(70U TY F ID.A , NO PJIB Ký;,Page '1even N;IW 1w lp ourelves aloptg. 1 caught 11, dit te "tý% i, ais, tPu',te iEW S 'i~ AW fiat , i ii ù lni, as, the., 'I Pti ST~MAS IERS ARE my wo rk w,,Ilý îoo,dy dentes thtannrn i 1jýr1oert aemyjý( 't, , B t.r -evi 0 (('.Iixy c o U ~ nNEGIE IIERO MEDAL mas nk t.;;a1 liarsi1 seVii, toid ren. oIt 21Sxyaf O RDEED TO KEEP 1 waà Dot alIx-d il, etha loit seti l,'g t r 7, I in Il ',oînî,~, FO IS B AV R f l l l, (,'ad 1 was raid that a%,arî :1, w r annouriel ai t' I II' ey, ,IcusIL of ot ts hargtîs w5t~e lue, iiu(tii Oi_ debombmission here 14VNO, FORM R ASISTA T LIHT-ta lie ireierred iigiu,,, nie, but thaL today. In eight case.s silitr mtdats W ro i est F~~OM E ASEISTAN W H E- 1 woutd fie houorably discharged. 1 were a%%;rdecd, and lie fifty rwo cas,., Bee n BgStamp Thefts Ha: 40 H USEKEEER HO ES-didnt want te, t,, dischargel in any bronze niedat,. îTews, the Waukegall ee Started by Members of r. WORK 0F COUNCIL. UDW LI U DRI vn a1rsgidt oeW uhmn eevsi rneôPsofc eatet TIIRE LOCAL DEL- Wauicegaen, Nov. 2. SILVER WEDDING 1I r PIKE ASLNERI Fen NA,0 a co rs g th epro idetlyd mane oftie brcsot meir !Isvesc_,p~m r-1-Recels.. letter frrnm Gement & Com- wihe ta getruu, tnssc (rot poeî. ornes udt h eenelso ixo bs r1l' EtiATES ~ ~ ~ an oAIE N :: f Racine In which tiirout ta ANNIVERSARY IS TION'S HEROES ENTITLED ivishe 1 wa. bock aatggry gdott têind, sx f ahs a oh . ie are reiionsibie for Ordler. tethe city In ont week le made. Tis Os REO ITO B CR a gre;to h einonso àprmn today 2-Discuse ordinance providing that NEGIE COMMISSION--FEA- cae etiinf aundk, als sn ,chlarn were greandl ededu of he oter v i o-.tua'rth gotLaecu- uncemai thunHT EE. aild deasr ofy goildren muet prf theseVE anS oYtreohrwt tar keeP on bond a smnaiier number tect th. inflammable, matérlal. _________R E nrerr fm adm ie" b ple, ujc ath i,,tû: tmsan ilrvlubeppr I'-olice rprstu fnr th fnheh ao. ~ -~ A .-AER-drcl nd to guard tiPm more caref*liy County Cierk Lew Hendee Is lg rpr o h inhUo* Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Moody and CALLED AS 'CARNEGIE -Would you go bac k in the service tiOf the commuission, in 'arious way,. thant liereofore. Losses lant yeaé Plautu onl LegjlsldUt i I im , etd l a reevd. Mr. and Mrs. AA.Murrie COMMISSION MAKES elSeweei lcgrruuuîsoi eega4d mnitte-Imnportant One. fC.Property owner complal:: that Are Principals ANNOUNCEMENT. T olryu paewsakdhi. badton1teeuoey raIntdtocay$0,O. iHis face liitencd up -as the Car- i ft six cases sumoi aggregating $11,009 h odrecet oîmsesc two odis hae ben brie In ie the lirst ctass, so Postmaster Daniel OfIhe four Laite county delegates ltI le loa e e.y T:ertty -bie years ag a Thursday or Emil C. Tews, former assistant megie heroe winer smiied througil were apPropriated for educaional pur- ýG a yi itaf cel u o4 at r labo atteiaded the etate convention of lotItheocal___________obe 29, 1890, occurred the mar- lihn ah 010cr ie bosgf dmmd ys ndrelid .j offices Pymnt a c ad<auee- nLilake pstofieouLke g-a cOtmty clerks antd supervisera at niage of Iwo Waukegan couples, the, harbor, bias heen bonored by being sureiy wottid, but lid like t0 go soute: Pli and approved; and lu forty cases tv will be compelled ta comnply witb S5. prinfi d onswek c mtea o h m RbidSn.n ceremony being the sie- tawarded a Carnegie boe medai In recà other place than bere." ýaad grgtn 2,0 eýtenwodr wee ppluedoncounttes JI ter of lhe grooit In the ollier. Ac. ognition of his bravery on Norember IAccortingiy, if appears that this madie. ta be applieti toward the pu,- The postutasters in Laies couaty Henry Eger, IICIInIf hecoin L cordingiy, It was lifting liaI Tinus 9, 1913, when ha roscued Wailn Bon. bero, wbo rlaked bis ife for anothe-, chase of boumes and ta otier worlhy have been Instructei ta requisiiou y board, was electeta the positioni DE subl day evening on te occasion. of tbtr delin In te lake at the risk of bi& wibu xeîn sado eon- upss amnsi hs ae wa mnths' suPPlY f one ad hue. of pevs ofth con nt ls eand ' U .N TI NI l lver antllversary, tbe two couples own lite wben doseris of others linei ,tien of any sort, while bighlly elatei wiii flot*be mad outil the benefici- cent stamps at a lime lnstea4 of froisa 11upsd r lie en tin e n yi d~ 1h.IN con- sIhoulti celebrated the Important mile- the south pier and were unwiliing te orer what lie la ta receive fronu the ary's Plans for the use of tbe award hhree ta 12 monthe' supply. Tie stnean antti temI1 give the hanter aid as ho Carnegie commission, wouiti like a have been prvdb t. coms3 venhin Ibstte--Pt stemps etolen were mostly of ti. Cut lr e edew l, p lderly Wo a sFudDa 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed O. MoodIr 218 Tews' name au"as lu th0e tist of a Medal or sa, In tact, bis frisnds bere jBeoîdes the Carnegie. haro modal, In the belief thal brokers In »oMe dpointed on the legisiative committee, at 4-A. M. by Husband Sleep- North lteia Street beros ofthe country, recognizeti hy are of the belief tat tbe recelpt et Emil C. Tewm, former assistant liéhI- of lie langer cilles are tiisposing of d r~~egs.rded as:tbe mont Important cent- ing in Bed Beside Her. 1 Mr, andi Mne. A. A. Miurrie, 608 the: hero commission as gîven out in the medal and the consequent revela-ihouse keeper, wlî recoive $1.ooe in teso od,,otlIsetr miteo l. Superviser WilaiSouth Sheridan rodteEast today. Tbe Sun was the Uion of bis herolsut may cail gorer- !cash tronm the Carnegie hero, fond are Btoeng gooisc otand Insetoyns B- tlatton was appoinleti on the coin Waukegan. Nov. 2. Mir. Murrie before ber manniage on hc oetemsaeo esment officiais' attention ta bis pres- commission.ar ein eidcend retyg milles ons erdnii anOnevsr M aa gdnDn,6 er a is od.sse fEge e1 Twhis bor thne Ibisag ofin Os clt situation and resuil In bis rein- This addllionai news of a rewarid t en peapes.o Ldn inlifca lma Hoîdritigé vas piaceti on the cote- olti, wife of Blyron A. Dunn, died very Ed Moody; %Irs. Moody prier ta ber'not been consecled witu the light- statemefll, a course which wouid .0e 1for saving Wailie Sunderiin's ]Ife ou n mak wsrepniefofa- te itte o reoluion. i ibs mn. uddnlyMonay lgh etlie hoemarriage was Miss Cors Hucker of balise service, os aîpre<'iated by Tews and hie 1No' ember 9, 191i3, came ta Tews Ibs is nmrswsr8onll o a m1e onrin rInulos an Ibise tran- suheni linera orsh of berecer home troteat er er itlai seen that 1,0e delegates frein 80i North Count.v sîreet. Il la not the town of Aron, take county. Mr. ' Whien 0e was tlt of tIi, ricogni- famiiy mo1 n gnaite ri 0 e ons kw. Ike county were taken cars of In iknOwn Ju* what lime shle hiasseil Miurnie was a WVaukegan Young man lion thal bas coule îo Iitîîîî Tes' PRAISED BY REDFIEL. 1ucommission. il was under date et Aw 0fs goPBmse rd litns aole. away M r. 1unn bappened ta awake et the. lime of the double marriage eyes flled with tears. hi .îtied a Assistant Lightîtouse Keeper E. C. Oclober 29, 1915, at Pittsburgh anti A eko oaoPsnatrGsd The convention openeti on Tuesday. lit fouir otbnto this mlornlflg and madie 2- years ago. %V.hile It really vas not ratlier sat yel satisilcîfI si-n is h u e Tews ou Nos emiier 21, 1912, receivedi was signed by F. M. Wilmot, manager a andt eo h lookout for One of the fentures of the days u-h lriigticsr Ia i ie a double weddlng, Ilaimant was" sal:~ a letter Irn Secretarv of Commerce 'of the i-omnussion. Il tells ut therohebeusseralrgofce ilimstatlig dicovry hathis ife Itw 1In the central anti souheru Secion cf tenlalnutent wss an 'automobile ride! wluo was býing tieside hinu, was deati. so. Il bas been the habit tu refer te "I neyer expectedti 1 giý îituything Redielt. couiuiending h'm for bis lie-' award of tue nucuani and the $1.000 the Stale bave been noibei viia the' ail about the cily ta vlew thc goot iilearl diseasc e Isalînibutedl as tbe the affair as a doubléi wedding andi, ac- for whaî i did- i met dtd tl Lieause roienu In rescuing Wizliie Sunderli in cashb Tue letter Toliows: ps e ete r rd a mode, lte public parks, montnenls, <canse- ut death as itlaI known slle hall cordingîy thecrelpbratlon of the Ivo: i 1 t v as uty tiuty aud tiet a th1e réeently wben in going aller a diuck, "Ptsug, Pa sî ew nt he. Mar. iteI G nd y a etc. In the, -vening at the close of lîcen 111 of lOis coHiptli for saine couples was belli jointly Tburstiay Lord heipeti me ta acconipltiti whsl S-untierlinsa tfe a-as lu perhi. 29, P lîlsOrg tatei onband ai cares peut1 f and the sessIon there watta stmoker. tuime. erening at the M unie resitience i set out t0 do wbcn 1 ai Wailie If a-as untier date cet Nosember 13, t"Ir. Emîl C. Tews, tiaI bis stock of stampe aud vainable On WAedneàaday Congressman aIi Shc had flot bad any bati speill whlch formers- a-as the Moody homle- ': "utierlii. 1 arn more than ptessed. Washington, D). C., as foilows "714 Beliitere Sîrse, puapers la kepî lu a vault et sWl lime. 'Large William E. Williams gare a wilO lier beart recentiY, although elle Steati. 1Tews' act of heroisot tîlook pliace "Sirý --Rferritig la report of the "Waukegan, Ilinois.A abinhno epoythle W ak which turoseti rery interesting. hati been I'reatlng for tOe aliment The actidings which occurreti 25, en Norember 9, 1913, as fullý àe bout- restie liy yo on November 9, 1913, ".Ny Dear Sir:- Post oilice, anti ln case he nobbera Hia aubject vas "Gooti Roatis. W, fron lIme ta lime. on Nionday, ac- 'vears a go were performed by the! ers anti others lineti tOe south pier of a man by 1he naine of WVallace Sun. "Trough the courte>' of the Rev. shoulti gain Outrance ta lie building -'W. Baldwvin o! the C.. B, & Q. lh.. cordlng ta members of the familly. enaie Poster, the Rev. Lewis Hlhbarti. t th e Waukegan harbor, alt seemîng- derlin, who vas driftlng away Ini a George Mcflinnis, of Elgin, III.,li ___Iroposeti leglelallon fra Lai amenti- she retireti ai 10bo'clack Monda>' ets' Iaptist pulpit becarne a local neW- gis move ta rescue Sunderîtin a mau. comuteuteti for the service renderei commission Oas heen calledta1 an act The postmasten ah North Chicago, ment. Ife tock lie stand that 1e ning elbe seemed ta be lu ber usual paper edItor. He dieti sevral years of 3E, who, wOile bunling off the, bar- OH thbat occasion, wOlch tact vîli Obe Iperformei hy yeu, by vOich, on NO' Lake Bluff, Highlandi Park, Lalke Fo- m"present plan of taxation la adequtaal. beallO sud tidti 01 (t inSt of feel- ago. Mtr. Nurrie anti Miss Mooti> bar, bat broken an1 oar and with a noleti ou the recortis as part of your rember 9, 1913, you saveti Wallace R. est. Libertyville, Antloci a"d Grays- Dtugias Sutherlandi of lie linois tai iug III. wr ntdI araei h od erfi aeboig a rfe Ofce itr.Snelntandahb rwiiI ameudment committee, a man wbo, is SOutime belveen 10 o'cloOk Mion- hoeum eiinmrig n 0 otytnf ae onvtg Shaida driffet .1r officia miitrle Suntril theu laiae, b>'ain arsun in. lae samelanthe' vil of k tonp aui hom onfierianroai; n.Mooi> mie m 1e lke sinalngas s Respectfuly, Lake Michigan, et Waukegau, Ill tiesmou s uppîatt y otl sali fora elle ~~seeking tu s<'cure lie passage of lie 'day svenlng anti 4 o*clock Ibis moru-&iMs ukrwr are t69wn hth a nditpsadug N.RDILSey" Yu ae feratoog netg.sedo 2 -hl re hunr ainentment. &aseredth Ie stalements Ing her beart stoppeti beatiig sud- Marion Street, Mrw od aIglgsmbd acuet i _. -1To esddntbato isattowscniere mrlt tO etht;valtitsadr-oT: et1 aEFELD mec>'.' ofu th. star. f.2 ~rta iWonda eqisinn madie by Mr. Baldwin. denly. Dr. P. C. Kulght vas nm- ectdi alho e a let thesfen fuiiy s tiozen hoate lied uîcar the sud or 0e e hati dons anythlng great the commission beli tbIs aftenoou; ________________ There vers taiks aise by Messrs. monedti th1e bolise as soon as Mms. the Mtoody lot. on the esst sud of of the Mlle pler, net one hunmer roi- tbrough bis ovu efforts ls eritient anti 1 have mmcii pleasure lu Infordki paymenls are matie ta lift =motaes Wilson. Bratt anti GasO, Members oaf Dunn's condition vas discovered, butýlbe stands tOe famliy bomesteati. unteerei At lest a boy narnet Ar- f rom ibis quotatlon tran The Sun of lng yoo that In recognition of youn o an settie floatiug Indebtetiness la th %ae lgwy omisin. h. êpredthtdeth hd a hnIl vas 1he -eremony ou Marlon ItOur Smith ran up t,. T. ws who hall Nos ember 10, 1913: heron on tbat occasOn the commis- orden ta nelieve the beneficlar>' of lu the evening Ihere vas a banquet place some time before. Street that vas liraI Performeti, andl Imet corne from the ilghuhouse, where *Tews takes no credil ta hinusef- sion awardei you a bronze modal, anti burdea anti give htm a fisai otart, ai the St. NIcholas hôtel In vhleh Nlrs. Donu's nome tefore lier mar- lafter \Ir. anti Mu-, Mootiy hati heenibe Oad cared for ttue tatoi. if was It aas C.od's wiit.' 0e saiti. 'I knew1tOc sumfi of $1,000 for a vontby Pur- The benelilcar>' le requiret te furnie Ex-Governor Northcotl vas the prIn_ rage wa- Sarah Ogletii SOc vouiti uniteti In marriage, lbey, wllh th- about 7 o'chock ini lite mornfng. TOeý lie wouiti nul tati me anti Oc didn'nti pose ta bs approredi by the execulire certfiei Itemizei atatemenla train is a cipai speaker. .,have been 65 years oCi bati she tiveti poster andtih1e gues waiketi tiov boy toid Tews what bati bappenie WVitOout fils assistance my hoaf committee. cretitors, andtia expiain untien viat The uquestin of taxation anti 1eP intil thc endi o! tht,, month. On Sep- th block ru-t ta th, McOdy horne, anti Tevs matie a utash for thoný *a couli tiot hâve reacheti Suotiertin in 1 saal be obliged iIf yen viii kinti>' circuinstances lhe tiebts wers 001- nosti anud tbridge law vere the phln- , embher 29, 1904, stic aa utuite in O here Mui 'os anti t, oIe gel bis ovut hue;_ Caluîg ta ne,îrhs lime. f gise the entire <'redît t advis me without tiela>' b>' leler tractei anti nernain unpaiti. Payaient cipal poinets brotugt ni for titteus- iuarriaep on Nr. Iunn aI C truitd lip- intilafels a,-uà timTeti in marriage. :m<en, 0e tolt thite tii thtrow ahi tlic Goti b earing your own signature, wbefher of an awari of lOis close depeats up siot, Tluq mci fng place next ypar il, e. Mi, b ieing lts scrou aife. Mrs. E.ricouple acrorliuugty attendedtire Oc oars they hait rît,, thte tboat andi 0e Qtuotiîtg fr00, Tiip. Sun of Nosember or not you vlsb ta accept the coin- on vhetber the arnounts ailegedti1 b. la tu be' aî Quinc% aflhouth Joliet I)umui coleilu Waukcgatî witii lier ottuer',, aedulhng aithough thue ceremo- vwoutti sa'.e Suntîerlin.tii. tItt:, Suîtietittis versiun of bis 'mission's avaris. If yoor rep>' la f-et aeiuîttî.vshrbstst matie a bld for IL iustuanutiitmedlstcty afler the cere- l:,e to,,k place ti different homes. iis words hi, st dl,-. t e hue r,eîcue rescît, a uit-h Oas brought a Carnegie ftrmatis-e, the nielli viii 0e ortierei. were Incturreti under propen circun- To, focal dehegates ret truc t) i t, tîtuid tall IIffs- here ever silnce. The Cetebrabior, Thunsta>'. 'When i sa Suiiderlin, he was modal tu W'tiuuegati, was as fituas- snd ahIl he ticiveredta luYou as soon stances, anti whtler ut ls ho the best 'helrlow : rFia gfp o -<he matie mai,, fruends wbo aili 5ie tiî-l.fiies gatheref at the nid about a mile froii ohre. Tii, tiif « t tiat zone 10 the lake shore -a as it Oas been receired froin the man- Inlerest o! the beueficiar>' at the lime and lii a-,rn of h îttîlein Me oul Thsr5da v entuti, atîcre w as about as 1iad as une coulti ex- bottt for lthe utaý sud hati Jîst set u Ou aîtrr nithemn> wilI elIqlaetun ni se. the doublte aîdl n n tîiversary a-as pect lit tat lime of eu and1 t thoîtglft tiny buoat ilere wv-s a large nsuuî,er buelli for Yoeu until il le needei for the Tews la Elated. JU I NE0FI-tirtl uitetan fuortuinlig cv1 buthratediiu i i a r dçu ltttt!ut on- It was a uset-, s - t.i1'n try f0ta i tf îuttr hîiiî,teru tuntiog chose ta plurtoe whicb viii later be tiecidei -That's wîîsî1 ill ask tiéet ta do iRS niS ONE if t1 s il? &( lîi < if , t tr, bin. bol malle ii o iniutîi i esotutt shtore. I saa a flouk of duteks neai -L th e exectutive comrnlftee. -to lift tOe unorgage anti dean up i r. at ist- hir<'h îiresidtng Ait Theri- w-ýr,ý7 f is iii attendance lit least îry. 1 îtt- :;îs i ý Iltlîtte huat tho endi of the -otl pier, ireil Ito 'Yours ver>' truly, my debts," salid Tewq. adting: "hey r lsor serif ttuains s wlit be atut thu> ul t, ild tii- uiquc dItiiefine - ati usteti ttiy ]i in the hand-i o! thcitt, Oh-iie iiutiuner andîtI ountP M. WILMOT, vaut ta give a Mn a uîew siat andi IR TT DR N O 1!a don a tannd takeu ta1 Grand lion o! seýiî týi ihiidr, ut of the re- O theLrdi aid t 1-11, -,1 tlît tlue Lordt aloi liiekvdth . mh uI. h vas io fahrls- "Mngr" thal's what it wI mean 10 me If Ibe>' Ijapido! foAdaa. r . le.e spc,-tiu,. riAit Is serve 10cm. eacu voutd nul forsaku- uit but bcîîi s ale isater iiii i alýluut îrtîh Ibo, McGtnis' Letter t TewB. a-ifl clear ts' clc-ts 1 ove. That GAN ERRrttîE g taIi r îb- î dress 0cr accomplish ahat 1 ýýugt to dou 'Aut boatî uround in uî. itaptu,'d. Andtil thfle saine mail ibis mornutg $1u00 o douht swtll c'1ar me up lu nuothtîr 'ait o isur i o îîî le -iug day lie beard mv wrsî r 1S rouaeut ont -l vettet tau i treotan a-ho wa, ru-a-e recîlJvet lis ]citer froto Mtr. ic- fille shaue. Natiiralhy i appreclate lie Returs Frday rom Crustan 1flUMERRESD~NT 12; i'i<r tiruto-.&t oto fc Iaa t -lit loneantiiintltutheg afit ie l1ai-nty nr onlînnnddacti I CbiagoOctolrt3: reclpt ! IheCardi bu o!eours Temperance Unon Conve n- '-'"~' 54Â ~ tte ttcIp îith an 'tfreue Mur- vas about 0r itluio a toh' bruku andu t o ru ti ind gel a 0bsft. with ý'Clicago. Ilinois, th it'roney whll dir- l>' beip me and rtc' didtI h' se'n tt anti as 10e>' from, the sît)tnu Vi thttu 1 camne iiP an eitra uuar. 'a it iiu'e reasou he "Oct. 30, 1915. uuuy fanuîîy monre tihan T can expWan. tion in Seattl% Wash. MRS. FER(IUSON, IS _____________rn het uneln ýtioýhýpIqi t( idntdoibt lo selourial ýNr.Ei C em t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i Eul hart Irpr itîr- tnnîcu at h0 e ftths 1,oa. ILALJIN s.e;sonel. Darsssttheunnîuthî,ue atibecu nur- hrc foutostiiIn ttd.ni-: oe sa th tie t ts riIlngout 0 dn WatkofnProtPastrsantPotesantChuche Kolîrý illian , Jnnie a nd t i s at ~L[.fI il In ut,! nuîirî t'iy aue 'îurked inhi bad ~ltrin' tutt kee Out CI gî'rîtu vtîr sui t a ch momnîtt 'Mr Te~wWs: HoId Annual Meeting in the srp uv.D A NC LF R I h*1, I u,t o ii-t. il t natrll' -Itlc troughliii 1c- guit hott titi- tîr 0iii ciccj ob ,itusi7cuî. t vs tgur'n. îIcoi ohm h g, T'! t dlt o-cltui, t, ý(, t-iontus to ire oi- boat vas tinîtît mire andti as5 Pachet mittuite fOut a Iishirug tuug woîtîîî reJoice with >'ou ltat you hase ait Th . M.ka C. sera A.socia Ter ier n e , Un on d egate s ai t h e10 M rs . ia n e F e r gu so n W h o ia d en n is pre-icu t i e m anaccut tii i tt m y boat, 1 o l - t h i, a ssistfarn c . l s ob a n d t t C 'ge e a fo Tio n e ll a ies n a ni tral m eeto dia-h lgnbtr fui c~"e. naoitt tMan y Relatives H ere, Pass- Att of ther iilriof bhi couple-i rowedt-ight acr futis which sanc "I was autile out sud opposit the heoia wfor finhtt ils attîtuta meehn a hi In~ ~ ~ ~ ~i edrý pasmus onie Monda"td '% litre ru u-it .iý ,o(i ts, itichuding fonr forthvith. Suntu-nlî'to astbc refincry ait thuat lievie ewswsYuwl o aeopru yt Y. M C.A. Muoîla>' aflennoon anti anti~~~~- ic rn i uukuutîi iaul crow ovr your cocottes In Wauke- fete ftawservehhs tfcvpa evers rn h fred ure pthsî, W'aukgan d Waukcca, N. 1 iIr. atdutir.,n.- ut r. anti Mrs. take vas so roulthilui't ultlook tus ait hife, grabbcti a beal-i, oit anti came ,a 1 tuat it the effort ho have eett 0srea fiestrn i letgrao vs rcel cdtrot tos l. . o fts o! ri-ensburg, loti., I our anti s bath t, i t huack bo the lu n,ý assistance vvith art extra Dar. ýgn refaaseiI O itîos c es'ensuing year. gale lu lIe W'oas COristan Tent - 'elsCal. telIlng o! thc dtict o! untre,, tut T -e une sisifing net- Ipler sa you cati au'-. we hiat 1 tafae 1 tteri starîcl btck 1a sb ore, but as wil lue succesfîut arile ibat sonte day Rev. H. G, High, pastor o! the Bap- gat tath, Momn'sChistanTen- r s.faiue Perguson, eier sister o!1 uies taut fitend,, Ocre for a short a Ilglt ton Dtur tires att the aay ta My> cluthes. acre trozeut on me., 1 -yumyba h vdo btw tit cburch, presitent. - WasO. niotn centiome iteattrit amuLs Cooper of Grant avenus o! Ibis Ilote. shore. t d1 dtn't thlftî k Iitich o! ftir coitidrl hbolt thtu bioat 1 the seil. A 'in Waukegan. R1elr. vH.rh Ho ie r tsnt.Jos' aOlant tr Ju home tat e Frid -f JonCoeafNvYrM atra îet nte di sure>' Heuer ber selit tOc boat anti Il: ýp Youurs sîncerel>', lfrouuri.icprstu, nghanNrry l ulce tuas a 10 te a lralu Title anti Msrs. Iattie RogeriHSA.9~IDl expectedtial gelt tutn neaard for a-bat sieti. 1 Otunely boat lime 10 gel lute "GEO. McGIlÇNM." Res. R. Erickson, tpaster Svedisi igner uc istkn h lc f Los Anugeles, behovet Surit of 'ttrs '>O""> SELLS RETP N f titi." lits boat. Thteut began the hardosf se MetOodial cimurch, secrelar'. of gape ue o ! e eslth Cora Dow, Mrs. Fliorence Warren o! FROM CANADIAN TRACKS. Tevs w8bonre Jatutuar>' 7, 1871, in struggle oif lu ires, ta gel back lu Specifies ils ThUseesvtilt elitea- temperance workerso the We t. atuhsegao, Mrs. nets Kelly of New the PotisO part tii C-'ýmaîty, aI Posen, shore, anti si-cpral limes we felt sure Ttebrcomsiapeîesva ulT nsgfn t>'evceuti -The juilce la matis train naspbiernles York City', Mrs. Lottîm Cramont andt Waukegan. Oct. 28. near the Rtis.iu i lue anti thereforc ve werc tuet. 1 hau tled oîysetf t3 use liutt be matie or motte>' given ie- FIrst Itapttst church. Rer. Higi, o! -et'f biac'îberrlss. -andti requenît>' vs, 'Irs. Bltanche Davis of Seaîttle, WasO .1 eala epne atecl spst4 er flg.H n i yba afia ne hudb os111saeo apnin h ats hrb a hsnt 10ejuie b'%ira. Maille Temple of Escondîdo, Of -u- nottuer country for men, andi famîl>', coosiîting o! Itis vife anti lire, lost. 1 vouu lic, founti vîll the boit.tiuiu utthr'aad. 10earepectO emo.Teoinph ,Modes hon bat congregatet at sta- Cal.. James Cooper Jr. ofLoe Angelet toi"ýý r -h is gtsing 0cer boys 1a tOSIl chIttren, tie ait ".14 litlitsiere sref. In the imeantime, the Gamasi Brolli- dialujeu lIt> tOree classes: eaO tors wili oou eu-cls ah hie pulpit ties asagth ine t>' Iir ornes, si anti Mrs. Olive Browning-'anti EhIa ,on oui the ticruans.' salid iosea He vas sassistat lit.'touse kieer ' fihn u. litcmadufD) entls, iisabfctcnt henlefits anti n ilass I ICsrie Tuttie o Lot Aneles. -SeI,,, wit returniti >'sseria> etoi aIhe Wauukcgan ftghitftuuse for a i - Camash auttPndadrr, aobtenttbncii ut1els 1M . Ju t. 10 pie sur o! uso mol a fev sans M outreal, Caîtitia %here 0e spent lhei e over ix sa nesignîng M a 7 iîeroc efot agel nul o! te barbor istubdisio s : ittu,,iocss estabtin- Ti c the f tetih n o! )liet M inlat "We aise badth laue9psb ago liveti on Jsckson streot, the CO-- anrommer mouitît ait une o! the Ian. lasb. Prier 1w thiat lIme Tews baul ahen their ogine stattet. These tvauw0oaîuhItîIt iiti :tng tbromgh Ivo dry stats In the lier of Grand avenme, Ibis Cil>'. She Igesf race tracts ont fOis continent, been for tvo years assistant ligot- men vere near>' insane wîlO grIef ut, men ut-cutietionut expense, Ocaith ne- klng-Oregon anti Washingn, for vas belovei b>' ail wbo Itnew ber' 'Tney have ot contutencedtia1 draft bouse keeper on the' Milwaukee plerý îiîy are personai frlents of mine anti storatiou horne tuurchîîse, indeblet- F B IRSCTO~A 'ko te go dry ou lthe lot uay sant vortis contnt express bis noble- men holo tbe naý>' anti army but be- anti ton elght years prior ta thal lImae- nmatie erer>' effort possible tb go to m.' t ies,,lt"; sln living expense, anti W.B u ~ u .v éf Janary."nets of tuer character. Mn. 1t'rgm- fore luog t look ta ses Ibein do sa," vas bneakvater tîgOt iteepen at the 'assistance. Tvlce Ihelr bIshng tug ,lis ellaneotut aide. %IAN5 U FACTUAUN OF~ - Bearerstrnig hoe Ms. uatton healtO failet her. Then abs sait Oc. AceuirIjn,ýte1 the veii-known Milwaukee brea'ivater. snuasbcti agattth1e plan. The lieWît otag lte.M r ie'ý m a t i e ~~~~~ I h s tw r n e l i , W s . e n t 1a L o s A n g e l e s t a l i e i h l h e r W a k g ' - t n a a a b s g v e n t h e A s k e t vh y l t va s t h a l e r e i n e a i n g b o a t va s a u n c h e t w i t O C h a r l e s , T u v i c a t u t i t m o r t g a g e l i f t id . 1 h '( I U.II S~ 14 an Francisco, wiero abse visitot'ser& _ is Tutti anti __ s Roe- pic o! 0c1_o_ u1e a o-._f i os-o - teakga__Ol iayrst b sssat lhbos uie itIO Oaamo-a. nO