CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Nov 1915, p. 1

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"p LýA'KE COIUNTY INDE PENDEN -WAUKEG ANWEKYSUN VOL. XXIL-NO. 8. TWELVE PAGECS LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, 114. FRIDA~ Y, NOVEMBER 12, 1915. ONE TO EBIGHT $1.W0 PER YEÂR IN ADVAXIb SENSATIONAL AND IJNEX- ib-e-. as borrowed after my arivai PECTED TURN COMES lb Ofve deputy sheriffe h cm WHEN 460V. DUNNE ACTH'panied Sheriff M j. Uifiand Who ORIZES STATE COMMIS- assisted hlm laprotecting the tate SION TO PROCEED DE- and national veerinarians wYo vere SPITEINJUNCTION ISSUED ordered to kil Ithe cattie were E. J. Green, AI Berry, bennis Llmberry, Pe- MdONDAY - JUDGE ED- ter Krchiner and ildvard Lux. WARDS FEELS THAT ALL "It vas the most high-handed lc WHO HAD PART IN IT ARE of vork i ever heard of-lt vas st~ar- IN CONTEMPT 0F COURT. chy pure and simple," Attorney Clar- ence DIver, counsel for Mra. Durand, Mrs. Scott 8. Durandea herd has declared tis afiernoon. "I amn sur- bee, illedt~ prised that <overnor Dunne shouIdý Under ordersArom GovrnIr Dunne no comPletly override lv and resort in which h.o,.,t@uflCd tihe legalit>' ta such udheard of tactica. 1 regard of thse njuntien Isu b>' Circuit the killag of the herd as absolutely Judo@ laire £Edwards Monda>, the unvarranied and vithout justifications etat.eand g.Vt. efflers Tuesday jatt-no Motter boy you loo'c ati . speak- am n lagho d h pj»hed 1las for myseif andaasocates I vil] rAttl. ever whh s adstereuIned s"Y ihat vs bave left noatane un- sghM hm- bow l . ~turn8d ta prevet the Slsugbter of the Th.e betnbgb etai1: E0 ndsud va le Wiih lav oveivffmdea aa- ftished ai :10. arcby invoked tIse. as cothinge *îs In that tisse 57 bead of catle snd tIsti VS cUld do." 13 plu bàà beau $ho.N. Dirai iatimated ihat coniempt Th. sbotng vas under the dired- prouoail w b . io atfited tien Of Dr. tOeokiMPsr, ssslted by against 9li of th ose vo er ltre, DMsU IL H.osuison »d ALG. oleeke. *<' lath. kUiagII. Thse ordsr aud« rvis sDr. stoeck. '" 0loo k a plain violaUi 09 ltger aeteda"udmader vblch g S th 11 D Otim ad -fMr as 1 cam se Grllia. s au olosr mer o«dnre ie 411tbatwo took prtlin Mshoot- thse goverawet 0f t M*al e at". vwuing V-ISla oOllUpi of court." cir eoouced la ibislae«. wvi vin asncuit Jadeslalade docisrod ibis ait- dOvo la hitorY as mof etthse Monti OCCL"lfaiUi5. I do ot 100k atable placesoft lteratursewevr vrit- rn> kbbdW Mm Sthe uMm vbo violet. tes 4M a Iliv.stock situation la thse ~Be "Wcin _Sqa" jut MUMîo: vhat Suwa I yul taIse u=0iater th& *t.Or #».for Mr& th..ave. Noember U% 1915. Ho.EwI1dmJ. Gafflod& shterif, Lako Ceont>', Waukooain.Ilii. Durai r:- I arnmdlsed b>' the mtera>m esi oral thesa svolA andAnugator>'order ai injonction isa bain *nter.d b>' tise circuit court In >our district re. etreInir théc. lista oflce r fn aloughtering the herd of cattle known as the Durand herd. 1 amn advised tisat thse suprome court isse. wiiiin thse ast few days derided thst sucis an Injunction a ab- solutel>' void. Tise mats board cf ive stock commlsones ansd the eitaevet- trinarlan whiI oail upon >ou wiih lis cIed t11r mt eiamiof court procosed inga. I arneta amles buniestand vIs> Govrnor Dun»e aboul bave a, Uorissi ti. laiai star tua ljun tien vri vus iaued", Atorney' Diver vas "ilpsedoU" ibis aflernoon tuatiàlaspte of the Injonc- tion sseéd b>' thé local court Usai thé claie officiais latended ta kilI tue Durand herd. Haealan learned tuai acting upan instructions framntue gar- ernor. the shrif bhad decided ta aci wth thé sate officiais lastead of de- fending the Injuactian vrit. Mr. Dlv- er theui pra>-ed thé court ta authoize the coroner of the county-the oaS>' man vho ma>' supercedé the shrif lu certaa mLtera-to go to Lake Bluff $2509000O10OBACK MILK'WaR ON MN The National Dair>' council in ses- sion ai the Motel Sherman, Chicago, 3'rlday, voted to Traise $250.000 for an advertising campaign In newepapers ta demonstrate that an annual expen- diture.o0f$32 per capia for booze against a per capita expenditure of onl>' $5.92 for miik represents a dis parity whlch ln highly unJust ta the dalry cov. Coupled wlth tue plan. vrhlch var put loto the hiands of a comrnittee headed by D. D. Altken of Flint, Mlch., for execution, was a suppie- mentary plan to memorialize congresa ta designate economlc celebrations of "mllk day." "cheese day,"-and "ice cream day" annuly. M4UNRO'WINS IN SU- PREME COURT; JIL1 FUNDS MRKE iD Supremo Tribunal KiRs Appro- priations for Several Departments. The IlPuols sPremse court frday belA S Uftm uaosiuiansd lnvsldap- propriatilons ofthe luai regea ses-I alan orfh ibmenras mtly lavolv-1 Lug directi>'or adb'eetlY meAi'$t,-1 0000. i ased "ue er mat-1 tons of ibm utumi lapfabue te thseC mat sud preelpftated su estiri-I MarT session of ibe laglature. Actim IVas tak et at moeetng of1 the eme»court JStioesebelltula room M09of RotI La8alle. ObeSO. 1 Th. fading of the courtWvasMu lsouned b>'Chier JeuseWIlMM ILN farmmr *vhs. ho issUmda synopis et tbe opinion vrltien by Justic George A. 000kmie n Usae rges ljunetl4a saita. - These suite ame the ones lusituted b>' r. 8. Munro of Iilghlaad Park. former member of these ame leglala- ture as a El-Moaser. Mr. Munro vas the man vho etarté<i and pushed the suite. IFergus vas iserel>' a man vho permitted Munro ta use bis name ,as the plaintif in the sensation- ai action. Governor Donne bas not determhaéd vhen the speclal session of thé legis- lature shall hé e onvenéd. intense CRASH 0F AUTO 1 ENDS AÀIILRIOUS MtD~ IN MTOEN Ca Chicago Quartet Steai Auto and Drive to Lake Zurich-Meet With Bad Accident.' ABANDON THE MACHINE. WaIk to Palatine to Get Train Into City-Police Nab Girls, But Boys Escape. That 1'ie 'C coun ty inthe victaity of Lake Zurich a fev niglis ago a is saved the same sort ef a midnight auto sensation that was chronicled in lédiana. oear Crown Point recently, when tva girls and threewyoung men chat up a train. defied police and sheriffs, etc.,isaibthe llef of residents of souibvesitern Lake county. That the runnlfg off the bridge of the front vheei of the stolea auto vas the rosi thing vhich preventm4 a robbhry or devredation of some sort la the conclusion that subsequent developutents ProesOIlatUe mrnds oI residents qf bat section. À fgv niable &go a part>' of four young peopl-iwo béys and tvo girls --drove ibrougi LaIse Zurich. geil" ouat at a terriflie rate of speed. about- ing s&d -abl&g e. entarumpes vblc b bOug>t Vee b thar dom5 te aem wbUt Me pouble vas. Wbe a mile and al4g eut0ortthe Village, ibe divrudM amot t tai ihovas oomtug toe a nbridge. me s fot Wbel erabsi over Use mge of tIse bridge sud smusbi ita a thousand piees&-evul *spoe vas broke ansd tbm C« cuose tea sodds. hit vIsicI tbrev ihe4*0»ato Im Use ditob. À hst? su'.>'of the car sbeved l vas damagei »ebail>' ht Iiwva of no furtier Sien Car. And ihe Partr et four"boast It» &«m the iaId4ýahadoipg the car vbichb. t laier developed, had beau stoleu Ira. la front of the Rooker buildna, Chicago, tIsai evening. ht vas aI tue Allen type and vas ovaed b>' an insurance agent uamed 3fr- hardi. The porty of four va.lked acrons the helds and inal>' made thein va>' te Palatine, arriving ibere about day- break. The>' huag about thé depot ountil the first train for Chicago an- irived. AIl four boarded It an d the>' luer for theC purPOso O &5Ung Y>otr and onder tIhe shir!te oas>' ta. ln- pressure bas bean éxertéd upon the startéd for Chicago, sécure l h ilr ascsiance te carry oui thse orders of juaction vrt and tuus .Fraent tua exécutive ta defen biesaummans un- belléf that the>' had ludai aIl pos- ths. etâts lve stock commssion. to- elayiag ar thé bard. Jodge EAvards til alter Nev Yéar's day. Thé exi- sIhié pursuérs. wit: ta *%ughtsr tise bord. lookai up the lav but vas net quille genciea of thé situation, thse lie-up Of Nab tise Girls. 1 roopocVulh> request tisat yau give convhaced that hé had thé authorit>' man>' oI thé staie offices and départ- Hovever, la anme manner, yard tlsem protections and &il neded asisi-taenistrucituéhecoroner la sncb a meata. and thé desire eI some f thé pad ta Chicago that thé>' bai beau ance.oedn. légisîmiors ta get quiçk action. rnay .ee. etLaIte Zurich sud vhéa tué Var>' trul>' yours. Attome>' Diver then calleA 00v. combine la thé lasuance of a cadI for train puld toto Clyboura station, tva IL P. OUNNE. Donné on thé long disansce telephone. nexi Waiaosday. Chicago détéctivea boarded thé car Araned Mm usedy. «Is fh trué >ou have sent a leiter ta Goveraar Donné, ai Springfield las ila vhlcb thé quartet nervoual>' vas Faur armed men vers Iholdng iIShrif Unrifia aIf Lakeé canal>'asklng nigbi. Raid he-Woîd net determiné tua ittilauaxlous ta réacb tue big ci>'. barn stalnat invasion. TIse>' IsU -ei hm teacad la cojunctian vitb thé extra session date until 390DUY Th Boys Escape. celved orders rom lAn. Srat Doland rt or f iésokcmmsin aenor. thé attorney' générai aa The tva ynung men, aeélag thé dýe- to shoot-iaaai shoot ta ktII--t>e 1Mt Ar?"'he askai. thé sate officiais generahlY are ln téctirés and evidénil>' recogniziar man vbo attended te enter .the ag "Yes. that la the case." repliai thé agreement that an extra session late r, léaped f rom Usé train just as Wbhen Shrff ]Ovin J. Grffa Inlormed govrnor.I absolutel>' aecessary. tha.dtectives vére about ta placé Mrs. Duraad tuaitue sata men vera Wéné you net avare that an la- M. Muara vas disappalnted la cér- tuemin l arnesi. Thé girls.,1.1 t b.- ging ta kill ber Iard, and that tue Jonction vas lssued againet thé Bai'- tain featurea o! thé opinion. Heé salA binA, vere at once arrested. but tué>' gavernor oI the saai hadaordered hlm ng' vas thé Oxt question. he vould ie a petition for a rehéar- prof eséd n kaovledge o! thir com- ta accompan>' thern ta thé Durand "I cansidén thé lajunction a aullit>'," lag la thé supremé court on a particu- panions. Thé>' explained that thé farm, and te proteet thé liugbterérs. the garernor lo quoted as saylng. lar point.. youug men had Jmai happéaed ta pick ah. talA hlm that seé ad armai men '"But iis ls a nev lajunctlon. We "As ta the reet of it, h am grésil>' théin up and that tue>' id nat kisov la tbe barnansd that théy vauld kill conténd ln Ibis ne~ writ th,,4 the bard pléasai." Nr. Munro said. "I conald- ihem. not aven kaoving their names. tué Oirsi man vbo attémpted ta enter Io nt diseases.'" Mr. Diver pleaded. er tuat ite a seeéplng victory and Undér thé circumtance thé girls thé' place. "That does't make an>' iffereacé. w11i résult la an Immédiate changé coulAnont he délainai anA tué offi- Shéif rifa trne taoné0f 1Is do't lblnk ibère la an>' bashe for tué for thé hetten ha méthode of legiala- cers permitted tbem ta go bhrné. SheiffGrifi tùnedteoneof ieinjunctian," thé govémnor le said to tien and makiog appropriations." The car vas hauled Ino Lake Zu- aides. anA asked for thé loa IobIsie have répled. rich, a nev whael procuredIý and the revolver. "If ibère ta te be a klllang tomyD v elre hth as ovnen drove Ih home. I yl hé la an Ih, but I >ou lake ml tbunderstruck vhén hé learned thé ýSEPA MI.INThé réckîessnesa vlth vhlch thé adrIce you ViII caloff>our mes,. herd vas ta hé siia. lHé says he had oAI'd-vr vent through Labe Zurich. thé salA thé sheif. aranged ta rlag up bfore thé cout E C A K D isa thé quartet made, and aIl thé Shrif Griff a vaîkainlatue direa ibhis afiénoon a ptition ssking thé 1 T NÀ C SNLiD circurntanceIndIcatai ihat thé pan- tien of thé 'barn immediaiel>' attt court ta appolin a commission ta paso i t>' vas qulte similar ta tuat whicb ln- harovlag a revolver. Wbea lrs. Du- on thé question a! vhétuér or not thé! Mre. Luc>' Van Dyke, a colorai vaded Indiana ast veek anA "abat rand samytIsai hé laténdéd ta carry oui catî are disease. His cantention 1voman,, through Attoney George up" evérybndy who tihed ta stop them. tIse ardersofo thé state exécutive, abS lo that thé hord vas net disued. and'Plilipe. lHighland Parkc, Saturda>' filai__________ r5,ced ta his aide, andAbsooted ta thé ha saa>s the *aie officiaIs eridently a bll for separate maintenance ,EXTRA SESSION4 NOV. 15 four armed 'mess nt ta lire a abat. entertained thé lame hlle! for thé>' againet ber hushand, BAvard -Van - iTO PIX CITY FINANCES Shriff GrîIM tuen vakadIlniq the vould nt consent te haviag. a rm- Dyke. Springfield, I., NOV. .-OGov. Donné barn anA talA ibm arnmi men te ihrov mission appointed. ht la allégeA the cauple ver. ma:- la preparing a caîl far an éxraordi- dava thir guns and procaéd vith hlm Late this aternoon MAr. Dîrer léft i rld at Hghland Park an Wbruary 17 nar>' session of thé législature, ta ha te tue hou". Thé>' complied vituhhie for Lake Bluff vhéré hé vus tu conter 1915, ad thai the vile léfi ber bus- lesued toatght nor tomorov. Thé gén- ordér, and thé>' vere képt la tha Do- vth lAna. Duran& relative teaslai-band on Jul>' 12 o! théesame. ya"ar. éasembl>' vilI caiveae néxt Mon- rand bouse vbllétué laughtérers 1Ion saîhétknltuftre ber complahot héing ihat she COW dy& h nniiditéao h lt iheeai~il>' ! te ntio in th - ot ndue bs cuelsud inlhumna goverament and tué ci>' of Chicago stale *ent mIethéeIarn 'anA killed treatimeat of ber. Sb- Ascribee hlM la responaible for thé govrnnar's dé- the caile. EDWARD'S Mti NERELY as a man aI violent passion anAdUfl- cuba nta act et onçe, hé eaad, after a Shriff Griffa 1in an Intervew gîven DELÂYED TUE SIO E oeral tempet. Bshe says ibat conférence vth Atta rné>' Général Lu- upon is retura to thé court bouse- duiing thé tîme shé lîved vith hlm héae>'. Thé John B. Fergua suit tiéd uls sald: "I havé net caried a revolver Waukegan, 140v. B. vas guhît>' of extrême sud repeated approximatel>' $2,00.000 ai tue alate la elévea montha. lAn. Durand ba on Attorney' enoral Luce>' over cruli>.ty~i;ta rvisoi0 i> ré accused me of belng an anarchit, but teln itne'hn su-a v- Mrs. Van Dyke says bar huaband la urer-Sérgel'e attitude L-i Chica<o ln- 1 vaflita sa>' that Abe vas nt abat. nlng refusd e qo urantsthse aafety l aak, earnlag $60 a motât sud *m- valves more than $500.000 aI muni- ai, and that h id net 'bavé a révolver of Mrs. Scet Durand's *50000 erd pI>' able ta support ber. fibe isba cipal tunds. la rRy psessian When I vent ta the of cattle over. whioh sucs a dter.- ibaihé h compelled te contribute ta tarm. Tisé revolver wvhchl xhibited ' (Contiassed on Page tise.> her aupperi. Indepeusdmat reader? -B ONI. KENOSIL& DEPUTY 1 GETS DEATII TIREAT William Gross. veli knovn farmer of the iavn af Somers, Kenosha caun- t>', aad a deput>' sheriff of the county. la sleeping vlth bis f ull brace of re- volvers under bie pllov just at pies- ent and h. la keeping bis homne preti>' veil guarded during the daylIght houre. AIl this le being done on ac- coat of a threaienlng letten recent- ly neceived byý Groas hich la nov ln the bande of the eheriff. Ia the letter a demand was made an Grass that he place $50 ln mone>' under a atone at the foot of a deslg- nated telephone pole along the L.ak6 Shore road. The penalty of refusaI vas a thrat ta take the lite of Groas and thé members of his fanil> and humn his home and other possessions. CUNNINilMWAS FOUND EiUILTY BY -JURY SAT. NIMHT. VESTRIEL CAE 1 STATE IN OPENING STATEMENT TO JURY REVE'AI'--'U WHAT IT EXPECTS TO PROVE INDEAI.SGW WIERE COUNTY FUNDS W ERE DIVIERTED ---B FENSE CLAINS EVERY CENT 0F ALLEGEU N FUNDS CAN AND WILL BE PROPERLY ACCOUINTED -JURY SECURED-CASEATTRACTS INTEREST.. Waukega N. 9, 1 Although 11 jurons bad heen eecuned ln the Carl Weterfleld aleaa i ment case when court clasedl Monda>' evenlag, the tweifih juror va= o selected until 10:40 o'clock thîs morning. The Il jurais had beau locked u orer aight. The complete jurY le made np of the follovlng men: EDWARD W. ERS, Wauksgan. CHAS, GILLETT, Warren. ED. DIESOLDT, Freinent. J. H. GRI&WOLD, leMn.. MERTON E. JONES, Framont. M. M-. KENYON, Zion City*. W. A. SOMMER$, Zion Ciy. Ci A. PfPlePFIR,_Ç*Mntm. C. HUMPHREY, Woukegan. ED. APPLEY, Lflertyvillls. FRANK< CORDES, Long Grave. C. F. lA^RRIS%"Wausudi The venire vas exhausted Mona>' afiernoon sud It vas necusa,>fSr the sheriff ta subpoenae ton addltional veniremen. Th.einajorit>' 0fti9m vers aecured la the country district. Jumy Deliberated Between Two for lbe siate, snd Attorney Alec Beaubiu for- the dOtemme, Mg"dotr aeM, and Three Hours Before Re- ntg staternta ta th. jury. explsiflas Suai 'haitbey aspect to bé ai turning a Verdict. poo Ater a delberai llting beivesa WHAT ATTORNif EY AVrn b is obs sud tIsai themmitte 'vilb tvo sud thfma bouum jerle"la theXVWOTO MPOV& ahlt*puevqb>'t1 ve>' cUPW casa agait Edvard Cuncnabaan. Attorn>'ey auibies mail ha expogted bargaof yhamsO Charod vitIs bavlng made a murder- 10 provoe tBm IODVIDthiase: 8 r" r. tWM au' oua atck on Rev. Voeerble on thse 1-TIsai Nr. W*Oterlel ee »»" bi50 s ar mdtnUg Viiho 'e 4tb of leai APrg; returned a verdict la 00- FredA-*&. Who lad dmbuli-iedu la Mvl e a iso fu lb of "anili>"'esrly Saturda>' veing. md -vtIs about«7,004). - -mats. -1 1. The case vas iven hioatue bande <of 3..Tbit &@.w»s mturai>' ueaUt 4-'1'aha labeeber Md$ «Wk the Jury aborti>' hefore 4 a'clock la tmld s AraMtMmd balisA la lnvQ Mr. Wnstufisd a b tteM lin'WU thm afiarnome. noib a ns a basvaIs ulgit posall>'to the cout>' boardi .fehleI on ibm day of the sboting Cunint- invite critil tlIlLlem ce W76&U.ebasgsd lte s bam admit$ of bavlng &"edsix bulet@ $.Tb" i t v*s»sbc«»s eoibissesvu blch vas eredl e lé*lrk lato Venerabiesbody. He sought t ta tu" a SM ffl5pedbis elm*ahi tu S-Thai iis lap a %Iwo huf vnudite bizuaitf on ibm <round ibat cash. . s*b@lg bhm eMI& mAb oft tieý bu bad fred la aeif-dsfsaae, saying 4-That asUmie vent a;thse redem the colored mister hs.d fired ai hlm saMs. lsika r0uaiad laubmte 20 i-TIsai Nr. Wetedd M A Oirei. Wibaeases for tue state douaa " Mr. NyWm5bttddimuily feMipar tea*0 v saaia ululatha "w ibis sud thes atiesattorasey ovaly morte OMfdeIn latheos. Tha t h oibtu atlh eput. charge wvinesses for the defense vas hecasea.ofIthis alutimuuT ttb -Thosi .'-v vlth havint perjured themmlv etailuti gave up the plaof payiag b>' vitIs recelving 1460 viec la seau vhen tue>' sald tue>' saw Venerable theUks. Ise recaîred but $330. 81bootlag. la tact, tue staie's attoraey 6-That la carrylag ont ibis plan' 8--TIsai Ms. Kiogahutlas «« even vent so fan as ta arresi Frank la 1914 hé adopied the plain of drav- lied vitIs baflng recoived 8150 v» Dolatuski on a parJi>' charge and lag checks ta birnself for tIse amoontInla l'allii'hIse vrksd but târes wud ihere are reporte ihat more arresta aofhe cirk hire and thon pald tue ai $16 a ves)k. May' follav. clerks lancauh. 9-That Mia. P. J. Board, a nit In bis cîosîng argumenta to the 6-Thai each lime the clerks made of Mn. Westerfiel, vas ordedff viW Jury the sates attorney' orgd the oui a time slip shovlng tue aumber bAirlg received #40U0 for 15estiM jury to take lato considération the af houri tue>' h" varked la a vemk varkvmen in rIyemi>'a(vworiesi tact that perjur>' had enteredInlaieMr. Weseield camputed the smout fi»p manihoeta asalar>' if $18 a lm tue case and to Oind Cunningham and thon drev a check foarthibmuount. and tIsaitue mont she couwd bu guItî>. 7-That he maie a record ar the earlsmd duriag the Ove monthe eýs Attorney Parier, for thé defena., amouais hs paid for clark hi"e sud ibaugb tb. varked le boms eves>'di sought ta uhov that theré vas gro und eniered tuem la bis books as ho Would vouid bave bema $650. for lb. aelf-defease pIes, liking ihe nai have dane bai h. been diaheimut. lO-That We.terfleld Vas AM mi evideace of differeat vltnesaes and 8-'lhat hoftoi na much confidence caied man, bavlag ba" experlsp1 ahavlag boy Il comparadinlathe prin- In bis cler'eat hai . id nai question ibe officaeofthim e eMiM sud dIs cipal detailla. Ueir Urne slips. I iitronsso. Wbien Cunningham trsi vas arresi- 9-That vhea tue board of super. 11-Tbat wben bo entered upes f éd hé annoonced Uaitue unvrltten visons asked hlm for su Iiemlaed re- dues of tue aRce or Casitressmm liv vas ta b. bis pis. He declared Part af hav rnuch hb. b aiolAtmckhobe Itallmd a syttsu of paylag m~, that Rer. Venenable had brokea ssp clerk ha *as at a laos, hecause hobu basitg b>' check and regeirsd a r4eo bis home and ibat ho hadl toit jusîl- usoally kepi the tatale, knou'ing boy for evmycheck pald coui n"l~ Oled In sflootlng. Hee stade no state- much hm pald ail a! the clerkg, but bis employas. -ment vitu regard ta Rer. Venerable nai kaovlng boy much mach indivi- 12--That startiig viih-b sbuea baving Oired ai hlm. Therefore, vhén'4oal raceived. 1914, hoe abandoned ibis. syii , th' peonorseif-defense vas latin-I lO--That la spite of ibis fact héoamistome nmatou n,,ud vîthsibmezetl duced tuere vaa considérable sur- dava anA triai ta figure it out as bext of nome acatierlg246cIswek,isl prise al anound. 1hé could, golng soill>' y memar>'. cash. aaktag no receipi la rat«». A motion for a new trial haa beea i l1-That vhllé théeiemîzed repart- made la tue Edvard Cunningham case abovéd Clam Keyéa bai recelved Immiately afier tue atiorneja,'b and thia vill he angued belo on-Béa more môné>' than actual> vau paid made tueir openlng remarka tIse sW teace le lmposed. The sentence la ber, lt ahowed also that ClaytOn Ruti calléd Cauni> Tresaurér Lsa xmwi an indeternlinate term la alite's pris- had récéived far les than hé actijal- ough ta thé stand ta IdentIf>' ent on fnom one ta 14 years. la case a I>' got. théeborlagé la one being'books and records tIsai are in bis qq new trial te denied, hle reported thé more than made up b>' the otuél'. tdy This vas dons la order QI casé vili hé appealed tua a, bIsghér This vas gîven ae an example ta show thé contenta or aome ofaise l ect court. hav difficuhtilh vas fan Mr. Woater- nia>' hépreeénied Ia evidenem. field ta ix thé exact amonuts pald The nexi vlineee ta b. calmA1 L ah clerk. As anotuer example It County Clerk Lev A. Hendes.i vas shova that wvblléMr. Weste liendea vas aked ta ideuti& McUis ONE IIE K P YSfIield pald Dora Headée a salary as records o! thé coaai> board pruti BILL ; ISNEW LAN clenk ho forgot to itémize tui la tue loge. Mr. Beaubien, laierp«sed UP1 tatemeat ta thé couat>' board. ection ta bla teslfying along ibW N ________ i-That the records af the count>' anA the jury vas dlsiansd vWb". Invention o! Highland Park business WesterOield's books balance ta, a peu- men, "d SaturdAs>' vas Atermlaéd o>' anA that ibère vas na pudding of ta put Il ho operatian. B>' Its use payrolla. housekeepers vill hé apaned thé trou- Il-That la glvlng employment ta blé o! mailing oui ira. hall a dazen varions relatives, Mn. Westerfield id to a score of checks ta tradésmeanat do s0 bécausé Usé>' vers bis rela- each month. Oaa check, covérhng thé tives, but bécausé oacb of bis yéla- éntiré bills aI tbe establishmnt, vlll tires, vham hé hired as a clerk, vas hé mailed ta, thé haak, anA ihat la- pécullarl>' Otéd for the Position accu- stitution appartions the moné>' arong pied. thé créditara. More tuan 150 tradés- WHAT STATE'S ATTORNEY DADY men la Hghland Park anA DéérfielA EXPECTS TO PROVE. are mémharsaI the Multiplé Check State's Attorne>' Dady salA hé ex- Association. pécted ta pror thé tallowing tulngs: 1-Thai former Couat>' Treasurer William D. Cox, hushand of Mary Weeterfiéld ernlsszled $1.969 lion, (noea Monahail). faibér o! D. B. aad thé abunt>' Arnig bis térm of office Eugené Ccx* of Kenonha, Grover C. bh vas Decémber 1910 ta Decem- Cox of Highland Park. and Mrs. J. N e 94 Faucti o! Gléncae. AléA ai Hghland 2-Thai Mn. Wésterfléld selected, Park, Nov. 6. . 1hîred ad pahd thé clélIts* amedmd lu bien salA be baU no abjeclios t. ords heing labraduésd gr=lie mi ef the caunt>' reaure, bsqt b e tuink Ih proper tb latrudun r"q tram other acie..Th* coMW ruléd tue objection. As las uuaInlawsucoe@«, lie.i aesses al havie "sésesmgtea Westerneld stUSmita balde berl bad ansdU ePruMma Set eun suel beret la the proosmdhhsgs asdom » South Bond. 13..,Nov. 5- t isease. lapnosmd a ybl but rasmbllag coea Ira exterrnate avine lan brliqo Aana. TIsa djisessa ïa fu -ed Is Thomas Jcha. China bard. Count>' &Plusaaen ing com.e>' be m ala % and Lapon. oMathe% I. s 1~ 4 j- lb n v 't r. 1 1 -- .. .. - . 1 - - . --l t b Il IL

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