CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 22 Oct 1915, p. 5

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LAX OONIINDFEPENDENTi *RIDY. OCTOBER 22, 1915. -~ ___________________________ I f 1 7-9, w - £Ldlted by F. J.DORUCE PlIffes I oira ore J. e SmJ eblii't'&md daat.r we tbkl avlatrsa Uturdaf. Dam Hock la vWpItg bis 0o0 Cbarlel '»d family lne( beuo. Sm»' variIst?@Pet the weplMe4 ZedWb, wiltk ber Mcutlir. Win; llm .Watr Dibi. 0utLae Villa.uva lb. garni offfrirade boe .Tud.y. I f.. Huiribstit o!Llhrtyil%, as aa hammoolber atir, Mirlm la Oli ai motet vllh liraentgin. Hindis.,Oct. 28. B lomme 0f le itsknIes%"ol udoti ai plug ta ltae a Hallouamn parI>'at the ppmr beaue, Os&. 29. Tib* proiteulli Ïj Wo gattnst lb. baoas mw basket h5U ,W. b&esa eu îuo quart jaa..vhlch Ou Winlisl for 10e. Tb*a lismI Store, prose Ding Co. Monte Allen aofChcago. pet Soudai b"il hi- patahnte beme * jobs Lofgab.ugb bai rscoveredmoe Wall> ta mata a itoinea trip ta blttves Pot. Wln, tau hlcit Placs hi bout on Mouds>'. lira. Chas îulou ipeut Saturda>' and gouda' wltb bMr. snd éM .Fentoni at vautsa. lire. D. 0. White sud daugbter Nana laltod Ai"qih taat Edgewater, .l, arborea ab@ elatstendîni acitul. Tbe Hsîvest Ofrlag at the Cngrega. Momas dburch uon s socl ansd lcenciai lira. Ai!. Ma.deentertaln.d the Ladie' 1.11. thîs ueetk Wedneedsy. Mr, sud lira. Thoumat Jackson sud Wiu Winitied Wood!ord u.ri guesto of tis ai. hebesoilWeek-end, lMte. Ait. -eedo. Frankt Lawionmd bCoudrfsansd familléesars expeet.. lg Io leave about Ibo lot af Novamber lot au totour ta Floiade, uben tb.>' VOS @pend lb. winter. SDi yau ien aur Bouquet Laurios adtlu b.'a Home Companion. Dont klta rend It. Tha Resali Store, Draue Weu Co. A À aeeptlon gvas avel;n % atmilelr Mi bat te homeaifMrsandlire. Cash >Mollîlla inbouar ai lb. miv bridai r ufflBaon of Long Laits, trou. lia buiness butelionday. ýXr@. 0ic. Clansd m suM. Vllcb ai Wand L"ku, wvinplsmaut entiers boe HARMONY oILET. GOODS -FOR- ~aicu1ar People AT THE lmEMAULSTOP£ RUCE DRUG. COi de lins of Sdiool Supplies un t iwl ter lu a bt kitchcn ai aurmcer. /Come inlu scc nr fu lineof qLORM'NCE Mi Cook Stovea lic"finct oit stve acc ncd. FuIt>' arantccd. Whcthcr :1ou havc oided to boy an ail ïlovd or os, ]et us show you tbhî lUe. asolâtely nlible-simpim tt-) SWALSII Th% Hardware Man itf OUD LAKl . # ..'udames vulîa held astl> Ieub 4 , .Opera house, Saturds> *veuOetober 30. Titinmanageent promblasâiene te ta thois who ailgai. Tbe tickets ara 75e par couple W" ât upjar extra. Frank Kraft and family ntfWaukegsu, apeIgt Oueds> et O. A. Howsrd's. Mlishaflb*ucpnof if"hlrd. i'iltai qlsVaa "d lrhsnd*j r, "lait e. Our regalar Malilcarder LyIle llase ia bsving a two weeke vacation, Blé broibir Maltou la actng es sabstltulc. lira.KomultaoitGrS.mBar*le., go* Ibeouest of lir. Lad lin. 9. 8. Wbbhar a hw desa lbe poil week. à parmi pool siai heId TbuMr.s svaulng wu a emaea .botb aoeWisy aad fonsecisll. A neat su. ww "r.hsd touards thé building 0a(swehureh. GI. Tuwuuund Lapendiang'-s"" weki wltb bis iou, Uolsd 50.1%fautl>' at dutburtand. lowa Tb@ Ladies' AId aoclaty vîli me" t a tbi home of Ui. C. Jougs. Oct. 27. A largeatmedsnca la lookeit foward4o ha prisant. MatSteel@ of Loie Fertfit va a viéltor ai the Jas DavIe home lbe we- sud.1 Hsrbert Howard of Jolie&, apeut thes week-end Mlt b is parantebers.. P. P#froou aud fatuli> bavs beau lu noribere Wisconsin viitug restives. Titi>' .olored home Bunds>' sitar a two ues taisa. A. A. Grand>' o! Llbertyvilîlewaa lu toup Mouds>'. The Rlound Lake ..hool ilîl give an eotert.alnmeutlale'te Opra bbus. Oct. 28th. New homes for Ed fisudeo, Ray' Morrili sud Jas Roing are under coeetructlon. Bande@ Bras. ars titi contractare. Wunlg teputsaaou W. A. tlosiDg sud M Thslan have soîd twsnty-one Ford machine« sud bine Ovrcaudo.' Mr. J. Triaggof Gagea Lake, use a oest af Mn. F. Drummond Frida>'. Tb new gsrage of B. Jenensuls pro- greieg nîcan sd utl b. a gisaladdi- tion ta titi "lao trest. Ml.. ddWeber o! CbidaCg%#,.vlslted relative» aud frieus a tu t Ii. uat. Mis. Jus Autan@peut Titurada>' lu 'Milwukoee. j Mr» F.C. Flemy la rnported onthelb gala mter a ustilîas u itb tonsItîia. VMr. Davis o!1Ucago, uaa a guestlet W. Whte'is Bnda>'. WARRE Boiest Mrlo ad lire. Fred J. Behrens, a dsugb ter, Suads>' Oct. 17. MrO. Cil« anLmb wm callsd ta Wauke- Suu on lait Tueaday t0 beîp car@ fur ber neice. lir. Frank Clark,, ub bobaue Virl 91ik.811@ le domoe btter St ta prmsnt uritlua. Titomas Walsh of graysiake, Io lngtail- iug a bot water besîlug syotent fur L. H. Mllr., Mir. aud Mn.. Fred Bebrne are rejoiciug oven te arrivai of a llîie daugitter. Johnu Petersoe af Chicago, bai moved bis lamuil> out ta bis fathers home for lte winler. Ths Warren Ceiciter>' Association uil ,bave a Bazaar ou Frida>' evening, Oct. 29, st Md. W.-,&. hall, Gurcs. Suppsr surved trou, 5:30 ta S p. m. snd agale alter Pragramu. Comae and belp a good canas, l Mns. Jeyuî Pauser aud son Albert oi Aiea, vîited wlth Mr. and d lra. Ga. Panser lait Frlda>'. Alilpersofa. wito have lotsansd sic fiâtereiled le the Warren Usmeteryahould coldsr the voit sud esponue of carng t Il aud makedoatiloei for the basaar t kis Edlth Clark, preideet or Mns. Elsie Book, vice prisîideut. Au>' belp wigi Le appreclated b' lte association. The T-4 Club met Batureda>' aftercoou W lti Evalyn sud Estuier Fenlon. A baby dangitter arrived t thlie home ar Idr. sud-Mirs. L. Danner, Oct. 18. Boctada>' echool clo-ed Tsda>' on account of the death o! tb. graudmotiter of Miss Haines. liMrs. Berthas Cary ipenî caveraI daya wiîlî ier stster, lMra. John Fultoain t Waukigae, the past seat. 1ev. Bigecan of Moady Instituts, prearced heie Sunde'. lire. Emmua Strsug eulertsined hlm aven Sunday. Jesse Deuman o! Highland Park, le vlitiuig bts sou, C. .isnmsnIàbis wesk. 1ev. Gso. Mitchell o! Waukagan, uas a .Milituru visitor Tueada>'. . Mn. sud lir@. W. B. Stovantf vlatei frîensin luWtukogsu lait veek, Ir Of One Mlnd. ioxY Unela Cafter le&Ving t" . orla sIrop, ibovlng hibuaphowev il e bu>' cuio)-"Thom y>ou are7My11100, When you ar a ilnirvtit peoPi. 1k. thalt tbame thID.point a bit, and dovu camâes the Pri« . ishaib mn'a." <luro Dealer (to bis nepba)- I'1bere yor arn, ut>'boy'.Wbim >'ea ieainuit au M»sa k. lm.mMd i7« bu s" es 0* lengobu at uffle be Ipelai a. bite ~aa tha On la t'akr villa Mre. D. Hl. Murphy ws. a Chicsgo 1 .- , . lisîbtorTedv TheF xLak reietry,-ýùiet wil F. E. Malmuan anti Jonn Knox were Mn Auî,Long Orove viitorâ àSunda>'. metsDtlthehome of M@JfýaAi W .Sur rnsld uisl Wedaedef, Ocn 27tli. 1ime icuve WC J famoTer da td ui %l Mr. and Mr@-. James Aiweil hg4v- Te . iag suda W. Tdirbetra Iproeittrain a two veeka vIlitî wlth M.adMé m 4mrhetran ialatlvs sud fricetdeinlChiuago snd ed friandd lrcm Ihicigi Saturday sud SandWIch, lit. Sueda>'. lini omd Miae. Win. Mitcheli ot Chicago, Mns. Coon returnpd hôme daluirda>' vira crier @Sunda>'gute tsaI*the James sfter a use'o vills thahe otuso! ber K" tini Parenté lu MiII 'n Jonction, Wlin. M *liraWII ebora. ubo bas heen qut. Beury Maimuan utThursda>' aud Ill1 gin Iable to ha out. Nr. dehors'. Frida>' witb relative@ la enautgau. lter tram uartbîru Wiercoeiu lavit. Wi. abms sud fantîly mxoved Tue@- liq Abs. forsa white. das iluotue Lampiture riidence ou lire. Birman Wtt recaiv,.d word lait Lake Aie. *esoitedethoaîi±erlu aîtîru làra. V. D. Kîmbaîl. wbo cnderwent Wiscousin. We tud îynmpathy. au uperation îb'r appendicoiis ina * Word recel vsd romu ina.Lobira Rush. Chicgoitoapitsleh gtties along ulctly. more.Who underusol su operation for sppsndlcltistait e cAiliter hospital lu A Minitel Show ilhl ha given under Wauts a e uet mgo, ."tete bat ec he liiiuses ofthsAuzilllaîy aiFederated la stling along ux-uiy. Citurchea nezIt Tburadayevving, Oct 28, boni RuaitB ue uha. beau ufferlng Imma saver. attaet .of tonsilîiansd la under lbe dactri cars. Rov. J. F. Butcbiuaon ka beau le at. tendance at bis home coufereece ai Chat- tauaoga, Tenu, the paot twa weské. a@ vinl reluis la Ibis place for lte coin- iegf Jean. fEleplace lu ltse pulpitvusa OlIsit lait ilunda>' b>' 1ev. Dillon of Evaualon.- %i. red. aln neauda club, af viticitehsite a amem ber, ut her home lait Thoreda>' aiternoon The bonis waa prellil>' decorated wlit auluece leavee,,sud te atternoon was ver>' pleasantly spent Ici gamues sud CODesa. Lon,. A spcendcd supper was eerred'Sst lve o'cloct. ___ The Lise Villa Ilon,estcc ';eitnce Club met aIttie cchccal iccuîe ibis w.-s Wedpeaday aud a ver>' uleasaut meeting a belsI. A cordial invitaticon ls et- tened to aIl ladies 10 jolu. Mr. and Uri. Frant Hatu trancuected huoinue inluWaukegsu Saturda>'. Mr@. Fred Hainheacoucýpaeled them nad the laiu called on lira. itushuore at the 14cAllister hompital. AIOCH mi@ Mabel Richards h lellcitnreatlveo u tielcgo. Thea deatit of Mrs James Fi8bsi, siho pas.ed away no suddeuly Frida>' franc bemarrags of tbe braIe 'aaquite shoct t0 ber relativesud muse>' rieude bsne. Thi fuesral wuseldiiuSt. Poter'&Citorch on Monda>'. idre. Bruckner, ubo Lai. beeu s griat aniiererfrm.cancer fur man> monthi, dIit athebahome ai ber daugitter, Mr». BorIhel, Frida>'. The fuueral vas beld nt lb. M. E. chercit iere Ronds>'. ulîh itorertnt lu tb. Hilîside Cemeter>-. lira. Charisa Richarde is visiling bsn ulater at Madison, ie. l.for a voit. lils Mande viîited ulitb e home toits over Sueda>'.j The iypbold cas"shere are much belter. Tics %t.aed.ppe was cleaned 'onIticbor- ouglz>' Sueda>' ait sas toughâtt Ial ht mrt bthetisause 0 ow cue uf titsnumu- erona cases. Saturda>' tice isiccins of Mnr. iio. Huler sere laid aI restin le i lllîde Cemeter>'. rs. Hucker lcc-ed bere foru>- eil>' sud hai marc>' riercdq uho ulli grieve over ber death. Mr@. J. Cribitle seriouslyill eI t the prouant wrltinz.1 11ev. Hooter bas retureed boe for an- athar iasr sud ail are glasI to welcome hlm back. 1 ~ RUSSELL1 Thire vas Do service Sueda>' evenlug 3Deàkecount eftte raie. The roncmuunlly ueleomed 1Ber. Barts ae paator. The Ladies Aid Society walîl mel uith Mr@. Wîid Melville on Thursday alter- noce, Oct. 28. Mie, S. C. Brous f aiWdss'orîb, seii lait wçe uit tics Carrleg facullies. lire. E. P. Siver use lula xukegan s couple af davo a tic ler cien, Mrs. Peterscce, ub ica@ just returned homue tronc ttie opitI. Mis Van Vleet sud Laura. Garnie wde Kecoha risigor@ Saturdcuy. lire Kosuesansu on Pdent stcrdây sud Sunda>' et bouls. RP. (I !urrie was n Mlwalkee cison ou Motcday. lin scd Ire. C. M. Gcrhrl called on rslsrcc.-,s besFrida>'. lice. I Crie h abSlcc 1cr srouud agailic li. ndiircis, Omkiui are nicely moelîti lu their Icow harne. Mrn. B. 0. B. lccccr cf hurnes, ment Frida>' witic lin. Il F. Ear>' Tburstiay accurnet the death ai Mrs. Gea. Rocker at ber home ut Ingleside, te cause heing paralysia. The heglnning of ber Illues avsa tdur yeara, ago when she suffetid a cîroke frprn vhlch site apparentl>' rcoverei although ah. vas quite 111 for aomea lime. Three years laten sie. uffereti Uiolter light cîroke, and i elce that tUnge bas basu -graduaI>' aillln, e ,,a.coi',relgoa a at Oalano hall. ?tt5 saurs prograin la giren hy local talems Sud promiee to ta a ver>' enîoyable ielarlneuet. 10eCucoasueswlth thesapirit of the Limes the Sosine...Men of Waucoecls deoire to stata ta their patrons that tbey usîl close i beir places of bualuaraq ail day &Sundas îdViDlg tbe uleter monthi conW. mencieg the 7th day af Nov. 1915. It le hoped the publiectwill take kindly »tu thi. auuouecoment usasd recreation liei nece@oary to u siess.en e ato other laborer. Vcs belfeve thcs au. nounecement le for the best intereRt of ail. y Aug Kueicter andI J. ILFoalier attend- esI the Nla@onegatbterjugaetChicago lait bFiole" tsalen tronc une of Rile ',s poemni kwas rpc-elvpd by the Wauconda district g chool on Tueoday. 1: la 80x440 iccli -with lumed naît ira.,. Au lrcrv bus t o! -Jamem Whltcomh Riley oui lalf lits ds@ire Wa aloo recelved with the Jncture. 1. Mis@ Myrts. Kuebker's putcls of the ejnterucsdlat.' gradeà .ecured tlceee prize l'y selling 125 "Ri,,,,,,pIsa10 eh E 1 %ood Dahus;Wautseon eslriecn thecs reateat nomber osallng 27 sud teured a book ai Rlle.v's Poemi aud eaeb popîl whoapslttd remlved a omaîl picturi of the '*Old Swlmming Sole." U NIisa Laina Straus ansd blatilda Badats of Park Ridge, ipet. aturdsy suad Sunday ssitb UmIeBas. aimae.= Nr. and Mr@. Barry(tssry sud Mr&. W. B. Susith of Orayaiake, atteeded H. E. Malman'a Faîl Uping sud Sibyle Show aetltte Lakeida pavillon Batonda evening. A largecnowd atteïded El.E. Maltuan'e Grand Fail Opeulus aud Style Show at the Lskeisidi pavijiun lait dtaîrday 3ealugair y 400 tceople trams-Wsu- Zdsa asud'the ..,rr...ding countîry blng 1n atteedauce, A fine display o! ail lb. new islandi uluer ibylea of me'., ladies, bai 'e andI girl'@ germent@ being îbowu attlîvcug ucudel», sixty of the Young people of Wauconda sud niluil>' appearies ccncthe stage. lioving pictures vers <aIea ihowh, the st.vle show reei ot lâet seeou sîcowlng lte grreat coîtraît rircccticse newfail anti ulutei styles. Never bas a liner line o! latblng hasu abowu u inte couel>' then usaabounti t tis how. Titi"Palmeir" ladIes rcoatsansd cuits, rite B t, Schaffuer & Mari sud thes International~ Uina of meus seuite sud cvereoaîs ai Weil as tite pretî>' lins of girls coals and Ihe noitit>'ihe ot boys mccc sund overoste use ubeI admirabi>' ibown b> te Oine uelfftlon o! modeis. Bapke'î archistra of Llhaityvilla furelabsi mue*tbrougb- out the programuanud tiismail aov*j entertalumerct use ihly ejovid b>' il. BREAKS BONUS IN FALLIN4I DOWN "A DARKAIRAWAY Mrs. Caroline Borresen, 50 Years Old, Is Rushed Mmft From Lake Forest. Waukegan, Oct. 15. Mrs. Caroliue Banresen, 50 years ait, a reaideut a! Lake Forest, sua- tainet cerlous Injuries Thuistis>' niht about 8 o'ciack wben ahi teli dowu a dark aies a>' suad brake tir rIghtt thlgb boni and ber rIgict arut. Her plêig vas discoveret b>' pasa- ershy anti ahi vas given finat aid ta' lthe injureti. The Larsen & Hallant ambulance v55 summaned andtihie victIm vas rushedt b the La<ce Couti- t>' General bospîtal ln Waskegau vlUn aIt Possile speet. Her InJurl«es veu altendedtclansd ioday ahi vas report. edto 10 haestiug as esîl>'as couli be exPecteti under the cicumataucea. telbatr or ual Mis. Bonrecon ouf- freqInternaiIinJuries bas n6ît let beau tiicovered, but Il vae adintfet todtiIhat ber condition la qulte gil. lcal. Tt Ihere are InternaIi njuies lte>' mtgirtI ualmanifesî lhsmmelveng for a few dayâ. An Operation Today. Mma.Pelersan. an Inmate o!flte count>' faim at , Liberl>'villd,wvsc brougitî 10 'the Lake Caunt>' Gunerai borapllal Unl aflernnoan hene ashe vin unduoa nattaeins operallon. lier condition la crltical. Ili*a lndepimdsnt la- the e.lanirs e Iy n*al» e wssy-that'swhrevslry. bdy tae% it. 'f' A ~... - ..~, a,..~ WUMand tJauneihos wer ff f V 10>0 8ia I ntercoure. Andi >et. as tnted. this nubappy sItuation wies accapted au a matter of course. TitIs parti utur commt:clty nov ba at 1aI 0»e vIde, fine rccnd. Ils vaine - ,â& Ii dan acarncel>' ha aidmated. It bas madie farms mbore valuabie. Il bas "llfted" tae fariniez famil>' as vail s ititl out0olte muti sud enablat hlm 10 gel hlW protince utowovu Uen prices are et tem haest. On IbIs roati fermera man haut vlUn one.hmb ora. bt at f or- meri>' raquireathirea or four. 1As an llluatratlop of lte value sud ecouaMY>'Of Ibis lmproved rond laune Individues in luouch vith Il. one man han been offsnet $500 more for bis praPerl>' than bu coulit have obtilned priai olails construction. But s.ide tram Ibese "nterlal adi- vantage, Il la ta tse omaû anti chil- dieu of the community ltaI Une roand bas been of direct benefit. The>' Ont thefvillage stores more accessibl e a) l orakeepere uow making deliv- erlea Inlo t.ecoutntry. The chiltran are Do longer tieprIveit of attetiting ichool reguiari>'. The absence af mut sud duoltmirais .vauYtblng t0u tse omen and chiltiren et Uns dountry. The>' mantraversa IbIs roni as dry sbolans titaugb upon a cil>' idavalk. Duel no longer envelopi lavus or liflta ta bouses vben close to the roa& 1 Rot Uns Improved >!,d ha. resititai In aUner advantages. It bas altracleti man> la Une picluresque region. Tbae "enuamer people,"'asa lie natives cmil t tam, have Increased bath the nunu- - mi anti social resources ai Une crnm- 1cMItinl, lbe latter belug o! direct han-_ efil anti plcaaure 10 the vomen sud ebillren.Whal itasbhein Accou(plisheti iu buis cmmwcty can ta repeatet lun Otter setIýusot. Une country. Then. lter. la lte sesthetic aide of blgbvay improvernent In wbich woluen can ha useful. 'The Fedeintlon of, Womne Cluha will beautîf> te Lincoln itlgb- vs>', tut great ticoraughfare runuiug from, aceun ta ocean, whlch Senator Beverige bas descibet as one of the langeaI and ucosl substantial single ilapas in aur prement day 'progres. A greal denIl tusaidi about vomen'. partlcipccllocc lnpubli enfaie, but il la doubtul whetitei any fieldi ai endeavor nov apen tcc ber promisesemorein t.e va>' of beneficeul nesultatan ativo cscy of Icuprovet bîgbways. Itl le uater InvolvIng the comfort, CoDven.! lance sud veil belng of a gient major il>' af tie women aoftte United Stalea. for lice greaten number twell tu ruiral ditrle cI i ertalul>Inlcombent upon the vomen o! >.merlcu ta t4ke an active and aggressive part lu Une good rnne nlavctnsn. Ticssioulti do il na Indu- vitinals anti throngh women'- gooi roads or«anstmouns ratabliahed In ev- ci>' cammunit>' tIht doesenat have gool ronde, sud, àbove ait, the>' ahoult Inlu sM upaOn roatis ai the claa and per, tanent type tiacribeti If their eman, cipaîlon inin. ta Uorougit. Permanent dutionss. Imutla, roade coolttie us.r than mal;eahift; hlghvaya, thtug rapre. imtlug the, higbi.t. ltimata aCcnoaty. them hy lnvIllng theniseivea ta fln- uer sud hing lice weddiug cake witb Ihemu whîch ivsa decorateti with 50 candles. Mr. sud lira. Beck are enjayiug the huaI of health. 'TURTLES' AT FIVE POINTS; ONE'HURT Only *ccuant, a Chicagoan, Haï Baok Wrenched Badly When He la Throwr#Out. A big Marmon automobile driven b>' Charles GPliictmldt, s Ctlcagoeu, turtled aI, Five Pointa, UsaI of Onig l'akes, abouti>' siter 2:30 Tueada>' ail- urnoon, and luckily no oue met desth, us the car vas hadi>' damlagid. Goltiichmidt vas ltheoui>' occupant wheu the car turned turtle ani bu vas titrovu framtlite auto. When aj wltuess rushedti 10hic aid he cou>-i plalued o! greal pia in ntie hack, and hafi 10 b. asaintet Inlto anotter1 machine. The wrecked car was rightei sud aI proe s ime uaa heing towei to a garage lu Lake Forent for repaire. Titis la lhe thirti or fourth accideut which ha ccnrred at i tat point lu the past Unie>'ears. Il la caid Unal Goldachmidt vaa drlving fast and Ibat ho attempted ta tturn ou. o! tbe can- ners at a bîgit rate of apeed. Thit ho vaa ual crusbèd 10 death undîr the big machine la regarded as miracit- loua. Tite Green Mli'rond aI Hlgblcnd Park was opaneti Bunda>'&sitar hav. Ing heen diaaed tb lrsfflc for à long lima wbtb. repairea van huing matie. support that l.> bveluthe.other garnis, 'ali Win," saiha.. The baya uould have given him the support. 1t At Ihat thera vua slîtle "oker"' (there are jokers ln cohamuuicationn ta taecounicil, ao0vit>'nol lu s bal games!) lu the lineup for Waukagsm. havie Black, titi 19-year-old youth 'uho gainai much tsme as s Fed or outiavad * pliter thia pear. UBI 10 bave playesI lu Une fild for Wauka. gan. Would Scott have is.rei te Pftch lu s gamne vitreln as utlaw playeti? Would te? Perh_*kas amaSi Oiea uould haviestes up éome of ltaI $800 sud Ban 'mnigit bave bt! itl- lia more 'moue>' la Une treasur>'. Il vas lesruei lois>'ltaI Migi- landi Park vsuted Bohhy O'Farrafl te catch for Highlind Park. Di deo Bobby la a WaukugaInte la ioul s. Weil as lu hody. Ha lna s ouî idie fan, but Bohby in..ior Waukagan, Olral lait and &lU tetUrne. Seattle, Wsah., Oct. 14.-Wlftem reeolutions planning s nation-vide comututol prohibition cainpalg vure adoptai today b>' the natIona Woms'î Christian Temperance Un- ton convention. Thte cucommendablona esiguabed Decemben 2 au s day of Prayar for national coustltulloual prohbIbtIon: Ducembet i as a day o! spuclal pis>' ur n lu chuichem for Une 64th coure.a,. whicit meealthe follovlug day; Da- cembar 12 for a prohiition mass* meeting 10 he held lu Waiblngton and local union mass.moeetUg. er- erywh re. Al speskers vure urgai tu emphasze Une relation or voman'a ballot ta te restriction ofte lquor trafl. A resolution requected congresi 10 pase a lav axcludlng from te mail. golng inbo "id-y" terrilor>' ail public&- tion. contalinn liquor advertIse- meula. Mina. Anna Adamns Gordon of DySe,- ton, 111, vas re-elected pre.hdent. Déceashar 2 la day of pisysi for drys Telephone Directory8 GOES TO PRESS IMMEDIATELY Ail changes in present istings and ail new listings should b arranged for at once. if y ou are without service orde telephone now and your name wiII âppear in he new book. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Audrcva, Manager. -Telopbca. 9MI à 1 éiOHtooS MICELEBRATE 50T11 WORLDSTSY COIJNTRy wuu WEDDIN6iANNIVER=, $800.0OT01IJ SARY AT RESIDENCE STRTS0'CY Dollar Hlgbwed &prise Party by Jîimlie Scott and Ray Schaik, sMa ta Fafiots' Familles. Reatives at Noon. bttery otbeWhlte Box baie 11.1 Wau.-kegan, oct. 2o. of the uorld sile. cotal; nlhe À FEL FR EMNITS .Tod&y a surprise wIM gîven to Mr. Smith or the St. IOulaNainae A FELD FO FE IN31S sd MnI. James A. Beck Of West thee tour star bail players di Washington strent by their daugli- ln on as plît of the $800 ubleh o0» teri aud grandeblîdren ln hon9r of -lhadPr lllalemilL For e, e I. No hett dvocLIns ofthelr 5th weddlng anîversar>'. that-dug luto h.&'?.'sud gavet foo ede T)hwa 1h AdomotinO Mr. aud Mra. jamma Beck have' the manager of tellhlu ak wW Wall elrg of Great Numbes. been resîdeuta of Lake couuty 62 team to hire experta tu ttn Wauke- Are a oio yeara. Returuing trou> farming near can at hase hall. Ouruen l the year of 190f. they have The multf-milllonaîre lent hic coin, Good r"ai propagnda usuali>' Sm- realded lu this cltY educs sud are at and Highland Park la attîl oue ganse phasiesa th. Importance of provldlng preseut operatîng a dry gooda and lu the rear of the Waukigan. ail a*ro. bottai' trafflc tacliltles au an economlc7 grocer>' atore ou lbe corner of But- Waukegan dldn't need Scott, h ltddut aineuR>'t, wyul a WoMan contribu- rlck aud Washington etreets, ueed Schalk or Weaver, Il didn't neéi tor u th hPlladelphla Record. This, Mr. Beck served nearl>' Ibne. years Bancroft of the Phille. Thuge mmi, of coursela the malter of paramount lu the civil war volunteur of l la taared, needed lhe coin, sud w. importane, but whea oh>. cousiders the Compauy B. 96th regimeut ot Illnois.a. re fgad to sas;, Une>' ga it. bensits of highway Improveuceut as The decoratlona were carrled out Bbott, star twiler of the Whie Box, ID.>' affect all clasaea noue sitould taiks a morea*ctive itueet l in te movement lu old gold. They were preaauted .114 on Sunda>', "t uuderataud that I Mian lhe women of the United States. wlth gold coin, bave Sot tu Pltch my beit ,ta huaI .speclally thoso who dwelli n rural dis- Mr. Bec inh 73 yearsa od ublie bis Waukemn. Judglng fromt reporta tricin. wite ln 68 years old. Wsukegan ha. the beat aeml-profes- The Patieant wa.fgution wltb whlcb Sixdaughlera were borni la heir clouai. team n l the Unilted States. The>' American country' womeu bave long union, Ove Of uhom are living, the tell me that lt alîl takre lte bene-in nccepted tbe deplorable situation Pie- youngest daughter bavlng dled 13 the buininsu to takretem loto camp." vaililg throughout the country la re- markable. Ou one occasion 1 spent a yesrs aga et the age af 20 years. Scott asa risht. Waukegau ban winter lun te country. The weatiter !Ir. and Mra. Beck were plannIng soi team. sud JimmIe Scott lia' chtanced te be unuanail>' cver, and ou glvlng an elahorate affaîr by lu- the man wbo cmu takirtte meacure of scarcel>' a week passeti that we were vlting their hiothers sud alatarsanad Huck Stremmel. ahle to lens thie bouse, and solai>' be- other relatives, but owing toi the Tou bad the gazone wau' staged. cause ofthie bad condition Of the. rosit, deatb of Mr. Beck's brother about a Huck Btreminel worlied two botis thte wagons at limes stnklng lu rond t onOh ago. the>' did ont feel like par. eacb morulug asat welc with tae it- theu but>.. Days passed witeu we mn were cotupleelylsolated. Thtuwe ticipatitw ln no rnuch pleasu.e, so0tde hall, aud ha sald titat -be was lu ý 1 le

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