baeleney frml' IAT D B P S E IL E ;DU N R Attorney Donavan of Woodotock ai> JURED PATIENTS garet Farrell, Miss Blanche (onaredsfor thehaveorney ugeneforsmofMiss Agnen Rasmussoil m Mus 17 wîu. %ÂVE Ing bog choiera virus kt the state IIJ.I' AWIhClarkeIHIR andead pba cmnncte OR"M iss e ir a elv g ew ring. 1 biological laboratory bere will be AUL OFv,ÀarNEWaaLAW D ERS SAalUaIIL witi> the attorney general and the lai- À E F RIN Y EAIR Members ofthejiVoaer . r' ei§14.0 tien .irgburned hereafter, fi was announced toteradg.nnoasracof the_____esisMaVadrakMisdu site"' e ie a adesitUl 4 day by Dr. 0. P. Dyson, tate veteri- Legisiature Realizes Ambiguity (Oontlnned F'rom Page One) catties eafety later than midnight Ana etn fJn c Vandermark, Mise Uis" QUblll I.tjnanian. Regrading 2 Per Cent inheri- mined battit ha& been wagéd for many Ilaaisturday.'n, in Mryg MosDr. Dyson was lndicted S8lturday h ac axFe. wekCrut Ug lir .E- Edwards Tries opoms. Alister Hospital Association iaorty eaeMse ay the Sangamit countygrand jur for _______ wsrdswarncd hl that s. Accordingiy Judge Edwards calied Was HeId * eMssJnl ana isN1 . $1.0 th Sanamon couty gnd Jry fr wade wrnedhim hat nkes o Atorne Genrai ucOlon ne,'poissisoarNi ella Keli r&. SXV5 MaiNufbturln 1Co. talling ta hume or bury the bodies el For many years past 1fi bas been promised their security for 48 houri, aindeplaner heat ueo teron At the annual meeting ofthte Jans as se. te e CIMO11400t CAQO the disenared hogs. the practice of county treasurers in ho wbuld Issue a new wrut of ln, . d eiainteaita tho e rs.tMAitrHsitlAccain in OS LSSJ __________ ________________________Laike county ta retaîn au a portion of junction. The attorney generai tbld M.LcMairakig1 hecru tha J iteilaspint sc ofia th e is OREfLil JW thelr fees 2 pur cent of thse Inflprit- the judge ho would guarantce thse iudge, made ibis astontshing adiea-stit ion eprtend n theof tOM NI J ance taxes collectedl. This was done safety of the hord no longer thon mid. sion In expIaiing wby the comis 1- yinst3ituion.kortIed tatin tshe Wast, ov hy virtue o0f a law wbich stated tbat night Saturday and then wound up by liodn eat ea l'yine, corteenîîyy een ared fkor injuredNlcAlitirhnenta bae WaGeog an, o . the county treasurer sbouid retain thse stting In pain words that he ufdrIano.eail the berd and re- pital. Spaulding's corners threw thse baillo, IIIl '$ 2 per cent tee In addition ta is regu- etood the plan was ta siaughter ths' ported back as ta their condition: Four bundred and nineteen opera- over tbe liseaitof lber bosisandrs hbS». S r ' lar saiary. hrd Sundîy mornîng. We couid filt get a commission to tions were performed during tbe year, Itehtbn oti rn ft 11M - to v e sThe legality ot ibis practice v.aa Forthwith Judge Edwards told the' oked woseld not ct Te aeXpts eyd and 64 children were barn et the 1n. Fred Buckt marktl riday 11oeni*w netbqceutenitheynttitcttin wasDatorngytbenyea thE apatie he orse snapped aI ber;but id td not uestoned unti acton ws atorne genral hat ie wuid ssuemittecd they could flot tell from exam. died at the intittioe ie a vr atietsuetclsgbi aso No matter what pic. ~brougbt against Carl Westerfield for tbhe injonction restraining the slaug~hInn h ll want to puy, we can meet tihe return of thse tees lie bad coilect- ter and.he did no. As a reanit, undb'cvrdf hter tyha e number of persans cared for eacb band. He did strIp thse fous tiMat5e Y0U1.Mr.keep terielet u im l- nocîrcumatances, eau a>' alepa ecvee rmthe dsîse o ot. m o t h e year was 12 tip of one 0f lber lingers, and i g roqfreênt Wlh -sired to kep t ees If b>' was net taken toward kiiiing the catlle In- WI, ~ ~ ss~ menths $1.750 was expended la im, Enhardt, acting on thse advio. ci ha"or rAf etw entitled ta them legally. He pointed saide of fOve dais as the law says Oive > wi uiitsm hesft feProvements in andi about thse opera. woman triend, went ta Dr. oiV Rive you phuidl SBtIfUC-ouIt that al of bis predeceisora and dais mai bie given during wbicb h. missi o 8heur wiexaml ie the h elin recru. This oney was spent for office wbere she bail ths sla don Szlf! W1 valu. ~x ~ THE INSTR.NC~ reslndthe tee as a part of their jections 10te etemporary writ ImI mdrpot10 th i exiethcnie trlzto ufl nifrahgsdesd don ady. t"pu r th T R IU R" 19salary andi that tise saine practice was be prepared. apressureo bolIer.xac codi Mow. teAInam e LUTON being tollowed by practically everY And scarcely a ball four baildes eheefr acmrms. The total expendltns'es for thse year Francis Parker tickesi à goalatWu U&-4t WÎlla ePIêaur to han only onue correct answer. It in county treasurer in tise stat>'. He elapsed between tise time tise jndge JuDgespit e isefort refucompromise. ae 2.8.3 wU har.a oedw n htweeob h fl yuMa8eYOUrcbo(ce. -Do it sow'Delàty for even a pointed out aisselise section of tise law talked witb tise attorney general be- teaîre eea h eîe Isa eptâ totalled $19851.97 Tise expen. boeat Deertelsi, 7 te 6. on tise h* sig.'dymypoedsiru.whicis apparently justiflei bics andi fore a telephone message came trom h olgurne nthgla dtures exceeded tise recelpts hi fieldi. Wahsl made Parker,& 1611db Better crier iun t0 issue you a policv tise oaiier county Ireainreri in thse Lake Bluff te Ibis effect: bthoud nh a noting$82926. down afler-4 50-yard run la t3ie Ors to-dat'. 'hen yen wll ho f nliy state in dsing ths.He expressi *A gan ofmon bis învaded the 1Iisban midoigisl Paturday.kx ad sccssie in prote;ited aailst loin by Oire if it trom the tir-t wilingness ta tnrn over Durand fart%. they have etUrted lAli rlght, thon," sald th. judge, Ms e wsnatsihgi ap- ie rtl s thsne &cm is ~upp l'Il iâsue un nJunction and we'l finit penes tisat Ibis year thse expendituser av eeOli 1iOe4 tise a should corne, as il may any lime, lise roney lie badl collectesi provid,- digging the tronches and appar- ecee h eeps*d W Don't taire the riîkr of oatcleîng you lngfit was shown tisaI lie was In the entiy the eiaughter of the herd 18 out about the horde condition liter."eCeeslierept a:"W- ( ,unineured. vrong. te b. gofle ihend with in hopea And tise Judge Immodiately iegan eoisld gay for &il lmproveienlsIif we ENfi i, lYinElI « I ld That th-erewan a t'en strong ques- of killing th.m before Judge Ed-t gel tise vieels Seing for tise I-, cleli vr etw and lion as ta the rIgisl of county treas- warde Ilote hle pipera signei.l. m- junction writ. p5,5t ieas vaw frequontly roeliedK A Tr ]aBldg. -.Iibetyvlle iest epts onyvsssou nslashl see re It was while tise attorneys for Mrs. $500 a year frôthe tiecty of Waalke.DI ON ) Pisss 2 1J551VI151 n tsetackethIsaI neli alIo er o iatghts wiproaeed"Duani.orie ilsthe laenegan, and a mucis larger smm treille theScot W Pl 2. Lm-tviliq in te fact tha nearliver over. wor'auîngeonwltiseopapera Diourlwe.eWs dîsig nnttreoaliers cdotya.We didnit reaelie 9 doilà _________________ ere doing sa. Wisen tise supreme WLsen lie iseard tbat sncb waa h htte'hn esg aeka tisefo h it hsyaan ic é c te roney lasCic ago catse tal pM. lan and tisaIen'a in fu .ace of ise e gang wus d gging tie trenc ss, lie building of tie Lake Cou ty G a !Cuat themony bloned e te #ota Mr wraig tat o wn t isue wrtvils Vise develogments thon taking 5*MI1 ispitil WU iire o qo lvm ui Westerfield pronsolli tuinesioverftise Judgs vdw"stipped te tlheetele. place very rapidiy as oiaiUnesi aio,..cent ln idogations boni lais. county."'M l 2 per cent Jean iso ball colloctesi, show- phsone and collait a man nameil Peter- Coudnt Plnd Commissin. Offotwra for y5t.1081136fi tiselvas ntaturo . tise asI se>sIoon e of th . t.s ina charge morfothes. iate lve NI00IW id u1155 W50 l. IL P61M tbintts eure t ol the".oiect "Kn 0"91 . * eco l etd urtot affair ttAtoore cviae ferL V~.itGIISD.U. tis ipo «t niort~o exuoey ~ 'tesal.te, ndi w re l.o oataip"feMUT fli e MS. .7@ l' Mi" WUblro, b gu o in l aots Tethe lai 1paCircit Cleter« k a inge tmomber et thewtel* U*r o wa's&bom m be Ug assure-es ftbomend out tisaI t ,oq 1 "M*li' e N EUÂDY laturo m iier was 1coaideble om et le t a indtaccordb o f aa dfore t >e coplyCommt.-ps ilia J in L HU oouAe PMs> asa mtm. boit aba ip, foom It Tutamthe Taugk.. ter roote forcuit Cslous an tMseet tbe *oust tbo JI, shsrlff. tnts li em o. ier. uis iltaainov Dot(ilin e Uof s sty t .r 1mw aiMO&in BSitsrlf <bln via cdardsesi o--E' uIvi tuesiM g w . luswdit li4t».taJ. B. Mo lol t. "_ Us~te mi t1.e n o, eUS P"odsbu Mi. au. thaeindaiesgoia ts t»ulib. m InM oe.h.t» inuti a ol e; ln5 led viaI v to go, la e la u pp I5Cml mfit#Uugs IIM1. *00afmi cllils surisorcuion bowu Iliaulde ausevéilieg -ase"t Lai. luffas u,' nmtm& lui. Nm h in MieirngssoeM o m frdiut enor Mu treld. om«M quickly r eplisi: vlho »»muI ber e itos u -Sith. elhaim-0!Mm Pe 051U0Pei, LIIUY bi s * ud& a mple0 . *for1 ta-tli*gi ap rip ifmd a tiono h iim.lo "li ae u am a alu.H a rteis cut mneele o d ise so eeu ne rl. asILméaied f b. t& l ropaaring Illégl.oted nov%»Y coinIl ,uh-owo tise la su litl existeli bilfore, "Tisle.ame two mes roprsanting outon frtis a î via It lwouiî inOb old", bbt' IlWeildo~i. ~~ L -- k 700 dearly in more vays th»suone. locnsrets ioso lithr nbave lbeen. accordlng 10 local court 4t tihe ulm eeting tia I Mies100 11 A~~~ C ij ~~~~~My once; they luit caen. n" offIclis Wiso homme greally lnensed oudtba1r f bdvr t e au >mop> in uet. i W - -kAn o "Give tisern verbal wau'ing pendiu over tise mothosis reslortei to isy thé oef&icnit andi carefeil mannea. s tise au I li~ 1 1011 C O.QUAR NTIN~ %1E1>S thé: receipt of tise :rit," commansiesi tate andi governunont officiaIs. m*mieusdecidsi bDams ar a tis H ar war Qu w T î FCdü s te udg. Ad te borif id e.What One Min saill. only member of lise committa.. ind Me la wha ne court officil a id Bonne Coumlittee-.iina. ThoinsH. PAM mm N Compasny PhOos8 M N R 1 LA ucl utt nCr ins niregarsiing tise malter: Burke, cisiruan; limsW. E mlÂIMt TogmNu i ' A. MA Y BwLÀ . Qiti Scotheuransi ltvineg nldead tis l ooks to me ne If thoy want te and Mr&. Joua W. Tlouniozi. fbîtsl.Lb LIBERTYILLEs - ILLINOIS LIBRTYVILL!, ILLINOIS îdTeTRJU M(MS wdoorSot tise uad ge' isam enstheîkilU thit hsrd just bociuseo illino beaui, Training Scisool Cormitte-liis _________________________________________________ I~U IILR wrote nii e 's c Sien rstf n.wbodemonstrihed thît catile lck wllh' Mary Lyon, cisairman; MMs. hward - enteres tise Duransi auto ansi was the foot and mouth disse. CAN be Spsing ansi Mrs. Cisarles 2I.Lion. DL O. P. Many tas-mers are isemoaning thse die Ibei-eisedt iecred-they want te gel th. evidence Delicacy ansi Donat.ion Comminite- vy ygsr5y *uleo tact tisat the presence of tise foot andi tarro vIser> b' oi cisarge of lb>' under the ground." LiC. GJohnB.Miehn. cismrmdarn, is ~ gyga. moutis disease qearantine la prevent- premîses under tise circuit court or- MR. C. OsD. Misshntin.feo reT £"m rs A t eni o nIU teu fomlevig tafrme, Ber. Tiese heriff arriveil i ie1 D Es1II I~E Carisart, mms M. J. Kalovsky, lreOR. N. W. -SIIE alt.ogh ,. y fI.i. a il,.. edtegel evieon tebis wo ai e -~- n ss5 5IU u. theî .,..,~ hai inendes sericeme.. "'.. I aD M E-nN WERvn Charles(Gorbea ansi lis. Esvard OSTECOPATR1C P The big fie loss i tbié community receiitly do ao. Thsis la true esPeclallY vitis Ilere ta siîg the trenchs In whichl&~TT pig li rgoDi. Lbe4b proves the fallacy t>) fail to secure ample pro- the fmrsvohaelesd thetstate and goverumeul expectesid ~ ~ jJ f~J Visiting Nurse Commttee-Mr». Cr- Umm esaue1OmaSà tecton e vii b vey gld t uubit ate aud taros.t# bury tise slaugisteresi bord. Tbe rus Blosigett, cinair m ir.William Tudo dIr,,"4N. teton e il eveygldtosbmtrae ad An instance presentes IitseU osly a siseriff soon madie Ilb ean tsaIt the Fesring that steps migIsI ba taket i. Lyon andi lis. Chaules EherlhD ii TYC ail information if you will just drop us a card ont- te, dais agn. The man viso min a circuit court waa notlttolbe Interferesi iy tise gang of tzencis diggers viso lus- zsarity Punit Commithe-Ilra Wil, . 1. L -r - tarro for Henry Becitran of Wauke- vitb ansi tisattIse writp vould be vaded lber psce Soiturdieveniug t10 iiam 1. Lyou. cisaimnumus; lira. Jtasseý linlng yurn ts fl1.Lonaimn rs lue j~*Wf*gin ibai Intendesi to quit tanmlng on strictîy entorcesi. MII tise ierd hefore Jusige Esivards P.«u&lan4 Mss am S Md y' October 6, but hecasuso tise quaranline Thoso Affected. couldIssuiae the Iniunaction. Mra. Du, .HuladMn emohodimne bn ibai nt heen litted. hoe vas un- TIse taJunctIon ' sdiecei aaistrand rsiered lher famro islp te ,. EntertaInmentý Committee - Thse= %- 41 heta dispose of bis caIlle andi tise Iliv>stock commission ofIlîlînoîais emseîveu. Ans i vilsloaded eaiot- nioroers of tise ascocatlon votai 10 Dl OLM~O -, Dort & ba ili d 4 oudleave. Theu along came a ls-e tht andsi is members as Individuesls, as guns in tiseir bauds tisoy prepared to Dame fousi-enrtainM Mt oanslttees, EI destroyed ail tise buildings ansi nuy tollovs HR. W. Pattorson, B. J. Shsan- defens tIse place ageinst auî unez- eacis commltlee 10 serve tisree montiss BOon àtu 12e. 111 Si&Oaa DUTU# iiiff h4A fPbit 2 LIÇIV1 ea of caille. Had the farmer been ley. I. F. Brovn, Oliver E. Dyson. and pectesi ofthlie state autsori. Tise commiltewi, visiisyl serve dur. Over FirsI Niàj allo ak ______________________________________________aile10leave visen ha Intendeil tohli teir agents andi attorneys. Tisey are liesprien ta lise arrivai of lis. court igts mnb0»Noebr ecn-OfceIhu«9-. ls.4ie S ____________________________________________ otild nest have sustainesi a beavy orderesi ta make no moe teo ilth rtis br si Jiuar SvilI ho: Chîrma, hs1wileIleà ___________________________________________________ los.berd until lIse injonction ladusive. Aiei tss iaitîibe e 0Mmi ed*ars.P.iC.; meuhe s. !D .H M[I il ~~TIser>' are other tas-mers vso lase lisei cannot do sa exceptiug tisat tbeî shoot to MIIl, Ms-k. Duransi reisliesi: cmmtteMn F C Kigst li H.C.B rrdg Son-N rse y >~ f ars-msansi vio have endeavoresi ta vs 0taibeied In contempt ot court. '*No, 1 tolsi them tb shoot et Ihelr EsivanilA. OtMra. JofinW. Town v »u- S.00w" A"« a lk give tbem up vien tise leasos expired I la Dot believei they vil make ant' legs; 1 just wanbed lhem ho hoUd bock .B arus i ÂLL KINDýB oiF but bave been unabie to do no. In move to test the paver of tise circuit until the court had a chance te ruis." anst Mrs. llia Ebert.DALT some cases tise quarantine vas se court. Tbe wrît Solds untîl tise next 'Ths> arrîval of tise court orsier l nsiMi hne iet b5YiO ioi~ -- fl T'98 010 sti hat tisey coulsi net leave tIse torr oftcourt unless tise state visSes l> ad !Ssri rfnsae~Ts omle iîi u 0teCIMA. N. STEPIENS, . 1). HÂRDi PLÂNTS, ih and Ap, a:s-hcI rm temeleaBD thr ass,1umveM1disovbtoe isn. unnecessas-i tor any shots to ie firesi erarMrh niAri:Car farne heseles.Inailer ass. a oveta isolv beor, Mrs, F. L. Gourney; members of OEOAH TREES ÂAND VIN S. jtbeî coulsi not drive Ibeir cattle aw&> nsDyo Ectmn.cmnite r.C . ail.ln. PlS YSICIAN a"i suEtgUoN iand could not even dispose of tliem ' nrc EnsDyo xleet.cmnteNr.C E a0lM h o Office sou. 0e4 Lot un estimate the cost for autumn planting frte coulsi finsi no purchasers viso Tise Issuance of this second injunc -îS JKEOI J PretDnArthsur, lirs. A. I. Milti- îoivefl il chance whiielion stIse climax te asi t >ex- a0. TDL INdsmotr, Mrs9. Charles R. Lyon, Mr&. J. F ai rh olm G a r den&iS Ph o n e 102 -R tlere vas danger of anotber baiout- ctmn icitcutlntciîetsefup~tlJut D ercomantt ansihmi, ui.J.L REDWING, D"idRndLbryrn.lesa long tîme since lise circuitcîeri's 1THE Il S he ommtte viic l serve busa oiUetvi ' reak of lise disease. Thus many men bsfrvbiIi May, June ansi July-Cairman, lira. Vl RN _______are________________________ beisig made ta remain on frn ffcGorie ebs, o ihibsi. adust. CllfflVat, _______________________________________________ ousimub rîbr >'case ansi tiseCunningisamocase. Mr.M. J. Kalovsky; memisers, Miss Belle Omc at Resues TMi __________n__________*________________________________ tbe -Brockvay and bis aides vere on tisev D IT . F R S Donneliy, Mmi. Le>' lacDonougb. lirs. Ave.Pisone Thedor H.Ourt. rosdan. W B.Smih, IceProidet.not even have lime 10 go bome te Tventy of tise 28 nev resi brick Mms. Frankt Biackmere andsi in. John PULI C AU ThodreM.Duai Psudet.W.B.Smth VcePeidet. <'rtThodreKrst, gei 6 easbuildingss Icistise Lakes Pore3t beau- bt.:ilsAteiopile F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager alTedr rsag 7yas supper Saturday evening. Wie lostatninput Hon. DeWitt L. Jan#*. G4n. Counsel ansi a resident of i<enosba ton mini, tiful comnubtu. is etrectng ln West- Tise enientalument committes for noti~?,,on mkLUI isai et ileil TELEPHONj~~ 8 I yeas, siied aetlisehome of iba aÙigi- Ped orMr.ernuavenue have been renlesi, The Agu t o tmber ansi Octobr- 121111lMde of ho TE E H NE 1ter, Mrs. John Dumeaic, on Grand Judgeiles ot Chicago, ropresentIng amounts range tror $85 1a $175 ieCiaruangu I.C.l e;mubes are.Io s. nl avne eohJUsa betore noonon Mrs. Duransi, appearesi beforeise month. rs. Johin Hoban. Mms L. B. Jolley, li 17d% rmtet PITLVE a- R Si ' cTOOSusiay mitr-a.longIlinees, 'Jîsede-court andi lleadeit for a nov lnJunc- Tiseuldings, .csno b-_uonM-s.CarneH.Seiis ir.Gere l ,J