CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1915, p. 1

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LAKE CouNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXIL-liO. 5. TWECLVE PAGES LIBERT YVILLE LA E OUNTY, ILL., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1915. 0"U TO EIGHT $1. 50 FER YEÂR 2 DAa Club Tu OVI3R MAIOfF WITII613 Pfoofs aDozen C"fluHunt Suburbua Bandits Wto Are HIdIng ln Lake County.1 COMMIT A DARING ROBBERý. 'Entered Shanty WhereSection Hands Were in Their Bed- One VioftI Hysterical. A» th.Y 1.7uIeoig In thel, bunka in a Section band' car t Diamond Lake lionday ,eIht, tva Itallans ver. attacked by trael labarers Who. Clubbed theM Into unconselouane4s by rapplng the," over th. bead vitb the hute«d of revolvers, and the sbanty vas laaied of $630. The police of a dozen cille* have been asked' 10 look for the two asail- anti, vbo'committed the mot darlng rabbury ever enate ln i Damnd four miles southwest or Lib- ertyvîlle. The robbers vere section banda vho quit their Jobs vlth the. Elgin, Joliet & Eastern ralroal liii. day nlght lest. The. names of the victime are as foi- Iowa: CHILATO TILITO - Rlobbed of *23OJW@ boetnebrutally over tihead and trangliadd o han that h. wuvi- i mmetdeai vii.. fsud; fooaad un. conscleus thiga heume CAMELLO F&IOMIIO-Robbed of $400; beaten with butt of revolver, but net injured sa severoiY as hie companion; ln s hyoterlcai condition vhen found anid quieted with consid. arible diffioufly.q 1 Thé naie.of thet to Men vho are belng .ought as the robbersa re: .501 MASO,NOA. JAKE LUKURK.0 »They vent ta the uhanîr neer the E.. J. & I. ratîrcal MnaSerniglit vicie tva af ticir felav-truebien ver. sleeplig sud clubbed tics. aven the beada vith revolvers." saiS Va>- " eeal" Limberir f Uberirrie. ManiI Lmiem yroeevedtheieli at LibertyviII. vhile ct lie ciy bell belveen 8:30 aud 9 aocluc' . Mis luid formantetatethlIai a sean hb ict abat. Tsklng John Ayres viti bise thc searoiel aecurol an auto et s Sumrage ca ctenel ta Diamond Ilaie. Dr. J. L. Taylor laI precedeil bi tioro ald vas carintefr lb. tva ictima Of t tlck. The tva mecnve so exctel liai lier could sIre but incohierent accounla of the allacli and robbery. It sememtlie maner vhlci vas laksnOtra hleaqslied been sewed lota the 11-1, off heuir ousers. The thiercu apparmtir knev-its location,4 f or ther alasisel thc lluing openansd securel lhe rals ai billi. Marahal Limber found lic tva section handi via ar c cprged vîit baving caimmîtted tic nobcry, vii> had purchased tva revolvers. One of these guns vas found ls 'oeTar pool of blool la tie car vhere lb. as- sui tloi place. The marai nezt comnuncead wîti the station agent of th. Boa "0n at Area. He vas Informel liatILa sean via la thouglit ta bave t>ea ie of lie roibera laquirel as ta viter on nat lie 9 o'clock train stoppeS at Area. Wien informel liatI Il lOl li strode nrti. Mr. Limberr cas- municated vith oBipasla InCilcago 'ald, furnishtng liese viti a descrip- ton a! th. tva alloged rablieri, asel thal ther lhe arremiel sud bold If tound on tic train. Lalsrin la tii. s ulat be receil vord tram C>liago tbal altiausis lie train vwas uearcbed dIlgenlîrthe tva men ver. ual found. One oi the fellava la lescrilic au belov lb. averago iciglit,wville tise alier vas a bitg srapplag felov, vefgigôaer 180$Poundc. M. Lise- berr tilili poeibly tic felovsi mar have escapeS oD a frolgit train. He enaitéel teiad aiflIe poilic In ail néarir ceI, mýbut *ltbaul avail Up ta lie preset ime. A fedoral luspeciQr sttes thal the report thel lic fot ad mauli di c ase alappeared an tihe VcKeovu tars, vest o! Nat Chicato, la erra- neous. Ho admis liaI 60 beal ot raung stock vas exposeS sund tier have beeu Isoatel, but the faim la ual unler quarantine, netier ia there. a single case ou tise place-Il vas merer a case o! exposure vhlch gave ris. ta tic report tual lthediseasd actuelîr lad appeaed lier.' S0long a #4me bielapse l amp ticexp"u". sttthe i ispetai. thaltihechances aie slil u ov liaI suy came vili real- iry leelap. JOHN EL WOOIMU WI3DS ECRETY Wedded at Jôliet aver a vee& mga. John E. Woadman an&4elen Funk bath of Chicago, succeededlnl keep- tng their vedding a secret util Bat- urday. Woodman la a partneî lu the frm of Cane, Lorensexi A Waadman, advertlalngsallcltana. Chicago. He la 42, vbtle his vif. la 30. '"W. vent ta Joliet jiist for a lark," sald Waadmui, "and vo bhal no Ile& that ve coul keep the matter a secret for go long." The couple vii mave Into a nev home ln Wlisette, nov ln process of erectlon, May 1. Jobn E. Woodman la a brother of James Woodman of the Waukegan Ga- zette andIfor nome reani lha» made hl huevlth h& motier at Deerfiel LOST LAÀST CHACE TO WJN ZION EST. The Supreme Court Refuses to Consider Facts in Ten-Year OId LUtigation. John A. Levis, pretender ta th. ttisl of general overseer of the Zion Cty estate, bas bat islu st chance af rlctory lna a ecion Juil bagdeS lova by th. supseme court of Ilie UnitedStaites la lbe case o! JabhnA. Levis,.as erecutor, etc., et ai.. peti- Ijann, va. William 1D. MlinoetScI.; petitian for vrla aof certiornri tu ths Unlted State circurit court of appels for the seveuli circuit. The potitioni ver. lenied. The question involved avu w4tber- Zios vas a Peruonal eel.cts ovned by the lae Jobis A1«ndner,~Dovie, or vlietbeî It vMa trust estate, beld iy Dovie fer th*nemehrs etie eurcli. la th~e Holmbs case vhlcb Btrut vas broub lutathe ourts ammate. pears« vas lecidl by Wedm Juige K. Ji. Léanlis of CbIcago te bave a reciver apiionted. John A. Sc f tesidtia executar us. e yul ot te&te Dr. Dovie he bave sdilitered the aeatre of tge eoate. Ater everal recru bail paaaedlie began a litigation la thé courts ln vbihh.oalmed tu avertura aH the ace t tia a been doue by Julge Landîs ibrougli thc recelversilp. The circuit court af appeais of the United States vent into, thc detailse of thie casa very thorougbly, reviev- lng ail tie evidence preîentel. ln ruling againît Leisa.thc jpdgua de- clared that . o lvshel ta bave bis dlaIms conihiired he sbould bave brougit suit lmmediately aller lb. recelver vas appontel iy Julge Lan. dt Instead of alloving sereral years ta clapse. Lewis souglit ta appeai Uic case te the supremne 'Court of the UniteS Slates, but la the ruling Itgiven lb. aupreme court lentes Uic PetitIon to bave the evidence and records pre- senteS. There la no other recoulue for Levis thon la avn himacîf beaton. Il te aid. for there la no appeal tram tbe latent decliion. Levin vas Dr. Dovica riglit baud mma and It vas because o! Ibis fact tiat Uic founder aofZMon appointeS hlm executor of bis viii vhlcb In Il- self voull bave, made hlm genefai overmeen of theotate. Those cognIk- ant cg thc faets la the case say Levis migltbave bal a mucli tranger cas bal lie seenlt tu ats eIl Into the courts befr. b» 511. BOY SIOTDy Qum HELD IN OWN HAD DI1E D AS RESULT Shot Gun Is.Aooidentally Dis- char=dWhenm It Sipfs Prom 0fBoy of15. ALI HIGHWOOD MOURNS. Arvey Enstrumn Carried to Doc. tor's Offloe by Companions -Oies ln Few Minutes. Ayrey Hnâtrum, agc 15 rears, met dealhi n a moult trattc manncî Mon- day vbre aa12-sauge miottun vasa a- cîdenlally diochas-gel vhen hIt aipped t ram bis bandiansd liebucli abat, taie a sappint wvqund labils le! t chest. He lIed oai iibmrrhagei, a!ter hils tvaboy companlons bal carried hlm tva mle. ta lthe uearest lactar'. oilice. In company vîihPSevart Hook andi another youtb of bie avu age. Anvey loftId iihomo In Higbvoodsahorty before 2 'clock Idonday attennoon for a fev houri' butint lu the Wyod lota that divide Higlivood andi Highland ,Prk. Thc boys vere ridiug lu an aId spring vagon. Stevart Mook vas drivîng anti Ensts-um rode la tic spring seat at bis aide. Wben tier reacied a point about a hait mile soul ofai lglivoodth le IhIrd youti vent Itt the vood lots ta, scal'e up sain rabiis. 11k sud Ensirunicon- tl;uol on ibeir vay. 1Badeniry the Mgt sholgun vhlch En- ilium vas carritagt . tram ils beandclla same nakuova manner lie tun vas Slsciarged. Il la Pre- aumel liai the tniggcn caughl on the Saab board of theold a prlng vagan. Young Miîhium fel1 forvard tram lie seat and truci on the baumesà bac beoree triking tic grounu. The écho af th. fatal abatvas boutlby lie Ihird boy via rusiel ta ilscam- ptanion'ai. Wlien piee up by roang 1100k. Muares vai ble.dlngj protusor ta a un shat vound In lie chit. The victls. af lhe vounti vas auffcrilg tram bemorrbages la a vor fcv seconda. sud his compan- lonis Piao"i bise la the oaIsSprint wagon. and tien lie ride againal lecli *mas tsred Young Hook i dinot @pareliorne. Blesi. Ho appiede i p ail the vay ta tho daOOis office, anti vomen standing lu the street, via »v lie vagon la Ils deali Sasb Up lie stroet, thougt the driver demouleS. The boys saineS thc office before Eustrum died. But tic doctor Coul ual star tic Boy o! blood. Enslrum <Ied ot hemorriages lu the Ioctar's office., Coroner J. U. Taylor vas sumnianel and at 9 o'clock Tucadar marnnng lie ompanelel a Jury ta inquîre Ia I he dluse o! Seath. Tic tva boys vho vere vit liuslrum vien lie met Seati ver. calieti as vItnesses. A verdict exaueiatiug Uiem aifal blame vas ne- tunnel by lie jury. The verdict reads eisfaflavs: 'We. the jury, find that Arrey Eu- ilium came ta ils Seati by a gun abat vaund lu bis leit dbest, said venS helag recelved by the acidental dis- charge o! a gun belti lu bis ovu bande." Ail Hipivooti mourus oven tb. lois by Senîli o! tie Young lad, via vas beldln laluh esteem by ail résident% ai liat clir. 'The boy vas a iuntem- af exceptianal abili, anti vas regard- eS as a- caroful lad se tan as.lie ban- dling a! veapons vas couccruol. COL.e NICOLSON' BI(âKE IN RAIN IS ELIGIBLE FOR vaes u alieSfor pt 1maI 500 4E E A S I buaineas me Sundaly Wvuea i.mlii __ tary trainng camp ai at un Seidan mto et rvu i a va frsalr loeSsu to sok C"oClonel William J. Nicholson, l army dsbandel., conint tavas-I fsrnliehe rdepapt-. The sameinling raiD visicli u- .mentwvilch restibed Chicago retter- ciel lie camR nlta exItence touir d Colonel Nicholson vas mile o! lb. veeks &go Prlvgtiel at lie clOblat speakers iln Wankegan lut wyack comemuniés yetrday nmon, vheu lie Ilinoi commlttet of lie The aucen ai the C&mb anS the ChIcago Comsmercial Club ver. guota Justification af the tralalas camp idea ai île local club. rom 'anstaulhenllc ource Il iý la Socla reS comploeoanti dectaive iyb! po thliIthe man via la nov la. &Il via haro particlpated la the charge of lhe citizen tulIlary encamp. cogrse, ment at liaI fort ilil be made a bii -Peole now h,1 cam laon te 1eadilcn generalI y Presideut Wilson. Poape .,,. tbî cap l onlieTiere le a vacaney in liaI rani ta ses»." "id Colaol Nicialmon lest lie fileS vithla a tev laya. nigti, "liaI tic suppor t bahuerecelred Colonel Nicholson 1la rong tic ai- tram vlilý5 and vitioutt ue in ladica- fPaeoseligible for promotion, -anti lion o a iamy hoe ected the , Ofrilnofut he tcFort Sheridani oMfces- futurs." ar5e hopeful that thc appoimiufl vili ftlte hlm. JocepliCheck, a fermer reallint near lUbertyville, vas arraigned la Justice Morris' court at libertyvle on Mond.ay, ciarged elihbaving irak. ci% Uic foot andImouth dîsease qua>- antine. H. vas Bined $25 andti s, amauzng la ail ta conidorabîr aven $30. The fMot an" mauli dicease bal M"*dM aaance on Cbeck'a farta. Befor. thc quarantine vas iteS ald lb. Place fuselsated Check la alS ta bave lofti thepromises and vclkod lava the igvar. Hie arreet andi conviction shovs hoiv carotnulrthe offIciais are vorklng ta ade that thc dlaease la Dot spread. Assistant Pltates AttorneY W. M. Runrird of WauLkegau ProceCUted the case. MRRm COPELAND IS MNWHO QUEIIlS BIi FMTO ORDER Christian Brothers WilI Get the Big Coepaldn Estate Near the DesPlaines River. In connectili i the altempt lu county court on Monday ta bave a conservatan appointed for Charles C. Copelaul aifLlbertyvîlle, It la Inter- esting ta rocaîl thal Mni. Copelind la one o! thé big landi avuers of thceve cinlîr, bis big property being just easI of the bridge aver tho river la the aouti aofLliertyrtlle. V?. Copelanmd ycar ago became la- lereted la the Christian Brothers, a religions organisation, and, tic storr gaei, ho leeded ta lie brotheru lie big tract numbenlng a cou pic of bundrel acres, bis underslandlng being tisaI ther voill erect thereon a big insti-t tution. He la sai ta b ave retalaed1 a lite latereet la lie iraperty la or-1 der ta lire ihereon 'lug bis li. 9 lime. As years vent on. tic staiy4 sots, h. asked ta bave wvan sarteS on the big Institutéon, vbich lie bopedl toa"s. ruse on teUic te, but, It de-1 veloped. accordingt ta reports, liat tUic brotherbood 5 int cire ta proceed1 vili sur building plans untîl Mr.9 Capelaul bal passeS avar sud on- tirelr released any cdaims ta lbe propertr. Hovever, It la al lb. piopertr ln. ctrely ont af bIe bande, na far as controlliag Il goes, andIti la evon reported tiat Mr. Copeland durlng the paît fev recru irlel ta r.- scind thse action be took reansszao ln deeding tic place ta the brotherboal, Mr. Copeland la salI ta be vaith fiom $75,000 ta $100000. The bond1 of any conservator Vyio muglil abe named vas fixed by the court at $150,- 000. Tie pelillon asklng -for a con- senvator vas filed by Everett U Mil-1 lard. ELECTION CONDUCTi ED DISHONESTLY- ARCII. B. WYNKOOP Maintained to His Death Thai People Wanted County Seat at Libertyville. DAUGHTER__BURIED HERE. Remains of Daughter of Pio- neer Resident Forwarded Here From Geneseo. DId a mJorlîr of lie volera ai Lake county çu lic ti day ai Apnil, 1841, vote ta remave thc county tst tram Lîbetyvîie ta Waukegan? Taoliidying day one Waukegan, or Lttle Port nealdent claimed that thc election bal been conducted dis- honestlir sud that tie caunty seat aboulti have remainel etai iertyvillc by a majarlîr o! 16 votes. The man via made liai assertion vas noue other thon Anchimodes B. Wynkoop, whoae daugiter, Mn.. Ada. Dalton, vas burlel at 2 oclock Tueaday atternaon lu Oal<vood cemetery. lire. Dalton dieS at ber home lu Geneseo, Ill., on Sunday. Her !atier calablisheti snd vas elitar o! Lake counly's it nevupaper. Tie* first editian oi lic paper appearel on the day vien Presîdent Polk vaa InaugurateS. Edi- tan WyniOop said an liat day, '"This la a groal day for Little Paf-t anti 4or Washinton, D. C." The lÀttlç Port Porcupîne sai vii regard ta lb. ellecîlon: «'lu Peptember preceding the ie- tion ve bal maieS oerthe of ai20 yeara ln aur caunty numberih 720. Peven moulus later the connus, anti. 6Ui day ot April, 1841, aithte counîr seat electian, 744 votes ver. cait, lis- lng 24 votes "rnatin ail persona oi thie cge o! 20 Yieali Ai the Urne af tic election ther. vcr. 47 roung mon ta the county betweeu 20 al 21 years ar cge, and 183 Persans ollor tIbat III nal rote. Nov, addlag ail thce» together, makes 234, deduclel tros 720 leares Uic rotera ot lie coantY at 486. Tako 278 traine taumber, belagthti vote for Lioaulvle. or against thc rernaval af lie COUnRt sent, aud ve icluce lie nuseber liat voe ta vote for rimoval dovn ta 208. lrrn this deduct 86 rotes com- lugt!ram Cooki sud WIII coatiotsud Wisconsin territr ta vate for Lit- tle l'ont, andIrau reluce thc number ta 262 votes &ailad. Ibat vould bave been legai; but as lb. votc tood snd vas taken, Little l'art bal 466 ta Llbertyvtlle's 278. girlos thc m&JoritY ta Little l'art or 188 rates, visa ir the facta. If everytbing bai been con- ducted boucitly, lie caunîr seat vaulti have romained at Lîhertyville by a suaJorlty o! 16. Wyukaap saId tiat, 'Il la better tbat the countli seat lie on tbe lake shore, but notylti. standing this, ve depreeate lic menus CHILDREN'S PET MO(iSIOT; MAY SUE A dog, the Pet Of three childwen, May lie the b4aaOf a suit ln the Lake couaty circuit court igainat the City Of Highiland Park." dhief o! Police Char- les L Boyd yul be the cause Mns. E. D. Plant, a booki agent. re- ceutly vlîlted the home of A.. Law. rence Mille. The pet of the Millîs houîehold vas a Bouton bull trrier. valued at $150. The pet bit Mr%. plant.% 1 lira. Mille pramisel cie vould keep the dog cbained for several vodka 10 vatch lt for rabies. flday vhite tic Mllie voe absent. Chef Boyd took1 the dog to the Pound and sbot, hlm. Mr. Milli; announced be vilI sue the cliy. TAKEN SJCK IN 'WÀUKEGAÀN STORE; DIES IN IJOSPITAL Victim Died Few Hours Atter Attaok Without Regain- ing ConselousSm Mis. Jamnes' laber, 50 ros ivie 0f a ProBporOUs Antlocb farguer and a former reilent of Waukega, lied audden]Y la thie Jaue licklisterbas. Pliai TbUradaY niglit at 11:45 o1clock ai the. reliait of a ruPtured blood vos- sel of the brain. lira. Pliber vas itricken at 7 olclock and dîl flot r. gain coniclouneai. The. neo ai death la a ubock ta ber meany Mla. but eapeelally go ta thc menaibrs af lier famlly ta vbase tihaock came vithout varnlng. ]Wnfw Taber camne ta Waukeganon Thuridar and la Company vit lier aiter, lias Anna Kelley, Waukegau. @Peut the day In Chicago, vluting viti relatives and atte.llng ta ihap- pini.i. mPaher bad not complalsel of being il snd apparently vai la ber1 ua»J goal bcaILtb ou thé var Up tht Madisons eee bill tram the lepat Mlira.Fiber toit ligitlY faînt and tapped la gt the l'aci cot.ctlonuaura. Malison sd Gene... Streets. toete& a 1,1m af vater. Mec took barcly a uval. loy or vater vhen ber oaIonU hoW came varse rapily. "()h, Anus,' aie al. 'm Ou ni*-ci 1 boel 1 e shagaag to a&»e * Rer aiter cauglit ber be,. e h sflpped totahIe bar. Thé fleuad & Watt&l ambulance vwu mumui andas th. Otuiken vosean wv a r e ord q the a. Vo*Ajter hospitai. Thye 1 ciana vho ver. anumne0fl agurfl that leath, remulted trous a blonld ot an the brala, causing a ruptureof tic blood veaieL. l'or tbe last tva veeku, aci rkue times,Kr. ins hsir bal couplainel cf sewsre beadachie. but attronbut ics ta ber glaisee S Bblid abount de.j ciScS that se. ould bave ta oblat the leucea. Wlfte la Culeffl ou Thursday ah. even caiili physali.- Iclan, teilla«: ber eoalioa Mal-au- gestlng that ah. needel a change ln ber glaises. Physicens Utin the bload dot an the hrala muet have ef. liteS for the lait tva voeks, caualng d e aget Il nere. '"tue neanacues. Tac exeýUntia ja WOODST CL kU uMeanwhile the controversy betveen climblug the lepot bill mer havoerm the.frindsof ittl Fot ad tosesultlneth ule rupturel blondlvvuai. -- li-fnedao rtiePotan as -ir.James Fisher, ne.s Mar"Kel- AIT- of ~~~~Llbertyvllle vas ual enîel bylieher, va bonsiiBItl iBs WAIJK IIAN v ML location o! the seat o! goverumeul aI lireS ln Waukeg ane ai.lme but I~STT1IPU1vmS . tle former place. An altempt vas fan th. last nine renra baS nesidod et CON~NEC .TEE BY R R. made la creale public opinion Ihat lie Antoch viene lier busianl conluct- el One Of tic largest farmi la the lav transfennlng lie county seat vas communlîr. Besiles ber buabandah. Chicago Men Granted Certifi- lefeclîve, sud the Recorder sud Dep- lenves lie flloving bratiorsansd aie- cate of Incorporation by the uty Clerk Archîmedes B. Wynkoop, fers: Mis. Henry Canner, PL. Alun- whowaetheextemeparisa, tok onWin.; Mn. Chittpier Pcin.lck State Secretary Today. ri ieetrn0ati1,ba iColorado Pprngs, Colo.; Mm-. Bd- _______the respouelbillty a! nemaving bis ai- yard Doyle, Waukegan; Auna Kelley, A certificatseoaInîcorporaionauvs fi ce te lie 'Grove." viene be con- Waukcgan, Sud Agnea KcIley, Colo- Issuc Oct. 14 by thelientte ai Illinois ducteS Il for orne lime. Tiec dcii raSao 8.-igo, Cala.; William sud Pst- la lie Waukegan and Woatock himseif vas a Lierlyvilie man,' and rcU .y o aukegan; Ebvard If Evanaton; Frank f o!Pn Tranchuca; Traction Company, vicis cornpany as he did hils van langely by praxy, George and Martin af Cilao e plans ta canstruct and operate au by lie baud of Wynkoop, be ldcs net1o! St. Louis, andI John ai Deuver. elcri in eté:Waukegan anti (Continuel on page tre.) Mi. Fishlaerwvs. lie daugten ai electe li. bethefrlb.tasTimotir sud Maigarel Kel- Woordgt e ac' ùa=. lM eY, farmerîr ai Ruuieli. Accndig l alelgran rcevel--.a uneral from lihe home Moudarl laIe Tianîday frora Springfield, ieNOt Ai li'A~ mornlag vîih urla iIn MiII Crack capital stock la noseair y$50.000.a sud -T cemetBUT A IlIi thoir principal o2fce, la Chicago. MO T R â Eïç The incorporatrisuMd lie B&M 1YORIN' 1MIM60AI board of direcion. sic: L. C. Roi- AUO BAU A REe&SN CTYIRCALD erta, C. A. Sponar, . .1.Sirae. Thom, - as Havants, Michael Nelson, T. C. Gavyhart Laron of Fai Lake, callIc- IYI.O Â U Nickels anS F. E. Carila, ail ai Clii- ton fan the boat building Èrsv of Ja- Munsint, Iich., oct. 1.-la am. of ,cage.coi Lasou & Son, moonned for as the battent contesqteS eleltionu cer Ou. afi-lb. Incarporators la sa5de deal for nearîr a veci, came home b.là lulnb.heuPPér eftilatIla. 'l'iomai, tor, anotier lua a cu*( reporter, andt Saturday afler an adrenture vhich G Sullivan vas rocall.d tram lie of- a third la a Sactor of dental sungery, satîsfied ever erenulu for alven- fice ai mayor o! Munlein cty by a aud tva. oliers are ietlred bustness lune he ever had. On Oct. 8 lie vent'majorlîr af 98. Dr. G. A. Truen Cicago, collecteS $150, anti vas go- vili ucceeS him. Tc date lie lncoipoictanm have nat Ing througli lie freiglil yards nean the Sulîlvan vas edocteS January 1 madSe application Por a francisae In Union station ta catcbhils train. vien when lie ctlY adopteS lie commIs. Waukegau. anti as far a. la knoan lesays, lie was attacked by tour sien form of government. Sullivan la lier have nel appliel fara franchise ulgs. robbed and lieatenl unconsci- the unIr mayor lu Michigan ta be re- lu Woodstock. oran ay aiflieeinallef ous. Raliroati empleves found hlm In'calleS. Pive arnesta for illegal vollng cilles ant i vlla geq betvean tic twis a fneiglit car nnrth ai Milwaukee, n,'&-rhave beeu made. A big demanslra- terminale. ]y dead front exltaustien aiten two tien toai place touigit. laya' confinement. Since tien lielas tudelpadont:,bMia r baera thonmi li been gettin baci hils strengli SIat 'Vou cansraach 15,000 persona vtek. couRir veekilse. ouitl. tarmiauso. y1 iag h ldpnes. SHELDONIMf 15 SOLD; HLO BROKENIN IBÂ Eutopian Dream of,1I of BusMnes PhiIooIq Halted by 'the War-He Is Now In a I tarium. C. N. DURAND BUYS AU. PROPERTY SU8JÇu~ t VARIDUS INiCUmiac One of Biggest Deals te Cou ty in Years-Shetdon la * Man Who Tauapt t ushM Philosophy Ail Over the Chi Iized Worid. Ail ot Ii.butlfui preperty a a Ars.Intiut e usinesTo=oo was sold o aot CI&anueag Durind of Libertyvilc u.".tacS .ideration eofl0U%00, UMi. Daim"i isSUMO. 8i1the Incumbrannoa vuie lemt wnidvlIrun upvanls Vof %l 875.00.Dy tom duol whoeh w» do Summaici Mondsy the laner el.4 thur Or. lacidoni, thcamsvo lauwehui thet weaId4auneee ho ooreupondpi'a uchoci i.lasiU e. Loeuity le cenecruo. IacilesDy, it la leoel beu siellonili la Utcesanitarteum ai miette, bavlng becsa theïe t£f00 neceingtreataclmts for treakdovn. LMoasaibuM kij, Muropema Bell vbers e Md Mau erairecrrespandence tInd%,ilesIà ta bave caudd'bis break vilci SI a lime basnseenacel lbonehti a ou. oy car. MM e»mua M orty. etc., cauflsel Biele. g' hS te lispoce of boa bit boMbli4a. f bla sa" te VI. Dorsal, vie &.WB arer ar Uic shela. eeorremoum "bugo, vblcb %aus Ow làica t lA1 Wu«"sbavmeu.,m MIe V, =- , a lng Umne malI UictheAmarw busin te..o icrreapondesc g Moation lir. Dura"l atfe miaroeà ilieldon Iberefore bus alueâd le vitb the AmedS- u Rovever, b. Pe»rseelyb"8l«W nona builasa af the acc-4 quarters tua Lana"sl8$,~. tblag up ta the breiklag ai. Binne. tiat, rt bebd dvopped aoffo.ddunbhl.»lA aise heum ta feu la balm u » inLseasocasl camlug fieabff The eoniLsual vorsw mut bba * il msntarirnMmVs. Blcila MsMi y talas ber homaeetaiAs on the iq af thse altificelai e vhlie a Ohidlonhurst uasbos Propp .t7 1la tunes cailel. la the learsealeMo la,, ber base. aad48 &acre l ne Psrt of lb. cousileratlon anS X' unleratood she vill continuerei tiser.. Takéa In Big Tract. Thc sale ta lMr. Duranl d bg thi% bingent acreage viich ba* Sim la a doalI la Ici county la a Ï tome. Thom reoiginail, w re acres. lnclullng Uic Hokolse i1 o! 160 acrea, vblcb vas purcucedi» long ago. 0f thn acreage. ?5 r solS ta Mr. Cunningham reecntlyet the artificiel laite up la 100 un TuI' "eV"e 515 acre. Jf i.1 la tract 8014 by Plieldon 10 Ducal.;Î1 Uic conalertlon $20000 andlUas thlJ' 1k. 880,000, a very reeaàdlo ligure. coSldeingUicthebeautifl erty lavalved. The sale Includee beeldes tg14 many imali buildings foran a's Paaa and tva hugi le Z abl buildings useS as tichelteel quartera vicu Pieldon dh"pte taireao islacorressndeua. These tva bumlne amtb about 14 roomi. imeoa brick Md" lis salI ta bave ceit $35 10$ bulIt. The location or Labe . W beautiftl. belug aUrrOunllby ca " tiful vood eldpravlltag igtS6 vblci fev laies la the courty f The Area, Institut. of Tecinology vas incorpoae4' $500.000 a fv ecrYou8cand54M thon cialmcl lu ia icproperty by the corporationwuvas. oti 000, vbicb ladlulel tie pro-* . Area and saom property la hà Stsart.d Modesty. Phelpn eSited lla a IsonIý lu Libetillabout elilit vehe establsieti*"ZA

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