vuE. bb tsiuett Sudm vhbEivouto Use.m tvseule l w~ b Wka bsarue er to.> datmr 40" .à *kt bu bébo o ilsdà*i - f mOP4 Wi' i. ~ Ts!, hs1eEce wnolSg VA- qulbe v" *eMt rs. wutS. ra' lu eM uiM moe *ro.ktisiy &M é U L.ha asJ atmO-IL Dolpii Md! ber amýUIli "maWtm,. sent Satordai' lu ?NOM metteS8 V sieêd 1.itigons aB lIe ve-iWhiabiber VB ..paym enetrtainedle br OOW adielebtMr. 61" ia sBates et W»meoadacumnl. A Juse rowi galb«eraItIi. Henry ondbse eatue etrniito give a ublmoeover b ,Mises Ual. ;àqbMw, cboir -Wk* âbab i.Wo ie for tht.vqoirta .oé tàio Wea O irperireeto Mw VM rasr. tii.prut pere mauy Xias umaNoire& of chwsm, VIuIbi #Atw busoe of lM"es Mjrt.Bicimas Vis Sri' elpîsa velthug re"lail gàt un o of !Mlr.aMd lmrm.Chs. Wolf w bomIen Miid ami brie Andrews vees lbe aditu of mi"s Boéssprehu ovel M*rss#Me. efuomnoersemi soc TOUX bôou tripuISqsSSlr Mmari" athimm Wbihm,"ters. mfte Man f er M hiesSaur ~o.of elu, . 0» r our av o! LIsZtrchpeop ~.,n. wie, iioqeler paieati, lir. mtdet, ~b<uud4rvuet an i Ai. 1..iie'u haspItal~ le~ Min e woor Moyer vwu a gout of iesa fraue" >rtvo eta aoue. pati Sti« l lewIbrmtory ol Ubcago, tiI Mir. nadi!v..BdSiLandaui, Mr. sam MmIeo, I. Mua n miou, M ruB. A. Tberrien c!andm, Sidi., were théBonu'- i!.m ool%«a 01Mr. idliro. RE Kncer huchker ef Oicego. Mise i Ood<jal a'entrtained a onher out Irisis a"-ber home Saturdai ev.mlng . ViseSumbelI ani da or.ub.r!y ene thlOi i.4wa. r cub Mondai. etid IIç. X.A. UimhIbi vwesi. lie .M.VruWWmalld the Laie05 i ci il. Préobît«erli bnrchb amu 9-41k d"1 myloeig Thoredoi. Lite. BSaalAdimisvistai ber dmugh- tpr,.» himbari ofavenswoci!. letuti. IMs. Ana iirm» a eviodlhmgbe brother. am. Book o! Mlwaukese. tht. Mir*. Lenier emirtàlned lîhe Ladis' Aid ofu ii. tuh t 4nFu" 9Kveiil- &eedagm"s red .' otsuberer, Cha». UeIlg, red euR Md!Abert Antes a.1. ilsEvugftlalchfftiOrceutra bail Sunday aheromos anev.mfmg. Tie Jevel club c.Met aiti.home01o Mi.J. A. itlchet, de., Salria, latier- boom. -1 r s i h lie fIip Ichasiet ffluj 49 ïi D*» loquo! ngom lvi» Grouu abta1 li tm J. ahunev uet"e ro qqlte Imaid' ' TepoutoUc I0etow rbut. v a eli dlpart, grmuta e'0 D.Om. ue uia à* Dai CMCKOagal l humcl Mp .l te rýms vAmhp LUa. 'ai", la w ea Se La cnrb. Ls P. M. Cteablag.SuetJe art" 5* oc." ti' A-m ILU.D. Sramiogud mltv. àà offt saivemidai' st7 saetoneivIdi le JoisU'mlm eu ata-damiSu- i.. ahi 00. so.Jacisou have rstks$# ýbgofor ibe vinter. mUbte, asee. -vhs bu, sUmmreOb pedim obi - a lsgo.$peut laluriai' ic 8aday Mis Iebomasbsn. Mt*. W.. Ton..vs a Pal*" ln eler la a4tOm0Ioeieg tmmbranofo!our dar mDamoea Jhnhihng, vbo A rcopouitroau hm goue. Avoles vstovad testlled, A pleje Wv«amt la our bomne WhIe mver cmsle O6ed. Gol a la ois ha. bu atslW Il cou hie love ba i iven Amàocgoq h le bodr nolisi'bpre Théesont la sale Ia boavin. Prom tovlmg h Partedsid lter . fOMARVgSTSA. AuwsÉShar* I wll iL be bejo ai. OablmêUmU Vosemia riai aveu- lA. L. Crabtres, X>np. e e e BANK Sevar And end mmikiof [Ah* Pent, @pées tohala%he Bm.Ram T. Mmnghu of Chicagovas Ibe guest o i. Waatb hbaby Isondai. àm Ies OlSolme le spsadlmg abs velk J. Jleg »auqi ta u d ' Milr. Turn.y éf M.qodsps Studimi'ositbe ing tb Adies id vil m"t wlthtlire. . IdT4mreàv shUooii. Oet 21. E. Ichudr mal baltil: motorsi to MlduediMthau;Al en:Wiîî h. sebti met ltilqir. . atme Mv.mi lre. eo.Michsol speutSat eriai'M maSmia, la Chicgo.' lims.r Alet er le visltlng estivoi Mr. ad Mm Geo. 1,111 @peut Sondai ai MM*fiuM Cook speut Batunday bal U. and Mr*. Wii Front and Job Moysr of Round Lako, spont Fridmya tbe home o01 and! Mre. Peter Myen Ur. and Mmc. Frank Amanii end se Prout, ani! Jo. Aman o! Round Lai ope;nt Monda, st theBmarney Aman bomne. VieMinula e svr *piut Tburada ami! Pniday.ithl.ber sisier, Bmnia. V -lWsVert PueI? of Wauku.gau, vas -g~serfciUr. eaMM . J.B. Ilan or Pred Char! vent to Wankea lsuGorge M.lon IsatIlbave oe ' bsirfaemi *111 àmove ibis v e.k. It lutrecrtq4 tUrsl Boe ljeu 4014 te,011taMaiudvilsmuve Vamiugu. Mrs. Jasmme bas lici 4h11 ~ ~ ~ ~ er PlSt?*a 'a visltors Ur. aid Ls".1Northrop ain viii' tisir dauiglter, Mira. . B. Faulinet'. Urt. Ma m I .JmesTriggs enlarimi Mn 'u"Doroulbi' aoi Dunald Marel Tef .Osetumit Wit Do "M ikh LPe 4011Cr, Slneftmey e. A wwld iad Saeltedsmo. Ocmuoii.e ltree la the go- » crvlx f rosis ae Mcommnudcd by tbIg Bt pl'rtu e.tter on « aie u t.*tu*s#m uiw %-t! DeseulaIn tae.b e leuo isie to à m a 01 Wb"-'wIllt fm. n raetuor meimlb. sain» vkudotrle paie usqiepents for lectutuai 0 Mua Ua, ue n 4 et. aie hi tcm Il~ ~ ~ w »Wb bye~llU màhc* 10 bo~i~esaotho sOS hoevu.*"ueh b0ai' mpele tocs *Wmçugtot or iIYiml I viMpW qD niIttt tie uies be maie a oh- tirÏ t ademtiéal mmid lie comaIS.0 trit.ttbey b tftfd tu Od 0 codala in bet' idi'eln* dglOo a -oe~tin f aa tm e *0 ccoo- pui't4i. eIMes vIlb. forvaiulei ou to tm WhuLom d**- rosi vm hdiee mVm or Ml dewvicmmet ca me« uaisee cd b! loibr a costw. Te eml $Wàke ajengatu looce uiortlsaom mecufa sbbMat fo ol b. ogMe c puiul ros vlteiW"b masa app&i celf& otl fe"uf&OP torporate V iitin m nl * lgas have tissam i 17 paoi, 1aai odglss oiisbef nlliioB*et. Ahv ala attira mien 0001,sfer sen hotoouq revtw Musl*lM&iaom it. bom reb* bli itlmm$Ptmi hOw id tête otot et ieada0000& i t. for my cmmnit tei b il t t' ket tofers, mach s., lareon ami thee iptM=net vIl!fuiiulsh il »mY one idstrsctlps s. b setctios Md shipmnlof souples ii. bm ar =ede fteof charge hmit=e rei 1slred lanccmnaaion vltii pubbelwu provemenle. ad lin ion le, bun las on bold mes t Itif i .c Mb ioweibore. Tb*smmniese1 Mies EVSaoOktute te korle Bhai!etster, 1o! raejsiela obelin t eur lu the e »0tito. lis *oltiX0gh ba ec.h" lhmr. Patlek Olhien. mpet on osho i"a soStuheSt. Paut rairooi ah %til»wvasbronghî b Vautesa 3q 18?iiSueverMaillaMdi wu tm toqs b l aie.Coui' Gem- atbosIttl. l eafeointa'of pem qà hm piibscmeulta MM to 1» qile otdcl. 1TREES TO SAVE- ROADS. Net Only Meentîiy but HeIp be Main- tain, Hîghwuys For mlleau s gaiseWssne eounty. lcb.. claims epret'plmce ln lie United Statu. This county Uie round Detroit the automobile eli, and moi. ern rmade have bien buttndor thie stimulus of the. metor-indutr', smie the Country Gentleman. Tboy bave boom buM nt fant and l auch level coMPUri tInt n movi;mesit la nov afoot 10 maite diem more, beautim fo. Tre an eeltber hacilmg or bart boom trimmedi b accomiiiOdtb vIMe or have beau ctierwe mbuse& Uilo. ei to detai'andi cel dovm. Wayni counli' Proposes te have Ume roag béauti hi planting am4ltakl« M 0ar1o rosdie fl~a"M asnooject lemo pointa 10 tht part Pme"saretb playIl Uncee aiwa attions! l bvaiS. Tho tris latoblg,,ove th. ruai lt certainli'a ebigmWoft beauli. Ami aai rom! englobas vwu ti it ln M~ ous thing moW s.ý 136buOvitit li e, ts obafflautsleonet cfgravel or watt bavnnimacadam huuluv aun e le la gooàiccmiio' fr 25 te 50 ver coq bq xpome ian places ln themu undcftruS poeei 10 lie sun. ohm1 eneve mélaturé., The rosi uni à Iree neyer die tMt 0mncb s. lia 'ta <>e open., se, lia' et maieehi lest ne la mot a. esilillovna aai, a tree de uMtrI ià* worM laukeeP.1 the ruï ai tbwin, - tTho, loi r vtha et briish tbat e»M limes sprbla p OIns10te st *tract along neglactsi Oiteit'ide of dit mai Debe rtat i boture 1r abat a su and i imi ittur vet vathaau bprevent irylatu ' miq te A. tig .thn a lt ttet w uMt But hlg Ira -WIhilimbo DInh o«oug-W lathe.air 1 permit ait ira 9"eie ais Deuil cdal. evon u s aaI . aia Worh a gi-sret o orii o il truai pr'otectlO ieon lv. Rtoi4sl4q ti-ousaMtbouueting Mo tban ib à goV IItI' area vul part o! lie rMA&!.Wbies lpfac ,f ii e the Ufo r &M M a M, isautleeIt aa tus orce aSt toadii.tre. ili*V05a gMIqt PIÙ lnti.te i ài D FA - l'-oiL r , )07 naiaitil. Ir4COIRPORATED 1915 - a n ILLINOIS YOU know sometliing about this Company. It is a Lake County Enterprise.' 1fra isU" HONFSTY COUPLED WITH ABLITY is the Comnpany$ s whord. The eofficers andi directors of dii.s sen.year-old institution am" an ad efficient-mon with good records andam aremhig joiod "Y. Miney f»ona &0 " .of sMo&kgo"s auto thetrea"ur, a part of "whlhuiR se lÉto actve do7q-m; tas opuatin e Tii. psqt t. b. tas.4W WM b. e pysfi clua te *om b'"htii.desremiit.s ad wlllplace the TbeCompSSa s y md nade goosi. ~o#@ilnfctthteare about to eularge Our pacity. '$IAOO of gu&r&qsteed ciarei .now on the. Né bave t"ya nougli orales -for our prc duacts t. kee gent ilwiuter. f lii.qu stin1-15 IT SO?, BoWAtRD VAN DOREN SHAW,,- * Aadovxqr s9 Senti State Streot Robert G. Wonk Chioago, Fobrupri'27, 1912 1 hq'ousei! qit, a large umber of le oeent *6 manufacturea loy Mr, -GoW. Deimêtlsami-bave found tho ra OY eatisfaototY lu SW. De8ams...OW R HW el Aý,tý Ir 1 o tbP Wb"u»0 PhoèmtW o t ib ue of 1* here 0 riforma eu, ~~ aet 4q 0#i4m a gm aieuzs i t , *rul.uo f Stl egs" mt* b e t c two duusrate m m A g à wo "i i nghty Cv tmoBl logst4tpr haklle me ilt t.. uta~a aii 1% iPbleb thb Odt0 anu frossebM bisnmArsqLumaiusla"bi be 0thi ee mtç.tL uthr** tmaitesoothlimuif b& r w" ier 'Abs4 te ym* gs a ms utt"", eI" ac«Y fobe1p. cuithW ag uffl bt tio Wma ea ub k NIftei tmheeL wêýM t w fffurjW Perste 'the COM NbIWt 00180 mteex u torýtwfl'e 'ni lma e pr~.ithirhl, mm thon rébbei )àlib"i& )CIa. e mm t cfthe reoever. VOUVA bockthe ts bock ef $4., içny mUter lc oths. our4a, but tii*su- A, rébe mis ho stood there heîles, YO aItk 5 II' wmut oourf iectei the t50!LW »A ighoua, ibindadlent. aM diigw yOU w8It IL. ýb u o l u t O ,P o v e r t e i v e a d lt i 0 e O e fl W b c s l e s i , k m a sudtg h Mf 11* Ore. Tb$. Cook plat 1 ý »" m aylaps.lsfy kymte u A .im usuatter th# desperate deoperam' Cije ' wfemgra lrd" 10 MILop tIInk thet laftc o.t f tidàlanIPa*k $OMMl inet 1W14sl st ti. tbtlkth*let gdn ;oar aete btue * W u h e, p at r la m a a 1e n v til m m c u m i i . b M.i e L Wsythtuatotil Ma.eegvu1 ded 1e vse e tve. le Bacfrthe ciield ag W O om - Andimu tbat An~ la les8. 1Ounthe foot viier.tii heoai, te whIoh blic Ser*ie CO.; It la $ali tiihe oeta ame ighttlael . ba boman t& at OO&cî h o oa ss o n the I w o. fIa t l'b reI' m e v b o ' a h r a - e t o h f ti reetrttlcesla thi es Oti'TObOi ati-àB*oitc lue wbienho *ab*d ethe.4 te b home et 14iMe, aidli ot MMur the "da shich & tb UhAthe »M t Ia lttabour la thi.evè1e»194. b' bêta Ignorat or the tomct « ore thépolice of MRihlni Pu*kvere emaieédise oýwcha.robiai The ladieenents. Who fayot htvit apprimai of teaIbm rb«Y n argumentsaw viiucia t eattu apatchai titheJoues reelien.. the B at a n i hd I Is h eY b h tk Ill e T h e p l o i.i e » t e l if ii tcttbt htirg toe authat the. boy vent tho .lpc. afnMWPrareVe bu lmmothe'.depamtue, Midane IC a ioleonvil btuTi-dremmed on ami osSii us&M.RAiA gg âË No on.eltithenelhborUà ~M the. iFaur ave 1v9 um« enter or blve tihe ., ami ]Wa pmit"tsd tld no supconeoharacters ver. sesa lu w bftt and fedbo the. nehghbonhooi inrins the da. Sbie jie qau-w Pettione a"kingSecretari' f the the na b . - l4avy Danlels bte îtsk si ummer Wmile it wUI bring esevai mp for Yung mesatetIA»e tou perMit Murf have bêBti crcubWstei h 1e Mmvi Luegue amd a umm er of Du k l- " dat wgCOL ct ,9 - D. O. E »'- Me. ai! protaelonal sacshave r K N E » L R B O '~ su, "moe v.ttr"ra la Cham eof tas hlm latera.Wiam liaer Lv _______"___ *atge. ste onhet c1esotad *ou*Ila sali etteêr 'ha balovel the r. Igen u ometri*m ea vlfI gatea ot I rat d hâ &Roof Scaffold Br"m Dr. Dpeii ves directlng bis Sali boys and 001000 11mes v omi .eptab. :o gà meeetnt ioai~lh oSt el hTiCil!oago commtta. la Wt er '.'~~ uiioqset ai s Isietiebut It .ly eeet.oim. of 1the vvowe te bhol& u f ft ad the state live stS oard vil!tut eetng Iodai' aI the. Umrsticlub. ames.turnarh& la chalge uutll The kiloIBIi'mnegisot teb se . »M.v,,mSU Dr.-Di'PSrecovu. The. board vl! cmreaISOan..four mmte. vintet l,. meot Tusedai. cuUeat the naval tralla station lae.enee Il e ellva Dr D'so ~ for the. trablng Part-icurli Of Mtacme the dinum 1villetraveling about the a Mtats la bis aoumte b erdicte 1the' la m licesoreSrs MthI aua font mai month bmmse. c tfvete nutha.ts»&,-I fIMLJg L-artrc %-UUIglLug