CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Nov 1915, p. 2

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w a rpw jig'st~u'1"~ in'fl~P1lVYIUfWP WRtflÂV. T¶TOVEMBER 19. 1h15. -,m'Wb Just let rend you if you have any 6"LEAKY PLACES"o &rounld the Houa., Cistern, Roof, Cellar, Windows, 0 Chimney, Gutters.o WU RÂVE THE THINO TO0 STOP IT, FOREVER i Easy to spply-nevOi cornes Off0 Now is the Time to Fixlt!j COME IN AND ASK US ABOUT IT 0 L1IETYILLE LIMER MO. Dowv a th Olbd Dequo -t ee-de 20 Y--rs Phone 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. MAHER MÂNFilÂàTtJING C0. Ignloarc sud liakereo! U R E lLi1GHTING FIXTUE bsn.m beors piaclug van order. Visitare velcome W. ablaabave a complet. plating plant' for retfilobing 8UIMULE PARTS TABLE WAIIE STOVE PARTS ~AS Die ATHIONM TRIMMIPIGS SILVER PLATING NICKEL PI.ATING DRASS PLAT.ING COPPER PLATING GAJMEAL PLATING BLACK OR WHITE ENAMELING Shav roam sud !actory Second sud Orchard streét. 4WLUPHONE 58 IIItTRrvVIIAîl.l î.î'f 1 =mmeOf SALIT MIlE -I FEED and COAL LIMEBRICK SJIWER PIPE ,,W. F. FRANZEN, JR. Th.pof N. 0Libeityvie, Ifliois LYIRIO RESTAURANT, M 0MU HOME COOKED MEALS OTWITESOW nt BEASON A» I ÂDPAMUS CÂTEMEDTO Phn 0 Ibayii LIONEL BULL. rop. Farmers Attention The big flre loss in thLs conimunity recently proves the fallacy to fait to secure ample pro- tection. We 'w 111 be very glad to submit rates and ail information if you wil just drop us a card ont- lialng your wants. Mu 6 mIfifu M. Plnut 2 rJbufle ILC.Burridge & Son.Nursery Stock HARDY PLANTS, SHRUBS, TRES AN~D VINESe lot us estirnte the oost for autumu planting ka irholms Çardeua ,4ibertqvi1e Y(appenings To insure publication inthe Indepen- dent. copy musi b. intha ofnie olater than Tuesday of each week. Adver- tisers, espoclally areakod Io takaé partîcular notice ta ihis effect. iddltleifl L"ca News fil Page 4 hére vlth friende. Mr. sud Mlre. Leaier Morse speul Sun- day lui Waucondsa t the home oi R. C. à eut. Mr.. W. F. Ingrabai n s on William epeut several dajo vitb relative. lu Dlavan. Win. Dr. and Ir.'L. E. (.1iolg are eter- lainlngt1h. aîler'. nother, ie. Jane. Neville of Wancouda. Ibis weeb. Mr. aud Ijr..B. J. Rilaud bave £oui tu Chicago vhere khbey yl @enulteb wiàt.r aItt GKeuwood Batel au 47tb streét. The net meeting 01 tbe Camm@rctl club vii b. hld neztI Mouday svenlng lu tueévillage hall. l viii h.a"smabér" aud lunch wlll h.e erved. The case againat AIbrt W. Lilcbdielà which vw« ta bave boee heard hefore Justice Lyell B. iMoAle lasI iaturday, was again cautluued ta neil Baturday. Mie.@.Julia Griluiacher. vbo bas been employed st the Fould'@ illilp Ca. for the paât year has gone ta Portlaund, grezan, ta @peud mveral mouthe with Qulte a nunher ai people ranmsur- roundiug layas camé hère Wédedai sud Tbureday af tÉie week 10 atteud the bazaar given by the Eplecapal cburch at thé lava hall. Jacob Link of Palatine, @peut the véek vill ieisdaughter, tirs. R. P. tichashelé %Ir wMir ,Im~eil.,tmre homne %itb hin Iu.fuuy tu vpei.d mi.. week wltb relative. in Palatine. Miss Clara Miller returued train thé Pre.byierlau hompital Iu Chicstgo au Mauday. Mise Mller hami éubmtt.d ta an opration several véébe ago. Shé lé grestiy improved inlu ealili. ta, Janeeville. Wl,5 ta mabé thélr bhaine. Mr. Guytou as éupoyed bore a@ tels- ...gréattA i@ ét. i 793 lue, se p. Ps ter tmi Il on Po i il Phone 102-R1 BO o ull = MCIR QENEit iNANL ia rupnnted -Ph isse 14- homet Xon Boyd'a Gard Mire fiendi 1er' Dlbble speut Suaday aI hie PLATS T#IUITEN Sl K.noshs. m Phto.s, havé thén made at l Studio.lbértyville. (IeS &Y here vitb bis father, George le. aR. A. Woodwarth 0i Chicago. t aturday bers vltb relatives and de. IL vîlI h. beld at lbe home aiflire.NettiW Welch an Elm Court. Tussday, Nov. 28, st 2:80 sharp.j )dise.Jenule Kern leit oauBnuday far Mlwîaukee vhere she expee.toa pend a fev days aI 1h. haine of a cousin, jr.. EdîithSehYa. lire. Seby8 «este 10 undergo au opration Ibis veek. Principal F. L. Holcb af thé Ltberty. ville Hîgli echoal vilI ga1to Urbna Friday iuornlug, vbere be vîll attend thé anuW couforersfor nlgh mecool principale sud teachere vhlch vîlI h. beld ai théeSBte Unversity Ibere au Friday aud Saluarday. AV. . LCEOICU 01 "AnunlJonvlted Member" Ïle b Iis ito a play ta h. pre.nted by lire. W. 3. Dve' lffl ab the M. 0. Gymnasîqu a4 tbe benefit W th. bulilig iund, Tuday. Nov. 28.- à Farce *"Shecaneàltcb" i auea bc prmented hy Mlim .Ma"i S.-hancb. Blauche Scbanek B mary cÂ, r aA.craý . "An Unînvîteli Member"- "Boardong Schoal Girl." V îvian M uson ............... H aorde t R nhy 1 plorenc Danis..........Evelyn Austi1 Bot1lua Warren ..........Janelta1ylor Lillan Norton ...........Virgiala Colline Dozothy ......... .......... 0 Snbaacb Maud Atberton......Stella Langvarl Beatrîce Mortimer.........Adah Relter ~'Uttie Girl. of il or Ir" Effie Warren....... Plrenoe Goldoibr Basl Deanis...............Vne Whe*~r Umse nnao-A teacher ...Clams Smlth Mr@. Watrman-The principal ... .................. Dorothy Davi. muak ................. Juvenille Orcetra ,,$h. Cames Baeb" Jane Violon................ Mais Schanck MIr@. VIn ton ...........Bîsuche Scbanck 1dih- am. ...... ..May Ra1 Muele tnrnlbed by Aîu îlr Keunélh Lovell sud Alo Bapke. Thé aduit ticket@ vilii h.25e andý cblîdren 15e. sud start a epitting match la lame public placé or the otrance thereta Ihat wo,îld make tb, hardent persan, ecespt Ibose taking parI lu the imatch, turu Plek at eiglik Aud the vormi-part-of- Il in ions of the@ inuare mach thought af aihérwiée aud the public officiais would h.e teuping au thélr toos Il they Olued the n a scb a "eiglit" offénce. But thon, orne peaple uééd sa dli t tu lot thora know that they Ilinl a civil- lzed comniuity. Thére le an ardinance agalunt the .pitting nuisance aud itlei Mr. aud jrs. J. P. Guerlu st.rtaluéd néant for every body. a number o! frenda aithelr bons Salur- Are you a boo.ier for Libertyvilllâ'If day aiternoan sud éveniug. Tbo.e ran so, thén loin thé Liliertyvillé tComercil aut-of-tavu vers: jr. aud lirs. Hlapp club. If Dot a boome.r. joia il anyhol. ai Chcago,.is@. Del Gibbons 0i Wake- sud fBée boy soon you viliih. madie s gan, F. Golden ai Highlandi Park. aud booster. Tb sce businessmenoulbowlng Jus. Reardon ai Waukegan. ane anothér sud éstlng their aad- Mr@. Jua Loveil sud lir& Augugs e Icies, dougbnute, pickles sud cafte Loveil lef t Iset Tbureday for Warren, wtýyut tl. s econventlonallty, vap me@, wbhpré thé former vili @pendi thé vortb thé price ai the lrtimoutb'a due@ teinter vib a daugl&ter, Mr.. Abert ai ans dollsrattbe argauisation meeting Patrick. Mire. AMguta Lovell viii viit ai thé Commercial club. Aud th snober tbroughout jaa.açbnmstl befr. she waa th' owu lu for goad mensure. Can rturue home. Shé éxpecte la b. gone ibis frléudly thlag go au? Why ua? Il about our weki, uet h. made permanent. Fifty good Waouterfou weko.RundLae, ilalu trell cané forward wlth their dollar tovin Friday sud Saturdai 10 canenît tètedaym-and -ln.tpadue ai igan luga thé state sud goveranent lupectore ln teh a 1,11e a insedofiviual calIb regarde ta halding an anetion "Ison hie hundrkteeli mn vlaivultagéouthe u farin. jr. linefler set thé date for the hredacomewli ePnéullg.ete n --.. . 1#h adit --theiret Crut l eop'bsmtig 'lie Women Foresters ci LOJIB Court parte BlueS the boutan ad iouth dienié Libertyville Commercial Club etated st 3 ltola adparty»ý.ti ti broke out. the meeting Monday nlgbt 1h51 h. i~ viii holda card Ms or aos fBlurulture manufatqilng cou- orkére hall Libertyville, Frldiy even- Quite a number of local niembere of the cerc, vhlch la eoneidering locatlng Ita gNov. 19. Ail are cordially lnvlted 1 0. 0. F. vent tu, Wauclonds laut factary hère.Bea leasltntbg ,attend. Dancing alter carde. Il Friday nlght in atend ah. conaty mnt- udone to get tif. factory ta ctone 10 udtorluin. Saturday, Nov. 20, 1915. lago! thatorder. TboerotB oin îetvlesd oblel lela li Enterprlsé Stock Company Lnu*'A tehgv. sd héhv.fla e hnev Commercial Club'@ aid ln bis 1Is Oseart" vitb a aplalty elet before by a bg eoc6.l turne. lvéraiof thase ork la "boostlg for Libertyvilie." il aller. Pirot performance at 7.45 who attended the moeting Bad- partoak Aft.r Water B. Red, the seretry of m. Prie.. 200 and 100.aIt flhebanqbetuiner âtewas»Ythe ilaclue Commercial Club, vba vas that the pumpkin pie they Bith va. the the main speaker ait the organisao The engagement of Rev.E. S. Whte, boat they had ever nad. meeting Monday nlght, bad llelened ta actor o! the St. Lavrence Eplacopal Pmtfn ohl h ilg.n nM oe' eak o rieb àurch, la Mie Llah Meormlek, daucb- aIevlae,,dl r ae' eab o Iel Dr of Mr. aud tirs. John MCCormick, th. country have caneéd many pe ta ézclamed: "Thot man le a booster."a rannouneed lb. Ontroftbai e. ~canelder tlu advlashiitj, ofi bn, "lr Quse a number of local people have a.keeplng aitheIr valuable papere..,Wth réalised meut that very esmé thing about Poetinastr, B. IL Taylor ba received thila lumid vo extmd n, 1thebpublie a hlm aud thallin vhitled t1h. miinating peciai intrutione ram Wa.hlnegto a ordi nviation la caliand inapect our commité.to place Mr. Maber'a paine 51 eeia car.ealeguardlns the stock af .apectoly equlpped Tire Fr00! Baie the head oft he inominations, iampe at the local office an accont ai Depol Vant and prvate tel ale The euprlor faclisies and eonvenle2t ub unuenal frequency a! postoffice Deposit boxe@ vhlcb are at your oeeevce obberlee. for a amol auneal rentai. The TIret location afaorded by Libertyvllle's largfe. NatinalBan, LberyvIle,111 2t llght, ilry AUDITORIUM *mure added The Sharyl Girls, 1h. club recontly Ntoa ak ieryil.II t pleaoutt and profit ta 1h Patronse 51 )rganieed amang lo"ai young ladien, The Lake County GravailCas plant le partie., ensertalinfiflts sud meetings 01 ield thelr liraI danne aI lb. Audt.orum unueuallY buaY1Iisfo hi.lIe 01itlb. esr ail kinds. l'au vilpisses yaur patrons )n Tue.dséy evening. The dancewva. illlng ordera for sand sud gravai trou, by announclng your partie. for th. argej, ailendeil. quit. a number of out.deontraItorb. &Otge B. EBIO. AuditoriumD. eople froni neglibaring ctles attendlng. o!Id oi 1h. officere oi the compasy, .151.. iapke'e Orchetre, lurnlahed the mueic. Ihat enficlent order. are et hand sla keep tbe plant running fulil ime ip sla The Libertyville etomes viilu beclooed th.lirat ofi areh. but that a. eoons Il day une tThureday, Thnkegivlng the .aad aud gravai soie fros real hard )ay, te give 1h employer andiratloyffl they viibe iorc.d ta e bus dovn for 1h.e aday af reet. The poataffice hour. vill vicier Sud hanve B big batch of ordere . b P tu0 ten a'cloek lu th. moruagsSadi unilleli. from six 10 @aven at ilât for 1h. distri- butionoaimail. Tberowe vi o dlvery The choir of th. Proibyterten cburch ___________ of rural mail froin the îocai office that ane pla»nug au entertal»Mostfor Frdai day. oevening,. Novembar 26th. "'fllar vili N E te a recital Sud viii ho hu B h N 8W Thé rcidente af Diamanli Labkeare Pruetatlnchnvch. BR o n L. Rie, big gils for their HBie church vhieb va. choir la 1h.e u, ai ha a.eyucpeee ar1.respo!B h an a h.reellalgivehy h. A N D B I give n lu 1h.nature of a donation hy heautifl éiltonle voit., v9i" give vrs Mamuel mno l u brtyvhBa. Mr. Ineuli numbeseon a*. program n. Bre ies, Atunt, ha. bad 1h. M. B. church af that place vha hau a fin. conralo voies vili fitted op vith hanlisme electrie llght Bi»alng. ÀA jr. EL L..Petone viiib. eo fitires. whlch cot th cotributar the etertalue for th. ovecIng. Pla- 10 quise. sumnattend.(i'u It le reportei lu Libertyvllle that the The building forinerly occupbd b Y the ~ Shldan Sehool vili agalu he o reoveid Lyrie Thealue lesoderging asbis change tram Chefagate, the aid elle la Areé, lna 11thek.enttre lDleiio W bo hlus ltom about DecénIbor iras. The echool aud ont,eve 1th. flioar. C. a. Kaiser, lbe. Anq f these makesa cannsctlng offices vers moved ta Chicao nr i1.bouins,.vini teansfr th.e about tva Jeare ago. but It la tbougbt former shov room lIta stOre building, W by thoe bc, amio n1bov hat the hi iptendlng 10 rebolli lb. Interlor Iu th.e chool sud offie. fine carmai dputtlw n Danisefront. Il nu that City rnnaniengla to a gema, bouce laespecteli Ihat 1h. Work of »buldng a a . the decielanto movOback to ANa. This wvi i hocompleteliby 1the fiaI of theW . V C i @tep. If resu! arr4d ont viilb. e oiOmonth. It vini b. ocplelib! the Nev the institution has alvayo beau looked il vartby. Mr.e. Legvot»,BOW C0dut. upon a. bolis aalgront boon 10 %bme lb. morIdi elo eo! the l ocalilse.BuIlsrbuildig on XMDwaUWUaee r IL on i M M a M 'INember of the redrai Remeos7tem"l ASavins Account mcMI. more ladependeoce. a better home, bettr eduacitlon,1er the children, mnre Coma- fort end happiaess. ls.?t it worth while to begin right now wlth a dollar or more? WE PAY 3% COMPOUN.D INTErRE-sT r3% EZ!TZ CORLETT & FREDERICKS 1 rGROCERUES I ME) ONE3 GOOD TA STE DEBERVES ANOTHER 'rhbat'm vhy unr fine, delicinus 1meè arc go ranch inidemani. Once a chap e-alied pie the démon of thé Anicrican pantry. But that was before niodlexro amtary babe6hop méethods sach as ourt lad due say wiîh lÀtheraomc kitelmen pie baking. Phone The Libert -l LiBaeryilI ANNOINCEMENT A. D. PALEVI M. De V. VETERINARY SUROEC' Hau opened'an office ini Ladd'is lvery. FALL MI l'RY We are noo loiime the very itst etyle. la Feubalilimy fMr 1.4e.. Iw»« sudi Childeca. Yen s,0 eordiay invIate e .thon. PICESMODERATE. W. alo bave a ies mlctimof tiLa"'a.H..ier Wia d emalFaner G-onds. The ParisimaCOesa K WLIDROTH >REPREDPANCAKE OUCKWIIEAT FLOURS Juima's Pantake Ifkur je prepaued Buckwheat le Prepèred Buuckwheat limebakfast for a frostg Morolngi, with Karo surupp ,tlch we carry in alsie packags ARROLL & SONS CO. VtGETABLES I M-I iT LAIÇJS t;uulN-rl 1 wwmm-ý -r 1000000000e» - à a Mmý o-u---Ma Lake County National Bank ý 1 1 epeut Snnday vlik jr. eud lira. ýenry Doehl.r. Mir, aud Mes. Henry Baye. af Highland Park, @pent I'niday andi Saturday hère vitb relative. Thé -Mime. iiPorence sud Matou Cole ai Chicaga, apeut Suuday hère vîthtbsîr parent., 1Mr. sud lire. John Cale. The TIris Chapter o! tb. Weetmlnotee 0Guild vîl meunstaIthe home oa ims Edm Shapter next veeb Tuesliay évsnlng. Mr. and Mr.. D. A. Edmande sud Ibre. eblîdren of Chicago, vers éut.rtlied oul Suuday by Prof, and Bdire. F. L. B oleh. Mrm.Shanek and lire. Rader speut sunday la Harvey, I11., vlaltiag th. daugbter oi the farmerMrs. A. G. Roine. lire, M. J. Weber aud ebldren returaed ou, train Antlocli théy bad heen staylng villi the fariner'. motber for several veebe. ToW Resoure I'1 captalesurlus adroi - 4 750,000 1 f 1 1 il" 1 ý-. i 750,000-00 1 ' libertyvaie, lu. i Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLZ TBLUPRONE 4 GROCERY D EPARTMENT 1 . libertyvme 1 PHONE 31 ffl -4

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