L AKi CouNT IN'DEPENDENT WAUKEGAN W--EEKLY SUN4 VOL. xXXI.-N0:9. TWELVE PAGES LWERTY VEUXL, LAK COUTIT, FRIIAY, NOVEMBER 19,1915. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR iN ADVA1qOi, DI3NT LAKECO. 600 10k» ASSOCIATION Pumaswnt'Good Roads Assn. Formed àt Libertyville Meet- ing HeId on, Monday. -SuATE PRESIDEMtY $PEAKS. ForcefulAp i Ma* by Head of Stateihway Commis- sien for Hard Roads; At a vry .ntiuelmashlc Meeting lu the auditorim. UbertYývllle, Mo0ndaY, tLb .1.cunty 0004 Rosds Associa- tion ras iormed rith theu. oafcere -llis hoad: .Pn.aident-RodIiCY B. Svifl. Liber- tyvilie. Vice president-OGeorge P. lienehan. Round Laie. v ffcretary-R. N. Magili. Waukegau. T,*asurer--lalnCs 0. lCng. Laies Forent. Thei&ave oflicens, *1111 Che Webb of Antioch. R. C. Kent of Wau- couda, and Pred Gnbm orla, form a commttée.on hy-laws and organisa lion mnd uiiey met follonlmg dlorn- mnent ta Maite plane aJa61 that line. Inilcat >"ev etbuiutic the moetlm wvsu, itlai itatreeticar toftUO tbat 71 m«e sncbpalS SIke..beralp tflehe t jg <* outhlb.meetingseulA emb pbedudhinseift toblp Induce otier mon eof1*1 couty toam setao j"e mi wagon for boctiâg <od roaidu l in henty. EvS, talât voieSi ezprmdo-i o1 .atkiiaaum. eerwy pooler prmiseS Versea milla the movemet mud thug a permanent orgeaiftiO noV la rori la inle"e wuaty a co.- C"Iee Lie., Wnigm anmd IL, M. IMW1,kamiemn, ersna tmriy obaliM »dmm srtMi. A COMItR1- tes.oqeriaint men trou ever, tenua- ahip »rpruted wvmmmed te. se. lect th e nr. 'T'ils cmmutta, re- pauieA t auan amIe-om viieret bey -chiose lbtme elist and lie beoting of about 100 mon acceptod them a their permanent olicers. stits Commieion -Pre4odnt Spaak*. Thi. business motti. fOllOrd the addremm given before acon bY A. D. Gash, preident o!f140 mte higiiraY commisilon. an addrosm tectured bY eloqueuce and urgency l isiu ppeal fon a complet. sytem, of good maie of the couty. Mr. Gaih nid tuat lier. are ibm" penqis$te for contrctiug go"d ma"s, »amely Thrd--Drodlge. "Tt ioma't natter wSai Mort of m siruction vo lave la Por et- use judement Md.emoiu.t drnfuinmge us e ocsz-tur -- Drainage res.lly hucomes the greateet essentiel. "Tvenly per cent of LakeemaYoui' rue"dibave bean demignasi bythie tae uai ata Idaid e. lake coutY in ithe second came.Cook couat lu lbe OnYal a e h thrdClns-Zf; pe cent 0etitu ronds ver. eoignlo ai ét~aid M49l. -lirI aUM coutiel bave 15 pemot deAealgnted ~ssvetp~ pc let oethle POO- Vie la t floinslv. àoua e i et the blaIrais lIaIbave been dée Spuated; 36 par emt « ~1iene ille liqhvMyM c A lali et *ste amd rcodp Mm. but "% oatM qMte plagea toalftauoM»ierf «Mbi monde permammêi.IM ve leos et It la oac commain d atg etur MOU ce -good ron aci"vom. wd'1bave t». entlr el ale coves'sd botore vu Inor It Mis Idae eau mboU «My ides of th0 estiiiut .',ofraidsla te have à ecurete foutu dtinianmi brick on top. i do ne believe 1hât @14 mndeuhIea OVor ti concnetr iq neceser>' afthougb lii bac woflç4ouit We vil in offl co. munîties. Outalde tbe b(eitles, neerl hy, cancre"_ý brick or asphet cen bc 'ukeed ta ,,J'iàntge. But put dovi gaod con( -le foundation and four, Inch brk.t m top and you have a roli vlIicb. I -'v opinion wiliilet 1 yamna; mr believo P wll lut 2M yemr. Sa srold coon r *100 a fo per rrile- other vards, à 154ool roidway ,,,- Id coel $15,000 a mils "n bwu" roads. dün't let tralli rail sa r'i iwn; use rollenu. Ti jdusty z2w 1 taonexpenaive. The. li raised Iti -t 1lafine \for uighbrai î -011, bult 10tao iuiuve1Icon '~"CcîIuudon PMags Famous Nero Educator and Leader Expires at Tuskegee. , Tun'4egee, Ala., Nov. 14.\5tookeu' T. Washington, leader of the negro peo- pie of America and principal of Tus- kegee Institute for Negroes, died to- day. He vas 56. Although hc had >een failing sev- erei monthe. Washington» condition became serious oniy let veelc, when he had a nervous breakdown wille lu New Yo,. Ne realized the end was fleur, but vas determined to maie theI*.sat long trip South. as jie boit sid often. "f wan bon in lhe foutfi, have llvYd there ail rny life, and expeet to die and be . buried there." He reached home lait midnlght and died at 4:40 ociock tli morning. DEgAY 15 ACCUÙED of BILUM FRAUD; PLACED I ARRST Former Waukegan Newepaper Editor 18 Ked In Conneotion With Deai In Rifles. London, Nov, 12-A smtion vms created l h I e »icancoonY iA~ London today by tbheament of John WWiy de Kay on a .zlrditlowavx, matI chelmaigini bu th feand witU" the luniuiictlon et the n'renh govera- Ment. De Kay ila avould-be Pool and dm matisI. He 1hed la Londanu k a woeappetui baomeahiRepaut A trannctien viiilb.he lgimngv erantentin ennetie. vitb rimflm menbti a he 110 esat le Kay Whoun ho.w»ms t*Slg.d i ci today. Deteclive ltaêotor Daper ce Scotand Yard. Who M"@ e b. mm, teetled thnt de Kar a0or be board the Charge apaimt lin i: '1be jm e f*Mada"ea o ihe Indicted In Providence. Providence. R.I, Nov. 1.-Jolm iWesley de Kay in under hiditment ln the federal court here on the charge of aidi and abttlng ithe misapplication of fundm of the At- lantic National banI. JURY DISAGREES ON VERDICT AFTER ALL-NIOBIT F16HlT Westerfield Case Went to the Jury at 10 P. M.- Dismissed SaturdayMorning. BEAUBIEN WAS ELOQUENT. Jury Atter Ail-Ni ghlt Fight- Announces That They Could Not Reach a Verdict. DAOV TO DROP CASE? ln view of a report which beau.. current toduy to the affect that SIt'a Atorney Ddy intendad te drap th Wgefild cie without meking to tike it to tril a gain, The Sun inter- rogtd Mr. Dady. "What la tob. done wilh regmrd te a e triiV' wam aikèd. -i cmuutsamy et Ibis lime juet what i wliifdo-Ihe cie mi>'cone uPt the next termi of court," was the r.- piy. "Wouid you my Ihe came viii corne. up ntthlb.nxt term of court?" vas th. next queaton miçad. .8t la tee moon t1- tetejuat vhit 1 viii deosabot t." -What bave you tae >' about à re. reottht the cml e b badrpped" «0oi mmue mn>'positive otot. ment it thie lime." Battiiug oarntly from 10 o'clock Vlay aibI until Il o'clock 1111e *dnlng tie juryi the. CUIiWest mahid esei n hch the former coun> tgirer vas chargem ith o~C>k. Piéma ftlbd ta arrive ai anarge. anA ve wr. discimiged by 3,uga Ulvardu mter h.oau oemvflod * se milendti.lm vbnci te 'tbefr * rocu vouli ho merely a pm.brnet mmd v« o t imot nh a verflo .. ig seered, Sornber.fm heavy'eyol a" VU 2,,,Ro;ogustagetih e Mfbff et t1e Iur a"ed i ut ll m mmlgat the roquent et luise udwe. t wus plsin te leseon t.bey ld Oent a han. sml.esm nght. "'I ar n luormed YOU cannot arrive ai a yerdic-ls that correct?"' .uige Edwardi amied. .'Yeu, your honor." Edward Erb miii ai ho rose te, ils feet. "We are di. I MRS. DURANTO START WAR; GiOV. DURNNEIS TARGE M4ust Regudn on Her Premnises Three Week1 Longer to En- forc the Quarantine. CHAFES' AT THE DELAY. PtureylisAuerts He In- tnso to the Bottom of th We Affair. statements tuat Attorney lDes for Mrs. Scoît Damaid may tart imn- peachmne.lretntas gia o-1 vriten in Sheri Griffun, bave been receied here viti considerable lu- ttremi. Attorniey ies says ie la as- smrblig evidence now and la pre- pared Wu go ta the. bottom o! the "out- rage.". ", amn informed that the members o! the Cie amoCi ommission ho participated la the. raid are tryiug 10 maie nu belivt tlut Governor Dunne lu reality did ont ive a prectse or- der thi laughtoi 1frs..Durand's cat- tle." ho mi&. ln law, however. the. W or t *Blatter nllotnilhe tabn oo *ii tion so mach u lis thi.f tetadle general remait cg li communication. There la no 1d- 1 but thnt hc vantud the. catlle hIlAi; ho nid no tW thé mon undor him; Md the caille ver. iJlled. W. are flt loo'clng for goal-vo are lSooimg for uheep." MWdcared hhat it ii be Men* ea'lferorsne deflulle legal 'Wý . mIal â'mly taie up the cooulifley peegesi and go mb oit Mont ouf~ e sal o I. "W. are 11a.wm ieio o i and a. orament Ul teof the uimoet impur- "I oe't do snythlnt expopt ait ber. and f001 Iadr." àMie. Durani maa= -n"4b'mero~ r suar quarantia. la Ufted. They vomI lot ime go 0111. 10 luebar». Tboy woW't let amy O e Yc irendu cerne on ta the. fui*. A& Ob. 1thenoms 1ev me Mung of I 'Tor bhfaitaM eacroma my boneag fui Pastumtee. la a umoar et 5h04d lotI where ubeY dragged my Ober 40.4 catlle t. tbe trench. They did not gel: the laut caftasout o the. bau uniR after dan laint ulht-thlrty hourm after tiey veru shot dowu hi ther shals. They had ouly one Wa Waukepan Ediler. ' vided hopelously anc 1 arn convincec John Wesley de Kay wrai han near liere la no chance o! our arriving et EX-EMPLOYE Of DU- New Hampton, Iowa, lu 1872. H an agreement." - starhod on lie ruai ho a fortune that Judge Edwanis tden questionede~e eon. time wri s timati t many oaci memben or the. jury ccparatly, RANI> AKMIA LR3- xailéens at Waukc<an. lu 1895 le aailng as to hon tiey fet about the Wauiegan' Nov. 11. came outIo!flthe Black HUs o! Da- prubabilily o! arivlng ai a verdict. "hlt itcarease0f the Durand iota and iaugiitich Waulieegan Dely The questions wre.aumwred by ne- herd wuvahuied eut of the barn and Weeily Gauette. Ho rau thiep gative uniwrs or shakos a! the bond. nt ô o:clock Wsdneeamy night, or papera for tva veau and soli outIil as lion tht lie jury rai dis- juin 28iheure alter lihe eotiu Wien nexi hoi ra rm do Key, ah ciarged. hmd tien place." Thie satetment ile age of 27, mmi organiclmg the M. Wesfterlieli ra in hihe court wmspumade ta The Sun by Mr-e Du. lViei States Packing CompanyO o min ren lie jury ver. called Ilu ro-nd su *ho cendemned thse lx- Netxico. riich titillwucms ebamui bY lie court. Iu faut, io ad bau ty of the offleole a ndiing the Ébe liexican National PackiiagCOM-in uen auteromar!nm tle tUmo court burlef 0f tite hsrd. pamy rIen Preeldont Diui gave il «- opened unlil Il o'cloci. Ho wq Continuinu site Midi: "They ou'. clualve privileges and lent l govertf- iseuly diinppoinlei noen 'Informed dored me sway from ni>'bhem met sanction i ilsatternsulta fiai t lai lie jury couli flot mrrive eta i vi1tenivnt Ibero Wedneedmy ta oanus. The cumpanuY ae capitaliseSl verdict and unged hils attorney ta cee hov thing o vesgiug-Iuuey at $22,000,000 andi isued $10.00.00 maIe au appeal ho 1he court te ail tcok me b>'tesi-m mund foi-cd i bauds. De Kay vas préident and the jury 10 i)rrive ah a verdict 1! il me le Imave. The>' veuidn't lt princliplal mocholse. vas ituin thein paver 10 agée. 1Re me tike pictureu of 1theéostlo-- The former WaUiegan oditon, Ille rai au canfident liai i.ho o% ho 1Iwvas ld that i cdUlda ni couid amamlng millions hi tý&,Di0it l>'- acquitteS liaI le couli ual concernA net do on my 9" Plans. i am ne.m, wro eorai bkau. aa Ma isa~ppointment rien tho jury wuii r*Uotd me te vboe 1my ge lIeu "Leginse mmd "The We-ve" dhle.ngd from turier mrvice. hbus, vn Uoush 1 sm in chist ani lis plia "Inu," nid vas Pro- Prom n eiiaiiîe source iîîlal earaëd qmamuineuni deu'llt I6àethe duced hi Neroo-i by lime. Baa that tii.baIlle raSby thie-jury Premiase. Wirb"tb i. a 0di uergm urins l*a aigt rus an.of the ige.. "Thé>' ven't lIotr. Hughe% thIe Wit th f& ortheDia réim est ever faugitI a local ourt. epert Who i m ar yins cene de Rare cornpnny touaS le ie SrtygaIna thélisury re.to t li or"thetiplace; hi.» v al eiia jhad ad lterth yog cpitllAromn liy too a ballot, The reuidt ight te ânetheéestUe Thoy'vt peutI leLonSaua nbayer o! aima rai ine te lire. i fayofetacquit- eut eut the enliais' bee, eto., ân urta.1 tal. snd osrrI.d theet dripping vhth It rai lise sip orrylng aime Hu ueadtoewsltl lo 'l'P& ywm mt nidhh i.lSpmUalaed for Huerta lch ang smted a in.Ten t- iiwS thé wod@Initlp helm lndevte ta, Londanu htinvu--seised, cibgyh letheu, Tenle Irs is vges n is ighvmy t IeieStast«gevagmemi mcciVera. mn Io wve, oliling.ot for 5ul. tata lbe#m offfor xmiloni Cru an rici lrcll hnngî abutty"hegan to iraWnomueof!thie rav- suppeee. Thte hoese, eue lesm, lies anilus 0f ie U'uited aot eeing jurneta them aide. The tte uned lunbuuug lIte earoaele, forces som, menthes aso. IdirUely6ai17 sîovod mee for "guilty" - haebsvloln bbodlu It thus vas sai et thoelIme liai de five for "acquittai. 'Tien tleie jr the route tom 1the barn ta lie Kmyraihiecaie o hi Untoddeallac'cei and tle resait rae. uit. ronches; lte vugon wvleand States' "Invasion" a! Mexico em-chauged i athitimue the Jury wu . hmie0 Ievso reslu-t am- gIhT .. ed wvih sbicod. The unenItr,. _________________y.___ Il heattorneys hegin ta maie luir va>' the>' mre doing thItngm ca - sIgargumenta at 2 o'cîocî fl4 sameful. And yse,%for eastt> -~ closiugpurpo»ses.aslb>exSpaIîn, 1 amn 14extweekdS Idepedenta!ternon. Tiey dii not complta etaa rmm w an wili ,go -to prss o« Wed. them .until after ine 'cloc In the fkmsoolnivey o n >' ?>vn imn nesay *wo eveuietý'Ruylng. Asistent State'm Atorney fosto ai àmy on counitred neSdg ifOrfSmglu oder10 Rnyad maie thc flrit closing Bmte' atc. Iisc ooconî>'o give tise oIloe feoahidgment tor-thie prosecution. H.e w lat uam10 folîoved hy "Attorney .Besubien tor "Shérniff Griffu di Onotfine titre, tie defenise. Wi.n M.- Beaubien fin-cilahis.uai.Tie eht nI<S Iv alg. lsbei il. - tatemeut courtadjourned *rne fired. I hein heinbut I c9uld unil 7 o'cloci lihe nmree *ning. nulprove liaI the mn rlti tie AdvrtiersaodCorrespooâ:Se'a Attorney Dady lion bagma b" rOapoil aimei the gun St lie orner dens iil ~ , loing matenloul.. Ho talleS - itU f lie Cnbtee !anm." dent *Wi PIU Und à fi, 9'cloci. Ateo bbidfium T1iàsatien uaimadie ta Po- UN*eircffsg uoIt loter « ;buthe court rond lueinstructlimat lb»U- lceChiots Porell, Tyrréll and a Sun Tuebdag imor.d.g. I Cinu ion gogo eiet-.r (ContinueS -on Pareline.) Staff, Wins New Honors at Universityof Wisconsin. Oliver P. McKee, teacher of aise- bra. Waukegan township high achool. han been awarded the degree of Bach- elor of Arts by the trustees of tie Ujniversity of Wisconsin. Mr. McKee attended the University of Wisconsin ln the years 1909, '10. '11,.and ince that time has been doing correspond- mIn study vork. He completed the AUTOS CAUSE TWO DEATIIS WITlIIN 48 -HOU wonk"andsecu e tcrquisîte nnm- 5 TI I ber o! credils for bis degree Ibis auraÀm-I I I DS C N À T ,T Ai Th re as conferred by lie A1YIAUTOTURNSLED ECONY AOTR4M regonis o! lie univerally on the 141h W t AIN ID ~ Et W TlM O~ of October. and Professer McKee has E I V ,a~ ~ a ,z u 'a s~ Just recelved arne. *OUt Tj IN PASSINQ OiCCIIDII cl IW ,,I He expoctu te taie graduate rark V( a ~ a e u~ su u JJW 8 for a Maier'a Degree. Mr. McKee is head O!fithematbematlcs depantrnent et th. local achool, and ie a favorite Enoch Neson. 14.02 Cattîpa avenue. Laie county Sunday furnlieCit arnaug thce ciolare as weil as among Chieago, vas kiiied in an auto accident second victirn le auto fatalities wllbw the teaciem'e. st nouth of Wieellng fatal-day morn- hI48 heurs, for foiioriug closely %apc log, aud tbree éthersa md a nanrow ese. the deati ilntunday monig0f 1.0mb DEM VILEcepe. [n the car vith Neison wure %ices Nelson. emPioyed at Intaill'e Libertp LIIIRB LE partie@, aIl Liberty iii.mm: 'one ville place, orntes au accident 8 M MU"fIW IW J.Welae 3, we A near Deerfld. utIn tha t rt C» C IIÇ. L CLUB auto' victim vums M. Walter ELH. jj I'Charle s Noel.,ged 26, timekeeor-itseto!tle manager of the. Vileui IS VROAtgIED oret Sa.mueilusulis unewrersidence. icunelsaI D arringtin.The tremel ~ LBenlley, aged 25. occanned In lie rooded rond o»e &M OV« Fify IMb« j@à NW IThsvlelm as laore onthea bai! miles wvo tfleer«ad alosb Over ~ ~ ~ ~ nl Fit m osJl O 1~ place,.ie10 o'clock Suniay rnornlng. Clb W*b i m AbstSe B"At "Houme That jack suliit." lir. R«Veewuvas h ll à £w, Town la Eauy Ways Siorle. regaruling Sie accident veet iunumual Occident. The aullevws r.,- _______ it4n, b t appearsat Iai nng ai a ver, mode"ath pool, b Liberty ville jole tcumier 0f pr ai te hm offect: Tii. m n li te lie rond rai nenly prad dm b#4' grseeie tanne Moniay igit ien &tia ata accident nor.hI a Party of eluit a riAi.inla b.heMiddle. The2li rouing muguig it organisaiteibUterty. autos nhô vont te Waucoda toai-t rear tire hier out, tint mai ts~ vile Commercial Club, over isy sdguis. tend a county Odi Pilera' muetins. Car sued. and il oveturnelo« le, ture, b.cie by a dollar meci.tbc &rat They rcurned berne loi*e nuStour men roadaide. lMre. Eeeve« v«piàffge 4. mol'e due.of meh meuler, boing in 1111e car decideii te laie a trip te lie <round ander the tuo #0uïel m scrd . Perbape t wu the excellent lie "houe , laI Jack hult," nletecrusied t etI. talli deffroered by Water B. BLsd, thé ooanty lino. The. sodent bappened liS btauto vilu lir@. Reeves v1 mereiq ,of the acine Commerial Club, rien lbey vonrurai«nbusoe ait, ber iiub.nd.the nevly asa vblb lma veny mua i liahall 10risn or boing ai liat place for sone lImue. Manager et Mmirs. O ravhrd'c h vIse tia acting ciarman Paul G. IL" Il hapgeaed about 200 fftel mrlu of!a"mm d eric lMUozer 0, Ie wb' req Uets Is u ilaita belp for-m l»thie 'DesP"aiesriver bridge. aI àtfiford ciauflr. NeiiUor c e sm mevclb mai. lmat mIby ataidimi. place. rai aimiU burt. lmmedatl.eW y M n.va. au bis telt Carles Nelson 14U empe«edai Thée Eueves u ve UOakMg b" j* mi " eclub V"a an mreS lIug. tilmelèeen at thée iu laice; lir. lue Issmela Clmuhs RanGeS 1*I Ur. %eMiae m-s e ma bafhcou, Jelalaounor0< LbelvMle vil- <aid, $10.0U lee t rin Wb$* toubmiuo Ie aocmpllbms.u ta Uhaarehidela Md fustIge'rqmms a i leg -OZ emiuitim t lio 4M ca ag lub. a"d ePlslMlu t a substantiata s t rnont abovs, tInt s"wolahe H otaiU»ila. @ImWua vit calAb.e compUlbpdla h h W sli is evisegfuuer car for bla" nA vo.s-on valulie14», Ubeclyvilis nu a unitad body. I1MvWU $160, a branmernvcar. ,'»et Ils medot vrasemotà bZeie, biploumè *vidfm f t lhegiaehog ai is aie'cta* i tdigutm4lMu oh db gpMge ne nA Md aval, ami u lIa I.va.a cmmuit b othe l.funhiier nutoftlag m tes n IDoerfeld oue l iter. higlesi type àmmdhie rVondePut a uer Tic Iragedy lol place juil aven The accident ocerrfen e. e. rl - spirit lotobic lisleners. Thespeker tie Cook county fine, bancs lie la- rond about tri and a hait miles Vqmi monc is lmdilght aeary lime soms local gnus ovor Nelson bocame a 000k out Denll. Man gai op ta aivanre the eau*o and couaty inqulmtion. Here s vInht the - ClUsuur ilaExemnoled ivrhs. 11h mau vbo vas Inter eeee Chicago Newm saYs ufthle acident: An lnquent ras 11lai tg a a IeM puesident-of tbe new club wam pralini The accident rwu descrubod by A. iloon, aud Mr. Bmevço iumeit ý the home town UM. Reei elnimed "liers . P. rout, managr of the Mlauiee eraled lie chauffeur, mylmg liai b« tintmmm lua booster." 8uch aremark. avenu e roadiouise. nu neported lie ras mot dnlving fut, anA lIaI»W caminu frorn on outsider rnadeeverybody Nelson deati te Coroner HBaRman, bai road and th0e eploding tire. aiçs fSi good. To go about tli ton onue The body vas taien hier. imuedflate- caussi the car ta overtumu con, §ad mony booctere vîit gond de&&m, ly ate"e acîdeut, rien relatives Mn. Reevee la noted mil over S but heetofore thosemen hmd no paceIduiffl il before Il vas telen ta vorld as a judgeo 0<doge. ml e t0 make tiemoelïàe heari sud for tii. ScolIe uniertaig r9omai Des five reeli tago camse rw" bhi one remaon voly fer have lerusi that Plaiuec. .. rom London. BEra w u s~At Libettyville le fllu of booster ountil lisy 'About 2:20 a. m," Froet mmii. "ne ono, by M(ns. Crnvford. vboeh grasped tie opportunis te be henni at ofthteimeu lu the auto Party rann te lin isigby.Mr. anm irReeveh %W. meeting Monday nigit. The Houa. Tint lack Duli sud pont lie night aitha eCrawtrfeel 1 011cr speakers via veto grsatly la arouseui me, ehautlng liat an automo- 2735 Bleidun rond, W m l ir. favo. of formin thie club eto: N. L. hile had avertynned dem the rond fard va somedlng tieut home l (Uoauunued o Page >) and liaI one affils companians rai ownucar. WHAT MIlS. DURAISD badly hurt. I arousadoerrerai of MY THINK" 01PSHERIF?'emnployas and ne hurried oct. W. BOY Fs, ELVIN GRIPTI. feamd youug Nelson lykng beeide "1Holsanauanarciat. a trater, overlu]nue car sud iv>P IiMMu. a modern Judas Iscarlot; he so hbes o! the party eiaudSing zmeciy île coul for 30 pines of ilven. We carniod Nelson foieth te ouselcemmd00 He aiould nul ho aloI-tint Soi doctors, lut ho ram deid. HRas $2wu n vouli le fou goad for hlm; le caugit unde thie machine and tisre N>I' ahouid le hung by lie people o! ram a hois aven ils igit bugle. Lake county. "1I talked tathie ahier usiniers qt Hoyaa E. uileayeg "-WUI you pleame taie tlii dowa the party. They hWdnot been dnle'c- Ias at Eisblad Paràk. vas verbatin and print 1h?" U5iOd jif. and it vas ne joy ride. TI.y $200 daMage. Ia circuitcor lire.Durani of this Pnpeirien lahdattsnied a 104<. meeting Mdi'osifoa jrton rogtv*W cie dictated the. abOve posonul ve r turnni om. Th.macine laut Smmer rienho-mm mla vier. of Shenif Griffa. no, on- ras norti bcond i, In about NOMmauautomob iowud bî C. I. der ordens fron <lovrnor DuM"., yards tram lie bridge over the Du OMUl. The. Judomuenva l tenisred protection te theiMM n Plginesriver itflo.vid d gtm5 5anitséSefenant dU i mot ml rie elauaiiered heTrhed On ute d t ihlUng sIoncelde the concrets e eranceO. - Tusemds. rond and oveturned. lir. WOlU wno ltlu Mid thie amom Wu HRAT SH RIFFGRIFFIN vws drivlmg, àMid it happMOed la asuestides ot Of cc.rt ens T Sa 0or lm, second andi v m uavoidabie." Prnciale l ie ation lot %m B4OTr8. DURAND, _______ IMPORsube 10selAs is e ;:74 Ti. personal oiian of lie de. N cutathpanU v OADV DISMISSES CASE AGAINTcuta i litfv tender o! Crabîre. faima ras A AIGPRJR. For that reasune. u out ratier vitrlcllc, boucs The Sun, omdUe" igf b, netnlsing le maligu an offt- 801e hie cue, no mt e,à cer wnom w. pesoally tfit had A sMali izei 'explosion" 101 o n bauImpamned b.1sho ~ !olloned ordýrs o!hils chigt, put place icircuit court Saiurday, as la return a verdict 0 3 l up te ttberiff Griffu. He State's Attorney Dai>' made a motion pîinlis'. Thimsvws donse. îaugîeî uan d: hat the case ho dimlssed aslinsitYouug Houie vaniÀql "Pnint l'it utas se. mli, that Frank Deotithéieprincipal vItmeson one of thi. lblWPmot viii ho al ru'lut. Nalurally, 1 ap- lu the' Cunningham case Ibis roui. niien the accuodt gcèig4* preclate th,,"ýart that Uns.'Du. nhose arnest Dady cause Ou thie auto, 'drivcn b>' mmtt'm rani la e u r,,muad excii dani charge of pejury. came aluni anidcebol laie *q tint ohe nu have a feeling te- The anreat tuai place iuring lie lie ras thriovn te li4e euS"A wrn me. it, personaliy ail progrese o! lie trial and accordigly. quit. bndly hurt. TIen10 &long, t b - to see tie heni Attorney Jamea 'G. -Welci. nepresont- eral romen lu thoetato lis àavei. i m r, nhep ondera ing Delaloi.ni, ad todaà't "We shai The driver, wnie nid hbwua - came front tovernor-and I use île arresl as oue o! lie chie! an- of tb. InJured bey's j fis - eonsidered 1 orders-I dii gumenle In aailng for a uer trial for thie youngser'iad beepu nlibs d nol sec mny lu do my duty In Cunninghamrn otle cilm liaI lie on ls ownuasde oftie rond fot Et auy otier r- ' r than 'I dii. For arrestifluencei lie Jury. and once audieuly mud vilbiul rsmà* lr InetÏncu'. Il ,was te be unS- tie latter case ras ended, Delatoasiei hi froni t fie cM I< log luIn.ý;- uunty, 1 urely ras diarnIssed ona the state's ater- nlved abreutet ai iLHoq W ouldn'l ru! he Job, but nov- neyes motion." resented by. Attorney~ lu etieles 1-1Ifnt asurki iteg - DeIlaosi le a Norh Chicago cangen- long as 1 h- office of sierif." tcr. nepdoisdr't ,