CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Nov 1915, p. 2

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j i e t v 1 E i W. P aft o bout tlOw@11165, muaombléshp iuriaig the ppaul pas. The *Mni oi'f the Vederal eei 8«eý just le re m in you buma oût t el iag o, st on amoonender tnias.eiectono i. o .aa e s sTet r m ' dbelr daang b m alon dac %aw l eth e in erin endme r a t YOU ~~~ IYapeinsters.FdC. . same twethekhe lse aebenéeeu rm If you have an>' ia.en ff stl reporto as. doing very well. The Lyrle Theatre va closed dowa 15 'MIS abilltg td e0rn moneg and then Mr. and maSbsimyer iMes. John Cole and the two alter lent Sunday algbt's show, ae the ink i oe uhma Incoine. 99______________ oldeet childeen etarted lait Tbursday ou ne oWaor. P. E. Chinq of Antiach. bas M E A Y LA E S * X XXX X X an auto trip to 8i. Louis to @pend e d6cided ta dimnatle the pluce and Wt Savinga Accoet at this t>sok To lnsurWpublicatlI@nla the Indepen- nuniher of day. la that city with ,éla.- renovrs the exlzaes. which ho will die- o are meawed b u aroun the oua.,Cistea, Rof, CliarWindos, * dent.ob i h e @CB lO ler Thur@day. Whou be houaht the place frotu the and Stoekkoldèrs Liabilitu or a. tan ueeyv f ech eek Admr-creditors ai Owen Woolridâre about a i..iifhlDY,~.8aL*~.Mrs. Ters&.. IlCartby snd Mre. George moath &go, bedld it witb the intention liners,.sp.cilly are asked taofaîke Boehmi werelai Elgbland Park, Toèsday dimtlaththtoifhéoue 25 00 0 * parîculr noIce o the afect. whoro ther att*ed dthe foneraI i 1Wm. qI businies done hore could not show Iatae sue u ooee WIIÉ HAVE THE TRLING TO La es Coi, a fiend af thé former. The churcb tua héaa profitable laflment y cont-n r surda noeo Àdkom "Nw nh@4service wonheîd lua Rghwaod and the tlnug tu Riveshows forea month D . !R C-, Calsn w .K .. b ito hla pof te MlE. Wayaké U The Lîbertyvillé Union ot the W. C. T. 3 STarîsonPO ,sEaVKenR nharvisitr c ion o f th U.s. Fankay st oo l wîhave charge of the ev.ning __________________________ o Snday. drtedrcin ltr.FakJs ervice ut the M. E. church nert Sunday., Easy to apply-never comes off (;@orge Cooper epént Sunday In .Joliet. aud Mr@. Loin Mattecke présent *'An their order of service tablng thé plae le ofnt wivth i on Clarence. Uniavited Memer"satthechuichgmni- the. regular eveaing service. There i a eC uté ain lB n * Ache oor sen Snda *h i snniTuesd*y eveaing. Nov. 23rd. Yon beopeia.andappropritemusic by thé * arceMore yml na y *thhi will eujoy this play. Plan toattend. lt choir. Ail Whte Rihhanrî are ta ut tend Cpti upu n rft 10000 It!* aret.Misa lesbolle Carleon, who a he b e h service in a body. Mrs. C. J. i t, Now is the Tinie to Fix 0 Frak ooper af Lsko Villa, was caîl- her home bers for thé posé two weeki Presîdont of thé Wankegan Union. vill11 Total RfflurmO, - - 750,000.00 lo nfinehére Saturdmy. returmed ta ber work la thie Batavie, deliver a lecture and givo an aecouet u ------ai--- COME IN AND ASK US ABOUT IT À danglhter vas bora ta Mr. snd Mra. 111,itelfooli OD lest Saturday., The the National W. C. T. O convention heud tb(Georgo Kooai on Friday af lait wsek. sebools lai Baavia boa beon ciosed ou- la Seattle, Wa...iooctober. tirs. Jat 0 Hame Rondes ai £iàilch. vlléd afeount Q0 an eéidemlc of diphtherla la vas thé Lako cnunty delosetu thob f rlonds hors several days thé pant weék. Mtad Mes. K. B. Sitad coirnvoai80op. . sevc vibgi tVEGtTABLES FRUJITS IIDTVUIIIV* et th hameo ahlteagasetveut tu Baraboo, Wl.., the latter part A tire ai unkuowa oriffin, on Tueed&y Lub@dM e lbe ilînésa of tMr. Swift'@ inoiher, trs. frame bouse oai Sovnthotreet, noar Park Day byth OI De"0 * trs. J. A. Gravea @pnt Sundgy In Barman. tir. Swift bas returned home avenue, the lire belg diecovered at IInmuIIhennu Dpot Bae er0ye us. 0 ailkewthbr ag ti r@. Wni utbis vile nd ehildvéfl vil româ,1fl fbout 7:35sualeu thau au bur theEr F E ER C C Phone 47 L A. Biehop, Mgr.0 Tuesday mornlng ta viit ber mothér 1jor frred from thé Lako Forestetofie o! the but their efforts at palliasg the'beavy Oire ni week Chicago Télephone Ca. bc Libertyville. truek for about a mile vers af no beaioît Phone 30. Libertyvilie, IL MimeMar Eem seatB ladAia~id Be hu scaptd té psiton f~ lght am the hanese tond outeido ai thé village 1 1111111rSuaday vwlth relatives aud fiIeds lI operator at thé local office. mi"tisCah limite aui thé departme atsksd »veril SMrgaPark. orino Petgos, vho had beon the aigishuadred el of hos ta reeclt lb. "mes. ÂOtiIJI CO. operalar, han beeb transierred 10 day Lawrencé Brown a« t b. owsor of thé Mir. nudtirs. Frank J. Wright enter- bout,. houa.. vhieh b.d beai vacated by'O ime t rons Bali of Raine, Satur- Volits sud i mothér jus% thé deyM AT WI"ZMUsud tusd oi Lawrece Browni of LUbertiville. and heflore. Thé fires .sm.d tuhave simrted F T0 EA E Buds Mrm.Jais AbrIght ofWasrmea, II..lai tbe mater of thé building. lva ou vietes vicme Not thé md of thé Vaudevillle 1tahé e r. anisi ..lsaslest gsurday iie ueia 0ty a si a gives aithe Tovai Hallon 1 io .0.Tb@ coupl>e viiireside onfoe"«,a huket brigadbe.90thléésprt A09W ,$-* ehas.eeto *iu plh iut fatodl bing . iu. e 8P. M. Tird itroot. Thé @m- due'li laigo metemase ad esraihaudred of Mm..Ctas. E. Mmado aicildren oouremdbo *e mni !Dlck Roussi, Ou fflPoobqt0 arc O > ta1 A T apntlialq~epai0flat é k l mp a&"Mims a... Nommei oth o gcf br@*Iihmd 0400 .5< ffa Wmwwlretatives lai Round Laie.*nl il vsi. iiullb ~DumVM ÂxoTnE X "10W M motory @$1cd idou MOII ~ tr. and Me.. W. P. Prestn apent L mét araAbers W. IMebili Tii.ieulas lillîl »d conviaient Thai'. vhy car tue, dalioonpiéséane sa mach ia dom- d. 11 Ir.itrl*tvfi' . f I.l.fNn<lg ,îndmv vl'lî reliesrd iriendo lai @w"5aftalign ebeJutice LjreIl13. tiotoaordby Lhbrtyvglalrge. neaca ahd$ h emao h mrca aty "lu.&bd a nuval. Mrris uos*9tbe 'ba et.lbàýba b" l abr AUMTQIUUM asure add Bat that wvs.before ,kodern, sanitary babeshop methode fgrâ Pk mih ad onofdesred ivitaOllage ptY y dikq bepléamaresiemd proSIlis a ipatros e t »hmachmours had done &%&y vith botheome kitchen pie Ne.maiMri ?a~ Sill an mo ofautomoioleaérons a swly laid coemumlpaftile. awemimut» M ~mmtingp 01 a toë m heoeb . ~M ftr. msud Mes. wlk la front qi bis propr nOisb Oorne l kind.Ton vwilplasma your patrons aig kJohn Barhour oTr linadai. avenue. Théenmm Siued. fBsby mes aininyoue parties for théeh iet vleB k r Foi M- hm . Y'ou will watla ituse thé0itia- vas pîmos under àa OUbond. AudtorlW. 6e4Th betvl B k r MW' ~~ l"uethé@ Bsisy acool play st thé Lionel Bull stmteà eni eaiauto trip Phone es - - LibeIlyVille, W.. M. I. Gym, Nov. 28rd. Oad lamgh. t t lîsn i. a.a ona B. P. mai B. P. Onldley and J. D. lnuhIbniateret o 0fb Superoe Mlkiag Marahali sudi hem familles oai clago, tMachiaie Co., vlth wbh e .laconnected-B g ile il vimd ith ebrlatives héré ovér Sunday. Bis autloablil vas loaded davai wtb 1 an fi F5 I Mre. Mary lUth ani Mn. M. unerorion f thé milkig machines whieb h.oN O NC M N . r RAN Mr@.N MRa ( rmy chstTurmaM.a lasIvskdéof é dtoa epurchasar. Be oxpécta b St. awrenoes Church n____L wivLh tire. C. M. Fualleand other finonds. romain lu that viliity for about tva T48111111n O 0weeks.- 4 J. W.tBart etanlil on snday eve- J. W Har rsumne ouMoady o E . B.R Wilson, tho preoldent of the loig f rom a tbree daym vieil vith bis CCl tI ." jj~~~~~ - daaght r, Mies. O. C. French la Wheatou. témporary organisation o! thé Lberty- A.D P LE ,M D V --- -- -- -- B vll Gof lu o CunryClub bas elled __________________________ Wor, v ed bers tbe firet oi thé a meeting o ai al members for SaturdayVE RNRY URI N .4: ~ ~ ~ ~ o . E RITO lux week of thé serions lineu of Mie Flore e:niD:zN.1z :;:os:thevillage hall.W D ED YEEIG Hsoeid nofc nLdIi iey T Trlpp hlataigwh relatives tfl Thé meeting viliiho called tu order et EN DÀ EEIfi aopn uofcenLdI'Lvey i.,?R IC R ESTAURA NT Elmharol. éght o'clock. Thé comauîteé onan ites NOV!MBER 17, 1915 AMtu URMs Dorothy Béam rebumnéA tu Elgin sud finances wiii niake is repart alter Commesucrget 8:00 oclockr. TELEPHONE 4 LBERTYVILLE AHI TY OJRon Frldey aiterhavlng &pent thé week wblcb the piano for Incorporation viii Vii~aUMts diff~II~hor srevith ber parents, Rev. aud tMre. ho completed. Since lait véek a suffi- PROGRAM. X"7M .r'.I IL I4 Kft L M EL S Ir.D B. iteam. ient, number o! nov marchera havé béén PARtT 1 es crd a ~m r r lu i-mmdiete Prélude........................... ( reie tr4 ý7 1,,eO«Ysi"EES OW IN SEAON tirs. W. E. Davis' Sunday echool elag roec aferrant the coanpletlon ai Chorus .....(hareh seýk I PloeDAJJOEA» PARTIS CAIERE TO wilfrihmit u e oi"niethé permanent oCganisation.C'îecih , 11 nB é ~ F j IL1 4II s1 F 1 4,Lbryil LONLBL. ri. onmist.It PBeesut ire, bo'tb lu thé village and In orchestreansd Sole.........Dean tVelbi M L INR -------tr.-nd--r.-----el-----îîl the'countny have caaoéd mauy people ta Ciog Dance____ dagtr dtr u is Bnot o o ouider the advlsabllity of the saler Sala ........................ Mis Walkér ------ - daugter an Mr. ad Ure..ennet fPoppv DrîlhIr W.lusl. pnevs. Wtowiopg trillvs areDowtaet nsttes. la*estastles iniai e y forerlfor iilis.,Missese ----- --- 001 -- Paletine, vere guat i tbe home andpiga hi vial aes lt NEtiSO a Children. Y.. are cordially iaivited toi»e them. PRICES MODERATE. Om. Schley ëunday. thi. iu mind ve extend ta tho publicea Dootfi t erteorhsro cordial liavitation ta caîl sud lnipect aur PAJT Il. W. aiso mc. selection of L"«ia' lfoise S'I Do ot eu a har hé rcestrai pécielly equlpped Fine Prout Sale Orchestre Wiste and Fm" co onds. T'M.PanisîsusCorset. A uto nobilie"O vner_. e it:.: ote an:er the direction of Mie epst V:nît sud private steel Sale "D:netie robleauh:ived'........... jBlanche KImbali ait the M. E. Suuafiay lieposit boxés vhich are et yoar service . .......Bor.............W............- LibertTalene scol ly o. 8d I ora @alannuel rca. T iret De .... is s Khtead %to[ikA .LN R T i e4v Have outhought &butstoringurg crReemerthe St. 1Lwene@churcb atonlBkLiho tyilIli 11. t Becitation . .. q. r. a...Foret Decker or dme wioter moaths? Basmar et thé Town Hall bath Wédnee. _______ Save the price oi à painting job or àame day anid Tburoday, the 17tb aud 181h O storage battery. Have oui car go out InSées thé ad la this lsue. E dme spiog in as co a condition as it The Dé4fsemtof Âme CamptM W. A.DA AA U SEE VD 'Il 1came in had a vény large crovi ýt thebe dance I Z AR which'lhoy gave Frld*y/2nioebt o a@% ---e<ét! Our soaeservice js urp.ssd, a week ab thé 'ovu BeIl..LAIIO large, dean steam heated bulWlng. Veur Frank Lightbody, 3r., lof1tiMondsy fur U-R EIV-1 car wll be jacked op off tWi floorte pre. Boston, Mas., vherehekixpéteiosopéadtcîc ply.,Iu serve the tires% the entire car covered M a févw soes. tFront thr. ho wilI go ta ijour storage battery taiea care of. Charges Bthél, Vrmont, onua buntlng trip. NEW PRFÊ PARED . PANCAKE reasonable. We aWs store storage bat. Arthur Guenwood, vra énutted ta IT terries at a sinail charge. au apratina luthe. Wesley hospitali vI rA D D CKWiiA FLiAS rom oraIe mr crs Chcfo, retoraid te1lh1 home hère last ~UlJWU N 'CW7I~aTLUR We still have ro o ew ecr.Fnlday lght. HRois mach lmpravéd Ilu Automobiles porchased [rom us in Novem- geidettNolen ai thé Lake Fret and i A fi egi<a' anak fu ber or Deceniber stored free of chargje,1 Colbogle vas a viior ab thé Blgb sud Oriole Prepared Buckwheat the coming winter ùMoah. fr Pbi aolrostody émd Novemnber 17 and 18. Graindma's Pouicake fiour a sony itorestlng talk ta one ai the classes. TOWN HALL. Libertyville c eP pa dBu w et f/ e e a I y E

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