CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Oct 1915, p. 3

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dOOUNT INDEPEN DENT, FZÂY, OCTOBER 8, 1915. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o J UTrw about the but thlng you can MaY of * * a man nowadasula that .lothem-afld Michaèls-Sterfl Clthes bave ludaed made good horsilau bortyrlO. Firgt 01 &U becaubothey ane so good-400ktfg. Second4 bocaubetheY wear go weUl. and- e...... s~ Tbrdly. becaune whether thelr pTlObe $1 5.00, s1800, $20.00 or more-they five f ar botter value thai' you. would expeot Bave- you a MichaIa'Btern malt or oveooOt? Te X. REYNOLDS' D.skr in ovoythig that Men and Boys wear ILLINOIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IL.C Burridge & Son -Nursery Stock ÂLL KtnDBON' HÂBADY PLÂNTS, SHRUBSI, TREES ÂND VIliffl. Lot un estimate the oost for autumn planting Fairholns Gardens DmA Ruma LM£C A FLASH 0F LIGHTNING your home may bé convertuS juto a ned heàap How viii you re- P laceit? The anever ha easy. Prtaul .tyoursel! frons sas vithas Anliay iu oue of Our tompanies. 0 e poaseion menus absol nIe abilty ta provide a nov homo -in case of -lire. Do il te-iay. To-morrov may b. too laIe. Durand &Duraild Trlggs Bt., Libertyvilleý Ph... 2. Ldbartyvifle47M U abo Bluff Ticinlty Zplacojial church, Michiganr avenue and East Tventy-sixth street,t Chicago, one of thte mont beautiful and ricbiy furnisbed churches i Chicago.t has Joined the long procession of! bouses of varship wvici have se. knowiedged that the battle againat the1 city's overffow of the rlch and tbef infiow of tie poor ia more than theyt .eau auccssfuily combat. The Roy.1 James Moore McGann, who put up at berolc Onet for the purt tour yeer ast rectar, Bs ovrker. financlal solici- tot and nma.of Ideals. bu resigned. 1.skO Celzstylà bg vekiy--IND.- PENDENT. Ph one 102-R~ Remember the fieci IN h~Raodia M m uàs OTold cita.. just as goad au noW wlsliuyon vait. Dm't thvw ~reh leem-We bey--=.s escial,- Opposie PmUt.'aBlacksShop do« SaoSeu.Libertyville Two -TowN cO-PEtRATE TO GET A ROAD0 IMPROVED. Wankegan, Oct. 2. Wifteen delegates fr0. Grasa and Long lakes vatted upon Counly Su- poinlendent of Roada Chtarles Rua- soil today ansi discunsed plans for tise ImprovenIsent O!fte Long Lake rondl s-est. They declare tite road lu ils Present conditieft la flot conductive to tise bringing Inlo Lake counly o! Summor resorters. Itlal a lino road belveen Lake Villa and Antbpoci tovu- êhips. The commIsioners o! tite tWo lovis, lte property avisera anS Mn. Russell are te, bold a Meeting a veek frtan Monday aI itieotlime te mal- ter wiU b. gonie m nto r fully. Tite PropertY Ovuers bave agreed tq dnat tise tema for boauln& gra;,el and lte townsis iiiido th. grading Sud fur- nias tho gravel, flore la about ou. and a hai! mle, o!roaSd. Froni indi- calions lter. la overy tesson la lthi tsé Isprovoments destred wvlU te made. , MISS1101>UNANI' MOUS CIIOCE FOR W..U.PRESIDENT (Continued From Page One.) ahead so splendldly, may be contin- ned with even greater vigor thîs year. One of the Intereeting features of lte program was the. pariianentary1 drill which waa interspersed betweea tu~e election of the varions officers.1 Motion" purposely ware put wrongi and then correetedl by other motionsi lu order that those flot no weil versed' might seur. experience &long this1 Une. Thtis was followed by miscelia-1 neous business, noon-tide prayer and adjournment.1 THE 'rREASURERIS REPORT. à The state treassarer. Miss LýIingram1 Mace, reported total receipts $10., 742.67; disbursementa, $8,627.60, with a balance of $2,115.07. Cook and Case counties mnade a gain of 100 or more. entitiing the county preuidents ta transportation ta and fromi the state convention. Casa, Cook, Msdison, Moutrte made gains of 75 or more, entltling the county treasurer o! these counties ta trans- portation to and from the state con- vention. The followîng local unions made gains o! 2Z ar more sud Ihc treasurers o! tisese unions received transportation ta and from tiesetate convention: Edvardsville. Granite City, Capron, Virginla, Savanna, Non- vWOod, Streator, Aurora. Englewood, RockMord Swedish. Marcy, North Bel- vider@, Souih Bide Chicago, Beuton, Wau'cegan. WEDNESDAY'8 SESSION. At the W. C. T. U. convention Wednesday mornlug, Lucy A. Borne- manu, a membor of lte W. C. T. U'.. and a polevwoman in Sioux Falis. S. D., wbo ta visiting lu Waukegan. vas introduced at the monning session sud gave short greelinga. Also Mrs. Tay- lon o! Wisconsin, Mliasa Epha M. Mat- shal, state correspondlng secreiary, gave ber report and stated that bM. L. Belle Goodman o! Champaign, state superintendent o! franchise depart- ment. vio lbas stood on the conven- tion platform for tise pasl 15 yoara. vas absent from tiis convention on accaunt of sickness. Miss Epita Marshsall, state carres- pouding aecretary. reporteS that al the counties lu the state reported tb bor for Ibis conventian but font sud titis vas a langer number than ever itefore Sirs. Stella Brubaker, sate super- Intendent of mthers' meetings sud white nlbbon recruita. neported Ibere vas a sligit I lcrease lu unions al aloug the lino during the yosr, but many reports were turned lu toc, laie ta ho o! auy une salte exact numben la flot knovu. Site also urged the members vben titey received temr W. C. T. U. lteralure tu number the pagea o! the isoakiels sud keop rec- ord of the number o! copies given ouI. Prises veeoavanded 10, the mem. bers o! this department for lte besl report. enrolling tise manl babies In tht.s epartulent sud tbe grealesl number a! mothers' meetings bolS. Mrs. Everett Gîvea Addreaa Mrs. Frances Everett o! Hightland Park. vee president a!fte National Federalion o! Woman's Clubs and s irector and mejuber o!fte board o! te Goueral Federadons o! Woman's Clubs, gave a very lnterestlng addnes. ai thé Wednesday afternoon session, ou 'W;bat lise Co-operation o! Wom- en Means." There are 2.000,000 irom. en members Ilu husanSd otiier coua- tries belonglug ta voman clubs and lte resulta o!fte co-operallon o! vom- on lu the civic department meant cieauer stroots, removai et the un- igittly blibosrds, more parka, pay gmoundeansd surveillance amusement, a sano Fourtb, public test roomi, gond roada, vutering Inougisa, saistary cups In public places, disposai of garbage, use O!flte achool buildings for social ceulera, te mosquilo.. itanisited, cil Izensiill (0 Immigrants, snd lte vom. on are vorklng for state censatshlp o! mcVing picturo filme, hecauso 113 miles a! objectlonaitle filma ver. sitovu.One year lu Chicago and lte resI o!fte stalo. Site urgeS te municipal Chitamas treos, 'thnt lai' tir tiukering muet stop, social and In- dusînial conditions sud lte prison re- !orm. Tne federation a! Womams Clubs la te clearing hanse a! inte mation, a cont»r of inspiration, a farce vhici one alone could neyer aocompiliai as te clubs are scaitered tistaugislte county sud te nopaing a! aociety vas turneS aven 10 Uthe vamon. Tise co-operalion ofthoevans- on baS given vamen the courage ta, stop out lu tise open sud demand lav enforcement sud protection of the home. Tise federation believes la oqual suffrage sud the abolition o!flte liquor traffic, sud'lai favor o! sucb comeaua a revard for ber unneiftsh vorn for lte gond of humanity." Misa Kathryn Sawyor, state secte- tary of the Young Peoples Brancit. gave ber annual report, showIng thte increase ln members and 21 branches reported te, ber durIng the year and Il counties had been visited. Mns. iMary Poyers, s.cretary af the Ohio astate Young Poopies Iranch, maSe a short repor'. Mrs. Lucile L Evans, &tats secreiarY of lte Loyal Temper- ance Legion, mado ber report, aay- lng ther. vere more cotesau ever held by the L. T. U. Misa Mfary Er- vin, national secrtary of the L. T. L, gave an addres hich vas greally enjol'ed. Her voit during tiie past year vas among the Young people. "The vorst race suicide la the fail- ure of lte W. C. T. U. ta motter le. gion," Mine Erwin said. The mayors of Jacksanville, Rock- ford and a Mayor ln Brown county and Edgar counly vere elected as itonorary membera of thse W. C. T. !U. LIQUOR, O VIES, DRY CIIICiO, ARE luT ly W. ce T. U. Thse Illinois slate W. C.T. Vcon, vention St ane o! the closiug sessionsý on Oct. 1 adopted trang resolutions which inciuded among other thingsa determination ta wark for thse nation- al coualitutional amendment proitibit- log tise manufacture and treficein ai- coboiic liquons for beaverage pur- poses. The resolutians also declared 1111. nais vomen in favor or peace and ar- bitration for ail nations, they ex- pressed gratitude over the stops suf- frage bas taken iu Illinois. Tbey ex- presseS diafavar ta, the Sunday mnoviq picture shows and accordingly thse vamen stand for municipal, tate and natibnal cealsorsip of movies as well, favarlng the abollaisment of vinesl and cigarettes fromaiai films. TiteY Plsdged tIiseiegeta help makie Chticago dry and adopteS a roi- olution to be presented ta Governor Dunne, asking for thte appoitment a! a Christian voman as tise parole agent for the voînan's prison ln Illi- nais. Au amendiment carried witich aboi- Isised the clause whIcts bas prevout- oS a stato officer froni holding offico- more tban Ovee years, a bY-law vhicb, 1 1 vo urge ont 7omen 10 use liet i- fluenc8 againal lte ompioyment, lu aur bîgit sud grade achools, o! leacit- ers vito use, or encourage the urneof aicobolic sud tobacco. We demand ltaI social "emokers" be abolished fromt su educational ln- ititutions. Amnusements. Tbe posibilities o!f-lte pbotoplay cannaI ise aven estimated as fat as [uta educatianal value la concerued. We believe lils detrimeutai features, demorallzing or suggestive picturea sud lbe Suudsy shows can ail ho ohim- inaled by concerteS sud contintjous effort. Ie tiserefore stand fot muni- cipal, state aud national ceuaoraitip sud orge aur women la help lu se. curlg fif. We Indorse the effort o! aur Y. P. l'a 10 eliminate vine sud cigarettes f rom ail picture films, sud urge thal oniy educational. sud upii!tlng pic- tures sitould ise mauufaclured. Dry Chicago. Since the dry Chicago campaigu, If succesaful, means tise abolitiou of tie bas iseen effective for years. Tise aS- liquor traffic lu ane of the atrategtc 1option O! this amendmeut hy s vole Pointa ln aur naîiou. vo pledge aur of 154 ta 26 is taken 10 mean ltnI Prayers , coperation sud financial Miss Helen lood, visa yesterday wva d sfi a osbe te-elected for tise fiflhtlime, la, a fr apsle. lug placeS in position 1a ho able ta Wards are inadequate ta express accept a re-elecîlon noxt year visicis aur appreciation of the splendid vork site coulid not do without tise by-lava of tise union of Lake couuty and Wau- belng changeS. kegan. in planning sud cariug for ibis Tihe b% -las s resalutiaus anopted convention. Preamble We tissnk you for Our gracious ne- Preable.ception as vo arriveS lu yuur cily. Reverent]y ackuovledglug tise guiS- for tise magnificent banquet, tbe cour- auce of Alighîy GoS lu the wark otestes extended by lte Young Meusa te Womau's Christian Temperance ChrIatian Association, tise Commer- Union ofIltlinois during lte past year. iai Club, tise naval training scisool, vo camne ta this, aur 42nd annual con- tise local proe suad tise singera vito vetlion, nejoicing lu the groving con- have addeS Sa much ta thte Interesl viction among ail classes; taI "rigist- of aur oveuiug prognama. also tise eousness exaltetis s nation, but sin Womans Club, te Mon City baud sud la a reproacb ta suy people." tise Hattie Barveli Goodfellovsiip Our Principlm , Club. We sffinrm aur belle! lunlise followv We hope aud pray tisaI GoS may bug piniples, tisaIttal abstinence ilss your labors lu tise effort la front alcoisolie tiquons s lte only aafej speedily fIee titis beautifui cily froni lav of tîfe. We give beatty endorso-itise cause o! tise legatized liquor traf-1 ment ta tise nationalI constllutionallttc. prohibition, and pledge tu do aIl vIls-j bu aur paver ta secure tise adoption o! an ameudmeulta lithe constitution, prohibiting tise manufacture sud traf- Sc lu alcoisaiic iquons fan heverage purposes. lu ail social sud reformg vonk, vo believe Ibat vo sitould ne. member tise varda and exampie o! Our Lard Jesus, visa saiS, "Te are lte ligbt o! tise vord, le o anligitl ahine isefone mou." "I 07cr spako opeuly ta tihe vorld--and lu secret have saiS nating." GoS ln the Government. 4 We believe tisaI <lu s aould be roc-i ognized as tise rulor a! nations, andS ltaI lnorSon to imaure nlgiteousuesa Lu tise livos sud citaracters o! aur fu-i Ite ciioens, te bible, the bakof o! lise iigisest standards of!livng, abouid1 be useS lu aur publie scitoole, andi bighen Institutions o! learning. 1 Pesce. Since van resulta bu s Iremendoust losa o!f11f e sud praperly, inflilcs un- tld sufferIng aud Indeacnisaisle out- ragea ou vomon sud chldren, beaide plsciug groal ecoilomie isurdens ou lte nations, vo belle,. ltatpeace sudi anbilraliou sisould ho the universal1 rule for individuala anS nations. 1 Purity. We botd tisaI pua'ty of lîfe la equal. ly hiudlng ou mou anS vomen. Franchise. We rejaice lunlte good slready se- camplished by the vomnen o!Iluinais vlth the limlted suffrage nov grant- oS theni. but bolS ltaI they should ho JULIA W. FISCHER, Citairman. Mrs. Olive Fenis. penal sud reform. gave ber annual report sud aI lite close moved tise adoption o!flise fliaving resolption: Wisereas, as safely ô! lite defeuse- leas vomnan neleased or paroleS f rom prison reQuires previaus Investigation o! anS allendauce la bon place of destination isy a voman, lterefore, Resoived tisatI llinois W. C. T. U. urges lise appalulmeut by lte gov- eruor o! a Chtristian voman te acî as parole agent for the voman'a pria. one. Mliss ASSie A. Austin, superinteud- eut o! tomperance Iltetature. moved ta amend article 2 ity striing opt tise clause, "Titesanme person sissl ual ho eligilte for tesanme office for mare titan Oive consecutive termes. Tisis makes it possible for officers ta boiS office lndefiitely-JAual as long as'titey desire and tan gel tise voles,.u Inte past ltey could ual bolS ovor fOve termes. Miss Louise Holliater moved ta ameud ltaI "vo recommonSlata on- îy conventions ýtisaI hey amond titeir by-lava ta confarni vit thlie above vils neference la longlt o! term." Titis vas noieS as unconstbtullonal vhereupon iss Austin moved la amoud te constitution 10 concur vils lite ameudmeutlnl question. And it va8sesodoue. Itlai tisus seen that county abSicons also may' nov ho elocled a;long tas lava as vili eradicate the lSluatrIa!- alloved the hallal on equal termes viti tlhey desife and can gel voles. lie, Ivo ballot boxos as this shows mon, anS ainelte question of tise FI t ORNING'S SESSION. hav tevomon vote. Mr,. Evereit prohibition o! the Uquor traffic, ad Tets e f h 2dane lte enfoncement o! lav munt UcnUl vTenaio daoflte . 2.dT.sUsunaie clased ber addreaa by saylug, ,"::lm mtely b. setîleS at the ballot box,cavuinolteWC.TU.pno steadylug o! vamen'i povrers ia vo urge ltaI evsry opportunnIy ho this mornlng ai 3 oceloc vwus a memn. rylng beautiful Amenican flagsanad drums, the state supeintenjent o! thse soldiera and sailora department fol- lawed tbe boys, thon came lte other supernutendeuts. The parade vas very Iuîeresting aud instructive. Eanis superintendent gave a short address on ber deparîmeut sud spoke ou vsat site visites ta accamplisb dur- Iug tise comiug year. Miss Grace Fuller, matron of tise voman's prisou at Joliet gave a very lnteresting address on thse criminals at tise prison. Suie gave as the ros- sons for finding the vomen In prison for murder, kidnaping, burglary, rab. bory sud couspiracy. Sbe said if mont cnîminals are made by bad as- sociations vitat vould ho the use ta shut womanuUp alone wlth ovil thaugbls. Site urged the womon ta open thlr homes to the paroleS wom- on sud lot tbem atart suov. Tise womon aItihe prison are taughl do- mostic science sud paroled vomen are ofteu given employmeuî as cooka, etc. CAPT. MOFFE1YT TALKS TO LADrES. Commandant W. A. Moffett o! tbe naval training station titis moruing addressod the Slegales sud bis ap. poarauce, lu tise uatty nnifarm o! thse navy, was the signai for isearty Sp. plause and at the close o! bis remarks he vas accorded salter ovation. As escis delegate ropresents 500 women St borne, the message from lise captain ta tise folks at home proveS an Important one sud tboy viii go bac'c home ta tell tbe people e! liseir communities wbat a flue place tise naval scbaal Is sud witat it means te the boys and ta the nation. That the conditions wilb reference ta drink, etc., about tise naval station are moat satisfactory, that tisore seema no Immediate uecessity for a five- mile zone about It, etc., vas cioarly Sud fancefuily showu by Capt. Mo!- fetl's romsrks vhen ho sasd: "There basu't been s case o! drunkennes among lthe boys lu sncb a long lime titat t bave fongotten vhen It vas re- porteS tise test time. We took 700 baya ta tise south sahare club, Chicago, recently. for four deys. During that lime tisere wasu't a case a! dnunk- enuessansd Ibere vasu't ane case visere s boy remalned awsy longer than bis lbave uf absence. '*Tise chie! reason vity 1 favored the Oive-mile dry zone bil vas because the two boys from aur achool vore assaulted. beaten aud Insulted at Northt Chicago ia year. And thse of- fendons vere neyer punisited; no ef- fort vas made te punish t Iem. "Yeu aIl realize tite Importance of national Sefense rlght now anS If we Sont bave il properuy propared, some day somebody viii try tea anez us. If Great Britain didn't have the nsvy site basse llkeiy vouid bave been annezed by this, time. We shouid buS up ont navy sud thua masure our- selves againat possible strife. "Illinois stands fourlisll te stale lu theo malter of sending boys ta lte navy. We senS as fine a lot as aur state sud vo are proud o! aur station. You tan belp us lu aur von o! mak- ing fine yauug men out a! tise lads o! Illnoisviso are willing ta enter tse service." GO TO STATION INd AUTOSI. Titat Waukegsn meo ovuoro au- tas, appreciate tise Importance o! thse W. C. T. U. convention vas empisa- sized vison 45 autos turneS out 10 entertain tise vomen Titursday. Tise vomen vere deligisted vils tise cour- tesy sud afler seeing lte residene part o! tise city, vent 10 lite training station viiere furtiter courtesies ver. aboyai lient hy CapI. Moffett, wvisa a a dresa parade fonrthei bonefil, Ey- ery voman expresseS keen pleasure oven tise aflornoon's enientalumeut (Contiuued on Page 4) T1ILE HOUSR OP ' DI.UOND %X POUNDU.Dse 48 reaftscd EbhngM erebsudishie&" 0.15. Rule Bervie. sa leur (iuar&nlsa. 904 N. SWIatidm IL wweNsgl.,as taken by aur vomon to caat their bal- orisi service couducted by lb. sltata lot. president, Misa Helen L. Hood, at - Department Work. the aPtiat church. As the Woman'a Chriatian Temper- Esaay Prize. Given. ance Union bas grown ta lse present Miss Carnle Musser, state superin- effectiveness. lsrgely through the sys- tenident of scieutific temperance lu. tematie "do everYthing" POllcY. we struction, gave her aunuai report, Urge that careful siudy be made of ail three pizes vere awarded for tbe department.s adopted by the W. C. T. tbree boat essaya on temperanco. The U. of Illinois, and that local candi- prize for the best college esaay waa tions shahl determine the selection of $25, this was divided betwoen Paul departments, aud we vaut ail local Berger ot Napervîhle. a tudent at te unions ta report ta the county, and Northwestern, and Misa OlIV1e Chen- the. county ta the tate superintend- Oweth af Norma. For the best blgb enta, al vark done. scbool essay $15, this vas tie be- Medical Teomperance. tween Miss Clara Buliock of Esreka W. express aur appreclation o! the and Mtis Resale Barr of Batavia, each tact ltai physicians and scientiats recelving $7.50. For the beat esaay are deanontratIug that alcohol la not in lbe grade schools, a prize of $10 oniy a narcoic-lrrltanî poson-but vas offered and three pupilîs ied a racial poison as vel. and the cause for lte prize, Jesuette Jordon of of much of the degeneracy, bath mon- Freeport. Wilson Fulton a! Marissa tai and physical, of the present limes. and Ruby Butta of Harvard. The na- We rejolce that whisky and brandy tional prize of $50 vas awarded ta are la be removed fram the pharma- Elon G. Borton. copia. thus diauualifylug them as A motion vas made ta present a modicines, and ltaI the goverument large septs, picture «f Frances E. Wil- of the United States la refuaing ta ai- lard ta lte Waukegan township higit low the sale of government of thte achoal. Misae1Louise Hollater vas United Statea la refuaing bo allow appolnled la arrange for the preson- the sale of "elixirs" "tonica," bit- tation. teo," etc., viticit are lu reality Intoxi- Tite departmenl demonatration by cants. tihe stale superintendents o! the vani- Officias ln EducatlonaliInstitutions. osas departments was held titis moru- Resiizlng lte Importance of a good ing ieBata itrh aci su- example ta Young people, ve el-p ttndu carrled a beautiful ban- phallcsliy proteat againat the use of uer repreaentlng her deparlment. mhe nactics by instructors at the state parade vas, lesd by four Ynung men university and Normal acitools: anti froni the naval training station, car DR. GOLDING DENTIST Houri 8 t012 aan.-1 t10e p.. Over Firot National Baak Office Phone 19J. île. Phione 157-J. Libertile. mlioule DR. IL IL SMITH. DENTIO. 3VUR LAM& 0051577 JATIONAL, B"&:. noula-8 lc 12 a« m. and 1 to à p. si. DAILY. Ubertyville Mis CHAS. N. STEPIIENS. &M . D PHYSICIAN s*"tSURGEON< P5hone 100 Office ovar Gaz Co Libertyvilis, 111. J. L. REDDING, D.V. M. VETER14ARY SURGEON Graduais Chicago Vol. Colsu Office at Itesideuce. M1 Oa= Ave. Phoneo 1130. PUBLIC AUMTONEERMN t Closeet attention paid btu a hso secton salbs and beet rie a l bml Ing same. Ail kinde of horsa, wagons lm 1borne&@ for sale or exchang. aaW i mmo HENRY SINE Phou.. 148 or 48 ZMON CITY, EL. PHONE 1140-M Violinist, Pianisi and Tlucher' M0 CORY AVE. WAUKEA W* ILS.. Dr. S. E. GRODINS Optrometiist and Opticlan, OF CHICAGO Hms opened an office n libertyvile. 8< test and fît giasses, andiln order I0 o acqnalmsted ho will furnisb giesuas, w: nseded, on a 30 PAYS FREE TRL svery Wedn.sday only. O)FFKE OVu LoYplUG M« 1O Houm PM a. m.te M s voi Rmlroad Ki U No mae t h7 - . sip, lais bZo a r biew * Nationlfflescoupo- FirtCaa FamFa a elynd bsigs~ ýfeaAoim Ilas, S ~ ~ m CBaa Eu a LIBERTYVILLLE Thoodors H. Durai. Preaideut. W. B. Smih, Vice Preaideni. F. W. Churchili. Secretary and Manager Hon. DeWitt L. Jones. Gen. Counsel TELEPHONE 8B1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEEI) Capital $ 125000.00 - - ILLINOIS I WAUKEGAN 4,- 1 ý 1 . 1 L PHYSICIAN AMO SIJGE N M tcau«s for dises.. ci wdis.Uiii s WA W.MDSON ST. OUOAO. S. DYMOND & AUSMI Loama n& urance-a, Restdotle a"' Office in Kaiser SIOCk. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOMS ELHANAN 'W. COMJ Attorney-at-Law Offieai Home, Cook Ave. Phono 08- LIBERTYVIL.LE, -ILLINOIS1. LYELL R.MORRS ATTOBEY-AlT-LAW Libertyville - Iulois Lace Building. Ben. Phone las-M. On" PhOam la MARITN C. DBCKH .TTlo5NEy-ÀT.t.Av Ullice opp. iSsa t. EIBectric Ilalios Mefie Phone 848 lies. Phono 18600 NOU1TU CBICAOO. ILLIli0lS PAUL. MAC GUFPIF4 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lýibertyvile, IMoole Puas. 83 DL 0. F. DUrrBRfIBLD. VETERMART SURGEOU AJUSETANT STATU TUTUEIUAJUAS. Libertyville. Illinois. DR. N. W. S1IELLENSERGER OSTEOPATIIIC PHYSICIÂN Old Trlggs Bldg. Libortyvllie, lu. Office Bourg 10 until 5 Tueaday ansd Fridays only DR, 1. L TAYLOIR Office in Fuat NatiomalBu*aab.ildimg .051.:-i ta 8:813 snd 7T#8 p m. Reqidte..a bn Broadwa, opposite Péfr* bLoorqyvlis%. iluaois. e Î-

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