CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Nov 1915, p. 5

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k iA O ~ -l~i )jsENDpNZ'PRIDY, NOV.EMBlir6, lUth k Il I il I Edied by P.J. MOnK tme...Il Mn.. O b a M bl huat h ve.d daugiter A". la ww.oneln. M.M I ai iw TauWokm ae ars t ou banliues. Mondal. Me s aCaield of Waakeffa, ipome tihe midvihbehi.father. B. L. IAwoad 13-baofcOMKu.goa@i$ Bo. 4Çianli Veao M aflly gotoei to Suam" lonaeaMdi lte &Wii da vth M.. SlS. a. lmaam ima o KaMigi ame@poudin lcg e. vek vtb fieadis 0"idorilves a l cago. Dr 'DebegeFoianad vile of Tiamtta, vleltai frien miebe.ose SOcday. Job. Aha.1 aid viii rturooeIglit ?humuaday ftrou their trip througb the thil Iîlbery ami Esther Kelly atteded the Chicago'nud 1Madison foot hall garni ai Chicago laie 8aturday. Walter Ilyke. and vifs ai Long Lake., c9ée-eo f l .itMe..Saie eade and famllittMonday. Dnt mi.. the bg sale et the Btexal Ditg @tore . atonday, Monday end Tueuday, Nov. 6. 7, 8. Druce Drug Co. Mdark Nevlle ofI.lbertyvilfl, apent Sunday vith hi,# paTenta, Mlote AMlen of Chcago, apeut Sunday vltb bis parcnte. m- Mary Coton of Chicagao, sefft Banday witb ici parents. £MFflONT ET lir. aud Mre. oY. Wagner, secam. penled by Adrev Bertle and wîfi.. Adamn Bebin, Barner Arnao and their familles matored to Mlwaukee Saturdey moto- lmg. While thire tiiy made a trip ta Roly Bilîl. Thry .eturiid Monday aven. log. Il;wàvau a enjoyable trip to aïl. On Wedomeday. Oct. 27, et 10 'clock et et.Maar'i cbureb at Buffalo Orove, cSurrad Sbe &arriage oif redefflk Obonauf, ion oai Oe biaufof Fremont Conter, an m sHel)n Weldner, dangh. Ur o0f Mr. and Mr@. tea. I. W.ldmer oai Apiakisele a". G. N. Otto of thatJ obareh officlted. Nuptial hlgb mese vrai d. Tice bride *or, a gava ai vbite net over satin and earntcd a Mhuret bouquet oi bride'. resse and fille of tbi vailey. Min. Anma Vîldoir, ulseir al the bride acied ai mad of bonor and vas ttlnid ln aIl pit nd.a .arried a bouquet af plat rome. Albert Obenauf, byotber of tbe groom acted as but man. Aier tii c.remony a bouati- lui dimer cai covoi at shi homue of the bride'& parete to about fifty ai the eloiesi relative. sacd frieuds. Tii young soupl e lftThrday morulng ter Tenpmting, Grand Marsh, and otiir pointe1 0f latireet la Wlumm. Tbey wiii1 mat. t"r hon. vllh tbgrooma fatber at Premont. Ail juiat i, a vlahlah Ur. md Ire P.iil.k Ottema a ost happy and prosperona vedied ide. Cffde Cty In te Werl. Doctor Harkov, a Rusbmsiaavant «coe afamed thut Samam na.sthe ulablaiukt the Tigmu. mser BUae ta&. la thei ouest Cit 17 tI.laienc »v ieco ed show Shat laMai Sourtabaibefore ti arriviofthei Soute. la Chadea ar M..ptai Hero ame th.e aciolesote e onier- bdl value ivin at the l"allStore On. VIOLEr DIULCE FACE POWDER- Standardl Pnice 50e. second box le. REX&LIL VIOLET TALCUMV POW- DER-Sdtan îard price.25c, coeond box le REX tLL COLD CiIEA-SBtandard prioa 25c, second jer le. REXALL TOOrE PASTE-Staadard pricé 25e, seoînd tube le. REX#.LL LIVER PILL-hStandand prime 25c. aeeoid box le REXAL.l. CORIN SALVENT-Stend- ar-I Price25c, second hottlp le. REXALL MENTHOLENE BALM- Otandard prie. 25c,, -cond jar le REXALL VIOLET DULCE TALCI POWDER-Standard priee-25c, second eau le. MAX[IMUt ROT WATER BAG Sfiftandard Priee $2 0<, aeco,d bag le. B ARMONY L.IQiJID RIHAM POO - Beçandard prie 50v.. -rond hotu. le. REXALL SHAVINIi C[t4,Ak-Stand-i &rd pri e2 .e, meînd tube le. REXVILL TOliE so.tP--Standa-d pr 10c, ceond bar le. -LORDI) ALTIIORE t.INEN PAPER -Standard oncie 25c. -eund bbx le. COli &UNITY LIN EN-litandad prima 85c, box of eirreeponidont carde wlth be bcx for le. Dont fail to attend thia cale, Nov. 6, 8, 9, Raturday, Moaday andl Tuceday. THE REXALL STORE -DRC RUG CO- 'tomf SéýolSupplies j - - ROUNDLAKXE Il Bord'@ studio, 15% diecoant on Xrnea Phioa.duriag Novembir. 6es Mr. snd UMm N Kretcebner of Gra3 a liia compsaned by their danabter M t. Goa. Rende. ami family apeut Sunday vlth relative. in sprintG Oove. MisseDabarAmann vaaa Milwaukee *h lek *Bd. Mnre. *1il Hasa. .tertain.d a $Mttê@gfinis Koiha Sua- Tb@ LadiW id viliimiel et the home of Mm..Red ?owamod Ne. 10. Doit Smtha»d faeltymotorsi t Cbil- e« ga udw. returmlag Moaday. Mr. aIna.r&limeon lavlà, moa Ralph Impalii byMn.. C. A. Hacard seiml aord" wclii nlalve. la Bristol. Uri. M. Litwillr aad 5511e soe cor. Philldeiphis vWoanlait vatt. 1 Mr@.MCoalu.viellai bée brother Gàargm la Ciago as tblie h)lW I1e D. éboap of MuciusMBoni$. linve*lting at the home aioea. CaWIlas. Mr. Juste suami altyopeat »ers]a due as Rloble, niturmlm Sundai. Daelt lornge ta attend 40 Boudi nebool party i h i pera baue Viday oveaimg 0f lilé cest. Uvryboly vil. lii osbool .nteniai.. u a grant sue»«. Pi ty dollas ver. chaued Ion hbi mDow plano. giiecoau li h.e ornplted on Good- nw Boulvard tblu ce.k. This belmg 8,000 square tet bilît by Hondie Bts.. ibis ceaaoù. 0 Miss Matilda linen va. given a veny pleasant surprioi parti lant Saturday aitennoon, the oceeion belug ber llth blrtbiay. Thlrty oi ber girl f riends etteuded and repont a very ejoaelle turne. Mn.arnd Mr@. Sumner Batter entertaln- Pd relatives <nom Chcago Saturdav and 8 inday. 1ev. ilariz will prea h an Suîiday eft*rpoau nt 2:30 oclack ountil turtbei noice 0îda> achaîl wili be bell ailter churele. The Ledie Aid cull boli their aunual bazcar in te clîuncb on Frday evening, Nov. 19tb. An ovster euppien viii be cerved. Evenybody invited. The voiety et iMn. WRifl Melvilles vWàé veil ettenied. The, snit ocety cl me it îbMtrs. Jo. Merville in Zîun City VSc. 2ad. Mi. sud Mr-. F. A. Biler and famhly sadi . W. Sîver and cou @pent Suapay1 et. 1. ýSve'a. M. GO. e'orri. speut a coupla ai deys cti honrparents, Mr. and nIt King.1 iss VanVieet attended thi. eacheere convention la Milwaukee Tbur@det ami IPriday. M. ani Mrs. Loin..and ion @potq Sb@ vssk-tetahome. Wesley Warner oi Monon, Colorado, vas in h. village Oaiiig banda ciib frends ane day list ceek. a@s reporte Mr. Uolby's people veil end dilg fiac. Mre. Coarnieani Leura ami Mn.. R. 0. Marrie and Doria ver, Waukegan vlaitors on Frldey. On Banday aftmrnoaon Mn. Rapp and hlé iamily fnom Kanneba chile ont auto riiag met vilS a arionseacciednt aetii four mrnera, ei' fRuseli Wile Wtu te laavoi a mdil.lou iti some cneMissdrlvvm hie car hâithei rosi ami bampeiInta a large maple tree ta fromt of Mr@. Corris bue. a@va. badilyhart and Sco @su@iai beir acme a.nd'baade eut clth broken alaes The machine la badly damnge. A physician vae mqWmooei trois Kenosita vbo Sooki the lnjurd mai ani bis fauiily back ta !M. and lin. Clarence Stewart a! St. Paul, @pont cevral dayo witb elaxlves his vlclmty. Ilica.. Smith and Katz af Deplâire. si)entscevenelideys cîth Mies Hin and Jeeaie Cannon. The choolc di le cloeed Frlday a@ t Insîtitte dey. L. S. Bonnet speut Frlday in Chicago. Mirs. Jemale Deuman anil Un.@lietnire cere la Chcago Wednecdey. A Healloce'en partt, ce beld at tii. bome, a Versanad Erma Irving Batur- day. ,MisesClerc Fot. ha. teturned froin lova. . Rev. and idre. A. W. Saltard returued Tburcday from nVeatou, Clarenve Crawford, @on aif JuIn Craw- tond. and lias Adol Ray, o ai iiukplgan, r martled lest Wedeedaî. They 1 pent the week-end bore. Tiet will meke thelr home lu Ournee Congrat u. lationa. The [ladies id wll bold their baâzaar Friday eveniig, Dr. Jainieou and daught. n %11s Vida epet Tburaday in Chicace,, 1ev. George Mitcheill -f Oauti.gan. %peut Moniay at (leo. Jauiomoni'e. llenry Bell and Martin Conquette of lgbiaad Park eallei on fiends ibore. Ic«ke_?&//a Boyds Studio. 5% dlecoutt in Xmna Phoso. iurlng Noveinher. U5e Mr. abd Irp. Flrank Nain are remelving engrastuiatior-a un the arrivai of a .ell.. npuoum boy on Tues.ay ai luit e6rs. ur. @t baby bb.quis. it., Mr. »ddlMn.. Le. berwood ipont Bua- day vltb Mr@.. SOnvood'u parente, M. $Bd Ir@. Wlilngtom at Rlound Lait. e. 0. Monter »d id Ie mtared to, the liyOtarday,m r)mW~lg oday. UMie Maoseer'c Btors retntned vilthon mfor a aihors @toi. -D.. Meliasmr end cie, .ccaanpauil by Onmima Pierci, dmae la Joliet @at- unday for a vislit wti relative.. Mmi firuuamnd ior a riait vlth bur M& lMer Stiekese @bd daugiler, ai Grams te. smenf lt ai nday vleh M... Roy Morris. ' bev. Hutehlnson bis resuraed from i. 9outhero tnp aend occupisi theupulpi saniay. The home-comtat day vw» veil ohecrvrei amita ogond sumber prso- eea et l. srvi»a1aeltos t th chlichen dînuer ierred labte.boemt. S -rne goad routle nombera von. gim by les Berthe Barbeugb amd Ir.adIre. Deunie. A nine pani boy cci 'bora early Tuecoday morning ta lit. &Dnt Mre. J"e SinS, are Efflie GrainZ The Roy al Neîghboa badl their annual bazaar andia e cken aupper on Tupedav lght and tiie ladiee hait their nai &Ir#. Win. Wieber, Fred Weber andiMr@. Rum.b Hn-aey made u auto trip tu Chi. cago Sunday. Walter DanIci, Chîcaigo a fev . 10w lieGeorge and childten have returo. edî fico a viaiit with ber patents at For- est Park. Loîui aber wu@i n Chicago on bu4t nemi 1ibe irot a! the week. H. F aber wu§asai Autiotb taller IMon. ila. ANTIOCH Nels Spaugaard and faxnily moved lnt tho Overton boue. Satnrday. Mrc Klipvemtine va. a Chcago viilor lait week. lits Kettlebut entertaitied ber elter lait veek. Misa Elle Anes Wia. lu W aukegan on bucin.. Thureday. Mn.e. Zeigier entertainei hon Sandas sehool ci»«. cith a Hailoveeen Pary Sturiey .vening. Ou liamiay eh.lainerai o ani mel levla va. held ber.sthoId. E. cbmreb, bis deeth ocurued on Frlday lu Chicaga Xrna Photo., have thern made ut Boyd'.i Rtndio, Libertyvllle. ft8 Net Snday the.serie. lu the Mt. Pan'. church «Il ib. Jn Engliab. 1ev. Lceder viii spoui on tbe themn7 of TibeJàdio' JieaftiheSt. Pul No. Li . ma c-laina Die d.ll by &gmemtii rlgbt Dame of IL: Birerybodyinje Ivleod. Mrs. Oý Talntor of Walwortb. W.., Miée. Pllilîn 01aiChicago, cure the week-end ouest& S astheborne of 0,orws Kaici. Thé DeerOid I'aat.Tebir A»Soia tion hold th. October meeting la the AmimbI, hall 0f iii Orammabr sehool Prlday afteaoa. ýTb* ueilmm of the altéroo . Ii urhibeb. i pupile cho gare famus.Whteomb »,v. taitlea d omme th -mon.DaBy a Vote the day afmellahm a seinubaedéslaidla ta eh.lut Tua... dey afite.moti. T" .dose.clii h. 25 ceate per instaler. Mrà. Socle. va. imtreaudl .a etu tweCcii,. mi ebre for eh. auomistion. A largle amomas af vork vu. oelliaed aud ap- portlosed len om.ttloi. Th. iodiai omistlîte rved Ulm Marla" Cralg of Bigbland' Park, and a group of Commonweai Club girl* ver. entertalned et the bomne of Mr@.. Edtrenad Wedneeday. Mr#.. Leclie Brand wap ho@teen ta the Thirnhle Club of Highland Park, Satur- day.' Ail thoi. wbo bave made suboeriptiama ta the Community Hon»e are rrqueated ta pay them u taIlet Oroboru thi- week. Miès ladys Covlo of1Elgin, va» the week etud gueit &uf ber ubele, John A. Idiam NlildrAd Kuicerbocker of Chiceago, lu the iguet of Mi"s Elizabeth tielit. §diq. Karch sud deughier Emma o! Poga. ýWl. , are vistine eut the home of MW.. Kareb's son. George Karcn. Miae Mabel Coreuberger wu@ tbe vaek end .gueat af Mines Clarea ad Edna ljrendea af Lheago. Mr. and lire. F. H. Meyer aiud son Rtaymond and tire, Bert Eaton inatored tiu U.Lbk A i@., Friday miîbe ntbey vleîted at the hume ti! Dr. JameoT. Ozanne for a iew dayu. There they vieited their cousin, lMra. Horace Sted- man af!î im reî.rturuing hoine on 'Pue.- day. The R. N.ýA.- gave, a Halloween party Saturday evening ta the Manderu Waaod. man of Ainerlea à Mdica Eleenor Meyer entertalDed a lev friends et dinner Sunday evenlng ln honni ni ber blrthday. J. A. RîeeltSr , entertaiDed the K. K. elub and their y ouug ladies friende et a Balloveen party Satnrday evenlng. 'J. RUFUS iIITS' ORAYSLAKE; FOR- 4iOT TO PAY BILLS Several va... ega a highly edueaL- ei mlddie-cged mablec lt thii clty ai rcyslake aad reatid tic mil elabarctely tunnished *" ntas e Dr. meu~.d 9, uh de lu t o*fl dai boue ton gond for the dactov. lHe cie e regular J. Ru2 tua Walllagfcr, for hi flashi a big baeraiol. I1 loie.than titreday. i. was chie to secunre cneâit et aay store la the clty. Hi. credît cci the ceellag, and la came lItances, Ittde- velapo, is h di touch tic ceiltmg, for un WYt iejlgitth clty marahal @ont oitt Cii notice ta the cori et large, -WANTZD, FMR DEATINO A BOA" BILL A Mia ciobes hy theinoameof Dr. UcOnli or IMmCuUly. igit ive teut eflgtbahs. Weigl* 1M poczi.. DaritcomplexIo. waone du suimuanideoaebalt Wone glasese helait ieu on the itreete uf Oraysake. He for- zit le puy coerci othir bille hi- fare abaklng tie dumiofuT Orys taire tram iii tee" 1 Thi marsiel et Grayalake bai ad- vleei the police chletm la a hnndred or more Illinoism aie. ta errent hlm on slght and a ta ldintmuntil cer tramt rcyslake come 10take hlm ln uetody. It la reponted hat te myctenlone doctor left, bille et- gregatlng clome to $300 viten ite left the City WILLSNOW KILL THE (iER4S 0F rTHIE F. AND M4. DISEASE? Farmose liraugitoul Lake county and ail othera cita are lalerested In the foot and mouth dîeace quaran- Uine are beginalng ib vanden bac mpucit longer lte ban le inite cou- tunued. The tarta and stock ituiness lu eeveral commnnlllec ta completely etagne ted ce a recuit ofthtie preva- lence of the dîmease and the fear tht It wili he transmttei ta allier local- lies. t semme ta hi a populat bellef among frmera that lte comhag of snow wclii effeetnclly check.lurthier pteauing of thte dlsea.eand they are looking lorarinmare or teesas xi- oualy for thit amntie aifcitite te, coven the ground. 1 It la clamed that macw acte ai c destructive agent so fer as the germe are canceraei cod It la nat posiblile for them ta h. trccked tram une'plame toaenother. Whether or flot lita la true la natt koocadellaitely snd lt l. clerc hounaderceat "a oeratioonur wAUCO DA ,mLthe goermntal 15ld.d.rU cancer. He va. the ou son of Ir. amid sI ay. Il le taoca, havever. that il Mm. 9. Lwie, an metly beiovei b>. li not laie long citer the ftnt b.. nanyirieda id aboolate Boyd'c utuilo, 15% dlseount on Xrnmes acllîta tell chetier or uot lie bisman fians nd cholmtesMdPhoto, during Novemben. f6c5, germe ha" e bea tiIIed. bis funerâl wai une oi the largeut @ver held br. naimany frindms and relative. Mr@. FloydUOndircy of Cbega ipent Then*e are only c tee casesla inte came front thicago, Burlîngton and ilmien Sondai and Uonday et the borne ai Mr. couaty cher. the diiecue existe eit by toc m1. e. Bs a.onilîleen yere oailand Mn@..C. E. Jenko. the prent lime, but the lnspiclazu mge and his ieatb vai a Xg t a cnkt Mr. ad Uni. HRJ. Schaflen of Me- ace.takiag greal Paine l ase hat no many seaibue lwaym ca o 0beerlul Henry, speat Sunday et the home of Mn. mor. bors are lafectai. Baverei iurlng biesIlium.Se vii laid to rueS anmr. H E Mirnen. mammuatles anc naier quaratinq la the Bhlide emetiry. Mi". Gracs Wells of Chicago, spent andi culbho natil tien. le no futier Mr sid Mma Anderson mavei Mon- Sundai witb relatives bers. danger ot contagion. day itothé Cubiion boume on Nothi lit, ami9 lic.C. A. H epèe of Libsrty, Main treet. ville viaielaWnccideative. Moady. , ~ yj i lIfII OGo. Homkney in III wtb typhoi feyer, lame. Butehincan of Barrngtoms, vii- iIIYIU.FF1J LA'aED aloa Chai Thorn,. . itei at the borne of H. T. Graiam Swv. IhT IU n AT A le -rge crowi etteaded the Epvontb oral dey@ of lest ceek. IN VAIIUCK DI Ai League social bela in te burcb Friday Bor-To Mr and Mire. John Bravi aigbts on Tburiday, Ot 29. a son. EARLY SUNDAY FIRE 91I18àIrons Keulmen cau teaderci i Mie.. Elle aid Erma 1Lamphere af surprise panty Ftldsyr èvenlng. About 9 gin, ent Saturday and Buday cIti uebsns eto bllîoî t irty ai ber echool friads ere thora, relatives lu aur village. cahe businessîsectin otrdey mara. sud il ei jolî god imeThe village board heli tiroir egular lng china aRfn cua iscovared 1laa lits. Chas@lRicbards netneiboreneiuonthly meeting et the l&"g hll houai acnhi hi John Veuang af front Miadison Monday. MounaY evenîî.g aud beannithe report Wautegcn, a fiagman in titietiiploy Little Oenevteve Saburu la qulte ciek ofte -eial canmttee. appointir] toairCie Chicago & Northcestern rail. at présent writing. lnveqlgaîe th- cati-n onke proposi- noad. The bouse cas locatei direct- tion Tue comnitt-e reporti titt froin ly acrosa tbm sîreet tramn the Htgh- Johin MarCin ba@ starter] bis nec iheir investigation in týice urroundirg Wood City hall. The flerceoeoratie residence on Nrttb main St. tavus thes feIL eiicvirîced tbatlit vouli fine and lhe tact that lte clad consei 1,6 the propet action ton Wauconad a k ofYI i ietoscue Kee CS1 ad Dsifet lvieed frnutig éic elte Plans. No smaetks 10 liy lu cl d thnacit asa Kecp Chai mmdDisimfet irtt ber sacinwae..titken bowveîr, adciltebudIglaiineitan- To aueeesltuil.v proteel yonr cetthe tue marier ell iaiodonbtht&tken and itoo iht cbuid inIne. nihbr againet thte germicitai parasites tirat &sCninetlbhét)ecenhîer meting. TPhe Tih caah iefiei ylr cauve oof and Moth Dieeane, BOgiX l trie franchise, présenter] hi RaIp sTe buse, ortnm claa rn, cci Calcisés etlt ad is nfecr bandepyonr Peck, caa defeated hy a vote of 4 ta 2. 001 renîed cI lte tîme. ilcawulte preîlîce eanmaidlenietedaid~ou The minstrvi l(lî,îv hlidet a hlbOak-.seccand lIme the samie bouse hbcd eau al.taiil the boat results hy nming laid Hall lat TiurËday eveulog, wac agt t.Rm ae aClkta H 0 F-M O the nec dieneccant. For atteiided by a large gatherng, the ball posst ibe.ram aybe s onht aitel- liii pirtîulee witeta B. tî,S ~ belîîg paclrd i. tic claire. Tire ente,,r-l lhe aplace cand poaahly setllire 1306 clo SOîh Ave, cicero, 111. 71,2 tainunil mt ac tic,. thrcînghout and MIl t îîIt y dro~phng ac igarette or the decervemiî,ritil c-lit. The net reelpte aubes tramn a pipe. MILLBURN MUTUAL INSURANCE ariioiiniec Ctîh$10 At cny rate the bouse cas cncpped ASSESSMENT On ()îelu,tii27. oceurred h In flamecten lte lire cas dlacov- Tihé fossés fot 1915 oai lb. Millîunumarîiigof ai 'iiNaa 0. Darnell and ered. The lire deparîment respondei Mutnail in.urkîîîe Comîpany ama)uliig Aibier', W. t ntli, thCe home aifP. KF. thclacrlty, but te lire hardgalami t, $12,761.5'2, the Diteetors havi. levieîl Pinrriii hiciai, t 1:00 îîe(Iock p. Ini. sucit a tarI litat te efforts of tbm an s4,-îooent îo! three dollairs and ifiy 1iîî,.iatJ ' u tc tc cnori[y Ihe'deparîmient ceri of no avail. About cent' ($3l5i) on each one thaueaîîd diii. hippy eupde 44tCc fr a shliai îdlîîg ail hat could lie done c Ca eme tiat lars inmredinu. It lm due and wiii be calied trip, it luriiccg t %rueuoda Uonda n olter builings In tbe nelgbbor- tot inIi )peîîtier 1915. eeînz iiiiîiukilig thelf bomj. au lood caugitl ire. John A. Thain, n;ceav îe le.îr ,.ei m.awlier, the graoni le Thte police departmient are Investu- lilibum, Ill., Nue 2nd, 1915, 7, th. fr t iîniiThe 3 ouîg mani bas many gatlng la se. chetiter ornotathebmfine f ..nds icuir ecri ciu-iity Thîe bride i15icas of hncenfilany origin. The Indepenient le ttie cout'. e to.i-mvuingut d.iîIghcet o! Mr. sM r.________ 1y 1-pag vilclytiton-> S. O Dariell aid I1» ane of the popuar - by 12pae.0 kly- t'ay ivery. 3iing ladiep o! Waneonia eexsi Late Coutys "lweekly-MNDE boy aesI.a ur eongratulauion@ to:bbapysopl.PENENT. COURT DROPS THE CIL&RfE À60IST ô DION DEFENDATS Case Proceeded This Mong With But Three Defend- ants in the' Action. Waukegca . 28 . At S8 oiuOck ttis aternoon thei jury retu'aad & Verdict Of "neot guilty sand th* dfn4ntài vure diociting.d from actody. itjury hed itad thte ca" tender aoatild.r.tlon for &bout 30 Min. ut-u A largi number of Voilvipeu- Ple vire Pre.nt In te courtraoam et the time and Chey expnaed mucit iutleftlon. The aeut.w»va.epma »Meted by Asslatatant iiie. Attornecy ftunyond. aie defernai by Atterna., C., P.8rOC Sane.d Thteedre Pevby. The chargesaa t i lxor0fel,ea delfeadats In the Zion 0CitycaMla hean drapp.d anidltesib detMdants have beu dsmlssei.Tihe eVo- eedei hie moratag dih, oy tire. deituiant&.lit va. et tic claie ar the clateaiae tiat Cocunly juùlgu Persona bheu heC the state had failed tn m-kt amy ae eat ml t lite Mdannts and the charge ageins theu vie dtsmiseed. Thaom gilie chom the charges cure iroppud are: Nonuan Meitrlie, Simca Enliey, Seiuel PFcrrar, John jMubaffey, Buron. lunaesan ciHenry Sehieter. Tbose wcio cere flot dlsmisei rom the charge are: George Wede'nlnd. James Leecit. Harold Lee. The caae tarted Wednesday fore- noon, laating aIl of that day cand c large part ai today. It grec out ofo alleged pranke commlîted by several Volîva young men following tbe muni- cipal elctodlin Zion City last epring Ini whic thCie tbeocrattc patty vas thte victor. TIhe maximum âine Ini case af con. viction lu a charge of Chic nature le $100. SEEKS INJUNCTION; SISTER AND BROTII* ER ARE DEFENDANTS "sNo!- 1 Said Éf 'l wauccwha 1amkk 1 knav what il cul cut ia chanoes-iei', omm i Calumet ui1g Wresala-ai puzit] adm omry. Y.nt« CALU MET bIhg powiSe fuyats bàorn bac. ta It. Culu meml t dcal.- let wk pa*. Herman J. Loeseh, a remudent of i Highland Park, through Attorney Wil- liam A. Dean. of Wcukegaa, Moen4y, fimdt a petitian lt circuit court i. whicit he asked that an Injuactlon h. granted reatrainung bis brother and aleter. Frank L Loecch ar Hiuhlad eu..paoilil.g IPav-dsruon Park end Mary G. Dietrich or Win. ssvoyouaauiy.Caumiie.1 aetka, front dlepoulng af hle pruperty land hf apodor l aa mt md nda %pd lio orderlag thent to returu vitatever property of his they meiy b. holding in tbeir namnes et the promuat Tie lnuegeuiMatlà thie outb% e. ' lime.l an .y reatpeets the suit te iy Ilbago vooldy-diate wbëeq. anecanc ue body taie%:IL WARMTII WUTIOUT WIEAITII Attend Ca your behou*bpelag mà. ian't wattutil Tinter cwiii uh. It'a mafer and echeapir mcc. OurhltIco for repalnlagor nenlg .t orabe&- citer bea In, radlatars, pipe., Va14ve.4 Pte, are cxccptlilp go900&w. aM experts at mec lnétallatiomî, ehaailag front stove. ta fomu irapidey, uiea* ami eflctlvel. SCea or b.5-10l"I hestlngonvT«coa, hiati, lis. 1Vf eaier. quleker ta, bout, ive.. a àtila beait andrernêve e diaganofil.UI ce do it, it'a righl and guam.aas IF IliERE IS ONE MAN WHO ANOVE AU SIDI HAYE PRINTED LETTEIWEADS AN> ENVEIOM'S THÂT MAN ISJTDE FARIER ......... F AR ERSyou who write for cata- poultry stock, or desire other information, do you know tbat a letterhaad beaing your naine and addresu, IL . D. Box and the nama of your farm means that you twUll get an answer qick. Your letterhead looka businessu like and tells the house that you are progreusive and modern. The letter written on scratchy rough ruled paper marks the writer as one who le flot fully awake to present day correspondence. If you have a photo of your houas, 1 -barn, stock, orchard, etc., brinor it lu a thave us make a cut front it. Use thi. eut to illustrate your letterheads. INDEPENDENT JOB DEPARTMI3NT ,1 USELI d play ts

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