CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Sep 1915, p. 3

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- I.~SE. iRONS ON WIOECOUNTY ~OtfI t ii~lU4~ Contention Made That Saving OF CHICAGO of One Herd May Prove to Bai pend a ofle ,Lib&rtyville to teet and'fit Be Most Costly. lasse. and in eider to get acquatnted he wli1 Bris-'- whon needod, on a 30 dao fiee e4J Acceniing le staternents af Uben-1 tyvillo tarmers, If lire. Scott Durani .V.~f ~oetLake Bluff persise.-ln bon Agit O 1.UC WITB DE. E8 1U»EGUlai.successtui ln pneventIng sîmugi- OVU ovs Dru Stre ter o! ber $50.000 bard, Lakte county --Il--- --- 111111111111o - _vilil be put union quaranlîn. for an r,' entire rear. Tier contond turtier liaI lMre. Du- W L eC. f-ar r ffîa& 'S on a Nurser y St ocek rend'. position vilI vork hardshipe au Lake counly faracr vich Sam- AUL KINDI07 'sel linsul vwas not villlesg te precîpi- ~ ~ tale on lbem vien ble valumble herd UABDY r.L&a.L~J.D, ~ as mfliclesi. Tiier sar tiat Mr. Imsuli at irAnt intendci ta Aigit tic elaugisten. but laler, vien he vae tld Rat u ato t» S o i lautum planting that, If b, persistesi la apposieg the 1fl saugiter. lic viole counîr vould Fairholm Gardons Phono 102-R be putnder stuict quarantne,heasi- Pvms.d oud I*o'jvUe, duhei lestandi liaI he vas net toiIig1 place lhe viole couny un- der a haniaip lust for bis ave per- ~nu aavantago. Ba ho porailtesi the saneher to arôceed i viliut fur- SEKR -l ÀCURE <COntiUUed Flom Page One.) cornmunity are dAlryrnen and the business eOftth. cOmmunitY depentis on the. sucoe of the dairnes. 1 flnd that te senstimeat leaimost unie,. sa] alaient the. elaughter of the cet- tuc by the. tat. aLuthiies." The 4udge vau iaterrupted by iiad- clapptng among the fermera Who w. liived tiieY sentled a decision favor- able toelire. Derand. "I likewise reelise." the court re- ffuMed. "«that lit la the duty of the state te protect &II of tis citizen.. and to prevent any action by 0One Cit- iZen vhich affects the welfare of S11. "I am a lover of good catlla. I knov rnany of the men and vomen In thus coamuItY vho ovn cattie. and 1 disluke very much to orde the 1 eiaugiter oft tiose cattie. 1 havea suggeotios' vhicii I hope the attor- neya for the. stae. and Mrs. Durand May agrée on.1 'I tiiink that the Crahtree datry taran-I aSMqUit. tamiliar with tii. surrounidings tiire-is ideally situaI- cd for a aludy of this disease. I amn Intormed hiY Dr. U. G. Houckq of the geverument service. that very lutIle le known of the. diseage. I believe liat as Y»t no ene has been able te lsolate the gera and prepare cultures Of il 80thaliats habits miglil be studled. "I suggst 1h51 a strict quarantine of the, tare be entorced, se tiiere wiii ie sno danger ef the carrying of Uhe disease fron$ tara te tara and that thc government and state ex- perts make caretul tudies ofthti cases. 1 amn toid 1hat cattle viic once have lie dise)se are Immune. Aito I amn toid liat they are flot Im- mune. Mrs. Durand's farrn offers an excellent opportunlly for lie sludy of tic conditons ofthle dise.... *"i believe tiat sornething nov about thc foot and mouti disese may be icarued hy keeping that bord alive. Penbapi vitiout damage te tie rest Of the communlty a mcthod of treating the. disease rnay lie found 'ln thceIUnited States. "I Krn goint te sustain the dcrnand of the state for a dissolution of tiie inJunction, but I vaut the suprerne court to Paso on tiecocnstitutionaiity of the act. Theretore, 1 suggest liaI thc case b. taken te the suprerne court as soon as possible. In the meantime. pending the appeal et Uhe case totecsupreras court, Uic in- junction wili remain ln force te pro- tect the cattle for thc purpose of studylng the disease. 1i have no doubt that the state bas Uic rigit tb destroy private property. but 1 beileve that th, present lav governing the foot sud aouth disease in defective in that no aoney vaes p- proprialcd by the legialature te pay for the cattle when tbcy are killed by thc tte. 1 '"J ouldn't attemPl lu paso on the -constitutionalily of the law and for that reason I dissolve tie injunction wlti lie undcrstanding tiat Il in to remain ln force until atter tie su- 1preme court has revicved tic case. 1 "1 realize that the quarantine will be expensîve, but I believe that Mnr. 1Durand wil l e wlllng te bear thc expense te Bave thc cate. I ar n- terested ln this panicular grade of cattle and that penhaps bas sorne- thing 10 do with rny deisire te cave ticrn.' The attorneys agrccd te a specdyl 1hearing ef the case betore the su- prerne court. Dr. Dyson said that a strict Quar- santine would lie entorced, and the study of thc discase weuld lie startcd at once. CONFISCATE AUTOS STOLEN N CICAO (Conlinucd Frorn Page One) 1credentials and vas saUtslied .that they vere 0. K. Thc men prcsentcd liats of cars, motîr Ford s, nunbcring 400, vhich siowed cars stolon trom Chicago dur- ing the. summer. One report was that the detectives aise bad made a remmnk liaI they bad iocated one farm ln Wisconsin net far frornIlîlinois, vhere thene . er. 100 Ford cars liat had been !stelen tram Chicago. This etaternent !conld flot lie venlfied. M.sny Lake County Victime. Tiiat there arcernany Lait ceint! victime, vho later vili iiave their ¶ara 1taken rom them, ia thse statsment et ,a Grayelake man Who tlked to thc .detectives. Those Who purchased cem.cieap nov are won erling If they are te b. thc next vho vili see the .car confl.catcd hy the âMcers. Big Sensation tb Peiliow. On.einan makes the oMtat.nnnt tint La bises sensation than, the mere re- 1 - -# -eah- - - 11 Avi- 1-v.- 'LAKtO. TEÂCIIR AECO0«" HEW PENSION LAW- CO. Supt. of Socho'ols Simpson Instructs Heads of Sobools to ObserveState Law. 0f the. 400 teachers la Laire coun. tY tiiere are aI least 60 viio autornat- Ically corne under the teaciiers pen. sion lavwiihicii ventite effect titis rear and wvilci as passeil atthe recent session of the legislature. Thae. 60 teaciers entered upen thhirj dulie as instructorsln tiicetMate of ':99~013 Sd n Lake county fr lthe irel Urne tuis year. T. Arthur Slmp- -* - couiysuperintendent ef sciooleg, lit busy sending notices 10 the, echool 'icardt andi aciooi directors ot al the. sciiOOle in tiec cuntY, notitying theas of the, provisions l ic henov lav and polnting eut wiat Uiey must do te comply viti Il. Tii. teaciiers' pension act provIdes liaI ail teachers vie begin to teaci for the. first trne tbis rear M5 any echool In tic state. muet corne unde, Uic provisions et the law. Mil cli- on leaciiers have tvo options:- First-Tiey may corne under the provision& of the iav and receives ils benefits, or- Second-They rnay edccl le pro- ceesi Just as ticy are nov. by uotîfy- lng Uic preper auliorilies of thein visies. Tiiere'are nome 4009 teachere ln Lake county. Tiiere are 80 teaciers ln Waukegtin, Incînding thoe Inlatic bigi scicol. Ail oft les. teaciiers are permitîte ocerne under the new iav and hecause Itrn.ans mucii te Uiern itlale elt that fev yl decline. Undèr lie cl a teacier, atter sr- Ing 26 ycars, rnay retire and drav a pension ot $400 a ycan as long as ai. er be lives. To denive theue heneliti It la necessary onîr to deposîl $400 lni tic gencral peneion funsi. This la donc no padually tiat it rIil net prove a burden. For Instace, a new teacier paye onc dolar a monlh litoe tic cm for Théodore 14. Dur«., PrIdsA,00t. W. 13. Smi. th.Vce Président. liter opposition.à F. W. OhaCbuil.. cv.larV aian tnager As itla snov and thieretere as il Hon. PÀaittL,. Jone.Gen. Cocutelouli lie for a viole rear. according TEL PM NE gta tic abovae iony, noMeau te mli a cov er a iiog oulside o! 1Lkie cun-c - ~ ,ty. ln etiier vords. 801 aveu a tara-à S~CLR.I1Y TI E& 1JOMMTCOM -rliving at the vcry nortii Une of SgC M TY Laitse county con sei a ciovn hoot ABSTRACTSOF T1=LE TlTtM GUAILANTEE animal tla sneigibor vho may livj, Juet acroe the line in Wisconsin. Tic same epplies bu ulier horiers eftIhet CaptiW $125,000.00 ceunIr. WAUKE AN - - ILLNOIS In case he shoiid even drive a cow WAUK GANILLIOIS acrosi thc Une for sale. he vould lic a muggling ber across and vould lie arnenable te lic lav govcrning tic qluarantîne. Il e in hs seen liaI lie AIlSNot ake'rba <~1ttjrBsituaion nt ouly le seule nov, but - i 41el tpromises 10 continue le b, no, and, 10<>5cSSSk« a lixd IG BIOh tlte OyOaceording te Lliertyville tarmerm cm- Md 1001o lthelte.&'But tbeyWOUldn't pelailî, it vili prove a iardhilp for1 SYS lke11. OODe =luS fO ood slonger peniosi in case tire. Durand r hoW. BE wanof l g r k. oiZ la. isvitoilous la prevcntIng lic slaugh-1 ike our breati ad',othmothlngs. 1c tr other Isent.4 mati.from Mebu ot of màteila Our ireputagon gu"Bakery KFOOT AND 1MOUTII phoneosLiboetyvfl, M DEE PLEÀ WON INJUNCTION TOI)AI Carl Plotz Enloins the Fore- - celosing of a Chattel Modt- gage on His Cows. Tic foot and meuth dises, cpi- P. ~ ~ & p A.O 5~fs ,,~Pdemic liat exiuseln Lakse county of the as invokesi Mondayinlua billfor ln- Doit U.assdP. .nr.s. . . '-- r jonction led in icircuit court. Ph, S, - reetraaing order vas orderesi by iMUDA, SEPBT, 24 ,,Jusge Edwands. and issuesi uponth THE WAY si the TRANSGAEMSR .Kshoving made. - A spécial B-rosi Broadway Star The bill vas dlrected againet Rob- 11estnre. i.aîtrngLue DeLaney and WE URUIFORHM ert, Minle. Edibi and Ernest Plots, Leai Bain aIl O!fL.betYvirnc. Carl Plots vat- 2-Iee DC--------------------is onewiti ab@OlUte protection againet any the plaintiff. He sel forth la i pe- thre béatof e Capli n oedlIbs . moncy loe. u-taincd by tire, be il tîtienwvIich wuas dsiy Ateorney A. iii bet e li Ciplî jisile. ever e eighî. Our Policies cov6r V. Slmih. liaI on September 21, 1914. BATUEDÂY, SEPT. 25 tb. house, thce ulbuildinge and their hc execuleli a chattel mortgage to ~ . ~ T - ontente, jeveiry, etc., or each sep lie defendants. sec-urd by bis 42 - . 2-rt*ci Vitsgnapi-Cornedy aaeyi esrs bnpremiame heai et coulle anditarm maculnery. THE CORONET - - - ar e o ev Ibtat no person nced be Tic note le payable September 21 o! * - Lubin-i>raa a ithout in@unmnce. Ibis year vili intenemt et 6 per cent. Fent ring Anihur Johnson and LottieTh btemopg wascud BoceDurand & Durand Tccatlmrgg a A FZED AT THIE THROTTLE hib four notes là tthe falIoving sume: - alem-Rsiroasl Dramea Trlggs BIag., Llbertyvillç $480, $600. $220 andi $180, lotailng Feetrln Mis BisaHoînes P,,ý 2. L t,âii.470-M,Lake Bluff $1.480. SUNDÂT, SEPT. 26 -_____ Tic plaintiff sets forth liaI île cet- »THE MIo f il. MONlAIIS le and rnaciinery are valued aI $4,- .. . 2-1-el Biogph-iirama 500. The isa ys, le ample gecunlty -H ATL - lli'ogaPb-Drarna for the inortgage. AItich présent Duetdb! y.W.(nuf ,fi utring lime. hovever, lie foot and sioutis H M i es FAI a le wesi diseame has causesi a quanantine ta HA .pAiR - Fu n -Cmcybe estbaibesi ln Libertyville andi no ------ caIlle can be removesi. For thus reason Plots saya io can nettocli ani et lic animais, nor an - be seccre lbans vth wvilci te par OUf lie ciattel mortgage. He asserts * lihatIif te tic ale vere to lehasi thenov licy vould lic soîd tal bielew them value and ha veulsi sufer lr. ait.8 te OPMe Itleo's cKslh Shp AUTORU 011UE!M !t't'yll h automobile van in Highlani Of i$4 csoie htcu0 ePark iseflot endesi Wisen Miss Ruati mocf or~ ace eessn esandcfquetl-eSUN ATAIIAL& IAILY Newiall et Glecewon a signal vio- mateosi er omnpltencs su qua- IlJJBETYV ltory ten day, ago over tie toroes' o! iîy. ,Wise autoie k hui t dom IMB. bic Ethestale' andi the police terce of not psy te buy cbcap supplie They BcueonmrqiZussfr Highlandi Park, F. W. Cuaiug, pro- kno alo he dvntae o dalfng copies of the Oaliy Sun at iLbert.-î- pietor etflthe Moraine botel ansi iead kncvaisetic ef cal 11tvile ach dey, w. have arranged te et tic cîtizena' COmmittcc viiici le vith a eencern IbsI alvaye ha. the hsve copies sent te the Llberlyviile figiling tIhe arroals made by Ajsirev aeceeory necdcd. That'. wby vo office by mili each .vening and MeCornb, lie sealous motorcyci. eop, supply ne many oet hem. Be vise persona who do not gel th. Osiiy tiougît liat i. isasi aocred s knok- lakeise.thrcugh th. mail thems.ivos, but out lav, 2Trial b>' jury, alded lu> vvith a copy Occasionaliy or regular. thoeéloquenlce 0et.ttoMeY3 OcxGbD IlO cen gel thom ai THE INDEPEN- Phillip». appsrtvsu trong meff- IIIT~R DENT office euch moming aller cine. But Zov corne.Sates *±et ~UiI C *0 cetm. ,Hercafler If the ' affeited msq ~I PhOuS 1vieies10o coet âla case halo LlotTV~Ik!JLLP4oS Ilepend"It: bMore ftBder an ailhave lthe Pk»e t 401Mc S tol ille S ~ U5fl*b54r r omaty coust b'W" I MESSAE FROM OEK. MANWASI0%EST RECEJVED AT STA. 1Estimated Message Picked Up Frîday Came a Distance of 4,500 Miles. Wiien tic radio station at tic na- val trainilng station at North Chicago last Frdar aflemenon 1"reccived" a message that vas being sent tram Hanover. Germany, 10 lie virclees station St Tuckertovn, N. J., It moIte Uic long distance record ot the local station. The message carne trom a distance of approxirnateir 4,500 miles. The. amessage dealt vltii Uie situation ln Uic Balkans. Il came tram 2111- ires. station. ln reality It vas a bap- tismal teut for the, local station viici lashe oUird largeat inlaii.eUnited States and one of 1he meet poverful ln- Uichenrd. This vas lic longest aerograr receivei since the tests of lhe local station baou. "W, anc talking vih Arlington tour tiemU daily îov," UsÀut. McCauiey et the N4orths Chicago station said. -We have received, messages ln aur tests trom &Il points along thc Atlantic coasI and frcm Darien, hi lhe canal zone, snd Guantanamo. Cuba. "Eventuall, viien tichev Ilonolu- lu station la compleled. vc iiope te b. aile 10 tlk vili thse Havaliana. biough prohably Il viii b, found more cenvenient 10 rolay messages' threugii San Dlego. "Tic German statiorontrm hci we caught portions of a message i. probably 4.600 miles distant 1 judgc Il le near Hanover. Tuis means tiai Uic gret laires station bias aL recelr- ing capacity of about 6,000 mlles.» mors Power tieniseyville. Tvo huge stlelevoers caci 450 feet igs, consîitute the eble! me', obanîcal teaturcen ef thcgreat laIes station. Thie radio bas a nominal seading capacilu et 30 kilevats, ai- liongb. according 10o olicers la charge, Il le capable of bAng "speed. ed up"-or the, .qulvalentinluaccogra- piii-to grater posailtltie.. Tie Aliaglon station nean, Wssi lngton sand lie Darien station7li lihe canal zone have a 100 klvat capac- Ily, and consequentir a langer send- ing radine. It in saiIthe great lais. station, vblcb lmaslgitir more pov- enfui than tic Sayville commnercial, station In Nev Jersey, han s roceir- In& capalîr am great as any on lié continent. '*At lie present Uime lests arc be- Ing made vili lhe AllalieCCoast sta- tions," LieutL McCaulcy eaud. "About Seplemerr34 vo expcct te noceur. ariens frein lie var departanent teo cammunicate vlh Ban Diego. The tests are being conductesi unios a xelc-1 uier sciiedule. Tioy vill probshir b. cemplotesi by lio endiot tihe Montis and lIse station put ln actuel arvice. "As sean as lie equlveont arrive. a mallor unit i.lea ob.erectesi te serve the great laIte. reglon."- Mrs. Grace Baird Coe Resi- dent of County for06, Years, tied Monday Evehing. Mns. Grace Baird Coleo, iveu bave been 78 reare elsi bad siteIlived i unlîl Wedneday, Seplember 22, ilesi1 Monday nigit ai 7:30 p. m., follev-0 log a Iingering Masnesof about 10 years, Mrs. Cole bail been a resîdent of Laie nounty 'for 66 yearm. Rer deati accurresi ai lie home of ber daugiter. lins. Hiram W, Ferry of Benlon tevniip. lins. Cale vas bore ln Glascov, Selimni, ln 1817. Siecaenei Unitedi States vili ier parents tla 1849. Tuer Isdes ai ?Nev Yank, teck lie canal route lot Canada aid, sallOd tirougi bic greal lakce, land- lng aI ICeomisb. Prom Ibere cia" vont direct te ZMon City vhene hor falier, Joie Baird, purciases a large tarn. This tara vas saiile toDr. Devie a fev reane mgo ansi nov forme a part cf Zion dur. Folleving the deati of her hum» biandi a tev years ago, lins. Cole We licen living aithbichorne. of her çsil. dren. She vas onceofthelbut k novu elsi pioncer resiients oethle 0051817. Besides a brother. BenJamin, Whso resudes ln Ogden. Utah, sIte lesves the fallovins' broUies ans itemci: Mrs. H. W. Ferry. Mn.. 0. S. Carman aed MNte. J. FL Weybe, ail et Bonlon, and Samuel Nelson Cole af Ogien, t'tah.1 About 10 yeare mgo lire. Cele lie- came afflictes i vil Diabetes. (Of laIe ycare sic hasi bee a icipiese le- valisi. Thce ldtpondet ia tihe oomsmi On- ly 12.paewegky-thst's Why erery- bdytlglt-M DI PHYSWiCAN A Offiasnoei Cio Ave. Po « LISERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. LYEL LH.MOS ATYOE5YAT-MW LibertyvIlI. - iis rafs BuIldinig. mes. Phone Slà. O.lm 41T@UTCIT-LA* Ofice opp. 1&& tIsS.. miM afnle Phono 8" aue. FPho.. ý N023TH CHICAUO. ILLD(O1è . PAUL MAC GWPJN. AflTOBEEET ?LAW. Ubeityvilis, . Uinois I OMM os 10*gn8 TSD".O.P.dUITERIELD Dg. J. L. TAY*.O omf inlaPssrom sciW 1 Ovew tue oJ.11oIE Omee Phom eo.9.l~WXT. Dio-St . a. .AI e ung -- AR. , IduC Oss 00 . L < VOMMnla PBC OA AVE.' Natior 39. LA thcfrst Ave mentis oetIhe scisool year forth tirâts ten years. Thi for thcecxnaîtfve reare tiese mofet$2 Der menti for lie firet ive monhhs et lie achool year, ls petit. Fer the firet fve menthe of each rear et tic uccecding 10 reans tie suni of $6 le paisi. Thii.makes s tetal et $400 vhIcb le petisiin. Siould Uic teacier have taugil 10 rears vien mie carnes union tic plan she starte paying on lie rate liat applies te tbc remalnlng 16 'years. Tison aSthle end et icr 25 reare ot teacuing sic pays mb t e funi an additional snmvwici la corn- pulesi hi subtractlng vial mie realîr haî pali rtrmhlic$400 vuici seela requirci 10 psy. If site bu laughl 1à or 20 yeare. lb. sonme ruie ap- plies. Tic rate ton lie rerminlng yeare la pald and lie dIffenence lo made up. Pie makes Il possible fer any teacien bo qualify, no malter hev long ie er sic mai have taugit. "I amn convincesi tic plan vili praire succestful," saili Mr. Birpsoei. 'I ar n meityng lie scieol autianities to deduct lie pension mener tram lie beachers' salariesecaci menti mnd le sendIil te bhc state treasurer via la cuebodian of tic tund. On lie face of il, biere scemesernme deuil Ibat a teaclier couIC rav a pension ot $400 a ycan as long as sicIlived Iby sirnply paying $400 Into lic fund, b ut It la bard tu understaedvie one considers liaI many efthle leaci- ers vili drop eut for onc reason or anolier betare liey have taugiltich full peried. Al lie mener hiiey bave psud len eranis ln tic funsi." DROPS DEAD AT WHEEL. George D. Chenowelh, aged 67, liv- ing ai 2720 Elizabethm avenue, ZMon City, dropped desd an Saturday white at the wheel et hie automobile. The Incident happened about 15 miles of Kenosia. Cienoveth hmd evuci and driven an automobile for sorne lime. In lie car wili il mat lie tirne et ils death werehils vite, hie imugiten andhils son-in-lav. Tva automebiles lefI ZMon Ciy Ibis morning ai 6 o'cleck, honni ton Lake Oenei-a, Wis. Cienoveti drove one et tic cars; bic othcr vas driven 1>y Lincel ill of Mt Zon. AtIil 'cleck- a Ilepione message vas recelvesi tram tic John Bleven farm, 13 miles west et Kenosia. se- nouncing Cienoveti's deati and si sI Ing tiat an underbaker be nolifced. Wbebher bic dcmb th fCeowethi a tie whcel neaulted le an accldfnl le not knevn. Î Clieneveti vas secrelary of thc ZMon Cty echeel bjsardansivas amie et tic most prominent citizens tiere. He vas a Civil War veteran mnd for years vas a dcputy sieniff ln Indiana. H1e vas an excelet penman ansi once vrote lie Lord'o prayer omn a postage stamp. He bai olier examples ef ils abillîr as a penax. Want, Fer Sate,. iles a inthe IN. DE.PINDENT reoaclo "M000 prumn ýl 1 1 1. -èe.' ý ý il. ve do toiag UD* fse" in the vm51 081 ver est et lisa viiianp

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