"ti AI laitn:brreturnol to bis ow lti4 iyfom Polwetj Wb., qiivb«4 >ia. b. u* *Ma p!~ oiqishevistad i vtb nlative a.l BOT THE A Wanuan., Ney .L OUt a vlnk of »slo ée,~le1-uot i ha lavWIs Brovp s UUvEa" -tis s a rn evu mi : 0 l o*t i s tlioruhii tha fe yot1, ., l1 monillrs ot hat iio*,. ami aaktibeda .vmouh.* ne"atve. The coug 1 tiie ovas aMY poWiI mont being reacad l1ý giveL. Ta. ropiy o ýg usentandi 0*7oy M t cout hvo wl boj:, efaii oea mut,.. fe Tb* battus tarfai. P in t a% il qgarei that, litvoold telo portW abolitbp,.pýàW vpq hto hqoSat11fe t tiiwl n ll qJsvluh g ll vore take* bqý,09ilu1 ie ioeqps 0f It *U-ate09s th se, .Ther* twéINý tii erae m ms fbgq im . t-bd "d"th Tii ase vas aau* ài .- uuA obrte Vvas 4sii~ lng ol ao-etai le - lei rle,* a&*, 090v" dii fBotdwaittibswe4l Hq asid hi$ llttle *mpw*-*4I foqpoi th* tnIggor. 0 , la lM ostlpont wsIr théte 4-1, or.,S&Werothr witua"01s. UhoMtot nao ,iiy te es, hp luqt baforo, the asiot vswu o~ s*4$Ve mb it 5 e 14 eV* hm. BwvR tommi khatmie.a"oRtea$* -604 mnitg Catube,-U9h iW4 m9aX, tii. jury vas. A lufise tro*isq ua mgt pueoslss areuqai oonsiioailla »%ý tais entma a MIo1"bar t wIl- "dani liJohin Ahart visitai tb#~le , Jetera parente la amis-, M&~ ot witnkegan. firous UC6'u. ~~~~~~~~iW «Wic, iI*11 qdi-. X&. oQb" aruesaie .atod btmion Au- folta, Pt« er Mit t IiaiddPuk the. Young mm schargé vtii. lave.. vam* t r h ntur . ui;i t t.r »er 1 f.ponbston ofloor Cevtalp159.itoaintathé, fqae 4*4 ~ ~ ~ r <lali lls Wlem.r u 3. lnSbaveafil.i an ;pplk&ttoa 1 Z'WIL out sqMPA .,v#1 to% 40 'pa>' céaU calbior m0V %mtup~amr viiy ther sbouli mt MW. ?h. 055 vawuiut for bh, A-W1Do*Obouvlà, t le . L ru tto hellse f bis deatu ie.la 41ev, vua vpfftmgtab. Quite ouielgiq Mt arm-to a boue la I. eBluef la CoQq»., Pus. & Pope a1oq a lati. lan , çio -mour& fer attituv* lie. aie. . 'tecO0lsX".. ige oriw -*Uoemi'sthon tool 'iaapeai ta tI~oai@itla hblid qou ncuitr 1%vhieb4a oers syiy filedaat&=Uflon i out> 4eq~epha ' wjàh~.otQi do go. Thae outy luiseovidontiy Lrbt hl*pe a riat 60. ohllren muet make a tva weoo< *pm %SonrY5 andi muai »lag* on* iltIa Pii.4, for Sdrienof cour issu'. I nasal voulu- Mutive maj -;----r T -t., ~~1~ 1'. pin OFA HPOtdLooate ThiOfWho look fUb: ý#Foo the TweulyAvode»Mor r fer informaion 2ht willI laid tethe arret qmd .nlotio o@ n e fy p*r a.. r aron fwslng peu"tr. Po»owheq, iuansd pet itockt fies a mmi.r of the Ilinois Poultry Famierw Auofutq.-> ORO1. H. BARqOW y W 'ras& CHAS. H. CRAPOlao)r 'Týq, Minois Poaltry fil sêl~nhelu a 'muI.1e~ jtat vhlch if vp*Auicig, vho stole 16 piwl 1me% bu the i.Pak L Ipee .Wtilms efreet 'q. tfIqia -é. mlei Mtitt vou frm1. thé. hm mitii adv u ta.or a Eva.*&l hti an&oM MW "t fl. el Drueli beeli çiiaqwd iti flghtlng and their face showod that the charge was ip'S. pnM1 i.4been iu J" itheq 'iWhtW iifpv. 'Thé Court fined, thos both 85 and i" 0*.Hansen vau un. able tu, pay andi'vas returned to Jlau. The' otiiOr jvadý Judge Neahaus Save thonIl ou. ÏO, lwholesomo advIce 34e. Kola et -Racine là.lltu Mie.PstAr Q>Ç3iteuson of Eightop4ji street. WIlliam Ltnoham vigited at the Li. goria"a omeo ver 2unday. .Mr. anmv. Eduard Mead ver. vocpuI vlaitov$ ut.,IiglbaniPark. Tih.e a ot Qu the plans for the novýâ *ttioù isat bas started vorn andit la te cted that the plans viii b. veau 10 sujoWt uhthte city cowzl. cil In a short Ume.. The. contract tir the. Ilqui ohorlno plant basisi 1 beu let andi viib.liiatalipi very Tbjb gk, a~ man, va& inluredti tI~a ~ ds~rp qmqîng cot wem ve 0llph t% dm44 -bbi 0f. AS ~p~~4I, aJped fliat ie qIbýlq1 'oe ioq "4 m tut ita àç 0; 0 mciii, a"i bas, 06toim qvora0I, otiier large am *4n hqipWloi da"i Sg ce e i.Noqii Oml ~teq»>e . inIjO0t~d t ate tecils* Coin stroot. ý4- UNWRITIEN LAW, IS p¶A*NfR New LUne of Defense Was App pio From the Questions 1Asked of Jurons. COUNGHAM IS ON TRIAL. th Faving Shot Rev. FIeTimhe-- fu Mby Atty. Porter. Waukegan. Nov. 3. Tii. "uvritten iav' or ainotionai insa"ty viii lot b. the. pies of Bd- vand. Cunalntharn, coiored. charged ~h bvZ.gnuate a murderous au- nit 0nqv W. A. D. Venerabie, a lwbu4iatar. moemonthi mgo. "the lune of questionlng of his .tfqpyla securlng a Jury If le evi- iputtii, uipav1i be self defense. Ti afj~ig jurons have been se- *IWRD APPLEY, LAubertyville. 1ÙA#RX CATRB liietyyile. JOO£ip iiJPy, Wauk.gan. C. 4 eA3, PEiER, Zion Ciy, Mf. IL IýENYON. mion City. JOHN TQMLINSGN, Bouton tovu- JOI;N CHOPE, Nevport. J. %f 7I~M akgn J. 1i/ 01RiSVOLpi Bouton tovnsiiiv, WW,AM McNEiL. aranttvul. ÇILIJILES OILLMTT. Warren. GEORGE 0O. PRU8S9IAXO eZurich. Cunningham le repreeuted by At- toýnney Porter, a coiored lawyer, tromi Cyalp Porter puisteko Inm~ t4rouâh b V ytiorougb mries 0f iThe. defeniant. ta chargedti vtisa- teinptod îmorne Io laileged f0 y r4 vgshots Into tihe fi>' W;Or~*pqpd inuiIf4r. Aitis the AMr Starts hi-me ttyBx car ho sai Rev. Vonerabié hal bralen nis RdI~ i2z çuk ý e. i1lsborne. ne s"iIthe navritten Il ~iZ'~~.iiZ!'~ fouJ& bis hi pli, Ltq)r l5gvu smii hoe i plmd.monoi lâts laquty. ovuax Porter toipI' mad no ref. 'TARTED BY CIGAR 11ereu ,e Itheý of thes fl enqm, IatIlSg ola>'vith the' pe0f stif U1CENDIARY PUR t.'. fqia Tfltih rirfie wilcts hp .11W lengt mlewhe a.lecoamdla s 111 lM .q ut ea of thi.eemm.,àqri Po iefire-. uijf, Polce'qhI' ëws Of the ý0ý,jspîla oqqlpî iw rireAI at Pft Fort Shr- Idooru fini lie l-ft cneItfr~ orthon sOrbed by Gqvernment. = Mthei mphiwu F ort ek8hapiumy efilors are bev- ..w.mt*ly*200log thIr s90-mile horna-back ride ftes waukégan, Nov. 3. P4 rL. The oiar:, imianpe.la to Uut fog the tbMrarala or men b. covèed ni sdo a 3period or tl3nee frosý 'station one, fire, vblch startutdq~s (a*~ et.Ptt'box car. vrouli bave git' The, uôvps-umenf roquines that at h(thia.gplant of the BlateMtod a stateti perli the.colliera muet takle caif mea factory. au tisefire bai aafou these long horse-baek rides ln ordor lmw lqu to, the. bupfvig on W uthéthat ti*ymay uceutoni thommlvoil LtlOuao ho.wvasrua laiO e ho o f hlkind of a bariiublp là cama 0f Plames WqbeichIsmu frous neal 'ver, vea ionI t l bqnaeesary tâqio<9 and no tctfiýe car viien ton tlsp aicens ho b. lu tise satidie tii,doteugrtment arivdi,e~ pon la- a largq part of the tîrno. voa*Qmthýsg lt vas fQU4 ia-thea rine 1 1i To nmorneathe oflicers theso long %ajsur oti out one pittlkni g douo Mt, ridesamar looketi fanvard to vlth con- ,wio. h fec ii. eetuna pmof8plt-e sderaWie anticipation becauae. I ov59. TMhteflvas Ie, ahf#ti.meansau enJoisible onting. but there iar ~ ~ ~ ~ '4 frigtolvto.ln~~ " areothene vho do not vax Bo en- aornminutaevantah&yo M ie ai tathumiastlc. Borne of theofoBoorg twi4,or more klest of thfi bùs. wioseemisoupoint hb1as Incroaseti dur- Thj tvruen diqulel api eenfigti atfv ors.n so M gk aedi muil cedit ts up 1 fpisq teusifw er ss o se for talgts cp ra .bi at pieaure lu euch long rides but ri N vligth, cp4pAyfrç a igthe govorrneut feels that rides af 1O li re. thîs nature tond to reduco their avoir- -p. fire bad lifq blth lnanau mpty uos se bo]F car .whlcbh hd been laft standing dpl.Use OnL ýb@ vest trucks eat the urqoaéýu No oMelcoal excusaiftonm taMsrg pI&VornV How It startW, oi, 80 s*tbp 10135 rides nnusq tbe- cau urpduc .knh#sgi Doaynver vilî, but taiemPnts frOrn a PbY»Iliu ihawIg »IN Cie fsers Na' hlysIt t21qt tisoir physical condition la sncb *q mapet frtsm a czaros- c4garettp tint a long liq pilait b. harjuful, or, frema mes ~a~ifo P*~ That woknql% as,' .tàqpigu 14.vy uveulie M*rWtay. val ln 0 itg car. tq, "gne' » ajallieman oma.-iiave, on an la 41IeO ior0fmor hnpap a v5.frt3 six tu tvolve hlrn e wd o4 the ýapr»Ma4e- mpw yfor Te The. damnage r~iit ire agJuat :15 minutes afftr 4ïbWhou the Y~A~AE VTiG4 494puf1I 19a13 OONBERYATOXIY 0F VIUoNr for CMWTG: AMllWI TItPAV- It i. ¶ LOVA. OTUJ3<UD WITH PRO9F, s t of bi DI l AUOL (oie qf 5ropes Greatest uqAtanu).. Studio open every ______________Tueqa>'tçoi lie a. tu 9 us- nm. - - - ilaaplnafp otaTecbuic Pnea Vîý.1N MASTER ad t30 qS~Il 8idm Mi W. GI,. a4itGre.n8tî mnoat welcorné. E woIflefl and a" là all-wool yamts, lir tan, brown anti nay tional value&- at #U. at .................. w Gzey aM:, 1t" cut ton 1fieeced blanketo of eellent qualjtyý; site 64x74, incle§; $1.00 values, bair 70e. values for These coats have jual arrived and will be plae4 on sale at thie n1qvelpusle l9w prisce o1f $975. Clever ty1es of, hanil-. Romne novélty; mixtures, rich pltgm- and, all-wool plain cowm atçilu navy, bo.adak ry>' exeep. *ored"l tieý,r f e waemqth and quai- aind blucborers; $3m54valuce, eàt, Pa#r $2.79. 'm iq q a clause la 11. ecau*t p thet .assocriation, emSos.f tbUeýwb0 atteuimi the. moetlpg Tuas- ,40j algbt vara for- ratint the vevard to W5. Thunimy hodono lu tha near flWuré. *lu offerl4g 'fie rovend the. asocia tlou feeli thaf Il heine ta protaci mg'ibers 0ft the association &84 i% . ti meUlputa.ais p q~qb Zaeo fthefl~ et abibit. We la m necleasyet t& théima oR ,ibbd ith.. Nuller coop. but the poee the am'riMWadap. iaNgthe cq"~g P-unv ee P Wr ipeassiat l et~~ nIat aA. il om- imut "M",ta luL fIm tbiel. fOi UHOLO RALLY DAY SUNoAy. 0*11*.7A 1ev clo a if IPSm. vi'télé Stq the el- s ub e 01551luatii 8 agiro*ap atiuIý dlg.N A short ses 51~t ~çipielii J, ý*4 9"anviii ho given. Everybodin t W uq#a9-Vppaid Ivs F aeltatlon-Ax.l Nelson ant ilet - Deyoa ZWoGitalon --Olis 0f Iutevmoiiat. aflliangoton. Prayer. outa 0 by q Olç bi -WItoem Hlmhamp vas eut ou t.%e %ça&, um osBt!e y@ç*nV wA thua evenlug. - M>~f~~4p9 , , Ilui,,. ý *ýîhoc qtuis pJ Ojiti .BAth Towls, 9c , Large'elme fancy bath taols v.it ticoloreti bardora; 76c valuas. eaeh Sic. Shl#'tng at lfc 36 luches vIde, lu béauntful * tl3~andi colqrlngs; lOnul foyou; 3 r ân*p blouses. ipens slirts aedd..Pays vulai --ydnd IlSc. 1et>hrobe VeiouruJ»c *a:il re4s; 2U luche.- vIe, . Unt Wool IL«»:OS Handiome 1th'a-oo B;;au qxeolla.t 1.60 grade: brovu. mtii. green *rf al shcl; i$&rdic. Wool offlroc Pull nugep iM JfIshilug Col, nec bleu MM" t f OOMFORTERS. S1.5-Pull ima comforters that usq. &iiy brlng $2.00; âneuesikoine is a whlto cotton RUfing . ................. CRIB *L.ANKETS-Madu I iATTequ P"OT1c. of elditrdéwn. vltji plux ITOX$-»iqlib.d piUt.4 J and blue animal inrqe; I pvotUtfflsf« Ur fulu j 30x40 Inches; 50ecbed 9,W Inch«; I.%: 1 - . . ýl + ý - 'ý+ , , ,ý as 1 0ý4 -â.â"