CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Nov 1915, p. 2

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tÂKE COINTY IPPiET! tIV xxxxx xx x M. EXnturah 'Brien, wbo ba& been' _______________ vletng here withbher parenie, Mr andi SMr@. C. F. Fould'@ for about a rnonth 2bua returned ta ber bomne lu LavrenCe- hurg, Idiona. ~ Justlet :remn ndy u ier 0i Mr. su drMi.. W. 0. Wells entertained o ty o .0Mrs. Chas DBlomn ..and littie son of ~ ail e tbcago, trom ue>ndofalaei week until o ~Iii1IfNfN flG Wednemdav of this. Mr. Blomgreu Balo If you bave any 0 dX apWen4E5o5U spent Sunday hiers. 0*Al. L r. andiMre. L. E. Goldng, Uf 0 Nevillei and Mr. and Mmr. W. S. eli "LE KV P LAC ES * xxx.X Xxx xxx eut ta Waocondà Thursday nigbtof 66L E K Y o isurepubicàiýnln te Idepn- ast week wbere tbsy atîenided a homes *~~~~~tln Ta nsrepuliAlOfiIshow.deec amun theHOU$,CisternRoof, Cella", W* s, denit. capy muetb. Inthoaffice nolter A. len i r pre ow. h Beti around the Windows, W~~~~1 thon Tuesdsv of .och wook. Adver- A iIbui mpltrfhEeti o bey utes.0tboe Repiinîg Shop, ba@ broght hls Chmey0utes tiers. aspèclaily 'r asi>ed ta take farnîîy tram Inighland Park and bas 0 particular notice ta this affect. uîavedbinta the Gerhard Schreêk bouse 0 ________________ on Mlwaukee avenue, WiII HAVE THE THLINO TO * ÂdditlolloclM News oI Page 4 C. R. titeate, Preldent ai thé DowDere I * , ___ (rove Pultlahlngg C., af Dowuers Urove, * Wni. 0 ....lnrle, very èle* t hie born e aim bers Mondai to attend theifnueral STOou T 1ObRmVsai0 of i fuet., Cgrad Staats, vblcb was R EasB y to apply-10v61 oomeu off 0 Station Agent Benfne îmans aht.Mnaya entn 0 MilvaukeeiitrSuaa.Mise Anna Bltttner sntertBiffl dMms -- * AmalIla Ris.and daubter Mlma THIt e t raylakêon Friday evening. lolmusla adft" ea i uaIamsmanager t* I. B. Haviland eaa la Chicago on of the Knoha Volkaf reund. Alune adateddfdoc hldMle aieobaxnSndy I N ow 8 T the 1 :businssa bre, dojo of 1mai eak. A.F. fibeldon, wba lied basen telai COMEIN A ASK US A U IT * Clarenes Bond af Chicago, speut Sun- t the North Siion Health Rasort lis IN dsy boe. with bis aliter, Mima Beraié. Wlnnetka for severai wseks, returned t. a Mim Leon Pmtsa spntSaird ish home Bt Sholdoaburai an Saturday Ili~~DI!fl j ~~unday vltb frienda la Spring Grve. and le 'gr&l mrvd nhmlb IEIIItUIU*UI l'l 0 The . F. club vas entertained by Mr@. Misea MBrle Andrews bas reigned ber IU~U UI0 Leelle Warren Thuradai igt oaiest position vltb tbe Chicago Téléphone 1U~UUUEIiIUi 111 O eek. Company. The other oprators oi the IIIuIIIIIIIIUL hUU ilI IJOcornpany surpmlsed MisAndrews un Mis Ethel Crawford ai Rotecrane, la Mondsy svening and gave ber a farweil Down by the Old Dmpot Beauth- 20 Y- ta u lth ber cousin, Mir. J. M. pàrty. Phouo 47 LX ~BjîShop, Mgr. j> Vowler. 1Mré. EmmaelRenuesy and Mima Rose * G. . Hubbard of Chicago, %initeu I Dunhbaugh oi Fox Lake, bhave p-umcbaaee L&HE AMPqUFCTURING CO. 1 i>*OMDM gusu md Moketrç aI .IGHTING FIXTURES w b.I&O plàelflgl'ou tdet Visitons velcome W. &1@0 have a complaespl&tiùeit anfon eflmbling MSTO*WMZL PARTS - TA=L WARS STOVE PARTS 1AP. BAT1IROOM KIMNS SILVER-PLATING 0 MA LATDG COUVER PLATING MU.Ac OR WH1T ENAMEING Show room sud tacioy Sond sud Orchard street. LUMBR IEDand CI &IT LM~BRIC TH~ SiWERPIF W. F. FRANZEN,J decahonma No. 50 Libertyvil LYRIC RtSTU AMD *MY OUR HOME COOKED MEJ O-YgTiMS 1N0W IN SEÂSON DÂNCE8 AND PAÂ "-' Phone 40, Libertyvflle LIONEL BULL - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------- SUS Oo4 Don't throw , ài bro&en machine or automobile part We hïve recen\ added one of the higlite IWelding ~~tIecarbor STEEL CAST IR N AILUTMINUIM Keep your motor ruuuing at its hi efficency by-Ietting us periodieally rq REE MOTOR ]PHONE 8 ['1BERTYVILLE. - - *mm:u: rqpmMed Sund"y. bave taken poasemaon of It. Tbey are Mr. sud Mr@. W. B. Dymoud bave making impravereuts on their uew moved ta Chicago, vberm tbey wiii @pend home. the winter months. Mm. and Mr@. M. A. Tritz arrlved st Mr@. Oscr Ehîman ai Seattle, Wasb.,I the bomne 0i J E. Bond Monday tram la a gumt ai the borne ai Mr. and Idm. Coateaville, Penn., where Mr. Tritz had Byron Colby for a vask. beep etatlaued t the Meredth Mlulng Mr. and Ms. lowla Rickbafi aud Mie@ and MilIlng Co. plant. Tbey Intend tu Garie Àlckholi spont Snnday in Oak- makê their borne bere. vood. Wl.., wltb relativas. Bert Stier snd famlty have moved troun Mr. and Mrm W. E. Docker entsrtained 'the Stophen Taylor resîdence on Park Mm. LIflIen Saura. and daugbter ai Place ta the Banby flet anar Flagg' North Chicago, on Tueedaey. barber sbop. Air. Taylor and dangbten Mise Fannie bave aaain tareri up their Mr. aud lMre. Fred Honzing loft for reeldeuce on Park Place. Aptelts. Ulano, otn Tt-stlay tht-y empet tu @pend several veeks. About ans bundnsd people attended The W. C. T. U. l Biet at the borne the Epworth Leagus socIal beld, lu the ofa M ru. Sarab Morues onTuliesday, Nov. 9, Gym ai the M. E cburcb Tuasday sven- fW their rogular tudy masting. Iug. Ail kindu ai gamma vere played h.. ,II.h lunch y s rvei. A very NVI 1915 ThursdBy morong Mis, $&rab Maman sud danabier Misa Mary started on a trip to the. Wssî wbsre tbey tntend ta @pend 'the wlntsr. Tht-y vill @pend about tva nonthoin KalispelI. Montana, witb lira. MaOsdaugbter, MUn.. Wm. Davison. Thsy will also vlit Seattle and in Caliornla. IThe dance held by thm Mrry Makers on Tuesday evenliig was thsirsecoad Ibig sucre.. is jean., À langer crovd à ttended than was at tbeir Iast party. Mine BMadker's orcetra irom Wauke. prettily deconated In black sud ysllow and opplei sud aveeb eider veres aedr The Presby torlan chu rcb choir le plan- ning a musical evening for Fnlday, Nor. 26, the day toloving Thanke. glvlng. -Tii. Bey. Glenn [Rico, who amssted thé Preabyterian at tlàr concert In tbe gÉn1iii ilhetp with the ecomlng concert Bey. llc'@ vite la altoaa promineni ololt and viii no dophi appear on thaevm"nion' prograrn. A meefting ai tbe site sudfloues cammttsof i bthemporary organisa. tion of the Lhbenivllts Cootry Club mas beld ai tbm affieofaiAttorney B. ]EL Miller lMondaby lgbé. AUInsmhers but orna vers pbssmi s d tbe proposition of secnring a site vas the chia topie ut the meeting. Beveral membrsieitbai tbel vould rather vaitountil ai leti liy memherm ta ibm club could be sscured belons making §fialplans reganding the porceamaof ibm site. Thers are nov ihirty-sen membere slgued up and It la belleved thai viuhin a ew veeks the remaining thirteen eau bd maursd. The committas declded ta pustpone furtber actitln untii the numben eau te iucreamed Wo ffty. () ' Mr@. Wm. Fultan sud littie daugbter pleacant time vas enjoyed. s quaremy events luth c s -O A L 91 orthChiago.sjýnt let ednoday The douce given by the TelephoneýL vîîwih ber aunt,*Mre. C. M. Fuller. aperatome here ait the tavn hall, on Iast ER W.A LYJAIA .Mr@. N. Kelîner @peit Suuday In Chics- week Thureday eveniug.vs attended HNYW " E go with ber deugbter, Mr@. Webber, wbo by s vor1' large crawd. vin enjoyed au NARROW ESCAPE RONDÀY PB eebrated bier brtbday"that day. eveuiug ai liglit fatastie. The young **Mr.sud Mc. Cha#. Lng atteuded the ladies toQk in quits a large muni. Mouday attemno the- veil kuovu M . lfutterai of thir frteud, George Gunirbure A mmaîl bunch ao Englioh violet@ vae 5N>tioneeOr enm3 W. Appîey met wlth an liios ge, Sm, in Ch latat Wednosday. bmanght ta tits office early Moudsy Voy mO&ýiilt-t wblmli nearly 'aOC his ntidolug. le lios M iss Kat. aratbsenentt ps-Mariolrle Mt.r. Lttle Mi@@ e MalemHt- Lsd dmlvon go tue woade ucroms tthe tian formrnely heldby Mm.Franeces taly piektdthem in lier flwem led, vhere tht ePlie ie n o mc ao ab the W. W. Camrol & Co'@ nartli store 1plAn iit ail ndd,.d sud seem about to and tht-rt put on a lighit laad ai ord blîIa m neillmîy iof tht-m iarlug sfedy wood, piling it the- long way ai the *S@*~ Mi»s Msry Maliov, wba Ft employedlunîîpeued. 'Wagnla umt as lis wagon Lsd the office ai tbe C. & M. Elemirhi t r. t- r.-achat îLe ebt-tbatik ai the river ou the 0 iglaud Park, laenejoyîug a vacatin. Me i 1W ewaLdbeenau o rtur îI lfritolt-l auk very - 1patie-nt ut (h.- Prombytorian Iaotpitail Lidi i se md t bit ta scb sa NM T Mien Drothy Reoom. a teamber lu a CLit-agi. for tbirte eeks, lt tht-me on d.-grc hut tht- xooilduuo hîeh Mm. ochool at Elgin, le epending thim wet-k Tlîursqlay ofif ast week. She went ta Appley wass aati-,Ji.iîlt th îe ground - wtb ber parente, ev. aud Mrse T. E. the- bain.. (if bt-riniotlîtr. Mme. 1. J. ('hInu oud lh- ca.. tlru imt ~ ît ithe- bornes. Lt-smn at -ilntlîtih, wivnre t-Le yl say withliehtr Tht-y bt-anie ftriit-t(ii~d mtart,'il ou a A L S Mr. sud Mr@, T. E. Permy as riirt o .va ex eoeso ulet8 h ir i oi ate ta attend theofmuerai ai the laie Conrad Tht 'ttîtng ladies of St josephe Pariait tht- limietr part of t lie trucmk aid lie %,ioa Stats. wifl gîte a lante Tnt-eiday eveninu, Nov. driLggt-d ai>.ut lfty f-.t tnder o att-m. L, Prop. M. and Mrs. Edwin Autiuentetaîind' 2th, nt the- Libotr ville tavu hall. Tht lustead oftifhle httriemtictkitg tu thte aId M-. sud Mis EsitKlein sud Mr. and pretideut. N - Kennedy sud ber frit-nde Pasageway tu-m- the-7 iverit-y dat-lied Mir@. Oscar Kuudson of Chiceago, on Love ztulrnauv invtatious and are iitit a mîui î, f wilaws she thboy Suuday. amoetrrtda lîrittttTht-young ladItsemre tua astop, .1 ontlîi i r..A ppiley ***~*** Mr@shms. oean ie .o l ave deîlîl.l t.tugrovlde refresfbments for seititedel .ti iitliig liutio-ff sud by Thoas alesudMis 9""-rtaiemIr rints merawlit.g frutt uuder ltte tmumk whieh Cols vent ta Chicago Friday evenino ta iosea"taudlîiii atiut two ltet ai watt-r m pebid the week-end witb the- formit Id1 P Etlmiztr sud lamally', Who made Le rnauagt-d ta rt-seL thet- slid gmîîuud ff a y parent. [Lie tvili,- thlr home Revers' years t asashutao niute ht-lre e could T he L .E . ay su A . . udr w o fa i cit liri h v.t t-t t he th-A rcher fl at. T h t tru t itm ,l t aloo k ster the team . lie an Ms. . . kdrws otrtdtofainillv hauei.,,.maing their home st bIgnon Buuday ande&pent thesday wilPxo,11h m eotdts r rae Frank Ray. igio..ptinto ulalre st grade Arthur Grenvaod, whouderwent pt>rhriitid ingonh@-îteyo a 0au operation lu a Chicago Lttspttal tht- Irscoarî-tîrt- Kedî su r.I I 1LLsA A5 &log e ekIfione e.g-tigRotbert Settlt frSunday for s several [jI g fue.wteke mtli tId.-ttle aud othen point@soai J W W U Mr. sud Mr@. Rez Wells ai Wsukt-gau, luterelqt M- Kendall bolds a pasition __________ pept seversi daysaiftast vttk at the ountt-. dl ttrital t-ff ai the Emptayees home ai Mr. Wels parents, Mr>dAI. Magazine tir tht-St. Paul rallroad sud N ~ ~ E .Wel br.thîs trip' sle l.t-lg made by al,/ ou tht E W P Tht Tirla Chapienot the Wetuinutt-r taff. Guilt i vlI meet vlth tMrs. Frank Wilson metnaIhevlgeA D B for their nazi ngular meeting, Tuesdsy 1 b-ni tinughoftheile AudB Novembe Pib. ater t.arntiitteti vas Instnucted ta look -Mr@. George Croken af Chicago, speut ilîto fle irittti.r of rt-buIldIngt the hou. Aunt, kighe'st froue Friday ta Sundsy vîtht rola:l"Bs truck aud reporîtt at the goxt meeting. O s ilt-rtM. Croker simo came outSaIut t-a er a-ni nend wbeelsoi the truck are O il iifOt day asud a ven Sunday. muidtuta4lilit m.a oeakened condition sud ac Mise Cara Miller, vha le a patient at it l le t- of.iti.t the board membens tePreebytorîsu hospital lu Chicao. (bat w itht Ili. et- eplaced viti nov parts udervsnt a operatloa there aset Fmi. thé- truit î%,il ost fnmssvealytare mare. gn CO dysud i9 jecoveriiig nicety. Albnt .1 An-Clu sund Attorney B. H. Mr.andMr. Eme WiliamientrJMiller lt-t Tins-doy ight for Pltteburg, lj 11Ih these makes àa r.iued Mr@. Msry Jobhnaon and litle' Kuc. t t. lirh cit3' they have been whi ILLINOIS omWaukegasn,sa Hrmy uts- t-ifLv ht- Il.,mtotalook after the meeose sbir ot Ltlocb tramFnidav ta ue-itereste tif C. tC. Copeiond. Mr. Austin p a,-te ytecut lr The Albert Faulknrtamlly moved tue Mller vs. .qtîtinted an tbeconeevaor MOWlhkUlI [rom the Mien Allie Archere fatiannsatorneyv Mr Copeand balar IKUflIL lvsnke avenue ta their netv ho-me atate hofdîrîgg lu Kuaaa, 4partit O TaT R n... 184-R whlcbham Jusi besu completedaon being @orme valuable oal lands. Tbey IdcK", &yavnue. expet ta returm ou Uaiuydo. o, ..Me mbers of the Federal Eeserve System"' SOME8ODY- 1S ALWAVS depositiog the moffl Voil earn. Whg don't gotabegin rigbt 110w 10 deposit a part 01 go.u arg ln VOUR, OWN ACCOUNT each inoth. end ailow im1 b earn 3% COMPOU D INTEREST 3% Lake County N*tionaI. Bank 1 : Toa;Eo1o pum:s::ms:su:a:m VEGi!TABLIES 7MOO-- 1 IFRUITS CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30 MIEATS I 1 GROCERIES p J All's Not Cake That Glitters Borne cakes are fixed to ctchi the e and bool the ta"te But ther would't oven take the booby prise tu a puefood show. Beware of dopod cle u cakes like our bresd snd other thinnu are made from the boit of materila Our reputation guarWBfteOs thia, The Libertyvifle Baery Phone 68 1Llbertyville, IUL ANNOITN( IMENT A. D. PALEY, Ma- De V. VETERINARY ýUR6EON 1Ias opeiied au~ offic~e iii I add'i Li very. TELEPHONE 4 ' LIBERTYVILLE FALL MILLINERY W. ame nov showins the very Iatest styles in Fail Malhnery for Ladies, bMisses and Chidren. You ore cordisliy invited to tee them. PRICES MODERATE. Waisim and Fancy Goods.T A.W. LINDROTH The PansionsCorset. - Libertyville t i We WeId RECElVÈD I )REPARED PANCAKE JCKWII-EAT FLOURS J emim!a's Pan-cake IIour le Prepared Busckwheat wma's Pancake f iour ePrepared Buckwheat fine breakfast [or a [rostg moroiog, with Karo sgrup, Wich we carry in ai size'packages ýRROLL & SONS GO. NNNN»@M !!ew!3930mum -vý 1 1 - moommmommomm mý it mua and Mr@.,H, M. Alburt sud 1Mr. Ailburt's Aides ut the cburcb ou Frldmy evenlng for the mrnibîero ai the cougregation va. attonded by over tva budred people, vho euîoyed asg evening ai rare iun Tb h cbbaLmament. where the tautlvittes vers bld, vaà îdeally decor- ated for the. sveniug, and the officai entertalners vere dfstingulabsd hy ap- propriate costumes. The pranks ai the aptlave'en days oi seveaol esre 5«o vers played along vlth mveral nDvwanas. Tan boys gave a pumpkin drIll carylng candias vbich mode a big bit vith ibm apgetators sud ghosta valksd vhicb vers esoliy determined bY the guaste. puniphin pie, hoked apçle f1i ed vitb lms cream aud marab1naltovs on erackes vers served vitb hot calle. The party brougbt together &H organisations of the cburcb and vas crtaiuly eaîoyed. 1ev. sud Mms Alkhurt are planning tem 1 siter wnien iunen wam mrvvu. . - y 1 Libertyville, IIL à ý & ýw 1 GROCERY DEpARTMIENT PHONE31

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