CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 1 Oct 1915, p. 8

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SW232 )lmNS DURINEl TEEWEEK;9 101 INSTRUIMS Business During the Week in Realty Circles Reported te Have Been Quiet. Business of the recorders office for ithxe eek euding September 25, 191: . . . .. . . .. . ..Number of transfers, t3. + 70E. 5 BAT + , Numer of lbans. 18. . . ...... . . . ..1 +.++ i. Total number ot Instruments filed, 101. -FARMS FOR SALE-OIue 10 acreplace,. Total amount of lbans, $89,232. fins soi, levl, Dun@ new buildings, ne", Business bas been quiet during ths tpoes, ons mils .ast of Laks Villa. OLe0 veek but boans are above the aversge. «acre pacs ans mile nortb Lake Villa, 1The foloving are smong tbe deals of à" oual, 15 acres tçýber, fair buildings, Interesî: eubd leuces, deep veil. One 40 acre In Antiocix township Eugene 1). paces, no buildings, good sait, tbus iplc Strauz bought f rom Wm. H. Etrang adjoins ast nam#d far- nSI a 85 n 40 acres lu nortbeast quarter section acre place. These are vortbconuiderlng. 34 and 40 acres lu southeast quarter J. C. James, Antiocl, 111. 2cl1 section 27 for a nominal considera. FOR SALE-Bugg, haruses, fsed cutter, lin. W. J. landes. Pbane 143-R. 2pl, FOR SALE-Onlon.o and pears. Market prlcs. Frank Vickry, plions 297-R-i. 1 FOR SALE-Pure bred Wite Lsghorn (lCheroe 3 niantix. aid. Now 50 cents. làter more. Rev. 0. Heibe, R. 1, Ares, Ili. 1c4 FOR SALE-Nev modern bouseIn Are, on Symour Ave, 2% biocke roni pat OMMic. Will ssii vtb anslot or tourteen. tEsaanuable terme. . L. Tripp, Area. iti FO;RSALE-Gaad caoking and eating appis., aiso crab apples. $1 per bu. Phone 70. 52113 FOR SALE-Aàbout Augut 151h, four hons.. Chicago Tlephoue Com- IIBnY.Wauketan. 112. Wkly tf. tion. In Newport township the heirs of Wm. H. Strang made a partition of their property among themoselvOS. In 1*ke Villa township Martha E. Doran bougit 2 lots In Burnettsa Ad- dition iu Lake Villa f rom Henry S. Sbervood for $1,000. In Warren township Charles E. Hook bought a lot on Dunham road. Gurnee, froni Oea. T. McCullough for In Lbertyvilie township Charles C. Anderson bought a piece of land t Diamond L-ake lu southwest quarter setion 31 troni Norman G. Cullen for a nominal consîderation. In Village cof Area John W. and Au- gusta Beese bouglit Part of the Cam- eron property vest of the botel on Maple avenue for $4.500. Wm. E. Clark bouglit a 55-foot lot on Lakte Bars f rom the Ares hstitute I4REs SOLD, bouhht and ezchanllsd of Business Technology for $1.200. Second baud hares aud wagons, lu Village of Libertyville Reinhard Cash or ternis. N. R. Ladd, pions 4, H. sud Ida B. Nets bought a lot on L brtyville. 2Uf Park avenue tram Anu M. Pinkerton for $325. W@ bave a nunihrof inde bo=ns-fo Vlasta L. Taylor baught a lot ai mais or mn. B>'mand & Austin. Liberty'- plm court from J. li Triggs for vIll. -~ c.-tt11,200. Iu Waucouds William Pries houglit . . . . .. .a lot lu the Village freni Charles W. + POR ]RENT Clark for $2250. . . . .. . . .. . . lu Vernon township Jullus Remmena FOR RENT-Carnfortableeteani beated bougt, an acre lot of Long Grave routa, antabis for tva. No objection te froni Victor Sauer for a no minal con- - onpewvîhch bid. Badrsa el. ideration.Jae H.Hp Cailor phono Independons office. p 8InHihlndParkJaeH.op a kins bougbt a lot frraiOta Bales at FOR RENT--CottageonOrchuard Street. Bransou sud Roger Williams avenue 7 roinis, modem. Mre. M. A. Pralineý, for a nominal considerallon. Phone 189J. c2t lun Waukegau Fred B. Whitney bought five lots ou Prospect drive . . . . . .. .. .+ 1ramu the E. W. Hutchins estatV for s$3000. WA.LTIiJ -+' John~ C. Kennedy bought the Pe- +.+.+. .. . +.+. .i tesen property on May' Street vest of WVANTEO-Womk by the day ir uili NlcAl6ter for $3.000. talko vasigs bonis. Pions 140-J. Elle. E. Hardy bougit th. Lizaie Librtyvilie. 2p1 M. Brew praperti at Oaks sud BelN-l dere streets for $1.650. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . He.nry W. Little bougit a lot on As1 Street uÙortb of Lyon avenue frorn + LOBT and FOUND -~ A. c. Lttle for a nominal cosd.rN . . . . . .. .. . tian. FOUN-Say mare ou sept. 20ti. F. John Rosen bougit s lot ou South K. MdacCrmlck, Pion.., 294-J-2, Lberty'. Jackson Street nortix oI Cummings Vile. 2p21avenue tram J. E. Hussey for $1. George sud Nellie- R. Williasu LOST-45 00) motard fom stalil ville bougil the Barri' Hansen property q ioM[ lcipped ail but ieed sud al. Asi Street south ot Ceter for s noiri Mmra.H. Zele, Everett. Phone Lake Forent imal, consideration. 794-Y.4. ic2 Auna Lyons bought a lot lu the nets Belmout Subdivision for $239. YTZ~IAI4I.1A ~Fragmente of Time Cut ~ TliE auy persoa have become truly o& LO~t UT INucated moisiy by the vise use of odd fragments of tume. A bit of poetri' ci a verse o! Scrlptars earned vhilt ILL.BABYCONT~ I yrds or phrases couued ountsevay Sprinfiel, ni, Set. 2te vans, or belvesu tans; a grost Sprugfeld II., ept 2.-Bema- book read Ilu matches viile vaitini crahic day proved an important ans, for tnsals; a dlp luto noble literature lu "better babis' content circle st at .bled Unis; s tudiaus effort ta s teIllinois state fair. The "field"' of cure contact vit snime nobler persol babies vas large sud âcoring vas than oue's self eveni' def-by such Close. Preminlnis vers avardeti, vîtItIsimple plans as tesofe lat i enricix, Gov. Dunno prsseutiug theo medals. sud mads poverfuL. cio th. folloving: EuaI grand pize: Charlotte M. London%. Foeiugn Quarter. Undervood, daughter of Mr. sud lire. Bobo, h. districh around vhich, now J. C. Uýnderwood, Boomnigtou: score, sastera tho igflt fltsoftLondon, la 98 par cnt;a ig* 42 mnth itteon. of temottps t xetngparts of Milas Xndrvood also took first pre-hé old ct. lu h. lait 300 years lit miu. fr te bst itybas ohanged troi th. mnot fashion- iniia fo te ieu ctygirl baby sud abi.eisaideuhialqiartsr thrcugli the th. eatIllinois girl baby bamuoff Sages of aristocratie boenianite Ilinois parents, snd business itvasson te, beomiu lbh PUt grand prise for boys: StaesY mont distinctivè forsignIquarter aud G. Van Patten Jr.. 'Cicago; score, tse nunlleai of that liltb ectionuvhes, 97.6 Per cent; age 39 moutha. Bis beglus at mld:igt sud suds vith FiNrt rural baby prise: Ernest A. sarly breakiail, sa@ a viter lu 1h@ HuJl. E d ibi., score o-97.5 ,net VOIT ork Tribuns. cent. Final rural baby prise, for girl:- Jane Nathan Hamiltau5 Pavnea; score 96.5 per cent. Potash in Pompit. Mr. Kier, Svisa sieutist. bas dis, Uvred Ibat the thicis layer ai ashez .overing the rus of Herculanuua &Mdi Pompeli contais. largo quantitieS 9f potan sd ariU, a valuable agi- eultural fertIliser. lie belteves tce reSion âound Veauviga la rick Inl pot- asLB.I la propossd that the Itallan oonnxeaI s"aI exloit the volcajilo dipeslaCommercially. ftrbsr'. Ster>'Record., During s Portlandi (Me.) barbues 90 yeara nbusiness bo bas bad ont vorSm n *ho bas served for 40 yeara Thla varisman bas . Sipta record of te nuniber o. tues tse employer tellsa-hi. stonrles. Ou. abori vhicix ho thiaka hi.1>5. one b, ha@. bld 2746 times, and says 1h gea stter everp #Mae lhs telsIL. The. Independent la tise cutt Ou- 1>' 12-page weily-th«e whii>' vet>'. body te*@Il. ,ME..S WMIIICOMaRILMY*cwo 1hw h ie cI-M- ila 5- M y 0w-, Dyv deed and Mite. mine atwon) h.poor indeed !perhtrps YOU Sav- iB<t pare me vour compassion, pmv r Apoor man? Yes. 1mustcoenjess- N 0ôwealthÔIô é oIdopssess; No pastutvs vIne, wIth 9mzin*'kimt, Nor fela ,wavin!> frein are mine; But a, hi,' r 1n Me ~~ath, no end! for milionaires miqht condescend lb bie knd the knee aiid nvy rme 4 LlUERSbvC. R. Buydbere. Attirstwvathiouglit that t iigit ile belt-r ta bave tisai EIB R'S LEtaicu la Chieicîî u bt Mr, Nelon told n4st bat tic w -,ck if ic- alied 0d,iie luy Boyd vas quitesatieiôctury The reouît peas for ils self Nfr. Bod cemu ta A SELECTION 0F SIX LETIERS have. tie.îcuity for gel tiug 'the. correct WRITTEN BY A LIBERTY- ligit ou bis subjectâ sud Ibis wIIl mues Ra perifect photograph anytitue Everi' VILLE W O MAN TO HIERfae ud every pas.. ruquires a differenit handiing ai ligt-a dark or very ligptt MOTEI. fiscS wouId ual show up amel visuasd __________correct ou th. iilstied pyiuifthîe.y were LET fER NUMBER 6 tioth taiscu etier frîta thee ane pose or Ular blotbe i viti th, saule lîgtttilt-ct. Oh coures I av bans cu 0busv oday getting tic retouciig vwiii tcp cornebtnt tu io uew uruturelu hapelia lva ot lnxoet a professlin by itgosit Mr. Bîuyd iad trinte ancot su Ibt t 1hae t Dan s s.ail of hi. rot uching done iv a siect-d ta take rme ont soinea-beret iyouuig 1lady via iv con,.îdoeuneît.. thle diniier. The Ly rie retau)rant ber.. icibegt lu the busiunes %%'e retouci- just lit', bouait,aîuway sud 1 thiji thtial lug li. doue hy toakeîne viîo kîîvs juît v. wo.îid jîîst as leave gz.,tiers as stey bue oa-yu vii di tot tuail ofit hs>ialural ber... That iiomret hi»g tbtyou spidum oSiresaioti bi -isi cîved aud the ind ini a tua-n l cthe tizefiîuryvile-s tl is .-be lniu td ,.moe gooi rataursî t. Th@ Lý rio- bas al aif renioveul. Probalusiy uit 1 imh'çy v the advisItages liat ane vould expecti photos ravt su higi sud aie @0o uits. lti-i@uroudtg, omcea odw i onute lie can olîtain. ideticaflitih caolu-d sud witb tic i-selhooetestesa. ne umi-di y thb, better ga1l-ris bave bad mneais et several ofthlb..esîlua îbranglmiît thecounltry, leie s ail'- lu bouses lu an sd uther tus-us ilu npuesthe- salîjet 1quit, a.seourrcctl' aid il the countv but for mnue 1 arn pcrelv ln more lieu probabile that ic wuii take vilîng lu coi@on..hui.tu t.lrt3 ville tir'1nmore titi i..vt youu Iliu u ii utier, Mymoulaes st the Lyrie. Adv. As i said befure tiey tiave r-ai horne coîukiag Miss Bader. viu liw asid a iTN Y IA uuiu- Ivears exierience n restau-, ratbas beonin luchar,(e itce ý%lr. BalICL S C1I is owned it, sud sh" givci evemy bit ai CL S C L TO À food tbat i.. oaklierecpereonal aitoen. , io t il b liv ard for soi'. F TA4 A CD N 3 od t bartbirmelsor Ibir pic-o. F ______ CC_ DEN L.ots 0people edaim tuaI Ilici'have Wuega ep.2 erstaurant wbere hou.. ciuîkiiîg îs lie Tctatta amoeran oneb. 1 ted but Ilîci' feu ta delîrer the .gouds. Tm ain ln..ateCagtrmons lva '- NI su siti te Lyri. Eç,rylirîbi,,t.ýaIn e..rc-teCiao ad bi caut tuer seerre tastee atho iuigl itil 555 tieale c otraIras haietaravn v aoakedinu1 Sur own boni.. Tiey tbare dedrvaslte p rol wavoul baver su-vemi tables sud rofrua lt aIci-et dvhtpoalwGdhvebna licir cunter uj Ibat une dueut have fatal accident on Wst Wasigton to witioèerice.Infat teyar asstreet Tbursday uigbt about 8 o'ciack, i cauliutit ud Ibat meamîs a good deai 1 hds lignstcrkthlve gue@se liaI eis ereason viiy th..y glINîuo o i v asusi. ws S, mach ai lie trade bers sud ail ut tie caused lie usarues bo a vreck. tranien trae tst moun toany Wituesses dedlans the jituey vs Ireieu raetitamut proceeding vest on Washington stres h laid lu unr vînler sup-jly 4,t coasiaI a terrifia pace. At Edison cour Iodai' 50 w.. oulduit have lie dinh sud a southbound Street car bad stoppei duel around after va gel ssttied, t bongi Stthle uorth aide ot the Waahlugtoi h mue Sai' thal the mnu a>thxe W. F. Street crossing te malle sure that n Freuten Comipany' uer.. as careaI asStreet cars vere approachlug frai they coatd b... Wa bought tlhe pPttetun the eash or vest. Haviug assure4 Ciesînub aI $875 iccaus fil a o 1hiniseit that the path vais lear lth igll recommended ta us, as a turue motorlusu siovely ravolveti his col coal. Wc could have bougil their trotter sud tbe car started acr6si thi Keulucti' Gem t $ 6 00 and 1I lilu we Street, gathering speed rapldly. - yl try tsame ofai t it Iis dose ual lest. At ibis manient the jitney, tes ni Il ia nsv coal liai lieyai re iriuglitgaloug 51 s reckîesspeed, appeare in sud Mr. W. F. Frauzen, Jr., via ts ou the scene. The driver could bar( ln cierge ofthîe yatcd esys liaI for e.hi' hava escapefi seeiug the street ci generai purpoee coulil it iical an..vwille the niotorman coutld otnes Iiiug on lb. markt l t uus dclài.ui. The jituey driver appesred il vili no vaste aud likete i ttelun cllnad ta taiSe chances rather lxi Ciesînut or Pacobauitue mate mare BT. watat for thea car ta crase the aires U. ta tia daller spent tiea tiers et lie As a ýresait h. opaued bis throttls vli serne pria... A B. T U. le't an instut ils- er sud tied to ruu seroas lu front lhs icat unit and tiet le %N bat y ou bai' the car. Too laie 10 stop ha roulis. coal for. the nearaass o!fte car. He ivervi Wiou vs bongit ours 1îh-y uflered ai sharply ta the sautix sud then bac Pocobontusi at $6.25, Freàukrin Countil again as he cleared the trseIts. TI sai% coai aI *5.50, Piltulio range et motarman é1smpe4 ounte emnergen( $8 50 sud the otier twa Ibat 1 have braise sud the Itsvy car came tu epoten ai so ona bas a vide anougli grindlng stop. It vas ual s secri 1rang.e lu prias. Thai' telltue Ibul lici' ton sooni astse iltusi'bareîy clear4 rparmi' tl'cimstock il u scb sape tiat yau tae tracis. ea get promipt delivery asonyviereansd Thxe reaklessuesa a!fsanie af the jî i Ibs cunula,,at s&Dy ate il beate lTrcesiug nai' drivers la sald to b tse ceasK ta, dealli vhite ans leo waiîing tor they are losIng patrons, as ths mai. I bave SeU u then ibebuictar iBiIJFl' of thxe people da ual cars ita "i that 1 proiseil. I thit iâ i migiti thelr lives unnecessanBY. The poiI 4 90ad ot hlm and that il s110V8 hetter have lssued vsarnings to iltnsy dr vorkmanailp Ihn thase 1 bad Saisn. ersansd It la .aid that arrem it vi1 -As yonuviliinotice b hi' ls nating itlale made ailés. s re arjaezercis. it lom dw Z*e a son [rom the sqfuiis - 5tor UP a Je' dol.' lari fqr Uu InteV1r a.asen. Loi3rRTyviILLt- ILLINIOIS - ----------------- -r- 1 1- ADVERTIS IN G Sc per lins sacn Insertion Lesthan 5S lin., 26e firet insertion "Ii RUNWA (1115 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS MARRE ICENUL Furnshod by, Roland Linatmid, 21, lilvaske.. AJNILAKE COUNTY TITLE &TRUSTOCo. sud HIls Peddsr, 18, Ma&disan, Wil..k FOU D O B ACH Of Abstracto of Titi.. Tities. uaranteed. Louis Hslmkamp, 25, North Chics» Matonic Tempe Bidg. Waulrsgsn. goj, niI., and Edua E. gUtrer, 24, _______Waukegan, i.I STOR ciMW PT AKEWilliam Mauman, 23, Wilmette. Ini.. STORSeWpt. A20, 191.-N.C. Cullen and sud Nora Nolan, 22. Lake Forent I112 Workmen Cali Police, Fearing Libertyville. Q. C. $1 0. cio Walter D:iekowskl,24, Hiwood. Young Womnat Intended to C. T. MeCullougli sud vite ta C. Ili., aud Mildred Gouriey, 24, Hlgh- E.HbOk, part Of east lhait Of nortb-'îand Park, Ili. Take Her Lite. west quarter section 23, Warren towu-i Charles P. Grow, 25, Buffalo, N. Y., ship. W. D. $573. Ida C. Hutchins et aI. ta Fred B. sud Elsie Pleiscli, 20, Milwaukees.l Waukegan, Sept. 27. Whitney, lots 7 ta 1 1, Powell & Hutch- George Walz, 211, Hlgbwoad, IL Playiug lu thxe sauds as vould a Ins' Subdivision. Waiikegan. W. D. and Mae Whltiug. 18, s"00. Youug chlld. a Yaung lady luamate aI $3.000. Ait P. Stephenson. 31, Chicago, and the Lake Geneva Home for Girls, sel~ C. E. Sithx sud vite ta Stefan Al- Mattie M. Proctor. 23. Wau'cesau. Mc-dikonis snd wife. lot 8, blocks 1, Drey- l. n three hours ou the banis ot Lake M ic ers Lubdivision. North Chicago. W. John Roemer, 38, Ottawa, Ill., aud igan Saturday wbile a 'lortb-easter' D. $4EE0. Catherine Gamber. 37, samse swept sand Into hier face. looseued G. t. Stroug sud wife et al. te E. Helmnutb B. Marten, 29, Chio&MB berbai, ad alfburedherfan luD. Strang. part lot 4, subdivision of, sud Lydia Schaller, 24, oNoe ber air an hal buiedber ori lulot 248, LaIke Forest. Q. C. $1. tbe fine partîcles ut crushed or worn 6.1. Straug sud vite et ai. ta J. B. Edward W. Purves, 44 M0110, rocks. Strsug, tract of land lu section 31, Netta hý Garvey, 49, LeIinStOê01mr The Young lady sat asi; f lu a trauce. Newport toquship, sud lu section 36, Walter H. Rosenthal, 28, ChliCsU East Autiocli township. W. D. il. Frmtehour -she took lber setIa .1 tagadwf a.te su adSouphia Pahîbuscli. 20, nome. the sand at the foot of Water St« E. Anderson, part lot 46, Cary'. Addi- uutil Police Captain Abert Nelso. tion ta Wsukegau. W. D. $1. LVE±LL Ml. MORRIS. AitoeOY arrived ou the scene. the Young lady Jeunis H. Sayler aud husband to Notice cf Final Sattisment neyver nioved. The emplayes of heEdmY1d Vîscix and vite, lots 30 and!Saeu iios ouva ae 5 Publc Sevic Camauy varing 3l, block 21, Washburn Park, North Estateofi Ruth S. Merri, dec...aed. the paver plant outheflaire shore, Sept. 21, 1915.-Anu Emmia Pinker- Tu. Edward S. lMrrili, aine ai the bele became Interested iu the Youug lady. ton sud busbaud te R. H. Nets sud et law of lRuth S Merrili. dt..euned: sud vixen nsa ne asuggested that wife. lot 16, block 1, Wrlght's Addi- yun are nuoîiftlII tii..theutderbign@d, tion ta Libertyville. W. D.. $325. 'o perhaps she vas valting far the @un A. P. Beaubien sud vite ta John of tho notaI otf[Ruth 8. te go dovu -te sud ber life, then an. Roseu. lot 7, Burnna' Subdiviqion on Memili, de-eas,-d. wîli on. Mcnday the other of the psrty suggestedl calling Norh Side Grand avenue. near Jack- tiret day ot N,vpuiiber A. D 1917,, at the. tbe police, son sireet, Waukegau. W. D. $1., tCounty Court ltoar, lu the Vourt Houes t Whou Poie atan eio W. H. Strang te E. B. Straug, lu tile Cty ul f Wauiiegan. iýLie t,uutY., 1 Poice aptan Nesonnorthwesl 40 acres ot uorthealIt quar- Bstepped up taefihe Young lady sud tcr section A,. sud sotbvest 40 acres,, hes.lafore the iIauorab!e ['ermy L - a3ked her ber name she replled: -i southeast quarter section 27 lu East Persîn J Iuflàtp ut -nid t",ut.e dont kuav. sud If I did. I vouldu't Autiacb township. Q. C.$1 i C. E. Sayier sud vifs ta Sylvester boum ai 10.00 a. ni , preseuthi..finla tell yau." .laroma, east .15 !cet ot lots 25 ta 28, report andt at-c-unt @-e euh cron"vatam The police captain took tbe youug block 20. Washburn Park, Northi' esudat elsrehavete an e îpomed.and, lady te the county jaolixere shbcca. W. B. se. î.cae eti. u csd u vas qestiued y the sherif sd iiatle of W. 1H. Stranit, deceased. ta lue dist.barged s no cb î' ousrvatqor. ai othes Shedfisly bthe sdovusuad ta Jane NI. Stewart. undividc-d four- whivb tinte sud i.Iai.e oo ruay alla-ar iul othes. he fnaly brliedownandfifths part lot 46, Corys Addition taYuder ut u tcoutessed that she hsd ruu svay frotu xVraukegau. W. D.. P, J.!yon dsure su t day tbe Geneva H-ome for Girls. W. It. Wslrath sud vifetetaPJ. ttldti iO dyuKc,..memA Au officiai aithtat Institution saidBunrke sud C. A. Shater, lot il, Shav's D. 1915 ticyoug ldy sdbee mîsîu fo Sbdivision lusetion 35, West Au- Filwiu C . bier. tona.rvatur. tlocbh township. W.. B. $770. _________ tva days, sud that officers ot the Sept. 24, 19l5.-'-H. S. Shervood sudj ADJUDICATION NOTICE. place ver.. tbeu out searching for site ta Martha E. Doran. lots 7 sud P~LCNTC .h..b ie ber. The Young lady told the police S, block 2, liurnetîs Addition ta LakeiatPUICSNbsTIbE Ma hry . K er > thatBsle boid ru avsy roni ber borne Villa. W. O $D i. tia Ehecutbria beaT.vili uof lu Floida. W. B. Walratb sud vif.. ta Candi-toantofJh Ker eas, Au officer tram Geneva camne ta do Rosi sud wife, lot 28, Siavs West 1wl tedteCut or fLk Waukcgan Sunday snd ok ber back Anthoch Subdivision. W. D. $750. iIatn tbCoty outoLa. ta tb.. scixool. Are-a Buiness Institut..te W. E. County, at s terni thereoftetabe lold- "Sbewasa bautfulYoug ldyClak, ot n Vllae o Ara. . Den aithticCourt Hanse lu Waukegan., an 1boivasoaIeatat l yuug adyrri,2a0,lt0u. ilgeoIAe. n. usaid! Couuty. on the flrst IMouday et othe scixool for girls vixen I took ber I. F.Triggs sud vite ta V. L, Tay- I ebrnet 96 he n hr a- b.. plice station. I tbougit Il lor, lot 11, Trigts' Subdivisiou, LIber I ail persans baviug daims against sald a- esît ta bold ber, for rny via saw lyville. W. D. $1,20(). estate are uotified and requested ta t-ber sittIug on tbe beach tbonabt Ibat Otto Bales ta J. S. Hopkins, lot trcsent tbe saine ta ssid Court fer ash ah. as planning ta takte ber life. ii49 îexcept easi îlSo etd, Ravinlx.ý adjudicatîon. MR .KPR an said tbe palice captain. W. D. $10. Eeu x iladTn k. Lakte Michigan 'fairly boiledl on Sat- Sept. 2-, 1915.-J. E. Hnssey sud Eeuri of the LustWIIsdTs r nday Th waes ersactall ru- attc taJoh Roenlot1. boc i ament of John Kerr, Deceassd. so iug ta vîthin si tev feet of the Nixons Southx ide Subdivision, Wou- 1Wu9g15.lnos epeie 5 ai Young lady vheu the officer arrived. kegan. W. B. $1.HE 1915.HYDCKR The spray vas vashiug aver lber, but H. S. Hansen ta Oea. sud Nellie R.H AttECneRs forEstaECKIt as she did ual move. Six. appeared la Williams, lot 2, block 4, Lyon sud Atoruys or estt.2-t.8 t be melancholy sud disgusted vitix life. Hutchias' Subdivision, Waukcegau. W. WlSp.4Ot1 rt Duriug ber stay bore slle did net D. $1. AJDCTO OIE d speais 25 yards. Victor Saner ta Jullus Reirners, ADJUDLIC AO NOTICE. eygvn )n acre lot ot Long Grave. W. D. $10. tbat the Subscriker Ibrecutor af the, ia Fuague Causad by Fiag. Mary . Garfield ta Bertixa Subert, Last Wlill sud Testament of Jôhn n lu the year 1902 the Russiu city part lot 24, Whitevood Subdivision an Koffen, d..ceased, vill attend th. Couuty Court of Laise County, eta Bd f Odeesa vas by bubonlo Long Lakse. W. D_.$1 term thersaI te lbe holden at the CourtJ l'o plague. This rsqed for five mnothe N. P. Badge sud vifs te Auna Ly- Bouse lu Waukegsn, lu sald Couuty,. en sud kilied 3,000 people. lts origin one, lot 272, Belmout Subdivisiou. au the tirait Mouday et Becember next,' ie vas traced ta an Austrisu fiag Yvbxcbi Waukegau. W. D. $230. 1915.,vixen and vhere ail persoa. va. ooe vr h rv fan _A____-_ - aving daims sgaiust saldesatate ah~ o t ised a ove begavdedotAu.-oanatified sud requested ta present thu tita senisuvit ha dis Stsessaine ta said Court for adjudication. su ad had bedu buried tu the cenieteri'. . ERMAN fflefl, rd-,ttsr the tuneral the flag vas carried xutr arl ttru by tva seanien vixo sfterwsrd A. Pecutor.EN ~<eutered variaus publie places, lay- Attorney for Executar. on Ing thxe flag dovu asl thsy stoppsd te> Waukegau, Illinois, September 20,, In- drink. Shortly altervard belth these . 1915. au mou felI 111 sud died, sud people verO kyet20t.$ t. taken 111lunail Itis bouge@ thsy hadPR Id- eutered. LYELL H. MORRIS. AttoniSa. of ADJUDICATION NOTICE. cd Publie Notice te hereby aiven thi the u ,d As to Age of Gunpowder. . seeter Adisinistrator outhle. Estste etof Ic Cunmparimon cf the ternis ussd hi Andre decesssd. willi attend the Ceuniti. Sir Fraucia Bacon ta describe the et.Ceurt ef Lake Ceunty et à tenu there0etotef lie boldes at the Court Hanse la Wsukegau4 fots or explosive pavder lu thre, in saldCoeunty on the frsS Monday of Nocenibe ýcy liftèrent plas.shovs that ho vas usît, 115. , vîsuasd a-bore ail Persons bovinl 1 v riting af th>e saine -bovder. Nov clais. affinst 5510 Fataeoarentitd sud mW id hi. Istter on the "Secret Works ot Ns'- quesfted te iresent the »sme taessd Court fer' 54e titrs" vould appeax ta have been wvit.. dJudleàtàou. tsn to william of Auvergne, arcix. .RAY ANDRESv, Auninsrator., îît. bishop of Paris, vbo disd lai 1248 or vakta.II eiee .17 N 1 c15. tou IS494 1h seenis, thon, that the explo. cSp. 72 Ot lo- iv proportion of blackt povder vers Im~mortel Lite. Jl:kuovn In Franxce snd Englaud before ftt5 naturel lits la tl. immortal 11àË thk h.middle of the thirtenth. centUrY. Ton knov a littis oretruth: thea ce ________Utile mure obedYhue, 'thon mc. iv- truth: fcrever so. But .a1 depeuis 04 b.. lndependeîukMoos laders U- *11 ~ ~boing in earnesL-Phillpa Bi'o*& e, ed. ceunI vouSOiescomblued.j 1 farn eta- fune uig &ta] andi vtt t for lut( me: Ste ha$ rai] li the tiol Buî Pr& Per ln ni a bu Thu Wb bec the Ov va bec ont St' the a e bel del va er kidi eri cal s'1 cul si( dei foc fru ski Mo sic me gr( col ily ad4 art tia twv tht be lufi th( Da au. rai

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