LAt ukI f â Y TMESA LT IËO- Ê'ÔL 0" fe ta a muwmnr SCREEN DOORS Ro.dy to hang Sur. C"thwi& "achdoor AIL YOIJR BUILDINGS De"a by "lONDupe. me 47 ctf Wdmg yoider. De. dimr 30 yaum. E. X Rimhop4 Mur. TU] MENG 00. ~ IXURES «Mo minbe a couplet. pl"ulg phut for mlnhêhlng ~~'A~E STM EPARTS âlsv nom md few wrm Mde» *111IBM I fTVILLE. ILLINOIB FEDamd COAL ImHIBRICK P. ANZtN, JR. » b 0Uotvi~Ilma tEat L3at The romf a iluOpen <o ruIe LYRIC RESTAURANT U.001n.Ig UON!L BULL. Pr%%. -'l E mýTV i A Fod ondiroid for.evur car of auýth ahm M th"da.90MW w n Ub.-ov.rwbeme.Titi. ed »M be*0FSa had ot a"d wa Mtrs'rubg its mupuiorlty evor,- day, in qi ýe4 çi 5h. wodd. flomdu*dylBée wveigt oêmohteaFord cmw1 namulte ovYoebê' &Mt.gmoooy for ovoebpod ~ ~o iiInr"aohf evaeyWdly. Rusmaltout$0 Tourne ar e$44(h Tova Car $64q. f.-o.-b14DetroitLOn siat ANCK HARDWARE ~w~wg u~u~ ~vuvw ~ à. %t~I~ V(appenkigs To mneut doeip i&s Inaisa- leni. cp~at .tmfe mam Ihan TuSII, j uàw ei Adver- lIe.',.espdd~ ro siai1te ke MatIleiroletbafc. AMkMul Loadl wua Pg4 l. Fla gg bu bin on "0 lck liet the pasé vaek.j B. EaudrIaiff fIngled, vae a buai. nmu Ati br. Tnomda.1 Lyl. Bath le building abhomea on hie0 propufty on Pr"a a. * a Mr. and Mra. Berger bavet gone to I Kanua ic Iil reative. M.'.. FrantDtst of Graylmke, vas ai LIbérly ville callar Wednoeday. A daUghlar vaa bon t10 Mr. and Mn. F. E. Beomma on îepi. 15th. W. F. Fraoeeu, 8.r.. of llonsenvIlle, vialtui hisawubereon Wdneday. Mr. and Mm', Daniel Lee vleiled the latter'. alter ln Eavanewood Thureday. Dr. and mm..L.H.Eouimon ofGrays.- laie. callled on reative, haem saturday. Mm. George 8&Dyer l Mondai for a tvo veaue visit witi relatve. la Barron, wls. Fred Protina loft Monday for Urbans. 111.. hé vill attend lie Illisota Univerlty. A. C. " e nteraeini îe parents, Mr.. nad Mm. H. A. Bu. of JeOwmia, Wl... oinq day lut vmuk. Mis EWat .bai but a ee svaca- tion Iton bar de"lastaitle Llbattyvi Laber Co's oMmce Mr. and Mm. L. EL Bryant of North Cbtcago, BiNaI om eday ou"lait veta lia F. R. Tripp hoas. 9ev. darA B. Wbite and Boyard Plaggw ver. Milvaukee anA Nouhota sielto.' Sandey eut Monday. Lucl.a. Ellsvrortb ha.. gone tc, Gênera, Niew York, viore ha viii &galn taie up bis tudies ai Hobart College. Attorney lMartin C. Déecer and faily of NorthChicago, squaI Bnnday ai th. home et hle brather, Wm. E. Docker. 0. 4. Newooni and famly mlmitd on Thureday for a veoiso auto trip ho 8t. Joe, litai., vbeothey wlvi r~elies.. Peter Bociolamn spenl Sunday a"d MionamytuPalaitinalliathehome of hie fetiimr, John Bockelnia. Wvoia taver W. Audrv ROnger. ER A. Btahop. Jor Beu. and John Umberry at"aded the fair a'iMliaukes Thunoday of lait veek. Jamas Jetlay ta remodeling bis home notti01 tovn. John àAyorm in oving lie boume onla a nsv coacrais fQunda- lin.. Undrlaket Paul 0. Ray anA bis father, Georgo ..Ray roernsdrom their trip 10 Norh Dakota on Friday aiternoon of lait veek. Tba Lea,Aid smey yul tha iherontily hai.ryal eta Corimt & frodaici on nuit flaturday ai lenoos B. P. i'oolgm bai ban awed tis coctat mtbela ration of a boumefor Jacob Beilsopu te.lot ho racenlly puremd hmouDr. Knfgt. Mine immiaKimahalIgraduant of the NatiommiKidargereua cIu visloe t. amas lne h@e opaalng Ofbar kbasr gartmnOtobaoéih. olou =1.1 cl Mr. mnd Mma. Ldo. B. Clark vent 10 Onoieai to. as" vivu an $blbs aue emtmpbab.a moviqaa n.,OS buaalarge nuaberof reatives ivingla chocmtant Isiabat13. iésbue puniesslot 14 la biocai10of Fraik eWrigl' ubilvbm Mai 'ps" '0 ei&a rM"..fon c a"t pIOPerti .Thse Mcd lielt va. md tivoqgh Dymd A& Aalin. Mms Cmii Baues udervene anopera. 40àcan Imrsmyof hmai vueat *0 ruuj'lim hapia ngao. Bis 1>1.10 euibous lu abou a vueLk Geo ge Orahbe md amlly novai on Im to na le Goraimaon Liancl 1lieu . MAmaln.Gerimi bave =ode n la lira.m Ornd parmt, lit. anA Mm 0. R. Taras. Tia."fi. hue tia.g ara: l. ILLINC>1S enidlMrm.Henry Dosbler, lira. Loin mMat"@i. Mr'. am Mm. W. B. Dais, SMm. B. B. Eor. Mie. liaiiia Piotias, John Umbarry ad miid Grabîs. MW . .P. urigît veMtit. tlisPrmoby- Sltota. bompliai tu Obicag %ld= uaorint whar. aie ePec t 0tneg a. oqaalua a 0R w b"al po Mre . Wriam via àmemopmnl bérolia b u hmrturai bom&e i -q, - ýjJ About o-e hudr.d m vty4ir P.au1 aileadid 1hti mapl"t ai 9» eun 0o!tige M. ebu* 1 Priimy evnbg biles à MJq#s i li Upovli Lsegu. sud ils 1 bgMllemv&m IWilmsMa14"uMmW" a guigbou olo b MO meqepq.,by liteq nom id x»li. auila~V tuaday moing at 9à0O xce aMd MM.. Oorgm (lveud .di Iiissoslam od ou th* alnIon"ou ho BomeAime, Argestýle.. B home, Ma. vaseli» w& mebal ferri 10 thal eouabwy hi. 0lism hweilg Compay, for vhpa bu im beau wocin glaa hM* nebimeieIl about 1.0 yImms.Upon lii,êlOb* liu nov omp l uaa»I. «Oylamivui laie mu. 0ygq sl»I poëssnom me mill 1 gmyaMfl oA i*0 amila*E 71 ~ip~ W~Jm lhlaibi vos "0 ra l t5y ~a~uq~,yuemge old Wigl Sbow btad ta bos pWiéel on Th»rn4sWý eW o vain of tbe tbase animmet. là2O. Lut sa, y il dMms. Andow £magermeatai-sa the a~wa irarm À lr m an MdJ. 1 I$ Amiour. bath0f Lip&a lormé, .M. 1 101, the pttom.attb.&Northera PaUls1 raliromd, 91 K plit. Mr. m44Mi. rank P. Dymoand' turn e ebîwmooa fro.a ia. déae vIdiviuhko, m.Vionda brothe, C&* PblttiSbta1ad, low. Mmd wlliboir* ma Ilart Whlama doctortui DesMoe&inesmadeythdtrib in l Ibir Jackson méoude.. Hlarry Puiqiantm a rturumi ikm Whitevmtei, *le t vbcb iy ho vas '091.0d e M n ~tof 1ai vomi* "consi of a visai of a homoe carou lb. St. Paul *o&d. Oui of hie race borna vhich vw.ustdIn thiD lb.cmauiof couaiy fire wuva thlb rocked car mnd vas quite badiy huit. gols athle horme In cars of a voetriran thore. Mark Ellvorih, Forait Gmtt mnd Weton Waldo have gos. 10 Campelgn. IIL. where they hmvamrngd for rocou vhile thq attenid the, University of Illinolé as Urbena thi. year. Lflarec Lovait!.ee&ho expeclad ltg tale up hie quarter, la intee auma cty,il furt the mine boardlng boume vlsh thé otier young mon, vhtle ha ttouda lb. Biats Univrity.. Tvo auto bie ai0#mon froini DaOmA ver. bore on Tneday 10 Intervev tha goveromn.t Iaucors vhounmaiilng lhii beadquarlse h. br.Thar visa 10 maie rraamsufente ta bavaen Inepector vorn viii lieu os tirbl ggmta dW*Wt heiavoriom d take a&l propar »rmatiq 10provat thé spremdlng o! ihbood nd mouh disuse. Thé farmers la mnd abons Evarest nd Deoidali aa lta" liait gralina aun apoi. luxI laestockse&Mmdviiamean a blg km.alatbem V tisy do olt gelIt loto bar». Maucbera fru lia dilataent orgealea tions ai the. Proabyllm mnd Maibodiel churchea ber. aléididliseTovnshp Sbudoy achool convention vilci waa hald ab thé Area Coagragaslonal churoh on Sandar.ilier BAemandlaov. Albut bath gavaeshot lait@.but the main speakers of lieattaflmoe Wanko- gnu mon. The choir from lbe Prauby- tartan churci ver. présent and gara sorral anpalcalnumuier.Tluy bava bout lnvied lo sina ms the Cownty Con. vantion vbich iliihho et ai Hlbad Park thaP21mnd 22nd of October. Milvaukee avenue soq* 0f tha Tovn Lina romd, vu openod tu0th. Public laut Bturday nlgbt afler bavleg bous boirei omdod forsvroralemiteon a&monnt of lia quarantine. Thé lifting of th. quamantiadm a good a@«et as the au-ber of automobile. paslng tbrougi Libertyvlll ast Bondery vu conaidr. mbuy grmater thanfor aavtrai veeks. Wben theahbwhvracvubarricadai! a grouat maisimachina, on liit vy 10 tb. lakm eaare turnei off on otiar ronde an Lib5rtyville va. proctlcally abat off fr0. ilHautomobila trafie trou he The locel croditore of Owan Woofridgo, vbo W alldt. hemovlng pictura buainems bavead dmoyed hlt my *0Riai about ivo oveeks la gbpagre umd upon amlan10opatie thu LJ*cItu "tu Mch a Uie vhabn tbiymeu sWaegdispoe of lia placeorgiva Up ppua.slouallei lbsy baves dmaiad .ough ho, a promse eof ithe buies D&ta1 Oai ctedléoma.Tb* local au a vo -we À. C 1arra, a. maaffer j**aie lisait wbo bookchmrgaofithe pkIac OnM.- ma". i tlientio of cthewa*diole to opameaigb dm pltutbom Mds t0 pbtioidderabl. "puai"behinditIl 1 misla t a n. ?b"~ hla va M640o1. Atlb*eplotioa ol -bua pseb b vi» b. toàmh i rmbbmVd dilla uPeOisilb éd *a0c i niitimue la Iblardim *su ere *0 'gUI b.eilé fmallyboal %0 tbortyl1osalW vii d0~ hy.r lt Chsini rouihhie hedum Mien Rami May Beuunloalbeme lé bride of Barry A. Oison of Wmuhaga a% lb. bon». of bar parants last alurd", even istetnck. ol. ii v. T. ]I. asoo foèrul..lit eboulaiurtcg mumi oy lia wpomeau 0f ry4W relmtivel&Mm bloa rind. of lb. youug souple. Tte Vert uatupenimi"im [Eairi. Chidplayed Loheugr'. vai. ding rmrch an also gaemani, pelma liomedurbwieg b vmniiw. Afler lb. cremony vas psrformud fi" lntimate agilontude of lie bride .erved llgb raohaumnts and ta e mmindar of lb. ev*Wblg voi apant la foun. At a lai bourtb lshappy couple itartisA on slii honsyrnoon trip tu Niagara Fall. They viii hé st home 10lit frend. mlter Noveauber Brut la Wauiagm. The bride 14taheia ond Aahiar of lit. sudie. E. W. Baftelai of Dvision airoal.Gb. lea adunats cd Uberlysie High acbool. ao gradualmi f rom lia WaskegmBualmCollège four vear.s leo, at vhieb lime aie eterai lia Shldon Unversity an an emplo, bivl ramimd ber position vli lb.e ochool a ev weeks mgo. score of frinde hor. vho 'viai ber mach Tbe grooi a thleaonîy son coftMr. mmd Mm. Andr.v Oson of Wtukegmanmd ta mIBO àa paduala of the busieios collage la Wmukegma. Bm bold. a ruaponeible position &me bookkeepar la tlb.oviramllem la liai City. Auong tie Sltzperosons prent at lb. vmdaing wve.som, froin Wmaiagas, Lais Format, Chicego sud Aurora, the bride's brothur Sari J. anA lwo couaino from lie lattar alti mtanding. Mir.mandnsm Oison vere thé recplante of ma" ybemutifllulaiat. TEE[WNINAIESFOR SCI0LAY I ONS The pulI i lia LhLbartyvillla publie. uchool aroenjoylng ew teslerlng boards Bince lat voak. Six boards vare arected on th. veat aida of lie grounds for thé girls, and elgbt boards vareareetod bock of lb. building fa.' the boya. Tlasy nay be a I m itmy lnterutaelon diaporting Ib@MasVM. cmu lienev piayllge. The enrolmant Of the ochool te the largomi that l bailever bain and Ilvai fonnd nacosary t0 add a mur tombeir 10 handlo lia Luth grade. Théenrolilant by grades ta mai llovi: lot grade ...................58 8r ... ...... .. ....... 43 4t . .................... 48 5th ............." ...... 40 6Cl.i ..................... 82 71h ..................... 86 ý'th..8 .......... ."........ 28 Hlghaéchool..................... 58 Total......................... 878, MielsO01f. ha. bean sueactmd 10 taie lý&chahe iiclb grade. 8Gb. coma. te Wet oi bglly roommund,.To pro- îvide a rooes for ber sud IMi grada le va. 1ocemrla mat*equit* a abliflon Ibm upper fioot. If thea fot md mouti Aisemea la1e up mom.vwbal in liemr futur. lis papils 4fli hl bmhp xeil iaa big eWeptelinetlalaA - SUISobon Service- wi7 rnry ,9 - rd 2.00 - - 8.50 Thoib#Wt j"adeof thaeegoode verse prof ootsd by hmavy pai>or envoloe àm dl-4&II* lov amy markm.They are W1O4*n mgrKSU(UDE~A Botter woar- SatiïfeIlchin Wo soarmte it with eYOT7 MI CHAELS.STERN Suit or Ov rcoat T. A. REYNOLDS Derner in evorything thal Men and Boys woar URERTYVIILL1E VEG761TABLES CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30 1MEATS i FPALL OPENINO IN FANCY MILLJNE.RY W. are MW àoé.w&" wobleu in oul u la3.l #m~e4 Mad ChIdea. Y..m adhllbr WIoi.é»me*$m., Mdw W. e a ve ""a Wel bo f leal 1Ldwies myeI amd Fanqe od& mmiePealenaCmaL LVW 1 = 16* butthey muet be Bt Ont*. .-;RugiCanonlanuel aI 6 1-g and SbkrPlannel Wt4, 6 and Co Oxýt& ig vletyof pat. swt= làgm 150value., il Lir.Aw B1ma*V0=oU OsS bbeel and riflIt0Pe 110 I1W% 10 CUilL xuBUIbNEWEAZ àar mked very low 4 SEP IZ 0,A4 me .L&SONS -ý00.! Au &i"u 0-383-380- 00-00-:-a em : ILLINOIS tfRUITS Libertyville, 111. Thse Banzk that Service Blit nitodu ffla CD .uftuit, w,, it.41o» 1h. faortht 1b ad l m tt1.$o1h mm SOrBillsn4'oCck Woff~ ~ou hia puiv --. ---------en 1 CI lý M!Mm»@Wmmmmm mou mmennawkim 1 ýClROCV'RiES 1 = 11% d%