CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1915, p. 3

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LAKE - OUITY IDE DIEN ,P111, -OCTOBER 22, 1915. t- ~.. . .r .rr I k*~*aaa68BOUUU i ~'.~'-*'- ~ We fleve You Koow ail About tSTORM SýASH I' Theg Pag Good nterest on the Iuvestnent Now.Is.When-You-Should Order-Theni=Do it Todaq We make to rit eni §et thein Out pmPt SSon 6e time to l611 up THE COAL BIFý ne- _ w6mis i Wiarpiz% lm9 1 1 iii stop crying wo will fill up yors... IPetrolium Coke Connel Cool Milers Creek : lockingValleq Washed t-gg j Pocahontas LIARD. COAL--ALL SIZES USUTI VLLE LUIBER RO Do"u 1>7 ti Oud Dept. B ere e.20 yjmms Phone 47 X.A Bishop, M v 4fÂNUfFACTUUNG C0. tDm re and lik-tr*of .IGHTlNG FIXTURES us beWon. plwcng Ton ondet Visitons velconu W. &aso have a complte pletlng plet for refisblng AUTIOMOBILE PARTS TAULE WAR STOVE PARTS URASS MIPS BATiIION TRIMmIoS , SILVM MPATING ]WICM ?LATING HRASS PLATING COPPER PLATING MUTAL PLATING BLACK OR WHrMT ENAWMIG Shov noom and fectar> Second and Oncard stnst. TELEPRONE'18 L1BIÇRTYVII.LE, ILLINOISI 24 FEED an d coALI D SÂLT ifLIME BR[OKl EWEriK PIPE I w*F., FRANZEN, JR.' TthphimmNo. 5W LiboetyvUellnois DROP MIO TIRE LYRIO RESTAURANT, AM 1TRY OUR1 HOME COOKEDMEALS l OYSTERS NOW INi BEABON DÂNCES AND PARTIES CÂTERED TO ~'Phone 40, UÀbertyville LIONEL BULL, Prop.1 *AUD.,ITORIUM' LT ERTY VILLE $aiuday c(k n2 Thie Eliterprise Stock Companly WILL PRESENT ' 2GRAND STANARD PLUS2 A STORY 0F Way Down East IN FOUR ACTS Thorns and Orangie Blossoms IN FOUR ACTS Y(appenings To inaure publication ln tihé Indepen- dont. copy must b. in the Oflics no laten than Tuesday of ach we.h. Adver- tisens, especlslly art aàed to late particular notice to this effect. Additismal Loca News oenFige 4 Fred Enderilu of Beloit, Wis, van e Libertyville buinesaecalier over Suuday. A uittle son va. boru ta àlr. and lMre. L. F. Acox, et their home on Second etreet recentiy. The- Harry Lund famiiy moved from the Sehauck bouse. on Spraizue treet to the Jaunneon Hrgb tretý Atty. Paul lIecOufflu ief t lest 8etur- I&> fon LeeVeges, New lMexico, viiere v as calisd on business. Bu vas wcompanied by Ernest Moor,.of Ares. Mr. .Ainsi. .Jaui.ks 01 ai ega, as purcbased e bouse and lot ovned by Emma J. Wright on Seconnd etreet. Tiie eli vas made b> Durend, Bavlend & Durand. George B. Ceten, sou of William Cater f %hie place, bas obteined the. poition ofSuperiatendeut of Marni Training lu the Higii enbool et Antio'ii, Oef. ne experts ht e.thbposition thiefal. Atty. B. B. Millet sud G. C. (iridiey attended the. Illinolo Bauker'e Associa- tion meeting et Joliet, 11L., on Fridey. About ive bundned Ilinisiaol ekere ver. pressta afsite pragrem vas given. lit. and Mre. fHenry Boy.. of Highland Park, sud tir. end ire BHoyard Boy@ and baby eau of Kenosha, @Pont Salut- day and Sunda> et the hotus of the youug meusa parente, tMr, aud its. Chas. Boys.. Mir. and lire. Fred Craker entertelned tir. Croker', uepbev sud vile, lit. and lire. Frauk Chambers of Chicago, ou Sande>. The Charnier@ aiea @pont everal day"t thle E H.Welin, Jr ,bomeou the tielody farm. Tva hngb potetoee grmwnuou the form ai Drt. J, L Taylor lu Dumant,Mlnn., gere au dîspie> the iret of tbe veek in the. FirsI National Rlank. (lue of tbm veigiis tht.. poadesand tie other tva pounde, ine ouncS@. Ch&é.. owstis eeutertainedble brotuer Maxz, of Pittefled,, Wis., th"t.-.das thiW week. M iss LllelCormIck entertained tihe liiee.tllaYOElvens sud Oie Bark IPY of Chimogo, at bar borne over the Week-end Mmra H. W. Brunnett retned bort.. Tnesday ettor spendiurg a few werk. with herparents lu Balmore, Maeryland. The. Uunday Sehool Council of the. Prssbytsrlancbnrch vas enté rteined et the home ef Miss Blanche Omborue ou lionday e'nsnug of thîs veek. Tii. Libertyvîlie Telephdpe Operetore have ennonnesd a dancing party for noitwook Thunsday eveniug. Tii. tickets for thb. air are oeveuty.iive rente e couple, ladies twenty-iive cents, It lir. sud lire. Boy Protor aud femll> moved from the home of Mire. Proctorso father, 0 D. Heven, to the Ilewitt place juet north-west of bere.. Mr. and M r H. Heitt baving rnovéd ta liwrtyviiie Tiie Arme Camp Foreeter Tvam are planunn a dance for Friday ri-eninàr, t ho 4th of November. Ih viliimi beld et tnh Towu hall and deucee for yoning and nid wiii b.calied. Pieu taattond. It Mi@@ tiazel $maie wne rnit tburine froru the. Pmebteriau hic1italInii j' e o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o .0 o --A Trip Arouu4 the World" ali for 15e le the cry of the. C. E. Society, uf the Preebytsrten chureb, wbich Ilet~anning e social for lii.vesk Frldeyevening. Tii. station viiib. tho.chunchad the.ttip wiii stert prompti> et 8 o'cioek that evening. Tb@. fret stop viliih. New York Ciy. Dou't feul to tae.the. jaurne>. It Do yon r-ali> vent to know the d.ep- seeted cau.. of the pressaI ver? If jan do, reed "Germany and Eagland" vrit- ton by J. A. Ctemb. This littie book Io ons, that every Amrîcan should rnd and you viii find Il on the. shelves of the. Public Lreny. loeîted lu the. Village Ball. If yoa have no enherription ta the. Lbreny, get one and b. a live vire lu your community. An effort vas made lu Caunt> Court ou liouday ta appoint aecanservetar for C. C. Copeiaud, vbo bas been uick et bis hom boe.for @Ooe time. Trbe charge vas that lit. Copeiand le aver nevenly yeae old sud le Incapable of taklng rare of bis ovu affaire. Tiie petition for cou- servetor vas tiled by Everett L. Mlard. Tii. bond vas set et Ot50,000 eitiiangh no conseevtor vas appolnted. lit. andlits. ioearge Ceveland and baby sou, lRobert Franklin, arrived et their 0ev home lu Sontb Amere ou SuudaT. A eblegram reelved etate-d their see arrivai and that lb.> vwer. ait vWei. Tii.> uIt for New York City junt four veeks ega, and have been tveuty. .ugtdasye making tbe trip. Tb.y errived ln IBueuoe Ait.s nom. ive days lete according lio the secedule. Tb.y viii board lu that city nutil theit bousee- boIJ goode arrive from Wire, at wh-un time they expert ta bave their ovni home, Fred Buikiey,. vina vastakinel*sirI The can, ai Joseph H. Chek, wvba v vith appeudicitis aset Ftidey eveaîng eirrested b> Deputy Sherifi D E. Lli vas tekea ta the Jane Mcu-Aiiter bosptel berry ou the tiftb nof Otober and tsk( lu Waukegau. carly Sunday mornlng belote Justice Lycl . Morrie au ti viiere he vas operated on Imuediateiy. @liztb, vas tuinbei belote Jne,ýtirýe Matr Rielso rporled ase ding fine. au Monda>, the date met fat the ce tinunce. Cbek arrested for bres The teguler meting ai the Eastern ing the quarentîne milen lu lie lova Star van heldaet tbir bail on Thuredey Vrnon, baeving ef t the. place ville evenIng. Tii.evening va, turned inhi a quaranîlue and going ta Chcago. TI guetulghtforrnemb.reftuf ieOdervbo cane bad been continued te o loday are ual membere of the local Chapter. ordertet give the. inepectors lu char A large uumber vas lnaettendance. lime te get neeear> papere. Tii. m Tveuly-sIx members ai tbe local loge w"ver. 25anpaîui.thofwh Court oi Bouar, veut ta (inne Fride>'ee ad nigit vhe,ýe tbey hleped te organize e Miss Blanche Ely formeri> of bers, a nsv lodge ai that î,rder. Officere ai the Lester L. Levîn aif ligllanA Park, m local lodge took charge ai tseluitatlon. maittied at the Mf. E. churrb ,areaue Adance fllov.ed the vork. Severel mont- le Weukn.gan. iaetSatutn!eyevenlrig,1 bers iratu Wankegan ver. aisea preseut. eremany beng perfornmed b> the I lies'!eabelle Carlson, vlth .severel other teacbete ftnnt Batavia, Ili., sehoole, vas lu Chicago las% FriAay vistinu varians oehnoie there. 8h. cam erne rlu the ,venIng ta, stay with ber parente untîl the scbaaiun at Batavia reopen. Tii.> vereciaeed an accrnint of adiptiierie etîdeini lu thut rît>. tir. and tire Andrev lfinger kift Tues- de> noan for thp Wet. Tie> v-i stop et varions pointe of Intereet an the va> ta Celiornia vbere the> viii vint boti expositions. The> expect ta bu gons about a moutb sud viii returu b> lhe Dever tante.tir, sud lire. P. A. Vlem of Foi Lake, are staylug at the El oger home during the. absence of'lr. and lire. Ellugen. bu A A. Grandy mod a business trip fo W.usauke, Wl.., lit Bturday. M, ond lits. Edwin Autin @pent son da. with relatives and frienda inObiego fi C. Kent of Wencouda, preideut of that village. vaos business celler bers Tueed&y. Goa. A. and Frank J. Wrlght returned on Tuesdey evuing from e tifo veeke trip in, pfints la Texas. The reguler meeting of the W. C. T. U wiii meet et tiie home of Mrs. Bitta overson on Tuesdey, Oct. 26. Mirs. J. B. Kynston 01ai lwaiukee, Wis.. @peut severel days of lest veek et, the home of lir. and ie. 0. E. Werner. tirs. Wmn. Kng 0of ttio. Wis., 10 spoudinu this week et tbe homes 0f ber brothers, Chares and aidwerd f3oy8ge Kenueth Loveil spent Tnesdey and Welnesday lu Chicago. Re attended e Fraternity banquet on Tuesdey evening. Liîck lictebon lilt Weduesday for Sarn Francituco from which city b. vili etart on the. grand circuit races in eali- far ile. Orle oaire large gam mains ieading ta Ara btret hâte Mandai, evenîng and tde, tipîi vent oaIl Ire van @but off tnutil "trea> rnorning. The remaile of Fred )ibrecbt of Ares, whonnndied aet hat plae Saturde> mont- ig, aere burled l i l.akeelde remetery la-a- Monday alterilooan tire. E B. Clark, wbo in living ati ineiunuti. epeut froîn Wedneedaof 1 -c .. e- o.h trt it « t ii 1oa fi Mir. and lire. Jas Cark. tiwr. and tire. George Jarvis arrived Tueede> evening from Etherviile, lavwa, t,, rake an eiteuded visfit vilb the, latter'@ brother, W. 1. Colliuend famil>. They made tbe tnlp b> auto. tirs. 0. Redman of Elmhntst. lit., viuted one day of %bis veek et tii. home of Mrt. and lMre. P. 6. Bay. tiS@ s spending the. veek with tii. flersechierger end Knigge familles eit Are&. tirs. B. licDonald entertained ors evening of lest veek for ber twa sons, Erneet and 911. Thére were about ten couple proest and a royal gond lime vas hed b> thon vho ettended. a 0 lien Blurns, agent et the i.lwaukee avenue station of the.$St. Paul reilroad, r,.Iurned on Tueeay evenlng from bis twa veeks vacation which hes@peut eith bis mother, lins. B. imene ln Ocouee, a brother Walter la Ijecater and bis sisten, lire. K. Pettengane, ln Cieno, 1li' During hie absence the. position vms ilied b> John O<lton. Who bas nov r -tnrned t hiei pot as operator et the -i fret etreet station 0i the @&me road. and ere ege Rev. J. W. Fanstan, ai the Firel M. E.'Church there. The> returned ta Higbland Pari( ta the home ai the groom. vvbo le a sn of Mir. and tire. itmuel Levin et that city. vhere e veddlngsuppet vas eerved. Tisy leit Sanday aitennoan for Oovafflac. liicb., viiere tie> viii make tbeir future home. it,. ber-lu rame ta Liberlynville nome seven yparuu agoaend madie ber home vit ber enuin. lins. Franc4es Coiby, up ta tva veare egtu. 5h. le a greduste ai lb. local bigh ecbooi. rlame 1elL Sbnwe vsmpiay.d b> tbe Chicago Telephane Compny ber. for about a yeer, belng t tnefetted ta tbe Weukegau offie of tiet rom pan> fartwtvayeensad hâter held a reeponeubie position lu their offic.e t Leke Forent. Si. vas ver> populer vilh the. young p.ople ber.. A Part> vas given to tventy-twoj cbidte frorn tbe Preebyterien. lietho- dint and Epiocopm eurces. v ho sold tickets for thei, Lceum committee. Il van b.ld et the Paul G. Bey borne on Tupeda> evening. The commIttee Who ent*ortained the. yoangsters v-as made np of tire. Loiu Mattocke, lire. F. H Juet. lire. Wayne Coiby andtMeue. PuiBey and A. C. liurray. le@ creàm and cake vere eerved as rrfresbmeuto anni those Wbo attended report a fiue lime. Ta-o mon, Henry Nugne, a buIler, sud Phlnep Kel.>, both of Leke Forest, vere tried before Justice V% - E. Davis on Saturdey sud fi u.d W ~eeb aud caste for treepaâaing on the farma of J as. Doyle af Everett Mir. Doyle eiied furthte arrest of lie tw un non Fridey, etatlng tiat rbey ver. lnuntiug sud treepv.seing on hie property ahili wse stili uuuder quareuitine fran. the kullinru of rattle itfertrd vitb the binai sud moutb dieeasd. HPe aiso eteted thal they rarried no 7lirene. Deput> Si.eriff O. E. Liruberry, 1accompauied by one of tb. inepectors. vîwnt tii Everettet nooa Fridar, w be -the. lospector fumigated the rmen. Mr, L muberry took their gun ad s vatüb as iecnrity for the men to appear for triai arnSaturday. Their tues ver. bath Tii. ronpleint whicb caused their errent a*e. igued b> tir. Gieske, une 01 nthe. inspectore. 1:£I*bertqvîllel VEGIETelBES Iý FRUITS CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30 MIEATS Libertyville, 1 I. SGRURIS I J tirs. John W.ood returned the latter part or iest veel froru a six vieki.t tnp ta Portage Lake ltesart, Manietee, Mici. lir. Tins EIngweil of Chiego, epeat Suaday aethle borne aifMr. end Bts. John Catr end wtb otberreietlvesher. Mies Carnie Ciierd and Dr. 0. F. Butrtieid and fernîly entertained theý Doipb Ciird famiiy fronu Chicago overi Sanday. Tii.Tins Ciiepter oltiheWetminster Gnild viii b.eterr.eined et the. home oi Mies Flore Staàpien net veek Tuesdey evening. Mr. and lits. Win. Laycock ad lMn. and Muis. C. S. Boug. spenl Bturdey and Snndey et the. l.mcock cottage et Third Lake. Mr. and Mire. Berry Nicholae of Chic. go, &peut Bturde>ad c unday et the home o! lits. Nichola' parents, Mir. and lire. B. T. Mianou. lire.Nelie Kîmbalandsonenddaugh- ter entertained lire. B. Speckman and lîttie soujBfaroId ofBervyn. Ill., lest Frldey LadSaturde'y. A. W. LINDROTH -LibertyvMle SPE'CIAL SALE! 'CRACKIERS AND COOKIIES Saturday, -Octôber 23, 1915 TiltS! PRICES fOR ONE DAY ONLY Uneeda Bisicuits, 4c' 7 for............................. 25C Scalloped Ginger Snapsf, per pound ................... 9c Grabam Crackers, per pound........................l10c Premium Soda Crackers, per pound 9c, 3 for....... .... 25C Ail regular 10e package goods, Cookies and CJrackers, special for this sale, 3 for........... -........ 25C These are ail new fresh goods and the. prices speli "'saving" for the careful house wife. La4 ini a supplU. W. W. CARROLL & SONS -CO. SOUTH STORE GROCERY DEPARTMENT PHONE 31 th plays there wiIi e Singng and Dancing Specialftc Adiuiuon 20a. Chuldren 1lOc. first Show 7:30 P. M. THESE ARE NOT PHOTOPLÂYB M.MMMMMMNNO 1 ,- 1?- .: 1 he açouffl i;i -Ail'. Not Cake That Clitters Soute cakes are fixed to catch the eye and bool the taate. But they wouldu't eved take the booby prîze in a pure food show. Bewareof dopedcaeOu cakes , like our bresd and other thing, are made front the beut of materiala. Our reputation guarantees this. Thetibertyvfe Bkery P6ono 68 Liberty le, IUt NNO#NCEMENT A. De PALE Y, M. De Va VETERINARY !SURGEON Lias, opeued'au office in I add's Livery. TELEPHONE 4 LIBERTYVILLE EFALL MILLINERY W. are mew sbowinu the. very latest styles ln Fail Milinery for Ladies, Misses and Chidren. You are cordialiy invted to se« theun. PRICFS MODEIIATE. W. also hava a nuces.lection of Ladlies' Hosiery r Wasts and Fancy Goode Tih. Pariianma Corset. FARM, LOANS A CERTAIN PORTION. of tbe rederd Reserve Act. under wbiçh we operate. was ktame for tiu spedel beoeflt of bu.,s Iooeted la 'larmin g istricts. Accordiq to it we con boun ioueV on improvèd tarin fouds. We will 6e pleased to serve Vou along tlis inle. Lake County Natioiýa1 Bank Capital, Surplus ILnd Profits $100,000-00 Total Resources - 750,000.00 Chîrago, Manda> efternoain Nisnil i,al,. bad beEn e patient at the 1lenital fat over tva veeks. bavlng uuitrd toal)n operatian lier. lai, vil,,aga lait veek Thuredas. fier hivarin le nnnc improved. mirmere of Exeelslor campi, the Royal Neighbor orgenîzatian, epeint Thursde> of tbis week et Antiuiib. viere lie iodge was among Antinci lodge from eleven differenlt twne lu the counnU. A banquet dinuer vas er'ed et noon, vith a nlase adoption and Initation lu th.eflternoan, Tii. C. E. societs ai the Pregbyterieni church, are planning "A Tri p Around the World" for Ibis week Friday evening. The. fere for the round trip will b 15eý Tii. firet stop Nw York City. Do't feul to attend thus thnIliug adventure. Tii. st#tion lea1h. churci and hejonrney begine et 8 p. m. sharp. it 1

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