L&KE OUlff ~ EENDI~T, FRPAINOVEMBER 12,1915. ____________Pi.Ww Edited by F.,J.ORUOE Phono I OdrTakon¶JV Job Worh. dvrligrate, on i..Iilon. xm'ou P oIes. baie ihenni ade ai Boyd'm kStdio, Libertyr ille. lItS Boyd'o Studlîî 15% dimecîîurt on Xmam Phosoe during Noveuiliar. Amble Moors ut th@ Pul)iw S@rvlce Co- ol UbortyvilW. speRài Su1i'iai liare witb bis parente. lira. Ed Drutri Svaiit Monday ln Chii- ira. J. Scllowser wau aChîcago vietor M11onday. Tiio Ladies of t. àAdrewe Guild ilii «1" ona n eiaîî'îflsd Soie Friday .ovalng, Dec.n.br 17, st Rook'd hall. Fulparticulars viii bo publibed luter. Oseille suai. tva 10o harn fur 15c, as t»ho Rxail &tore. bruce Droit Co lir. Cd. porter of Gune and lira. Chas. Wlbur of Wankegano@peut cseverai jaya of las% voek vinth eir stater, lire. FrmdWlbur. miss Aisîba white. Who Ja attsuding echooali adison, viii &pend ithe veek ad visb ber puate. Ssii Ba ad tamily hava moed Imom lova $0 laglide. viere uhay bave pur- bdiau& abouie IDt@ Barpiag euh. asauoutWbiotovie lea-w tolm- -oomaith *0 t. S.Paul IL R.a-cty moiso.aan pot gond"y itit bis grand- motWo. lir. Elizabeh WhiUutur*. B. Y. cOsvslaad ecoed Boaday trou ils tnp to Sas' Franciaosud otiier western pointa.. (oen. Cacabe ot Oak Pari won a gdest et jeu Lougab.ugb over tbi r sk a nd. Oua Good Rb.d. Day. iaut Tiiuraday, Alegamy treet von graveied Sotheti ril ro.d trck wbeamtaie gravai vas ail usrd op. Brivever more gravai wu S ilpme la and the rosîd graveled tu the old plaak rosi! lut Fridat, whiîh 1Dow mie. a aviel road lrum irernotîr Cacre g t Uraslake W.. Wtt.omead famil, cliet SUD- day viii ithe forrner's musier ber- Flattie LO Eilile of Abed-en, 8S vua& avasi o d tredi ers the para week. lir.j. . A.Graves ut Lbertiviie, epent Suuday witi ber daugliter, Mir.a m. Moora. ROUND LI Boyd's Studio. I 5 diacouni on Xmaé, Phots dunéing Novornaer. t6e5 Xnms Phottai, have îhem made at Bugd's Studio. Llbertr ville. 1k-h Milmies Weber ut Chicago vlsited rai. ativee boe.lest wvrai. liru. Wobke reîuned frorn Gien EII>n sud ChicagoeSuuday. / Mrs. Chai. liasun and ehidren ut Llb- etyville epent the aea.rmid ai the bomie of A. Whiite. Station Agent Penny le speudins a two wee'e vacation viii rlatives luCoinin. hue, (hio. lMr. Taylor i. eubrtitîitinoe. lire. W. Bush and ebldren of Mlwalu- kee viaired friends here lest veak. Frank Fiary and famil>' apent the week.eýnd aitb friande lu Jollei. A lIrge number attended tbe Union Sunda>' part>' Fiîtay igbt. lire. J. Veey i. on tiie ic floti. tir. and lins. M. Justin of %McHonry vlited absO e lanatnipot is Tuaîmay BeDry âhober was a Chiiesio viiter guada>'. Laie Coutys bigvoeily-INDE- PENDENT. BgOne Cent Sale .A SUcC nSS Oui- big One-Uent-Bale vua great oulea-umny of oun cuutomers tecok advsutage of tisq sale sud tise tue bargains it ofeéred. People ane realizlug tisa faci that tiec -heapesi place V.0 trada, qualiiy cousidemed, it at mhe Rexa Store Thora yon vil mid net ouly faim prises and. good quality -but excelent service. This Weeks Speclal Bargain Castile eeap, Ive 10e bans 13e A fev boxes of vritiug paper and orreepoudence carde [0c eacii. THE REXALL STORLE Be.Th" uSves Y.Muason" RJCE DRIJGCO.. UIltieop Skool suppliesl 1-l-mfl±BU] N Tii il au,*rtli %iiuiuru ycun course l l [e l e îct 'iuemda.i avenînir, Nov lfii 'lIa ihiar will b" l[,e Francis i.ymîiarer, %uh) wili ulir al m lecture îouîl'h,.l log>' ofSuccem." ild cdIà.iuY, Nie 3,th ie a mrd reaülid barp tof the d&.thbf t limerd l'antall ai tue bmuîe ofil its lamgiiiar. Mie. Nomrîian Adetme, 340>7 M et (1dm Plap UCicago Lavas. iH. va. fmriei Frida> mur-ng ai Mlburs i celietîr>' ailhMa tiuie servie. Mr. liniseli waem n i Worreerstilre, Emgand, M&ay 29. 1831. Ha vasà marnmed to Mise Charotte Gallo- va> lu 1855, who peeded hm Spt for tort>' yeut , esîd belsi a gearai imure for man>- veare noutil tailing beaitb e 1ev yere ago forcad t1m te gire it up wien be and id wite vent te chicago Lawn tu lire. The W. C. T.> beid au aIl day meeting ai thr homeoutftire. MerizoWebb M'ai- nesda>' lu sev fur the "Lae Buff Orpbanageý Mr. and lire. E. A. Caneon let Weil- nenday laestto §pend a fev veekaeuhit is@ hrther, Wilii Cannon at Bircbvood, Wl. Tbere viii ho au entertaennent aitihe ciiurcb Tibakaivlug eveain«. lire. 1). M. White returoed lu ber home Monda>', bisving beau 6tir e oka vit ber daugbter, J. 8 Denan. Mire. C. DOGal and lri. O. a kina et gifanaid Park, @peut tbe vesk-end viithelr aumt, lira. lieso Webb. lira.liiefeta licOuire la qut. sici ai Prtmenaivfolg. The LadIe' Aid aociq' ild ibeir basw r rday e.auing. A large rovd at.modd a iy dld voiI.aaclly. Mr. and lira, W. J. Wlsite. Mr. s" lire.Garreti ad lir. Jmaett Magieve vreu ZIOn City &bd Waukegaavielore sunday. Uir. and lir@.Mlin and lam. Matii Jambe. and deughter Um Vidaattend- ed the golden veddlng cf lUre. Marilu's parrans. Ur. and lir@.. os. Kennedy. A. K. Bain aud )îr,fiîvjpnt souda>' ailh Sir. aud M re. tlai Corl.inus a (ira> elaka. lire .. K. Blu lea xpeetpd bomne tram Maitaimi (Iiabma' tIt 'i. [zzzzEzz The 1. dleea Aid viii hold thein *nuual baaaarlu thie chrci an tov. 19. Au osoearrPupper viii be 'erved. Praacblng service uda>' an 2:30 p.1 r.Sunitay boel ai 3:30. ir. sud tira. W. bd. Boaner, Mr.indu lIre J. 0. Bonnon and Mie. Dt.dize et Peoria calieit un rintiveo# Sunta>'. Sebool tartati in the ney Wiliams iciiool lienda>'. viii F>lo imai,,,& Laura Conie unitMabai Lewina epeat li» Thunada>'st aiune.. Mrndi lra. Spencer Bowar I rvent Saturda>' sud Sunda> vitb ritnide lu lin anuitMre. Smmger are lie happy parent@ ot a bab, girl. Mir.and Mlre Wiiterd Goulit baveaa bab>' boy. Chatude Nelime peut Suuday viii R. L. Nellis anuit atuily. Ilenîry Alwuoîd visited bis naice and fernil', lMre. E. l. Moore ai Gilmer Sun. de>'. Tii. ladies' id yl meat vitb iro. Pred VaiîZanait Thureda>', Nev. lStb. Ail ara lnvited. Mir. aud reS Northrop of Roiecrans. @peont eeverai dayo last wvea i viiE. S. Faulkiner and famil>'. W. are glami to report the condition ef lieu. KaPppe seea a lmproved. Born to lir. and lir@. L. Amann a @on, Nov. lot. The Lareen sand Don Marsb famille@ et Evanaton and Gleneoe, vere cailersaet E. E. liarsb's on Itunda>'. Ed Barrise uterfidined a number ot relative.s unda>'. 4 Mr. Lock yen vas a ovr8unday gneet at te Amosborne. Tlisne *fil Ibo a Tenipevansu. program ai lb.churcb ongundal. Norton Piood speker viii raioe. W. vould liste lu mee a Rond atendaucw LDAMND LAIE lire. Kohl sMd son KamwelioetChc-&. spet Spuda>' at (eongm ont,@. The Ladisa Aid viS utot vth lMra Traaaador nai:Thussday rnorniag. Mies Hanriet Peter. 4ent Suaoe>' ii lirai aKano. Wili Stoenp bas movad lutn the Ber. man cottage. lire. EinsmarW ban retnrned tramWa. terloo, Iova. 11 lir. and tira. ea. Mitchell are spend- lug the veai at Lods, 111. 1 1 Mr. Wensrl sud taniily ot Biglu epeat Sanda>' ai E. Scbroeden'e. Thei ndependientlaIth1e eoutyle eon. body Utkes IL. r.. Cazke villa (1 mtm, r mimmi miPm.leti. b>' lire. llekeri" it.0 %, Ir. Fmles elim e utfIr.', AIî,mm Il ijîi.ý1 mi mtt trifp to Làike imîvs et Sii imla.. Peaul A vrv tranmesuitad hiîlrq iu the City' une day recu-î',t1t Walter Danlla beeXg 'ne itheîecit>' lu wenrk tfr an adrertvlm g irni. tirs. 8uiimes ad diuigbter of Chicago, bava beeri viitingai the lien suainslers home. Fred Miller anmd aile ut Waniegan, @peut Sunida>' viit rlaire0qbere Landieupe gardetiere ara hue, a-itinir out diîrutme and inca. min thi. Edl buinànu teaim wieb Io tentainmly a beautitul @pot. Fraàni Sierweod aae lutheliatyi>on businssalait veai tur a couple daye, lir@ R H. Siervood bai beau quit@ ili, but le btter. Win. Weber la iiaviug a Doev bouges buillr-on bhi errtanm. lu audas iardiug bougesfor the tarrn bep. 8. Wallace là duing tbe wyen. lira. Webeter and Mies Faye Potter returoasi Saturda>' trom n six veis ati,,lu Tennessee.. Tii.- report a deigbti. fui sirne.lira. Webster lu the cosupan> et friand. stante.11oui &aqiu Manda>' @venius for a saye in South Dakota. Albert Kappbe, vrille and eau, made aus' auto trip to the elty lmi Thureday>. eturaingg Sunda>'. Tbey vliet.d lin.1 Kappi*s. ulster sud ltnîily. . i~ra. Olirnora andi daugifer af Wau.-1 ga0. @pent the part veel ei 0. J. Boisns&. 8. C. Utiller and vile andi L Ltwiletr aund vrille of Round Laie, visited ai B. Haublim'e Sondai. The Ladies' Aid sociley use% ibis veek Wednuday and lied camianiare. Picule diamorervs urveti and an ail de,>'sesson vas beld an the borne 0f lire. C. B Brnlilo. A gooti iumben et our local Mlisun attu-nord ibe fuserai vit Richard Pantali ai Mufliuru. 'Fia Royal Niiibors bazaar sud ciiiclen souppar lait yack Tucaday evru- vn as veil attnded aud uerlania bunidr-d dollars reaidai thme socien>'. lin. and Mtre. itizoji ut Unios' Grove, Ws, visitai t tbir .ouîclaytuDixus' ami tamsil) bare tie pasi ceci. lira. A. E Truman vaeut nu the cit> thr Bret oethii er-ik. Rlcb Manzer and taril>' @peust Suniay la the cii>' irs DInymple rarnaineti for a visit vltb relatives. AMOCH A. Watmuu sud son Llaad ver. Chicago vi.iture Fride,>. Ja>' R. l'riiilm thrproprîrten ofthei fit 'v Shoe wtre, hw solit out tealir. Rhomds, whu viii move the stock te bip onu tae. Nlisi e len Burkae pent a tew da3e wiii r.iali ras lu Waukegan the tiret et tIa inevi. 1itlii Charles Alvare bas the t>'pbet tarer, aisu em-;eil iarden. Boti bave traltied cure..tiii>ofaI irlttle9cioi cbiidren are aîliîîg, ibut i baý t he are-,ertamneitsai yet viiethit in ahbt,.au epilemie or luit Sunada>' mornîniz, a gasoline slave expioiied in tIc klrcîenutofDr. Warriner causinia coneidaralledamage lb ithe kitchanl, iut 'OrtuateIv thse ire Was ex tin«uls.bei betore an>' more damage vas doune. Our nev meat market ou Norti Main etreet is nov opetinuiddoin anushiàg bbe@@re. Lari Tbursdav îLe funaral ut Mn. Bock vas Ield. Ha vas ther tier ofiH. Bock. Be diipiTuesita> at the home et île mon. He vas a ver>' old man suithi@ deatai vas Dotunuexpacteit. lir. Wrn. Dupre enientaineq et cards last Thoneday andt lir. A. Dibile Wed. uesday. li. nsd lin. Aitams atirudati a meet. ing o! bgi sebool teaciiers as Auram las, Fida>. Young people. meetings are beiug beld ai lie M. E. cburcb ibis veea. Mm. sud lire. Oea:. Straug et Wanke- gau, van. Aniaci enflera Tueedsy. [o.P CiiadDsaot To iucemellr proticeciyour caille «gaienntishe gsrmlclstal paroalte. tisa cans e ot sud Meuth Diosas, 3CW Choleraetc ,* III; nocessr>' tekoep jour pn.niises cloensad disis'teanid id you eau ebtain the b"ci -re.ut. b>' csing HO P -MO liehecwdialafsuni. For full partieulaie ranite P .13. SLES On. 1806 Bo. Souh Ave., Clero. Iii. 7p2 MILLBURN MUTUAL INSURANCE ASSESSMENT 1 Tii. bases ton 1915 of the Milibura Mutuel lusurauce Company ameuuting bu $12,761.52, tisa Direten. bave levled aM »moesnt oft ree dellmansd ifit> Msus ($8. 50) on eaci, ane ibeusauti dol. lare inoure.It haodue sud viii b.ied foriluDecamber 1915. - John A. Tiala, élecrahar>'. Mlliburs', Ili.. Nev.2and, 1915. '7u8 Tb* huiependnt lade'a WOMAN NAMED IN BUSINESS MEN INSANITY CASE IS DON OVERALLS TO ASKING AÀ DIVORCE IIELP MAKE A ROAD WOMÀN IN RIDINGi HABIT OUH TO BE ARRESTED, W. 6i. Overseer Is 'Peeved' When He Sees Hgihland Park Woman in Riding Outtit. Voliva struck a gurcession of lmci- dents durring hls Chicago vieit Suridey that "peaveit" hum as nemiming las rincp e h.iegan bis Chicago catupaîgri mliii Fali. As seen as the Irairi puiied ln uit the Nenibvesierri station and Mrs. Frederika Johnson of Grayslake Men Get Out and Highland Park Says Hus- 1 Shovel Gravel on New Road band Threatens Her. I Southwest of Town. Two eeksagoReBident. et Gravsiake and thealin- Tvoveee ao trs. Predpnika mediate fernîtor>' conimguouki te Il. set Johnsoni cf Higlalnd Parkn vas baied an example for other I.alîe connty Into count>' court la defend hereelf, people Tbursday, Novernhier 4, wbemn againsi a charge et aiieged insanit>' îbey abovei wbat co operatiori ln road preferred b>' bar-iiisband. The case building cao do. vas dlemissed ithuiout a bearirig wberi Eigbt cars of gra'.el lad leeri pro- Il vas stated thiat Mn,. Johnsroni asj cureit for use on a road whlcb bami ln possession et ail ber taculies and' been gradeit soutivest of towri, on tiat JIf ouid bc a case of rallroadlng the îîne ieading toward Glmer. go, a ians persan te the Isane arylsmn Thurada>' vas set as the day wben if see vre commîttemi. tarmers and business meri sbould tomn Toda>' Mn.. Jobnson filed a bill ton ln and iand a band tot gravei tbe roami. divorce agaluat ber, busbarid, Peter Fort>' teanss--count tisei: FORTY Jobnson. No reference vas made un -turned ont te haul lb. gravel. Men lthe bill ta the lneanit>' proceedlng but numbenîng more tban tort>'. Includtng trleu4e aof the couple îay It vas ibis man>'bisness men et Graysl&ke, Incident, follovlug close nlmei othes, turned out tpbhelp bandie ilh. gravel. thai caused tho vif. tg take the de- and slantlng la ritb a viii, thie tearna clelve @tep. The bill vas filuaib> Ai- and men got tbat gravel t rom tie toe> George ?hiIhps et Highsland i Wsconsin- Central depot te the roadt Park. ln chant erder. lu tact, elgit cars Iu ber bil l re. Johnson sets forth of, grave] vere unîoaded and plac.d ibat aie vas mari-led te ber bnsbaud on tie oad lu fi ve and a hait heurs, April 20, 1895, t Heinlgborg, Avoden. cousidenad a record for Laie ceuni>'. ishe charges hlm viii acta ot ezireme Tir Grayalako business men vin and repoaied crusît>' and aya be bus dld net bave teame. ehier hlred a threateued ho il ber and thie chil- em and man or acinaîl>' dld the dren. Ah. asie for the custody Of von tiemselves. Man>'à a lilOvw 11 tiseir cblîdren wviss.names are As huh i as'died a abovel luna ay tolleva: years tur-asi oui sud b>' uigbt tiser. MElanon. aged 19. . as a large numbes- af lame backi John, sged 18. oresbauds and tlned muscles ln tise Viviasu, ff 4 1. villa.ge. Tise tarmene, nse o hohi Nile, agad 14. barder vonk, iad tise laugis on lise MrederriagMUIL business men, but tise latter hock lie se aise pnayod an Iinuction ns- matter good-naturediy Ai the>' eav "ah shrais'lug hon buaband trom dlsposlug tliensd <of a perfect day," viaithie>' of an>' ot hie proDerty' or troa Mom,-bea tcomplinbed. Tbhe ank of 2lac- lestiug hie taml> luau>' vwa'. 'The log thie gravaI vas flnisied about 3 inunction order vas eutered. lire. o'cloioc .moci eanlrr han a beben- Johnson net oh>' ansefon a divorce Pxpacted, butl is vas due te the tact but vante alimon>' aud solicite' tîsitishe utier- iarlae nf gravai * AUCONDA Xmap Phnoue bave them made ai Bovdes Studio, LIbe.rtVvillë. 6e8 Buîyd'm Studio 15% di.a.î,nn on Xmisa Photos duringiiowpober. (k. Il e az"l Baeeley and on Harry re- tunpie to uhir borne ln Hawardeu, la, l&et weei. Harry Ba ge' i.eUr, Mils Amyv. acumpanied fb-m to Chcago. Mfr. sud lire -I. E. Mainian spant Mouds>' vitb reatives ai Waulîegan. A big entprtainmnt i@tuobe giveu b>' the Iplupot itheWaucoi.da Townshiip augi @Choof ai the Villagre hall on Fni- dair evening, Nov. 19 The name ufthie Play i* 'Callizer," one of the mnoot jkîpular blgii echool pla>'e. and Io momt enjoyabie frein tarit o finish, No une Obouid fait to attend ift tey cant. to etîjo> a good i.veninu's pntprttî,inient. Don't forget the date, Frida>' evpning, Nov. 19. Harry 'Pele v as eoufini.dta bis home wigh îî,noilitls the. irst ut the veei. E. H. Dabins and H E. Maman werp th, gue.teofthîe il aviegan Comnrîal Club at a iurieleoTî ut the Wabburn Hotel on il nduit. There iii quite a dis,ii.sioi 'iircughont Lake rounuty relative u- lard roads. it la pretty vail awr.-ed thâtouer ordinar>' gravei ruade a ill ot stand tbe bard uag l tey reeiva trî,mn the automobiles. As te wiiat would be the fmi-Ler, cernent or brick. lsflot a mettied qiieflion w. bllera. arati amoeg .mmiginers. Crusiad atone ruaàdo, alan ;roporly buit, are an advnnce over cgravaI ruade Now the, big question îs the com t ofdurable ruade. Cornent willl ort trow twelve te isteau tiousand dollars per mile. Brick viii crut even mure. Cruniied atone wii eai. prepo-rl>' built, irorn fire tosaven tiieusasid dollars peaitle Boy aàre tbeoe roade te ha hult' B>' the teva? By th e onnty? B>' he @tate? hle I taken for granted that whatever iq built vîli be doDo Lnder expert sultervision. Whatever politîcai unit taies the initia- tivre, tbe -ei people ln tiie end viii pay thé bill. Wýeu viii the@rurada ho bulit? SUr9ly DOSt iSsornie Provision le made orpaimeal t blles. If ve par se ve vory ev miles eau be hulît oacb four Ia Lai. couut..Il ve huli 5e and pag la the future, bonde viii have tuahb. ,roid. Do you vlab te ho Informed UPOD l" eaubject. If fou do. corne lu 1111 VilSage hall ln Waueondsatas2:00 O'"lak p. ni. Saturday, Nov. 20. Tbor. viii ho a full diacuain of the &aove questions. Corne loaded. The. nira you Can aM the dlecuaaiou lih mcre vainabla you viii be. Ceuni>' Engineer Cbaa. E. Rusrl et Wauiegau vili b. prefent teontifina ithe Propositionu Msthe plana bave been laid out and a muât eOrdial Invitation le extended ta @er. body vbe le Interetted lu weud ronde. Waucoada Improvempnt Cub. . orneMalle. MM Dgtu-"Do yeufn Sd Tour gym. »MSgmaork haîptul'"Mrs. Artgue --MIPfuli Wby. ibis niarning I1vau the a ne oastarech a bargain cour- tir out of a bunch of a hundred ltait. vblihbad been expecteti talled lu arrive. Thise la tisetiret big attempit oflrn- pravlng a raad lu thie manner sud Gra>'laie resideute are mucis pieaced aven viai lie>' acoomplicbed vllb lit- tie or no expense. Waukoen Men Toc Late. Waukegan membera efthle Ceusmer- chai Club piaftned ta get fo Grayalake lu lime 10 "Sic 'em ou," as iiey sieveied the gravel, and, viso knovs, perbape lenti a iand. But tise>'dld net arrive unilI met aller the last- road had been dumped. Ilhad tic full sbipusent ot gravel iseen recelveti, tbey vonid bave iad a chsance 10 ielp. JACKSCItEW BROKE; FOX LUTI3MNBlAS A NARROW ESCHPE Receives Severe Sc4ip Wound and His Elbow It Cut to the Bone in an Accident. Feux O'Boyle, a wel known oid res- 1Ident of Fox Laike, suslained serions i nJuries and escapad deatb narrowiy Tbursday afternoori about 3:30 o'ctoc'i, wbile assistiig lntrihe movirig ef the old--Çongregatlonai cburchbeb. tweeri Fox Lakeanard Irglesîde. Mr. ('Scyle is the fatber of Miss Frari. ces O'Bcyle, a saieslady ai the Rnbln dePartment store. Thie nid chnrcb la e tob. mved trom' ls tiresent location te Inglesîide and Mir. O'Bcyie vas crie off thse men wbo vas em ployed In raIslng It 80 It couimi be piacemi on reliera. Dun thelb.conrse of ithecmise a de- fectîve Jackscrew broke. aiiowlng tbe cburch 10 settie te on. aide. As the steel screw înaluped off, the workmeu ail look to ibeir beaus, leantul that tisa building migit rala on them. Tbey ail sncceeded ln getting out et harmsa va>' bnt O'Beyle. vise stumbled and fell. Wbetber h. va satrnck b>' a broies portion ef tbe jackgcrov, vblch vas hnnled ouitvlf. mre force, or whot.h. er nmre other missile bit hlm, la net known, but, ai an>' rata. when bis tellov vorimen rotu ýned. tlsey found h. bil been ilurod quie sevorely. A long deeD gazis bad bee ut ntl bis scalp, necestatlng thse talg og several otitéhes snd bis e.Ibhasi beeu. cnt te tise boue. At &it I vas feared ha mlgbt bae suffered a frac- inre et the sknil, but a physicias' vbo vas summolsed thougbi tise Injur>' O'Boyle viilb. laid lup for tvo or vas no more serious ihan a cnt.. Mr. tbree veeka ai loBai. Value of Onions as Blet. Perrons tronbled wtth distresslng euptilons of the skas may give tisai> slnîn a nev lasse of lite b>' havlng entons trequenhi>' llguring ln tise diet. Furliermore, diseaie germa canuot Ilive. utiie preseuce et onlons, nor eau disease germa have III affects en por- sons viiose biood le cbargod villi nation Jute.. whu sbomîid vaIk n Ifront ef hlm and bis Party but a womnan ln mans cietb- ing. 5h. lied boarded tise train ai Ilighiand Pari wbere in compan>' viti ber busband rbe isad been out ionse- haci idlig. Si. bait on n& paIr et mens Irousere. a cea*t and hlWh-top bonts. Sie vaiied aleug as Indiffer. enui>' as If she ongisita b ave been a mari and iddn'i seoul te car. a Jet for. thse amazed public. Voliva got ln a ebot. - "*Tisai oman ougit te ho arreiteti. She Is a disgraco ta ber &ex!" 'Sure. Se sic la." exclaimed a vom- an vie vas passing. Speaklng ot the Incident ah the tab- ernacle dnrlng tbe afleruoou Voliva said: "As 1 valked tram tise North Western depot tit@i roning tiser. vag a veman-1ll eil bn a iug--drased lu men% clothes. Asheisatia palm of meu'@ breociee on sud vas &bout tise queerest ieokiugtiug1 hbave seeu for a long lime . h vam go tilled vili dittguit liai h could icarcel>' contre myseif. "I vaut to tell you vomen lu my audience liai if ever Imos su>' orTas' came loto eue of My Meetinugsa vu men's breecie. on--oui you go. A Venuan, vie viii vear menasattire ougil to e .bauudad dovu.", That vas oui>' eue Incident_ Tissu tise 'val" parade have luto aibI sund1 Dowie's uccesmor began te ecai lie auti-tebacco niotsansd the Panade. thai slirred tise cisozns efthtat colon>'. liei sav tise same OpiIti mantest lu Chi-1 cagir tisai ir beield in hiie nemnies ilu Zion City'. As bis auto trled to gai tbrougb fie dense macs h. feult&i l a bell vas leI Ian.. lu Chicago. He felt1 that t vas an iIitt le tise decent reémeul et tiat ne: :Polis sud wvedt1 trio tise cît>' officiais vie bad bermit- led wiat be cailed - "a diagraceful scerie." On bis way te Chilcago lier. ver.l otber Incidents tisai called forth a tirade frozn lb. overseers upcp. Mou were piaytng golf on tise golf linie,1 otisers were dlgg(ng ditche. and build- ing chImneys. 'Fies. hinge vere ae-e sures le tise everseer as be saw th@ Sabbatb day belrig desecrated all ang1 the lina. "Ciicago viii pay for thia Borne day," b. exclalrned. "Th. City>' WARMTII WAIJKE6NW[43 -flSON NAVI, Wihi-O, local Imem on theie sha committea o? tise Navy,Legu. Wa». kegan bas a ecemi- mneresi lta thse d: luge of tisai 'orgaution vion oit. Ject la te buhld up tise aavy eft tai countiry. Tise tire. mounvise ares tUs Baiasecommuttes are: Go r.e8' Ooodnov, Hiaus Clarke. Ciareac W. Divan. Tisse. men, vith chiera. et- ieuded the.big Név> Leagu bagtet beld lu lie 'Uliverst>'y Club, Chlcag Frida>' evenluz. Othere tram Wauke., Pmn Preseut ncluded: Dr. Bauier, "I bort Go>oduLov, W. O. trong a"i W. r. Weiss. The banquet provoti a bitaant la Cicago, beis'g addressed b>' J, Bag- nard Walkon, eailai-' of Achetle Asuerican, Judge MeOoortyý, J. L&v- rende Mille, ChIcagoî smcrtar>' cf the"- division et the league la vhhW; kegau le loeated. H. C. CIlaiOsJd Tay,- Ion, Lake hrut, la chsaires» of tha local division. The Great Iakes navi station ose chestra furulehed music sud the. oR'- cens of the station ver. guasus et honon. bolus out lu dresa uniforme. Machs guesi necaivea a a sik au as a souveahi-. - WITIIOLT WEAITII Attend te yeun banc. bastlingirnov. t)on't wait unlil %iluter wludc blov. 1lî'Plrater and ciiespoer tow. Our tactilila for rapairinu on n.npvimg ilearn or bot. waterhieatiung. radiatorp., pipe., valve., rtc , are excaptionally gond. We are experi te euw Inâtallaîlin, bongirrg tnîm Pt oes b fumet-as repidi>', cheepi>' anid iffettivel>'. Seasm or bot-vates' t.atiflg cavai eaui. hfalîsi, lahur. lt'.. safeL q nicher te bant, givas a steadier.- - hiat aud rmrne the daniger otfrae. It.- w e deol, ii'e mght sud guwanteed. TOM WALSHI, Th trdwagRlg GRAYSLAILE, ILLINO)IS IF TUERE 15MN AM WUO ÀAMYE AI SL SOI HAVE PRINTED LElTERDEAIS AND I ENELES TUÂT JAN IS TII FAIM ..... FC51'IMI1ý0uWho ite for cata- A logue Of fa m ijamuit. nds, poultry stock. or demrs other information, do'you know' that a letterhead buari zi your name and addrn., ]EL Y. D. Box anid the nMme of your faM meas that Jyou will gît an answew qfltk. Your 1ttrels Iooks busIn Wu kand tells the houss that .ybu n epÈogràu1vb and modem .The. letter inttmn onL soratohy rough ruled paper marks the wrter as one who inflot faUy auîke to prement day correspondence. Mf you have a photo of your hou.. ba Wrstck ohard, etc., brnit m a bav usmae a out from it. Use tbjs eut to illustrate your Ietterheads, 1 1NDEPENI)ENT JOB DEPARTIFJT 1wil.. of lie engu, a vas Mor.sh Laie r the nd ch- emei- hJcago, tee te stn lu arise. sligt taiitan- tachati- menus e a ta- tuned Io bas aLS cunakt bac Miou as aleug. r daim' acore reat as- berslf L's hua- vil var. la sa à aira. and beer up if 50mb shed as se viii e" ier5 VIN :i ,1111 b. razemi ta tise groatnd Juet es trmiy as eau Fraucleco 'hid Sodom ad Cdimorrais ver.. In tisaIparade tbey i ughmi mu bave bad fleats vera boittes romîairiirg alilthe lears thaï bave beea b' t he -mmred drink. 'Fbey ongit to Lame lad, Mots seiowirig lb. corn, vy» andi wheat iln ibeir znatural state and timemm a fSat sbowirig bew hie>'ba" been perverted b>'ibe devJl'and turnegl Int poisons. The *bois spectacle vag a disgrace te Chicago." . Chicago bas dlegraced 'tItef ~ day," saimi Voliva Sunday e the. Zigs tabernacle; Mchigan avenue, after #e bad round bis va>' to the tabernacle. Chicago bas made ltseif a eteneh ln Cod Aighty's nostnils tbis Lord% day," ha centlnned. "Tiiere lau't a god thirg te sa>' about tise liquor traffic. il ougbt ta b. lu hall! Wbat an uripardonabie disrace that voues' shoumi be lu tbah parada! Au ve Passed lie saloous tiser. ver. cot- panes ef youug men. sud tbey "au lb. brass te stand In front cf thome bell halee vltthle Aulericas' ig. ..1 have ne doubi lu my mind tisai Mayor Thompeon sighed thai pl«eg te the United Bocletles. 1 dount thinX for a minute liai be Isîned the crder te close the saloons becasise be. vs. againat lie saloons. He sav liaI popular favor vasa againat tihe IqUMr traMic, and he cama dovu oni t t salt>' lb.hemagmas." 71,