foe*1~rSUObUL e thiI ihbrprue i u is et heMMlier. M lb. ~ ~ ~ ~ -w ronrt rosmrut.m xJtel .gnem.i V&u. .I ur Iuy1 uR.Ryt.iyL m 1ala@pedît " iloin 11Î40 *th. fl barpite, tm roeeo r r . ........r b. Ta..u ea . . ........ t.U flor, otw«. b - eveslug, epti, loo, d r oll p; r f olr s de*, lier rfllier tan e M ht il t. oi. s.roer . u r@ He w<nro<Ia Ii 1 tDkbOXDPOMOu in auftuant mm«. n glit s tudev aert a" ba ~W atto!.y, ~ uch a cotentio. ard r el WTin geo.meWleub oi ..lis.S 54o coris te l o.m ýThe aue ing wdud btOere"f ae natee&on of theai lo ais tuho parl ýtàgm a hewa of.eut $3,Ofor tal whieh repre- eL miýh ota peinsficld, ave Ati else tha e« aV r o v dfatltUV*t O lts. Freq alWinaad, ML e. sud c 1>q an att l ta- p e tr oital il, after reding ohm i, rJudg e -Âiasd o . eetahoavnm. lu f s e.rntelPh à& il,." heM l à heua m a eoe t tmba om c butuy indy mrleMs lLU borry ta- %Ia v l* an, f Iw. inU Mm. Durnda Ia6? utdP. . otov ai a ra y trou 1 WW9 t thpe 13030ra 0len h" for tethe SO 01 ro- ifi uw 'onu dbemsely aatiblns.c tv Y uuiq ve. uaalioU th e r tereIhIOu 0f 5811 lb& oetoisnngLb ultai Sanwdaa - ~jnomr l. wa thiga re blmgbooe er geP n Di- he LWQ en de eetnouat odA .xfuouup*hiao al, ti.i bbrbafcr a 44)fCJI heis hes e g bqdb tre of ay QAddte anambler f oal ople it0v.adu Otl ome n nvsmeis: l' w ' 00.11 nai b.te lookB t arfHer youa b.remvent ta iouv *@ »uý la6 péaimed; t, a ver. ladig w J. ILPAI" Tad..lh a tend lb incslm_ li 4u~thg~e al asewoeblSb thiagi gout4 isaye. odyeml by Shedm iselbs l VbA iMdd doif1 fl MD aa lade? rviousto etrangrnci a .Âvery Ia» rzle p«vtm wh theyvisied te woiIty have ? cmaitva. ia M ~bf u whkuth"ogane IhuILVo ororustrli.mbres la e ullgh l n . ranib wer umWo 1 in.ttai ermiu of aindluth .1 edrianltudheval a f ine heu-o amiwhvmot Yh ar voa fQutho us fer ofa bre w and pas jomou wMMttteft O 1 bea UbioreVi.,boreaent ta attndL. *,oms7~rhumeemchsperbsmlOtlier mI'.erc Jig DOIta attendfthrrcla b I.plirnn, sor'Sand b untortnuat. hm ami. èetm*. ublra a. Tr"tlit _ _««& ôtbM'TO rormuLTh obm nre doeo;ht ~V'nk" M ih-htL i rmbasdo»t."psale.qul.w hmb.uran dshI411o aiztém , th»of proper dL T &TOI AID aaendthLY I ~ .,ti. ve-~tn poboeLdrmknus u XEflJohnI FR01 Caspî1w ie 1.*0 CU «»-fe t ua.elmoepth a osz HmRlrW l wil.M.M ui ,j~hPIo ka odW butcointies bat hur bW aeidcrnr .LT_& udfm e ~ *omiuos jiui~liaI l hepa basai ¶iKmmbr ofT. asoMJamdynlhfais udr au ~i1 eoutb.a IWO lter C0 1 i thpiV S 511 Mr. ualia tiro.MiLe. ole gaikst u~pbe Mmuavia viom vlart a.acoeraon lu b ulle.d-Telo'elu ly, bhfeuilesa lbe~ =,t oenyji uam Auu ofbelu trle;d foravithoa t. .CTle au lb en efai hil totb t» df wo weutby S e.gus hevl. poe tns beoier ii luti.Ubian se »ail Wlto go5fo4et-oui d train bmpat srea"ur s. by vtie tho ae to d audOiy. ubta aa uo capagb Ç1IUIU.fp bim'hI4 e dop" of*& on pa th» plasu ILeua.fa.AneO h. r.ylo ' or thea gmfo w . $iprdayvbof houldgto mmllFUdI ieuil Cofaeu of mnmlmin th cotoivmmi»d mIllbSaerugMmdboinwil th~rfsm1ly l othv CU"ii ut have tifhfldî vetIv tnepape ca5.efor*el" 1 Coroner J.til LLv . mal.eirug lepartu b *ste sao thfuru s t t h l tl lb f t re ngd y Dg t ft m t e, a t dmom Th# la m .U bey'aubieforaliers tan lbparB" suancisv. totr stte > » Lai 0 cWtalweL-Ai IrIf uxllonUt bm MOUEWby c&outl ual babemet ander. ai*m" of mm* v olm» hot. andtiierugpm i .mau ay o.dlaa ut amcle g» uu j saa nUSalOf.LUUdS I&e a for lithg fr . Jta.s hXaie.Snday il Wt It va.b ýj b Wt Ut » «te M;teW aegmal.lan hateliso rery way = vi11af8 tm 1 pr abwichg adv ot forsud'" m4 b- h- e a 1la'nr. ý4w w. t. mzel m o ret=f«or oue <v u recti,"Ve el b ime i oulre o" là« «&U -mm tmat 11Sl1«efor ot o ami" atiuad m maulg'oma btm ffU SUsy &eAS& 9 tii.r.En -M DON& bher OMM at làbeurl mo à easlre utaea' lt bay asb I, uh la fo un ie l1 halai. ae C p~e'tl hcl iuo u Illaeqsbu* Li tp. . bael aeib UbO 0111M7 »«M o uld Mbea flad lu m«. neW "voed th tci.. risav~ec," W hev ud themai1 ~n il old ncruh.avage prop-g bAdy oftee ci b lnbi.411ham Inchelal*0 "qZ linmt!mmatt nà lalf,.W" a gouli te, ma foi» ctoof hie pretg l lugneprt1cm era amros lluê sr~ubaudvouldjuzn ni ot $1 or 15 5l- o tadm iiy em&e theke «à1 ail ove tii aunt Cduthe oulri..l50t $ triau y vWig *o n al to d auisuluWin làouuy, u t la ausier mpveues rougiu o f>tri b" vhure h cUVAen t roada vr put lu. -4 os. u ou lb h"$ e ile rodle beua 10 a l aidm o2u re;lm cod"th&mIr. Onteanem t oeight drapot- durs f $~~5 au cre-ud b.sUb1 u8:b faim Mnz Lta al e uparidual ta Ut .Teil il A Ibat igurea lUiaud ie n theug rip neroa u Or.gou daS >.iMdu oWbi og.telus aellusty h1-____lme_____b earei rouit. heard frumh' ibr e vs aruul pe Us 4%là.be ml ffum I aou bondrS t"sefl keou- tiront1lblil on. tn11 lla m hm *~M lta 1 d ava ou ation ot.erôpy vbueru v T.blcli M moose m- iýWDert., mearede eieva en t'w tul. DR'e nd s. on ,te us ipieeuiqm il )t'q *eqt6 dmbb atm batkles M Rageusm 9eu a. ors m0 Impém"*I gMoaee la. he M, .ira'e Mwb: hédlageait dek ora *1' "è "log lnpkoai ~je, a, w** a *Mlier of cottsssâ lor vp é*ay blé aêbasIn... bWk ou ioqva.,<of lihlrmske aremuemd WWs otre io. b thcatIr. sok. ý0 kW@ W voq hovy and wraid ha"e wwwtelad:O msoflue e wrg ma limai.96e iealmuthie smar. buiding. * ,qo&sm tisa t.ýefoamer, »d ast ro#i ta euomp hie beavy lqu.lm )s bé rwied hie lherdware sand la. men mhgas..ov.r ta hie twa sanst, iehud#Md ooretaeanir 1h.elaMi .aor iad imer yard, wvbcijMDm da Mâ0lke t, tereby rtiug froua ie baiem. a1865 hoiw*0 uuted la marileta yl Coier. whepmed away In 1905. »M0 lhor v u Ited witb Lydis Y. rdan a No*Jerey, rbaaurvilv h. ,eheb aïd a ride and iecc.asfo Ltica aner, having beeau aetueeiter rng bojà terms af Presidest Cloe.e d'e admlnsateil. Re Vms super- or far mee Ltememauy yeasl5 UO, tact ho rws Lie trot business mon La -va au tlh ourd and warked bard Intraduc e balue. methade la Lb. seactiot ecaty aflairs.n.e ea id several atier minai Lavna nd 584 ofie.. Alter retirlng tram buel w h. apret caaeidersblo lime lauIvl. &Ithaagh r ymn oïad bc varked lor Muts Obh mnltan. Wbleh If ever ýlato an. mity revalatiouhse te hbdof aiye..eaecaii'ylng canver- oaes t *prit b.ovwu natified aI I roceeapabal on au asar mbY agovcrameut. The dotethlle rutles wve.publie.d la Ibi, papi RE8oL.uTrioN 0F NE8P1OT Whenes. it b ha le.d AlulhtY 001 Sremove trou uir mdet hy d.ath aui 4ved broth eluta T. Baker, rie el Ben*. ept. 12, 1915. Therufin IL lealvod.That Inuearespeclta a ui teemed brother arteauLb.h charter a tory rcuue,ýb. 192 North Ameria au ta b. drapedlartiltyday.. Anq oi! Ol suaI. IL 1 rs . ta la eedsméog" 7-.0 a a. eshr mmiumg Pmuse thecsu. M> c e, se.ron ill be- pfte.bde Uaer ChilmI" The public- le, cordWmly lavted. 11» chir Wn lmelfatr oeeson Vuldey eveakt eb8 oclaci for epcla yacrk. AIl mebr argd ta ttel. 'OpportaalledMsd Partie af chool LII." nîlà h. lis ebiecofthe 1. pworti Leeg. eeimg ucxbtauay evouluat 6:45. Lae,1. ayRa bob RIver Coulseece Win-hold lb »Wssin $h r atehet b.Exgiewaad M. B. chueeh Cblemo,beglaîuimg Weday, morula«, Oct.. Olb. B. 9. Mller le delegat enmd Mme. Ema Trlpp le mter. nets delogai. trou hLb lety'Jll. M. E. ehurch ttheLb.Laýma'e caat.renc. Presbyterian. 10:30 a. M. Sunday âecool. Clme. Moraing Service 11 'clock. Tu..., "The Inttaed Taleale." Chrsti" Eodararfi:45p. m. Subjeet l'Shelds AgWaineTm ptatiome. " UveeiagervW7e:80. Thon>e.. "Lesean bi th Lice af Ellimi.," Mauthly basin...meeting aud socil ou Thuraday evoulng. Ail Lb. friendi af rlth e yo re lavlted ta attend. r The Petar'. Aids muettheb.Puetar ai R Êriday elteruaca ut 8 a'clack tu tbe vol l 1w 01 PC leTe Idle ILt fuithor aZ Leealvd, Thal Vietory Oonll. No. À W, extend to tic hereaved feMUYl!Our 28 mrtist eympathy, nid Lb c*r tau »Y p we maybeabe o glve'And be It irter r ieealved, Thut a capy or Lb...remolu- W ons be malied ta tb. widaLý a 00 1py rend upan the recarde af VLctory ouadil, No. 192 and a eapy publit.hed lu s Làhe oannty Independeut. - F. E.Faffltt, C. B.Haug, 9. D. Rabbardl, t',ammitt. AUCTION SALIL fh.e undereined will sill &t publie metian lhe fallowing laralture and îueelaald goodisat tbeTreptaw & Magon nalrsture store, LIbertyvIlie, daturday §Pt. 25, 1915 at2 P. m: 1 rall Mattlug, i dresser, 1i rauing xurd, 1 Iran b.d. 1 b.d spiug, 1 hîtchen »bluet, 1 ail store,1 i htcea slavoe, 1 maitary cousi, i shavel, i axe, i waab- àg lmbcine, 1 carpet beater, 1 etoal. 1 >si sattUe, iê3oumaa .hars,4 rockers, abanle. certain Po19s, i aven, 2 altreffe, apanls, 1 5-ge.0aileau, 1 aura, 2 dl.h pane, 1 box cued gaade, 1 vaul bolier and contenue. 1 clotbes mekot and cantente, 8 boxe. nid Boueleis,1ibuadi. stov, pipe, 1 bug @toi@pipe. à bouches, 2 rage 9x19, 1 bl. eupty fruitlui, 1 i ibi..table, 1Im ras ,mm1 i50401. Ungan k, 1 rrltlmg mb, 1 lady'@ ritMag duit. 1 embkaamonwiUag desb. MIe. J obs . am ie, Prap. 19 R. ApplM ,Auctkma. rici O0»e0aithe.pretiést UItile home mrndIflgo f the YM V U eOesIM Id lit wbetona i. iai, mtturd" ut phes Mvift Hesilee, a reR IÊSarE Wanbegaa Youg MeA,6s&"'Mleu lle1- 00à hPatrick rae amitsd; la Mar- 11815 a Ltihehome iot thebrI4V5 Par- eat4b. Rer. Ohideoter01 thé VIt prebytwtluncharch la wuUb. o f- hlulLug. Mombers 0ftie SIStO IMUIeansd a fer cflsemolatat tie nimber of about 26 *oam p80Ut mms. Bode. for t»O y""1 rmi<1- m»SUtC Science toucher lu the grade schooh r nof uubgs n e "Man" At me OM or ai le luit 5014001 le. Mv. lludoe bolide aioPCOMbU DOW lfl la tfie igeis $oeltV tore TIUIT mw &brias estem tI fOita- toekbokdu able iu '15. st tl les mueth IOTA rOE Nralpe,1 id ather ther frult Àbertyvill 'eeh egga .Pa.tor, Bl.bM. Alibunt. NOTME nuat &annal meetineaitlb are oi Lb. Merediti Flaver auI Campay viii houhol ut tUn be UMetîh FIa veradVege. lpyi. aturday. Octohor 2,1 t. heour ai 2 p. am. Ali tetak- re riquestel La b. pruent sîj à*& le2 Fobl)Tollmeuir. bcr.tary. iES-Oalaae. Cai<ots, Beete, Vet*bles. Aleu apple. and [te. At nlgbt pnies delivered lu Me. F. W. Schlictei, Phane M1 puy 27e a do£. for stelctly in. J. C. Meechant& Bra- n. il 'liepu*s eMwi. M- -","« * te.*lh boses aaYtlalugbut adals hoa- si diat bis samaUu1leag 100m dI oalv.nd eainsi ber so th"a qiotber cm o bleb me bath poudingtl court voald ho drappel br boe .S8h deelwu to n svotal omcaions 4e h@4a forsabea ber and oesd birtamaie buer arn% lvelyhood. Oh@ la nov eoednlg a hoandlng boumé lu Llboetyvllle, wvs ob ffle bie hushoal lui ier nlloul meous ai support aSter tmbgu ber mive bore chlI saafrom bot leist epelis sud PinanisIla Chleaga, viacre .lit.. Lie boy vau praeticllîy sturved. 1 uclct la W Not..rii Uïs goi es bdttl ii su îI euaul f«r a bouldlse .ove 1ud for lt" omtr, toe4ld RIs U asso11l. sujvîî kiot md àmy it hb- Iý M", luasaer bere.*4expervisa,, MWdi uted a tuba ,mala bau liew bonldlieue. t b. soecua o«« a peliol e N pui a arn roou tas UOelsS » ide"I , eoluelentall, M eexact- 17imla " ta TheIbau'. exeoptiuIr (bat be fiels il .héold be for a baitmmu- ions morc tien The MSueggeet.. lit. ILumell suggseitdtat bonde aculd le heul n-u Lie lest lot to, nature le youeshmrou i 81. Drfoi- ovains tb( lapen . eo>alus, Lb. coo Woolf! botrivialto erebody. Mes saltum o tt ue ' imirte, The @=an that h. ulvocates brick asài the bnd of material tMr per- manent ronde. He suggeseslsung bands ta this. amoat eIr yeur: 191"-S 0.0 1917-$ 73,0M0. i918-100,00. 1920--$16,00. 1921-4175,M0. 1922-200000. 1928-10,0. 1924-1200,MO. 1926--422,000. Mt. Russdl's deductions >re bae on figuurtagLb.e atinlandset1 Lae cOunLy ut oa.-faunt te ttal absssea ed vuluatIan lu the county. Hoefig ares the cuit et $1.29 per aue.for thc vlaale lime andIliftie sute vouil con- tinue Its share of tbe bau l L anld reduco the cooL pet acreto &bout 42% cents per b acrtlueb.county. lHe figures tilt ther. are 80.000 actes of fana aj laintheconty, hcno eeutcet uthLb. talde-4f th- farms lande pull Lb. enie caet-for thc wbale bond lue wovald uverage Si an acre or 11.50 ver scrin u ea.e Lbé " af, iLs anc.half silare. Bat, me ciLles sudvIllages -a-bout tbe.faurths 0f snch a cot- IL would make tLb. eaU cuit par faim scre 42VZ ceni, par scre, vblch vald b. spreel aver a penlad ar froat 28 la 30 yeate. ucarllag ta wbetber the bande rua froin16 ta 20 yparg. But, th. cool ta a ftrmer- unil ýhc liret $50.000heame due. Woiald be only a few ceats petr ot.for itenuL- The sapervisors ut noan veut ta the couaty bacpltal where tbey bal la dianer, atter which Lhey laspectedl Lbth buildings snd graad., The Food You Neyer Tire of A cereal that has a distinctive flavor mil is own-different from anything yU have ever tricd bfor-yet a perfecy balanced food. This is the creation of Dr. Price- the. famous pure food specialist-a com- bination of grains that contains ail the eciment of nutrition and energy in the propeerportiofl. Yo'il like it, too. 'Me more you Mt the mo<e you'U w»*îtocest. Tryy t for breakfws tomnorrow. lYse edu"" Dr. ri*e Pu Foo4storçfn your tWfLe TR1GS & TYLOR- Telophone 25 LIBERTYVILLLE IWLNOIS s e 4 1M Edi sort SMIC Thaus. attu1.hi aeq P. (V. home il over Cth Th@ *moet v uon. 1 and AUa Tucier vekst by tb. 1 by mort Mm 1i M. ie bon Tua Mr. Win. bore Ti Ranij poster lbon ut Leoni ent ths elpuld 1 Bruce D guet ol Cali on *Carpei wiere i A. oea "pOnt et Ited ber and Fri Th. Ta.edai thlr nun lIr. ai atîves s &pent M Cali an Calilan ---------- 1-1 lira. Letie oW. MaaLeguu aorlAI ertyvile eas made Iefeiant luaa bill for divorce 01.lul circuit courit today hyJier bahan. James A. Mae- Lugga. Thb ill vos 0101 by Atlar- neyesltoydecber and Jorgenson. StaL- utary truands are glvea. macLsgAu sets forth tbtt ho sud bie vIf, vers méaitelept.8, 190M. and hirel tagetbev antil Teb, 30, 1915. ,«ebo omssob.left ber aSter bana toundabcshaît dhemuIntimats viLla otier men.. -Tvaof theienanand ta the bill ure WlliaSas-5 holdt. boti ofh Ubertyvflle. The ltes9 givea are Aug. 25. 1914, andd ly 10,1 I915. xacLaggaz neilgos aL ailier mnu vhouc nemes ho don am buor bave enteredlinooLte esse. As issue af theinauilage tiare. oIl- dtea have been bora ta lM. sadlits MucLegan: James A., ag.I 7 rosis; BelenL, egel 9; sud Rem, 81.1 I month. The fataen latm, tilt bshie te le Dot à fit persan la bave the cmi, casi' Lady and clucatian of the childecMd a sbethat theit cetaly ho uvmvled La hlm. lHe ak un ubolute, divorce. ThoeliacLegmanfaully lequit* yoI1 kix a . Ubeetyville sud tic sensé-, tionai charges made lu Lie divorce laU Came sa a surprise ta ticir many ucs qualatuacea. liacLiaguaniela the Coatructlng huulnes. W, wIfl puy 27e a lac, for mtrltly ficela eggs. J. C. lierbauL & Bru. WaukepeM. . It bxde¶ieudent~iaru radvt n ait