'. -4', KLY SUN ~ES PJ( *IR$T CARNE TA WAIIMCUI W i* osof umh. ýMd OLD PosTAsTER. Sorvloe OMMut -in cLr4 Pauteil, ter 40 years pout r at Miliursa, abonuty, sud iiy Tsrsa àuercis llah t. dlsd lun Cic"go tils Wedeass orata. ad 84 rems -dàstb occurrsd ai lbbousm$ao »WIc d"zkttr lu teutba f ie netropoUls.He b"l bus c'fer nMme tii. as a rusui de esal at lflbur wta m be ronaIns, arrvfu t ss at 9:820 'lock. ServiceaI M7, ai 10:30. Lived la Cointy tLo* P'axtonlvas Ose of th ipouecr 14iosern cs çunly.bavina omr iesover haif a ceulurr. HMs e tore tlu Mhlbrcfor rouerwvu cl, stars lu ta" locatuy. As bmw ho se rved ticegovetmet Ae yomm asudIIÏd hic dltlsohla »" y yers of bavina oegu et or loa aoum u y olier maslu -"tte. hossStroa m aaigi-. ýeL Wadsvrti. orsllrddmas yolr5 51sr "o, cop k aitbi Mr. Paton u"s Po caller lian ho. M. Bissa g ervei 40 yes. rs. . 'at*iVOSe mmotor Up tu lis lime tic Mi-, 0' e5*e vas dlaooahàlue a fev c u 1al nV sousoui Wadvort bei bu"cted at Mlieara, Mr. i0 vas a cobler iy irais-By »Viu'a esasas te t arup- @h tars vbhcigradeally grev nprt a til auiter io rsiired. icid Mode couaifralle MOBOY. m 5011b ta live eeslly tic*rnsi Sdays. sud is. P&Qteli nover b"ad aa oi -ibclr ova, bat lisp feir didti ta belp "iers mnlu t. fey vers able to do $c,.ns. h eftisao. tbeT raised tour vilis lisy livei ai MIlbu. of lie adopted ecilldren 'Was Ni supervis o f Newplort lova- vi.. uov ruas ticPaxtniMsore he pucisscd nme om «0sug Nr. Paxtnireired. Thc sdopt- agter iii viosaMr. Paxtonl lu Olog.vas NMm.. Norusu asister et Nr. -Nwal. Ee 1 aw, utier cu Whvoum uy4 dieti»M oueysRs A90 Wlfe Pied llsouflp. PesteW* deali folovsd tiat cf «0 fsvery clornei, fer siodled j sepember 12, lest, -ais. la Cil- gu »wdno reste la MUlluru ou- a majora sd Uniait olcleu, r ci 'le Rock 81%m -maoau% cIri deptstucitiealqwm saga, Md lis omi obOMstc i-silo -lap or lie tb-nue moibod for VWW Bltes« kmf iy lic VUr delplt. DasaI.Oolow u bslter va. la et lic rimis vbêastto àftsy -ohaet ronu: Dow, OUAursane realrsi t over miii laps lnermodu1ut 01 *Thursia, thce ests voe Md seulitet ficu iipt «Met on ai Dasud Pmiy "à-, Il e 8L0 metot =MIEB #àr. ndMks.COf NEAR HALF DAY $INICE 4 Ad7dremu et sevnh7Yomea visa b.. *,lad et Iia. im = a d b oa r e f r A s b u w Where tlim A% Heid. METS GAIN 2--,AYS HAPPY. Pmry and, Wilâilvi Sing Baok-Mounà,aWd OQUd. town to Remn e WET ANP DRY ELECTION Re. BIJLTS TUESDAY IN, ILLINOI& wrrE-uisy w.t. Ngoeuds.Pulaki oonntY ...... ............... ..... Peiuy. adoipl coýunty ........ WhIllvliis.perrvoouty .......1 p- Dr-Sisy Dry. Ticies, Alexander county-.....e I Mtropalls. liauuao aty-....34 Colirille. Esudolpl oouly-...li Baldviul* audolph ouonty-9 Grand Chahn, Poumi couniy-..40 1111h, Pui mil atty..«- - -...6e Tvo Illinois* tavas vilcb ligie i dry for tvo Tuais mvug buok b lis voL camalu n uisayse *OtwL. sud tic vois von a frbip violon liT reteluluatvo --vetr tovus vbl4a 1.14 su sloctloa, Perey sud WlUsvIUe us tavus von by lie vuts, tic faussa lY i aJorliy o 37 aïd the latwptq 169. lu Porcy 10o&M ic 881m vals gcatle fbalote la tsIo 4 ualooas- iu Mouuds, a vet f vWi&c voted ta reuisn vt y. 194 of 4the8au voues voa 40;:i vet. Reautovu, lie lauglsI.t votlngstaym vci by 48. la 'Wmlllsil$ 19 omen vota .g 103U dry. if rr ilice 1Ise. omsa .=S Ti uuUOq(MWr wwuu Mfr. snd Mrm C. Riudlager., vi vrers bornila Laie coutsnd bave lvod coouUuuousrlaythe lis lcuty of. Hlf Dey tum 1842-43, on Ociober 27 tieelvedst ai r home on Mlvaukes veubotveu tic heurs of 2 sud là o'cloe% & bout 76, relatives and ffluads lu coniuasmoration of tir StM, wddug. asdulvisr. SMr. @"lire lWUdlUaer vers par- rw. sepisuiber 15. 1* 34sadPlasu te colbrate ttus event m &Setmuber 18. but ovlwt. teb.hecattle msapea vere cOaPelled ta poPuonshleeeveft eut he sabovo date, Tieli b.ally. co»Ultlg o four 4siahlors snd m on. sou, es aIlet iommf.5Mr. ftledluesonly hrotbsr vio rtsies uam Welerown. S. D.. sud bis daugter. Mms Adame. sud two 1111h daughters, aise Mms.RWe4 Ommer' oaly slster sud ber dauxbter, Miss Srab Sse M rofOmaa. Neb.. voestiers. baside usa, 4cr rela- muvesand frieds f rm <Jilcuo, Oak Pa* Rihaad Park Nu-rvile and searby lovus. Ailer tie guetta erse otforslty sealed, a fsv souga verssmansd a siort talk vas q«vou by lici. R. F. Dsecier.He MWsal; IL as * Utile cm- bariseslng for bîm te sposi ceIUi ovlng lablaypti sud but test It is nam gMMifor mmSa, alts bute, laiagain IL voolé PMotbu bu- omethluora L b. bItomeIdIdso WmUetle. Ater a Utile vit sud, Mi- mur u la -cbo.euvuia, bu Save a la*ibtamad te cbride Mdgro putansd e0hers vi.bave sot bous sillua ou the MaUtrlDW " sa s. loua.glad tiey 15.4 maie lie renture sud vers tiers t et. tmiaandsu eiiioy ths iospilahily orth i 11.41- The bouse vas bmUtfulIT decoab- ed wi cbrYsutiemuffl Msd f&oa5 to 7 a bounteous dbmWuuerssrysi Those vIa vers not able ta bu prss- ent ln thc atteruoofl came iu tic eveela sud vers entertsIued .u2s mont pleasing vay by M-sWs- brook à» tic viller bas aot kwovaMr. cs" Mms. liedlager tivo«gi su 'tiss #«m s. ila a egr«ti plessure Itoma 4q »M vbat duulua tiat tuÉOtb is %ive bera found "i« wM ~t ede Ms$. lic.. traits of trouienrt.i% 'p é.nsgu viit c anlteese 455h. ltea @Itlu leviriil i Uai bau oa.Itlet t0 mr »abiorhoflo D5sCCeeS sMd Prot tieUa, IseautifulleMrO- ýmyled, 1 belleve oui eged friude la token of t11.1 sterling q»Usties su nioble Impulses. liai dayrvil long bu rememboiOd by tismansd ail vbo Par- ticipated lu lie golden veddlu& A GU3EST. Golden Wuddlng et Atiloch. Mn., sud Mis. Oco. M. - Keudy of Autioci tovnuilp celebrated lite# goldenIveidlna Monder eou liu loue fa i hérs liey lakve llved gincc peIr mamtaie. Pieilu m"d rqaatlves of the Smed'suIge te Lie golden vsdilad. pstock af becuiful sud dt#ÇWIOO dlunoî. Avury plesisu Lie vasbacd sud ~~suy gooti vt te, foli clti of seuls ersezp'sfci. Tic tfebdepe. athule aftaisaquibOP' ftlit m.su is.Keed at uany more auviuls moe ex Pi4uv*- - lp "*i MR. AMNUL O. SmPlawER. Vernon towAship oeuNvhohold uniq us distlulon of hsvlng been boiln Lek" eiuty end bovin# lvsd hérsutieWeuI unmIiithey could é oUte thoir Points InvoIvW ýi1. L C ounty Action HavaIe i ýn.Re- cent Uovi lnlemCo. SIMILAR Am To KREM In Cok Gow*tyCIam, je Sears EoodPay=m, Taxes on Twé iV e IIoiOMars. it la wv ciirged tlai eh aît a"94 t. psy taues on $11,885,000 vorth et peiaumupvperty ,since 1904. 1 irnt proceedaulacolet oc tale on this. Amant vrs.a.edl laéoouty. Thc evideuce show"d *.uais i*bu baft a rohldent cf10" oommiutr iluonir19013 and 1914. Tie asseseluabodles levled a tax accord- latly. Nov the attack bas issu traus- ferred t0oCook county, because it is aleaed Mr. 111«m vas a resident of Oak Park fgr. chuia years before mov- lng ta Làke eouuly. Tex Bodie Enter Case. Paul J. DoGnovati pUd E. H. Walte o Woodotack, altoraeys;, bave beeu enasasi by lie trustees of lie ualb sciocl ditrict of Oai Park sud River r~ote Dmusset tloir claimi. Ticy bave lied a complalt vi lite Cock eooaty bardof re*ev agaluet Auna lé Bars% vhdovo! Richard W., via bas charge ef bis asate. Bo promis Ina. appareuty, la lie outlook tiat Attoey ê4bend raiLcey has ic H- ram T. Gileil loIn lie compliit ou boiui f thle stste. EMm=n i coci of Ici drainage board aiobam uter sappearauce. Oler ltu ex- pesiug odIigeare expected ho nef ita »ltcecsse soon to Proieci licil prospectve lutoreste. Miceptig atiaeo!Marsall IeIl, ths la thcélcigost hack-tax cas»ev~ pr«eusta _tcelocal board 0f r.- vlev sud l34 predicatd upon a lair paisciiy tli etlelslture FIght Fur Onk Park Rsat& It lu osicnded by lie WoodMÎeol aLiomueys laIticherate 0ftIaitiot eiouli bu uqpon lioOak Park rate hi tic ysurs IL tu isileged 1Mr. Score hled ta psy taxes ou the S12,t85ffl0 It la laimed by the Oak Psçiesu ht Misr. Ssci.testlfied lu lie. TAXeu couuty besrlng liat ber laie itamisnd vas a reshdet o! Oak Par*fo«'thi Ycarm rreod t. . . Irbs aletitotal o! 32,341,000 nia be-ont 50 Ver cet by lie IUMMrdof iru vv. Tbc ILeang yesterdsy' vas poslpuse<'beseMrs. Omiuais q li ei*tty. sud ber attorner mia..a gusslla pogarinu lie noilge -f ber. ro ie et Deteetlves..àeyus and Cote Arreet Hobm..at Rondout LaeWednesday. BRGUHT TO WAUKEGAN. moo ohg oConno When Deiectîves Noyers sud<.4 cnrested lires boboes. lu a car lu th f relght yards at Roudout lae We frezeu day'atternoon tiey found su old sut!~ of ovoralis lu one corner of tie boXi car vih a .32 caliber revolver luno.m of tihecmat pociots. Tic tiseému varu hrouglt-toý Wauegan by ihe detecUives sud -02.11 Isam te lie Polios station, vice vqre svated' izador li servtls etf hos. Tyrrell, assitt tPOU«a chie. An citt as ade t. coasé«~ lie tirce mon arresisd vli me of lie bold, robbibolsasd thef te vbicah have bsau eoounoldaloug tie clM- cago. Milvaukue &Si. Paul nul 0f vay derlua lie putsirwveeks. The tires mes aàrrssted gave tic follov- lng mmen: Uusest ILvenu,. John Pillilpe James connors. Tie titrse su omaIltata liai tici an not. tic dw4seothe suit 0f over- ais- sud Jadoed, sud tiat tieB roti lias the" say tic pèccuae vas ven It vas fotaud by the deteive. Tic lirse men ver6 aL veed f rom cus4y. sud vl aot bu :puai- lug the rscclptof su, ansver flou Chima e i. 3l*asukse, c iskluj c. f r etcf boos i.6Ue . bi, tietvo4o dIuâ Vi I *ti ii j s tndays. .Oie ma srresed on Xo*- Sdal, wus gven a 80-day sentence li lic county jali for mklgtiestAte-ý tment liat ho proposed tu ast somme or àtic Omette -ai -tic frbolibi yrds--; à Te detectivos have orders f po 4ietA4qiesuth, arrest evcry staus g«r. found --là tic ylrd* ai toidopi. 1Ticy daim iai et 1««ut80 mnbéat tiei va&y acrs là"oooeniysab iday retaing to (Jihao from lie miarvagt lSelWlsf tic Dakotas. DOEÂTIU S Sem :Tako Mother Acresa Storr-$w* pt y BaMAngo 1$~ B RO~ YNEIGHBOR Ing *Çut tIwArte"yin Hls Lofttlrst. Waukagan, Nov. 3. Afier drivîng . bl is vif.asd elOti chilldrep frosthe bouse. àAto' li v~e, eaployod a ana voodi ceMcery, atteaPted gjiJ3 c4tlmug lie ,floshi atis vrlst. o. vttsoi as oraiy druni. vien bhru tu" cdta', buphomo ai 8paMldlng corners frou i% vork luWàλ 'egsu. lgI Brut rutal ut vas ta drive bis ,ehdicu. lttalicestreot, Then. h laI mie ho ,i atumpld.ciscIe l ao W 't ij alswrlel, sudilsi ils m r fails4 liinataitle lest mo"mu l ic clira ox o e hostidrive u to tis Absence of. Sn 'Wadll Temoerahir one of bdsinYNs COLDEST, 28; pHOTTEST,77 Ago Was MuchWwmIÎ Oc meSucrdina b Wealb« roi"- 'ffltbr James 0fAtleci, vas lligty *bve lthe averae October lu teapera- -t.but wvu very deâclent la tii. 'rgtter 4f reanfal. The esure ai- c00et0f aw dulngtichemonth laca ore 0! hliOew cIirebont hicyear, sa a viols, Il provd a véry. fune lYsqIer cXilloa .l.obpars,. s: Oc. 8l'-sut £q S. li 8. 0aei$.4 O #bt1cWi ,u tg yls 16 31 . . .. . tssm tutrê imita ~ ~ da ->17,ay ou ~0 * 0~' rut. waibs - lu su op"n molor-boat. vbici w'vras ree soei $toLebuse, c s a i- Ird. CeOSaIday 34ebove manoed iy bar tvo sons., Mm. G. A. be atiucd lite ensatiers t. , go Averae tstatfre su. Wlegud, acaeber of!te ie1gb mabool - t udr 40Oesunti .ielp lisr UOtisr. 90.100 luchas, Ke« I a s graduation clase 0f1'8s,.raced vîithOqivIleer, Il lealleêged. bai driven lie Oct. 103-W»mssde*,' desli acrous tic alorm-svept vaters melisiof ticecMet Cilidrent frOmIliii. Coldest daY 28 aie' of tie Msssppi river, sud lut. Mer lic iouso, lefore lis arriai of aid. 131h. Avrsau e poa sons vers carrylua bOn ta lie bedide' ,Wheaý1raaiKraft, a brolhert-l-av Total miail 308.7 , lici of ber dangiier, UmIseMarjorie. vbo ef Gotlrl.bribis fati a iesudbis oti- frit1 141. vas taicu "kat lie full blosom ifo~ r 4vedaitic bome, Golvllmer. it oct.10-W*sty youaa su vll ile tedina one of lie le, sali. i=pt*d ta drive tlieu off 1Lot.Coldest iay Si abovieso colsueà,forladIes in ltse stale o! lic prealts. lge vas irmod vti a )Average' teupusam Itis 0 1.oulstaua. Wieu Mrs. Wlcgcud. nupo iopo, 4. the mon bcd nome trouble relisiat $1.100 l àae.X Miss J"a A. Greon. learnedothé iela u'er»owerilg lia. lHe vas malT 141h. precarous condition luvilci ber ruio»&og bis fest, sud tic tlrec men________ daugiter lay ai lie colle. e, l asdgim44to a chair pendîng lie an- strauded si ,ber sommerbomq, ailes riii îf 0ams f lie lav he ..t a ap lie Mississippi river. Tiersw#4 4A lt«Illibai issu senil la ho Amcie Y .vs but one vty for ber,ta roscolkir lie s1ufr1 sud le arved aetiche al- vidov, isa.11 Aué daugiter'.be"dhd-by bost.. l«ier o r. boume soonaliter lis druuikmi Wrof smos, loti colloe.stedntir, â e tie tophad beau overpovereti by the #bà 'W u3W trip ta the oummer boe~l eu Xii1. «3*< IPuy <arnled lbiu motier kerWthe river D;olpilsr le employeti acs exton ofic uet evls3h to'lie collège. lIns. Wlegnd but lui Oa#vood cclnetery by:-tie clty ud ileér race vltb deth. for ici dcuabto dd vew itsuder Comissiouor Rimer V. * .- but a fsv bonibofors bearriMvai. ort In lU geut'Mnm. Golilser ici All soutiea Lonu ula v o tra- bsr iusbaud srrsstid op a drui sme svaPtt aIthotisse-. Di ver osfloved' dlaprisrlY cia-e. isc aims timlat neia, but the plt .qt" Ithir banka, sud limai damagewuvbd ié psl to, ta .home Aci Spauldbinu salIUturday. _-§[i laollu wrougit. couper .very la u cqnkeo q0s> buleuplacdcandor is bsu Word vas not rscied ln Wauiu-los sund liai ho aletresta bis cg&-,t» keep lis peace 1 Me t lm n uuw today, viac lusmals 7mdrap vien .laborlug eider ti* lInIW b ouie o! *000 ly tii u celved lultter, touillaof lie d" ls0f rbou. i rat, sud vies holm or Mise Mar»bsile.sUud. Miss *to- oai dalts liaf ho lolaga bis psy lad a bonut héan is-u il gadas but 18 yearg o! sas,& '-Siceieh o e Lvto@a moali, »a'itiat the ooenty ja eré i , *as a comoulhod mumiolnani su o bes i ffluk menea r ,to keep lie tie nigLi.» va hlumbeor thle chaor o r eM l8ren lu food sud cloues. . olvtsoe'l vI@Vs sg*« ictreabu u ite Bahb. PbMvtser ealaitai l eneds the liat bé, lea tiâuuiaus o Vutu e? reeldunce lu Wankegan 11u hou,ee« rvu s lin fr **rk of' iis. ail tba - WOn*to sImQ tPil eat lmu 1 lMy o1mo.le suïinsed llic hedeati of but qg- 4~csatteae vil P:oougai.a The yoalady di1@4fdly s a »4 sp ué OP1RalMpd . n , ".imago oeS oe m*t .L4 S ~ 'I' s-1U :llii.l g- -, t. t'? as al- boare d *Pd ,Uri for eesnioo r. 6-12 ýac.h SA etic ai.l ;ouuty. ,d, sI aor, ai ppesrt r A. DJ ý, - tm