. Elvard P Dnnn, t#Ii. DUt Average tempDeisture 71-1.1 1- tets. eye aie. tean"inede" report trmPOtaI ralutaili3.16 luches. b* bureau begau keepsg e- I hob a candidat. fer - - Aulttt 190-Warmeit dey 95 on hbs a"bting li1re i eau e-next Far. The sanie the 811. Coldeut daY 46 on tha e tu 4 Hatms h» 'te thir theintenion« cetbat tii. Avratge temperatute 72.61. Total salure ro~ la l theeut» lloAds bavaeurmace tiats ' faplil6.6à luches. Tiiq l.~iW.poit f brOli-Moosts stata ticket vinb hoAga. 98Wanetda 7o vet ocf vInl, and bourg tsfiel n. m h. ort -to t, ua rd. Coldeut day 43 aliove ot att.M tmÙOTest Itepub»icm vote BSlois u '~ thé. 3411. Average tinipeisture 6947. . lis.. ftyb Ià .- * < «Mlael pego hua- a Bas" e v. l'nne, Ana ottIe Tonne, end Louise &vit bavlng CîstIt of said areby gIven mIaule that ants beteto-' ,Lnt lu mid ýId. titereof, upon fisued t the. above kiei on thie ,ilealr Court ,t the Court .ake Couuty tcber A. D - - aud wbÏich way, Cierkr 24th A. D. 1. Millet, e Solcitor. 20.27 Sept. 8