CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Sep 1915, p. 12

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1i Avon townshiip, for a nominal, colt- tor section St froin BerUm A sk#ej sldoration. The revenue stsrnpb on and Verni Meyer for a nominal 'cou- thie 50.5 shoving It te h. around slderatlob. $12.000. 1lIn Mghland Park *mn. Dorc'. and MOEM Y fIln Zon City F'rank 0. Mddy bought Leopold Kinoît houglit a lot on Hlgh. the nortii acre of lot .9iIn Coles Bub- vood avenue, near Boom set, frorn division from Bessie Hughes for a Kail Barnicliol for 41.07î. indiatins re %bY Aren't. nominal consîderatlon. Henry P. Baiyards hought fror the. Bën.eln-Trnf s Run lu Lbertyville Harriet C. Grldley1 receiver of the C. a M. Blec. I. IL UP th fe Ave98g. sold-a lot on Elm court teo . carroil. Co. a loti-on Rllwoay avenue, soth Gridloy sud race Grldley for a nom- !,of Mrahina streét, for $1,000. BUSINESS RAllIER au IET. inal eciidOiatlofl. 1 lu Waukoga Louis farter bougiit Jacob Beltiol and Jacob Beltzel Jr.. a lot on Groonvood a&iiuue from Mrn. Busines of the. recoreo office ach beougât a lot at Broadway and Elglo Plucher for a qoiinal' consld- for' the wOOk eudlng September 4, Flfth strsot from Dr. P. C. Kuîght Alii.P.eabs ogtrmthl 191: or $200 oaci.A .Dauinbuii rr h Number of tranefera, 73. In Lake Foreat Margaret master- Manter In Ciiancery the. Schivey Number of loins. 20. son houait a lot on McKinley rod property on ?Market atroot andShei- Total number of Instruments ftled, luI Rose 1terrace Subdivision from .daneroicipfor 81.173.Nort 33. l amount 0f loins, $3for91300. Biiore Ry. Co. couverod a road on the Tota amuntof can, $9,99.7. 1John P. Krrigan bought four lots flais, adJolnng is ritg 0f waY, to Business lias been quiet theii l Burton', Subdilvision, two on Scot the City of Waukogan for a nominal week aud loins belov the average. 1 tiTit snd two ?a Efler Breol, from cuiealn Tii. bisgest i*arm deal belng the. J. R. Burton for $6,0k00. i grti CicioJhnaSMr luNrh ..f 'i nd fr Asac fer Qur 1 ~I~C AsIX fer Our Traing l i*I, Trading Better (Goods, Be ter -Faszio ns, Bitter Service is- Wlat We Giv e You Women'9s New ]Fali Suits Spec ial '4t $10), $15 and, $25 Y OîTP'îTVî these imita and you 'Il lk»,their prie , too. First, we want 1Oto direct your attention to a lot of nicely. fashioned suits for. only $10. Net are these $15 ones, and then some at $25-at these two prices are the very finest styles, colora a nd fabrica. Let us show you. Jal Coats SpecaL *$3.98, $4o98 là $15 An excellent msort- ment' of medi weight coats in mix- tures and checks of varions colora andi al aizes. Extra 39 special at... . 9 ' Sport coats iplaids anti stripeti chinchil- las anti heavy nix- tures. Every one is a ,really yonderfuI val1- ue at the spe- A9 cial price of. 0e. iFere is a great lot of fine velvet eorduroys andi bandsome -mix- turesi a number of new beltet imodela. Ail colors, speclal at . $10.0 anti........$1 1.00 anfd 1.25 Corsets 89c' Igirts to 10.00- for. 4.69 For Saturday anti Mon day only we will offer Our regular $1 anti $1.25 corsets at only 89e. Positively the greatest corset values ini town. 75e Uaien Sait% 49c Women's l-o n gor short aleeve union suita; sel regularly, at 75c,. for the42 two da...... .2 New, new, ncw, is written ail over tliese hantisome skirta of silk mes- malines, plaids and serges; prett styles we ever seen- 6 only .................40 1.00 49c Think of it! Tliese cover-all aprons ai lesg than haîf price, every one is a good $1 value. 4 .009Sw.atus LU8 Women's anti miodes' sweaters, inelucilng. extra 1io n g&te sweaters in whiqn all color-. at .......... $100 Wooleu &viTs, 169-Besides 'being a special value, these s<erfs are the very latest mrations. They are shown in ail colora and combinations. WouieWs flouse and..Stre "A Sale Wfthout au EquLal"--Positively the'greateat ever offered i or near Wshkegan.- Look at these fine dresses i the most want- ed fabrfes andi dozens of pretty patterns that ordinarily you would have to Pay to $3.98 for. Tlaere arcernanr- house dresses as weil as good-looking wash dresses for street wear. $pecià4 W, Wosk on the nov North achool la proa'eIWA apldly. Borne one bas pfoggge# OQtithe. nov building ho nDee 4he Sheridan schooi, becaus It lïlOomttd'on Sheridan road. 'kea MUofflreturned Baturdayoes- 1 bna f1111 à»an uCity, Colo.. viere ho hms bogi uqdng hie Vacation viii Ihi. ai ter. Miss Marne Moore and irns. Chrono.e Baker. He reports Urs. Baker as muchIlmproved la hm 1U4 1,. M. #ad Mis. carli Sayler togetheri vltb Mr. sud Mr.. Don iSayler attend.1 e4 tiir eveung performance of "The. OnW irl" at the. Garrick Monday ovi4. paioylug an aM tonthoaten, scp$* Si $#0College Inn later. Tiioy vWemoiiing Mn,. carl Uapler'a h8nwüt*x I 7ttoàds or t is. James Siyler iisveý bOI renler that thoy are nloely se in'l their nov home in the city fmd have fonnd time to do sme sight seng 'dnrlng the. past veek. Boum te I<r, sud lis. Henry Braasci on Tugsmday niorning a baby boy. , ns ,. W. T. Nelson, vlth ber son Geore.aid daughter Marilon, retunned lite Moday ovenlng front their sum- >bcatlon ."In Virglia. Mns. Nol o's *1Mt*asud niece retiernoil iti tiu '.411ii visit la North Chidao for a tii day*. Tb,*,Noruli school I. nov lilled toý oventowlng. Tvo hundred sud thir- ty.lvo 0.rolied yestendiy. Tisie the. lsysoot enrolîment iu the. ilsiory of t,#eihool aud le 60 more than i vas a yecn ago at ibis Urne. Thon. ane s nuuber yet expected te, conte jàand11 If th07 do. ouiier roomi vill bave te beo 5rovided. Work on the. nvbuilding o!lll b. rusheS sud It la hoped it yuIl .be ready iiefoçe the. sool p~slasover. Ufr. and Mi'.. .8. Cook and farnlly are sau m .la eve North Chicago. Mr. Q4oh '.11l go'to WIaconslu for a short visIt viti bis mon. and Mss. Cook and ton vii go lmmodiitely t4i Texs iere the fsaiily vii mii. their fu- ture bouts. HarryFawIey. Traveling ?Man, H iaadquuerm OeDr- Ing Stay n Waukogan. 15 TAKEN BY THE -POLICE. Polic Chiet Powel Offers to !'yBdi f- Teun, NiSkip AOpo thousau im te rornhome, sud v tiiot uMaient capital tu psy for bie board and Wiot& Hanry, Pavley, à ay tCf ltuecticut, vas thrown on ticmrey of the. police Wednesdiy ia Wiuiogsa hoééi keeper IwoV beazu ilvisajamo for a veek sud Jcanai je ent12ont of hlm. Ne* biS botter luvesilgto," sud the êsur et..ithe ipiol. - 1Wley vua talion to the. police sta- tion viore lietolS 2hi5story. «I-rn tom Connecticut, snd for the. lat18 monthisikvo beau. selllng a !,s" preparation ou a commilaio 1 am alioved au exoonse x o f $17 a wee., but thie Min- Si Wafinm u hi. agleeted to senS lii. sapons. rnoney. 1 wired ilsu hthave not liaS a yard fromtthe liueln a «oeIL .Wh.n I gel ithe rnou.y. I yl cetiinly psythie bill 1 ovg.-' The police Chieti examind isi.etf tgots and tonuS thât ho vau a sciool 40éobsi' by praoeuion. Aiuong his esvsfouani-a recénimendaliou M ..the tek"hoard of hlm home, ý«l ho skias out and dont psy ils a ptt£ ,l1"MiMS-Police Chiot(Gorase "Au rigit, ho cmnstar ai the hotel #,Mptit if blic tzta 2," replil e 'là. 00,o0f tiq IslmSet the. West fuW bo meSi" hoefci» vtF iii 8sfl fit * $"fr Cway jeud e mam" r rutihta Unit o tu... Gres (ivenwith 3 àà.gs-sj each 10e purehase- uo Dre3s-es for the S' olGrl. Cleer ewStyles, 69C te $5.73 Ilere arc dresses that wil pleasc 'the young la- dies' faney, andi they are ail moderatoly priceti, too. 'Made in mainy fetching styles, of gihghams, Percales, galateas and serges ini pleaming patterns and colorings -trilfhluod ice-v attractive ly; 2 to 16 years. Exceptionally p styles, neatly îuadi tractive plaids; thtreadily sedi fo speeial at 69e. Saleof Thursday Duciies or Weatbs MONEY-White Cbov- orioney; -fnB «à nection for .6O *AKIED BA-E PEAS-M)onancliTele- vhone;.seot and.tea- der; tvo aun#< IZ..or .... 25C r e t t y At New wodela in thÉ plaited le of at- and long. waisted effects, dresses mnade «< plaid ginflbars in, ir $1.00; the- prettiest -oz, colora, Parents who outfit their e*Stîld peea fo bosa Rbis kb c n -any, choice made- auderable money aheati, as oui-r î pes values are without an equal. e - These suits. arc splendidly Mp*o ase Stailoredi in thie Norfolk style of MAde- froni a flne W Scotch niixturps *id fancy iy ,.i< piîîow caksimeres; full knicker trous- tubig andi stam>-, ers; ages 6 to 17 years; ipeial, ýd 'li nee design $3 95* ,B roum_ foj' eiubroid-00 Boys' Kntckr Trouaers Serviceable trousers for school r$gp r wear; uovelty mixtures in S*' OSl V greys, blues anti browns u 'U#@ê»4uO1( TOWIEL& -6 to 17 years.. ...i7 ~ ~ n Specl&lsinathe Pure Fraak's Npaîtr&s b25 bouquet.sud varlo».oia oeiicq 1B ia,.O hi u four difforeut klnds; per keyed Un.... ,,mWpar en al.c SI4REDDED WHEAT- - Presi sirodded vwheat biscita;lc per packsge.. i NAVY, *EANS.-i<ad picked; 5 lbn.. apectl ifor ..2 TOMAT0 - m a rco0. moud waced torntou. Por'can 1kc; or25 2 cans for ..25 SAàNDINES&-Inona ksyed tins .pe- 5 cwa for ... 5 et quid sinot, pot&- le.. Raur sud map Bot. ucluded.) N.ewotngFlanels Ale Spca=ff cril of several toaniyards of firmj quility -outing flannel in a splendid assortment of stripes anti cheeks; 27 inches wide; yard.......J 6c Apron Ging bais - Standard quality of apron gingham in staple blue checks; fast col6 ors; special at, yard ...... 6c CHEESE CLOTH - TOWELINC - Bleaeh. Regalarn6k qualýty 0f od cotton dih tovel- unileached cheease ina; good vldth; tast elth yrdvde;3c oSe;, espe- FAUCUTS - *Vade. ____________ yeflov ins; vili nft INK TAULIETS-4Good ý6*x76-ixieh cotton SieeC- grade Palir; ruledS or; blankets, with ago umfr. ...7cç penap; ¶ey, tan an&,, P&N CIL TABLETS- whtwt tm puxtna iiici; mua bordera; exceptionalj brio*, 7e;. Speci' té values at, Pa> ...... ai ............. ICHOOL BOCK CASES - Bisai or hrowu fibre; reoo- oS cornr; j>i'. frI- -14 or l-Inc sue.- 81.48 aud.-$1.79 5 â *AD - IRONS--Sflofut hlahly SseSff; ooni- **te* iau*.. 1175. flore is a quality o afeasl that you cam thoroughly roW upow." it ig#o uit toar, rip Or break. Itlta not qjytéq a 'l srvico. tut hama rîchuesa or finih Ont la stqpasangly beautiful.* Yard vide and, ,qonin lubisai. nivy. midulgit blue' aud field greeyb gry. Uxceeptional value Ki yard. $1.00. SILl< AND WOOL POPi4Mt4# necoln 81.25'quality 1 l hîscibléoq. anrs, rens and brovus; 40 luches vide;. , u yard.................. -.. RENNANTS 0F SiLi<SýA-qloUcUctJOofy4#Ma leuatiis, including nie.sslsutuget.s ml.Ira, clos; fonmorly $100 snd I~ e Yard................... ........ mli.w] COMORTERS - fll CRI@ "SI.ANKUTS - inu ansd filleS vitk IUlerdowu blan$8ts ta j chou cotton battina; Ikoep 2h. ,lItie eoes« attractive overlga;I vrp mi "oztY; bIne, $1.50 viuesjij, I sIni MdSbm9v;QAje ai .. ...... M. FW ' jSOcvlus AH RU&HVto MIONMItAOLES- nft~ ~ Ig Mole;ult k! haijapannod or tIi- aed *d hsdlo Isedk vwm ut amyde AN44-lhomaq or <Iter'. bIsk aklui bebl ~ ...... ...... for.. ro ~1cu tug 0for, min 1 1 1

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