CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Nov 1915, p. 1

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~AKE COuNTY INDBPENDENr -VOL. XXIL-NO. 7 TWECLVIEPAGES 4r - 9- - - ---o---1 cÉ- h-w« 17P-à cp w A -- - -A-M I-l LLBpERTyviLLE, LAKE ÇOUNTY, ELL,. FRIUAY, NOVEMIBKK 6, 1viUi __________________________ -- i LOSS WAS OVER $7,000. HNorse vid Cows Saved EU t h PgS AU w u-I.Sat ed Li hAtron 0»of thle vor. t Mfai es tiat -tas ocurrei lau Loo su soue tîme rass" aven bilditnthan lezs- ry Bec'nmaafarta la lbhenorbaast caruer of Llbertyville tovnship Sun- day attarnoan about 4 o'clock. eulall- lui; à laia af over $7.000. Mr. Bec' man carried but $1,750 lusurauce lu the Miburn Mutuai Cmpay, vhilb the. tenant ou the tam. Angut Bol- dan, bad Insuraisce on tie tock. just how muci la uot kuovu. W . Beckman's -estimaIs of the lose ou bulings alaus la about $5.000. The stock musi bave represented aun- other $2.000. The. buildings detroyed tacluded: £ýght-reom hou«.. Mai-n, 0x70 fest, 20~foo m. Tool Oie,. 0111< heus. si Flfy.t wlnliL The ou. a oflb.e Ire la unknown. Il sUtred la lb.enrth aide af lbe bar an ePrai ruMily totheb. ali buildfhs. W le .aupiciea are laid tual il may bave beauna loeadlrha ILowever liceele .othing degnite ou lbtiamfturee b.iseaarua blas. moun t ocktae&v Mst ai th. stock van oied. About aine hmg ui a lot ai chckeoe bilci bai luat go00e0ta roagi venrs u. The cavs veresaTi by bard vark on tha pat r t le anet, Wvia nl a= mai viaTma the faim ansee= The 20 cava vone just beng drIpea intu th, barn tfi- lie evening mllilug" vien the Ire vas ilcvenid. Tb.yc vers quicily lurusi about sud ciasil tin th e field. The hors, Ire lu I aumber, vers ruasi dfirnlthe barn lu lime ta save them. Tii. bogi came oui nol heir pen but ver. ai-t iracisi baci I"Catlb.peu sud liere c met deati. il Mr. Beeimmu vithîn lie pat earà bai put a nsv ioof on ths hoda. h. I rooisi tie barn sud tier buildingsa b. bai paluted everiiilng lu flue I abape sud the place van keptin ta about as Idean a munnen as la pas- suie. He bauil lie pBlce ram bis tamily i1 8 îaiu mo, bis matiser. Mn.a Catherine Becctuan. agod 77, of Mo-r Alistef avenue. Wau'eagau. havIni qut lthenu mmou» e aem M. Tiens aioares a anhlicplace maitle0 fruti to. ., sýanc »W ta ha e c- en ouit noue la liecsomti. The Bock-1 Min family arlgiaiiyprmari lie1 irm lu 1874. The te U les notfera offthes BelvIdie roam. Jual out of ths raidaid ihrectlY vWeU ai Norhi ChIcago. Former Loges Ail. 1 Soldan loei pracicali everyti e ho posesi. H. managei ta tirOu out a tqv persona] affects tram lie1 bouse, but they amounuis ta littie. Hei was a forioru lookInt persan s hei sat luinitheceuler af lie deslalai. ulace Sunday evenlut, bavint no Place1 on the farm la tai bis heai--everi-1 lhiug bai besu rassi. Recenliy Re-las.d il. Soldan bai plansita give np iarm- iug omutesies g, bis feaue bavlug expirei ou lie 6th of lt monli. 11e planusi bavtag a sale ai bis tam implements, stock, etc., but, vhau. h. came ta arrange it, be founi liaIliah federal inepectos vauli ual Permit hlm tla hou IL. Heowvas ld o coudu't quit isiming anisas ha de- sirei ta leave lies tc on lhe place. so h vas up tu S-"dan ta o li * Accordingli, becmuae of the situation, Mr. Beckman arraagedl for anolior year'e lease uni lie Planvas ton SOI' dan ta remaintlei etaIJeant analier year, a lase bingsignei ualtmanY dais ago pravidini tan IL. Attrncted Many People. Tii. Sm. atiraciinauiPersoa tram ail parts of tbe sectian, lis flamen sund amois inicating that a mot dinaniraus blase vas In prog- rens. The irSm.culi not ha checiai by ulghbors via rushei la lie farm- * ers aid sud tram i te speclacular e tandpaîni, l.cnlgatin ouli uol bave hesu mare prououncei. Indepouist rode? B9 ON ASS BAN ON JiTNEYS IN STATE aprinoolld, IO. 3,9-Th. Splaifil Cansiaai rrokl1v.ta- day* fiai vii lIma&. utilescom- ula"laa ouquss askig tin 8"t »Jr b"us' auner i pâxlM ele- h ciralnsi trm <oinsbusines =n0 liy ave vayced a rci icfaWa- liai* Jte.Inys are e oSmuose- rie4 am c$et ta guton a e»Ch. Eaoe.tlUi h inu hesitccm ta piu à retulabeluiano, but th li ny "jloauere rotmed .. erendum eloctioliani lie oadniae va s lamoIlfled liai Il » langer serves tPis car sompenis purPfee. WANTS TO SEE ATC1IIS BURN- SETS Iq0USE ON FIRE Little Three Year 0Wd Son of Roy Bracher ai Gurnee Sat- sf led His Desires. The Bracher home aI Gunea vae sarci tram destructIon by f1re Sun- lai ah 10 a'cloek hi dsterined sf- farts on lie part or the tamliaid outsiers who ruabei ta liair aid. The damage wvanuoi aver $35 but 1h. lact liaith lb. uleov aceatonebuild- Loge, residanco aid lie relace ai Charle Broya vons endaagcnoi hy tihfe nvwici for astisse semfei Most maoactnq. van vintcauses evmr- body aI Gurae. ta tel tisaI lie ban bai a cloe escape tram a bai con- flagratIon. AndIl I s ailed trams the facititha Iayerf e. the lireeyaar-ali qon of Roy Bracher, voueraI mmrcandie mau af lie lavu. bappeaesita gel holi of a box ai matches and viehei ta *"try liem aoui." lie di no viii sac- ces.netilifre ta a lace curtain vblcb lu turu bumued sud net fire ta the beddtar ai lie b.d over vblci Il hisng. Members oai the. amlly dlscovered tie lime very soan alter the youngster carne dontaîrs wlth some matches lu bis baud. They ruebei upstairs sud soon began ta throv lb. bumutig houseboid effecis tram ths vindav. By liseir haniy vare, thsy soon had lie trouble lu baud aud restricisi lb. b"aio tahle ans room. AdmIts Mie "Guift." Li.&er wien qizixic.tise youugster admIttei behad ba ssuplaying vih malchas. aidini liai io liied ta, aes liem humn. lHsobhla hurnlug match t to closethle lace curtata vii lith ibove neulla. 'liai v@ Dt igcvered lie Ire for tan Minutes longer, 'il-nvoul ave burnei lie bouse ani tore, viliaut &DY question,» ssii M. Bracir. Thé àouse ani clore foi-m oua big building Jut as Oue antera Guru.e train lie ecis i, hathe le ieaigen- ,ral aors ta Warren township, cou- iuctei fon iears hi Mm. Bracber'a baesrhfore be retirei. Close, la li les the b.Charles Brown. nei- douce ani otier UEmaIl humes are close an liee 5ai. liai the trame boune gai a goi start, naibing couli bave navai the tbsr buildings. for Gurus. bas no lire department sud lie buciet brigade .ubicb vorked toadavautage viien Mm. Bracher cals for hoe'P cosli ual have doue muci lu comba a nsl conflagration. snch an vauld bave eulîsi bai the fine gt s. gooi stant. INCOMRE TAI EX. ENMON MÀY B PLACE!) AT $1,OOO. Thmtthlaexemption.union the fad- erai income tax liv May itîil s Yser or Ivo b. piaoi ah $1000 fan ail ludiriasîs, ,mrted onrsMagie, ls the opiniou of Jullus F. Suletamia, cllecthr o! Internai revenue. lie spake isiare tie CaaaL Counti Rosi Rsati Board at itswvekly luucheou yssterday ai lie Marton batl. "The sntiment Irauiaut lie country," saliM. Smietauia, "Is liaI the $4.000 sud $3.000 exemption ln uujumt, ani lie comtag cougrae or tbe fallug ana mai deem It vise ta reduce lie amouni ai exemption ta $1,000 tan aven persan." LIFTS AUTOIBI Off uNCoNSCIOUS, BOnY 0F AWOWIA ThonMasaphi Fox Lake PefomWoêo1fFeat of Strngt on Sunday. AUTO HAD TURNED TURTLE. Yo n oa Ooouani SUI Is Iufféring Frein Hemn- imorrhages of the Head. ParfeAnlrn the aiset herculéean taek of lifting an automobile on hl@ nlosldre, Thomas Peppiet of Fo Lake on Sunday aftarfloof pravsd iih meanesof i nt; heUic hOof Mi Fiai-- onc. Opleza, who had beea rendered uncongecius as the recuit of belng plnned under the turlled machine. 'Papphett custain.d the entire welght af the car until misa Spicaz vas ex tricsted firn heu- extermoiy precarl- eus position. The auto was wrecked. Miss Spicaz. vba la the daugt.r af Alderman Spîcaz aif Fox Lake, la sufferlng tram hemorriagea ai the ear vbcleb Icates passible ljury ta ber brata. She aisa recelved mauy îbruins and may bave beeu taured intornaly. Mer conuiltiou ina hU re- ganiei aus erons. The car, vhlch vas a Ford vas driven hi J. Kelloy ai Chicago. Thé machine vaa ovusi by lie drlyers une. WiliKelley lu lia machine vere Uminspicas aA Pappicat The auto van api-nii&long ai i faitr rata ai peed vbeu suidenlY a tirs sxplod. Il bappenei at a iii pint lnthesrosi. cauaiug lie car l10 lav &round ani turn tertio Ivico, painlg lb. three occupants unien-1 net.1 Then vWas no oa n s u liiah le tie, itlaisaii, aid liera aeemed na vay far lie victime tua eta lie- selves. Pappieuelicalauel ualt mime Spican vas uuconnclous ai h. realizai thtisah. migil île unless ae receivsi aid lmmsndiateli. By moviug bie bady sllgitli be fauni tint i. couli place bie shoul- dem, uoder tise car. Bracing hblmself, he exerisi every ounce of bis slrengtb. Afler tva or threu futilej attempie b.e soceesinlulifting the body aifithe car clar tram the. bodies of Mien Spîcaz sud Kelisi. The lat- ter Immedieiy drew Miss SpIcaz tram ber perlious ponsition sud lieu aisi Pappitt ln tmeetag binssel?. Papphett la s strang man, but be his liai bai b. not kuowu liaI averillsiug depenisi on hlm he vauli ual have beau abi.lae11liftte bavy1 laid. The accident happensi near,, lie booma ar Mn. Ruammre, tovu colles- for ai Fai L'ee. T e uncansciaus vic- tim af lieacient wvancarriadInlte, the Rushmore home sud )m.Riuai- more reniersd irfini mi. Dr. Wellsnofi Mcsuny vae eu-F mousi and be hastan usithle cocue vltb aIl poasible apeei. Ho atteuied ta, lie Injuries ai lie Yaung van sud expressi liee opinion liai aie vouli redorer RUAi PLNNED TO BURY MEYERS six F131T IN OiROUN» LUCWE CALL Blie Grebàm. lie geverameni Blu, bi aU~be ecape hrm <sali sud"axwbe Sbuevi Jr-ranelah chloagew Ibe "n la vhlch Mise Osa- bam andi Ib ieno er. rldlng leaacd over &a44 ilt sbankmeut vhsu lie driver b0etie ee & es aitom 0». et thc Jsftidere. à chsaffur. van piunnd u"«ier eumand mai e hougt ta b. dyla& iMais Grahamn and lb. aiber ««g0 oo e t he b.Ca eu Ors thra*n lear. Miss Graham soughl toahsieli ber ldentiy but ber com- paulougg gveeMt her usine DEAF A»DDUMB MANS ÂUTO IITS A TR1313;TWO MAY NE AcCident ai Russell Sunday May Dring Deaih ta Kenosha' Man and Milwaukee Gi. Tva persans vers crltlcalY lu- Jure'd. -tva c -hidre. -are lu l--b. han- pliaiai Kenceba. and tiiree more bai mruoàescapes tram death laie Sunday attatnoou vheu à dei ai dumb renflat of enoaba drrShie big tourlug uel to a tre. at Rramell to aqvai etrling a machine iouded down vitb joy rider,. The lnjured are. 1Fred ftapp, Utad umb, oaver af the machine. tva uibe ad breat borne broken; mai? isU, lake tu Kama houpitai. MI»c Adeline Grumm of Milwaukee. suffering trm Internai injuriae;s.U dItion sld ta b. critîcai; aomP]lci. tiouasnet laIi onday vhich mair re- suit iu thse veia vmaus deati Two Rapp chlldren, badiY brtud about head and body. Mrs. Rapp and her tvo chilien escaped wltb minor bruis suad Cute about the face and ehouliere. Mr. Rapp vas returulug tofhis home lun Kenosha alter a drive t aites, lu. th15 county. As he tnrsed the Coo- ris corner, a short distance uortb of Russell. be saw a big tourlug car bearing down on his from the uortb. Tbe car was traveling over 40 miles au hour. Another machine vas 9om. lng tram, the south. To coutinue ou hie way _Rapp would certainly have struck oue af tiie machines as he vas caught lu a pachet of cars. He threw bis steering wbeel ta the rlgbt and bis big car tuned tt the diteb. Be- fare be conld bringI htat a stop hI bai simd ka iree. burlnglie losd ofa humau frelgbttata the air. Rapp, it le feared. utruck the lhree for tva ho ni is reathane vure brolten. MIdss Grumm vas unonaclous vbeu plc'ted up. but It vas uot bellevAi thât she had beeu serlaU8lY lnJure until Mouday marning vhau IL vas discoversi that te.bai beau ijird teiuraly. It la eaid that as cau- not Ilve through the day. Acaordiug ta latent reports tram KenoSla. the drivers of the.other tva machiues dld not stop to assist lu carlng for the ta- Jured. state's evidence and luformed Police Magistrate Taylor thai Gazette had told them what he luteuded ta do ta WIEWAIIN IS TO PROSECI f-F FENDEISBY LAW =KCOný From Huniers and fflhrmen. CAN'T USE PERCH AS BAIT.. Wardeiî Delares There Have Boom Many Violations ai the Waukegan Harbor. Gamn. Md Pub Warden Homr Keru. vho for same Umne bas been eta- tiausi et Grass WCl a@c. abeeu epeni. lug a fev days st Waukegan looklng t te l.mattar af compelllug fsahel- men ei th. tva plers ta observe tbe statelave cavering fIehlug. Hie stateu that ouL the liret ai Navember be viii move ta Wukegan snd wvil be @ta, order ta levote mars af bis lime ta vaicblug local peaple anidseling liai the lav la euforcei lu tbe malter ai finhing and buntini. Mr. Nerm asi.d The Sun ta Issue a vamulng tla fehermen via go ta lie lake o 10 sh vlth hoa aidlUns. He himneif bas passed lie varuli amoug lielishermen iuring lie pont fev vheu ho thai ev- eryboiy bas recolv.d nufflcint vnru- Ing. ho viii praceed ta &ct unier the It in la lie malter oif fabnt i -perci an bail liai Mr. Kora lePar- tilûlili niaus itie flaierusa oi- Serveohlb. Hev.susotholaeare mauy mon WvoaVus. Pertion tlil baok aidstmien liatI l la evai sou- traryt, thle liv ta cul up a Perh and nune part oaItileanhail. But ta use a mmll Perth ashait, lu Its eutretY. in a yeny grave offanse under the law. Heravitis ar e ,vn ivo0f lie sec- lions perlsialng t l futi. vwlci Mr. Keru espectaili4oaIres fiermon ta observe If lisey viai ta esea*Pe rose- cuttan: Sec. 37. Il shall be liviai ta catch or take minuova, foar baith asly, b? lie use of minav seines or lisps, tia meshes oi vhicb mial not be le«a ibm one-<urterofainauIlch squarel nar shallie leugli ofamaiminnav sein@ b. marsebu au wcti test (20): Pro- ,vtded, hovever, liaI ai Panon m0 fishing for Mînnave for bail lu the inanuer prsscried. abalAt once rn- turu ta the vater ,alujured ml fisb of wiatever sizb or leuili. except sncb as are commanli inowu S min- nove. Il shah milsa be laviol la catchaid taies mluuovs for bail u inte mauner prencribedin t ii.section la aaY va- ter or vaters set aside aEsteate 1mbh preerves itaiccariaco vili tie Pro- visions af Section 35 oai inSet. Sec. 42. Il m"Il be uniavtul ta catch, laie ar ilhl hî amy MODS an device vbalnaeyer. or la c»U or offer for sala, or have lu pOO&SelOa (unis« oeugbt vili book andmi ne) any a1lie1 loliovlug uarned 1515 blov vblch are Ions lian lie veiht or ienglh men- 110usd for each. Lais perch, neveu taches. Buffalo, eigbleeu luches. German camp. fifleen luches. SufiSb.four luchen. Blue or channel cstflsh, thirteen luches. Laies irout, one sud ans-quarter pounde dressid. Wbieflsh, uns and ans-quarts? pouuds desed. ________Meyers if be attemPtei ta, armet hlm......................u A plat tia "gel" Charles lisiersg, Gazette was given s 30-day sentence nu edctsvnIch. delective lu lie emploi of the Elgin,iluthie county 151. Bucimani suad Turtie or tsi-rapin, neveu Inci .shIiL Jollet & Eastemn railoami, vasnippei Cummînga rere nelea#ed. In lhe bai iii a 14-ear-old bai vha Cummlngs sali that ho bas vorkediT E CIFR resudes a1 Roudout, lie division polul four moulsIn luthe barvest fields ai T E C N af lis St. Paul sud tbe Ouler Bel Dakota, sud tual hhbsansnt lie Line. mous ey e emusi vhile tiers la biseR VE TO "Say, Charisi. *nase isilaun up 'nation. 0 Springfield, Ill. Omqtý23.-Tan liou- tiere are planning ta gsi îou for 1 Gazelle carriez a lang scar an lie nani tims prevention ecboi reiders beain one ai lien sasy liai bey bai torebesi, sud Tisas. Tyrrell belleven h4ve been malsi by tie claie fine mar- plcied lie spot viere liai vauli liaI be la vantadInlamu.Eastern ghals office sud *t legqi liai many bury ion six test under the soi," sali clty. He vii le phtographediý sud more are ueeded. The raider lnaa the youngmlarto10tle detective. b ipctura sent i thle Police cilefs texihoai ieallng ulithibe ailnri Tiae er anonaless lisu 16 boboas tanal thibg cba ies lI te BIae. ire hasards la aven communiysud lu lie trelgil yards ai lie lime. Wlthb-coulains Instructions for lbe remaa ta 40 minutes anothen ma-a straus- CANNOT BAR BEER afi hem. er-varnsi Meen lihai the 'hoboes lu a message ta supernuteudenta ani vers planning ta "gel iim." SIGNS BY COUNCIL ACT. leachems, Prancin G. Blair, aoie super- Iu campani ulli bis parner, Detac- -inteudeut af public inniructaon. ncam- lIre Cale, Myen vwalei unlil atter Springfield, Ill., Oct. 27-A 'Cithy ends the uso! the book. dame. theu be raidai lie box car iu councIl canat prohîbit lie dlsplay _________ uhici lie men bai takien refuge. lie ai beer adrertisemeata even lu anti- arrestitres men, via gave the foi- saloon lerritomi. accoôidng la a deci- Tse ek Cause ai Diabetes. TeRaJah oai Pttapurans bas givo loutat names vien boabsi aItishe sion banded daun hi lie nulireme 60 000 upees. about slteq"n lioaaan Wsuieegau police station: court iodai. Sncb au ordinance vould dolars, ta tie govemmont af Madras LEO GAZETTE o! Lttle Rock, Ami. be an unauibamlzed, unreasouaile. sud for au investigatioiau btle causation. MATT BUCKMOND af Chicago. uulav-fui Invasion ai tie nigissand prevetilnan sd passible cureoaidwa R. S. CUMMINGS ai Chicago. Ilierlies of cilîzens sud vli, si lihe betes. Bucin and-maiCummings turued court. WIITSIN ANAM ASKS ARSe DURANi) Altiaugi lhe joint commission liaI l)uraai's catlie, v» an bie ta meet Mau iay autt lb atme ads aimo abtainai Un repeaenlatlvc., Mns. Du- rand pas not torgvMfthu ilen TvWo civerWe bWesa rats tarm todai." ohéedam.""ai Ibave unai liem la banor aetlbhesoms. dia»»s. A bqUl1 bave chistenai Uibaaiey. Gavarnom- af Crabur«e tari,' Mai a boifte r l'h..iamed 1)isauGirl af Cnabt»eefarm.'- "i am expectuig lisse oth Iersme and 1 s"aJ naie tbem la bonar ai Attorney General Lucey, Dr. Brava.4 and Dr. Petorsan." CUIRM FOR $W,0 FJLED YS. ESTÀTI3 0F MRS.LRAYMdOND Vola Rail-niding Case Brouqht into Limeliahi Again, By the Fillng of a New Suit. Au ecso ai lb. famns Vola rail- vhen Attoinsy B. V. Orvis, rsprmmat- tas Mng. Minai, Richardsonl. lie vin tir or lie ririns episode, vont Into court and iedmmoi.Uoarison' diami for $1.M.0,recie tliougia veriict &aantllie salaiset the laie mnm lAvinaRaymond. vie. aseoti. lng, té Mr. Orriu, lait about SUffl ah thefmuof aibr deatil rsosIl. Tic lti ale hédamia ucem set tar Navember 14. Wie Mr@. Riciardson lnaiituioi ber $100.000 damage suit agàainaliMn. Raimond and four oti4 Vola omo.. lie jury afler a a ntu iebration, awarded ber damagesaof 1U0. At- tomaiy Orvis conlouis thaï &aUlonroaci ai lie detendants con b. belitfan lie entiro ainaunai ofIhe verict. The damages neyer bave beau psud and ItlaI in tise bopen liai lie clalul ai the sate ot Mrs. Raymondi wll be ailavrei afier lie bsaring tisai Mr. Orvis In lustitutingthle Pro- ceedints. Hesbopes 10 ho able ta sol- leci lie entIrè amaunt af the luit- meut tram the Raymond sate as ha thinka il migisI ha iUicult ta il againet lie oaber dweeisial. Thare vers four alier defendanla, Mrs. Alma Wallon. Mis. Peter filai- titîl.Mn. Aune Staifeli sud Mrs. Chris Sable. The judgment an giv- su lu caurt vas againsi ah five, but tie ballet vas aI lise lim. lie verdict vas renierei liat Mns. EaUani vas th. oui ns vinea avued uni propori? ai account. Thal's vi? ai lie tinsi lie Questiou n seta vietici misbe- 7cause ar that tact. vas rospamsi le for lie entirs ainaunt. @Sain tos-ý neya heu ebie van1 ather bhlciebé vouli b. hApble, but for oneO-Ifh fli the iamimt. The Valo cane in lie ont vioreir Mns. Richardson van ridien an a rail hi the Vola vomen. 1.1ter lbey vers proseculad an the crimînal aide ai court and aund guilty ai lhe charge, each being assessid a fins Of $500. Laler, bavever. ou requst ai State'. Attorney Dady, via pras.cuted the rcase, Judge Donneli nuspeuisi tha fine followlur a severe lecture ta lb. vamen. Tii. civil suit for dam- Mmr.Raiymond vas sici dumlug the trial th le damage suit sud vas ual lu court. ushedîida fisu vessaler. JNDICTMENT VS. DYSON IS (>UASIID BY STAT'SA'ITY. Springfieldi.,.Nov. 1.-]eclinlag ta permit lie une cg bis office fan Po- lîlîcal pique liiough the meiui ai court action, State'e Attorney Binuni Bur'ke late Iodai noUai lihe lInlci- meut againat Statfle iTtorlan .a Dyson, lu uibiciDisas nchai-gsi vîi -,mg authanlaed th. ialiug ai carcasses ai baie aver the public higivai. The indiclueul van netumusi hi lhe Sangaman county grand jury., Satu,' day. D)r. Dison, wviawva ummausi ta lia court bouge In lie aftemnoon tu iunlihbouda. supposeili leamusi lat- er o! the action ufthie stste'nsIator- ney, but declusi ta make puy minIs ment lu the malter. PLOYE *.oýe PAST TRY TO DISCOURASIE RH0e New Emplaye DOdue VturLteave Drad ioê L1be BluffOdt. U-.(SsOb"LJs arglmg opeuly tint morU»ettle aseram aid stata mm ov. vatl thle quarnmtine raies at Lai Bluff am e ekti gtagel han 1*1 i beave ber aid tapruvent znovig irons taiug -Jobe ou the pla M ua et.S WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN vti lb. ultimale autoome , ot Uic troubleWvich ber faiala' beridlhm brought an ber. Seusatianal develapmeats e accuv lntae siutuatin ou ly wvici b£]@- ed: PIRST-Slatemont aofleohn Maeai, new employa of the fan.., tht 64 en, had told him: Ye oueb~ uhilUO next train book te clile atthoewbV tee .nuoh trouble hume." SECOND-ttOWrnaut e ti ne cf O*e guendset L* rosi "edlug te MOicSremd charud i hi.0WSnt te OU#0 o bleieete SM t te ne h'.. N liai huuai eut ?.14tiD-Rpen sas Mm e. Mda #Mnt o mv Mm M- -w nolwol te.àico lmi bo hp I wNlth tfot am mtIëiust FOUNTW-UmieDura.itOW d»Wà thaI tIchepmhavae W. denalM WM of hOe eteme»Whmve Uicml, Mr@. Dursa a id tbutMe Nannat sOo.e h« 10' ple a"i tiat he ruae~ a 410 M ChiceTburiay. Me0,ati1%W ho bai ta pM7uobey W .-*Ne get putl the bloolade s&M ont i» t toai ta ber pisse Incenned aver B«ci tmMimet O ber belp, Mns. DurandInssai #10 Dr. Slucingtou- accompsaa gond" ta the guard at laie Bluff&M Me vho, exhetai euch a dicisuet S tram. Hanse . Arrlved Ibh.ra a -narnai 1h1 vas lu charge, Se Miid la b*&I collectai! sucb oanBa assMWn t van not lie viou laholM tgte, ~ Hansen reportai ta Mia. ZN liai eue of lie mou a vlogt Wn ta, quis Plers bail tld iat botter lobe lic nex II Min lil lie city, adilma: 'Tirea tee100, trouble about bore* £W 7M t* @W. «I made hlm point OU the MunI bai giron iiitint kui40e % 0 aid via do ya tbik la sslati *«0 akl Mrs. Durani «qthc uitt "wier ambal" tecribe. -Dr. Stuoinlan. tic o"MIcfu Iuapectcn, Midi lie Sgitlu VOU from lake Bluff. Mn. Duanai admtti mi0"mal hei lihe oeala von aovJe. clare ber baie bave th ic iem. ON jiist leybave fot. Bbc ai~i %W some limae«0go liai dial ite dezun tha bogre and the ugU trlei ta, catch lire. ai lierate amine themý,bavlng toliteue lU the ailmont The bogs voie sa mprY ibat t*5 cauli ual catch tl 11111e sutuels tisi bai ta, gIve up the t.aak 5 'Not very sick If the? cOOOW tcesstully elude thoe n$ I SOiS M 1lsrvent licm caîchini lb.. w they?" asied Mns. DUrafli Mr$. Durs tatei furiier t eyery aue ai ber covs la is iss health anidabshoesom fl' tk minute lbai lie camilet ho, mpet pembaps XMoniay'l uni then liait ber pls yvu ai reicb a icclalase lAi *f tic vhlch. the lualala, lave 9entirely ctra li sasa. 5h. Insista thal &Z ftrao'C e tomber 24, vhen Dr. Hutts 1 bhlatolb.he stuihiUR an bsnvta tan. liere vamit a 51gB et **- ILcase ou lie Plae. *"n e id novp tisI lime ldWleci uM ,fdemlc'be vauli mot laye il îo teel liat thon. vuau e amont the caIla," id IIe. *11 bave bai enaite ooitsS v-îwihout lisele IPclrs trst t irupi mY force Mdi get balu t119' hoib teillai lieu l»tiailà le me ,place ta voit becaune et Si v-ia behard lb. semait seul a iii.." c iiMn.- D»aimi 1 - . Ir. ýs*ý , - «âký 1. 1 ti 01 a il h la di tc 01 di c ti White p erch, ten inches. ON19 TO BIGHT 81 50 PER YBAR IN ADVAI

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