CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Oct 1915, p. 7

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LAKEeOUrPY. 11DEPNDEN.,, OCOBER15"gi5 LAR CONTY fl4DPEN)EN. ~1~JAY O(?OBR nu11= moi el Wh hi ei l. o . 1 eu CONEiRESSMANFOSS TO ASK APPROPRIz ATION FOR THE CITY BEA1<PUSU' $FOR toi;BIon onRNmoniay ~*0 ~A~pan -t:0--v - WITIIOUT SUCCESS ________________________________________________________ -MaYOr Pearce presenla res. _______________________________ ________________4!__ Detail Sent Ouit te Search for Olution Whlch'Comnmissioner - Hod-Up a W asitenchOrvis and Corporation Coun. When TheyReturet. uikleY Characterize a DSISPOSEhe uêyReur.deliberate dttempt ta gel À I SI MOfTIII3V SUDIS oSE TUÂT ____ ct.ncil te demand a eon JE~~~~~~ ~h FRM AK 0 OTEE D 0 IOC ESTthree tugs, who Made amur- Of battais lfCommission.i ommî Powell burag J. a laoaater the 8hooting dr&ft Ordinance that wiii ln $i taîtenpdCir. P01j004 C Powell 1) t . KOrvlt Makes.Sensa.- afray at télaefront. ?-4o me hink - n eteoiv esto tional Àfe a n t et- bAdétailiOf Policemen beat the reg lat. by license and bond tdS ikiig@ -m iody.pei usiios onth-. ban Of lb. nId Dead th. jitney drivers In the City. 81w lheedFood.Seize Tre~ Car TOday.tiol 1' M y.f river, andmi &alâte tour Thursday 3MyrPac oe gîa are rivig M allwiuWalter Warka En- taWî euke gedanot .50 re aue$taslaredrmvitysMca. Lucia D. Orvis, tlirougb At. handed., se liaFeuhoî, aloiabout~ steln cars lys.Heydecker & Heydecker, P.rq., Huer Dabrger, son o eH*J lethmu i , a ffe log r e d n t et W g ake- Th e . rivers are n e t a a re o f ti@ day ln c ircu it co u rt îîe<i a fah rin g er, s a erc led v ery f relW hl cf SS W -h J - ho h s vs c * as aayOtober 8 at 5 tacet tatthoecars thley are drfviag are 0 hlhmi.akd Ihat tbe dectes - hîcli vent out et Waukegan duc. te Out supplies when the lAke Comiimsac Général '0" In la.te. a y . of f divoebetveenlhersait and At.a hoeelgbtIlsesthat tbe 1 erpiaio ino h t t y trtviint ie phAd th. torney J. K. Orvba eset-eade, Thé nths bve i gioodthei'r ecape.J myo1eueda etincn dè& e h.badt,,,b»9 tAken tee l e uSPM tt*Mtutlpétition containe strong allégations. There are a nimber ot mon vbo be- -Yi3- etancn D rlng ndton bt e Tli'd57h ar r sl. y Se fl, Mr. Orviesnets forth in lber Pet liHen. hathe b.thugs mretiltI i bd- ceru tu refus* redit. bofln.e luinted s fe d ylCiag uoProectve Association tion thaet on lmiember 25, 1913, sine ing smoug thé. sani hbleon the lake 4M to oh.frsglimaen r1h. Crrb ". Jdi-tn, t sge ouf-andh olc fioo ereIled a bil of cojplent n w uélsshoeve<itht the viityand isu aelpto tefrttel h vi geCos ofdicteg liaI aeu. ehb oieComslnrG oe&ed for soerete mantenance frontm ee htte iimk natmt beuf icr ti ftma ill N.f owel.Mr. Orvîs. Suie says lte case waa ta Îles hs Prsunder cover o itr ftect uvt ans, Oi rler adsrisned crcum-N. e hve and tiree more stolen left tpouding np te October 10, 1914. drkins :tbt rmd en ý1 nst@ry@f lemotn t - lo tMhavl$Oeth uiiingtanou eize cars 1 Wuegnhe-an v. propoe te Attaslllnsbyceset. sb ses iteIllstili possible that tbey wil be wners who are entitied ta e' liserbi. m lg 0d ez ~mirn i. d> aiee Prier ta lte entering of ltae final 1apprehended. Pltier dtere teq. .t nbsdétetive frein Ccago.~ order she sets forth a conféence vas None the vorse foc the boule, Mr. h'I pla iner eme heq ein lia Police Commiasioner Poweli admit. held helveen bier attorneys and tiiese Dabringer vas back at bis desk 't 5--Council vole. ho mail out igliO possigtemucl prie tedlfitIthe cuaslid.been Identlfied. for ber busband, relatives ta thb. thesait varehouse 1his mornîng. ~wsler 1bille for current gear, sel.eoacîua esmpemî herseif sud liat lie proposed toseiethema amount of alimenyt hlat she vould re- lkrate.wowa nolifying Ihos. who are de tmoit lieeta desth rtirtil1uigti. " ofo rps ecelve ln case the nepamira in~lten. eat the lake front ail afttrneon, clalm lnuetîhqym e.sya tell e cae> nMt-lslimen ceira tbe eyu.t"I lie Chtcpoe tance suit vere dropped and a suit for ta hav~e beard Ive abats& fred.H iqethymutp t ,Mw r orlhetsieteCars u h hiaod-divorce started. lu ccerdance vitit thought that te abos had heen iled lr héaertw sys a eqledt ourc e tivea lok themra ver andI dentify tlus arrangement mie saya sitefIled by bunters. no Pald ne attention ta 5llut off. à h or vmeulisalehteaProcuren lifCt n adte billîfor diverce on October 10,thema. 8-W. 1B. Oodge & Company, iWi dolaess e i e lebu et h acso lai1914, and tbe decee, osasag, vs EmplOYes oethIe Reins Ceai Coin- Woli u h mn e d.eaa lailloiat1601 tiiere cam le ne deut but viol the otrdo iemedy an> and of te Chicago Tie & Ti- i Wa$hlngton sîret for ae ur.etrdo hesiedy s PM h-nd u h amn orPtm as Ph deP.nded fer lier cars verS Mole1 la Chicago, and ver. Plie conteuds that lhe stipulations' ber Treatlng Company Clainm that aubdivislons, are r*ieasd fliloo on renelng out Ive eo- tire. soula teWaukegeat t hrough & Ciî. as ta alimony, etc..,ltat vere maie, hheY dld net bearthoes&hot&, and titey fr@M bond, having oomPlied 111 latheuppr prt f ler omecag auo aen0. inte decree vere net lte &ome as îddnetosue an>'sustpicous l<oklug wlthhail the provision@ of the 011 loa li upe rée saebu- Tr MIncr eercvrdîthun. maie la tbe proens contrmct cw&tr nta oaiyoTus su dcing9a wuhe. reetted bs-y Tr. oe cf e.rcvriand asle &Ma ,permission ta proslent dey. docum 5etiwe vuit][1 getn ouvnd.i Of Ila Wauakeglan, ai mx lnGrayslakre the file., records and original con- Mr. Dabringer wvable0te gîvetenly 711. 5A' lowd ubjecIt t il la soilier sour efcfnaome but a fov veeka m&W. ! ràe amager description ofthle tbree the. O. K. of th. heade of de- been ver> meager. Ti tlacr r i tleTr lie says lhe contract maie prier thugs, sothoeecitiona seut eut Pnn fer m inov Mis Fonk li l T h m mk e n cmve re aiu l t b thle Ford -11ta the enteri g ofthtle ecree provil- ta police officiela et nelo hlorig cities p- ert i e ota! 0 ft " - ft lm ankel lit Mkeand erebougt b theWsu 1 d tali sh hugel théuie. ta 10 nt et mucciivaue.t orrive , ewbroaenuierA kegaultos net veeks but menthe 990. lot 9, block, 20. lova oft We For H. W. Delringer. Enner tocr te, and tremeurer are pisced on 1 th- openci menYygears use, »re-lMr. Powell admit& liaI tbere are one lie declare. this canvoyance nover Petit Sait COmpan>', vas eated ait bis ie id the braither and@lister trui e Ortva car la Wankegan o e v as maie. Bih.esags atl n the de deskr ot 3:38 p. m. Thursday atter. 9--Councl Veu te las. par. 19 even0on sPektng terme. The makes vll il i xinndcc crr0. efdivorce l vas prorisi tha?' noon viten suddeiy tbtree builets te tcl'dc 0fC ber diflot mev etrbigs1siter's wCit Witchago iedb>'the tour sapers. pretending ta lie in L vere fireditrthlmtrougli an open te fCt okt e lnee an i dinet kbaov ot ber Ciaodétectives vlien lie>' reedlIcordauce vlth the provious contra i vldov. The f011 instant two thugs, flshOrmmn who wishes la, i mitil Inorneet fIl Ibis Meru- Waukega. given lier and vece sigasi bytr ee ego entered tbe office. *tart ln businese hors. * iuaband. Tiiese notes. she Beys I One 01 ho thlugs pusiai a revolver__________________ »uMa ie the br e»CvsnY Abg eebutene Crstl bore date October 10, 1914. sndud n: igainBt Mr. Dehinngerels reat, but _________ 1skems 10h mcvt eacti'. butlin Mlwvaukee, passe-I treugh [Jber- de, the terme of the decree vér. befere lie coule pull the trIggec, Mr. reen li enl ie bacb eaned tyvîlle and Rendent geerda>' but due sil menthe, 18 menths, 30 menthe 1Daliringer tiarew eut lis loftibaud sud JO N IN tJJJ 4r. MIca enkelys unta ber e *o hetet rth ard and 40 menthe atter tho date oethle varici eff tb. gun. Mr. Dabrînger *. A 14aa.a Es.~~ er. Mbis eakme ell clgb rl i te ev et the vtlaeft et i car ldece. m oewa;fr$0 ilid sbnd h hemzl o À LI t atiior. The. father and moath.itrs. Orna dcaims the notes arei vlieaonweu lie negro pulled t I led vititaut e rcencillatlon andý thieves lied an bourýs start On thée nen-negoîleble auds no-assignable the Iigger. and the builet Peeled the UY 11 îh Ume spirit alvagi lias prenallle puedhecrvs cvnby a sud become nuit aud voli lu case thie jfiesb from the tird and touctit fln-1, rellu bratheraid tenter Yeung man la ils taens, vho vas nakes lber résidence lu Lake CeunI>'. gers. T D FB O H R - W »e im M" lekel hi ccmprdd b turoteryongShe saym lie papers or note. ver. 'tic. Dabringor grabbed up a swltcb- I U R)h E rsome le Miss 'enkil baut ccrmen. e ytu abryugslgned by Mr. Orvie alonte and îtti- manus lantern frrn the loor aud trobla vii reuatim. it en Detectiveslu the emplo>' or ont other sureîy. struck lte second thcg over thé béai o dii. flot privent ber trom gettlug onee outhtei ratireads pasglug through On April 10, 1915.,viien the ficet: witb It. Then he gcappledvtth.sth Thren ea OI in coeneiit. Prier tate lst tI h iday tbe neiglibors liai net seen Rondout sav the car, but tliey liai nenoe toife due shle sayositbe presented negro. The negro succeeded ln tear- he m Th e reas ldBon lPenkel arouni and vonîered idea that It bai been stolen. Il te Mc. Orvis for payaient but vas:lng, hlmselt loose from Mr. Dliru- Over WhmTe HsB n lier &hoiwuvaseck. Lest Tneeday Wbeu J. B. Ot, deader lunte pas_ refused paginent., ger's'gcip, sud then strucl i hm over so Much Litigation. Fenkli nangeile cuve' t ta Telgrait uIling.Clicag. v s Ple representa ttaI s part etfte lthean i viia Plece of metal. Mr. peuple Wie rentei the upper part arrngement. eeexecued a deed , a tgr tuka it bt o r berne liaIt ee a 11. Neigli- handed the car et Stewart S. Frear. viiereli>' ai,,signed avec te berr hua- again, aud h.e heileves Ibat lie dazci The case of John Kendall, a 13- ver. notifiedandeuhliey prempîl> on etfaauod fciend. yeslecday lhe baud ail ber Internât lu orne pro.tep- i undo i hesadya-l o, hc a enI ii ta Iler assistance. Dleepite tae stepped Into the eter oice0 udvl erty la Wisconsin. raced eut Ofthlie door. The negro galion uiuch duclqg lte lest year. as- etcIaat il tollavedbils companion. "The vhllet smeî the ae uffre ternlirnr-cere- bIt aug rea sd l~ Site repreaenis it as ber belle imafvsuatm' qaita i au d stili another angle viien a teéth Mis Fukel etn flo co sot ongF n ite vas Ieduced la enter imb thema snoMyeulad1wud ;a goe tee a itosptlduni tur cn hurn. Edvin D. Fulton. Botare 19 arrangerýent b>' treuduleut. unfair mis-have coPtuced hlm bad not lie ne- heaclng taok place betore CeunI>' atternoon. Suie vas taken there years old sud corne tram weiileado, representallens. Site saga liaI ou are struck me avec te beai vthta jJuige Persons ou Saturda>'. Upen lie OMM â:Wetzl abulnce famlle inMineapois.ThetwoOctober 10, 1915. oee ear vîli have, pince Oetmeal," sai Mc. Dabinger the Petition Of William E. Le.. 2706 rangemnents for the tuerailihave beys liai spent severai boni-s lu Wou- ccee and she fears flt if sie walted aies afler the holdup. eielaeuZo iy rt yel been maie auh Il la net IM.Dinne aeti cau tof -1h. boy, John Kendal was given n vie vîli ian. citarge etfte kegan betoce calllng on Mc. 0-Mlnleuntil afler taI time site migitt hava r arne ae hsacuto gemeuts. Chicago. Iflinla id liat te>' maie au more dlfficlly lu securng a setîle-' the holdup and altempted robiter': futol hua care, hein greleased !com lt, Famiiy Fiud Long Standing. almIt eiehgsvnpsegrmen t with ber ituebani. 'l vas aI vork iu my office viten Lake Bluff oc'hanage. ta vitîci insîl- -e deali et Mise Fen*ieli recalitsartepa aea it ee dnipngteir Ams aresuit, eeasked ltaI Mc.Or- a sdden]Y one et thc men firei a fusl-luineva mmte rcet> ie minis ecedraerdnî t a akgnt uigtetvis b. cilei te appear ln court for la eOft Itllets at me titrougi Ive to h a cmite eenl kegan townsiptlphefarnly dis- slay I ha i>.a iearlng et ail the tactsollnte case hed n aoo est vet paet of'Tam bo liteen curt. ih e ton tiat came lun te Feukeli "1ev di yen cerne dovn?' ansd liaI et thet time tite divorce sud heioe u a nec h o bdhe nrgdvtb ly rnug ears ega viien te p#r- qulred Mr. O0db of one et the boys.n alîmon>' arrangement h. set aide. tem trstck me vith the exception et iug depeudeut and bai be sent te bie diffrences lilcit cauccsed oo aitr ca.0sl yu 1 The court étter recelving lie peti- lhe on. that ciipped my coller. Thon the Lake Villa schoni traim whicb b. "Dtavn belveene caraniaeuh vite lien set te hearlug fer ten daga tram , wo men aprteared lu the doorva>' ef id the daugiter stock vlli bi lreer prouil>'. now and Mic Orvis vîli be citai 1tamy office. Oue vas a negro, lte ot- eaped. He, escaped tram others ier, leaviug te tanal>' tarniaon "Finali'lte twe slarnrerei ont appear aIi taIlimie. Hegiecker & ot a easfai sciools frrn which he aisoe ecaped.s s avenue. veaft et Wauiiega, and le'ianlfgrdlt ete ieHe>'decker represeutod Mrs Omis ln 1as lie noIre end vore a evealerceat. Thenlhe vas seultlealite Lake Bluffs gte lîvewvihibler rmottter, viose îip sudn'veired tIe st." f hehe origialacase. vhille Mc.Orvis vas ,As 5Boue as lhe negro stock bis hec orpiasuage. He escaped tram there aulon sbe constauti>' remainei tria e em uitesot.tie> n edirpraentei b>' Atterney Paul Mac- ln lhe doorva>'. be puliei outIbils eu de lier deati. And te son. mlmer, rhgv hu htte edd Guffin. gun sud vould have shot me lirougli once but vasrtcu. ___________ lte body bcd 1 net vacdei off lié The boy, lhrough bis mater, ce-b ilgit lie expedted of c con. stuck sud- saeli h eudcuiite seentem gun viithmg iett baud. Wh6ne ledeul>' appearei lu circuit court and se ftllé, remaiulug ounte place et thé Hoel Morlou. Titen he liai UEj"cartrige dIi exploite. 1 bai hli of, sugi la soecure hîs celease tram lte hilmn uillélsdeatit. étter wvieiian Idea enh vired Frear Sr. iTM JeJiLS. IE Il le abtdte le mof tofne, Mudtuein-si- uino aes ops ug eue et tie finet la the tovîxU1fl DE gers. 1 grabbed up a lautecu viticla Eivacs couli nul see bis va>' te and ucu>' gears ega the Fenkell 'Tite>& car lest Monde>', QETS UER D RI.E vas onlte fluor etflte office sud laite Jurisdicton of lte case rand sog- ly vas among the mont prerni- ArealtiofiL" sttitck the vite man avec lie lbond gested liat the pelillener takoeh e lu lie tovn. Oti notifieite police, vito vent vithi I. Then lie negro it me oer te separation et théeituaban aid Juige Edvcrds on Paturde> lu Cm- ltée heai vitit a piece a! moeal. 1 be. case up vîithJoige Donnel>'. aller tielr chuîdren liei roacied le the bar roont.aI lite Merison, cuit court gisubed adivorce ta Mrs. 11eve 1 vauli bave hested lte vhite lu the meantirne tic pétition vas tharn their teoue canard mucia failei ta wal4 miub>' rappiug on Jessie Welcb. wlte et James G. Weich man bie ieugçierri. fl ncun>curcdleedrr- -n tie commuait>' et the. lime, lhe door, ami liai te break la. The, of Waukegan. t The nego rplelvill me sud leasing the boy trra lie erpiiena;a baing lirai together so use>'beys vil ab iel for j'zsr's orier. M it inweete as gettlag the hest of hlm vien 11, lil vamconsiered sI-auge ta l.iee ade_no__________oftho i.toge îîmseît laue. tcm My ip vas iateei lis mernlng. Il vas up- lad Mrs. Feakeli gliauli séparaie application toc a iecree sud lte euh>' and took tle bisieels. We ver, fignt- on lte nndersaediug, hovever, taI Sho>' biedreached advanced age.MI JEl evidence iutrodoçed vas ltat giron i Ing outide o!fte office vien lie If te arrangement dusesual proî-a va> ane litesond su fther ventîîIII L A4 JOTEL hy NMcs. Welci dt ai ivvtnesaea le banidits 1001 ta thuir héeis. Tiiere sîaalr'lt e îitcrlr t nife er, titre. et thera, but euh' tva eu-t heIsiuto.f rs. tra len on, tro i in me pro~ U U & vo erecgrenuse or klag lie so eirle'i le effice. The ociter sto ate uttuln amil>' iiviied, nother bail englilit 3I59 0 81 I> S~» analloit hi'le court, guerd et lie doorve>'. I b.a-_ 9viththel .olier. The. huabanfI l ld een kuavu fortoamele ier. iel atthe negro di il tIl lbliot- e i iI sfnnria c resfou etleiseceanatr ~ IniSli taI Iere ven marital incompatlbtliltg lag He vas lie unI>' man ta eshov vere sace Frelgh it s Il maie nauotco niéasinuretye ,. R.00 ie oaiose telilke a -jgun. e h aacvayhesarmai, ut stoppai sud searched, but et a laI. ic- n e cousior ad a forMe o eL) lnuh eltos fte e na-gua. Pi te dli aps ielig viosa serced Ilrabutr »a latter baidV-ot diflicait>'ligei- tore>euhandblsvite, iteuce vhen lie 1 ien't belleve that teo seî hicvep- heur teiay ne captures bidboeu ne- elong. Tii. déugoter eartei lan Continued Fromt Page One.) application ton divorce vasfIlei b>' en. 1 as a bottermon lia uhe portai. boe aller leavlnt hfie i, de- Mrs. Welcb some tiUme mgo te ceie..yu.maite otere lteohee nil etiisat dot el te. ne ed th earn lier lIi ndmai>g-gan.lited lthe Mineela leoaei ie.tlud t b ulree not s r etai>' vouli have caplured int ie, hlm dc aweto hetr her moter. Sh uned u writesumines. andle bas een, sid tha fribainofchh c.upegroreiettertclied.ntTes, egrolIpsfesud Ylita dockdoclaovthe tRete lie Csof for fie veekl>' papotced-smers. muihee as tee pririeî. e di have a lot ef mono>' oun >' par, e> la ral stae. iteeolditd fr Ame.vas he ira, Li cl>'fltui Ille thatlhtMrs. Welcb la ta soun. 1 arn cmemlolîc la carry more The locatieonla adesolate eue, and >à concerne,. aidin thuIs ay ager ovbe reatiled e Profit eut of ihi.euener a college ai Madison, Wîs., lu mono>' tienthie average business Il Io regrdait as uoîhîng shert of a ned ta éie .out e living as long Inventaient. Havever, Mfr. A-mosvaceh lsln> tna;ei-o ae> na n d la my 19 gmt-a' experience mirceta aae arae a aav hie bgismlturefonilthe promicsa ah i h l te fiet limieflinat I have bae. net killlei sud then robbed b>'theie ar heiiavg ood.-Therfntlyedu avapns oi n iesd lieu laite up von as a tale.a vidio n ta ttompîci ieldup. Theîug ianlg psce a ongperai a gnt ao,-sudet uislim lilslul . caWelcit las been wvii ion par- laut I sevf e t hlgs fie>'vere Thte police belleve Iiat. lie lings si' lytgyiag circumatteacesfer lug up the business a i te Arllngtonenteet Scitoocraftl,Micix., for sou. etied la lie direction of lie bualies bai siadoveai th, managerofethe sait *hotea benleote liai been lieni hotel. 1 me eersînce tfi clo.d t. r Rtsud réele eon fdtehelts lte 014Deai opn I fenon n iatte __________The_____omé.buver eysdin ail 10- river. 1 ouI>' vîsi thtuamy son. Heun.cmpnaiateooaiiaIle> TueMieea otl bs u il10 -Nortit enesee sîceet, Wa"gan oe bauenvîime, aeu h le wci er. avare etflte façI Ilial ho vos lors from -WashingtonuTilde>' rota.sud l a eniei as oeo e 1 n ec > iecotodrpysby .nadfeelsa> 0tl siene lu bis office, oui liaI ho carricd i M tie nov radio station et te. largestlin lie sate, antalde otf Chil bs vife $50 a mouli. Witl lie trrmved et the dock ettr a big rail. Oter Indualr>' managers f .Laies-nava- t al-l-n- station for.cage . I arpre il. Ho- ___________ lemieiglevsieegi lesh aelgns rii sud elvrs. 1 NAVAL RECRUITS TO DI4i TRENCIE; LEARN 'WARFARE Commandant Moffett Is Pre- paring 10 Have Recruits Learn Modern Phases. The naval recroitsetc the naval trainiug station et Great Leites are beiug drilici lu everi pitase et ver- fae in arien liai lie>' ma>' ho ir- onabi>' efficient lu case, the occasien ever presents iitt tonor hem in en- gage lu resl varece. A sertes et stam heatties vere conuctedetai the station receul>'and lbe recruils slsawei eff lu good sivautage. Ttceiluroean van bai demenltrat- ed Ihat mani' uev conditions muaI he met lunmoiera varare. One et titceeconditions IslaI lthe mejeci> ut the fdghilg lu doue tram, tb. treuches. This'tho cae, Com- mandant Moffett et thé naval atation bas maie ars-angements fen thé ce- cruils liere te, receire a lueroogh course lnuitis mode et vectare. Wilhiu lihe11.11t ev dage dotocit- meula et recruiti. anmei vifi picks euh spaies vîli be sent out sudwvii be set ah lie ooewevbslarduoca teait of igging tronches. These are le lie localed veat etflthe radie lavera ou fie bank eoflthe ravine liaI rouae uar the. stmien. Iu addition ta lie practice et iig- glug trencies lie tecruits are tentie dilled lu "trencit" flghing. Dîffer- ouI delaclimeuls vîi li e ptaced lu the treucies, armed vitt ridles ani a mirnic batletis iil tait, placé. Imita- tion boers ili .>e u.d sud la lthe ualullieted epeclalen tte seene eoli eppéen le be taken tram oeef eta Encopeen baIlle delds. Tite tact ltaI lie coure ettrain- inî& ai the statien nov la six menthq fnstead et teur, thre lu more lime la devole le the training oethe rocruila. Wlaeu lthe>'leave th, station, fie>' viii b. eqolppei viti a inovlaige, thet wlll b. second te noue except lte regulars. The>'yuwl lie lu a posi- tien la culer reai baIlles on e mo- meule notice The anestucemeul Ibat lthe recruits are te ho drillai lu ibis phase et van- fae doWgblesa vlll cause a nomber et spectaters te caugregaeeietIhe station vitile lthe vork la in progrs. The Indepenoent laethe ocuntyu on-. ly's wsy oeor>'- bodytakeslt Secretary Magili Believes Geo.' Edmund WiIl Not Forget SremeWaukegan. Soeie ga Peccetnrg R. N.- giui etrlthe Waukegau rommeciali !Association, auuouuced bia intentionr e! taklng up viii Caugreasmen tPOSE eft lus district the natter a! decur- lug a governueut spProprlatiou for a lite saviug station focrXVaukegau. As gel ne retors have been forth. ' comiug, but 111ela hoogitt Mn. Fosslu- tends le give lie mette- bis cousud eraîlen. During is lest term atfallice Mr Fesa lulcehucci s bill vihIcif passed vouli havé given MWstrkegan, a Jite saviug station, but fo- sorne censen tho desirei action vau fol taiten. Local contstenta er M. Poaseare urging ltaI b. brIng everi' influence la hear le sacaae lite ser- ing statian hec. lii next seeson. Suggestons have heen maie vitero. b>' a sation ceuli 'JO maintlluci t e ver>' trivial ceatInlu act, tise lnt- liai ceaI vouli lie irrucicallyacl lter. uli be to If. Titis voudIlude the porchase Of a suirf boal sud the pultluguput huaboatbcuse ln viicitvt keep il. Thte suggestion bes been maie that lie local liglit ions. keepon couli be madie captalu of, the lIte saving crev. Iflai sai ltaI Captàla Daveuportlai ceai>' and vlllug le assume au ex- Ira linrien. Fer the crev It Io sali local fisuermen venuldb. glai te do nte their serviceesviienover neeied. ln tact some o! lie ftaiermen havre expresad perfect viliagneass lado thîs. Tuer, la neyer ea iue wvi Ilion. are 111 seal flulermen aI lbe laiote ront sud - lie> , coculdbe caltai ou a-tev mements, notice. Tie>' vouli he traiaed lanlia. baud- llug et a boat li a estormy sen mand vocli be muqia more valcable tien landernen. If Seme sncb plan cocu i. eput 11110 effcî Weukegeui vouli bave on.eto the met efficient lte savlag stations ou ltée greet lakem. Iflais ven possible thtt If the gavenameut does ual give an approprlatlon for lie station I* vouli b. possible te secure fi tinougi sciccrîption inasmuci as there vooli bo litIle ornonecoat et malatenance. Watohman ai Grayslake Not Sure That Ho Hesrd Robbers but Laier Finda Out. Thursday niglit robbers plcked tjà loc Iirthe front door of the Botter- shail Éore at Grayalake and, &fier spendlng about ail the. Mme aearching for 'cash that they desired. tliey «Wr rled the cash register outalde and carefully removed therefrom the hua. sum of 65 cents whlch liad been leftt there by the owner. The cash register vas found about a block troro the store, vlth paper. strewn about as If the. roblers, di>- gusted at findlng so amall a onz. boit thrown the papers all oer to show, their feelings.A wateliman named Smilth, vii sleeps ln the. room above the &tore. and la protect.d wvih a t'unna" A. savage dog. la said 10 have board1the, robbers. He lot up and atarted t10go, dovnstalrs. He sot hait vay dovu. aocordtns to the report, snd then ta- turned to lita room viiere haecravle&. toto bed vithout turtiier InvostJta Ing to ose viiether lits luspiclon$ that someliedy vau in the store vewor. reet. The dos, It iansed. la a mage brute, but he elovas crefully tk- back to the sleeping rooma » il'h, robliera vouldn't harin hlm. la tOde vay thie robiers lot evày snd th*, vatcliman and doit vere uamole.ted. The Independont la thi.e o.nwb Us- ly 12-page waeicy-.thet'e why @voly Cemetery Wurk- g vMe Co opmoghmç_*ti #a4t MRS IPLET $29OO.OÏ eO4 CATHIOIC_2IWt TIhis Is Given mIet Hands of Biehop to Keep lJnfl New Church Is Erected Here. Weckegeut, Oct. 1U. Thte wiit cf the late 3frs. Catherine B. Gbhous shows ube ieft au. estale valued aI $60.000. O!lhis amouat $80.- 000 vaslu rosi ostate smac $JO."0 vas lu persenol prepent>'. The vil vas maie ot-sud signe! cn Agnut 27, 1 915, tour daga betore Mm . Qb. bous' doatit. A itequest of 12,000 iwes lef teb ha anchhlstop et the Chicago dtace. ut te ueed luniteiping te orecI a uoV ln> macuiste Conceptien ciurch la Wqe. kegen viien lhe pie lan itala.. Untllthal lime lie monoer let4 lie lavesîci b>'lte blshop, lie grinelga snd littteet le b, turne-I lit th building funi vbeu e nov churc lel ececlei lier.. Te Father E. W. -ijevin efthlie rma- culale Conception cliocci, Mrs, Gib- bons 1.11 -$100 tac special massesfIÙ te ciurch. Anether Item ef $100 vos lofttIelan anof thle deceeied, Elien Braciten. Mcm. Gibbons' bcelher-la-lav, IHaur>' J. Beckrn. , as appointai oxecator et the estaie vitiont uret>' oulils bond. Tbe estatale s l tuttle Mrc. Beckman for 3fr., Gibbons' chil. dren viiose name. are: M'len V. Gibbons, Pliveti J. Gibbons, Mary L. Gibbons andiAAle C. Gibbiona. Thée eocutbr la givenabsholut. te- tienit>'le ma-le mach sales or Umoa- tons ofthle property as h.onas>'dense vie. sud me>' maie ail ooflecdiox etc. Ho la te pa>' ovor carta" sa te lie cilliréa trona hie te thlm.for Iheir'educehion ami nttnanceun- tl lie>' an imrve eofmga. HO la lion le diea osorail ie propert> snd di- vide il equmll>' omong them. Tite 4111 o! telie toRuseil G. Woodward vas adintled te grobate toae>'and sboved fiat Inteeoltev. lag but $25 Ia personal gtcgperhy ho left et lie Ulie of hiedeath125w- 677-72. Whon fie petihlon for tb. probete o et tii. iivu MBld 1h staed the. personal propent>' te be wortb but $25. The vend "thousan i ma omtlei but lias since boea Bibi ta. Il vaa motel>' su eversigit- hiit the word "thousand" vas net laseriedinl thte fire1 place.

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