DAY. SEPTEMBER 24,1915., ?j4qiiema ake villa Mu-. Fred Banlin bubaitedéa Lueuî <.fr l/,y <(f Q nestmly relatives frin Dci Brook, Wi..,4 andi Oak Park. Ediodby P. a.oRtuOU Piton. if tMr, sud tirs Rush Hues..&Tare sylng ai li te»Weber laum i bis usai uhile ibsir Ondre trest v bungalowvlas pceeld b>. tr. Humsys 's4vrtuaig alesj if ~ ob mhlelad buabeutiof Chiceg. NIes M4gy Ker andi Nr. anti tre, Dent K.-umark sud hie fnleut, tMr. John Crtb sud IB. launlin acre lu Dei are ntaiua afSp lbrouah ihe WaakegauonubusinssMatonda>.. athu buSu4 lee he -d adi. diga Cheten Douglas bas resuraed p hie hil hutim alO< O W>.hosn. tu Longniont, Cl,aiter an exisuti- Rom$[I Meade sud Lyle Richardsonulfrt ed viil aih hie brother, i. Id. Douglas luestvi *Oer WBOCtIlis1, Ill., abers ts>' &"ntbter relatives boe. aspect toe d von. *,tirs. Truman asudi tre. Zoiden vers lu F. V. Wlber inansciti busim ness l hcgo ou buieeslaat acci. Chisgo usoda>.. tir. Taibotsud UNi eVra acre Mdis Koaad @peut the week-endi ai ber shoping ia.sube cii>' a couple daye lasi Chiicago. uni. Xi ss Kelly vltcd relatives lu Chicago The Oracle cf the local B N. A. camp over th@ week-endi. bers, ire. EI&Toltottheslately roecveti The Gnylaic cenistér oc>sahty willan fanon pin frini bead camp fer ua ith tie. Winkis Thurudep4fte. seruvices lu secuing nov memnes afor ithe socn, Sept. 80, Viitora acharne. socieiy. tirs. Tallioti ho a ver>' loyal 1 Skti. B. J. Latine and danobters, tvah l. N.- A. antibas douesgeeti vrt for theg aend Aida ant ii. Rd Wagner audj ncaimpý Abert @sut Sundaf ait Wlmet, Wîs. Misa fllca Kent là attending achool lu P. C. Wlibr. Hebart Baty and Chas. Tucier teaye Saturday ight fur a six wsske tour of the West. Thsy ars gotng bJ ibm Canadien Pacific and rcturulug by nerfhemre ute. yMe. Meson, ibm Baniy Speeist at the. Razai Store, ie meetng aiitt mucli uncea ln Ietrednclng ibm Harmony Stou$gode lu tOua. Messue. Syken. Slâclosser. Cliurchill and Poulon wsre busness viitais ni Wauie-1 a"n Tussday. Mir. aud >1.. Orvis auj MisKats Cisvstaud f Long -4,ke, wcre visiiorg ptet, Mr. and NMr@. 0. Combe aitheir nmmunerbonis ai GagesLake. AttoMnY COUlson OfWanicganl, irsU- maied businessber* Tusstiy. Wm. Pester et Waniee n a ecalier boesTuemday. Bd Adams si'RifmllY am enstertmlaig relatves irom ont ai toan Ibis antie. Rarry Dasber use a guet of fieY Pester ai Wauisgan tbe irai of the wssk. Mliss Nor& Bier basn glued ber Posi- tion ai ibm Times. office. Leonerd flook &peut Sunday ahit hlm e sboe. PZ.ore ia u licter or ceeper diinleci- ont %ban Kyses Dtp. In the»e dais of the footsud moutb dises. evcry tarmer slpuld beuing t. The Rezaili tore- jrncS Drog Co. Mise Rutht Wal<Jcn of Cicago, la a gueét of Nises Rut h KrUâsmarc1 Qusliy Photographers. Cali on us--Vaut & Bull, Waukegan. RUND LAKE Carpeuters ara workiug on M ilion Lit- wlrs sner boume ou Lincoln Av@. 9 A. Grandy aud famiy oifILbeutsviiie. "pent Sonda>' ai Lea eu dees. ê Mre. H. P. Sturges ut Gien Ehyn 0@s- lted ber one W. M. Isucon Taur9da>' and Friay. Tht Rosing brother recreiued word Tueeday A. M. oi the suddeu dealb of thobir uncle. H. M. Smith ofai neika. M tr, aundlMre, W. Nd. Heson visited rel- ativeai wbeatou, Seturday and Sun- ~da. - Mrs. C. ticCande sud lMr@. J. Stadfeld srpent Mnndey lu Chicrgo. * Qualty Pheogrepluere. Cati ou us-Vut & Bull, Wauksgmn. Quallty Photographeru. Cali on us-Vaut & Bull, Waukegan. spek t th ~rose hte- Quallty Pbeooto mee ~a nusV t & Bl, a teu OPEN HOUXJ THTEi REXALL STORE Ladies of (.rayelake and vioiht- wiii b. received at the Rezall re, Batnrday p. lm., Sept. 25tb, m 2".80to 6, ta meet MnsMelton, the. Toilet Specalist frous -RARMONY tAB')RATORIES ponton wiii be the lest day Mrm.Miii- wiii bu in Grayalake and evin the. nuniber of appointutnts : nid net fil more, holding Ope use ai Our store se Il uMay bave epportunity- te itai ber. She I explain the preper uethotia of g uare of the skin andue of et artiieu.. RcDRUG CO@ .. elift of f Sol Supplsl the. uiy. G. A. Mitchell spent uadnie.ayihial parente lu tht li>'. B. J. Hooper bas a nea car. tirs. Belie Kelloggeofailes, Mi, bas been visting ber 'brother, J. K. Cilil heu-s, aIse ber aunt. Miss 14ny Kerr. Antilecli as adrcl prcstuted af Our school [air. Tht acotalfair be-id ai ibearbootliehiti- lng glei Fnday audi Iaturdav was a encomseileever>' va>, sud the chiltiren or-e ver>' entbieieit cver e b iUlsi vhieh acre ver>. goond, conaidenug tige tact ihai ibis ie.tibmtiret aitempi. AI] unt. luasauing that aext yeer vili b. bttier and blascu-. Eduard Leonard carnhiedOUfB rt preminni on collection ef vcciatles, Royal Falch. second and C. B. Dcis, tiId. Belon Krr gai Birui preminni on colfrction olî-auned vegu'- tablh-eput up b>' the colti pari precesse. E'verett Hueier tati an especlti Dus sxbbt of ptetoeî and Athony leonard of calibasit. Tb@ ginls bail a gond cuhif aio fancy aark sud bakery goade, &Iwoedoavera anti poulir>-. snoailinatt Il vas gooti. Then îbeentertelnniont part ai the fa:r vas gooti. tin. Bau-ding opoke libmthealtrnoan of Frlday; T. A. Sînupeon anti Tito. W. Hart ienlte oening. Seturda>' ulghtbf u. terfale- meut vas gîven by homne talent sud su acutionist ireni Lenosh. Friends boe ofaiMn, anti tre. RB1)5v- son of Cicera, yl i beinteneateti to kuieo aI tht arrivai of a ltte daugbier ta tbem neu day lest unik Ttc Bnci cnumber of th- Lyceuni course va@s iven Monda>' eveeicg anl WaRaa s.îcsein every va>'. Tbre >oueg ladies gaves amusical and liiîrary pro. gram and flic>' urel> pI.-as.,d their àudience No nant->'l.erxpeci.-d tb b enrud-it i8 lest tu avse good leau eneaininenfs for the tuei. Thecrosi of tiiscouroes le 200 andi 104 adulti @,-amon tiekets tave been sold sud 4 cidren's tickets,. Sigle ticket@ ai the- d,,or lManda>' lrougltin bu$1)70 makiig a total of $143 70 aireat>' colle<td. Qualît>. Photographemu, Calil on ca--Vaut & Bull, Waukegau. MflBIRN Z M, a.dlirae.SNor anAdama anti daughters anti Mr. R. Iaufsil of Chiago Lave, acre Miliburu vIitons Suda>'. Mn. aud Uti. Nete Webb are vliting Fi-cuk Clark in Mchigan thia asti. Mn. anti trs. A. K. Bain anti daugi- ter #pont Sonda>' abttir, anti tis.i Frank Cremnuait iraytake. Ttc Vlnfnr clae of tht Suda>. Suhool wiii give a part>' iu honor ofIdtir. anti tirs Gordon Banner ai thelr home FnItia>' venlng. tien>.freinthle viciait>' atteadedt hq Mlwaukee Pair Thuroda>. sud Friday. Henr-y Edmond@ bas been alling for sons lime. tirs, J. A. Birang vas drlvlug toaard' Wadsvonth Tuceda>. ubon tb. king halt trokc. fbraalngherauuîebnbd. lier face vas badl> est. Gerden Soueneuhis hbé ast above the re'.anti bal tuoe ttches laken In I. tiMr, anti tre, J, P. Jocobson af Madi. son, Wla. visiei enTuId.>. anti Seturday vlîh Mr, add tirs. J. S. Deuaan sd tir, sudtins V. B. Strang. te. C. E. Dennan hati a*~chu e loie tbe cllar Vededa>.. Shehas lue black ee n d ssu-ral bu-tilselandtiontr nai Inierse., C. E. eume's latter returneeti t Highlandi Pari titis wek. QumîlI>. Photognsphers. Cali an es-Vaut & Bull Wsekegaq. To Get Rld qf Pieeg. landi fore the htietsurface ce wMieittoe sce, garments or beddins infesteti aiit fissIf the sunltlit ifa strcng enugh te raiue. te tmpus-, tuer* f h MAd te 120 degremlts1 .5 h peostge Do #ba ls she 1biire t@>. senlkt refugie Mu-s.Bea-y éSeiatsedos sud chtîdren af Chiege agntSana>.aitbthhome cf ber uluer, tire. D. B. Murphy. 0 Pil muaim aWauicgan, la épeud. log the. veaet tihbm itms af iesfaiber bers. Fid OaUT ai Barnngin, rspeei SUDe- del' aih h eooda relatIve.., tirs. Frankl Harrison sud tir. al tirs. btsuley oi Cicago, aapoul Selurda>.andsudonda> aet the home ai nr. and tire. T. &B. ey mneur. rn. andi trea. Tnm Paiffyanti chîldu-en Mu-,. sudtira. Altcnt Rouey Mtrs. Irtee Qeyd>.s Mtr, sud Il.. J. O 'lbaugh. Bnp>. vers the guesi aiftirs, Margaret &tey laet uni. Mim Ssrah Gear>' lu spendleg tht usai ei Grsyaske ai lb. bomne of tr. aed tir. Barry or>'. Thinfluant daugitten ql Mr.snd tiraa. Mort Bases>- tild Wcdiaeaday. Feecerai va. belti grointht realdeuce Thuruada>, wlth turment la the fami>' lutinluthe Waucouda cerneter. Dr. O-feu itliard; ahe rame horne for a meaihu vacation tva veçisa; go1 anti waa tri-ken wah tuyptoid feyrcu, lu reponttd ou flic galas. Dr. LicCormun mid a trained nurse muni Chicago arc t.akinoercar@ of hlm. [)ci. Smith and John Daley of Round Lake, wce business calleret our village Tuesdav. Mir. and Mir@. W. V. John@ aud daugli- ter #peut Saturda) &A d uuday, in Chi- cago with Mr. and tirs. llarry Hoogh- ton aud family. John Goldingoi Atlante, (ia.,iespcnd. ing the we4lýtb tMr, auj. iii Henry doiding. Be reportseliue crops tnrough- out the souili. Mir. and Mirs. Wiii Pichîn, who have made their bornein our village for the pasi lear, wai moe.tu Cary the iret of lte wei. tMr. Pichîn. Who ae cm pbolsd at th. Borden factôry, was crm- peiied ta ir@ Up i work on account oi Uli bealth. Barry Alverson uIli take bis place at ibe faetory.- Owen Paddock le Dow cmployed by the i'attersoo Lamiber Co.. and ls mai- ing bis bonis wlth Mir. and Mr&sLeslie Turubuil. Eighty patrons l.avc sigîcd op ait the Borden miii plant bad tes uudertand esveral more ars te sign up durlng thie wsek. This ailb. the largesi îlot ihe fatorinbas had. a feet. abirit speake wctîforSupt Prît,-. aic ha@ tu-led ta treat bis patrons wite ail due couiders. tion. The contract prilrsa Are prarti- caily tiie samne »a . eer ago. H. Maman lis ereine a new site on hlm fartaeai of tban.Wm Baopipy sud sounliart are doing the work. Qualty Photogrsphere. Cali on us-Vant & Bell, Waukegan. RUSSELL Rev. yWil %e ,rtertained ac Mr. Han. Su. iday nîght. T'h- Ladi..Aid Society wileuw aet with Lirâ G"e. Ddorriiu ou Tbursday afte-r- nouon, sppt. 30. Lirs Howard Slwne mteaching th.. a-i.,, mci-@ ui.Eddy ie bl rt-suint ber d.utie.IMir. t'ely has@.oid bis fa-m te tMr. Nce Jobuto'n. tirsj E 1. Ser is ecuîerta.inug ber neplica from VWauicgau. Mir@.1. L. Siever bas a neice visîîing ber. Severaf from around there aitended the Mluwauke-e ai: last art-l. Mimes QuaYle of Oak Pirrk, epeut part 01 the week et the home of Mlira. A. C. Cornas. Mirs. R L Nelie aud ltuby Nellis wcr KFnoaba vtitomuone day lest week,. Mgrs. R 1). Aines auj daughter Emm. have returned froni their western trip. Thet report a od ie. Quellty Photographors. Cali on es-Vant & Bull, Waukegan NEED $152,5M TO fluN COUNTY DURINEl MIT VEAR DAY FUOI JIJiS rAND ELI3c.CLERKS Supervisor Pliee « Ela township flday began a, uovement whereby he bopea tn have mt^tâ-Wlde agitation, precIpttated whlcb wiI resiiit in the passage of A Iaw wcb shah raie thie DRY of judgee OUdclerks of elc- tion lu the etate from $3 for-ai 24-heur day ta $5 for mnaeight-lieur day. Mr. Pick. pr.ezd Wthe resolution belea whlch the. board adopted with- eut a dissentlng vote. ln tact, the. nienbers hm.tened te vote 'ýaye." "Be it reseiVed by thie county board ef superyteors In tiihe 1unty of Lake and state of Illinois, at the regular Peptember seeuion of nid board that it tg the senne of th$e nid board of supervisera that the Iaws of the saie ef Illinois *be ciianged go that the compensation of the. clerks aud Judges of eledtion sbould be raised to $5 Per daY ot eight houri, for the reason that the Present tavw relative ta cern- peusation ot satd clerts and Judges le autiquated and Improper ln the present staie of wage earnlng ln the state of Illinois. That the dutîca et thie Sid offciais are Important and that thé compensation siiould be ade. Quate ln erder thet 1%en of high standing lu every communlty rnight assume the. dettes ef these positions withent too great sacrifce to their earniug capadity. Be it further resolved that à copy et this resolution ha sent ta Senator Albert J. Oison et 4h. Eigbth Senat- orial District and to our represe4ta- Oives, Mrt. Thomas Graham, Mir. J. Hl. Viekers and Mir. E. D. gb#urtlegr, and that they ha respeetfully requested te worlr earneutly for the change ot legislatlon along tiie above entitled lunes In the next session of the legis- lature. whether tt ha aspecial mes- sien or a regular session et sald legîs- lat4re. "Respecttully submitted, 'E .F'ICKE." Quallty Photographer. Cali onunu-Vaut & BuIL Waukegan. RANAREA MORENS AT TUE NAVAL STATION (131rMEC) IuDa arn m» uliofai illesuandair-tight B.eltilg, Ramtaresa totse second gamns 01 the stries mron.ibmhelada at tac Naval station taithe ton.eof 8-7 in loir long innings, sud everyboty i>' led tte car. As SteBford and Bau-bou om eft@i aniviug on the scene, tiamon etarîti ta pitrit, ailoalng une bit aundflirerne lu eue inuleg, tirât vas enough fou- hlm. DoitBer iben fuooi p flie job anti sure pitced somelhall wifh tht-exception of tht- piihtb. abeu lie wabhfrd a lit le anti the Jack taraeî,-ibe secore. Tht Lil.cnîyvilic lads werc ithrn runs bobind uhen Seller trsue rne wathie lrai0in1ouJotuioslon ug l>' ta renter, anti gai lire more bunth e ghib on bit@ b>. Johnson, Stai.,d anti a fhree baggenr h.y R. Doufer, a i, th th bases toadeti. Kîmbîl arneacr. at thlg iniig ruu. luth tii.tuih a ee t ito tirâf on Springles ermores, ti ,,t--oud andtiird sud aconed on Dta, grounerder ta stcoud. score. Ramarra A BR H A E Kiirabail, 3b ............. f 2 1 2 1 Dtavis,2b .....-........ 1 i i 1 ei St. Dori...-r ..............o i o 1 Mt->'tra. el.. ............... .O O O S-lier, If--------------......... .2 10 t) J. tiorier, sea............i 0 1 2 1 Jobudton ...-............. 71 i1i2 t) Ba-boum mi................ ..i1O10o Stafford, rt .............. 4 1 o 2 1 48 8 718 3 Sur>' AH R H A E Wam*e,ss..... -...--,i1O0 3 2 Boy(-,If .... ............ 5i i O 00 t4puingle, 2b .............. 4 1 1 4 i Boaieel ................. 4 il0 0 0 Fynn, 8 ................. 4 0 1 5 1 tirlgnly,ilb... ...........4 1 1 O i Firehavi , r n............ i 11 O O Yova ..c.................35 i 1 2 1 Positepit>, p.............. 4 O i 2 O 40 7 7 16 7 Ramrara.... oo 0 0 1 5 1 1--8 Mmv' -........3 0 000 01 080-7 Summrar>. Basse stolon, Kinîhail 2. Davis, Seller 2, Biatront, Waa'rui; tac base big@, Fl1ynn; titi-e base t. R hrBer; double pis>', Daviq %0 ifafford ta Johnson; bas,en balle off Dartier 2. off Polbepny 2; bit b>. piteher, W aecu; @truucut>' Denfltr 7, by Pomhepny t); pas"aatihll Yurna. - Notes Supervisera Adopt Budget at weil thata one a piece. Closing Sessiôon-Consider- 'ellotrepiaeti Waîeon lu. thibm frt ably More Than Last Yr. garhnésapot uaodanBe con- Ttc anticipateti tîpensea for Lai e t henielves watchlng the pranc ceuni>. curnug aie eusuiug ycar aU r f-ena tgh pqrch lu the grand stand. be $1,12,500 agaluat $125000lest The NBey.bastté neareni ihlng teaa yeux, accerding te the estibiateti bud, bbill <roundsi ajarra bausiloyed on get recemmendedbh t & > i.nancecern- ihisysar. Evenytbing sin big leguc inittet oftht supervIsera, Theirt>e. tYle auj perfect onrp=1a16. emmensiation fer a tax 1ev>. coverhng A lai cf urangline iok place on ibm lie steve sein vas adepteti b>.the Ramues a ent duriug fthe ira>', bt board,te clerk insiruçted tea Proat «Id "a lFtsl it& ed@ aell." te lai 1ev>. acoeidingiy. Blafaord lest ii favorite bat lu tht Tht various eetimated 141011 e -imixup aud Oui- mascot wu sunatis le Pecteti as ueeti fer aie differeul de- eanut saie. Manager Higgîns ai the pertinents fer'the year tolioa: Mary bas been reqot-sitdto Badnthet Elate charitiec .............. $1,000t-est>. stIck. Prhnting, records, etc-------- 7,000 Nextundete> Ramarca vilii ravel to, Compensation ceuit>. officra 10,000 tbe Naval Station again abers fiie tird Blrth-death reports-------------600 sud Issu gamof tht arrie ahI blepia>.ed. (Çount> feramaud JA tipour ....- 35,000 Playerulhave bers ou tte 1:22 car. .Tur-coroner varrauta -....10,000 _____ Beathg, lghting etc' ceuni>. buýidIng--------i ......21.00 eiaà. tigoneral electlons ,000 Qualit>. Phologrmphers. à4eauetruaed bde s-....... 0 0 C&oon us--Vant & ÉlInilWaukega. Mlalenace county hoptal. - 20,000 BiWi Pensions .............,000 Qualît>. Photographea-e, Mo........o~q ... ,ou Cou on es-vent à BulLWackegan.4 SAYS FECIED loor undr the animais shoulti be ~ ~ A SÀYSINFE ID ePt ry;therefore tue bedtlug ahaulti BE be changed trequcntly. For bediln CATILE CAN Di hygroscoplc and anîlpuirefactive mg, FI Il~ ~ e L W TLE UN DE tferl as recommentied (turf. gypslum,OFR z , M CURÈD IN 3"WE S Theê treaLmnit rePer consiste u R 11inI OU I M. S. Warren of National Pa-eue oetthe dlsiuteciants, menfloueti, n thelu- efforts te .0seors IffiIu ' .or, an astringent solution. wblek Lu herse, toesquip th.e* -mies flew on- thological Laboratory Writes thiis Instance may be usej lu a so1111- gsged Oni e death uteisogle la <surépu on Cattie Scourge. what rancentrated tenu. Painting aventlo of thse 1ailes have mi*w temed withwoodtercreoiln, o rael liai11- their attentioni te Lake cousty gst Tl&e foflowlng communication frein ment*, I lu ikiu. goseau ah t hhik mrsbuylng up 4ail the uvalluhle h41» rDr. H. S. Warren ofthte National milk of lime, or aprInkltng wlth dry- in the. ceunI>.. An agein Jf . Patholagical laborator>' at Chicage la Ing powders, wiII be founti benericlal French army la lin b the t~ (pOwdered copper sulPhate mlxed bush>. eugaged lu gon@ frmo a, et eàpeclal Internesite farinera living witt oek bark, tannalorm, weod farimer te muother, puuchaeing hereo. lu anti uer Waukegan, tecause It charcaal mtxed with cros~eive subl. At theprisent tinteh.ole worlclug In tells ot the treatinent whînt shoulti be mate. sec P. 229, powdereti exide of the vlclulty ef Antfoch sud Rouand lgivcu ceas or cloyen foot animals zinc, etc.>. Berna recemmenja plac- Lake. eseffcrlng tram the tact aud meuth tng aulium halls sprlnkled with alumn One carload ot herses has luti 7disease. Bbc letter was receiveti by between the boots. Plger palntIng been shippetifrtrmtboue io places, William I. Lyon aud la as tollows: tht ulceratlons on tht hoof s it a auj anotter carload lu ready to b. National Pathological Laborator>.. lue. 10 per cent beclllql oabîment, lu ae- shippeti this vesi. The plan le te ESouth Wataâb Avenue vere cases thc application et bacillol senti a cauload et herses ont ef Lake Ballera' Building, Chicago. cataplasme. ceunI>. eact ueek If sufficleut ont. Sept. 15, 1915. Complications wtlch result freon mals can te secereti. Mrt. Wm. 1. Lyon, Improper ireatinent, or tram enfa-ror- h gn shvig111 rul Waukegan Commercial Asn. alt externat Influendes ahould ïbe In buylng hornses, for he lu paylng Waukegau. Ill. ireatet Inl accortiauce wtth sergicel laerai prices tor the animals.' Ho yolial quirretttc lu .seema tatuh e uctî nfrmed on the Answertng lurIqiy fte1t I affections et the udjer, firat of market value anti price of the herse. Inst. concerning hoof auj mouth dia- ail the regnlar miing, If passible andti t secure ibem la payle.g prices case: with mtilk ratheters, la neccsaar.y. In constierablt>.Inuecens.. This ta a bighly Intecilous tileesse, addition te ibis wmshlng vith luke FotLkecu, hehre r the cause et ablet la a filtrable virus, varie vater, or wiib tva par tr3 LIecuiytthre r witt mllk catteters. or vtth a 2 per shippedti t he utareat ocean Port but tht germ hasnet been jeter- mu oai ai ouinl uf»ad tht animals are then taken direct mined. This contagion ina>.beccar- cdent, Ifte Inflammation la more Io Europe aber. îbey are placet Iin ried b>. clotldug. hy tht saliva, b>. Intense, and thc sensittvenesa la commission. Tht>. anc obigef- tego? bide, andi the mli or anythlng that greaîîy Inereaseej it le atiîsabîeto tebrough conslderable training belote comea lu contact wltb tht tutecteti apply varinapplications te thet ttc>.are suttable tor tht battit fleti1. animal. &ores. after previeualy sottenlug and The. number ef herses ifled in hatt. Tht disease, as a mît., la mitt Iin looatnlng tht acaba, aise, lead or ilnr la se large that diflicuhty la betug ex- character aud tht animais recevered aintnt. tanolinbora.-tc ai, vase- perenced lu serurlng unicieut' mnt- trom fi le tte course of ram ive or lin. (20 per cent> or dermatoîl vase, mata. titres veeks, but ttc>. do net atylays line: t1luwîure et opium nia>.ho. ded 1 At firit the agents verked lu the recover thelr full mllktug capacit>. un. ta tte salves, aor a 5 per cent cecaine big chties, cerralting the Ilerues ai a tiI atter tht next calvlng peuloti. Tii. 1 maybe uset f ront tht begin- central point. Tiiey have nov deciti- ont-ale? et eueater ent. Ta rlu a R2vg ubblng vih glycerine sives cd te van eOut et the cttb and are one-af f oe pe cen. Tere nttktvlae goctireaulis. Parenchyme- goiug Ie the ceuntry diste. te-akW a malignaut tarm wbich ta rare andtiotes Inflammation ot the utiter le hast count>. la ene et the fret places te tit tht mortalit>. ia>. te as bigh as treated vltb nueuctians ef green b. visiteti. It in sai l tai every Aaeit, 80 per cent. Thisaaffecta partlcularty soap. coutatilg fluctures etlodîne ahlerse l late ceuni>. ahI ha t- yoeng stock, If au affocteti berd lu (1:10), or canipher ehintut (1.1) en. At the rate et a cajoad a week sttIctly quarantIneti anti tht puoper recreatedtwIlce datly for 10 minutes ht la dolhbm ji lst boyl'ng th.e OM- treatmnt alven. there should b te - nt a dîne aujdluIntirer tu privent the ply ati l it île leis anti comparativel>. uttle dan- formation of stricturta. - tht utidere f ger et carryiug tht Infection. aboulti te mIlked eut ever>. e ivr I()IO I Titere te se far ne practical met- 8unhe. heurs. Durng the. interval, le. N wSu x oti et preventatîve vaccination or un.-tiaterm bougies ina>.h. Introduceti lun-lI A rani treatinent. Succesatul expira- te tht miti ducis. (Br.)rum mental von basn bienudoue along lu matiguant tarmn et the t dsade, t A À1 m f hstUes, ]blai hweeld te nsex- It lea atvisable te vatcb the activît>. "f3l iiR N1 pensive ta carry eut in connectien et the t lth tt ffecteti animl&t UVUFtLPFX with a heu-j, that it tas neyer beeu caretully, especilîtfrottram iii 11h te Tva outoen filed i lls for dIVOrc untd. .thteulutti day, ant Inl, rase litsrune- agaîinut their bephanda lu circuit court Atter rccetuy tht animal la gen- tien te dîsturbeti, tht threatenlug îîiîs morntng. The. c arges lu it crail>. Immune for a long Urne. beart tiepression shoulti te treateti yb>.lhls vere quit. atiniflar. We are encloalug, terevîth, cop>. stimulation. lu cases et severe aymp- mis. lettie BasaetfBttn, throe fron Hutrya & Marek. ,toe e c arl>. slaughten eftuhe &nut- Atafrney J. G. Welch, Illed a bill fer Youra ver>. trll>. mals la Wdicafed. divorce agaInst ber hushatdugenef NATIONAL PATHOLOGICAL LAB- Basa, chargiug hlm vith desettSa. FORD RTO Steasafents tht>. acre inarrit"i84i St. Tr Hme. 9 WRRN F RDS RS a joseph, Mict. Aeg. 12, 1906. (lu AUg Retaticeanlnea ae htta R1VO.AC ES0Fr12,ai oýui an>.provocation oM ~Res n d atreuiemess aete vbicb part, ste aya. ber heabautidoe mriltm oeqfretht dscaseermwiait 5 0 CR F serteti ber anti bas persistei lnuie mild fora of thedJseasV ermInat desertlon. She ansa for a divorce. n recovery withln a short turne, anti LAKE UuIYIILAND Ms Mr .-elyo teu without leaving aubsequent affections, tira.Ware houhKt trne t.un In tht mouit affection care sheulti eIý, tareuiroh orie t tUMV firsi of al te taken tbat thc muceus Sun Learns That Auto Manu. n's treisi e ioc giu miembrane 'be proîccctid frein me- facturer Seeks Option on 2 ber huabauti. Edwarti J. Keltey. St chates Inury an tht te 'nimls 0 satt tht>. vert marrieti ai ËFrePot, chaica mm>..ani tat tc nimIs Other Large Farms. Ill.. Ana. 31, 1904. Accu afler theé& are kept ln geod condition lu apie marriage ste maya ber tembaut began of thc caisting 'pain ahIh It trteres On Fnida>. it became known that thc excessive use ef lntexlcmîins Hq. withthie partating ef tond. For this agents ot Henry Ford, vealihy aute. uer.- Ou Sept. 20. 1909. the gaya heu purpose ttcetiiet ahoulti te regulateti mobile manufacturer o et froit, MIch., tuahanti vilfellydeserteti ber antibas and the animais shoutti te given. tn- tati actuaily closeti thtetitai fou- thmpersîste inluhies etion. Sb@ asks ateati et coarse and rough foodi. treah purchase Of thc Bradliey faru ai Rçu- for an ahsolute divorce anti the ee- green fod, fine hay or ailage. Se- joui, antiltha tht agents hall taken ted>.ofethieir chilti. verel>. affecteti patienta shoulti bc options on tue etiier tarm tracts ad -________ suppliet i lt flour anti bran gr-ecls, ioiuing tht Bradltey farm. , , ~ s s while >.oung animale shouit te' given Accertilug te eue Rontieut reaideuî Roof >caffoiad rackeh boileti' mitk. ýFord sceka te purchase betwesîl 500 and a ite et niWx4SeMauflinu- mais ut ssoup- For tht cleanlng of tte buccal cav- anti 600 acres et landi. vert poasible. Cn eau te sedin upulluleshb- fte t e uieffua la a sa seConda: fodur hr h>. tte animais shoutti trequenti>' te Tte tract of lantivili bt ued next luxea mil aucunla %aht. hNa ledIv.n given pure. treut vater, besities tht yeau-, arcording te reports, fer demt- damnase e l ugles or roof. aXatie ai sheet mets]. Bave lrne. latuor sud netle Suter meutt shoulti te syringeti eut tvaonronatration purposes. tir. Ford fla nov nt. TRIAL thrue timeg day wth purewater engageti ln the manufacture anti per- orden. Try usiom 1 aitbthtaid t a irrgatr, o alli ting ettracter, vtich ilvii u atiaideysonuMieslob. ai h b ard ofanbtr rige.tiliones ha oait lpri e. As eau au the tracter ocnrem a bod rbbe sying. Mdicnesla pertecteti h iii be bulit tu De- Write iodar. arc o! tht aubordinate Importance, trait. Thn lM. Forti proposes te Oco. I. iln h 9lI anti only serve te prevent tht decoun. eu-ct an asuembling plant ai Rau- 750 NDuhe.S.t tte accumulaied atlivu., oui, The peana vitlilseahippeti ta Qke ni, Rondout troustithe Detroit pleut. andi andti tehasien the btaling ofthttc tuo- uoaen lg asuemblet ill te shippeti alions. For this Durpose milti disin- eut freinReudout ta tarmers living tectants anti astringents ina> te useti lu the centrat antiweetre sections for the Irrigation, sucb as alt anti Or1the 'Unitedi States, Itl a possible vinear vafer, aîum, cooper selputate. filttce tractors yul lte tuili ai Ron- Iron auiphate. potassiumn chloraie,,ho- That verk viii atari vîtblua aver>. racir aciti, crealin, carbolir eciti, 1>- tea vetis on the erectIon et a vare- sol (lu 2 ta 3 par cent soluions) bouse anti stock racin ai the Bradley. pyoctanin (1:1000) fonmalin (005tari n taeerepent ahiet bas teen recelveti la Waukegau. per cent).etc. These remetiies ina>. Detroit firei Icarneti o! tht Fard te eset inl camemute-sage or flax tendi buy ot Lake ceuni>. tanti ou Wednese. tiecoctona. day, anti reports tram that cii>. se>. lu rtir uia a osibl erpîon n tere ha ne question but vbat the deal t case ofthttcborne shenî, ti u .cnu tt l aI cause a severe inflammation efthae MANY AT ARMY CAMP. horn matixt, anti sobsequeni loas ot Fort Sheridan. Ill., Sept. 20.-A Ditsedi otk" tht borne, ih appears intilcateti, tsIie-trampety-tramp, ahicli seuntîej 111e a Dth u erhCtua ont iadce dm11> . lcava, otie letm vth buîch et fitiget>. carpeuters layang a Ouhifull fien.ous nui e chaîna on thc nerk insteati a! ou the uew floor-tis waa ttc firai brave , oetu- neo teati. tort ef Fari Steridan's newA ctisen E A I K The oqtaffctIn l ingreaten regimenite keep f me ln marching r- neeti et treaiment as thc affeciti teed dem at faon fada>.. c gel art exposudti ta rrltating Influences, Acrase the bridge atict leatis ft JjS.~ j D I«though even this affection" usuall>. th.- gvriettan apt h m