f. t ve veta - 5 iw coats ~Itons a nd D6àer. aKeils' F Xj or whte; ail nuznbers; or celluloid; white or cul- Women o épad auprt4 lirait of 2 spools; speclal, ors, 2se values, 15e. asseorted c<lors; e 1 two 11)0018. et AIR NETS--Extra large u"s,17e. RIELT PfNS-w.Bmooth en- size; s"p rlor quality *6c ODE8$ SHI EL0D aMeled bouda; aseorted value, 7 f r 25c. * szes; opeclal, 1)817, Sa nises; bobk f 60 for 4c PEARL *UTTONS8-Fine basting tbread; 0011 150 0f 86 lahly pollahed HOOKS AND EVES-Sil- SAFETY PINS - Clià pin, 1 0 ' vale"70ver Or Japanned, card, le. nce-p]Lated, 7c valbti, A OTfour months havi the"'L r ?"1 torp+-o old, and knMk i' Tis sle is a powerfU ~~~edfl snewasumdpossession en tlef than 71 years M*i"L1ake County. gtiop~ or rrapfid idevelopment ttà td I sa, forteful s, seasonable merchandise at ta oir,~ ùhmu "n eds ç 3ho~ ~ Julia Iiowe and otber that. bavebeen seWztg, f o pm JS0~necloth toP%-. 'Women's ,Bhoo,ê2-éÎsisyls patent kýih4,.wit1 i * âh &ui4u a ofA 1 i è a" I& values, at .I.......... 3'ulets-Women' sô~ft * fl4tile isojéo i fbtim I sold for lem.than #1,56; ~to oro tIr E 11-FoK ce dohare t ase çuice Ienat4 T 'io eri bu e moie es an réiular $300 t kId* Juieta-wiv ' î S *rIES- Mu a'".t Roa an i ,h collrwt f' orbrd -v.' III ~i~d b.d shoota; N In.fl mode 0f aIrons.' rnvafl~~Ia;>over a.ll pile.. tl ......... yarda ~ort k i a eeq -tf IandýçoU#ti) =h pots; vaies Up t. $12.98 coa"Ognthbeit- are cordu- é X've~on collar and 'tinazeuâ o irent iy tailkd br iogklotI* ew colqès; belted ai titjhw. j t J t reg XSl~U~ep sel eglry for~ rl I laek and ai Ithe fasb1QalM q ce, peir y rd ., shades ex ellent $1.25 aluea "aterf Th aTh goods a mr d uthîs lot. , Dchided are all.woolr- .pillauOlins, serggs, voiles and ihst, of novelty materials,ý Width. to 56 in( es; ail colorsirepresented, yard..... and ZWol P9gIn-Bçaut ' 411-Wool Berge-A very ren ý'4q-trous1fbric of sEt, clin& texture,, .le value in an- inexpensive qui ýM'40nc>, wide; sW;4via iii iqL.the street, firin weave, 36 iuches wvide; b :Lnd ,evening iliy irw red-, -nvy,, C6peniîagè th9f ".0Ç. guen; excellent 59c grade at ________ ________ ________. . .....1.0 0. . . . .. . . . . . ....... <Igfsh grocery order et = PPE.,- MR 1Co T^ -e- an Ssjtour. poatoe.s wd PJJa* PLIMrCod- T. akA - Pn »gp uot4Jncluded.) fori 11....d' lbPeb>t COftN -FLAICE-4ar J*PAI4TA apd mofor . P;' ROLLIED DAT; for .. .. .. .. 7*P4 Ce" AND -St. Over~e "ypu tore ~ ~'k-: eovembeèr ïith la 1