*1' a f FI~1DAYSEPTEMRER 17, 1915. 50 ~ M4i#ALCO &TYHael Cavendr von tisO grand gold tBChristian tiesianFrche LIsviIt idybthe Pm-erai State W. ce i. ~CQNVEN g rs.C. T. Tibhts, Lkoet theT ION liDLUWED' . uoh 1 "à-FaIrMil.Mary Armstrong. Wau- IL"..&&schw làOId Officers,-Are Re-Elected, 'lower Msson-Mrs. E. D. Yost, ret jsy Up t'> Wedne.day nlght M8 hea 'f cattie and 484 Étole bave iseen fis. Lake leing Chosen wauhegan. We JW . laugbâterod under the novr ted.ral-otate action risicai vas put loto oper- PresidefttCounty Union. Ansoclate-Miss Lola Shepard. atIon Sept. S. Below ia choya tse UIt of fariner. affectid, the. number Modal Contest - Mrs. Eleanor y MOT "ASO 09hbod kliod add the. dates ofautmaso s ril aethe date rien the fart a HZL E ~ NDAR WNS.Young, Waukegan. MOT WA wuO dsinbeecto: na. w 'sru MediraI Temperance-Mrs. Mary Z- U Drus.. Grayalake. Tht Name of Orner. Catît.. He".. Siseep. KilIed. Dls'ft'&7 Grand GOtd' MmIaI Contest Is Pree--tola Shepard. Vo. emi> Schluer .... ..............i1 4 Ae. 25 ng. ý Heldlflteetblg Program Is -5. T. G.-lrs. Mary L. West, Wau- vo,1 .kiela .... ...................3S 6 Ans. 25 Aug. 27 ie- an ted kegan. té ................ 1 2 Aue. 26 AIag. 27 ie -M n Atnd Soldiers and Sallors--Migs Mary %,W. M. Wa..u................. 4 Aue. 26 Aug. 29 Jefferson, Lake Bluff. .5Aug 26 Ani. 28 The Iake Cut W .T. U. met ShtsShoNr.M .Fr In cIi lfflCloýAuM * 0W8 5f R. B. 5wl$t ......................i Count>' W. c. . 0.Fer -11.6 *i g, Uic:é John X[aeriuaffg.............. 1.. 2 Aue. 25 Aug. 27 In annual session at the Gurnee nNakgn **Y net havo. bihs drard Ko*;................... 1 Aue. 26 Aug. 26 church, Wedieads>, September 16. 8 Temperance and Misslons-Mrs. ~4h@.i Mak. ~ êIa. llbH&I.*Ihâr8 17 Aue. 36 Aue. 80 Ther. vas a gffl attendance and tise NU.Wih ietvle 4êidIn asm1~ *êY.~i.............. la se Auj .26 Sept. i porm ft1 8> rvdtob lterture-Mrs. Mary Armstrong, Ruingini. A6 I IU&.24 Sept. 1 0f great Inspiration and encourage-. ah~ Or.Id a 21 bsW *lU L W..........~~7 1 Aug. 28 Sept. 3 ment ta theiehite ribboners of the ______ #9 Weukqou . >,.S'- -Aue. 27 R. N. D cont>'. Ali of thie oflcers vere r.- t.. mr 4s, ijlw i n ................. s A Se pt 4 t Iisre a ols hepachfMrn MRS. FRED BUSSE l~ lOUOd eWo- to~* 4dI JO"b T'-....................g9Aug. 27 Sp.4 tosrrbtk i.paeo lr alce op saMom eee.ri. C. Q~ 1 .................. 2 Ang. 27 Aug. 28 M. R. Sedgvlck whose. death oecurred ILN I C IA ffl ake at.»rMéW ui ai ua ijoi.aap............... J. 2 Aug. 27 Aug. 28 a fer montai 4g0. Mrs. Sedgwlek VELeJOS IIIIL soeèuargoo w.i.s me -I L . e. eanson .................. 1 15Aug. 28Aug. 29 was a faltaiful and untinlng wrnier F- iE O R eoaeeu*im te ...........9 6Aug. 28Aug. 3 nthse COuntY à$ vol! as the local un- .0 1 VM1 WO R , wh-é..le-au tml o e Vran ai e'.................6 6 Aug. 28 Sept. 1 Ion and se.Wva.sadly inisiied b>' ber e« ltrsfo -rW n u rffl ot-An ......... .~. 1Au;. 28 Aug. 31 co-rorkers aiathe ne ntonrat heFrmrr-o' idw We but mie thlo«Me ai *. W.ai. .................. 3 Aug. U8 Sept. 2 day. h omrM yrsWdwI lr4 tir. 99asie t~oslo o Pi èràd SJIT ...... ...........i Aue. 28 Sept. 2 A touching memonial service rae Troubed-Can't Get Faim wher«ver p.lI-~Tg. C S. iUlone................... 2 Âug. 28 Aug. 31 held In her memor>' aithtie eginning The tiander et«i . " d U8. trap . -1t, Oidèd.................... 4 73 Ang. 29 Sept. 3 of tise atternoon session. led b>' Mrs. to Pay Creditors. if~ Imartial fot aiao.o~~W O.............. u.2 et 3 Jenule Just of Wauiiegan Union. She eSm ti.leig ~ f jgjlié, ....................... 2 18Ag. 29 Sepit. od der and deservlng tribute CONDITION NOT CRITICAL? Pwo%-ad, theb. nois t' 4, *"0 taie . 1. E*Up .................... 4 Aue. 80 Sept. ta Kru. Soefwlek,aid tise other foui,- -~'thse wbdily ii.nlff moti sbore 90%kloo .................. 10 25 Aus. 30 Sept. 4 bers vises. deati has orcurred tiie Worry la killllug Mrx. Josepilne bMttory. sîtiier. rite Roaon................. Ang. 30 Sept. -P Paît Year. B3usse. rdor of former Mayor Fred z, ,in n x . nu. ................. 25 O93Aue. 30 Sept. 6 Mrs. Brouman o! Souix rails, S. D., Dusse. She I la Mercy hospital, Chi- >oIntilvebbw qw>' Astn êaint..........1fAf 3 5 . who la vifsltlna ber brothers at (Ion' cago, suffernug frorn a nervous break- SObSl hbeyIla ....ard ...............l Aug. 31 R. N. D. ueo. rWas a mnoot of thse convention. dora., and nobody wili sa>' riether Forot, and a pnaiDm lae~,i ~ ...........1 Sept. 1 R. N. D. Mrs. Brosaluan la atate sîîerintend- ah. viii recover Menu, or later, or not to bave tiie OPilOtmo# PU fl ir. sma ..*...... ................ 4 Sept. 1 R. N. D. eut of penal and reformaton>' vork nt ail. mmitany trainla laintsl...........'Zp. .N D. and a member o! these tate inspection Itlali financial rorry-and yet net nom o' au 011OSceor Otbç 1t Mfrael Kouse ................. 2 Sept. 1 R. N. 1n. comision-.$ho 18 I. lO a Polim-ina lu tise uual sense of thse rd. Thse «M5. The rork 11e < 'ter Sivere ........ .......... 4 Sept. 1 R. ND. trnad av tiedlatsmi> day after hon husand dled abeh adt lb.i retuar mm <tud nt Chas. Foot..................... 2 Sept. 1 R. N. D. valuable suggestions along that line.louI>' 15 cents in tise world, and that »oerfleld-ghlolde tcrasfb b g Henry' Sebroeder ................ 2 Sept. 1 R. N. D. A stiti>' g ention va. pagsed Idld not voir>' ber. ichoot. riicis serves tthrliis.Bub- Bd. oodwlu ...................Il Sept. 1 t. N. D. cOanseuding Stateff Attorney' Rapi CredItors 1110d clairso! of8300,000 IiaiL, . C. sinail......................... 2 Sept. 1 R. N. D. Dad>' for bis 1ldelUty tai bis office, and Iasalnsît the property let y tise for. Cibionsm ode0PitOUlieS, Fink Ilaben....................i1 Aug. 31 Sept. f;tise support Of the rOmen of the mer Mnayor and toanktise $30.000 Sher- A group o! reuldesa of tise nortis 3. insuS ....................... 90 6 Sept. 7 Sepi..1 count>' ras aesured hy hlm lu tise Idan road borne, tise$12,000 Atreli Moire peitoned iii. boosd et oduew eB.1. Kennedy .................88a Sept. 4 sept. 9 prosecution of offenders o! lar. fanta, thie $16.000 coal yard and al- tieo recoatly 't. ise1lulo "m-00020o$m W. Beh . ....................... 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 7 A grand gold modal coutent ln tas mont everythlng else. Ali se asked, et, milltte.,> «rai lal U hIb J. A. Crti........................ 3 SOpt 1 sept. 1 evening closed the program. Good anid ail se got, Of ailtlise hundreds« curiculma.t r veece feseacea.z.- W. Cooper...................8si 45 Sept 2 sept. 8 mugie vas furnlshed by a chorus of thousandg Fred Busse had caiied S"l tise tesu t ood u edlthie peti.FM H olstein ................... 2 Sept. 3 Sept. 6 -choir. and witîe judges ver. decdn ie lmown voeehi. Pipe, hie dog and ti»rea bichunt bagou.W. IL WylI...................2 à Csept.3 Sept. 7 .the. rimer of modal, Itl-Ce Samn" I.afavorite picture. Plana are no* unde rW" for thie 'F. W. ad W. H. Btauclif ...15 sept. 4 sePt. 8 demontrated io tise 18 prohibition Tiserea tilI remalng. unseîzed by c H. ......................... 14 23sept. 4 sept. 9 states rere rasbed dry and hyiM ui- creditors, a 160-acre farm at Fox formation or a battallon sllar to P. Lubknan................... 1 Sept. 2 R. N. D. ou the ine. L.ake. If tise creditors had taken tisat tilt at tiseUfimerf0fIMol - a nmn................... 16 1 Sept. 7 Se-Pt. 10 Tbrough tise courtes>' o! Mr. Rlch- Mrs. Busse roujd not have a voir>' theo moot elabormé to blts.z rÔrgaum. Sipe j o lSan .................27 6 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 ardOon, Of tise Gazette, the îtatee ef t lu tise vorld. What ln rorr>'ing te. tlaalIn."mb'ie. hIgb lra. C. 0. Sinitis.... -.............S8 sept. 6 sept. 8s vo e aoya lu a tellin; aanner. vus 5ber la that 8he cannut get titi. ta achool. tL. H. Petelor .................. 1 1 Sept 6 sep t a tie aPPwoPrlate Poem b>o «Pain* tisat !arm-aud tr vrt>ts W. D. Leuiker .................. 6 Sept 8 Sept. 10 1 "THE DRY LINE." creditors. That la rhy aise i. a nerv- Co.Ncolo aeqWy .OL .Swf ..........60 sept 8 26t. 10 B JAMES WOpômAI4.> ou. vreck. tiikiug and thlnklng W..NihlsnPeIW>. Luis . ............1 8 ett8Spt 0Fred Buse's !riends ttmoue>'on Col. Nichsolson, comsalaat.ai.hW. il. ....................182 4 Sept 8 Sept. 10 There's a mnsntroi.s wahing heung hlm bocanse o!fiser lnahilit>' ta gel hiit Siierdan. bia agree deta Il J. J. Tsi>'..................... 2 sept 8 sept. 10 doue b>' Unce ain=ioda>', that farma and tur Il over t'> thea,. M,. olicer ta Organise tise iatialion U J.teenned.....................27 Sept 8 sept. 10 And ho ieanlng up thse country' lun i. Fred iiusge'g brother. George, "d sufl e*obp 4 adf ýhu ton.............7Set 8Spt 0 a mogt decisive ru>', ris,,leaned on Bu... al%li 1fe, viso __Ma.Wo................ 9e Sept. 8 Sept. Il UI><> the Uîne bis rs.l'ing bangs, ev- la balilng flint desire of the ridor. »*ln comialcslou rth 'theie riA.J. 1*iagdaiine .............. 29 sept. il sept. 12er'gmnt.auaei-ei iagtohv ben il foe art .n aet ltlson. aa isn: . tRdeii...................18 307 7 sept. 12 'aygrdn aa ellt ie inw ierDonlutishae bnergiso £W gos. aam«in. an Othr d lip OWey .................. 9 8 Sept. Il Set.12 They're dry aud cdean andC ho dcae rte' ate nteonrhpo Sept, tise asitg huaias great. tise farm, visile Mn,. Busse ueclares John Robiacker. athleic dIrector ai . C.oSllra.....................219 26 ep.14 Here's Maine and Kansas Tenuese. be iasi mdl part lu tise ownersisîp. tii. scsoal, aareéhaà anol mtiseN elr .. . 1 7Si 4Oklahoma bauge .there ton.,___________ tirconucinsa ati « oetàn u jIl J. B.Coran....................... 15 Sept. 14 Mslspi dhNrh Crln «i m ~ amduoilag m4os O muai ofJ. M. Codais>'..................26 MIe.le ei dioNrw Cri lie Uited Stalom arny. John Yore ...................28 10 Sept. 15 Thoreyou oeile 1.tro Virgilao, Tise compted Vttàflôa '>Jon or..............8 0tep. North Dakota dry' for yoarg. havre a baud d iO ilnpig Goorga ha. joined tise arn>'. cieansed fofafuil da.ia. tê TTL hensel! and drled her. tears. TeIe.P Woleot ha, seop TOTAL. KILLEU.Niranorne ta Alabamna, luit ahead ettilve la Inteoitutlh é'.YI reilts or càttle ........................................................... 836 o! Washington. 91*11 la ii. aragc4, n~ B. B lioa....... ...............................................48oao Aioa oa e rgn Painenton, a pDiisllm.. etJihlaàd Sisop.,........................ ..................................8a Oh, but tincle Sam ls bus>' and bi. Park, la anothe of tise ardent boot. <IGo".. .........................................v ork ha, Juut isegtfu, «IR for ithe plaq. - Ho nil l oaci, è stato and, dry it., ___________TOTAL ANIMALS KILLED................................... 1330 re vili help hlm 'il ise's douc., Thie olicers oiccted: 454ni. , Mrm. Mary B. L ake, Ounnee. prsa- J . . lr,. Jennie laincs, Waukegan, vice I R. D Â VI S ~ 4 RS act>' vsai tse>' aniand bddeu Mel, S hîphland, Ournee, secre- E TS 5v?> aAlsag iour o! tise boysa rîli tr hoe.4rl.sp.vgf o u r e . Julia Sîîing. Waukegau. trois. 40rthwO*t Canner Washngton and Taie uortii tiofe he. liee ~ beeiilv4 , totis 0 saeeoxpenta. Tise>'wifl~.GnseBt.i The northNaIx tothalli dntlr, faîte th ,ies.. M. 0. Peruion.Waukegan, au- OPEN EIVENING,- ofý jerel" h04 àt1lw U- itise on ionu naupaUuieufa tise <Ouiydiior.. Open Susdai-10 te 12 A. M. i»amer. -W«Ir keevayBoelo ~.toilt ebn Iabc'. risen t'> ridy, "ZSoa.t SI,0and*.rt b'>11 fsSonu «f811 la tOie »od asthat theY Oit tise rlght dn bIerplate~ Jo~t' p~ ~ "ttsre ]toi" -a ieobitàjr st* ot oe 0etni4is. Thie lboys Wholilve lu -I..* - Ï11110er platé aéebaii. Sl""fFàzet viii aiee» at bomne, hut ha* ffla ths.i aebli. >Aadia.Il tnehsdo1 *oiitI~ b~hei lunches fet thaioe l. -Tise'oi, ;i; lovir. vat.lodi.. a»bod £ d g tue 9> io.,ea v'be M-O elisi '1i&rdéiere oau !. 10 H le ~ CL104yO: ¶ ~ iy 'a> theos >ag àut ý daiS mat Mvln eàMi i ettida> W té apfotrMg.$I S4irZ5aie>a e.oup of iMh f. iWud gfve 0orh i i ta ti boom-a vOl- as inl.e aiepur r hatg ,i r YMo4 u amw vo<I thro*h rl. iv*h . the dgai av# ou.k -*boys "elaf seortt»d G _ 5aqfAg' o8 ~ ~ ~ on ishe1 I'hy fba wMes"t et i 4 d~iowa 0T&t ntaceFe 10 'oE no m boa,,B s. a~r.~ imsig. ~aahasi~>nrioouoalaam .PI First Pi ze 5 ScoodPaze, $3; ThirdPïnze, $2 Successors to G. ]R.!Lysa*&SOns Chtarmaiàg New M~.l These suitM at $16.75 are not only extremely charm- ing in style, but exceptional- lx- goud values. They express in their design the very lat- est and smartest fasbion tenriencies, sîîeb as hait îulaited effeets and box ef- feets. Materials are gabardines, eeges, )olilI and whip- <inil Afriean broxvn, wis- taria, Ilussian green, and navv. Their excellent tailoring is a feature worthy of spe- cial note. Many attractive styles stili remaw trOM oui- suiumer selection of wash dreses Gar- mexîts that soid as bigh as $5»00ami "-ew, rnarked at a deeided 8aving. Mad.e Ofiii. lawns, voiles, crepes and gingbâms 1» pret- ty floral patterns and lin colore; tomoir row while they last, $1.00 SiJki IQuses Fctching ncw models Skifiâ » Aff of elegant quality 1pi Ct e asr erepe de chine ini, '= ave seld uý whiite, flesh and nmize $10. Made eôt br eloths, sergesa -long or short eleeve sik ad ýô op -worth nip to $4.00, in bl*k and navy, speeial at $1.95.$ 5 Stunning new sport eoàts fer WOUx- en and the sehool mise. Made ot attractive novelty plaid maitoi4".- véed ansae alat.............1 beltc andhav pat chpekes "f e Enamel W a re- Snma11 prPervîflg ketties, sauce pans, pails, etc., et, ~ eaeb..... 6 .. Fruit Jars - One pint seal fqÉj. jars with sanitagkass tops; speialÔ dozen...... 9 Bread Toastero - Wïli toast 4 slices of hread et once; speeially prie- ed at.. . . . Tumblers-Fi tita- ble size tumw ~; eleaîr glass; i gpeeial, 6 for,71~ >tq ad- and pom aê neat bineé - à ations;5Oc waeter pols beat an egg ini 30 seconds; ea.C Jelly tieere wvfrh polîshed 2tin ; specialds en .. . CoéttoùElnnlm 1 'A splendid bargain in full sizeet-ý ton fleeed blankets; grey only; have attraeive pink and bine ber- f ders; the sort that bring 5e spe- ciel at, pair ................-»,* ,1 1