'LAKE CouNtv INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WtEKLY SUN w 8r5Flma15<,plI 4AIs DleevojgtdeTueday mat Goum" yCatte of Fa"ou Dary Have Dîses and Ediot le Deatti. WOMAN OWNER CRIES AS SItE HEARS SAD NEWS.. Apjý ëfDisase on the StooeSpraftAlarm -4nsuif Nord -KI edTuet- day--Othe New Cases. Thbe i$ta lfoot sud mout, diftffl ba. it the neetht dori Mr6 tom nblareis *0,000bard o le6 om Qus-Sotie tIwre Tm&s My adabigfumai ta b.Infeted with tho.disse.and stse wi#I b. talcu nt ence tg ebous h e Iiivsuabl. caIlle wàw l 6 s.urensd 5qsft y5515in 9WIis.tng, won havin asoinsm tripe abessd t. malce purchacos. The U40beaU or* considred th. fin. net Suems.ys lnu^amrca snd wJîen Mra. Dursmd vs. lforinsd of the dis. s.v.ry of th ii. dses, tears cours4d dowu ber ocee t he pictured the. iaaahtsr of bep pets. But, stoicsliy, abs accepted the neynansd ta Dr. U. F. Epple. vbo an. nonc.d the. nevs ta ber, abs replied vltii a toreed $mils: "Weil, 1 pi- suime they'll bavs ta go-end tbeY' ams such a fine lot. l'or the sake oi the community. iovsverl tiiey can- mot b. spared. Tbey eau noyer b. reiplaced. Tbsre's ut anaibor bord lute tien la the.vorld." Mrs\Dcrand'5 faom la on Shieridan rond, aItLthesorti limita ci te.Bluff. COWueatm. au il la vaiied. ls jbou brouahauthlbld. as lit etruer la recotuizedase an.ai the. liadins dalry vamsn ln the.uounitry. 0bavhxg avent ber lit, lu Ibat Vak.' Coll.ctlg fine stock bas heen ber1 The farm nov la in quarautine sud the cbms sare liai Dr. K-asper, la- cat.d at lbertyville viiera b. dl- »ec thte.vork ai tamplng out tbe dissn»snlu Lke cauuty, vill Immedi- ately order Shieridan rand barrlcaded au vas dane lu Hait DaY viciuitY vii et. diseas first appeared there. The. dia.aso Tuesday alovas dis- covered at Hat Day aunlthe fama af Louis Stee@and a man nained WaIli Stee» bad seven lnfected cava. «Lighng H-it Twlce" Tii. atsi dlsovery et Steene'. place cames as a bard blov ta hum beauseoi the. tact tiiat but -tva veekga suatb. bat iv. cavalu a OMi by b.lUg struclt by liabtutua Tii. cava vre uid, a tUne viien a Sltorm buoke. The. bolt came dovu buiht lien lu such a vay tiat tiiey ..uiillsd up on .acb otier-elI bai be.u kImed. The Steene tartn la batvesii Hat Day aud Wlieeliug, ln Lak.e coucty. fore Il o Are begli The situ soute été îDr.EBo qapt sud-1 Salnesla grave bu Thes a] Sfariera ~ state vet Dfplou,à nids kilI Ti. a isa lu Dhs".eSproadlng. ýe the efforts af lia vetari- lie dîsease seems ta la ig lu Ls'oe eounty at su L rte. SHERIFF ENDS YEAR'S CHASE FOR A MAN. Jahn goda, for viose arrest a var- Maut vws lssued a yeax aga uext mcmlii, Vas taken ln custady by the. shertif Wednesday aiter a peerae Soda la alleg.d ta, bave stolon a suit ai clties fTom sanuel lien. bars, a Tenili street merdamt. lm- mediatéiy fllavlng the allegsd tilet Jiseberg bad 'a varrant ia.otd for Sada'.eet. dada, Il a-..t 64 mysteriausly diaapp.affld. s*ml wus Dot nin WeduesdY tbat ii-leil Ltotae ticluiciies of, the. aUg1 o thie lav. The. case p.ding soniut blm vili b. cali.d tar trial belov Wil- liami e Weiss, justice ai tbé pagce, an Baturday marnlug at 10 o'clok. LaFETO SAYE ms William Bock of Diamond Lake Sfe aBig Lou Wjîep L?ébtning Hits Barn. HOOS AND HORSES DIE. At the Peril of His Own Life He Sucoeoded in Saving Two Horsos From Death. At the peril of bis ovu lite William Bock, a fariner ýresldlug iOautmis north af Dtamand Lake, aaved tva barse. froin deatii by creiuatiUm t 2 a'clock Wednesday morniug. isi bit barnas, vbici ver. atruk be ligbtaint, vers burued ta tiie uround and bis losa ls entimiatdd at upwas ar $6,60. Besîdes a great ousntty « %1 strav' and grain, Mr. Bock lait go bogs and tva barges vbicb ver. burned in deatb. Twa af the Sar- gest barns lu that viuity. & Re granary. a tool shed and a. mijk bomse vae sdestro yed. At 2 o'ciock Mr. Bock and bis faim bande vers awakened tram their alumbera by lhe crackllng ar Ire. Upon reacblng the farmuyard tiiey taund tbat bath barns vers onslirs, and without thought of self.prgosr,- tion tbey rusbed iothe. bqnlag buildings. Bock succeeded ta unty- log mont of the stock, but 20 hops and tiiree baises stampeded, and be tound It impassible tu led tham. trm the barns. It vas learned tiat Lthe barns iiad been struck by llgiilulug. He carried no insurance an hie equlp. ment or stock, snd but a amallipoil- c, an the. buildings.Fainmer. la the. vicinty af Prairie Vi.v n'sb.d te bis assistance, apd itiioy .uecsged la rmving the tarin dvsltg. eaU- matintaiftthe luessustaiaed by Bock Vary tram, $5,000 ta 80,0. The. Bock place la the . aId&"sa tarin and the property ilaont aiftthe veli kuavu sites ln that laaality. Tiie barn ln Question vas a laudmark as part ai it vas erected ln th@ «ary 40's. te heS »e. Bd- MSllie or de. ior de- àr. d- iRelu. 3pt S. E.1 mg beau r. rsê, ai. ont t piocos i or a»Y "4 *,- or devis- dil" "Ti- bcsor, sl bill of 2.3 sud4 S. IL4 U situtmmi ,los duý tien or givea te Otbu reb- eu, ear Me A. ]: Nid vick ML,. VRmÂAY. SEPTEMBER 10.1915. UJfRTS TO iEf T TR IBACI TAXES Dfi $70,ONOTO TOWNSU New Law, Applied te Big ES- tates Wherein Taxes Had Been Dodged Provos Suc- cessful for Taxrng Bodies. $60,000 IN SEARS ESTATE, &rst Application of the fâew Law in State Made in Lake County With Satisfying Re- SURSts tePlaintiffu. Soin, lime ago Attorneys E. Word ShUrIleif af Marengo end Martin Decer af North Chicago w.r. retalne by laxlug iodles 01 Warren, Deerffold end Waukosgs townships ta sten action befoe lies board of reviow ai Lake coun- ty 10 spply tbe new ate lew vhlcb provideo tuut estates wi.relu decedout eseaped paying taxes Uuriug liii..cen b. made la psy up for à period nuning back 10 ysaru. The estâtes Involved ln 1he sa- tion vere.: Ricard- Saurs estate. Warren aud Avon tovnsips, astîmated value, 812.000,000. Frank Demlng estate, Highland Park, estIaatei value 1500,000. Neîspu A. Steae. Waukegau, estimatei valua ai asiate, 112.000,- 000. Iu lhes Bele s .01,1.tiestr- noya vere defeslsd; n lt.eailier tvo they have won s vlctory for thee axlug boUies vhleh viii briug baek 10 the laxpayers of Warren and Deerflid somelthlng lie *7Q,000Il case they do net lmonouthes appeal. This amn tbhorr, put luqte .trea»Aurs, viii beSu reduce.-taxes for saine tIM, lu lhoeu tva tavua. Attorneys Aburtleff sud Martin Decken van a victary befara lia Lace couuty board af revlev Tuesedy lu behalf ai the. taxiug bodlas of War- ren tovuship vian lie board ruled tint Mrs. Richard Sears, vite ai the ilaii aider magnat.. muet psy loto lhe township of Warren back taxes aggregsting for tire. years the pro vaas hara ou praperty valuations ou tb. asessai value ai $4,000,000. The board rulei liai she muai psy on valuations a fllavu: 1915-111,C00,009. 1914--1,350,000. 1913--$1,216,000. Iu ail, lu the Sears estate, the at- torneys bava regaluai. providlng as passible appeal doesn't change tie statua of affaira, soaualiiug 1k, $60.- 000 tai tha township ai Warren. Tiie attorneys acted lu bebsit ai tiiese taxing bodles: The lovu af Warrern Th iiiigivays in W*'reu. Tbhe ciaais lu Warren. *Thus, by the action,. hase lhrec badil., yul gel lie maney ta bu cal- jetei on bsck taxes. 'Tbe collection ai ibis big tax menus liat the taxes lu Warren townshipi next yaar sud for noin. lime lieraten Iikely vilI h. mateni- ally reduced becausa lie possession MEÈYS W14O WON 'RY FOR-,PEOPLE IN CRUIS A BAR TO jj5M-BACK TAX. ALPCISI jjj"fOOT*MROUTli F161IT Martin C. Deoker. PERFORM REOP-W ERATIONS IN CITY 0F FUREKA, NEY. Drs. Foley and Taylor Perform Operations While Maklng a Ten-Day Stop. DR. FOLEY BROKE AN AXEL. Car WiII Be Laid Up Until New Part Can Be Received-Are on Their Return Trip. Word Just rece>ived from Dureka, Nv le ta, the effeet that Dmu J. C. Foley ar Waukegan and J. L. Taylor af Libertyvifle performed tva major operatians while making a 10-ay stop ln that City ta await a nev axeI for Dr. IPalçy'si car. They broke an axel Just outaide oi Eureka. Dr. Paiey, wlth the assistance of Dr. Taylor. perfarined an operation for appendicîtis on a li-year-old girl sud perfarmed another operation up- on a 'Man who recently had one of hie feet amputated. In bath af these Instances the twa local physiciens gave their services Federal Inspector Declares. at Meeting Most Trouble Is Found in Lake County. DUNNE AT__bONFERENYCE. Declared That the Farmers Are Co-OPeratlng te Get the Dis- ease Stamped Out. Abandonmnent ai aIl plenlcs, daucas, chul-ci snd social gatieringa lu 1111. nais counties viare lie foot aud Inouth disease has appear a vad a- vocated Tuesday by- T. W. Jerroma. prealdeul ai the Chicago Live Stocki Exchange ai s couteence af tateansd1 faderai veterlnarlans, editors ,pi live stock publications aud reprementatlo caille breeders ta conalder lie mti. ais ta ha emplayed Ilu'bondit«g lis premeut autbreak ai the disesse lu ibis atate. Gav. Dunse, via apeusi tie meeting aitl LaBalle, oeoi auggesîed tiat tie conterouce conoid- or theadavisillty ai bsrrlug the ox- hblling ai any bovIne .etock ai any of the couuty faims of Illnois. Dr. 0. E. Dyson, state vetarluarlan, via Presided. said eb. adl casultai viti liea ttorney general sud tl bild been unabla taelid ny autior. lty In mv glvlng lb, state the pover1 ta supprassuci public gatingsaia, Pleiet nsd dances. "'We astailisi close quaraulins Ilv. miles in aras viienaver tha disease la discavradInlus a rd, sud lu liat flve mniles va do ual permît any pub- lic gatiierluga," said Dr. Dyson. Makeo Effort to a Ssnage. Fin"d. »Iu mont townsips viera thora are infectei catiTe lb. farinersauar eo-operating vith us," enid Dr. V . 0 Houck,faderal InspectarInlucharte at Illiois. "Tina va, on@emnuai Hait Day vio aild armanged for a pîcule, and, viien tld tiat It, could ual be bah. satlemptad teasmuggla ouIt the supplies tiat ha had purcbased lu au. ticlpatlan ai haviug s cravi. Re Sota by ana bai-rien sud vas stapped Bt the naît. Wheu ha vas fiued $50 li court, tiat act hadl a benelcial effect an lhe reet ai the people aud lisp remin ai horena u. The diseuse la balng confiued tea Ove caunties. Il bas ual been reparted anyviere aisé lu lhe United States, sud the situa- tion caunot be canaiered serious." "It toak us a long tima tae ducate the fariner,," interjectad Dr. Dysomi. "The dîseasa uufortuualely appeared. ai a lime vian lhe fariners antste 0 do tiair barvealîni. Aller ve ex. plalned the ituatian. aboIng 1boy the disease vas spread, lhe farmets agreed taeco-operale. Tbey ovpn veut su fan as ta tireaten bodlly barin le anean nsu viled ta baudle bis grain. lHe vas taîd liai ha vas p bai man lu lie community sud %OM If ha did ual samy at home bis naigli- bars vouli see tael It b e d."' Cook Counly Mmd Fi151 Cases. "The ministars lu parts af MCDOZu, ougi counly came la us lent Satur- .A.. Su,.a v -h.. .atI wn- cn ai lhis bg sum, vilI naiurally maka gratulously. They have douse lasîrddneost oipbI ai Il uneessry a risso inich s sinelbigln several otier cases aninga, voluntantîr agreed net la bal ittiut IL. viare tiey have heen called lu. Tii.c- otue The general tax lu Warren i-lapapaa uek r er ni c- services yesterday," atue $bout 4 per cent. The board faund aiîluIntheir prahse of the local me . houek llU taIhe0promt lime,1 il impassible ta ilncludea ny years Dra: Pale>' sud Taylor and tliir ve' ha ee and2,040 gcals, .1The priai la 1913 as thei vidance falîsita tailles arae enroute baine trea bfs. 25insLae sud vnty hrwa. T show Seana' rosidenco iigil bave cross-country trip î0 the PanAma ex. dlaasso e b~a nuir.then rouv.le. been lu Lake counlu Praviously. position a asn F'ranacisco. Tie>' are CperoaCbekiavin l iinostrule Mra. Sears, temlfylug Tueeday, making lia- trip over tle- Lncoîu ama oram e0 cnr It va ils-M sai lialê on R!rci 26 lent she de-' iglba>', sud harning lie breaklng ai caverea i l nahnaWeegsi clarai er rezldeuce lu Chicago. tha axel an Dr. Foley's car lie m e ov t Tiar are 7Co ca3nl>' bOrd Plaintifrs caunse saigit ta nmirke turutrip ha. heen free tromam sy ued i Tiae n aranov 3 arectdd VMs. Saara psy back taxes an $12,000.- vaery nuaî.vrt>y Incidents. As aon u ba rubnlae cty. Wi eariav- 000, preauting figures to prove lie as the new part for the car arrive& uttroubla lWe iaelotPuttrepcat'li valuation ai the peranal astate ta be the party vill reaume ibeir trip tranctes. Wre atm ta putakeho al about tint, bain.. The>' vilI be able tolangaui aIOve te oer rui lu anLhe- lu lia case af lie fleming estale tliu-friande via predictai liai lliey tu vakatniaver uleki sud av oi Highland Park, attorneys repra- vouhi ehîja their cars home sud ia taiak ierIecie souting the. estala reaciedan au B.,- turu by rail Altiaugi lie Unied States gaveru- ment vili plaIntif s laday vien liey meut sud officiais lu oher couitrg agaeed to psy aven la tie tmxlug have expanded bunirads ai thoassui boites $10,000 bsck laxes cavering tovu vblcb the attorneys represeted. of dollars lu trytng la dîscover thc lie perlio 1907 ta 1915. the caunty ofai Lake automaticslly *111 garin ai faot sud mauth disea* 1 Estmblimbez Important Precedent. nacovar about 115,000 sud lie tata apparent pnograss u teen maie. 'hisla the lirsi extensive action wilI bat about $10,0)00 lu tho ssme Thils vas brougitout bY, Dr. Dyman. taken lu Illinois unie>! lie uev stalamaunet, Thils tle 10 hawarded ta iu considaning tha vork doue lu lsv permltting tliig bodies ta go lie tva corporations aven thaugi lie atanaping aOutie diseuse lauI Yen ba.k fer 10 years la calleet taxesatatorneys dii ual appear form suer it vas sai Illinoi hai 46 Per eut vhi teeedeutas ecaped peylug dier. lhe stala or lie caauty, but me'ely o aial Ithe dise.ed aIlle lu lie 00a0> SMt tboir lifa.-Tii. precoient lins for lie tovnship. TiunsIl la »Men UyIliough 22 alatea reorisi tinc s.tabigbsed la expect.d ta prove lisu, ilu lie total, tie action befaro tians. Na cases vers rsparied &Mop et atevîde *lu ils Importance. the board ai revlew vilI recovor lu tb. time liai epidemlc vas sinnP0- Couuly cet$ Mucb. ail about $100,000 for t'Aain u ni eenlva i iIot As a result a of he.VICtorY forths 1)08b OfcuitlOd utahle lI& bmek cane ta Arhlali Relght&u POUR PAGEa *UO V*R YuAR lx ADYM TUE LAW COVERING FOOT=MOUTB AXLENT; IMPORTANT TO FARM. Tbe attention of farmera bavlug halt af the board, insu appoint tisse stock a bjeet t, Infection eby the font dlslntereisted citizen. ai the ste tg sud moutb dIses,.in called ta section appralae inch animals or wpoety. 3 o an"Ac inreIsethelawlu e-Sucb appralsers saal snbecrhbe te 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a o!s Att eieteIvl s u ati luinvrltlng ta falril valu latIon. te, the.suppression aud prev.n- sucb animaIe ar property lu aceuvi. ldon ai the.apread ai con taglaus sud suce vii tiitherequirements aoft1» iIiI*tious dîseasesa amaug damestlc net.vblch aatii, tagetiier vltii the animaIs. apprav.d Jue 14, 110, l valuation ixed by Bucki aplialsea. . tance July 1, 190," wile provideu làchahb.% cfled wlth the board sud b., part as folbave: *a.eerved by thein. Upon sucb &P. "Il saal be tbe auiy ai aaid board Praisemeut b.iua made, Il abail b. af live stock columipslanens ta cause came the. duty cof lhe avuer to q ta b. iuvestigated any sud ail, cases, mediately destray snck animalsei Or 41lled Cases. eomîug ta thein o laD«epof ithe carcasses th~esé, kuavledgs, ai cmmuulcable dlseaaea and ta dliiect thie promisése oie* ffmaug domtestie animals vithîn Ibi pied iy sncle animais, luaoemee 8tate, and ta use ail raper mona ta vîih tee mies plscbed b' i pssVeut the.spread af sacb disess,,, dll overauir »sCh istruclIM 60~ spd te proviie far the extirpation dfilnfeetion. And upon bis feil gop ijidret; sud lu tie event ai ressan- ta do. snid bout, or m), ushet aile graund for the beliet that auy .tbêref, aial cause uciisaai or qMck communicable diseuse existe ilu animale ar praperty ta b., deitrod tlia state. It shall be the, duty af the" sud disp<>,ed of; &ad therou ascii pfn on ng or iiaving lu charge jovlaer cball fartait aIl riuit ta nM 4n7 Animal or animala Infectai viiI ceive any compensation for -the. de- *Mmc disese, or any eiier structlon ai sucb animal or-msaiIs ku, b&Iovledge orreason tpersan 1o rj ry ha~ngor tasus,.N peet thei existence af auch disesse, ta1 Wheu lb. board, upan lie vltp lapledistely natify said board ai ilve apinion ai the. state vetelrluuior 5109k commlesslnera, af name mem. et auiy assistant silet v.tsstnàslSa ber tiiereot, hy communication ta delqunlusata any, basasÏatia MWl board or membor, ai the. szatý outbUil41U<aor promises ave sela- sues ai suoh diseuse, sud tiiereupan fected tiiat the5»Me fa"M . b. dws It $hall b. the duty ai ssii board or 550*4te& t . uay iiràntlu uR sffle momber tiereqf, or autiiorised b.tf, .lbqU, oiitbulldiefg. or litS. agi et ai the.board, lmmedlately ta.la.fi i1 tlu*e aillaisiWl te cause praper examînaîlon thers9ot a #tol b qesam' b. made., aud If suci diseusese abl . ,two4o. 511 Od0a5U5 - 4 b. tound to be a dafflraualy conta. f0505 &W 5#5t Matl, OSUy ti e b #W"p or dlLageraly infections mal. beerq.q, g 1:e«=»&1s~. dp, sasti board, or Pljmeoe a itte plb. tiereaf, or- lhe dais veterinatiansi4 rlumie5 ý l PId f auy assetu ste veterbuarlaietimer- UM ytIS W li 10 shail order snch -,s.seàd auanimas, Amy persacn teIM IU* li os aucisabaye been czpased tc- -sylevd by any p gtuuthe -sM contagion sud lb. promises lu or ou under lhe provisions eftIbis set uap vblch' tb.y are, or wvicb may bave appoal ta bth uIT beudai hlved been recently occupied by tiiem tao onnniio g ouea iaalîeM n'ee bl etsrlctly quaraullued; sud ,they salain, modlfy or ansui mack Suit- qk~al bave paver ta aider auy prom- antIme. as liey nayisem poffl lées sud larmea viera lie diseuse ex- Section a provgucefor theo Msa lis, or bus veceutly existe, as vell Un, of a muuIMMtriî or sgfilp de exposai premîsas sud larme. to b. distict ai the "tte, o hér.gWI: p pqt In quarantine no tiat no dames. the. bou.do« ilve stock codUim>a tic animal viiieii basbeau or 15ela a i, ootIranoiepv dlaeasd. or bas been expased ta nar's proclamaton ioaded on saab s"i cammunicable diseuse, be me- repart. movei framnt thepremisas no quaran- ttingi, or aîîov any animal auscept- section 6 provldefor tho e ege liste tauci diseseta bc brausiit for violations. Specisl atteuiloi l, tiierclu ar tberaou, except under caRIai totahlis ict Liatnaose" uh, snob' rule's sud regulations auiostli cosceis the tact af thé dasma» or bq& fiilîve stock commlsslaners 4.any vay violat«thle provision d v **yp preecribe, vbicb quarautine, &M G. mcl, mot oniy l a Wout lt 00 osey ' <uarantine sslabllied under flue sud iinJrizoiiUint la tRioetvOm the proatlous of aista sel. roî . Jeuntil Lthe Ose a»d coss am »a, main - la farce sud .ffet uitil ne. but disa farfeits au 0M'tul e~ peyed by order ai ssid boaud; and coxostiaufor 5MW anima@Wtun »aW board 19*11 preacribe snob rein 77detae. ne o 'vuu 4t10.S as they May doesiiieee.r ile e.Ti.ls i ipIn % pRivant anY sUeiidiss.t raM bc- for animale kilOd ei... tPe «c«unicated troain ayinch dis, b a vry severo eslp o,. seU ap$aualor expased animal ar Section 9 gves. taLihe beau fl tIIV& fmmi lie iuiected promises or tiraugi stock comisionurs and tGo abit. "y otiier nans ai communication. vetearnan sd bis aslsitaba&U Ti% aU inch caseslie saud board ai lie paois ai pesce OMM saui r& ive stock éoanmiaîaers, or lu case quires ail abortfs. coustables aiPo- tie nimber of animaieshsîsl not ex- lice olbcers, Mawursa"aid thii ex eqet Ive, auy mambar thbreai. shall ecuftve oMmaesa taeaaMathle iserilu hia v pave 'ta aider the. sîsuglilar of lie performanceoe ai edalla. ami Iuy or ail ai auci dlseaa.d or ex-lu tlien otaemet aorosultls poood animals. Týe said board maie by tbiseruthli prevetias 01 WI lto hRa ave paver la cause ta bchespread ai ocitaglous dkwau destrayed aIl barns, stables, prom- lmp, tures, turniture sud personul pMpgmty infected viii any inch coin- AGNES ANDERSON WINS mlateable diseuse,. g e fr as lutheir li;nemnt shaîl bc nceasary ta Pre. G0", MEDAL CONTEST. veut the apreai of aucb disese.,sud- viior. lhe saine esunot be properly WakgaSept. IL glointectod; 'sud ta aider lie ialu- Suuay afttooosept. 5. ltt on>~ toctian o ai al cars. bouts, or otiier ve tuta gomupeted taorttie W. a. T. V.', hica suned In trausportini animaletoIt nedal content tiat vas iisii agected vili any sucb commiinicabl. comectlan vlthlie re-opsflhig5< I diseuse, or liaI have been oXpaidta lapusumisata nuday achool la, l' lie contagion liereaf. sud lie disin-a-= sCiapol. ftiaJn ai aIl Yards, pena sud chute. Agnes Anderson ai 146 LMues é» tbat inay bave beanu used luniiandliiig nue van lte modal on the islitau. sncb diseaed or azposed anima&is. Tbe Ileubmisslanls t's UCp. "Wben lie sald board, une theGe Miss Elzabethi West lwuied ait t»,p wutlen repart of the state velerlIu- piano sn ud asaeempealsi s hq s. or sur af bis assllut, deter- maudalin by Mariai WuL minesliat auY fat"im la afetaiMaron. Flaod and ber ibi, Du-î' vltii, or bai' bu* .xyj.d % 1 adella ai Guru s pipsia MM 4tf» dsnterouslr co0M ie orcilntiIlloUspiano lu a very Plesu agmenet Md disuse, the board, or sur momber several sanga v.. ie W yG» o liercat, or any afitil duly suthbrised bers ai lie Sund"s sêsi bquels. .sa grec vliitiitheavuer P. IL.Autia uuste t» Wuie ofalue iscbanimaIs or of sppmaeiasd a»4Usa.»Wi » a"p proper iaI Il insu b. found ber usaod bsmb M * cIMM*" emocszy ta dessray, sud lu case a et he6test vukMd ouI & »ageegumnt cananat beumde, sMid lh. ebâdr« * tMÈIÏMch bout or lie niember acting la b.- 1mlutfor G omlmapiau n 1, ' u't be ulua or tan days bc. HaIt Day ver. diaguosed as lntected appears in Wsukegsn tovu' yasterday aud lu MCflanougb caunty ii s local veleriusu? îainy. 112 taintai catle sud 27 hopgu ve ,mers tien lie couny mst dlcavered. Sous vwers kfl "d ,pes$r- uulnIg 'to gel mueh &a&ed. day; lbe remaluder vilf bisteppvrv. naioan la getngtola smnt No Caseshave been reuotci ip 000k 946. eaunty tam several ispa. ~Pbe i.la cated aIALke For- Il la passible lie oamterence ba- is li, inu lingd ta vatcii twsen Governor Duunno sudtle oate atiai township. lHe asumi board ai agriculture viilrosaIt lu -optimîilo vîev et the. situa.s-hecaliug off aifeouty faim L ote- en Ialklug o il sud toit that bly lhe Kano caunltel et i4qp«*i. lemie *vulibe eoked soon. beglunlut Septembsr 20 sud t.e Plate ho beadmts lie situation le atir ai Springfild," bocuseut thi. il adds liaI Lak. sand Cook dangers ai a state vide catR. ep,. soeenta i. the only spots lu demie. te tisi bave lie epîdemie ta The nucleus tér Mr. muIRa bord i extent. vas ImPortei tram Europe %PdthtRe bord vas one ai lhe betsi 1>r4 iG ULL MIRO Ki(MLED. Unted States. Cattie tanelquS fkom laugter ai liehilgi traie al over tie United tatoi bavavis- lbth noilli shore mulolr e itat. woas tarted Tuesay by lie The stale veterluaan, iiawever, Lerluary departmeul, Dr. 0. E. fauni tint sautiitering vas th,,o0* Misto vetarilnrian. sud hiem iethai ta preveut lie ipresdi«Utheb ed 90 beat! af blaodei bravu foot sud inati dis.sse, Tiec epîll atle avned by Samuel lu. ver. 4riven itt treuches tmg o« t»i he bord vas-valuai at $10o.0.tari n sd aboi. exéotà ll ll&mad- MM« es Tic&.By'm autiIi berI. u19salI i *b"c Uos trm ie tafot andi1or lia» tie InMIl herd. alfa Ws :m*uc Tv usuvl uli TU5da. Omaho e iwi,Î i ~-a~d nrid bfor sudav ehlu a tev daya, IL vas re#ojlei Morieerer.git Com ad sud oal mou catile sutd 15 bouan mi«lu thç Smnihbor4,