CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Oct 1915, p. 2

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We Beli«e Vou Kn@w ail About ~m l~ ST ORM S A SHi Thbeg Paloud Iitefest on the 1 Nowls-When-You-Shouid Order-ThemsDo.i i o o i i e i i N.&ERMANUJI'ÂCTURI&G CO. LIGKTIIIG FIXTURES Se. m wonar plhalng70suordrtisVistare cm W. altosa baescomplete piatiiig paeutfor reftablng AUTOMOUU- PARTS TABLE WARE STO'J PARTS B.AaSS BA ilROOM iM U Sil.VER ILATiNG PLAMG DRAM PLA1ING COPPER PLATING GUNNETAL PLATING sLACK Oit WHMT ENAIIFIJNG Shav room sud factary Second sud Orchard treel. T.ULBPOONE 58 LIBEETYVI..LE, ILLINOIS 1Te.iphone No. 50 -l Eat The road lu stili offl 10 TH1E LYRIC RESTAURANT homue Cookimg LIONEL BULL, Prop. PHONE 40, UDERYVRLL A Ford onthe oad for evu'y car of anmoe rmake. More thon 900,00 0ow inume-ev.ywhem. Tht 'coud& not b. if, the Ford car Lad moi. and was apt prarbg it mpeiority everday. in ai pubftt h,@ 1iworM. The studIlghW- w«104 «eomomcalFord car, usoi t evohdy, maine money for .voebody aia po wthim reacli of .voeboly. Rumabut$P», Tonnag Car $440, Town Car $640, f. o. b., DtroILOn r. c1% Y(app~irUt<gs To inhurs publication in lie f ndspen- dent. capy muei b. ln the office no Inter0 thean Trusdai of mch wook. Adver- tisr., ..pettalil are asked Iottes partIcular notice to thiasteOct. 0 AdIulL"ca News et Page 4 Mise Mary Bush viellai frieude In liogersPark lb. pait vsei. Chrit Boyecian sud Fred Enderlin ai Beloit, Win., ea suday iem . ÂugfusetBhcimliL oi Patat», spent Tueeday hers vith hie brother Fred. Vus Travie ta spending thi eves i vii friends at oreenvoad sud Woodelock. A. BScuiam ot Baraboo, Win., spent Suaday vlîh hi.etaiter, lire. A. L. Traia. lie . .thinu sudMli nsd lire. P. E. Chionu orAublich, viellai rlative. ber. Toneday. it Todaq it promptc ta LN wui ir ... inel Co c '0' ised lEgg: SIZES: L iàqýMgr. oo 1ire. A. C. Miurray motored tu SYcamare, Ili, laiL Thursday. Mir. sud M Lir.B M. Taylor are Lie parent@sf ôt 111hdaughler boru t h.m On Monday. Oct tb. i ies Blanch. Ely ai Higiani Park. veas the gnu ai lire.Frances Coluiy severai isys Li e vei. IreM Jane RafLer rslunnei ta ber boue lu Waucoda on Monday alter a short viil vitb Mise Emily Bush ber.. tather, D. eus. sud his ulster, Ums Teresaé, of Chicago. aver Sondai. Mir. and lire. Elle. Campbell ai Duluth, MIn.. spent Sund"y at lie houe ot Mri. Campbell'# brother. Wm. Ede, bere. oOUNT~ * FRIDÂT OCT BEU 1915. Tise M~.aMarjciaaud liarton T~yl01 The lialiy Day services ai lie Preeby~ vhe arm aIudiagLieMaro Talor wuisrl am&i vanth on, epet nai nvt erarenyste, ondtlre J. L Taylor ber.. Oroani bat bées staked out for a ,uev jhome for J.. .Carisan wibich h.le hnlid- I ng ou hie lot jim veet ai i laundry ou FInit street aud Newherry avenue. Tiio@. corleti bas for tli building. ed~ ~ ~~~lbr aIa au o svea a i aug mrrled psop ral.1 teiYourng churidoltf Thueai ,vteiSi couple vers proment. WiiI Webb of EMg Timber, lMont., vbo boa een visitlng at Lie home oi hie aunt, Mir@. Mary Brovn, sud vitbiieuds ber. for the pasutva v eeke, returned ta his home tiers Suuday. Mr. sudàire.Clarence Colhv aud baby daugbter lt auo Tuesday for Clulton, lova, vh.r. tbey expect tu make tliu home. Uir. Coliy viii aperate a moviug pictur. shov lu CUnaton. Thé Tiria Obapter af the Westmluer Gniid vii ment à#te home et UrElae Kuhimacnenn Tnesay evsning. The icours of sluiy and uev etudy book@ v ii h. bad ai ibis meeting. ir. vte. ir.d sd Clie A. C. Doandobisycamor. I aud MmA. C.daysudf liudy. Th. party motored ta Autioch an Sunday. lime.Abert licfermott sud 11111e daugiter of Waubsgsn, are vlsltluig ai the home ai h.« p9r!n, ir. and lire. Peter Mover9. lUr. Moyen bai han OB Lb. sdck lit for Lb. peet tva vee. lhe vIieZ ord at IL. rogular mesl.lg1 eldevalk ordînl sn;"Wg the Moet1 importutransaction 0f tiihe teng The otan ksud trmen rertz -rlOvre1 aeptsd sud the usual bateh f ai1 Teran Spday Ocooviii0ht"heli nei soiueda esmaruhoq. ii servies vaiii Begat 10:80 ai .Te mandvim ii . coguin at1:8n' 1cuct sud wSuadbu a eobnol. Tii.gduin eercses tam lcbo. ThderaailtiLb. egnerc lees, teralle'Polmary tae ei.Jnor and trom the. Junior ta lthe Intermodisate Idepartîments viilbhl. called t ta loiIddepot tabailucher lire. Mdary Abrabam. a Chisego vomi via h b hanpmudpg aome tUme ho sud vho bad become cuite demest édre. Abraham biadiognded tbssuburb transai&bout îhre. o'cloci sud ater fev minutes stars.d ta dierobe, pali off ber <bausuani toekige. fRer soi Chicag o i Ilappears la veli tag vas ntlled of ber condition, and came ont lu thé atternoon and 100k mtater back t0 Chicago liié M evening. Lstb@uuday moraing' an auto Pa Met vltb an accident a t.v mIWsena ai Wieellg azoilu vbich a ns ofthle1 occpants reeived a broie. aru anotber hie tacs and bauds culq hadly. Tii. car skildsd as IL rat ai some ls. gravel. Lirovlng Lhe mact ia ohie dIteh. The. car coutalned1 men. tva vomen sud a&boy.(One oa vawmen, Lh. mter aoLftvaw members ai tie parly, r.celvsed a bro aru, and ber itible1 grandson r"u c uls aboui ishie asd bauds.' Libertyllt Garageust a machine do aller lie pautlma4 lie tva lujrdi t taken ot e Lb. off iDr. Ga iko v.iehrg.tiey vere atteuded. Tb@ na là li te psople could ual h. lesaued.1 vere au theïr vay la hono Mlvaukee vh.u tie accident oeci Id. E. ebureb lasiSoundai moranegtheb occaon belng 1h. anual raUYIDU tffether of Lb. Suudayi chool. Tii. reglr Sueday ehoal services voe.beld et teu, o'ciack viti Lis gradusatiof ezerciss afLb. ebldren and a 1evspecia aumbers for %be churc bhour. Tvslve children gradualsd from e .Prim"v departient lt" ti.Junior, ansvertng belore tii. large audience Lb. ma»Y tact reqnhred trou tbeir 11111. minds. Milu Carrle Obard sang ane 0t the sPeIla nambers and tibe. choir gave a ve" pretty auhbsm. Each oftlb. teachers la tihe prlmary vere prested -vlth a bouquet by saune member oi their eoe., who gave a 11111. .PmschOf Preset&tiau. lire. F. B. Just eupsriulsfldentft b. autire prlmary vork, vas Lb.recisaeft of tbrseebouquets one trou ltheadugt. log elase. one froin 0. B. Foflett, Super- inteudent of lbe BandaS ichool. and ou. trou lb. parentseoftii. graduatlugclais, i. olatter belng preoed by Mmre M. E .Wilia&mn. The day marked Lb. larcsst eattiendance 01 their Sunda! school, Ummn ibeing 197 9remoet aILii10 oclack Wrate famlly have moved tran er livd meeting. tb. Ailes Loce houm. on Lae street L te,_________ the B. Appley bouse on ApDley avenue. Mrs. 1'. J. Allemau and tvo jyoungest ciludrsn of Tacoma, Waehngton, rotor.- W. F. FIAZEN, ix W. Lýandrkil. vha made hie home as edta thr home there Wedneeday a:ter  KILAISTRA the. A. L. Travis fart a uth oftotav, speuding a tevw days aI Lie home - ofJý . u E.UD epent Baturday and Sunday lu Chicagto. Allemauan sd tamlly. They had heen Mr». Mary E. Schaub ai whestou, fil., maklug an exteuded viel with relatives Laot Baturday evenlng at 7:30 o'clock spent several days the latter part ai aset and friends lu, stopping bere at tbe home ai the bride occurred lhe 1week t the home ot Mrs. D. 8. Perrigo. an their vay home. mariage of Wm. F. Franten, Jr. the lire Cal Eughe rtured aitThus- u Tesdy W. F fifemnu ur-youug lomber dealer of Libertyvilla, ta rari HerehterineîlsiTom n aiitea Wn. . I pronpr-Mi4i LillianAlloenbnrg af DeePlaines. day fo h rsyein sia nebe h e.D ee'Poet nThe couple vere attended hy Walter Chcago, viere ah. underwent an opera- Broadvay vhlch h. boa beau occlpylu9 ig enbr' Herbert Franxen, Fnra Fran- tion. for the paeutLiii.. yeare. Mr. Rasmanu sen aud Ama Len.'hhoff Bel. Blebau J. 0. Gerrlty, who had a trng ai leased th. home aud mlii depatt Llr.e jirtormed the eremony. horses ai the mile track &aUenuamer, Y-- 0 aga If' an0option ofprcha eat A veddlng supper waes erved. lusteaid cbipped twenLy by express ta Lexington,. the eirto of lbhe.- Attorney of taklng a weddiuq trip the. happy Kentucky,. isel vee. B. Il. Miler made th. doal. couple come ta Liberty ville the oei The W. C. T. U. vilii uet at the home Lait Bunday Marsha iUmherry &r- day, and tbeY are novw mak ing prepara- ai lire. Edith Herrick an 'rusday aller- reeted tva meusfor speedlg. The mem lions t10neaLa houseeeeplig ln the osear noon, Oct. 121h. memnbers urgsd to arrestad admitted thatt hUsy ers raCiDU future. vith another auto vblhci .eeaied ln The groom le Lb. new oave.?ofithe aten hand Regsrhepodta ll eluding lhe manshulbut am h. seursd Iuer and coail yard» on Spragvle street. tram RogersPar sud amy ,otn ordthe licence number of mrarueh. iainug pureiias e b.yards trams a vieiRogers ParkPeter&#etoafn for arn expected. The tva cmeuarrsted EKanbanai and Mllier eame motie agp' a ey turnh e Pe r etonday. B. uadai 1ait $15 as ual fur %haïr Nnap i@ filter lua aprominent faruer-cf lhelrotuned n Mndanc. ms f couit, and upan tirf1,111M ta Benunville, fil., and le one of the big Bey. T. E. eau la Ibis vsek attendlng shoo p ouday Judw OSf>avis d elockhaidere and direclors lu the "1a» Ibe-anunal kM. E. veenewich le a a ai tendollars naud cash lir.and lirn. T@Frea n Aller ai blng isid lu Cilcao. Ti r.FrkAtobr 9 ae.ened onu Wednssday monig A large number of StiiekMs àzad tbsfrDesV'siss. fr"& aten&d t e p ug of thdr B. K. Ruthierord, vba bas ba, Umd.. Devhall Fridayeaveing vich .Y bats log the sugmmerai the hi.. aihie alter, Mresta la lb. Ficai MonIk B 55 Mra. F. E. Oyamao, bas 151181uSd tohie iog » alt. bliilW" mo iMarma5 home aI Altoona, Pa.* Tue.dse'. ai Otobes. ther a*Sot esia gcf lb the Prs.iylsrtan hapIa ta .lammlnta h. iboos saaled. Tbs a* v la ,lovev lng ily trou alà aperailQu li »a nIn of a baassi su b whle ab@subotteutu Ioweesre& - vIde ûv= i I vili e. siiutte talai vei. sinbmmt& .About êb * 11110180110 uw A. D. Pâley. a vslediusy surgoon 01 froam Waufl Vers pmusst~ ý u ST N O W aimd Uvery. aie. aonnceeul sp. a l moter ecfoeun oflI"apaer lie 1h1Sbvarla. ber cild ud - bahber mov"d tram the Oerred chreoi boues on liu*vakasavouai tth Le Ailes L'oce houeson Lakeeitrel lait saler- leday. -lt U~LI0Ham Smuais, via vent ta tie MrINOISlanboaiitl ilu Chicaga let veei W.dneedsy vasoW&rtedou ~Irao- 8h. ta ,eprted as gtting m- M LB. flauy ruturusd lasI Batuvday am be be . al han a patient forabont & vesk. I* iedinualbave tla«Busuira lt. M. R. ecabua 00 og uadOtY«"Ont mew îs, t .1 Iaia esWe plqsna tbiehuI1o chair. A Ver~ u i~a b.d - sRrranged foriià d afi eae, out. V. choir gave lre aumbers, a4 ibm e re jotinluby llws "irecmn- drghon. Mmlre fLin, go is sud mmre gle Morris gavei wvo s 60 pissa duéie. vlh salas 4yMie-,Cryct Batm Msd lire.Buis 40r0. Tii. concert vas atinded by abiWProvi. A parlu.rblp bashabl au dbotvihu C. N. Durmud. 1. B. tiavilasi miRosi F. Durani. ta sucos, ermiats i A)a"d aLbuertllle. The Onu iWin I laeoa lb. mmaueL. for immiediate alep, La** Nam r tueasd tractef aiOve acres or more "b h ais privfegis sw neo- aie restrielen. Au»sateasid a. 1r1a0e entilisiA.and bInui eb - vill b.caaiiuoled by Iba nW Or». 9C. N. Durud viinl mua hie laga praclc. sud &ts ot scumsifor tLb. Itel. ulsi -r t I re I.F 1LF UIT _ CORLETT & FREDER1CKS I GROCIERIES ' AlF NotCake Thst Glitters Soie cakes uan hwod to catch the oe and ool the tua"..But tbay wolWt even take the boo 'Prse In a qw food .bow. Bowme ofZf cakem, ô lIkeouon broad and other thinu, ane made from the bout o! matola .Our reputation PWuutOOS ibis, The LibertyviieBakery phono Os . Llbo«tyvifloo D. M 'i ANNOIINCEMENT A. D. PALEVI, M. D. V. VETERINARY SURGEON Has opened an office in Ladd's LUvery. - I FALL MILUNERY W . . .&.vs vl g le ey le *.. y les lu- àFa9N iIl '-llAs fr a e. à -se sMd CWsaM. Y" e u dicalyb ua" . sellse.pRICEMODElAT.. Wea sumd Fauey ouda. The P"uia -saC-vsi A. W.LNDOTH fTHpIit IpQRTANT ITEM if m. L es U" s ait@ et se 44 , 64 t s30- Some very spectai vales 51.15,9uMal S1650 Chiliess le OMM taaadwP pi.34 0!W# SU5SOW-WIS~ Odre 0 , dao *o 3 W<"1 WkWW QR OLL &SONS ÇO. j We make to lit amd get them OUI Somn b. lime b liMI Up THE COAL il the 16WET WEA.THEU" Mlu stop oRylng we w lll11up 701 Petrolium Coke cof Milers Creek llocking Valleyj W& Pocohontos LIARD COAL --- ALL LIETHLLO IR Dovu Wb*0tou OldOL 8«stss Phono 47 LA LUMERFEED and COAL SAÂÎT MIE LIME BRICK SWER PIPE- W. F. FRANZEN, JR. bFat Eat $CBANCK lIARD WARE We are olwoçjsready to make them. Call and see us., .Lake Cunty Nationar Bn Cpita1 f S urpl Md un t Prfit *00Coo.0 Tot"l euouOS, -7000 EGETAB1S a; 1 m@wwmm»ý mmmwmmRý M---- -mm" M mmimm &long Rue. iii. a lin days trip ta hie home lu Pin. Bluff, Arkansas. Mir@. . L. Traviesud dsughter Bat rice @peut lehI veek viti relatives as Mlton, Wlel. lir. sud lire. J. T. Robertson ai Chicn- go, @peut esaurday sud Suuday vi vriends bers. Wm. Thomn of Lombard. Ill., made a several days businessatip ber. lhe latter part of laitwve. day tram m eiutkov, Penn, a tavu me eleven miles froun Philadelpiia. vhere be accouupeuied bis daughter Venec via entered the Seechoad Semlnaryt tiers. Mse An ue prbie b mei" AnGbn s bohm usel àomlthon Bernudvy, uber hoeil er lrtaiOh Bougbt lie tor djoliuglote. The deaib vasme Loairolug lot@-ande Austn. lirs. M. B. Ooihy tait an SaîurdsY for cailtrnl ier. ai e@sipecte 10 $endce tie vlnter villa relatives. 8h. vu accmpanled by ber @inter. lire.Kats Johnson sul daugiter of Belaît, Km"e$, via bave besu spendlug saume lime st the homneaoflire. Colhy sud viii reltives lua ihgn LibertyvMe, HL pbene 30 1 Éibertyville, *Illinois LlBzRTYVILLE TZLEPRONE 4 OR %JK 1

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