CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1915, p. 21

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Je LÂKU COUNTY niNEPENDE-NT, YfflX Y.OC'LN)1ER 1 1915. mu.à '1:. ~IIi 'j' "a Xfew 'Greationt i ini ittIc J ~tlq ~luatdfor "Ion Ml adt 'ti-e earwmbe a supremeI weiwntoarmodige. Tey are smast, I&kmandservlcabie. Each year bus sthmanufactr f ble ode ~s yr more tttisa paid to0 fi«YugAmeriea " an cbi astg itabtmem tbusbeen as Th ~do flot showa thcee of la i ~Se.~Ti~<ae effem sbut resmle tsoe f I1~massfstarrsof boys clthing lu ieses e.not 'Weil i pasdn adiuceordrs.Tisey daims re-b krtheir rdens down to a mini. t t tmaI eems te bu a ccv smethed tint reliantsa Tie'do flot vaut aid snend bit e nev gpodi. *u~nnndre viits w hebs 0, bs.oaufslnbenoma as it laIl tzpected dthatise retailer lamont in- tances ylplicteis torders. Boys0,lotitg manuf sturera alao complined bitterly cf thse làte detiveries ci piece goo a daming that tise gods wer. cet cusy arrivissg lte brat sItise colors. vere pool. Tbey blnmed ibis 1 .iton on te tise dyesissils. How- cicr, atie season bas pragressedth ie varlas acilities have greatly amproveti sud retailers have recciveti juat visai iisq orered, coutrary te tise expecua- çf aypeople. ~r oder boys, tise ranging in âge frii6 ta 16 tise-Norfolki in mnu variations predaminatea. It lasbown nu4siîtyt n iiali MOUela iti piestet hidi and sitched.obuit. As a mile iise1 arc sbovn vitis hree oulside padi poctieta viite iany art atso shova vitis fap paciets. Tisey erne mostly ins serges, oratetis, homespuns, casammeres. dseviots, etc. As a visole tise Norfeiks for bave a tendcacy ta bu tigher-fittii* th" but o'. They f ollowvevry dalely these Ues aI tise body juat as: they doi mc ~eaaâ coiramntis ve c TI>E Fs Ol mI .I - e~~hiawn for m a si 'sL Its Unses pou inore severe th.n lthe Balmacaae- !)ecially aroucti the shOulder T:ba4 O .AN d p nodel cornes tnostly vsth vevet coUlarî,a i md there are alo massy shown wtb 5<11< collars of the nâme fabric as the co«L Joseph Gunther of Haif Day The Bainsacuén for boys isn't «out Deolares Situation Is Incfeed ofi k" by any "ilaSi. It ia a "backt Most Critical. namber" in mesis sts but is stili 1% Utop-netctstr" fer boys. There are ce- ally ne distinct changea in this yeas'sj NEEDS PUBLIC SUPPORT. modela f rossi.tisne of tast ycar.'l. Of ltheinaure sbown vîet's vclvetmo & Declare Those Opposing Work Thse fabrica 'used ha boy' overclti of Inspeotors Are Wot'king are ef4tbe samle characer as thone usetE Againstthe Public. in messs gasinents. There are aILdt, of differesit Wesve-Kdr-c, VicOtiMu, Hait Day, iii.. Sept. 28, 1915. t-,,C,,«adnm hO11J. a. l colorsngs ase are very snudijTo the Editor: thie same aïthuane use4 lumraess OYEi' Au a reader of your valuable papér, ceats. ZDIerçnt sisades of bUes, g. ws u otetW7Svu di0il migtere, sud ovrpWsds are disPlaynd ii ecmet io ~u dtra iqnnu, lssestisere are a few folie'ef the tant issue in which you make ttigsud beli"*bsk modela She-W s ,j admission or Ignorance, as te, the' Tes my vti ot b. very opuw rprofuc way te elininate tbe foot and! as po"ri*1a.tek i nfol" lotn m:mutb disease. adding, your opinion Foj ~veTyyosjg boy beledtoe officiais veto in a 1ke state of canFor* mhlty I stewl bu verS mid. -~ 'I'sey abliarstyleaisy i be fabrci 1amrnlcined to betieve your pont- vT.Iy at jbo#r d ailye n ollars. tien vas net one of ignorance but tie Cg . . ng nov inth ie coat for tise Oisk pressure Of other business, made vu of.dcoq I oy tise Mndninaw villii 1Icaretes luyotsr statement, for you * bu tW itcioce. It it showsin aiidY ix wrote vithout caroful tlsought,.Thl Norfdkalle s tye lh dttached butta. A lis unfortunate, for a great det1 net, fu. t i, year in the revetasibltt 1 barra can corne tu yaur readese- colar-ltilanet atrely new but i ha, eitrt he uifksg read., ..- buen se Ver e tet iat itla more useful 'eilyt 116e aà llswsmy ehaite~ who jumpsaiatconclusions. The foot 'ast vpxs cfbu ntfu cotars anda. and inouth disease is a very serious ter -« e o fori a cercie tter, oloficiais need the co-opera- ~ ~4Len d'.ba!r inac rich maay vlln ofcs ?yeratal and De dluMBrewn and Bbli tion ef al aur ciient, ît vanta ti.e *-qaia,Grand Blacki plaids, Brown. of b ve soe aso hescy ulc tio.brough its lmediumn it and- . -- -lbave- e tsc % a htise fvtgomuly shwsi e ci's d Suit. 41.. 4 el Tinont.s laeYou are In a Position te do a great shwsa eidticuaaymicet fon. Lin!. fetloW 'togaaeswy tIS-da fgo.You can also usude ail The Lapels toc are vider and "peakcd." tv" «C s 5< ,tp ae nOn tisCcr tielofgoodves hat bas been dons.. Thbe trousers ts ,year are modified là Tisb ae s ertnts cf Tommy Tieatotanbytn.ppig bit. A.Igreat maay of thes nraigis st M T =dt« l uctshort cols Th ctoavanbytos PPsn styles are coisg back i io favor. i- eg$e a s 1.urther looek 1k. "bi our officiais la net a consmendabie aone. cycle kssee Pants that first put in ther broefW. ' 1 l. very easy to dscrédit tise vork appearance tes spring have 9ood pros- T%Çilbe $#W, coat suiî-tise cOat and efforts of mecnvisa glve their ~sccs fr a isnsuziy usy easn. ise IIpW! hse Oliver Twist niuit time and money to researches that Pefre a g ula sngg y eci bock eas E be1. < Îtt ion and buttoncd, tis enfthew ld es iiso. again, Ct funt and vide. la mat iiru... 5sqp 01hzeazssearance c eefit be ve nd.Te tkserla ie stances thse treuters are ineti throug" h- t iiisOit fevr bui ltbetknseiu oui.l ÉWin t aiortr o ulnes tva Pair TbaqsMugenads sarrays ofBa&@*nountil they have proved their cosstess cf kickrs ae isc ued ith thesut bloues lD dy i vestee nuits for fnlf tien or given us soine food for vhidi rcally meas tisedouble lif!e o a $t .fits dvdaîy fe ~toet the gamet fer as ve ail kaow the l1d:hboy It la quite true tbat the foot and usuaibi vears oui is knickers about t moutis disease la flot thoraugbty un- ivice as faut as bit cnet. 'lis favriteoctes asd eh Language. detstood, but hite many other conta- Toys savitsae Gce usi<iatrn su We- We*»bla letaugit In tise public scisools glane diseases. ve are apptytng a rmn- ta- lis pbud,, d,- gim, chl f Wles. la unhersally spoken there. edy, witisout knowlcg tise cause. Edi- chseckis, andi a great variety of diiere«t'and la s ýeiiety spoken in tuis coun-, son. 111e macy othera. can maie u0 sihades ef bines, V"ey, browns ansd mi.' tr'Y. Tise language lsaflot clt5 e ' of eiectrlclty, but doeen fot knav vbat turcs cf greens. Tise colorissgs art iaeeoti a t rtai and Highlansd (Ialilc electriclty le. Our veterinarlans knew mach better tiai vas expected eurier but sla althe aame brandli as tise an. ia the season. citat Gpvnlsb and Breton ultiM.. tise symptens. cf the fot sud mousti urdan iII.eieeclrlcity, tbey m- asj1I1~ n t ee I, but tiey de k now it'e tiere àtJ UI I A ~ U 7 u , ndthsey do knev that thse oniy vay te, stamp it eut la vîts the axe or gun. AS SA M ,"IB h1I Yeu cannot confine cattilean any citdren. Then agaîn yen are nôt dil- 140UlE1L. -Ing the producte et ctîî'dren. The greedy fariner ln nome cases, seilint, milk from Infected and sicS cattie. Citizen's League Brings Ao< dises se untit be te forced ta quit. b tons Agaifft Pharouol Ont federal geverninent shoutd be If or Wife of Drinker. empewered te kliicattie Instantiy, upon being lnfs-cted or tbreatened, DRAM SHOP LAW APPLIEI wits foot and moutb disease. i fee]t1-- reaaonabty sure that the supiPe Bcus Wuegnaton court wiii decide ln favor of the pub- iwas lise a ret o en sesateor lic and i betieve the great malorlty apply the new dram nIhep 5W te of farmers are ln favor of any draFtic th~e aienmon of Lake ceunfty fi measuren ta secure for tisa tate anli eiîgdmpafrfmie caunty a freedom on reappearasue 1meeng daaes or mad e aits of this pIague. Germany. credtted tai drunkards or whe met dsith nW be tise mont scientific country in the i*.' drinking in saloons, tiis ntig$s venid, tmled ta cure ber cattie for aifo hcg pp. tts 1,great many years. wiib the rennit that tie.Itrtsongailde 3hem fonnes annualiy are 20,000,000, and that druggistnsial» now faCt 0 ase la nov uaiag tise metisede em s erions situation wîts rnereiou I!ployed right here in tiincountry. Thse' to the Sate c07 tiquer:* cattie ovners. visa bave their ant- Drisîgista cf Waukegan and: ý mats deatroyed, are lnaured by tihe Lake cennty cten are liable fori' etate. Paysnents sbouid be madte nt 1tosc h da bpiwo once, upon agreetng ta vatue. Whvislcb iosfth rmsoplwU sboud b.isaed uen îe mi vauenois, as satooninen. accordtagta I shoud bebasd upn fn re va ry King Grese of tbe Citizen's Les, as a breeder, mîtker or beef. of Cisicago, wbkch bas started a lUI Souteet ofor netoriety-seekiag ln' campaigu agaînst viatatorsa ln j diAduat, visa figure tbat any adver. macles. iisIng fa gaod. voutd give us soie. cure that viii verS bettor than tbo Acfla6i for 110,000 damages vs onethl stte an doped.Letthefited yesterday ta the circuit 4 ans bisatat ba adoted Luttis agaînst two drugglate. tari. Hauiâ flood verk go on! Your frlend. Galiespi cf 3642 Vincennes avem 5 JOL. P. GUNTHER. asîs Ibat amount for berseif Pink Poodte Paria. tisree cbiidrec fmota,,G. T. lisais p Gustav A. Weier. visoso drug a$ý W. bve at iear afa god JIe!are at Porty-tird Street andi lnd an one of tise mercisants on BState aeu.W .fun taay t treet. A certain store blossoed Tisheae brgtis eèe twoaioa . e ut tant wee'c vîtsan etaboratelIas Fred fierafini. na silooikeepur at of Haltove'oa decaratiana and mansa and ver an wodere viy tsisCottage Grave avenue, Irom Sig~ 9 an evry ne ondeed hy hisintoxicants taoao!tleie he store vau gettIng ready se earty. At 1 ~ ,...-, .*. ...- letss o f tbe aciso6 ir ls aedth ie ur'u4t,..!s prepietr i î~y ves nt gttî j aMasen ptsnrmacy for wisk~y pIp - titisprieo I teywee otge:i aat10c uts ptu 45 cents a g - the 80th." "But not the Sts of Oc- Mis. Lii. Malnoawski., motisç tobet'," vas the roply. "You are over jthree ciltdren, ail minorae, k~ a moath aisead." Tise resuit vas tbat 000 dsmnages Irons'four oaienl u,- tise wladov dresser lgot a isurry uip1 Martyn Hermanski ef 8558 cati té get buzy and change tiset avenue, George Ecisett, ViueeêAt>~* scenes. Mral-Tisose viso vant tenstgakl, .and Andrev Tomeank oet" zet tu an earîy suppîy of materlat Butloy avenue, la suits flted ln' t for thse 3tis of October viii knov afiernoan. viser.te go. ,I ý t quesntu 1et lnrue1, Wlu 8yln. eports tisat grs litti = TplàSMO etrutis tissahumOaskillied 'la the. aundry poums the sDUSg of Bildad tthde bunt vay shows tb« a aer IauMoz your word là net tuq give it. imaaiIttJ &t-.k ~ - FAonderful ShowingQ îvery-Jt hifl NW in Men's Our, Êabérae Display for Fait Fashion Qpening Presenls a Splendid Opportunity for Buyers of-G.Ood Clothes ) '-v s IL 19 ', l la la d%- FaIl Hats- Exclusive Shirt Designs New ifail Ur Brantd new. designs right froîn #1 the hat nmkrs-a hat to fit Ciev.erly designed lM -iutifully colored, strîkingly M ~ e ~ ît (v(IV head. Brow.ns. grays, nîginal-this deserîhctiour '.onderful assortinent MLA , SuJ s 1w.arI greeîs-these are the tof new fal shirts. ('ut from madras and poc elne e av hetîh i'olt>is that w.i(lI iredotifjiate fî'on won4erfully designed patterns, in the new ebIe whaeten- this fali.- broad str»ipes and checks, with either laundered or biest, inost stylish and mnost $2 and 13 Freuch cuffs. Ilere's a showing of shirts that 'w.ilî complete assortnxent o!frnen's t suit the dteerinitîating buyer. Priced at $1 to $.. suits ever shovn ini thîs com- IAttractive Necklwpar V<e have .Iust reivdansas- sî:rtîîieut o! neckwear that sur- pas e e N loui- , - own ideals. They 're niade up in beauti- fui weaves-featuii-- ing the heavNy, b r i g h t coiou-ed stri1)es, and also t4e more simple, Conservative pat- terns. They're the latest thuîîg ini neek- we."ar. Corne in and look them ov-er. 100 to -5600 New ?lodels ini Top Coats Riglit now is, the' tinte -you should be wearing that îiew fail top coat. We have a splendid variety re-- resenting ail the'new fali designs. 18.00 to 25.00 The Bmèst Shoee in the City -that's thie way Nveexpress the superiority of our large stock.o! footwear for mere Patent leathers, in ýc1oth and gun-mnetal topg. Ail new at $3 to $5.50. 3,.00 to 5.050 nîunity. The fashions this year eall par ticularly for browns an(l bine serges,, although we have sorne beautiful combina- tioui plaids in greens and greys that muîst ixot be overlooked. If you are persistent in keep- ing up with the styles corne in andi look over our line of Su- eiety Branîd and Adler' Roches- ter clothes for men. New Fibre S11X .1lose Esýpecially oftered at this very low price. Usually seils for 2va 1Pair. For tomnorrow, seien -pairs foi $1.0, or iew pair for. M5411t I if,. vSI~ la I& a !WW' 57 'n leations- n Others $22.50 and $25.00 113 15. bu s. Si que- -e 4 1 w. cil-. *t a,- -t lIe re~ ~aaf L~.-. 4~I~ amené ana Know tuai cam Y4,

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