JI p jiUY' at Xmag photos, have them made ai Xnias Photo&, bave tboma made aot Boyd'é Studio. LlbdrtYvillo. ,6è8 Boyd's Studio. Libart-eville. 6es .~I Mr. aud tirs. Aiherttayder attended 1Mr. a%1I8Lirm E. 1' aniey e..ntirtalued I the tuerai (Jitho later@, nephew aitiMr. A. and Misi E Joies 0f Edgsatsr, IBarrington SundaY. over sîîiday. I -MLra, C. Dot lier @peât part of lest week Last Friday ..venlngthechildreli of th. 8y T. F. SWAN l ouLkaîih her daughtet, Lre. Ililuie-r ethool and ibsîr tescher, Misas E.p Correspondent and Agent (Jeorge Rosing. (lrftvf gave a tlallo*e'en social. Manîyb _____M__Lr@. Jolce and Mi@s Sarah vried pleasent games wero pîsyed, besîdes _______ rienda in USk Park rec.ntly. potatue and epple roasis over a bonfire m5 at Lire.ini thoe chool yard and pie etingeoCu' 1mea Pboiog. bave thenMMi Ma WiII Heeck.tweiler le qulte iii and tests, of whjch A: Loweli won fiit Bovd's Studio, Lhryil. 6L8 has a iraitied nurse lu attendance. honor. ,Ever u~euiuîed a Pl.-aanet b. Rvine SIOPe tir. Barris of LMarshall Co , loirs, laeenn d *' Bpnot week are: FI. visting hie daughter, tirs. Wangeliu. Gieo. IDresde en Who le, mpOYed ai the A. utile. 4; H. A. Lra Crittenden l3 entertaininlia e'il ce, Kee & Chapeil Dairy Co., le eprillîg a bob, 2; Rohert Rouge, 2; W. D. las Mary Oison. 1,w daye vecation lu Waukeml a Wb..îe Portous,1; H Luehe.prof. john vaupleir of B.-hit, epent on Priday, Nov Sth he vili inarrY Li'au Mr., sud Lr. R. A. Sîiith vais MOo, the week-end with hie parents. 'MUrgarpt Schunîncler anîd on hie return Cii viitra ue1aymiss Enma Redite veut to Chiceigo vili rieeldtu the Wm Lomker bouas et Gilbert Shaddle of Foregt, .,II sui1 Saturday for a two ireeko tay wth ber Dlaruond Lake.è sunday wiih hie hiother, Frank sutd brother Dan and !aîllY. Lire, W. Ptes and moithpr, Lire. leaily. mie Agnes PaYne viited relaltiveslu Klelîert were Chicasgo viiti)i5 the latter -Ife. snd Lr. Chartoe@Keuipar of Chics. Are& Saturday sud Suuday. part of! ast wek 9, mA. onaywth r ad r@ .. Miss Esther lilas wu@the guesi Of Edna Lro.Phil Mor@e and littHo danithtsr1 AI.mdr.J . Ajsie se.ralu-!Shepherd the lest o!f he we-k. lliriib îranmocted I biuiemsai WVaukegau1 Merg d e. ss.! faly o! Chicrauo . Lmr. F. 8S Dolpi. entertaiîîed ber lest Friday. aorraua>à r. Roand u dsouf iagocousins, rà. LMartini Dckî'r ioiNorthî Fleury Smith, the ten year old sou o! oe*runedang the w. Chcag, sd Lre.Bor Liet l w .- Mr. and tIr@. Wnî. Smith ioiftarrinigtîn, an gmdt th wee. - Chiago andMrs Bet Luk o Wake-di..d O! diphihoria at ihat Place la'i Mr. Buillock, lo ba b een employe gan, Wedueeday. Friday and wes buried ai the. Luihoran by tb. Ares loatitute mdved Monda> to george' Havkln u @ &s eWaukegan csnery bere Sunday a!r..rnoon. Aléonquin. viitor the tiret of the woek. Lst Saturdav ettarvoon Lilas Lunule Xgjy lRouse spant the week-end wih Clark Duunu la attejidinfi thie Waukegan Saîîdmau gave a miecellaàneous chower Vi.ol" Wels .. BuniueoColeOin Wanke~g5f. Hehbegen lu honor of Mieso Lirtieman. Everylioiiy 1ý . Brdn, hobasbee eploedhie course thora M.ondary. enjoyed a pleasent utternoon)nand Mise lauObeage visite.! bre a few daym ast Mise E"s Weller o! Chicago, apeuit he Sauduuan proired herôelf a deligbtl vesk. week-end wlth her lisiter, Lra. Frank sutertaîner. Cbbrlm Jolinsonaud faminy bavetakenlVcay Mise Lena Peters le apendunit a lew the Yoms bouse ou Marris Ave. receniiy davs vacation in Chcago. vaeas.! b> Mr. Bullock. P m S R Harvy Lstbrop of Chcago, speut Sun- day vitb bis¬her, lire. Anuse 4Latbuap. Aài"onbr of Young people beId s Eoewmu oPart ai thé Tegtiaer let a id Se."nstatiis Vilnag hal Pl»Wo eaiig (boulotB) me mmI tu hea f epasy oqasmd te b. 'aa* vbàtb»Md eà! uls.. IIEaa.pae.! i fmsoqulsSly ~ -~ Im j. 01 smlbtie vum abw .hlsssiaillais.buS ii o POIINOL PROOREDINOS a Ieuee a »sng o!f Ans a th T=100 od"y. Nov. 1 191&u tsstValos. proesdet Trusts., ig"Lhesh.Abuot noua. rm unheo lb. prerloui meeting wma iam mil approre.! on motion o! 4héand a.Irving. !TmItiescrer ihen rasi! is regular nueiby report blcb mss audit., b> *9 *ansu..eouprniteie sel1accopls.!on meof ! rving and! Mure.. *11e olomng bille wvere resu!: PuaIb lerviCaon, ligha-....... 85 96 KetgsBHushisllngltlng 6 65 W. &5u.M . lstppi»U .... . ...- il. 112 I.LR. Sede, enrvylg-------.... 8 00 &. A.ateon.freigbt-----------..... 88 1eietb.io.Inepdentpublisbing 205 W. J. Williaom. îre mark-... 2080 B. 4L sn, 4devsl.-.......124 00 Pubiahvic~ostletllbt..45885 Mers.!by Luawll sud Knlgg thai ail bille b. aRome.! sud varrantu ha dramo ou tie tasasrer iu payaent o!feme. More.! h imlgsan.! Irving ihattbbc ?ublicServW Co . b.instructa. ed tuiali six sddiioual aitreet fllgts ai Iollamm: Tmo ou Park Are., anc on Prairie Ave, 'oie on Naipe Bt..ue on Seymnour Are., oue on Lake A v..Carne.. The sqsihero batiug tbe pump boum pqo bit o lb. Ore aud mater cormitee! mdli power t et.ci. mm jourged0onmotion o! Wels T. F. Rwau., Cirk. Mrs. gleamw Gbbse aud tamlly sap. praclta tUs b.lp ei Ibe Ire on tlnmlt tùm lait Sattdsy sud misb Co thaul thé à"isesave.!lie barn roas burung. Ti Mra. Riloor Gbbs. Palatins. Lira Wm. Eddy vusa Chicago violtôr part o ent ss mai. àAnon wuosbrtMr. sud idrai . H. E3sphlsarer on Oct. 19. TbelifMaou odaakleeentert&IW t beir anuS, NisAnderman Irmm Palatînle lait ieek. Vin Myrèle Richards sud lriend Mis Brmèe ofso!iego spenî Sturday snd eu»dayaShM»formaéehome, WIIIRlh7 sd !snily spt Sandai ai W. W. <iedlee. TIl id hll rature. lut mel trous Bsmglhe wberi@4 espotltha peut ViS. A. 10* mRI ive r. abua.dance le, bis vw bars on Uaturday aight Nov... Rvry10d$,la haitSe. to nos. lire,> . S.11 Ker sondeugbter Fies. Me. mena Chicago visitoea Monda>. Cors Krugerr @pent Sundi> aiborna. MilasOtt oeiGeneao, leariltlng ai the hom@, c a ir brother, 511 Ott usai Long Lake. Uoyd Ritacuthaier bat talien a pasition &à Genos, Illinois., Lira Hole uud daugbiera Bertha sud RattIe, Lir. . E Knedler aud daugbâtor Plosie motore.! ta Itarinia last Fnlday sud @puat the, day vlbh Lira. S. S. Stanger. The Lsudiee Aid miliimeet vli Lre D, liltataer on Thjurscfsy Nov, Il tor su ail day meeting. Hat Dey Oongregationai Churcb 10:30 a. Mn. Sanda> secooi 7:45 p. M. Preacbing. Subeci "A Young IMsn'a Frieud." junior Choir ummii880 p. m. Baturday. Senioç Choir meet 7:80 p. m Satnrd'u. Ciurcb supprSaturday, Nov. 18, !nrn f P. m. until 9 P. rM. it lahopod ihat wahi mght hear tlc sermon uda> evenicg. Ail sre invibta.!t he osupper. Prie. Skhbr adltsud lifo er chàiluren. Beni. 3. Triéey. Lilleter. Lauhia' Aide Digelofi.' 1 Ldaugiierteisa mrecelbbfixe> dot;u; la1 on.eoftheb groatut hboe to digetion vlth vbicb I amnacquainte.; an.!tie mutore prevaîmmi ameul our bneeftbeiiof exctlng I at table hi ietae end! bWOfonsl,Wt ninde.! on tv* medeal Drtnpiau-Hnhlsd. T..A,,.deO. : 'More ears thnaiL Waul.Fer Saleou et *In ltn. IN. meec I o " DmEN04NT jeuch ISM Bpren.cnilmamm cmia! A Deposit of $0O or more Entitite you to ail the priveleges of a Checking Account at thia strong bank. There iii absolutely no exi- pense attached to opening or main- supies farn'sh-ed frAou. A tupiesng aurrhckgfre on. Ai THE CITIZENS' BANK Safe Deposit Baxes for rent Area, Illinois "MA"E THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME" Ui. Geo. redtko sud eblîdran apani Saiurday and Suuday bore ai tbe home of Mra. Bradtkes motbor, Li>u. HOuri sep. idra. Roand! Sentier ti ou tb. aid llt. XIaiRome Elubrean@punt Saturday sud Sunday bore vltýbebr paren ts. A vie, lap rge cv.! ttase..tlb aquerde Sonday sv.nlsg wblcb vus given le the Oak Park pavion. Mmra bell i p enertil.!ralilvee oear aturda u ad> à, Bs wasnps vglen Sanday avmulq4g ai tb. vlage ball for ail tb. youffl people. Ail hail an anjoyabte tiuie. Lira. Dora Blankenhurg an.! seeral fridi o!fOblago spet a few day. boea sIber usummer bhom The Herrîn fa>ily o! Chicago baes Dlmore.! mbo the fielfer reeldence. Thno Lake Zurich Commercial Associaiý tlon bel.! a meeting Thuraday ereulug, tbe enhieci vas the "000.! Boads Pro positiaun" The Wulegau Commercl Assocation mai Invite.. Donations recolve.! for keeplng and repairinit roade by oui coffumiselouer. Icrd lGrimmi. a! the tomu ut Ela are as loliova: Milas Elisa A. Spunner. $8500; Jas. Suebaîngoer. 010 00; vhich bai boom pal..Mr. Grimmrnbas acterai otbci partiswho have dogated mhich has udt yet heen pal.!, amonuuiugt to &bout $250, Miss Elisa A. Opuaner bas, don- ate.! another $50 for the Iniprovement oft ruade on a paition vblch Pfe Grima thie colurisalonon aI Ela tovpship t CASE ARGUED__SATURIDAY. Officiais of Zion Are Restrain- ed From Enforcing Existing City Ordinance There. Waukegan, Nov. i. c Circuit Judge Claire C. Edwarde aia noon ioday otored an orier for an t Injunction In the case of Bradford t Simmons againat the ciy of ZMon. Un-. der tbe terme of the restralniug or- der the authoritilea of ion are en- jolned until 'furiber prder of the court from en!orcing an ordinance re-r latUng to the locatlug or mantenance of llvery stables, boardiag or sales stables, blackomlit abopa, fouadrie.. machine shops, public automobile or motorcycle garages, and! laundries, al witblUr the bouadarlea of ZMon Ciy. Tbe ci>of Zloa nome urne ago1 llastd an ordinance wbich yrecrlbeà the business and! resldenil districts of Zin Under thie ofrninance Sire. mon vas reetralnad from ereclg a garage on hie property. la tact, the work of construction ou the gaage was stopped ai the Urne. Stimons ai once took the motter Int the court. asking for au lnjunc- tion on tbe groumd ibai the ordinance tendait toward persecution of hlm bat cause be dl.! rot belong to Voliva'o faitb, rather iban trylng to regulate the existint condiions. The boire- darihi as establisbed ln the ordinance ware attacha.!. lu entering bis order toda> Tudîe Edwarde Raid! that au or- dinance to b. supporte.! muet b. rea- sonableansd he dl.! fot consider the Zion ordînanoa lu question ofthiis nature. Tbe attorneys for tbe two aides argued the matter ai consîdera- hie length lent SaturdaY. At the tires the court took tbe matter under ad- visemeni. S ideiiendent reade? IE ONY. FROM «ONRAY 1>-ar R. alors et The ld.edu Weil har.w are, a tho,îsaud miles frowui e aonurud amile abive opaeel, la Denver, Coluurado's irf-alewt en'Y. Stop- pingar et S4 hi.5lot.l. wlt là Iil' iinsr tudo;. but helieve me, if i ioîîld, 1 would ho awfuily tempted îo *tartlihome îoulght. 1 thouglet I mas a long wa53froni home when 1 vaA at Waerloo, sud !artherj ai Belle Pialnes.but 1 didu't réally r. 'lite dth. i toi.! Boti ward dîsi wtod si dàho ( ~ itold Hiiiward thotarie.!to r- along witbpia ber th to I)n-nvt'rýp.ud ha? partlaily egreed itut'Uni-le DrBsn tdi stand that, 1s0 ho lînglit e herth' for bote u! us. 1i he t e cost hiiîî $4 50) su me wera usherel mb othe okler 'ai Belle Plaine ye#terday utiternoon ai 5:15 viîh the privhle.<es il the, observation car. We veut to the r ear aid i.ook chairs ou thueervation cal' ud itavedt tbere titi about seVen. lt mes thero thai i began torealicevhat vashujîpeli- log, 1 vat going westmitr.i ut a iri01 from 50 tii 75 miles pet bol>. M t~JZILtmlt 410 àd cbra wpieted bist-%ý7erre lu the OF ountty jail. AUé T. T EADS atateent iat e bsdhoard JUD(iE C5 EDW RI>S à ahot ai Detective Charles mer- or of Waîïcegsu. Relu doe.ibdtis John Massow, 19, Year OId Boy, wa usin. >u b Sentenoed to One Year Term " OO DS RBAN in the County Jai. 003IS The tact that John Msagov cou- NW~LI( AK fessed vire tbiel, te but 19 years ol.! caua ~.! u e ~rste extnd e tonUe taî<r rwai LREL tfnced> hil to but six moniba ln tbe Waukgan 'Real Estate Men county, ~~*,~ w..w 'al oeýRiagd2.SvTe annût Cm n a ls vas sentence.! to serve oue yesr lu the local couni> Jail. The two mon pleade.! guilty ta, the charge on Tiureday. This mormlng the telephone colla. pany presente.! evîdunce 10 show the gulIt the prîsonera. One of tbe wltueeaes iostlflod there have licou Tii geetfui ooncene p ebu.! 50 i t t urngthe Thegrebt ullmoo cae o beludyear. Of laie he salit anme o! ther1,1 u-orerythlng vas u.'rfect, 1 vas lu the occurred ivo or three trnes a veekf.t rich man0s place, but sonîehow i manie.! Since the arreat of Mameom and RaIs, v-) slip over the railing or tho e ak ofle cald there have beaunue hette. ibMt car sud tart for home The theti o miras, ha salut, repre- There trasn't an. awfnl lotte lu i sented more than the actuel cost 3f I hetween Belle Plaine and! Denver, th~s the vIra imself. .htle surestimes diMf-t variéty, there mes enoi.gb o!ofë , ci elcae e hretewr thîugtq. Lest nîglu' se ment tbron.ch ci olct îltweetemr ouacorer ! te Tani iîdleResrra bas beau taken an.! 1! thon la nec- t;on. Whben me atu>pped at the village il essary te moud out s gang ut mec tbo sur one ludianu fainiîly Sitting by the 1 repair the damage. lu the meantliffe dept.Farhp auweoawt1ir iogef 1thera are many telephoue oui of de t . alw th er e u tevs andW ii lo n,-$ service. H a sa l.! l as require .! waro like hen houera. The land! on the much attention ou the part ot the Bserration, tlîet va could ses, vas the telephune company lu seeklng te ap- pooresi Imaginable. I dont thînktbtat jîrebon. the ihieves. they have a chanc- te advance sud( Edvin C. Austin, represeutlug the gnus lhey do't vent to.atierney flrta et Hoi. Cutitng & S>.- Later ou wo ps-e ovr1he.De D9r attOe f temo ie ilaphOue tOm- Moines. Riva hridge, mhicb le 315 foai pool,.vws Presmnted and urge.!tIhe hlg au.! oua moile long. It vus dark court te lfict the maximum penalty. but tha moue made h o llght tha% we Hoeald hao41 nit visb tioap~e coul.! ue a 11H1. Thon vs vont ln and .!vblcblve.but .ddad thât Iho consl.- vent te bsd-it vas fnn-.tbe rutt i..m n.! e hcrima o! tamperlug vib ithe 1 bad ever siapt la a bertht. After vo gos tOîePbOe. iresad secnd 17 10 luto e utais.1 eut go slop end .id'i uBle terfering vltb thns United States uma& eupiltl about six 'cdock. 1 ils>..!in Haei-W.!oft.tut m a âaihes i bed. looklsg oet the viaeow ItU nr -11caU a ocor iu aun erSgeny cam. som. T1 e gol op. I shvi d, ndIf bis tolaphons iu ont. et aarvlca I cleus.!op sod me ball brisk!au (Ansi mmanuha muai aliber drive or vallit Nil jgave unsubmach dandy lunch. und. te thimorn f the physiciemn. vICo betes, douginute, cOMO. ente Rois daBo"illàlbvas tibm IraittIre. sud apple..) W.&fiish..! moettof i fur bo ever 1110t .baenl troubla. He de.ý napper iouligt and ovstili base wtulm" ha bu.! stolon vire. bot sMM.!hb isegin bnylug our est@, the tiraitlime bapiseme.!&long afiler lb ha.! beeaustog. @Ince I lots born.e . Lmaneov aMU.!ha nover ha.! t*l- 0 The ride %"&ydayvs long, slow, bos anytina belone. The court informe.! an.! iireatere. I resut ry book bal! tb. ibm ivo men plall ho dit! fnot ha- e ur nea ie.! luthe observation car 1eve thereansu d b. otItthetr mut o! the une. (Ta make Sbe day crime vas ot suMfetserlousueis le wlonger 1 ha.!lte put un> match bacI an tond Ibae te the peitentlstry ai- ;'hour ibis moring ) Th@ecommoneet iiougbh le coul.! not do tis becaue >thlug i oaw to-day vas ý&,y stocke. the amount o! vire taken wvas not 61 They vers the tirsi things tuai 1 conlut sufficiently large. Ha direcisdbis at- make out ibis nîoraink as lbtbegan te' tentilnen peciali> te Massov and.!a- g el lighbhutîd rode of îhem, ail over the rfield@ aloug the rak. And tbay con- ltinue.! al the way. ometiies ickr ). than otberosSwletlwues allaita insteed o! r The greateat part t !thai territory QUARZTILE 6(Nbrasia, Colo ) is gitannip ti rancehes OFFICE.RS ~ su vo sm auy'ut hon. conatîies Pris. George W. Dedme sý am large barda o! cattie toi> The j Vice-Pr. 5 . L, Tripp )t tovus are o@mail aud fanrIstweeu Ther's T .H A *» mL uothing gr"." n i& IlI th"citent but the So. R.. Laîshe ta patchos îîf aifafa ean.!tilat usîialîr louis Sp.I .Lzmn ------ -- .. --__ k-DECTORDO 1) ti il ri 61 E t bhey cnt four crupa lu Coilorado. la western Nebraska and Colorado they 'aise sugar beQts and I vas uvencome by ibe great niuinber mhich tliey tais ivery mile or two aiong theo(rack the; haro ositýesotu, ebip thons frou anau. a il tbege places tuier bave placeok for thaei tenia lte drive îlght up orer the cars an.!dump their iiadA. Butthe faccunlo. cnit %tae scar@ o! tiiewn anat ae tbey are harveotei, so tuer ame pile.! up near ihese stations. Many o! iheoe piles lol tu ha 1001 fret loîng, 25 ta 50 il vide an.! 15 It hlgh. Large field@ofo!beau bave not ytibren touche.! andfour bore teama ara baunliug ibom overy wvbcc' &long the rondo. Noar Deuver ibey aseo raies catîbages by the acrean.. are nov loasding Ibena loto cars. We saisons largo Irrigation re@esroirý an.! 1 tilultha>ue irrigzatien quite à lot, Iu Colorado, Iotaef1ibe field@ more corereut viîh luite round bille o! n.. ous fellom Rai.! that lbev mere mnde b> a kinut o! prairie dog, but i did ual me aoy hulo%. Wheu vs vers not fat tranDonver a man ihowmethlb.Rock> Lite. in the distance. They wveu uilesamsya" u about aIl that I coul.! u s aieb. sow cuvorsut pos.ls agasami the sky 111e grast white cloud@2. 'Plyfnglîtena. me for I arn really afrinsI.! theb.mountains, Wa arriva.! bers about 4 d'cio<* and!malle.! &roundt the "tracts a. 111e1 eI ent le. the poetiifflee, ezpeculng a IdItte, but didu't get une W* miii stav tiliLiedn. day sud 1 uhisal 1 vili gel Il thon. Weil, vow looked up nome trains sud the% vont lui a picture sbow ho sort o! birgot mhere vow mars. Than me came al sund aMe the osioftutur lunch sud then I vrote th!@, Eo yard le adiog limetàbhi. eWii chie.' foirto-uighi aS 1 amn tira.!, arnay write more tu.luorram. 0 Yourson. L. Gardon. 6LIr Ilar l 'inbi« eccmpanicdut n bie trip t, ' vlbs coituin. Howaird Torputise whrbose lth., B. E.Terpning. -a une tume station'u ent ait re,.btle now Siip.rintu-ndffl of tiielula division Gow ge W. DeSmet 3. L Tripp Wm. Kisse PL B. Lamem H . L Fishner at the Present Time. Up to the Pranent the chiet com- plaint açaInst tbm foot snd moAtb dit- easie quaraîptIne bas corne from the tarnera of Lake couni>. Complainte nov are comlng f rom a diteeni 'a estais men vbo are complain- Wg. They assert that ln several Là- stances tbe prevalencee of tbe quisran- lune lu certain parts o! the couty han pravonte.! themreSore puttlng uver tome Important deais. "I received a louter today frore oua mlan who sed me wbetbar or ual the quarantine ha.! been lifted," une real estate man ual.! today. "He aald he had coma to Lake county a few weekq &go mlth the Intention of clos- lug a deal, but ba.! beon provente.! f roui dolng su because the quaraubine prevented hlm t rom reachlng ithe place. Ho wauted to know If tbe bau la lîtte. iftow. "I bave Investigate! and! I am con- -vinced' that the quarantîne stili te lu effectinla isi Pari Of the tOuait wbere ibis particular deàl la le b@ negotlats.!. 1 sball baa l vrlite te My client sud tel inlmte valità whle longer." Otber resI estate men lu Waukegua as> tbsi areconfronted b> ibth am sltuatios. Tbey M7 tier, an mev- oalI deels ras.!>to b. e edv"M the quarane la litte&! lel .asiresalr? ds 0ON& «.Samuel Sbarkey-Zion Cityr- di-unkennes?"~ querie! Judge LaBuy, of Chicago. hiseoyebrows alevate! lu surprise. "How long have Yeon ived thora?.. S"Pour yearc," answere! Sbarkay, who wus arreste! P'rlday nlgbi ai West Madison sud Haisted streets, Chicago, white undar the Influence of lUquor. "Muet have bean due to the long drougbt," sald tbe court. "Mesharg- md.', caugue Pape. 'He looks 11k. a f001l" "Bat paie ho slet! me ta> marri blm" "He has? Wel. don't siet tell me 1 &Ae' .ize up people."-Houston PoeS q4 >1 No lnvestment ln houschold equlpmtnt briaiy ln so wide a range of usesits Electrie Se rviÎce Considcrs Ih gives you the linest artificial fight, afid properly handIed, the most economical and a Noient tire- less servant, ready. et the twitch of a switch ta aperate appliances that take over the liard labor and increase comfort-and ail at liglit Met Every hemni 0"m>5tesbc Wired for Electric Service Mm Mes lw. We deih*0esl 34 Usi-essaàab Public Service Co.1 ai Nmdssu DL Arçe3~I Altr November Si*i* iwfl b. openfor. buanmon. TUIESDAYS and SATURDAYS/ umtf1t nrther notice. Xarmem imuide a mile limit must bring perng .D. S. DOLPH. COLOREO CEMENTS CARBOTILE 1 DtSltQuartz tit £ompauy COLORED CEMENTS AND QUARTZ TILE FOR FLOORS AND WALLS ]F&CToRaySALES OFFICE AREA, LAKE COIJNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. iUJNis CHICAGO. lu. Teliphome Are& 250 3 TeleilimliMais 1065 IT'S A BEAýR,-CATI! Al Four Cylinders Working Ove;4me YOU can BLJY NOWAISjiares of Capital Stock in a rapidlçj-growing busineýs with probably as good a chance to grow up loto a bI# ttw#e as ang sa the land. Ibis oifer con reachonlg a limited usmtser of purçhasrs. SHARES$10..00 EACH. Bug them aend the onIg regret wilI be that gou did, not buy more. TiERIS are so easy diat jlou wig neyer mniss the. moe. OU investlug a Iew dollars teck mols.wbet gou cou spare out o ueur terni 6 be wlI b apply sMprld et what a few dollars wifl do. Iulomato<igladlg turnisbed. You are invited te vlsit our factorg lu Area. See for gourfielf. De SM'nelQuartz ttgoinpaw ORGÂNIZED 1907 INIOPRTD11 . 1 'il